flats-for-sale-kalyan · 4 months
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Learn about the different types of garage doors here!
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largando · 6 years
FILENAME: EMO_OSR_Sewers.ipt Header: Sewers and Cesspits I've long considered a dungeon zone just of sewers for fantasy and post apocalypse. I used to enjoy exploring drains, until a bunch of people died not following the Cave Clan safety code. Here are lists of things found in drains and basic encounters. See also EMO_Hell_Sewers.ipt. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2017/08/sewers-and-cesspits-1.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2017/08/sewers-and-cesspits-2.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2017/08/sewers-and-cesspits-3.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2017/08/sewers-and-cesspits-4-mission-to.html
prompt: Show me: {Stuff Found in Sewers|Sewer Encounters|Sewer Secrets And Surprises|Sewer Hazards|Weird Secret Rooms|Sewer Missions|Tunnel Generator|About Sewers in ShadelPort} Stuff Found in Sewers use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& {inits=='TG'}& {inits=='[@GetInitials with {$prompt1}]'}& {note=='[#{inits} GetNote]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}{note}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: TunnelGenerator {vertical=='Ladder'}& ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}&; table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Tunnel Length[@SectionLength]& Size[@TunnelSize]& Direction[@Direction]& Water Depth[@HowDeep]& [when not]{dry}[do]Water Quality[@WaterQuality][end]& {spCount==0}Side Passages[@SidePassageCount]&
& [when]{1d6}=1[do] [@MakeJunction][end] table: GetNote type: dictionary default: \z TG: Note: "channels" are carved down the middle of the tunnel, made either deliberately or by erosion. Most are as deep as they are wide. When there's no channel, explorers are walking where liquid waste flows. SM: Many of these missions pay poorly and might seem more like charity. table: MakeJunction [when]{1d20}=1[do]At the end of the passage you find:    [@OtherStructuresToOccasionallyAlternateWithJunctions][else]& [@JunctionType]& The passage ends in \a {shape} junction with {tunnels} tunnels (including the one you just emerged from).& [@GetJunctionFeatures]& [when][{jFeat} >> length]>0[do] Junction features:
[end]& [end] table: AboutSewersInShadelPort [#{rep} AboutSewersInShadelPort2] table: AboutSewersInShadelPort2 1:This was written to be underneath my campaign city Shadelport. It is a pirate city today but is built on the ruins of the prehuman Monster Empire's maritime capitol. It was where the great revolt broke out and a succession of human barbarians ruled, then a dynasty of necromancer kings. Finally the world was flooded, separating the main continents. So Shadelport still has large sections of ruins and structures built by prehumans and necromancers.\n\n& The upper levels of the sewer systems are the most modern, built from red brick, mostly circular tube tunnels with liquid waste flowing through the middle. Many are just a trickle in the dry season, but others are larger with canals used for waste and goods transportation. \n\n& The older and deeper areas tend to be trapezoidal or hexagonal with their lower halves filled with waste or muck or water, with walk ways on the sides. There are many deep levels unexplored by humans. The bridges also have many hidden internal spaces and levels going under the harbour and river. Some of these areas have higher air pressure, especially areas accessible through water locks. 1:Notes on sewer inhabitants\n\n& Consider the poor faerie folk of a city thousands of years old, filthy kin of the river and sea gods. Don't forget your best friends beyond the S-bend.\n\n& The upper levels would have more humans, then gobinoids and sewer faerie folk and sewer nymphs, then remains of old monster races then connections to the sewers of hell. This kinda suits my setting, as the city is lawful evil and is often compared to hell. Many consider the immortal baron ruler to possibly be a noble of hell. //strange things to find especially on the deeper levels. Also a table of hazards including architectural and environmental risks. table: TunnelSize Cramped yard wide requires crawling on fours most humans - no channel Tight, five feet wide, require most humans to stoop awkwardly[when]{1d6}=1[do], with a 2-foot wide channel[else] - no channel[end] Ten feet wide, with a {2d4}-foot-wide channel for waste water Twenty feet wide with a 12-foot-wide channel{vertical=='Stairs'} table: HowDeep Dry{dry=='yes'} Trickle of liquid an inch deep Foot deep Two foot deep Yard deep or half deep Channel is full or pipe mostly full table: WaterQuality Mostly clean and drinkable water but tastes