#em's friendos
mochimiyaas · 1 year
TRAUUUU! HI. was gonna send you an ask when i saw u were done with exams!!! how are you????? other than exams ofc. a feeling of "i'm freeeee!" i bet hahah
i'm good today!! a bit of a low batter. lots of migraines this past weekend unfortunately :(( but christmas was pretty fun regardless! a chill day at home with family heehee
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lil-kissy · 7 months
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~Make New Friends but Keep the Old, because one is silver and the other's gold~
Kisara with many of the important people in her life <3
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Kaze - @kazeofthemagun
Kumo - @shiroi---kumo
Kain - @forgotten-teammates / Sielu - @aquaticsoul
Isabel and Carmon - @mpuzzlegirl / @compassionatedestiny (The ones that started it all ^.^)
Dark Magician Girl / Mana - @mahoushojoumonster
Kaiba - @kaibagirl007
Tamaki - @drinkitfrommymouthsuou
Reblogs allowed
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flynnarts · 4 months
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My friend, @minkschasijasi did this while we were calling and I’m in LOVE. DUDE. BROSHIMISKI.
my baby. My child. My love. He is amazing.
@frilled-cheese-sandwich get yo butt over here
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scrap-doodley · 2 years
FRIENDO!!!! if you still want requests,,,, can you draw the silly boys?? dave an jack of course :]
i always forget abt asks in my inbox unless I answer them right away 💔💔
uhhh I'm lazy 2 draw davesport rn but I figure this is a good excuse chance 2 show all my sillie little followers my funky paper davesport :]]
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sillie sillie fucking guys..... i made them uhhhh checks watch about uhhh just over two weeks ago now ??
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neat little dudes and jack is WAY shorter than dave lmeow (but the right height to have them hold hands slay happy pride everyone ❤️)
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I also have uhhh little faces 2 swap out :]] lots of fun and im working on making jack a suit rn 👍
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jackets done but nothing else 💔💔
anywho ueag love these guys :]] I haven't done anything with them in a bit but i'll get 2 it !!
i'll draw someday too i will [lie] /hj
bonus lol 👍
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zonked.. straight zooted /ref
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simsecret · 4 months
More Ripp Grunt Thirst Secrets
I WAS going to post the ones that weren't straight up repetition slowly over the next week, but with more in my inbox every day, now I'm not posting any more of them. Sorry.
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kowtownart · 10 months
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Sketches before work! :3
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obsidianwolf36 · 19 days
*Throws this and leaves* BACK TO MY GRAVE I GO
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skittykittycat · 5 months
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I don’t post my art here very often, but on my social media platforms, I wanted to close out the year with a pic I’m proud of that sorta fits the vibes
Have a ship between a friend and I (she owns the bad lad assassin on the right): Isabella and Crux. I like to call this pic “Intertwined,” hehe. They’re endgame but just don’t know it yet >B)
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pierswife · 1 year
🎵 I think you gave me an area theme last time, so how about a battle theme please :}
Took me a little bit but!!! I think I've got you pinned down to Final Battle - The Future of the World, bit specifically the FM version of it!
The regular version of it is nice to listen to too, but the more classic EO sound of the FM version just screams you to me?
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storm-of-doma · 2 years
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'...She's behind me, isn't she?'
@reliving-elegy / @ladyem-s-grimoire
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mochimiyaas · 1 year
em!! please watch bllk you won’t regret it :))
I WILL! I WILL! i'm at work rn so i cantfjsnxjd but when i get home, i def. will start it, sunny! bachira(?? i think his name is. shoulder-length brown hair, blonde tips) is probs my fave so far. hahahahah!
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erinfulmerwrites · 2 years
I know the Tumblr app is the Wrong Way to Tumbl, but it makes me smile every time people I know from other places follow me because when I hit the follow back prompt it zips their little icon into the home icon on the bottom of my screen.
It’s like a little friend-collecting minigame 😄
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rachi-roo · 1 year
Me @ my little friendos~ ❤️❣️
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I love you known beans and anon scrumpies!! 🩵♡💙♡
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
His wrist beeped. When he looked down, a few messages saluted him from the thin bright screen.
5:45. Bad news: caught the plague. quaranteening, wont come to work
5:45. Good news: no fever, just clogged nostril n throat kinda sore
5:46. Bad news: entire body fucken hurty
Ah. That's where she was.
5:47. agony?
5:47. Good news: dull ache
5:47. Bad news: annoying as hell
5:48. good. rest up.
5:49. Im gonna watch all of raikou man in one sitting
5:50. seems excessive.
5:50. I cantbpunch
5:51. Raikou man punch for me
5:51. Fucken grab those bastatds
5:51. Did yoy know theres a guy called mr no in raikou man
5:52. no.
5:53. Did you know. Its based. On a paldean gifaragaig
5:53. Giafarigarf
5:53. Falafal
5:54. girafarig?
