#e io sono uno zerbino perchè domani sarò ancora sua amica uguale e ignorerò la cosa
I have this friend who seems to disapprove of everything I do and when we argue I offten don't know who's being irrational and it drives me crazy. And I hate how all of this worsens my anxiety because multiple times a day I'll think things like "I can't tell him this, he'll get upset'' or ''I'll just say no to this other friend/plans because I don't have the energy to fight" and I live with this constant weight on my stomach because I worry he'll be upset and I realise that feeling like this it's soooo wrong but I don't know what to do. And honestly he gets so mean when he's angry and I feel like shit because I let him trat me like shit and I always forgive him, even if he doesn't regret what he said because he thinks he's in the right. He swings between being really nice and super supportive (when I do things he approves of) or being super mean and cold and I hate it I hate it so much. But then he'll be nice and I remember all the good times and I just forgive and forget everything
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