#ehh.. i think this is my writing comfort zone. whatever the fuck this is
yellow-stars · 2 months
maybe he gets invited into the apartment once. maybe its winter. its dark, cold, stormy.
maybe they both had a few too many drinks. he cant drive back to his sister and brother and the cab wouldnt come for hours.
he mimics the actions of the other. jacket off. hung. then shoes left on the small carpet. simple, backup slippers await him.
theyre both tired. worked the evening shift, but the clock says 2am. overtime.
maybe he's got some clothing lying around from years long since forgotten. it'd be rude to leave a guest wet and cold.
... ah
... he can stomach seeing that for... a night. the stench of smoke still there. mild.. but there.
a small apology. an instruction of where the shower is... and a pile of clothes from a time better forgotten.
he goes into his bedroom. theres a mirror smeared lipstick and smudged eyeliner. and a wipe in hand.
the water runs in the background.
it keeps running as the product comes off
and stops when he's finished and changed himself and removed the contacts. and theres a click of the door. footsteps.
theres two bedrooms. but that goes ignored. its comfortable... whens the last time he received this much physical affection...? nevermind. just.. just enjoy the moment, he thinks.
until the smell is far too much to bare.. oh. he's already asleep...
quiet. be quiet.
a creak of the bed across the apartment, and the click of a night lamp turning off.
a white lie in the morning. as white as it can be when coming from someone like him.
a thrown shirt and shorts the very same afternoon. moments after being left alone.
.... and... a small thank you text an hour later... and confirmation that he'll clock in this evening...
why.. is it worded like that? he cant possibly be excited to see him... right?
he cant wait to see him too. there. he admits it. but just to himself.
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ghulehunknown · 7 months
Can I ask for papas seeing their s/o jealous for the first time? (Let's say they were married/in relationship for years and somehow papas never 👀 jealous s/o)
Sure thing, I’ll do my best! I decided to write both sides of the jealousy coin.
Papa Headcanons - Jealousy
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(Rated PG-13; mild NSFW)
Reacting to you feeling jealous:
Would immediately assure you that you have nothing to worry about (though he is hiding a slight sense of ego, afterall it’s quite flattering that you’d be jealous of someone else that might want him)
Asks what the root of the issue is - it can’t just be jealousy, can it? You wind up telling him about your childhood trauma and where this all stems from
He nods patiently and assures you that you’re in a safe space; he’s a judgment free zone
A very therapeutic conversation, actually and you leave feeling better than before
Feeling or showing he’s jealous:
He doesn’t react much; he’s too old to play games and if you are sneaking around on him he’ll eventually find out, but he trusts you
Very calm
Asks you questions about the situation to get a better understanding before jumping to conclusions
Does not treat you any differently TBH
Reacting to you feeling jealous:
Approaches it logically; he knows this is bound to happen in any long term relationship but you’ll face it together head on
Presents the facts to you and lets you decide on your own from there; he won’t try overly hard to convince you of something when there is evidence in front of you to see you have no reason to be jealous
Tells you all the reasons he loves you
Feeling or showing he’s jealous:
Has a twinge of internal struggle
Ultimately he knows logically you do not belong to him, and therefore can do whatever you like - so there is no need for him to worry
However if you are doing something behind his back he won’t hesitate to leave and cut you off
Reacting to you feeling jealous:
Slightly annoyed/defensive at first - how could anyone possibly think he’s done anything wrong when that was never his intention??
When he sees you’re actually upset, he turns very serious and professes his love for you
After you’ve resolved this and he’s assured you properly, he gets a smug little look on his face and says “Oh you want me so bad, don’t you? You liiiiike me” even though you’ve been together for years
Chases you around the house saying exaggerations such as “Amore, I would simply die without you! How could I look at another when you hold my balls in your hand?”
Goes from defensive to serious/comforting to horny in the span of 3 minutes
Bets he can “fuck the jealousy” right out of you 🥴 (and he does)
“Amore, how could I love another? You think anyone could fuck me as good as you do? You think anyone else’s body looks as good on me as yours? You think anyone’s mouth around my [redacted] is as pretty as yours?” (said while he’s fucking your brains out)
Feeling or showing he’s jealous:
Anxious as fuck; this is his ego’s worst nightmare
Agonizes and ruminates on things that probably aren’t even happening
Woefully dramatic, to his own detriment
Uses it as a competition. “Do they love you like I do?,” “Do they remember all of your favorite things?,” “Do they make you cum like I do?”
In the following days he does way more to show his affection than usual; flowers everyday and random dates and little gifts. His feelings are hurt and he wants to remain at the top of your mind
He just needs you to stroke his ego that he’s the only one for you and that there’s no reason for him to be jealous 😌
Reacting to you feeling jealous:
“Ehh…tesoro, what troubles you?” he would ask while tapping his fingers together nervously, immediately sensing your displeasure
Flattered at first (he’s never experienced this before!) but admits that he has eyes only for you
Dying to prove his devotion to you and promises you have no reason to be jealous
Gives you a big hug and spends the rest of the day with you doing all the things you like, even watching that show he doesn’t like but knows you do
Makes love to you that night like he never has before
Feeling or showing he’s jealous:
He’s embarrassed to admit it
Explains his emotions and needs in a healthy way that he clearly got from a therapist (“I feel jealous when ___ because ___..”)
Asks you for comfort and reassurance because he’s feeling a little down (he needs constant reassurance anyway)
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