#dragon alec can shift into different sizes for his dragon form
lurafita · 4 months
Dragon shifter Alec?
Alec in his tiny dragon form always jumps into Magnus' clothes hamper after a wash, because he needs to roll around in it to make Magnus' clothes smell like him. It's a dragon thing, okay? You put that eyebrow down!
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Can you write something that dragon Alec has Kleptomania (i don't know if has is the right term.🙃)
He keeps stealing things that he doesn't need.
İn his little dragon form, somehow he stumbles upon Magnus's lair and couldn't help himself but take away something with him. And after that he keeps coming back, drawns to the magic that surrounds the place.
Magnus, notices the missing things and the magic signature that a dragon leaves,after a while. And decides to meet his little intruder.
okay so i loved this prompt so much (i also have another amazing prompt that is about dragon/alec and magnus also can shift. anon requested cat and my go to cat for magnus is a size-changing clouded leopard for the most part).
so i created a verse for the two prompts because i fell in love with the idea of alec carefully stealing from magnus and falling in love with the taste of his magic (which is why thats the name)
which means this fic actually gets tags. i'm trying to start tagging fics with their verse tags. which means naming things lol (i'm terrible at naming things, my least favorite part after posting).
dragon!alec and able to shift into a clouded leopard!magnus
<3 lumine
i hope you enjoy!!!
Magnus isn’t sure what first alerts him to the intruder, but he’s fairly certain it’s when his peony pearls start to disappear. Each pearl is an effort of magic and time and the ones that Magnus helps grow are incredibly valuable.
It means that he is utterly furious at the theft and doubles his wards, seething at the fact that somehow, someone snuck into his own garden above his personal lair.  Magnus shifts as he stalks the boundary of the roof and lets his claws unsheathe and sheath for a moment as he settles himself and then he viciously, furiously rubs himself against every inch of his garden.  When he’s done, his magic and scent are strong, a potent threat to anyone who dares try and trespass again.
For two weeks he thinks he’s won, until he goes to dig up his tulip opal bulbs and finds only actual, organic bulbs instead. Magnus has never had a harvest of less than five opals to a dozen bulbs before, which is unheard of from other cultivators, and it’s with a resurgence of his anger that he turns the bulbs into pulp.
They’re essentially useless now.
They won’t regrow, not after all of the energy they gave to the opals and while it’s not exactly a waste since the opals exist, it is a waste to be deprived of both the gems and the flowers.
It’s with a roiling inferno of anger that he strips down his wards and reconstructs them from the bare bones that he leaves behind, even calling over Ragnor and Cat to help at one point though he doesn’t explain why.
Three days later, the pomegranates that should have been a harvest of magical rubies are gone and the koi pond is void of the diamond drops that are created from the bubbles of the koi.
Magnus is no longer content to be a bystander and so it’s with a feral, primal rage that he begins to cultivate the lilies he’s going to lure in the damned thief.  Magnus is nearly undetectable when shifted and he’ll be unnoticeable as long as he stays where the plants are strongest with his magic.
Five nights he waits on the roof, waiting for the right night and on the night of the full moon, they bloom.
Magnus knows somehow that the thief will come, and he settles into the shadows, his whiskers twitching as he thinks of the various ways, he is going to demolish his prey.  The different ways he is going to make them writhe with agony and scream with pain. Magnus is going to inflict on the intruder magic the likes of which is unheard of by any other living warlocks and — he shudders.  The feel of a delicate, almost cool touch of magic across his wards is like a soothing balm to the heat of his anger and Magnus breathes out a thoughtful gust. 
Magnus’ uninvited guest doesn’t rip or sneak past the wards, they slide through like they are a part of the wards, and the wards welcome them eagerly enough.
It takes a minute for Magnus to work through the live feedback of his wards as he twitches his whiskers, flicking his tail in tempo to call up a breeze that will temporarily scatter the fairy lights up high.
It’s a small, black dragon who lands almost hastily when the lights go up. His wings snap shut, and he dives into a roll, as if afraid to hurt the little globes of light that dance through the breeze around him.  As the wind settles, the fairy lights dim and gently set back to rest on moss and rocks alike. 
Magnus’ magic shares the information found greedily, the wards reacting to his curiosity.
Magnus’ dragon is a gorgeous thing and just when Magnus is cursing, wishing for a better look, the moonlight shifts.  At the same time, there is a clatter and Magnus’ little dragon freezes, caught in the moonbeam as his tail stays where it is, curved through the air as he waits for the pot it knocked into to settle back into place.  As soon as the pot is safe, Magnus’ dragon gives a little huff and then shrinks his form even more, condensing to the size of rather large and less soft Maine Coone.
Magnus suddenly understands how his daring little thief got into the roof, as warding against dragons is nearly impossibly until after you’ve met the specific dragon you’re trying to protect against. Not to mention that Magnus hasn’t thought to try to ward any of his more modern lairs from dragons in almost two centuries and he’s delighted at his mistake since it’s earned him an exquisite little treat.
