#dui attorney savannah ga
Probation Violation in Georgia: Legal Tips for Compliance
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Are you facing probation violation charges in Savannah, Georgia? The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk can provide the legal assistance you need. Here's a brief overview of probation violation and its consequences:
Understanding Probation Violation
Violation Types: Understand the three types of dui probation violation Georgia courts.
Technical Violation
Special Condition Violation
Substantive Violations
Understand Your Probation Terms
Clarify Conditions: Ensure you fully understand the terms of your probation, including any special conditions or restrictions.
Communication with Your Probation Officer
Open Communication: Maintain open and honest communication with your probation officer. Keep them informed about any changes in your circumstances.
Adherence to Court Orders
Follow Court Orders: Adhere to all court orders, including attending required counseling or treatment programs.
Avoiding Illegal Activities
Stay Law-Abiding: Refrain from engaging in any illegal activities, including drug use or criminal behavior.
Legal Representation
Legal Assistance: If in doubt, seek legal advice from a qualified attorney, such as the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk, to ensure you understand your rights and obligations.
Contact The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk for personalized consultation and representation. For further details and legal assistance, or contact us (912) 236-4878.
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jarmapc · 1 year
Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C.
Website:  https://www.mailletcriminallaw.com/violent-crimes/domestic-violence
Address:  210 E 31st St, Savannah, GA 31401
Phone: +1 912-713-3426
Savannah Criminal Defense Lawyer - Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C. is an experienced criminal defense attorney in Savannah, Georgia. With over a decade of experience, our criminal defense lawyer Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C., and his associates have successfully handled criminal cases for our clients in Savannah, GA, and throughout coastal South Georgia. With their intricate knowledge of the criminal justice system, our firm’s attorneys are well-versed in the best defense strategies to build a strong and solid defense for our clients. We can handle any criminal cases, including DUI, drug, and traffic offenses and other criminal charges.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070009980572
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarrett-maillet-20b7b17a/
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jarrettmailletjdpc · 1 year
Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C.
Website: https://www.mailletcriminallaw.com/violent-crimes/bond-hearing
Address: 210 E 31st St, Savannah, GA 31401, United States
Phone: +1 912-713-3426
Savannah Criminal Defense Lawyer - Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C. is an experienced criminal defense attorney in Savannah, Georgia. With more than a decade of experience, our criminal defense lawyer Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C., and his associates have been successfully handling criminal cases for our clients in Savannah, GA, and throughout coastal South Georgia. With their intricate knowledge of the criminal justice system, our firm’s attorneys are well-versed in the best defense strategies to build a strong and solid defense for our clients. We can handle any criminal cases including DUI, drug, and traffic offenses, and other criminal charges.
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jarrettmaillet-blog · 4 years
Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C.
With more than a decade of experience, our criminal defense lawyer Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C., and his associates have been successfully handling criminal cases for our clients in Savannah, GA anthroughout coastal South Georgia. With their intricate knowledge of the criminal justice system, our firm’s attorneys are well-versed with the best defense strategies to build a strong and solid defense for our clients. We can handle any criminal cases including DUI, drug, and traffic offenses as well as other criminal charges.
Address: 210 E 31st St Savannah, Georgia 31401, USA
Phone: (912) 713-3426
Website: https://www.mailletcriminallaw.com/
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newstechreviews · 4 years
(SAVANNAH, Ga.) — A Georgia state trooper was fired and charged with murder Friday a week after he shot a 60-year-old man who allegedly tried to flee a rural traffic stop, authorities said.
The president of Georgia’s NAACP chapter called the slaying of Julian Edward Roosevelt Lewis another chilling example of a Black man being killed unlawfully by a white law enforcement officer. An attorney for Lewis’ family said the trooper initiated the traffic stop over a burned-out tail light and Lewis was shot almost immediately after the trooper forced his car into a ditch.
“Mr. Lewis never got out of the vehicle and the investigation will show that, mere seconds after the crash, he was shot to death, shot in the face and killed,” attorney Francys Johnson said.
Lewis was a carpenter who recently helped a local ministry finish a construction project, Johnson said. He said Lewis’ wife told him her husband didn’t own a gun.
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APThis undated photo released by the Georgia Department of Public Safety shows state trooper Jacob Gordon Thompson.
Johnson said that information was given to the family by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, which arrested 27-year-old Jacob Gordon Thompson on charges of felony murder and aggravated assault Friday. The agency did not include those details in its own statement on Thompson’s arrest.
