dottyistired · 1 year
welcome to the Murdersex zine, a zine celebrating all things sex and murder. but um. we don't want to romanticize it or anything so don't make your submissions too murdersexy. we will do extensive background checks on all applicants and if we decide a past work of yours has too much sexy murder we'll have to remove you, sorry. we have limits, you know, we want a tasteful gory spread you could put on your coffee table, and having the Wrong people in it would kill the vibe (and we condemn all killing! wholeheartedly!)
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dottyistired · 15 days
i don't think you can criticize aa6's colonialism in good faith if you haven't. played or watched the game yourself
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dottyistired · 1 year
i hesitate to say this is an aa5-aa6 defense blog, as i have plenty of criticisms for them, but i have equal criticisms for aa4, which has become the fandom's golden goose despite its flaws, which irks me. i am a CONSISTENT little hater thank you very much.
the "apollo justice trilogy" is all quite mid. 5-6 may feel worse because a) the complete change in models/ui and b) their overextended length causing the bad parts to drag, compared to aa4 which feels kind of incomplete and leaves people wanting for more.
each game has problems and merits. it's the fandom's #1 hobby to only highlight aa4's merits, and only highlight the 3ds games' problems. i still think they're all worth playing, but 5-6 are so hated that many people don't even give them a chance and then join the hate spree without independently forming that opinion. i don't care for that at all.
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dottyistired · 2 months
i feel so bad when my well meaning irl who touches grass shares an ace attorney fandom tweet and i have to break it to him "yeah that post is funny but that person was awful to me and my friends"
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dottyistired · 8 months
thinking idly about the twisting of consent language re: DNIs. seen so many posts like "ewwww my moot turned out to be a secret proshipper!! yeah they kept it private but they DISRESPECTED MY BOUNDARIES!! i feel so VIOLATED!!"
and realizing it reminds me of being bullied as if i had cooties as a kid. "ew don't touch that, dotty touched that!! don't talk to her!!!"
i wonder how many bullies in schools are using boundary-talk now to justify isolating and excluding people. "omg that freak tried to talk to me. i found out she liked (x thing). soooo traumatizing"
all positive or neutral interactions you had with the person are somehow discolored by the knowledge of the fiction that person consumes or is fine with other people consuming, which they never brought up with you. that's not boundaries. unless that person is being a bigot or a predator, what they do for leisure in private has nothing to do with you, and sure as hell isn't trauma.
i'm not going to make distasteful comparisons to any kind of systematic oppression here, it's definitely nowhere near equivalent. but it makes you a bully and an unpleasant person imo. yes, even if you don't harass people! mass exclusion and social isolation when the person is doing no tangible harm is a form of bullying, more common than straight up insults and violence, which is why so many anti-bullying mesaures in schools fail imo because it's near-impossible to prove and discipline a negative action.
being a jerk is fine with many people, i've found, as long as it isn't outright bigotry. but dressing up your fragile virtue signaling that you're not one of the Bad Gross People as a self-defensive measure will make me roll my eyes everytime. anyone who's been labeled as The Weird Kid knows what you're doing.
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dottyistired · 8 months
lmao the whole "miles is attracted to phoenix partially because he's a bit similar to his dad" drama sparked up again
people who go sooo far to deny the obvious narrative parallels because they can't stand their uwu wholesome ship to be even the tiniest bit weird...get over urselves. or step away from the thrice-divorced emotionally constipated grown man yaoi
people's brains are messy and sometimes the way they imprint on others is influenced by their formative experiences. i definitely know people who have gravitated towards romantic partners with similarities to their family, it is a Thing That Happens (not to everyone, not to most people but It Does To Some). it's kinda gross to realize, you go through a phase of denying it because you don't want that sick fuck freud to have been anywhere near right about anything, but then you grow up and accept it's kinda funny
it doesn't mean people want to fuck their family, edgeworth is not attracted to his dad, you are the freak for thinking that. not us for recognizing the writing Choice to have That Man who saved him do so through the profession of the father he idolized, spouting the same ideals.
