#emilynne faye
riverin-stories · 5 years
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This begins as a story of a girl and her wolf. But really, it is a story of a girl, her wolf, the friends they meet, and the enemies they make.
This is a story of finding Something Lost.
Middle, bold highlight: Satoru (the wolf), Miyaka Fujiwara (with a sword a cape). Upper left side, from left to right: Emilynne Faye (very wavy hair, round glasses), Aera Elaine Neryns (wavy hair, waving), Kenji Matsumoto (wearing a jacket, sword over shoulder), John Burke (rectangular glasses, short hair). Lower right side, current orientation (sorry): nondescript Remainders (5 shadowy figures with hats), Christopher Whelan (middle area immediately below Miyaka and Satoru, wearing suspenders), ??? (large figure with obscured eyes), Louis Wiram (rightmost with the hat, next to the SOMETHING LOST logo).
Hello hello, and long time no post. I had access to a perfectly good scanner over my summer break, but honestly couldn’t find it in me to actively scan and post my drawings. I’ve yet to really decide on what kind of drawings I’d like to post or not on this particular blog, since I draw almost exclusively characters / content from Something Lost, and fairly often as well.
Last night, I spent around two hours cranking out this sketch. A year and a half ago, I sketched a series of “posters” for each arc of Something Lost, where each one contained all the featured characters within the arc. I remember being quite proud of them, but looking back, they were rather chaotic and messy.
Remembering those sketches inspired me to do a redraw of, at the very least, the poster for the first arc of the story. I like to think I have a better sense of composition and how to arrange characters this time around, even if I did slightly misjudge where the middle of the paper was. I’ve also been incorporating bold outlines into my drawings these days, which was a huge help in distinguishing Miyaka and Satoru from the rest of the characters on the page.
I’ve forgotten how hellish it is to draw so many characters together on the same page, which probably explains why I had spent the 2 hours on it. I more or less squandered all my energy working on Miyaka and Satoru’s posing that I didn’t quite have the energy to carry it through for the rest of the characters featured in the drawing. Regardless, it’s rather refreshing to see everyone in my current style.
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