#drat! a helmlord story
writing-for-life · 2 months
Sandman Fics and Poems
The list gets updated regularly, and I love your comments and thoughts (no, it’s not weird to interact, it’s what fandom is about)…
The Self-Love, Sex and Pursuit of the Helm Novels: A Tragicomedy in Three Movements (Ao3) (crack fic in progress, ~2,200/app. 8,000 words, Morpheus/The Helm)
The Light of Stars Tumblr Master Post or straight to Ao3 (completed long fic, ~ 75,000 words, Morpheus/OFC)
Snow Globes and Whisky (one-shot for Christmas, links in with “The Light of Stars”) (Ao3) (completed, ~2,500 words, Morpheus/OFC)
As It Was Before The Otherness Came (one-shot for Sandman Femslash Weekend) (Ao3) or Tumblr (completed, ~3,700 words, Johanna Constantine/Rachel Moodie)
Ode to Death and Requiem (poems for Death Appreciation Week)
Sandtober/Inktober 2023 Haikus (Ao3) or Tumblr (completed)
Incandescent Light (the prompt poem that somewhat sparked The Light of Stars)
Plus, check out the ongoing Dream’s Therapist—a satirical tragicomedy straight from the therapist’s couch…
To avoid disappointment: I don't write for the big ships because
a) I am generally not a shipper and
b) they tend to be m/m, and as a bi woman, my main interest is writing m/f and f/f. It is important to me to write female protagonists, and I prefer to write from a female point of view—her feelings/wants/desires and sexuality without the detour of projecting them onto a man.
Apart from that, I love myself a good crack fic and rare pairs, and you will definitely find those. I only started writing fanfic in 2022, and I spent most of that time writing a longfic called "The Light of Stars". I am fairly proud I saw it through, and the sequel is in the making (apparently, people liked it: Can I just say how excited and grateful I was when someone gifted me the Literary Badge? Thank you, you know who you are 🥹).
TLoS is a Morpheus x OFC fic, but it is not a self-insert or Y/N-fic. I am fairly prickly about that distinction because fandom's tendency to throw them into the same pot regularly drives me up the wall. I write OCs professionally (albeit in a language other than English), so the assumption that they are all straightforward self-inserts always seemed fairly odd to me…
I also love writing short-form poetry—you might find the odd one here, too.
Link to full pinned post with all my stuff
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writing-for-life · 3 months
The Self-Love, Sex, and Pursuit of the Helm Novels: A Tragicomedy in Three Movements
Part 1~~By the Sea, I Mean in the Dreaming: A Comedy Prelude, where crack ships find their way into Dream’s Library, and absolutely everyone is left stranded.
People, I’ve done it, and I’m scared. This… erm… short trilogy has been sitting in my drafts for ages, and the unhinged Muhulhu post has finally kicked my arse into editing part 1. So here it is without further ado: fourth-wall-breaking madness, secrets about Merv and Matthew you never wanted to know, and the unholy beginning of that relationship (titles inspired by “The Love, Sex, and Pursuit of Happiness Novels” by Steven Paul Leiva).
Here’s a little excerpt, link to full story on Ao3.
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And next when it’s edited: Part 2~~Bully For You (Is it sarcastic, or an expression of praise, or something else entirely? Who will ever know…): An Unhinged Interlude, where the Lord of Dreams loses his bearings (no, not those ones), and even Desire needs a stiff drink.
I am tagging the Muhulhu inception crew, but I will need to start with the founding members of the cult: @so-i-grudgingly-joined-this-site for indulging my silly ask that kicked this whole thing off, @marlowe-zara who also gave us her deep psychological insight from the get-go and @roguelov who created the first bit of fanart for this monster (and said fanart gets hinted at in the fic—Murphy is desperately trying to figure out which way up to hold that thing to make sense of it. He is a bit slow sometimes).
Further honourable mentions: @tickldpnk8 (whom we have to thank for the HelmLord) , @ginoeh , @rriavian , @4typercent , @windsweptinred , @throwingbread , @tryan-a-bex (for the best drabble ever—now you’ll understand what I wrote about the similar premise, and Lucienne indeed needs a raise 🤣), @zzoomacroom
I also dare to tag @safeuphigh because you know my more serious stuff, and this is definitely not that, and a writer who takes herself too seriously is not a serious writer. Or something like that 🤣
And @rey-jake-therapist because you always get tagged, and just because I can 😜
New weirdos and Muhulhu enjoyers are warmly welcome in our midst!
