zorveechu · 7 months
Only today I find out there’s an actual name for a disbelief swap Sans and yet I’m the one who ran @dustedblueberry-blog
It’s called Distrust, or at least that’s the name of two fan games for it, why’d no one try telling me? Lolol
This is what I get for watching undertale fangames again after so long, isn’t it?
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Happy Munday guys.
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hoodedhoney · 8 years
Giveaway Winners
[[ I’ve been lazy lmaO but here we are. I’ll IM the winners about prizes~
1st Place - @underswappaps [44]
2nd Place - @littlestmccn [17]
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3rd Place - @dustedblueberry [64]
4th Place - @robot-with-a-soul [32]
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>> why did like 3 of my friend kinda goal kinda people i look up to win
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tiny-papy-blog · 8 years
I'm sorry for popping up out of nowhere but I like this idea of a young Papyrus listening to AC/DC, unless there's another highway to hell song I don't know about.))
(He listens to a lot of the oldies, AC/DC, Journey, Queen, Stevie Nicks, etc. )
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Birthing Spectre
WARNING: Somewhat descriptive mpreg birthing! Scared smol uf skeleton!
Word count: 1,442
Involves: @dustedblueberry
 The feeling of pain was much more gradual than he had expected, feeling it build slowly during the hours. It wasn't exactly slow, no, but the contractions got closer and closer, and he started to panic.
 Dusty was not home, and hadn't been all day- Dusty had gone out to look for Darkfire, whom had gone missing nearly a week prior.  Every day, from two to eight, he would search for their wolven friend.
 He had known this morning that he was going to have the baby today, but he did not wish to worry Dusty, who was also pregnant. Hell, all of them were. But at the moment, he was regretting not asking him to stay back.
 He felt a liquid trickle down his legs, forcing him to look down at the carpet he was standing on. He was just going to sit on the couch, damn it.... Oh, his water must've broke! He sighed deeply, feeling another wave of pain before it subsided.
 "this kid isn't waitin' for magic assistance," He grumbled. Most monsters had their children at home, since hospitals weren't guaranteed to give the child back, but they at least had partners to give magic during the draining time. Right now, he was alone, and Dusty's phone seemed to be dead.
 He shuffled away from the newly-stained carpet spot, grumbling. His magic made it look like someone bled out there, it'd be a bitch to clean up.
 Time to go to the bathroom! Lay in the tub or something. That's clean, right? And people say that's a good idea. It's a small space and it's generally clean and comforting. Usually.
 "ugh, kid give me a second, fuck." He sits on the edge, slowly turning to get his legs in first. Another contraction, another wince, and a slip into the tub instead of the slow descent he had plans for.
"OW, FUCK WHY," His sensitive tailbone smashed awkwardly when he landed. He was at least happy he had flipped properly before slipping. "blah, kid, you're destroying me."
 The response he got was the soul pulsing. He was quite aware the small one could hear him, since they shared that parent connection. He still did not give a shit about his potty mouth.
 "okay, plan: don't rip me apart and try not to kill me or something." It pulsed again, rapidly. It understood that he was scared, but not necessarily why.
 He somehow managed to remove his pants and throw them over the tub's edge, leaning back against the somewhat-soothing cool shower wall.
 He groaned again as another wave came, they were getting so close together and it felt like his magic was parting his entirety for this child. Please, for the love of all that exists, let his measly 1 HP last. Even if he comes out of this with fuckin' 0.0001, let him NOT dust.
 "AHHHH, FUCK." He felt something forcing down on his pelvis. Oh, god he felt everything. The tike was most definitely coming now, right now.
 Push. Breathe. Stay calm. Do skeletons even need to breathe? He supposed it was a good idea anyway, most other monsters have this practice to be calm anyway. Distract himself with equations and jokes, sure, that works.
 What's this equation? sqrt(([(3*4*5*6)-310]/2))+((5)/12)? That's 15, maybe, he's not thinking of the problem straight. Why's the skeleton always sad? Because there's nobody there.
 Okay that was bad. He wasn't even sure if his math was on point, it's probably really wrong which disappoints him.
 "FUCK." The yell echoed around the house as he felt the skull of his soon-to-be-baby force against his barely-too-narrow pelvis. Damn him for being male! "KID CALM THE FUCK DOWN." The soul pulsed in worry and fear, emotions that were taught in it's state inside it's 'mother'.
