#either way I've changed it to cyclopropane gas which is NOT a recreational drug but still a related incapacitating agent
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today is the last of my main trio of fanmade Digimon to appear over here, Ligermon!
his line is based off of the hybrid liger (crossbreed of a lion with a tiger) and have patches of gel-like kerosene that they can ignite for various uses, as well as a number of nasty & incapacitating attacks! his clawtips are filled with blackdamp (a mixture of CO2 & unbreathable gases that displace oxygen to cause asphyxiation) and in his signature move Blackdamp Bomber, he fires them at the foe to induce dizziness and disorientation. further stages of his line draw inspiration from the mythical Ifrit + bones/skeletal parts, and lean further into the whole "fire and kerosene and gases and petrochemicals and nasty stuff" idea... they're all just mean little guys :'D
Kuumon > Kyaamon > Ligermon > Pridemon > [WIP] > [WIP]
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