#dragon ball episode 10 episode card: the dragon balls are stolen
early db is soo underrated like you have kid goku being an absolute menace bulma gives a pig a permanent laxative then later gets turned into a carrot. a blue creature of indeterminable species keeps ordering around a dog in a ninja costume and a hot chick he found from a damn spy ad in the newspaper and goku straight up strands some motherfuckers on the moon until the end of time. Goofy as hell
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iraniq · 4 years
Birthdays be like...
# Thomas Andrew Felton:
/the scene happens in England/
- you woke up early to prepare breakfast
- barely slept the night from excitement
- half way through someome kissed your ear
- "woke up 2h ago to walk Willow, saw all, but thanks for trying"
- "go away, it's a surprise"
- "let me help in then, love!"
- "you can't help in your birthday surprise"
- "watch me"
- ends up helping in his birthday surprise.
- you singing 'ophelia'song to him, incapable to replace it with Tom and still spunds good
- he made thousand videos and pics of you stumbling with the song
- no pancake hit the floor!
- still officially forbidden of giving Willow secret not dog food
- talking about Willow, she came fast when she heard voices
- ending up making dog friendly pancake
- flipping it right on her face /was already cooled/
- Tom got it all on video
- "look now, oh hi Willow, catch"
- "did you just flipped the pancake to fall on her face?"
- before you can say yes, there was no physical memory of the pancake
- watching cartoons on the couch
- "looks like someone is sleepy"
- "nooooo"
- "well if you hadn't stayed till 2 in the morning last night..."
- "was excited for your birthday"
- "and you said it like thousand times"
- "i am excited for birthdays, and yours is a special one"
- forhead kissed
- he muttes something that endes with 'love', but tight hugs and stroking hair, is one way ticket to dreamland
- bonus: Willow is a warm pillow on your lap
- afternoon long walks
- laughter
- singing on the streets
- silly pics
- pillow fight at home
- Willow stole yet another one
- "Willow's pillow fortress is getying bigger"
- "because you can't say no to your child, and instead taking them from her, you keep on buying new ones"
- fancy, low key filthy sexy looking dress for dinner
- a comedy movie no one watched...
- ... because pillow war revange
- and somewome had to keep an eye on popcorn
- food thief detected
- sloberly kisses and yet another pillow missing
- "just jump in the pool with the dress, love"
- drying hairs in the midle of the night
- matching pajamas
- Willow at board
- "your child just stole my sock"
- "she is your child now too..." - halj asleep deep british voice
- "ok, then, our child, just stole my sock"
- more forhead kissed and love mumbles
- snuggles
- "will meet you im dreamland"
# Erich Blunt:
*Ok we have all seen the tik tok - "take your clothes off" and how the girl spits her drink, and we all reacted like that*
- after midnifgt visit at the big house
- you have a special 'multipass' key card
- wake him up at 12:02 with *coughs* love
- everywhere
- i mean everywhere
- possible
- in the house
- then maybe at 5 o'clock in the company
- the boss chair, that's unfortunately a super normal one, because he refused to have fancy cabibet
- in the virtual relity room
- junk food at the sunrise on a super random place
- naps in the big, too fancy for naps, bed
- mid afternoon flight to a dessert rave party
- yes... plain checked
- matching outfits at the party
- the looks he gives you
- yes... at some random spots in the crowd
- his poker face is out of this world
- stargazing and hand holding
- tents at feativals are not soun proof...
- both umable to human the next day, dozzing off in the plane
# Julian Albert Desmond:
- a workoholic, scientist, perfectionist... with a metahuman bad experience inside his head... He could tell by the air in the room, something was off...
- a surprise was way beyond imaginable
- imagine everybody's faces when you casualy dropped at the station, introducing yourself
- "she is a spy" - Cisco said
- "Julian mentioned he had a girldriend...but i thought it was just for the excuse" - Barry said
- "nope, alive and in the flesh"
- you announced his upcoming birthday in a week and asked for help
- they were all instantly in
- same day, Barry got 'late'
- the captain gave them a case in the far abandoned aide of town, Caitlin was in the car with him, non stop talking, how Ciaco and HR are unbarable. Iris and Barry...
