#eddsworld vtmb au
a comeback, perhaps?
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Yes, really. I’m not joking and I have three points:  1. I’m one inconsistent bitch with a brainrot;  2. I need my delusions and escapism cuz man do four blood-sucking dudes sound more in-reality than whatever the fuck is going on in the actual real world around me rn;  3. I forgot what was the third point. It’s all the more absurd given just in the summer of this year I was certain I wouldn’t come back to it any time soon. What can I say...life do be like that. A fun little story of its own, but I’ll leave it out of this post. For now, let me share with you what I’ve been planning, what’s staying and what’s changing and how I’ll be approaching this AU/blog this time around. 
So, to start off...
The 🅱️ has to go: 
While still set in Vampire the Masquerade (World of Darkness) universe, the renewed version of this crossover AU won’t have anything to do with Bloodlines video game. Don’t get me wrong, I love Bloodlines still very much, it’s the game with most of my replays and what got me into VtM in the first place. But also, it is restricting, trying to align everything with its small setting/scope and, let’s be honest, doesn’t make much of a sense. Eddsworld’s British, the hell are they all doing in America? XP 
The tag is now eddsworld vtm au, without the letter b. 
What else gets thrown out? 
Plot: Pretty much all of it. I came up with the biggest plot points and am currently rewriting the entire script. At its core it’s still “four dudes tolerate each other’s shenanigans to survive and later learn they kinda don’t feel like chopping each other’s heads off (friendship goals)” but the rest...out the window it goes. 
Setting: As I said earlier, it’s weird. So with the help of Fall of London V5 book and some other sources of info on London in VtM, I moved the cast back to where they belong. 
Characters and character writing: This one might surprise you, but I really, REALLY don’t like the way I did them back then. I can’t revisit old comics/the demo without cringing so hard my face breaks XD Fishmalk Edd gives me most pain if I’m being honest...
While I’m keeping the basest, the basiesest core (Edd being chaotic bastard Malkavian, Tom being mean and cynical Nosf, Matt being old-fashioned but also a rebel at heart Torrie, and Tord being far less infected with rabies compared to other modern Brujah) I’m changing lots of their characterization, backstories and relationships with each other as well. So don’t expect something you expected from their older versions.
The same goes for every other character, and I’m getting rid of some that don’t serve much purpose anymore.  
What’s in store? 
New script is in the process. And while it is slowly processing, I will be updating most pages on this blog: specifically “About” and “Characters”, with new relevant information and art. I have archived everything these pages contained, and I’ll put the link to the Google Drive folder up in the “About” page for anyone who wishes to look at the old stuff. I won’t be deleting any of the older posts on the blog though.
Update schedule?
Can’t promise one. Life’s hectic now as hectic can possibly get. I will update once there is an update, but please try to be considerate and don’t ask me “when”. I will most likely go on hiatuses from time to time but I will try to warn in advance if it’s going to take long. Overall, this passion project is just that, a passion project. Not my job. Not something that gives me anything but mental satisfaction. Not even a tip jar. I’m working alone, with occasional help from friends who are kind enough to proof read and brainstorm with me (Nina, Jazz, Engi, Hawa, long live you beautiful human beings). So all I’m asking is some compassion and understanding from all of you u_u If you can do it for me I’m sure it’ll take me longer to lose interest this time XD  Ask box stays closed for now, I’ll reopen it once I’ll update all the pages. 
That’s it for the moment! Stay tuned, if you’d like! 
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eddoovi · 2 years
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Had this in my gallery for a while
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gallonsoblood · 5 months
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This meme but i couldnt only choose two characters
Personally i think Tagora and Bing are the funniest pair
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sarahinpajamas · 3 months
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VTMB Tord invades my Brian in the daily Ough…
AU belongs to: @/eddsworld-the-masquerade
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eddsworldrus · 2 years
also for the letters thing
T and X
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Chubby/Fat Edd Buff is ok, but as long as he maintains a larger built Otherwise I'm not super picky cause I swap things around a lot in my au's to mess around w/ different dynamics And maybe tord as some sort of cringe fail dork in different degree's or just lil weird dude but not as hard line about that
Connor Scp containment,,,,in 'pls give him a rest and i am also commiting identity theft' , Jon's eddsworld (while not my number one fave, i love him but I will put him in the defending role over how a lot of people infantlize him). Shane Stardew valley *pls*, mercurio vtmb is my babygirl, lucy in never satisfied 'a child i will protect and refuse to let anyone be mean too'
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engius · 4 years
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tried to design a good look for a good looking malkavian fella for @memen18-m5r3‘s AU
love this child so much he’s like a son to me
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dumbdumbi · 4 years
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People looking slightly melancholic and holding cigarettes are the only thing I vibe with anymore
I love the Eddsworld VtMB au by @memen18-m5r3 / @eddsworld-the-masquerade , the boys are the only men I respect 🥺 (Toms on thin ice though)
I only had the energy to draw Matt, but I hope I can get the rest of the boys done soon
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cola-sounds-fancy · 5 years
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Whoa.... I have peaked in my doodles....
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I’m sorry @memen18-m5r3 I couldn’t resist. 
Based on this post.
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eddsworldforever22 · 5 years
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OHH! Well the truth and I did not want to post anything after what happened, memen18-m5r3 was not on Tumblr and that took me a lot of wave, I felt useless because my favorite Au of EW and my inspiration on this Tumblr had been (for a while) I said: And now what the fuck do I do? really because it was the only thing published in this Tumblr Agh, but the issue is @memen18-m5r3 glad you're back, I know you do not recognize me because of the multiple number of people who have given gifts, drawings or projects of your Au but if I am sincere You are one of my greatest inspirations on this platform, We are all glad that ayas returned :''^)
†)) AYYYYYYYY I loved this drawing I think I catalog it as one of my biggest digital drawings✨💕💕
Official Tumblr: @eddsworld-the-masquerade
OHH! Bueno, la verdad y no quería publicar nada después de lo que sucedió, memen18-m5r3 no estaba en Tumblr y eso me sacó mucho de onda (encerio), yo me decía a mi misma cuando supe esto dije "y...¿ahora que putas hago? Pero la verdad es que me alegro que ayas regresado la has dado un nuevo comienzo a mis dibujos, Te Admiro n,,v,,n💕💕💦💦✨
Tumblr oficial: @eddsworld-the-masquerade
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@bangsinc it was back since December last year! However I have to mention, this isn't a continuation of what I left on back in 2020, but a complete revamp (cuz man that AU was beyond salvation lmao sorry).
This post explains it in more detail but tl;dr: no longer related to Bloodlines, just Vampire the Masquerade; entirely new plot; rewritten and redesigned characters; different setting.
You should check out the updated "About", "FAQ", and "Characters" pages if you've been out of loop. You can access them from browser.
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gallonsoblood · 7 months
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Happy Halloween heres some shitty doodles of me dressed as things featuring my bf
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haartebeest-archive · 6 years
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I really adore @memen18-m5r3 's vtmb au so much that i actually drew eddsworld.... can you believe it
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drake-the-incubus · 5 years
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From @eddsworld-the-masquerade made by @memen18-m5r3
If you haven’t checked out the AU, do so, it’s really interesting! And it’s a comic I highly recommend if you like vampires- I do.
Edd the Malkavian, I worked hard, not my proudest but ey, new program
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okomari · 6 years
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a small gift for @memen18-m5r3
i love this au
the concept and designs are really really nice 
i’m in love
other versions:
w/o chromatic aberration: 
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the ugly-ass sketch version:
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satanic-kaliber · 5 years
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I can't stop drawing this au h elp
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