His dragon walks around, sniffing the various flowers and trilling over certain ones, sometimes nipping the buds of flowers and swallowing them down with happy shifting of his scales and the spines on his spine. There’s a moment of clear indecision as he looks longingly to the little brook where the trap is set and then he nose dives into the pond. Magnus had only checked the bubbles and he mentally counts all of his koi. 
It takes only a moment of reaching out to brush against their magical signatures to realize that while he isn’t shy about stealing flowers and magical artifacts of great craft and expense, Magnus’ little intruder is much more polite with the koi.  Magnus is almost impatient with how little he gets to see his dragon now that he’s fully submerged.  It’s nearly two, painfully long hours later that he finally emerges.  He’s glistening in the moonlight and Magnus’ fairy lights have turned on for the night, floating through the sky and showing off how sharp and gleaming his scales and horns are. 
The dragon goes straight to the brook where Magnus has been cultivating his trap. 
Moonlily tears would be irresistible to any thief but considering that half of the reason he keeps coming back is clearly because of Magnus’ magic, Magnus dragon won’t be able to stop himself. The tears are formed in the heart of moonlight lilies and can only be harvested on full moons. The reason for their rarity is that they are created from the condensed magic of a warlock or seelie. The amount of control it takes to materialize a physical manifestation of your magic and then condense it to clarity is difficult to learn and Magnus knows his boy will go straight for them.
They’re rare enough that Magnus has even smacked Ragnor and Cat’s sticky fingers away from his moonlily tears, but he just sits back.  He could spring the trap at any moment, but he delights in watching as tiny, undoubtedly deadly claws try to pry open the large flowers.  His dragon is being so delicate, trying not to damage the actual lilies which are magical treasures themselves. Magnus has to hold back a purr and pushes down the urge to rip the flower apart in order to offer the tears quick. 
When his thief finally succeeds, it’s to lick inside the flower with a chiming sound as the tears slide down his throat. He seems blissed out the moment he’s done, licking his lips and ignoring the rest of the flowers to topple over.  He’s intoxicated by Magnus’ magic and he’s enjoying it, basking in the moonbeams and the trickling of cool water over his scales as he tries to curl up in the small burble of water.
Magnus chuffs, low and nearly inaudible but no longer able to contain himself. 
Apparently, his little dragon has a taste for Magnus’ magic and has been raiding Magnus’ garden consistently in the hopes of finding more. Becoming entranced with the taste and energy of Magnus’ magic is a delightful little compliment and Magnus suddenly has the urge to make even more enticing gems to lure his find in if the first trap doesn’t work.
After all, why bother creating priceless treasures for potions when you can use them to lure a dragon.
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I am IN LOVE with dragon Alec and snow leopard Magnus 🙈 They are so cuddly and so cute and adorable. I’d love to please see kinda jealous Alec when he meets Chairman….or maybe Alec realising his feelings for Magnus? (sexual or not, I think I saw he was demi somewhere?). Thank you! This mini fic is such a treat <3
i'm glad you love it so much! i also am loving writing it so i'm happy to write more! i love all my verses, mind you, but there is just something about character who can shift into animals that i just love. i also love predator/prey vibes as well so they tie in well together.
also i love exploring the difference in instincts etc.
(i write demi-alec into pretty much anything. it's actually the walls of adoration, claws of desperation. i mentioned he's 'super-demi' in that verse (kind of like i'm always ace but sometimes i'm super-ace - @saeths says this makes sense and agrees that this happens w/me frequently).
but yeah it's probably going to take Magnus to make a move because Alec is like just going to follow his lead and will probably wake up naked and curled up with Magnus at some point - and this will have been happening for weeks at this point - and realize he's incredibly sexually interested in Magnus. before that, he just wanted to have sex cause he enjoyed the intimacy of it and adores Magnus and thinks he's beautiful and likes being as close to him as possible and he also loves being able to help magnus feel good.
Magnus before Alec realizes he's sexually attracted to magnus: sleeping with alexander is amazing
magnus after alec realizes he's sexually attracted to magnus: sleeping with alexander is amazing but neither of us are going to be able to keep this pace
... yeah i started rambling again. oops. (saeth teases me because i wrote 'just one more sentence in one of my ask answers' and then proceeded to write paragraphs more)
but anyways, i hope you enjoy
<3 lumine
ps - ask your ace friends if they know if love game by lady gaga is a sex song. if they say no??? wdym??? they're super ace. -@saeths
It’s the screaming the alerts Magnus to a problem.
Well, the yowling really.
He looks up from his book and over to see if whatever cat fight on his balcony is happening has upset Alexander, except his boy is no longer there.
Magnus snaps the book shut with a scowl, because he’s Magnus Fucking Bane and yet he can’t even corral his own fucking dragon long enough to read a chapter.
If Alexander has once again slipped away to the roof, Magnus will be tempted to destroy the damn thing. Or, more likely, turn his entire loft into a garden so that Alexander won’t ever need to leave wherever Magnus is.