nasty Contaminated by human waste, garbage, disease and industrial waste Slimy horrible waste dangerous to touch Thick sludgy slow moving tar like waste table: SectionLength {d6*10} yards {2d6*10} yards {3d6*10} yards {d6*100} yards {2d6*100} yards {3d6*100} yards table: Direction 3:Straight 1:A 45 degree bend to the [|left|right] 1:A 90 degree bend to the [|left|right] 1:Winding passage // Each section may have 1in6 chance of side passage keep rolling d6 till roll 2-6 table: SidePassageCount [when]{1d6}=1[do]{spCount==spCount+1}[@SidePassageCount][else]{spCount}[end] // In between each section is 1in6 chance of a junction // Each section or junction may have // 1in6 chance if ladder going up or stairs in wider tunnels // 1in12 chance of ladder going down or stairs in wider tunnels // 1in12 chance of a door // 1in6 chance of a hazard // 1in6 chance of something strange table: GetJunctionFeatures {jFeat==''}& [when]{1d6}=1[do]{jFeat=='{jFeat}
{vertical} leading up'}[end]& [when]{1d12}=1[do]{jFeat=='{jFeat}
{vertical} leading down'}[end]& [when]{1d12}=1[do]{jFeat=='{jFeat}
[@Door]'}[end]& [when]{1d6}=1[do]{jFeat=='{jFeat}
[@SewerHazards]'}[end]& [when]{1d6}=1[do]{jFeat=='{jFeat}
[@JunctionStuff]'}[end]& table: JunctionStuff 3:[@StuffFoundInSewers] 1:[@SewerSecretsAndSurprises] table: JunctionType {shape=='square'}{tunnels==d3+1} {shape=='circlular'}{tunnels==d4+1} {shape=='hexagonal'}{tunnels==d5+1} {shape=='octagonal'}{tunnels==d7+1} table: Door [@DoorTypes][when]{1d4}>1[do]. It's locked.[end] table: DoorTypes // most are locked A door, leading to equipment storage with shovels, barrows, buckets, bricks and ceramic pipes A door, granting access to pipes and air vents A door, leading to worker accomodation with bunks, kitchen and stores A door, leading to a room that's been repurposed by gangs or homeless A door is missing and the room behind the empty frame is now a creature lair A secret door leads to a room with some strange repurposed function (use "Weird Secret Rooms") table: WeirdSecretRooms Lab used for illegal drugs or poison operated by guild. Lab used for alchemy for illegal potions or monster making. Lab for wizard research with books, charts and comfy chair. Sleazy den where sorcery cult lay about enjoying drugs and vice. Cell with torture equipment[|||| and {d4} prisoners]. Cult shrine with idol, manacles, robes, altar[||||||, prisoner]. Crypt with treasure[when]{1d4}>1[do] and angry undead[else] and, surprisingly, no undead[end]. Safehouse for people smugglers often full of undesirables, mutants or escaped slaves. Secret police house where agents rest and hide in between missions and raids. Humanoids or demihumans have made secret home here. Secret stash of treasure[when]{1d4}=1[do], forgotten, no[else] with[end] vindictive owners. Secret bar where sewer dwellers enjoy grog and forbidden cheap nasty vices. Witch hideout with cauldron, herbal supplies, fetishes and familiars. Secret shop where sewer dwellers buy and sell strange goods. Adventurers have set up secret house and cant afford anybody know and live. Secret hideout now occupied by shadows or doppelgangers or poltergeist. Hellmouth gate to hell with guards where agents of hell come and go. Prehuman monster race spies come to observe city and seek lost relics. Hibernating prehuman monster race awaiting time to return in crypt or living pod. Gate chamber of ancient ones but most don't work without secret chant. table: OtherStructuresToOccasionallyAlternateWithJunctions //1in20 A sluice gate where rubbish and solids are filtered by bars or nets that get cleaned every few months. A cistern where water is collected for emergencies, a huge area with hundreds of columns. A water wheel for mechanical motion used in some industry on the level above, behind a locked door. An underground canal boat station where larger water-filled tunnels move goods across the city. A huge chamber choked with garbage, often with an encounter and possibly interesting junk. A large junction chamber with many levels of scaffolding and ramshackle scrap shacks. An underground prison complex, [when]{1d3}>1[do]well-guarded; guests are not welcome[else]abandoned[end]. A complex of underground vaults and storage, sealed behind gates that weigh thousands of pounds. A complex of abandoned mining tunnels with the remains of mining equipment. Catacombs used for burial, with coffins and urns in niches, mostly avoided. The remains of streets built over or buried in some disaster and sealed, lined with empty houses and shops. A plaza remaining from prehuman occupation with strange carvings, idols and decor. table: StuffFoundInSewers Dead animal - [|giant rat|dog|cat|half--eaten small pony] Sack of puppies, [when]{1d6}=1[do]still alive[else]drowned[end] Human corpse - [|peasant|thief|mutant|gongfarmer] Old boot Severed head Dead goblin or