#dyn; sam ( ruinedmyself ) ✧ where you go i’m going
achillesbled · 6 months
He’s closer to Sam than Dean. In fact he adores the middle Winchester. He always attached himself to Sam growing up, feeling safer with him. Looking back on it, he guesses it has something to do with not having a mom. Growing up in the hunting life. Dean had Mary, even for that short amount of time.
Adam always felt that Dean treated him differently. And maybe it’s because they’re only half brothers. Maybe it’s some subconscious reaction in Dean to be upset with Adam… angry that John had another kid after Mary died.
He just tends to be more comfortable around Sam. And when Sam left for college, Adam stayed in touch. He had a phone specifically for Sam, and they had their own little code word to let the other know it was safe to talk.
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achillesbled · 6 months
dyn; michael ( loyaltylanced ) ✧ there is no me without you
dyn; sam ( ruinedmyself ) ✧ where you go I’m going
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