- he wasn't paying attention at this point
- the building looked suapicious
- they entered, only to see the whole Team Flash, including Dr. Wells and Jessie, holding a cake, with this so familiar red sugar you have been buying lately
- he knew your surprise will pop up eventually
- you knew he was late after work, no more metahumans hate, but you nevwr poked the subject
- "no one told her" - Barry reasured
- "she is overworking today, and instructed us, quoting 'get his ass the cake, or i will end you!', she is scary for a librarian" - Iris noted
- "she certanly is"
- all laugh
- "candles blowing in abandoned and possibly dangeroys area, great"
- all laughing again
- *insert Julian's sarcastic remarcs*
- "people skills, Julian"
- A fot Ain't even trying at this point
- afterwork party at the park
- Julian being soft
- Caitlin being low key jealous
- romantic dances under the stars
- you wearing a long mid transparent nightgown and his "explorer hat"
- *insert adult content here*
# Logan Maine:
*AU where they woke up the passangers a week before artiving at Thea, notjing hit the ship*
/haven't yet finished the tv series, so some info might not be true/
- after Mia, Logan didn't plan on having friends, or being close to someone
- not that he planned to befrend Mia...
- aftee several days of you being sweet carring and maybe a bit rude, and an epileptic episode later, he was tolerating you
- maybe more than toleraring, but he wasn't gonna admit it
- he was astonishing cook to start with
- you tried making cake, when you found out
- failed!
- but the unhealthy ammount of chocolate syrop on it, fixed it
- him dipping fries in the chocilate...
- *Logan what?!*
- walking around the 'garden'
- him pushing you towards the spraying water
- trying to name the plants only to end up with: "if it's not weed..." - he laughed
- "you are failing at being horrible"
- "trying to be, but that smile of yours isn't helping"
- marker writing on the station windows, connecting stars in odd shapes
- sneaking on others
- "is Baum a perv, or just a perv"
- "Shun and Lana are totally a thing"
- low key stealing extra pills for his epilepsy
- who'll suspect the cool sweet kid's teacher
- stealing food from your supervisor's cabim, after you went asking her, what Logan liked, so you can make a romantic dinner
- she didn't gave you much info, but the odd plastic half liquid sweets you stole definwtly tasted good
- "the A woman stealing? Your crush on me is ruining your good name"
- "maybe i am tired of a good name"
- "don't tell me you go to another planet to be a criminal"
- "lools like i might have the best teacher"
- "only om small crimes, like stealing a pretty girl's heart"
- his odd winks
- that smirk
- kisses in the dark
- he "found" some extra blankets
- 2 burritos on a way after midnight open space gazing
- Shun may have cought you drawing the odd funny shapes, but told no one - you were holding hands, giggling drawing one ovee another, was way too cute to tell on
# Draco Lucius Malfoy:
/Around 6th-ish year maybe.../
- how you pick a present for someone who has everything, literally everuthing
- bargins with Pansy for info
- Theo gives it all free
- Blaize asked for unknown favor
- no one actually gave you smth to work with
- Draco was bitter
- even the good fight with Potter didn't lift his spirit
- nor the -10 points
- you even owled Narcisaa, but nothing
- difficult problems require simple solution
- his favourire clothes of yours
- your Gucci pefulme on his scarf
- this beyond ordenary way you bite off from his green apple
- the thing with the shy eyes and devil smile you love pulling on him
- touching his hair
- scratching his hands with your long nails gives him the good chills
- changing in that gorgeous emerald green dress he bought you for the Christmas ball
- pinky hand holding
- getting cold, so he can give you his coat
- him and his long coat
- messy pearl hair
- stolen kissed under his tree
- brushing your nose in his cheek
- teasing each other
- in your own bubble in aftwenoon class
- again -10 points... each
- professor Lupin felt the pain of ceperating the lovely sight you were, so he can continue his lesson
- party at the boy's bedroom
- eating the cake his mom send you, instead of dinner
- whole friends group having pure childish fun, sharing silly stories
- levitating around in pretend swim manner
- cake
- *coughs* wine *cougs*
- late night walk to the astronomy tower
- him showing you the stars
- the Dragon again, because you can never place it right
- him knowing you pretend not to know, so he can have an excuse to give you silly shoulder kisses
- you tip toeing to reach him