kobold Broken bucket Giant pile of feces Congealed lump of fat acumulated over years Broken cart Broken barrel Pile of old beer bottles Pile of fish skeletons Stalactites and stalagmites Sawn through iron bar grill plate Pair of old stockings Fishing rod Half eaten fish with bite marks Package of illegal drugs stuffed in hole Gang graffitti Dead baby or child Dead half eaten crocodile Patch of thriving fungus Chunk of stone in wall with prehistoric carvings Tiny shack built of scrap Sign from a shop or tavern Torn old map Page from spellbook covered in feces Lost hat Fancy shoe Pile of old rags Skeleton Rotten vegetable heap Pile of rotten leaves Pile of corpses with slit throats Glowing mushrooms Huge bones Sheets of shed reptile skin Tree roots Stone statue head Drowned woman clutching suicide note Strange carvings in wall Cult idol set into wall Sack of copper coins stuffed in hole in wall Pile of loose bricks and soil Shovel, buckets and sacks of feces Artificial limb Rusty old broken dagger Sodden pile of posters removed from street walls Childs cloth doll stuffed with straw Broken erotic clay figurine Bundle of torches Rotten goat crawling with maggots Wheel of cheese being eaten by rats Gnawed human limbs Wooden crate with cultist robes Crate with rusted old chains, tools and scrap Gnawed leather pants Walking stick Huge broken teeth Puddle of blood Lost puppy Stray cat Gelatinous harmless blob grazing on filth Dog collar and lead Old blanket Mound of scrap and garbage Dead giant bug Giant maggot crawling about eating scraps Patch of mould Thousands of cocroaches covering walls Thick cobwebs block area Coffins with rotten corpses fallen through collapsed wall Sealed burial niches for burials Cultist graffiti Mound of human hair Mound of dirty bubbling froth Wooden planks Scaffolding supporting sagging ceiling Several boxes arranged as furniture with cups and empty bottles Bedroll and backpack with old clothes and d6 copper coins Purse with d6 copper coins Silver coin Huge toad sitting in a hole Half a broken boat Tree branch tangled with string and hair and mud Sloppy wet mud with footprints Rusty old lantern Candle stubs stuck on walls Campfire Pile of stale rat eaten bread Nest of mice under pile of garbage Eels gnawing on chunk of rotten mystery meat Broken musical instrument - [|bone flute|drum|bagpipes|horn] Chart of local tunnels pasted to wall Someone smashed holes in walls looking for something Collapsed tunnel with several shovels and buckets in rubble Colony of bats easily startled Walls have skulls placed in holes in brick work with mortar Cluster of large eggs table: SewerEncounters Giant ratsout hunting. Swarm of rats guarding nest. A colossal rat size of a black or brown bear. Gang of escaped kobold slaves. Goblin sewer gang. Goblin sewer workers just here to clean up. Thief gang on way somewhere don't want witnesses. Thief gang dont want any trouble will scatter. Sewer gang defending turf. Homeless old people drinking rotgut. Homeless street urchins flee on sight. Homeless youg child crying. Sewer workers with tools and cart full of dung. Fisherman with bucket of sewer fish and eels. Sewer workers with digging tools and cart of bricks. Militia on patrol exterminating unauthorized persons. Militia chasing escaped criminal. Pick pocket on the run from law. Old thief with gang of urchins in training as thieves. Family of mutants looking for food. Dwarf surveyors looking for damage and faults. Halfling family hunting rats. City rat catchers with sacks of rats and noisy terriers. Carrion crawler wid d4 egg filled corpses. Insane gibbering tentacled mutant. Orc sewer gang unemployed and looking for trouble. Secret police moving unseen for a surface mission. Zombies patroling sewers for gangs and monsters but they are not very discriminating. Skeletons collecting bodies for necromancer master. Skeletons with necromancer master on way to secret lair. Gelatinous cube cleaning up filth. Ochre Jelly eating anyone in path. Grey ooze hungrily devouring everything. Shrieking fungus patch. Giant crickets devouring mould. Green slime patch on ceiling. Yellow mould patch. Mushroom men collecting dung to take home. Giant dung beetle rolling huge ball of turd over everything in path. Giant flies laying eggs, caring for maggots and looking for food. Giant maggots hungrily sniffing out food. Cult with sacrifice dont want any witnesses. Cult on way to secret meeting. Cult summoning demon. Sewer wight wanders from crypt to kill occasionally. Sewer mummy wandering about spreading disease. Chaos rat men hunting for victims often with priest or wizard. Lamprey men looking for blood. Giant eels willing to flop about in air for food. Mole men looking for slaves. Evil dwarfs looking for new lair. Dark elves spreading exotic fungi spoor. Goblin children having a turd