#dw wheatley I'll help you up i will do anything for you
madame-mongoose ยท 6 months
'Ello, luv! Wheatley here
Good old, ...lovable Wheatley
[Visibly wet, not sweating with anxiety, but having fallen through a fucking raincloud at Mach 3 on the way back to Earth]
I just wanted to say,
you're doing a smashing job, overall
I'm very proud of you, and um, it's just--
It's just a little bit frightening, the, um
"I want to kill him, I need to kill him" and, y'know... A little scary
But overall, top-notch, keep it up, and, um, I'll be seeing you! ...Around
Obviously I won't be going anywhere, y'know... Being stuck here, and, you not having helped me up...
I'm not that heavy, mind, if you did, y'know, want to...
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omg wheatley..,. haiiii
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