- passionate kisses under the stars
@diyunho @lovermrjokerr @darthjokerisyourfather @littlebeautifly
Whoever enjoys it as well 😛
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princettegil · 5 years
How A Stolen Book Changed My Life
(Also known as "Dragon Knights Saved My Life") It started on a day somewhere between late 2006 and very early 2007. I was 16 and in high school and convinced my parents to stop by the library in town instead of the one nearest my house. I was looking for some manga and I knew they had some. It was a paltry little offering, just a handful of volumes in a short shelf. A few random Yugioh volumes, some Dragon Ball Z, a few stray volumes of Naruto. Nothing caught my eye in particular so I decided to just pick at random. I grabbed a volume of Yugioh, another of some shoujo dream something or other and 2 volumes of a manga called Dragon Knights, volumes 22 and 23 respectively, the only ones they had. I recall flipping through the pages trying to determine which held more interest as I sat in the car while my family went into Walmart to do a little shopping. I don't recall much about the shoujo dream manga except that it had 'dream’ somewhere in the title and the Yugioh volume was just something to flip through to compare to the anime I had already seen. I had high hopes for that shoujo manga but it sadly disappointed (didn't help that it was volume 2 and I'd never even read volume 1.) So I read through character profiles and 'the story thus far’ in the Dragon Knights manga, having a hard time fitting faces from the older volumes artwork in the profiles with the newer style artwork in the books I had. It was going to be a 26 volume series and I had borrowed volumes 22 and 23 having never heard of nor read the earlier books. I was at a loss to the storyline even with the summary in the front of the book, none of the “main” characters seemed to be around much in these 2 books. But one caught my eye, a character named Gil. As it turns out I just happened upon 2 of the 4 books of the entire 26 volume series that focuses on this character! And I had no idea how that happenstance would change my life. Needless to say I fell in love with this character. I began to draw him, make up stories in my head with him, want to know more about him (ahh the trouble of loving a side character in a little known series!), read fanfiction about him. I wound up finding every Dragon Knights related website and forum I could searching for more information. I was obsessed. I tried my best to get my hands on the other volumes he featured in first before eventually trying to collect the entire series. I fell fast and I fell hard. This was my new favorite character, my new obsession to draw and trace and print and read and write and search about. I wanted any and everything Gil! But these were library books, they had to be returned in 2 weeks. But… I couldn't give them up now! Not when I had fell in love! There were no bookstores where I lived. My parents didn't have a credit card to order books online. The library was my only connection! I had never stolen anything in my life. I loved libraries! I knew how frustrating it was to want a book that someone borrowed from the library but never returned! But… this felt like fate! This was my soulmate made from ink! And so… I didn't return them. I kept them. Marked out the barcodes with Sharpies to match the book covers. Since I was the one who always checked the mail on my way home, I destroyed every letter from the library about fines so my parents would never know. I stayed nervous that they would still find out somehow though. That they'd be mad that I'd stole and that they'd have to pay hefty fines. Within two years though, another letter from the library arrived. My gut sunk with fear. They were going to get me now and lock me up in library thief jail! But instead the letter mentioned National Library Week and came with an amazing note: in celebration they had decided to forgive my fines. I was free! $50 in fines was something I no longer had to worry about! The books were mine and my parents would owe nothing for them or my sin! But the fire Gil sparked in me rose still, being an artist type this eventually led me to DeviantArt and posting a bit of my art and finding others fanart of my beloved Gil. I went onto a Dragon Knights forum and a Dragon Knights guild on Gaia Online. I was too shy and new to the series to speak up much but I remembered some of the recurring usernames from site to site. Time passed, I graduated, I moved to DC, started art school, wound up broke, lonely, depressed and severely in debt, I moved back to KY, I started community