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writing-for-life · 16 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗 (i don't know if you do these sorts of chain-letter things, or if you'd prefer not to, but for my part i do like to know which of their works a given author is especially hype on, so consider this an opportunity to gush!)
I was sweating for a moment there because I thought, “I’ve written all my life and even published, but I don’t have 5 fanfics, shit!”
And then I noticed… well, with a little bit of goodwill, I do. So thanks so much for asking, @stellerssong , and here comes the gushing:
The no. 1 has to be “The Light of Stars”.
I completed most of it during NaNoWriMo 2022 for a bit of fun and respite from other projects—and then did nothing with it. Until I thought, “Fuck it,” and started publishing it chapter by chapter, editing and tidying it up along the way.
It is a long fic, and I know that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m honestly proud of it. I put a lot of thought into characterisation and plot, keeping everyone in character (as much as aimed-for character development allowed, so certain OOC moments had to happen) and crafting an OC that works for what I was setting out to do. So much so that many people asked for a sequel, which I’m still in the process of writing (I completed the concept again last NaNoWriMo and wrote over 40,000 words back then, but progress has been slow since because… life).
I don’t want to give too much away here, but while it’s romance and there *is* more than enough sex (I write steamy romance professionally, albeit in my other language), this is really not what this one is mainly about. So it’s not one for people who look for thinly-disguised chapter-porn and super-explicit descriptions. It’s a novel with a fully developed arc, and it deals with topics like friendship, loss and grief. Someone told me though that it felt hopeful and they didn’t struggle with the broaching of those topics like in some other works, and that was probably the most wonderful thing anyone could ever have said to me.
I’ll choose “Snow Globes and Whisky” as my second, but only because it is a Christmas gift-type one-shot with the same characters.
You can, in theory, read it without knowing TLoS, but it just wouldn’t make sense. It’s just Christmas fluff, not incredibly deep (despite picking up on the friendship and loss-theme again), it was fun to write and to get Dream a little bit drunk (just because he was intrigued and allowed it of course 🤣).
Then there are Rachel and Johanna.
They have such a special place in my heart. I always wanted to tell their story because we never got it in the show—so I did. And as a bisexual woman, I am also Jo’s biggest stan. I desperately want her to be the Sandman-character who does away with bi-erasure once and for all (because if the onscreen love interest is female, everyone cheers, but bi m/f relationships never count in fandom because they’re “heteronormative”. Newsflash: We’re not “50% straight, 50% gay”. We have nuance and deep inner lives and different preferences that make up very personal identities, and we’re not some token queer representation that stops to exist once we’re in straight-passing relationships). We’ve seen her date a woman and she has tons of chemistry with Dream too—I want them to have the messiest affair ever and somehow have her take Thessaly’s place. But better. Because she’d protect Lyta for all the RIGHT reasons. There, I said it, and I’m not sorry. Anyway, that’s not what “As it Was Before the Otherness Came” is about. It’s sad and heartbreaking and canon-compliant. It just fills in the gaps. And again, I’m super-proud that someone in the comments said to tell Gaiman about it (we all know that’s not a thing for fanfic) because they thought it was so in character and well-written. Yes, I’m shamelessly blowing my own trumpet because you asked me to 🤣
Then there are my Inktober Haikus.
I still intend to turn them into a bound book with accompanying art one day (the latter is where it all falls down really because although I could, it would take me 1,000 years to create all the art myself). 31 poems, some more inspired than others, but they were a great creativity exercise, and I honestly love them for what they are.
And last but not least, from the serious to the totally unhinged: Muhulhu. Murphy and his Cool Hat. The crack ship of all crack ships, aka:
I set out to write a trilogy, the first part “By The Sea, I Mean In The Dreaming: A Comedy Prelude” is published, the second and third are currently in a vegetative state because I just can’t find the time to write and/or edit. And if I do, I prefer writing the TLoS sequel. Or metas. Or running silly fandom events 🤣 I’d love to write more fanfic, but between a full time job (or rather: three jobs that make up one) and a family, I just stare in awe at the people on here who produce constant output, because I honestly can’t. But I will get back to it eventually because that one is just sheer unhinged fun.
Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to flog my goods!
@stellerssong ask answered
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