#draco malfoy onesho
imagines-dreams · 6 years
Anything - Draco Malfoy Drabble
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: uhhh this happens during the final battle, so mentions of stress loss of hope, scars
Summary: Draco and you have been together for years, but Draco’s life was complicated. Adding you to the mix wasn’t easy.
Word Count: 687
Anything is such a vague word. It ranges from one thing to the next, then you realize there’s more that falls into the category so it goes from one thing to that thing and to the next thing you find. Sometimes, the word anything just makes it romantic. “I’d do anything for you,” he had said. Little did you know anything included what he was going to do.
You were standing right next to him, tears streaming down your face. You gripped your wand tightly.
“Harry Potter is dead!”
All hope was gone.
You sobbed and bowed your head as you tried to pull yourself together. He glanced at you. Subtly, Draco let his fingers brush yours.
You bit your tongue and gazed up at him. You wanted to hug him, to hold onto him as your world fell apart beneath your feet. But you didn’t want to make things worse. You knew what he was going to do. He couldn’t hug you or hold you. He had to go.
“And now is the time to declare yourself.”
You shook your head.
Draco glanced at the crowd across the courtyard. His mother was over there, and even she could see that he had chaos behind his eyes. Draco pulled you in for a hug and held you tightly.
You shook your head. It didn’t feel anything like the nightly cuddles by the fireplace or like the hugs before tests. It felt like goodbye. “Don’t do this,” you whispered against his chest. “Please.”
“Come and join us!”
Draco’s hand were shaking as he brushed his hand through your hair. He kissed your head. “I’d do anything for you.” He pulled away and smiled.
Just like that, his arms were by his sides, and the cold blanketed you as if trying to replace his embrace. The cold’s pity didn’t do much for the aching in your chest. You disappeared into the crowd, just like Draco had told you to before.
“Or die!”
And so Draco stepped forward. He glanced at you, tried to smile, and walked across the courtyard to his parents.
You didn’t see it. You just knew. And so you whispered, “I won’t do everything to get back to you.”
The fight went on. Harry was alive, and the world you knew was coming out of hiding. You had fought for your life, for the future Draco and you desperately needed. You defended yourself, saved yourself, and got saved. It was a flurry of spells and lights, much of what you couldn’t remember.
What you do remember was when he came back.
It had been a few months since school had started. You were still at Hogwarts, completing your eighth year. You had lost a few friends. You had gained some. You had scars on your arms and chest, and you were getting better.
During class, a paper bird flew through the window and landed right on your desk. You blinked a few times, and when the professor turned around, you quickly opened the paper.
Library after class?
Once class was out, you zoomed to the library. You knew exactly where he would be. There was a section of the library with outdated books that no one ever looked for. It was a great place for-
He pulled you by the arm and laughed. “Finally.”
You didn’t have a second to breathe before Draco’s lips were one yours and his hands were pressed against your cheeks. You gasped, still getting used to that feeling of heat and passion that you hadn’t felt in a long time. Your body buzzed with precautions. What if his parents found out? What if someone saw the two of you? What if it wasn’t possible?
But, Draco’s constant whining into the kiss reminded you that the consequences were small. There was no Voldemort. There was no war. There was just the two of you. You sighed and kissed him back, your lips moving fluidly against his.
It was a long time before the two of you finally pulled away. Draco stroked your cheek. “I missed you.”
You smiled. “I missed you, too.”
..... I tried to update??? I know. I 'm so sorry about my absence, and I'm trying to do better. Hopefully, this makes someone happy, though!
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