 "shit... ahhh.. no, no don't be scared, it's just hurtin'... you can't help it..." He groans. Another forced push. A pained gasp. His magic was losing stability, it felt, but if he stayed calm he could keep himself together.
 "Cherry?! I heard your yell all the way in Waterfall! Are you okay?!" A voice calls from the livingroom. Dusty was home! Thank god for his poor volume control!
 "bathroom! please, for the love of god it hurts," The disbelief blueberry rushed into the room and nearly gagged at the sight of his boyfriend's red secretions. It looked like he was bleeding out because of the magic he was dispelling. "s'okay, please, just help me stabilize, it's like it's trying to fall apart molecule by molecule!"
 Dusty rushes over and sits on the ledge of the tub, swinging his legs into it. He grabbed Cherry's left hand and laid it on his bulging stomach, he himself heavy with a different child. His magic was mostly centered there at the moment, and the sentiment was comforting as well as useful to send magic to the other.
 The feeling of the red-blue magic rushing through his bones helped immensely. He didn't feel like screaming curses, his body somehow calming. "thanks, dusty," He says halfheartedly.
 "Cherry, why didn't you call me? Actually call! Instead of screaming!"
 "dusty, your phone is dead," He groans again, Dusty flinching as he hears the pain in Cherry's tone. He's having a difficult time.
 Dusty grabs his phone from his pocket and sighs- There were 13 missed messages, and it was on silent due to a lack in battery- 3%.
 Cherry lets out a gurgled cry, pulling Dusty's attention to him again. More of that disgusting red magic rushes out of Cherry's body, and once again Dusty had to bite back a gag. Dusty didn't know how to help, how in the hell do you get your lover to give birth when you're pregnant too?!
 Cherry pushes again. There's a loud CRACK sound, as his pelvis splits to make way for the child, finally allowing the baby's skull to pass. Cherry's cries are even more gurgled, he can't voice anything anymore. He just keeps pushing when he feels the need.
 "C-Cherry, did you just... break your pelvis?!" Cherry nods blindly to Dusty's startled cry. "O-Oh, a head, Cherry you're doing it! Just... Stay calm!"
 Cherry can't respond right now, he's too busy crying in pain and attempting to bear down to get this damn baby out of him. He can feel every part as it passes, the shoulders, the ribs, the spine... The child slipped out surprisingly fast after the pelvis stopped being an issue.
 "i... sshh... did.. eh... we..." He's not very articulate, his vision blotting. He's in so much pain. He's lost a lot of magic, especially as his stomach recedes into a new pool of blood red magic beneath him. The skeleton couldn't help but sob. He needed to see the kid, just once, before he could goddamn rest.
 "You did it, Cherry, shh, it's okay!" Dusty carefully picked up the small skeleton baby from the tub, smiling as brightly as possible to Cherry despite his raging anxiety over how horrid he looked. "L-Look, they... he's fine! It's a boy!"
 Cherry struggled to keep his eyes open, barely seeing the baby. Dusty scooted across the tub's side to show Cherry the baby closer, all the while attempting to use the hand towel to swaddle him and clean the bits of blood-like magic off him.
 Cherry saw purple, hazy purple light. The child was looking at him, eyes full of curiosity and worry despite his just being born. He had bright purple lights burning deep in his sockets, his body small and fragile despite seeming so large a moment ago. Cherry could only let out a gurgled laugh and a half-assed smile when he saw that the baby had inherited his sharp teeth.
 Cherry blacked out, falling back uselessly onto the acrylic side. Dusty's eyes lit up in panic, but when Cherry did not fade into dust, and seemed to be breathing fine, he calmed a little bit. Not dead, just exhausted... and probably unable to walk with how broken his pelvis looked.
 Dusty slowly got up and put their baby (Spectre was his name now?) into the nursery, returning to carefully drag Cherry to their shared bed. He collected the detached part of Cherry's pelvis (It had been sitting in magic, the only reason it didn't immediately dust), returning to him and reattaching it with very low-level healing magic. He did the best he could, but with his own baby, he had little use of his magic. He could only hope Cherry was comfortable.
 He retrieved Spectre again, laying him between Cherry and himself as he laid down as well.
 They all end up in uneasy sleep.
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Happy Munday Everyone!
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Happy Munday guys!
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((The last Mun-selfie of the year and my hair wants to look like Len Kagamine, welp))
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Ask meh stuff!
I'm bored in the car so come and ask Dusty stuff!))
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Thank you
That’s alright ^^))
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