throwing fight. Giant slug munching on filth. Bloodthirsty weasel men hunting for anyone they can eat or at least some rats. Albino sewer apes crazed with rage carrying bone clubs. Squid men caarying cursed relics to cultists. Fishmen with captive trying to get to sea shore. Sons of kyuss dripping with glowing green maggots looking for victims. Eel men pirates drunkenly looking for victims to serve as slaves or food. Chaos Troll eating feces but prefers fresh meat especially hands. Otyugh or neo otyugh wallowing in pile of filth demands worship. Roper lays in wait in water expects sacrifices. Cave fisher lurking in hole in ceiling awaiting victims. Giant cave lobster lurking in pool hungrilly. Giant crabs come from sea looking for food. Giant cockroaches will try to eat anything. Giant centipede nest or single gigantic specimen hunting. Giant beetles hunting in a pack. Giant toad covered in hilth hidden awaits tast prey. Pack of savage toothed frogs hunting for game. Earth or water elemental formed from sewerage on murder spree. Feces golem furious with being created from shoddy materials on killing rampage. Ghoul pack travelling between graveyards. Skelton wizard with skeleton guards seeking long lost relic. Zombies uncontrolled hungry for flesh. Smugglers moving goods under the city. Pirates moving press ganged captives to ship. Witches moving in secret to hidden ritual coven chamber in basement. Gang dumping dead bodies. People smugglers helping customers cross city district walls. Doppelgangers will sense minds of adventurers and adopt a plausible form to close in. Ogre wandering the sewers tired of eating feces and rats. Starvin peasants looking for rats to eat. Giant cod will try to snatch people close to water. Giant snakes hiding in broken pipes nip passers by. Giant gecko lives on ceiling camouflaged tries to snatch and run with humanoid. Rust monster flushed as a baby wanders hungrily. Floating eyeball used by wizard to find interesting things follows party. Goblins bathing in sewage and splashing playfully. Drunken goblins singing and eating feces. A gang of orcs skirmishing with a human gang over wide area. Militia mounting large area manhunt for an unlicenced assassin on the run. Adventurers on some grubby dodgy quest for hidden treasure. Down on luck murder hobos looking for monsters to kill for city bounties. Assassins guild on training mission for initiates sworn to kill witnesses. Cultists on run from a demon or beastmen after deal gone bad. Smugglers boat delivering goods to evade tax. Tako octopus faerie folk exploring human civilization from their sea castle home. Giant sewer octopus living in cesspool. table: SewerSecretsAndSurprises Rats stacking d2000 copper coins into neat piles until they have 2000. Trail of loathsome slime disappears down hole or into water. Disc of carved stone with ancient calendar if rings rotated correctly opens ancient door. Something has opened burial niches scattering ancient prehuman grave items. An ancient long sealed iron bar gate crumbles to the touch. Glistening metallic item just visible in bottom of the water. Tentacle slides back into a pipe in a wall up ahead. Huge graffitti of vampire bat goddess painted in blood. Ancient cut stone lined brick well drops into black salt water depths. Crude relief of tentacle faced god made from river clay covered in dried fish skin. Corpse of rat catcher impaled with harpoon trap and partially eaten. Man sized cocoon like skin, slimy on inside but dry and camouflaged with filth on outside. Zombie nailed to the wall with iron spikes twitches and moans when anyone comes close. Corpses of a mutant family murdered and partialy burnt. Stone archway with serpent man symbols sealed with diferent more recent brickwork. Footprints in mud slowly change from bare human into huge rat feet. Strange coloured liquid pool dripping from alchemists lab on surface. Something large swiming in water by raised dry pathway. Severed hand holding sewer local map with several x marks. Several stitched together mismatched corpses with magical symbols on them. Sea trunk full of shrunken heads with sould trapped in them. Area frozen and what looks like normal muck is incredibly slippery. An ogre body floating in water with eels swimming into its gaping wounds to feast. A black billy goat steps from shadows twitching its tail an staring at you. Hear distant chanting then screams then silence. A crude basalt altar wet with blood and worn from millennia of use. Glowing naked corpse floating down stream. Remains of a crude shack with chest of rations, rat jerky and bottle of rum. Crazed old naked man muttering about the city of monsters down here. Mummified remains of witch and her cat with bag of fetishes and knitting supplies. Giant empty nest made of bones and cobwebs. Mummified giant bat wrapped with own