5:54. No
5:54. Other bastard
5:55. Long ruckwn neck
5:55. tropius?
5:56. How tf dis you understand tropius from my attempts
5:57. long neck.
5:58. Whatever not important
5:59. After that. Lady oscar time baby
5:59. all of it?
6:00. Yeags
6:00. please sleep.
6:01. Oh im fucjeb gonna my head is heavy
6:02. Anyways. Is the ramen packets good for tonight bc i dont thonk i can do anything other tahn cjop veggies
6:03. you cant come.
6:03. ??? Yes???? I can??? You will eat bic
6:03. Bicth
6:03. Birg
6:03. Shat
6:04. take your time.
6:04. Im bitng your spleen
6:04. Oh wait no the goddamned. Plague. I agce it. Fuck
6:05. yup.
6:06. Eat
6:06. will do.
6:07. You better you fpeixe of fuck
6:08. My stomach is shifting to the side its veey annoying n uncormfortable
6:09. gross and concerning.
6:10. Yea
6:11. But anyways
6:11. Good day on the traisn
6:11. Kick ass
6:12. Ill ve here stretching my back and napoing probably
6:13. have a good nap!
6:13. Gnap
A couple hours later, his wrist buzzed again.
8:45. Mawile
8:46. B sent
8:47. Emolga with letter cover wnvelope envelope to your home
8:48. Falvour flavour packet inside
8:49. Flavour shrimp
8:50. When see envelope under door worry no
8:51. Remember eat when home
Emmet smiled a little.
8:52. thank you. is briosa asleep?
8:52. Yes
8:52. good.
8:53. Fememberd remember dinner
8:53. a bit early for that. but i will. thank you.
8:54. Remember!
8:54. will do! thank you mawile. take care of briosa.
After five minutes he got a thumbs up. Good to see they had found the tab with the emoticons.
At around midnight, while Emmet failed to force himself to wash the dishes, his Xtransceiver rang; he positioned it on the dinner table, at a good enough distance from himself so that his hands could come into view clearly.
“Hello,” Briosa croaked at the other end as he waved. “Did you get the flavor packet Guts sent you?”
Emmet nodded.
“Made yourself dinner with it?”
“Had a nice bowl of broth.”
At that she brought her own bowl into view as if it to toast with it: “That’s the life!” she laughed. “I had some... Fucking, spinach, in it, whatcha put in yours?”
“Cut some maccheroni and put them in.”
“Ourgh, fuck yes. Pastina. Did I ever bring you the turtlén?”
He shook his head.
“Gotta make ‘em. Gonna make some while I’m stuck here and bring ‘em over. You know, uh... Wanton soup? They’re kinda like that, but not fried. And it’s, I mean you’re not... Supposed, to add stuff. To, uh, when you make soup with... Turtlén - I mean you can also eat them dry with sauce, but broth is... So good.”
“So good.”
“So good.”
“Sooo good.”
“I’m gonna make stock broth and turtlén since I’ve got all this time. I’m gonna put that fucking delight in a bottle and drink it nice and lukewarm on shifts.”
“Not really hydrating, is it?”
“Yeah... Gonna put the broth in a bottle and boil the turtlén in it for you. When Mustrudi comes I’m gonna make you a lil’ bag of ‘em.”
“Why on Mustrudi?”
“Ah, tradition! You eat turtlén on Mustrudi eve. All the rest is usually stuff you can make cold, but not turtlén. Turtlén in broth on Mustrudi, with the snow out...” and she leaned her head back and gave a gurgle that sounded disgustingly funny: “Absolute delight. Peace and love on planet Earth.”
Behind her, Seismitoad made a long croak echoing the sentiment.
Emmet laughed softly.
“I’ll make ‘em,” Briosa promised, words slurring a bit. “Gonna steam clean ‘em and lock ‘em in the fridge for quaranteen and once I’m out it’s over for you.”
“Over I say!”
“Go to sleep. How are you? Still hurts?”
“Nah, not much. Dull aches, but overall good. You?”
“Am alright.”
“Nice. Ok! Wash the dishes and get the hell to bed. You got work tomorrow. I’m gonna go sleep too. In solidarity. And also because I’m, kinda tired.”
“Good, good.”
They waved each other goodbye; Emmet finally managed to get himself to the sink, soap and sponge in hand, and slowly but surely cleaned his bowl and the little pot that had seemed like such a gargantuan task moments before.
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firstdegreefangirl · 2 years
Pro-tip to surviving an 8-hour shift you don't want to work: spend half of it on voice chat with @toews-a-peek having twin meltdowns about ships sailing
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I feel like your f/os would really like your voice? Like, your voice is so expressive and pleasant to listen to, and I can see your f/os being absolutely entranced by it! Not just when you talk, but also when you sing--they all think your voice is the prettiest sound they've ever heard and to hear you say their name with so much love makes their heart soar!!!
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Cryin in the club rn I swear to god
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