The GBI said Lewis was fatally shot Aug. 7 after a chase in rural Screven County, about 60 miles (95 kilometers) northwest of Savannah.
Thompson had tried to pull over a car for a traffic violation when the driver tried to flee, the GBI said in a news release. The agency said the trooper chased the vehicle down several country roads before performing a maneuver that forced the car to come to a stop in a ditch.
Read more: ‘Imagine if Martin Luther King Jr. Had Facebook.’ Watch TIME’s Documentary on the Role of Social Media in Racial Justice Protests
At some point afterward, Thompson fired a single gunshot that hit Lewis, killing him, the GBI said. The trooper was not injured.
GBI spokeswoman Nelly Miles confirmed that Lewis was Black and the trooper was white, but she declined to comment further on the case. Richard Mallard, district attorney for the judicial circuit that includes Screven County, did not immediately return a phone message.
The Georgia Department of Public Safety said it fired Thompson after he was charged Friday. He had been a trooper for the Georgia State Patrol since 2013.
Thompson’s attorney, Keith Barber, declined to comment on specifics of the case, but said he believes the former trooper “has an excellent character.”
“I think he’s a fine trooper,” Barber said. “I think at the end of the day he will be exonerated in this case.”
The trooper was charged amid a national outcry over racial injustice after George Floyd died beneath a Minneapolis police officer’s knee in May. In Georgia, authorities also recently charged three white men in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery as he ran through their neighborhood as well as two white police officers in the shooting of Rayshard Brooks after he tried to flee a DUI arrest.
“No one should have to bury a loved one simply because of a busted tail light,” said the Rev. James Woodall, president of the Georgia NAACP. “This was a case of racial profiling. We are not necessarily happy right now. Yes, the man was arrested, but we’re done dying.”
Read more: Unreasonable Fear Is Killing Black Men in America—And There’s No Justification For It
Johnson said Lewis’ wife, Betty Lewis, learned of the trooper’s arrest as she left the funeral home after making final arrangements for her husband’s graveside service Saturday.
“She fell to her knees,’ Johnson said. “She said, `This is a step towards justice.’”
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aannabellehayett · 4 years
When and Why You Should Hire a Savannah Criminal Defense Lawyer
It is a nice thought to think we live in a utopian society in which everyone gets along and nothing is ever out of place. Unfortunately, that is not the case. People do mess up, break the law, and at times, are falsely accused of a crime. It is up to our legal system to sort out the problems and make proper judgements for parties involved. When you are faced with a court case, you need to hire the best criminal defense lawyer in Savannah, Ga. When to Hire a Defense Lawyer From minor court cases to larger ones, it is always recommended that you hire a good defense lawyer. Sometimes people get caught up in the gravity of their defense and believe that their case is too small to warrant the expense of hiring a lawyer, but how can you really place a price on your freedom? Our justice system is set up to provide a fair trial to everyone involved, but unfortunately, without proper representation, things do not always work out in our favor. Hiring an excellent defense lawyer way is a step that should never be missed no matter how small or large your case seems to be. Professionals are Necessary When your car begins making noises or notification lights come on indicating there is an internal issue, you do not take it to the local salon in hopes of finding a qualified mechanic. You will take that vehicle to a mechanic you trust to give you’re the right fix for the vehicle. The same notion should be used in your defense. Where it is true that you are allowed, according to law, to represent yourself in most cases, it is not recommended. You might be the best in your chosen field, but if you have yet to pass the bar exam and become a licensed lawyer, you likely do not know the ins and outs of the legal process. Few people actually become career criminals and may only set foot in a courtroom once in their life. Your life ifs far too important to go it alone. You need a professional with expert knowledge to get the job done right. Time is Not your Friend When you are charged with a crime, time is not your friend. It will not simply blow over and go away. You must act and act fast to ensure you are treated appropriately throughout the proceedings. The prosecution will work to get your case to court as fast as possible and negotiations for plea deals and filings for evidence discoveries must be completed quickly. A professional lawyer has the experience and know how to get it done fast and correctly to help you get the justice you deserve. Do Not Answer Questions if You Are Not Properly Represented It is not uncommon for police and detectives to interrogate defendants. It happens all the time and is one of the things most people expect when they are arrested. However, the Maranda rights are in place for a reason and they plainly tell you that you have the right to remain silent. Maintain that right until you can acquire a defense lawyer. Anything can and will be used against you in a court of law, according to these rights and this is something you should take very seriously. Questionings are placed to implicate the accused and things that you say can have dire affects on your case during