#drafts i save for a year or more until i'm good just purging them out into the universe in general :P
mittensmorgul · 6 years
Sometimes when I seestatements like "the GA has to see it too before it can acutally happen" regarding Destiel, I have to think of other shows where I'm like: wtf why are they kissing? 2 episodes ago these characters barely spoke to each other&now u want to convince me they're in love just bc they're a boy&a girl. I don't know if u watch Riverdale but that's mostly where this is coming from for me. and if it's trauma that's bringing people toghether, dean/cas have plenty of that. ur the best btw
Hi there, and first off, thanks! I do try… but here we go…
I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. The writers aren’t engineering their story to grab the collective hands of some nebulous portion of the audience who doesn’t sincerely care about the show enough to follow the character development, plot, etc. and is incapable of understanding and interpreting and engaging with what they’re watching and dumb down their own story to give some sort of remedial tutorial to what they’ve been writing for years.
Dabb has said this. He’s going to write the story as he sees it. Period.
Now, I haven’t watched Riverdale, so I have zero idea what’s going on there, or how it relates to Supernatural, so I can’t really offer any insight on that one. But the “He’s a boy, she’s a girl, of course it’s true love!” thing is so common and laughable… it’s just everywhere. One lingering glance, a raised eyebrow or a smile… they share a pencil… 
If destiel went canon the next time the two of these morons see one another face to face… like imagine if their reunion scene were the perfect fanfic ideal of Dean scooping up Cas into a clenching embrace, weeping with joy because Cas came back to him, that he’s alive it’s a miracle don’t you ever do that again… because I love you Cas, and I want you to stay with me, and I don’t care about anything else as long as you’re here with me… honestly? At this point? If ANYONE said that was out of the blue or uncalled for or inexplicable or the like, they just haven’t been paying attention for the last 10 years.
Or they’re homophobic (or biphobic).
I could hear shouts of BUT DEAN’S STRAIGHT WTF?! And that has zero to do with what is actually going on in the narrative and EVERYTHING to do with the person who has steadfastly refused to engage with the narrative.
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