rants-of-mine · 3 years
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Kristen Stewart gifs to make you gayer
NOTE: I do not own this GIF, so credits to the owners
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rants-of-mine · 3 years
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rants-of-mine · 3 years
2020 has been like:
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rants-of-mine · 3 years
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rants-of-mine · 3 years
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rants-of-mine · 3 years
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rants-of-mine · 3 years
i had a nightmare that one of my friends attempted to kill themselves because they didn't feel accepted by their homophobic family and that really resonated with me
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rants-of-mine · 4 years
May 5, 2020 - 11:49pm
okay so there was this guy i liked sometime last year (i think???) and he’s in my major so we’ve done quite a few projects and pulled quite a few all nighters together. i was pretty sure i was over him, but i had a weird ass dream yesterday? and it took place at my uni? literally it was about how we are having a class together and it was a long lecture, but he left half way through and i was like what the fuck dude??? so after lecture i tried to find him and i was hella worried (my uni is in a really sketch area btw) and i finally saw him and he was coming out of another classroom like an hour later? like he skipped half a lecture to go to another class??? weird but okay. hugs and crying followed??? wtf am i writing right now. 
okay so cut to the next scene, we go to a club/arcade/pub with friends. like wtf is this place. its literally like one room had a colorful lights and a dance floor with air hockey things and another room was a chill pub area with a bar and cafe seating. so me and this dude start in the club/arcade area and we’re playing air hockey (why tf air hockey i havent even seen one in years) as a couple against some other people and we here being cuddly and shit? then he said he has to go somewhere so he’ll be back in a bit. so i make my way to the tables to wait but he doesnt show? so i go to the pub area and sit in a booth kinda table with my elementary school friends and start chatting. a bit of time passes (does time even exist in the dream world) and i see my mans looking for me and we get back together and leave. and now this starts getting weirder.
we’re leaving my a ferry like thing that functions like a subway? like we travelling home with by a boat that stops like a subway wtf. while this is happening it feels v dangerous and like imma get caught by the government and sent to jail? im looking back at my mans (and at this point i dont even remember what i dreamt) but it was hyun bin? like the kdrama cloy actor? 
okay i realized at like 4pm that i had this dream? and now im v confused? like do i still like him even though its been like a year? is it just my dream feelings? what the fuck like hyun bin also? like ill say he’s hot and all but he’s not really my type? 
yeah this is probably gonna be my wtf dream of the 2020.
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rants-of-mine · 5 years
May 23, 2019 - 11:20pm
So I like this girl and we’ve been flirting back and forth for awhile now, but I don’t know if she even notices. We were pretty close, but I don’t know what happened and now she doesn’t talk to me as much as we used to. I really want to get over this pathetic crush of mine bc I think she knows and I don’t know if she feels the same. I wanted to go out for ramen with her last week, but she refused so I asked again this week and she says idk. I just don’t wanna make her feel uncomfortable. I just really want to stay friends no matter what.
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