court proceedings. Even the smallest of implications or slip of the tongue can put your case, and your freedom in danger. Tricks and schemes are everywhere in the justice system to implicate criminals, even if no crime was ever committed by the accused. A defense lawyer in place during questioning will ensure that you will have an expert available to stop you from making any seemingly innocent, but harmful admissions. Remember, they are professionals and know the justice system well. Average citizens may not. Plea Agreements Plea agreements are in place to allow defendants to plead guilty to a crime in exchange for a lesser sentence. This means that the case will not go to court and you will not be judged by a jury of your peers. Plea agreements can be very tricky and just as stated with Miranda rights, the slightest change or notation in the document can completely alter what you think you are signing. With a lawyer backing you in your corner, you can rest assured to get a much better deal than going it alone. They understand what can be done with a plea agreement and can make a case for yours to get you the best deal. For those facing criminal cases with potentially long sentences attached, a plea agreement can drastically reduce your time away from the real world. Without it, you will ultimately have to face possibly, long court proceedings. Your Rights Can Be Violated Going into a court case without a defense attorney is the quickest way to have the prosecution take full advantage of your novice mentality. Lawyers are trained to understand your rights down to the finest detail and in case any rights may be violated during any portion of the case, your lawyer can present it to the judge for a possible mistrial in your favor. The average Joe walking into a courtroom does not know the justice system as intimately as a lawyer and may not see that any rights were violated when in fact, they have a case for a mistrial available to them. You Need a Real Defense This may seem like a no brainer, but should be addressed. When walking into a courtroom defenseless, simply claiming your innocence is not enough. Evidence must be presented on both sides proving innocent or guilty according to the statutes of the law and when you have a defense lawyer on hand, they will fight for you. They help evaluate any existing evidence from the prosecution and can be a huge help in finding quality evidence to prove your innocence as well. Your Emotions Will Run High Courtrooms are not meant to be comfortable places to enjoy time. They are designed to be intimidating and when faced with a potential guilty verdict and sentence, your emotions will undoubtably run abnormally high. Having an experienced attorney in your corner will be an intense comfort throughout the proceedings. It is an unimaginable comfort to know that someone is on your side and sitting right beside you the whole time no matter what the charge at hand may be. What About DUIs? A Savannah DUI lawyer is essential if you are ever accused of driving under the influence. It can sometimes be difficult to prove that you were or were not driving under the influence and at times, the case can come down to your word against your accuser’s. Thankfully, DUI lawyers are there to help. They work to minimize the possibility of severe consequences and penalties traditionally associated with this type of case. They also can be beneficial in you keeping your license as one of the first things the prosecution may try to do is revoke your license for an extended period of time. A DUI lawyer will also plead your case and ensure that proper evidence is presented to avoid a, your word against theirs case. But the Courts Provide a Lawyer, Right? This is true, but when you choose to use a court appointed attorney, you are essentially cutting your defense legs from underneath you. Where there are some court appointed attorneys that take their jobs very seriously and are excellent at providing a quality defense, these can be difficult to find. A court appointed attorney is basically given a list of cases they must take without a thought to their impending work load. What can happen to the defendant is an unintended misrepresentation of their case. A hired lawyer will devote the time to your case and find evidence to support it. Due to case overload, many court appointed attorneys simply do not have enough time in their day to seek out evidence and chase down leads regarding the case. In the case of defense lawyers, you get what you pay for and if you are unwilling to come up with the funds for a quality defense lawyer instead of a court appointed one, you can be doing your case a lot of damage. Lawyers are here to help. They are not something to be feared and when hired by a defendant, really do have the person’s best interest in mind. Whether it is a criminal, civil, or DUI case, you always need to have a lawyer on hand to explain any legal jargon and point you in right direction when moving forward. Trusting solely in a court appointed attorney or going it alone, is no way to fight for your freedom and your rights. Most people will face a court room at some time in their life, so when your time comes, hire the best defense lawyer possible. Written by Attorney Jarrett Maillet, J.D., P.C. Jarrett Maillet  J.D., P.C.
210 E 31st St
Savannah, GA 31401
(912) 713-3426
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donnadacresny · 4 years
Savannah, GA – Pedestrian Accident on Drayton St Involving DUI Driver
Savannah, GA (January 3, 2020) – The Savannah Police Department investigated a pedestrian accident involving a DUI driver that led to injuries in Savannah.