Before he can hunt down his dragon however, he has to deal with the still screaming cats.
Or at least, that is the plan until there is a sudden roar, the kind that makes even Magnus’ spine tingle with the promise of a powerful predator.
Magnus waits for a moment and then he sighs, pinching his nose before he walks around the balcony to the other side, where the cats are.
Or… where the cats should be.
Alexander is sitting, looking smug and caracal sized as he preens, watching the alley below.  Magnus steps close and looks over, staring at the ten or so cats fleeing his building.
“Was that really necessary?” Magnus asks, intending it to be a tease and he’s given an affronted, irritated scowl. It’s adorable on Alexander in such a small form but Magnus winces mentally, because apparently it was necessary.
Alexander doesn’t normally look at him so seriously.
“They were encroaching.” Alexander bites out, shifting to human form, his scowl looking even more like a pout as he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the railing. “Trespassing.”
Magnus would love to point out that Alexander was also originally a trespasser, but since he’s still trying to slowly figure out how to keep Alexander close, he chooses not to.
“They’re stray cats, treasure.” Magnus murmurs, because he’s noticed that Alexander enjoys specific terms of endearment.
Things that reference power, riches, hoards… all the things’ dragons adore.
“They’re vermin.” Alexander sulks, giving Magnus a petulant look, “they’ve been shedding all over you.”
Magnus pauses as he suddenly has a better understanding of the problem and it sends a thrill through him, at the idea that Alexander is jealous of all things.
“You’re absolutely correct,” Magnus snaps his fingers as he speaks, ignoring Alexander’s suddenly skeptical glower. “Absolute vermin, pests.” And then, because he knows exactly how to distract him, he adds, “do you know, darling? I think they might not be here for the milk, perhaps they’re actually after the koi.”
Alexander — who is incredibly protective of the magical fish who provide him snacks — turns back, glaring at the now empty alley below and he’s hissing.
Magnus wasn’t aware the human body was capable of making noises like that and he reminds himself to brew some good tea with honey.
“At least you’d never harm my koi,” Magnus teases, because he adores his little trespassing dragon. Alexander barely hears him, too focused on the street below. Magnus watches him for a minute and then sighs, reaching out to rest a hand on his shoulder. “Come treasure, back inside.”
Alexander doesn’t turn, even though the soothing tone Magnus uses normally works to coax him. He shakes his head, still glaring with slightly glowing eyes at the street below.
“Alexander—” Magnus purrs as he presses a little closer, pressing the warmth of his body against his boy, “the fire is on. Come with me.”
“I’m staying here, to make sure whatever you did works.” Alexander looks stubbornly apologetic, and Magnus doesn’t even let the doubt bother him, too shocked to care.
“You are not staying out here all night, watching to make sure the cats don’t come back.”
“They’re after the koi, Magnus.” Alexander looks as if he’s ready to turn back into dragon form and go hunt them down and Magnus reminds himself — once again — to never underestimate a dragon’s devotion to their snacks.
“Alexander, they’re not going to come back. I fixed the tear that let them in.” Magnus doesn’t realize he’s said something wrong until Alexander turns, looking absolutely shocked.
“You were purposefully letting them in?” Alexander seems almost betrayed and a little horrified and he’s giving Magnus a look that Magnus isn’t sure he likes.
“You left a hole in your home, in your lairs defenses, on purpose?”
Magnus swallows because he’s very aware right now that Alexander is judging him and it’s not a feeling he finds he enjoys.  Normally, the judgment of others slides off of his back, but he finds he feels rather helpless in this moment. Magnus is powerful enough that he doesn’t have to worry about such a little thing, but Alexander is looking at him with something that borders on mistrust.
It’s with a sinking feeling that Magnus remembers how ardently and viciously dragons protect their hoards. To have such an opening, purposefully no less, in the heart of Magnus’ lair must seem like the worst kind of incompetence.
Alec is fuming and not only because the little vermin stealing into his hoard’s home have been leaving their disgusting scent about.
Magnus is clearly unaware of how amazing and valuable he is. 
If he had any idea, he wouldn’t leave any possible way into his lair, especially not purposefully.
It’s one thing for Alec to slip past Magnus’ amazing, beautiful and intricate wards — he’s traipsed through Idris enough times to bask in Lake Lynn to be assured that he’s never met a ward he can’t cross — but for vermin?
Magnus is leaving himself open to all sorts of danger and he doesn’t even seem to realize it.
You don’t leave treasures up to chance. You protect them, viciously, devotedly, obsessively.
You give your treasures all of yourself to hoard them and you leave nothing to fate.
Alec has seen how well guarded the things Magnus values are.
Out of all the treasures in his house, the one most in danger from such a flaw would be Magnus himself.  Which means that Magnus doesn’t value himself the way Alec knows he deserves and should be.
It’s almost heartbreaking and Alec can’t help the soft croon that leaves his throat.
How is he ever going to be able to let Magnus leave his side, when he can’t trust Magnus to protect himself above all else.
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