#ed is unreasonably upset by this fact and demands izzy marry him so they can actually get divorced
izzystizzys · 2 months
ofmd au where izzy and ed are Serious Artists in a creative slump when the film production next door catches ed’s attention and he decides they need to help them along instead of doing their actual contractually agreed upon project (to izzy’s neverending chagrin, as he is the one who gets to field the very many angry emails)
the revenge films crew is incompetent, izzy hates his life, edward falls in love with its director and producer stede bonnet, everything sucks etc etc
about three months into quite possibly the worst time of izzy’s life, ed decides he needs to commit to his new boyfriend, aka divorce izzy (who came up with the idea first is not entirely clear, what with stede preaching the joys of the divorced lifestyle)
what follows is a weeks-long song and dance where izzy gets served papers, refuses to sign them, groaning about what a reticent bastard he is, rinse and repeat. quite frankly, people are beginning to pity him for obviously still being in love with ed and not wanting to lose him.
there is only one problem: ed and izzy are not actually married, and never were. izzy knows this. ed does not.
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