According to Savannah Police, the accident happened yesterday around 2:20 p.m. on Drayton Street when a 59-year-old man was traveling along and tried to make a turn.
The driver struck a residence after driving off the road and then struck two pedestrians. His vehicle then hit a parked SUV, which caused him to strike another pedestrian.
All three of the pedestrians were transported to the hospital for treatment, though their current conditions are not known.
The driver was charged with driving under the influence and a variety of other related charges.
Police continue to investigate the circumstances of the collision at this time.
Our thoughts are with the injured victims and their families in hopes of a full recovery.
Pedestrian Accidents in Georgia 
Pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable parties on our roadways and are prone to some of the worst harm in the event of an accident. The number of people who have lost their lives or become injured in these accidents has increased by over 60% in the past five years. When someone has been injured in a pedestrian accident due to the negligence of others, it is essential that they speak with a personal injury attorney in their time of need.
At Kenneth S. Nugent, PC, our skilled attorneys want to ensure that the victim’s best interests and legal rights are being protected after an accident. We are dedicated to helping victims obtain maximum compensation for their losses in their time of need. Please contact our law firm in Georgia to find out what legal options are available for you at (888) 579-1790.
Note: We have constructed this post using outside sources, including news bulletins and first-hand accounts from outside sources. The details concerning this accident have not been independently verified and so, if you have identified false information, please inform us immediately. We will adjust the post to reflect accurate content.
Disclaimer: At Kenneth S. Nugent, PC Attorneys at Law, we are always looking to improve the quality and safety of our state and have been saddened by the outcome of many accidents across Georgia. We hope to inform those in our community about these accidents in the hopes that they will work to avoid serious Georgia accidents in the future. These posts are not to be taken as a solicitation for business. The information within should never be misconstrued as medical or legal advice. We hope that all involved in these accidents will receive a speedy recovery. The photos depicted in these posts are not representative of the actual accident scene.
The post Savannah, GA – Pedestrian Accident on Drayton St Involving DUI Driver appeared first on Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C..
source https://www.attorneykennugent.com/savannah-ga-pedestrian-accident-on-drayton-st-involving-dui-driver/ from Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C. https://attorneykennugent1.blogspot.com/2020/01/savannah-ga-pedestrian-accident-on.html
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chiefpundit-blog · 5 years
Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C.
Criminal Defense Lawyer Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C., and his associates are former prosecutors-turned-criminal defense attorneys who give clients the edge they need to protect their rights and their freedom. With their intricate knowledge of the criminal justice system, the attorneys at our firm are well versed with the defense strategies that work. We are able to build a strong, and solid defenses that protect our clients’ rights and freedom. Located in Savannah, our firm represents clients throughout coastal South Georgia and at various colleges and universities, and military and naval bases throughout the area. With over a decade of experience we can handle any criminal cases such as: DUI, Drugs, Traffic Offenses and Criminal Charges.
Address: 210 E 31st St, Savannah, GA 31401, USA
Phone: 912-713-3426
The post Jarrett Maillet J.D., P.C. appeared first on E-Bizda International Business Directory.
source https://www.e-bizda.com/listing/jarrett-maillet-j-d-p-c/
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Drug Crime Attorneys in Savannah Georgia
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Are you facing drug charges in Georgia and need legal representation? The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk are here to help. Our experienced drug crime attorneys can provide you with the support and legal guidance you need to navigate the complexities of drug crime charges in Georgia.
Understanding Georgia Drug Laws
When dealing with Drug charges in Georgia, it's essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the state's drug laws. Our attorneys can assist you in comprehending the various categories of drugs, types of charges you might face, and the potential legal implications.
Types of Drug Charges in Georgia
Drug charges can include purchase, possession, manufacture, distribution, and sale. Regardless of the specific charge, having a skilled criminal defense attorney by your side is vital to ensuring fair treatment and a favorable outcome in court.
If you're in need of legal assistance for drug charges in Georgia, don't hesitate to reach out to the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk, for a personalized consultation.
For more information on drug crime attorneys in Savannah, Georgia, and drug charges in Georgia, visit the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk website.
Contact Information: (912) 236-4878
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Trucking Accidents in Georgia: Understanding the Causes, Impact, and Prevention
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Trucking accidents in Georgia are unfortunately not uncommon. These accidents can have devastating effects, impacting the lives of those involved and their families. In this blog, we will delve into the causes of trucking accidents in Georgia, their impact, and measures to prevent them.