college, I used my tuition grant money to finally get internet at my home. I eventually caved and followed a few of my friends in joining Tumblr. I went there cause my friends had (for the time) abandoned to their Facebook's to congregrate on this new site and because my newest obsession, Magi, had lots of dedicated blogs and information located there. So I joined and then realized one of the recent Dragon Knights 'sites’ I had been following was actually a Tumblr blog! So I quickly followed it as my steadfast Gil obsession had never really lulled. Some more time passed and I graduated college and moved a few hours away to start my first real job. It was then that things went horrifically, wonderfully, horribly, wrong and so, so right! I started having anxiety attacks and a fellow member of the Dragon Knights (and Gil) fandom whose name I remembered over all those years had started messaging me right about the same time. This person's elder sibling had gone through similar things and so they were the first to reach out a helping hand and understanding heart full of advice and comraderie. And they continued to reach out. We became friends. I became friends with a few other Dragon Knights peeps as well. And then I fell in love with this helpful fellow fan. And then things went to hell. I started to become increasingly depressed, having more and more anxiety attacks. I began to self harm for the first time. I constantly planned out my own suicide. Through all of this, my new internet friend was there. Sometimes my episodes were because of him. I was new to the feelings of love and jealousy and obsession (with real people at least) and the hurt that comes with living alone, with not knowing where you fit in the world, with not knowing how you fit in this other person's life and what to do with all these new overwhelming feelings while also trying to find a new job and pay the bills and prove I could do this thing on my own. My emotions were a swirling rollercoaster ride from Hell but somehow, some way, he rode through them with me. He rode through them with cute little drawings of Gil, and fun games to distract me from my pain, comforting words, and plans to meet at a large anime con. We met. I was still in love but he was not. It hurt to be turned down but his presence was something I still loved having in my life. It was something that, through all the emotions and hurt and blood and suicide attempts, was still somehow there. He rode the rollercoaster hell ride with me and was still with me at the ending gates. I wound up moving back home, getting counseling, getting meds, and slowly working on getting back on my feet. I went through a few more jobs shakily. But I learned how to reach out when I needed too. Learned that boundaries were not a thing to be feared. That I was not alone. That there were people who cared about me. That I was not a monster. I went through a lot those few years. My sexuality changed again and again and even my gender changed in the end. (I still credit the friend I made via love of the Dragon Knights series on helping me through all that as well.) And now, here I am. 28 years old. Now identifying as transmale, pan-romantic and somewhere between asexual and demi-sexual ( as far as I know of at this moment.) I still have the occasional anxiety attack. There's still a scampering from the brain raccoons and all that the mischief they bring every now and again (from paranoia to depression and overthinking and dissociation.) But for the most part I've come to realize that I've grown a lot. I've changed a lot. I actually like most of how I am now. I'm happier. I'm more accepting of myself. I'm still hopelessly in love. And… I'm alive. You see, during that year I was on my own I tried to kill myself no less than 3 times and scarred my arms many, many times more than that. But I'm alive still. And through it all the person I thank most of all for that, the person who taught me how to breath, the person who unknowingly stole my heart, the person who showered me with art of our beloved Gil, the person who literally SAVED ME from myself - I met because I stole a couple books from a library over 10 years ago. A lifetime obsession, inspiration for art and stories and character building, a breath of life into discovering myself and who I am, a love that's still as deep now as it began, a friendship I thank the gods for every day, a true lifesaver in ever sense of the word, and even the namesake for my gender transition journey - ALL OF THIS AND MORE because I stole a couple of books from a library when I was a wee nerd.
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