#durge: clira
bhaaldursgays · 1 month
I have this scene in a Gortash Lives And Gets Dragged Through Redemption AU I keep thinking about. It has my durge Clira and Gortash laying in bed, before they reconcile fully so they're like a foot and a half apart. Clira is trying to sleep, finding herself comforted by Gortash's presence as she's asking him to tell her stories she doesn't remember. I thought I might share it, in case anyone likes it
The sun hasn't set yet, casting the room in a gently, golden light as Gortash tells her of their history, of little things she can't remember - "Your hair used to be longer. You hated people touching it. For a long time only Sceleritas was allowed to brush and trim it for you." - as well as filling in the memories that were hazy.
He tells her how they worked together, what they explored together. Of lovers she had, kills she made - "Remember Nathaniel? You liked him. You thought he was beautiful and sweet. You even mourned him." - and she has found that she easily falls asleep to the gentle sound of his voice.
Just before she falls asleep she asks him for one last memory.
"Tell me something about you that I've forgotten," she says, mumbling just a little. Her eyes are already closed, her breathing slow. He knows she'll fall asleep soon, and he doesn't think he's welcome in her bed after that. Not yet.
His dark eyes look at her, but his mind is searching for something to say. It is difficult, not because he can't think of anything lost to her but because she's asking him to open up once more. It took a long time for him to do so the first time alone.
"… when I was a child I would make small sculptures and gadgets out of scraps I found," he begins. "I would sell them for coin that I hid from my parents. I would use it for food, toys and sometimes even to go to the circus. I had found a bird's nest that I used to look in to see if the clever animal had found something shiny."
Clira smiles gently, but she doesn't say anything. He's not sure she hears him, if she's half-asleep or not, but he has no reason to stop yet.
"I told you about that once. You didn't seem to understand. I wasn't sure what it was that eluded you. My motives, my craft or perhaps even a lack of understanding about avian habits," he chuckles a bit. Her face had been so expressionless back then. It was difficult to understand her at the best of times. Very different from now, with her smiles coming frequent and easy.
A welcome change, he will admit.
"Of course, after I told you this I found a birds nest at my windowsill. I found it odd, especially since it was not even nesting season. But after that I found little things in there. Pieces of metal. Bits of rope. A bloodied arrowhead once. By the time I received a broken dagger, far too heavy for a bird to carry, I knew it was no feathery friend I had to thank for these gifts."
Soft, steady breathing fills the room as he stops for a moment. With a sigh he carefully rolls off to the side and stands up, straightening his clothes as he stays for a moment. Just a moment, he's allowed that isn't he?
"I made a little bird out of the scraps, small enough to pin to a piece of clothing, and laid it back into the nest." An exhale, a whisper of a laugh. "You wouldn't stop blushing when you noticed me staring at it as it sat on your coat next time we saw each other. I didn't need words to tease you."
He walks over to her side of the bed to pull the curtains across the window, reducing the little light that was left filtering into the room to darkness.
Then he hesitates, raises two fingers to his mouth. He lifts a quick kiss from his lips, and places it gently to her cheek.
"Sleep well, little magpie," he says before leaving the room
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bhaaldursgays · 6 days
I haven't played bg3 in a while now, but what I have been playing is hours upon hours of Stardew Valley with the mods that add Astarion, Karlach and Gortash while playing as Clira. I am not immune to soft AUs
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bhaaldursgays · 1 month
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That scene with Lae'zel, but make it Durgetash
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bhaaldursgays · 7 days
A while back I thought about my durge and Gortash going to a party hosted by Cazador pre-game, with durge acting like a honeypot. Thought I'd share it here
Astarion watches as Cazador greets their esteemed guest, his companion hanging off his arm just like Astarion's brother and sister do on Cazador's. He's happy he's not on eye-candy duty today.
"Welcome! Welcome! Please make yourself at home in my humble abode!" Cazador drones at Gortash, not even sparing a glance at Clira at first. Astarion tunes them both out, instead trying to observe the drow lady. She's wearing a skimpy outfit inspired by the eastern lands and by all appearances she looks like a whore. But... her eyes are too sharp. She is looking for an opportunity of some sort.
"Your lady companion is lovely!" Cazador says when he turns her attention to her at last, before hesitating and looking closer going so far as to grab her chin and angling her face so he can look closer.
"Lovely indeed..." he mutters before turning back to the lordling. "Allow me to... entertain her tonight, my lord. In return, my dear children are happy to take her place for the evening! Come, my dears!" he calls and Astarion and his sibling obediently step forward. "Pick one! Pick several! I promise you they will keep you very happy!"
Gortash looks at his companion for a brief moment, humming thoughtfully. Though it could be his imagination, Astarion feels like there is more than just a look shared between them.
"Very well. Though I do have to warn you; she bites," Gortash chuckles, slapping the drow's back to have her step over to Cazador.
"So do I!" the vampire lord laughs, and Astarion allows himself a sigh of relief when Gortash picks his sister and brother who had been at his master's side.
Then later during the night, after Cazador had excused himself with the drow a piercing scream interrupts the festivities. Cazador stomps in, en deshabille and bleeding from his hand, a hand that is dragging the drow behind him.
"She--! The whore is an animal!" he spits, throwing the woman back at Gortash. She doesn't even stumble, gracefully taking her place by his side again. With a chuckle Gortash wraps his arm around her. "I warned you!" he laughs. As the two are promptly escorted out and firmly told that neither are welcome to the manor again, Astarion can't stop grinning.
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bhaaldursgays · 21 days
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I haven't drawn anything in... months, perhaps more than a year but for once I felt like drawing and ofc it is because of durgetash. Dw they're in love
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bhaaldursgays · 22 days
Anyone wanna read a bit about Gortash realizing he's fallen in love?
F/M Durgetash, about 2k words
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bhaaldursgays · 17 days
So how about some totally not jealous Durge facing one of Gortash's lovers?
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bhaaldursgays · 2 months
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I love seeing other people's Durges so I thought I'd share mine. Her name is Clira and she likes killing, murder and manslaughter
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