#eapecially if they’re start out the same ie as angels
littlemsterious · 9 months
ok so i originally was only gonna talk about good omens in order to explain how i got this idea but then i thought more and changed my mind
so Aziraphale as a character appreciates the inherent beauty and goodness of humanity, that’s like half his character, but he’s (how do i say this nicely) a bit stuck up about it. He likes fancy wine and old books and classical music and dining at the ritz. he’s into the finer things. which is all well and good it’s an incredibly interesting part of his character (there’s another post i should write about how this trait interacts with him being an angel but i digress).
what i think would be really interesting to see is a character meant to juxtapose this, someone who appreciates beauty and goodness in all of humanity not just the finer things. yeah, fine wine and tea are great, but so are fireball and monster energy. classical music is good, and it goes on the same playlist as the CD they bought off a stranger on the train. Art museums full of well regarded paintings and sculpture are amazing, but so are spray paint murals. Classic literature is just as good as weird children’s books or zines.
just a character who sees beauty in all parts of people and isnt put off by the weirder stuff.
my first thought if i were to make original character was someone like crowley, also immortal, been on earth the same amount of time and watched humanity progress the same way, and use that to show the dynamic there but i actually think it would be better in someone like Muriel.
much much newer to earth, without knowledge of  etiquette or prejudice. discovering the world on their own with reckless abandon. finding absolutely everything cool and fascinating with no regard to what is proper and respectable.
idk how to end this, i just think the dynamic of two characters like that would be cool. wouldnt have to be good omens, that was just the jumping off point
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