a person relies on a parent for protection, then grows up and relies on a lover (or friend/life partner/etc). it's a classic romance narrative, often disproportionately used on female characters even though people of all genders depend on each other equally in a relationship, so it's actually quite refreshing to see a queer version of it with miles' blossoming admiration and love for phoenix! and yeah, it's ripe for a few jokes about his daddy issues bleeding into his relationships. sue me i have a deadbeat dad pass
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dottyistired · 8 months
society if benbaro wasn't predominantly shipped by people who hate bvz + just want to sequester him away from asry + shit on all other ships w him
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dottyistired · 1 year
athena looks so bad when ppl redesign her to put her in pants to be feminist or whatever. the bright yellow becomes overwhelming and it doesn't even make logical sense for her sporty personality. it's much easier to move and run in a flowy skirt and tights than the tight dress pants people draw her in. and the black tights match her black glove
frankly if ur gonna redesign anyone to be in pants instead i'd say mia? the super short skirt and bare legs look is just kinda awkward, her dress and its zipper makes no sense...i'd personally put her in the same corset top she's wearing, a blazer, and some high waisted dress pants, that'd be plenty feminine and stylish
but people think dress/skirt = feminine and pants = masculine and that mia is ultra feminine and athena is way more tomboyish than she is lmao
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dottyistired · 6 months
if your professional art blog has proshippers dni you are not a serious person who is going to get hired
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dottyistired · 1 year
i'm gonna say it. i don't ship narumayo but depending on the context/when in the timeline it's not a big deal, and if you like homumiko but claim nrmy is predatory you are a hypocrite and honestly, probably have some misogyny you should work through.
phoenix and maya met when he was 24 and she was 17, going on 18. mikotoba and sholmes met when they were 26 and 18.
do you think some magic 'adult' switch goes off at 18 and immediately makes someone mature? this is a difference of a few months, and ultimately homumiko's age gap is bigger.
in the end, sholmes is 'allowed' by fandom to mature and make the decision to pursue an older partner, but maya (and many of the other female characters) is forever a child to people despite being a legal adult for all but One of the games, and now being almost 30 years old.
you are allowed to be uncomfortable with whatever ship you like but before you attack others examine your perceptions a little
edit for You People: i literally said above you can hate a ship and like another one for any reason you want and that's fine, just don't harass others. unless you're harassing people, you should not feel attacked by this post. not everything is about you. i saw some randos harassing people and got pissed. jesus fucking christ.
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dottyistired · 2 years
just saw a post that was like "you're not meant to like barok van zieks, he's a criticism of racism, japanese writers would not write an anti-japanese character with the intention of him being a fan favorite"
my dude, you have every right to hate him, criticize his writing, but i must unfortunately inform you he is the second or third most popular dgs character in every japanese poll, only behind kazuma and (sometimes) sholmes, and ahead of the Literal Protagonist
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dottyistired · 2 years
i'm generally a pretty pro-ao3 person (though i think it could be improved in many ways), but people are panicking wayyy too much about tiffany g lmao. yeah the vagueness of her statements is concerning but ppl are trying to deflect all reasonable criticisms of csem on ao3. i'm not talking about fictional characters i'm talking about rpf smut of actual minors. which is a problem and ur kidding urself if it's not.
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dottyistired · 2 years
"aa6 made phoenix an awful dad"
he was always a pretty awful dad but go off
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dottyistired · 2 years
people calling 35 yo phoenix wright middle aged is my villain origin story
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dottyistired · 2 years
ppl who act like aa5 and aa6 ruined the series and have no redeeming qualities are so boring im sorry. they of course of flaws. but i have complicated feelings about aa4 and can still acknowledge the innovations it brought, the iconic characters it introduced, the risks it took. but ppl treat it like a fucking golden calf and pretend any aa game not written by takumi is pure trash and he can do no wrong (turnabout top who?)
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dottyistired · 2 years
i dont like nar/umayo but for some reason the sibling-fication of them in narumitsu fandom also irks me. they are besties. u know besties exist right. it's like only lovers and Literal Family exist to y'all
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