#eddie munson naft
hellfire-in-hawkins · 2 years
Perv!Eddie Munson Headcannons (1)
Perv!Eddie inviting you to all of Corroded Coffins' gigs jus so he can buy you shots and watch your tits bounce as you dance along to the music.
Perv!Eddie carrying a pair of your stolen panties in his back pocket and bringing them to his face, deeply inhaling your scent halfway through a set, desperately hoping you'd recognize them.
Perv!Eddie getting rock hard on stage as he looks down to see you in the front row, clear line of sight down the front of your shirt.
Perv!Eddie catching you as soon as he's offstage, smothering you in a huge hug jus so he can feel your tits press against him and hear you whine about how he's getting sweat all over you.
Perv!Eddie who offers to drive you to his place so you can crash there rather than going home since you're absolutely plastered from all the drinks he bought you, jus so he can watch your tits bounce every time he hits a bump.
Perv!Eddie watching as you fall asleep, pulling out the panties he stole from you and getting himself off in the bed right next to you, moaning your name and hoping you'll catch him
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