Causes of Trucking Accidents
1. Driver Fatigue: Long hours on the road can lead to drowsy driving, impairing a driver's ability to react to changing road conditions.
2. Distracted Driving: Distractions from mobile phones, GPS devices, or eating while driving can significantly increase the risk of accidents.
3. Poor Vehicle Maintenance: Neglected maintenance of trucks can lead to brake failures, tire blowouts, and other mechanical malfunctions, increasing the likelihood of accidents.
4. Adverse Weather Conditions: Georgia's varied weather conditions, from heavy rain to dense fog, can reduce visibility and make roads slippery, contributing to accidents involving trucks.
Impact of Trucking Accidents
1. Physical Injuries and Fatalities: Due to the sheer size and weight of commercial trucks, accidents often result in severe injuries and fatalities.
2. Property Damage: Accidents involving trucks can lead to significant damage to other vehicles, infrastructure, and cargo, resulting in substantial financial losses.
3. Psychological Trauma: Survivors of trucking accidents may experience long-term psychological trauma, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
If you or your loved one has been involved in a truck accident in Georgia, it is important to seek the help of an experienced truck accident lawyer. The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk is a team of skilled attorneys who are committed to helping truck accident victims recover the compensation you deserve.
Our team of lawyers is dedicated to providing personalized attention to every client and ensuring that you legal rights are protected. If you are looking for a reliable and experienced Truck accident lawyer in Georgia, visit the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk website.
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Personal Injury Lawyers in Savannah: Seeking Justice for the Injured
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Personal injury refers to any harm or injury caused to an individual due to the negligence or misconduct of another party. In Savannah, personal injury lawyers are available to assist individuals who have suffered injuries in various situations.
What Constitutes Personal Injury?
Car accidents are a common cause of personal injury, often resulting from reckless driving or negligence on the part of another driver. Personal injury lawyers can help victims seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Medical malpractice claims arise when healthcare professionals fail to provide the standard of care expected, leading to injury or illness. Personal injury lawyers specializing in medical malpractice can guide victims through the complex legal process and fight for their rights.
Slip and fall accidents occur when someone is injured on another person's property due to hazardous conditions. Personal injury lawyers can evaluate the circumstances, gather evidence and pursue a claim against the responsible party.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury or illness due to someone else's negligence, it is crucial to consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer in Savannah. Contact the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk to discuss your claim and determine the best course of action.
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Top-Rated Car Accident Lawyer in Georgia
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Car accidents can be a traumatic and life-changing event. After a car accident, it is common to experience physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens.
If you were involved in a car accident in Georgia, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. It's essential to consult a car accident lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and help you get the compensation you deserve.
The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk is a reputable law firm in Georgia that provides honest legal advice and representation for auto accidents. Our team of experienced lawyers understands the complexities of car accident cases and can help you navigate through the legal system. We will work diligently to help you recover damages for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages you may have incurred.
If you're looking for a reliable car accident lawyer in Georgia, contact The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk today. You can visit our website to learn more about our services and how they can help you.
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Top-Rated Car accident injury attorneys in Georgia
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Car Accident Attorneys are legal professionals who specialize in handling cases related to car accidents. We provide legal advice and representation to individuals who have been involved in car accidents due to someone else's negligence.
If you need Car accident injury attorneys in Georgia, the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk offer discounts for military, medical personnel, and first responders. We have a team of experienced lawyers who specialize in personal injury cases, including car accidents. We provide honest legal advice, transparent communication, and personalized attention to our clients. The Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk have a track record of successful cases and can help you seek compensation for medical expenses, work losses, wrongful death, and property damage. Contact them for a free consultation and to discuss your case.
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When facing a DUI charge in Georgia, the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk are here to provide expert legal guidance and aggressive defense strategies. Our experienced DUI defense attorneys understand the gravity of your situation and are dedicated to protecting your rights and preserving your freedom. With a deep understanding of Georgia's DUI laws, we meticulously analyze the details of your case to build a strong defense. As a trusted name in the DUI defense Team Savannah at the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk works tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients. Contact us today for a confidential consultation and let our skilled attorneys fight for you.
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Auto Accident Attorneys Georgia- Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk.
If you need top-notch representation for auto accident cases in Georgia, turn to the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk. Our skilled auto accident attorneys are dedicated to fighting for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve. With our extensive knowledge and track record of success, you can trust us to handle your case with expertise and compassion. Contact the Law Offices of Harold J. Cronk today for a consultation and let us guide you through the legal process. Your recovery is our priority.
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