#during BHM too. The ancestors are not happy with me
restinslices · 4 months
Some of y'all ain't thinking about being Ares' favorite mortal lover and him watching as you get in a new relationship with a guy that treats you terrible so he pulls up on the guy and reveals he's a god and goes over all his titles and ends on him being the protector of mistreated women then asking "have you been mistreating my woman?" AND THAT'S WHERE WE DIFFER
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antaniashanae · 1 year
It’s A Celebrate: Let’s Dance!
February brings several things to celebrate, but I want acknowledge the Black Kings and Queens, Happy Black History Month to you. I honor you. I appreciate you. I celebrate you. Continue making great strides in your communities and legacies. We’ve come a ways, yet, the road is still ahead.
I’m reminded of a time when I attended Indiana State University, a PWI, somewhere in the valley… I sorta ended up there because my mom would not allow me to go to Tennessee State University, my dream school. It was “too far”, she said. Anywho, the Black population was so small at ISU, but every social group made sure black students could celebrate Black History Month in an elaborate way. I was a member of the choir, Ebony Majestic. It seemed like there was always an event for us to sing at during BHM. I was also a member of NAACP, Black Student Union, and S.I.S.T.E.R.S T.O.O. (a black sisterhood program). I feel as though I’m leaving a group out… Oh, Pharmacy club! 🥹 Listen, homegirl was BUSY.
I was glad to be a part in the groups that didn’t let me forget to celebrate my culture. It reminded me to always take pride in being a Black woman . The resilience I have is to be celebrated. My accomplishments and even my failures are reasons to celebrate. To understand the importance of this month is to know YOUR WORTH. I’m certain the Ancestors are proud.
February is also HEART MONTH! Many of you know how much this means to me. My mother has heart disease and has had her Mitral valve replaced. If you stood close to my mom, one would assume she had on a loud wrist watch, but it’s the device that has a similar sound. We learn a lot through the health of others. We learned so much about heart disease through my mothers health screenings and regular doctors visits.
It’s been my mission to ensure I educate those of the things I’ve learned along the way. Our heart is connected to so many other functions throughout our bodies, this also includes our teeth! Yes, our oral health is connected to our heart health. It is imperative that we’re brushing, flossing, and taking care of our teeth to the best of our ability. Bad dental hygiene can cause inflammation in your heart valve—leading to strokes and/or heart attacks. Brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes. The average American only brushes for 45 seconds. We must change this!
I wanted to start this month with a dance. Not only is it a personal form of self care, it is also great cardio. While Dallas is experiencing the strangest weather, I’ve been indoors reviewing emails, reading books, sorting last weeks laundry, and trying to maintain my workouts. What better way to get the heart pumping than by DANCING!? Short story: One of my birthday gifts to myself was this $500+ Apple Watch. I previously owned a FitBit, but after 2 years, it died. This also effected the logging of my workouts, so I sorta quit altogether. I lost my motivation when I no longer had my Fitbit. I don’t stay down for long, tho, because I actually enjoy the gym. I’m obsessed with my watch and being able to monitor my movements and choose from various exercises (dance included), I haven’t missed a beat!
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in women. There are ways you can prevent this, one being dancing. I urge you all to get up and dance for at least 30 minutes a day this month. I will come back with heart disease awareness info throughout the week, so be sure to tune in! Let’s reduce our risk of heart disease by moving. 🏃🏾‍♀️ 🚴 🏋🏾‍♀️ 💃🏾
If you’ve ever been CPR certified, you know the relevance of this song:
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