wing membranes covered in arcane tattoos. Vampire hunters bag with steaks, garlic, holy water and holy symbols. Strange mist and noises like a busy marketplace chattering in non human voices. Remains of student necromancer with beginners book of d4 evil spells. Crumbling cult robes with beast mask and key on a chain. Bronze lion head with keyhole in mouth unlocks long sealed secret door. Chained skeletons half submerged in dank water. Hole dug through wall leads to ancient carved inscription in fishman script. Rows of slavers manacles on an iron bar bolted to walls. Relief statue set in wall of vulture headed robed man standing on piles of human skulls. Tunnel filled with shacks of former gang home everything built from scrap and garbage. Collapsed ceiling with remains of long forgotten sealed basement storage. Trail of gore leads to pile of headless and limbless corpses arranges in circle. Strange golden fishman statuette arranged on an altar with human hearts. Flaming pit possibly of burning gas or magical connection to elemental fire. Huge mound of human teeth or fingernails. Ancient stone block used in wall shows pre flood world map with cities of monster kings. Pushcart loaded withs rags, bones, paper, scrap and several old maps. Fishman with missing legs crawling across the ground trying to get to open water. Squat toad idol with pile of d100 silver coin offerings before it. Remains of a black market with rotting stalls, skeletons and some unlooted goods. Stacks of coffins, some spilled open with half eaten bodies. Painting of underworld gods and devils tormenting sinners. Graffitti from persecuted healer cult who once hid here from the law. Large scorched area with charred bodies scattered about. Shadows cast by explorers seem sinister at a glance making everyone uneasy. Moaning phantasm tries to communicate something then gives up in dispair. A scrying pool detects as magic and offers visions of the past when monsters ruled. Idol with incense burner, the incense causes nightmare visions of despicable cult rites. Bronze idol of a fly demon vomiting maggots into its cupped hands. Cascading waterfall of filth mostly covering chained human skeletons. Drain pipe in wall with blood from the surface pouring into waters. Fountain with gargoyle statues spitting filthy water into basin. Enormous serpentine mineralized skeleton decorating tunnel walls. Trilobite, sea scorpion and ammonite fossils in walls some huge. Ancient wall with relief carvings of newt men with chained human slaves. Huge matted lumps of hair blocking drain pipes and clogged with filth. Sacks of sand some burst semi blocking ancient passage to cult sanctuary. Gallery of ancient humanoid statues with features and writing mostly worn away. Piles of broken statues seemingly of skeletal wizard kings. Stone plaque with names of forgotten kings and dynasties in ancient toungue. Piles of old boots with mummified feet still in them. A dozen rotting corpses hanging from ceiling by meat hooks on chains. Water is bubbling and producing strange mist that makes travellers feel woozy. Huge whale like bones and an enormous bronze oil rending cauldron. Piles of wrecked and worn out dungeon torture equiptment in broken heaps. Iron bar grill choked with rotten human and animal corpses causing a water level rise. Poetry written on walls with chalk either blasphemy or treasonous. Gigantic moulted exoskeleton of arachnid, bug or crustacean covered in years of grot. Headless statue in serene meditative pose, stone head fallen behind is a rat man. Tattered remains of book pages detailing leach points and lamprey therapy. Hundreds of broken clay figurines of a squid headed demon god. Fake sewer monster head costume and tail used by smugglers to scare away meddlers. A magic mouth appears on the wall muttering abuse in long dead language. Carved symbols on stone wall actually a puzzle allowing a secret door to open. Riddle carved in wall if answered opens a magic doorway to lost relic. Demon fire altar with burned bones and ashes scattered around it and inside. Carved reliefs of non human races who ruled in prehistoric times before man. Huge sticky webs left by a giant spider with mumified remains of human thieves. Broken remains of awful tentacled petrified thing in stone wall. Piles of shed skins and clothing recognisable as belonging to popular missing bards. Box of scrimshawed sea monster teeth depicting awful scenes of depricity and cruelty. Crude shack built into hole in wall with elaborate conspiracy theory notes on walls. Hole in wall home of long dead serial killer with weapons, torture pit and victims faces. Corpse of mask wearing hunchback wanted by secret police for inspiring peasants. Glowing lights hovering ahead or behind casting eerie lights. Spirits from ancients swarm everywhere ignoring the living as if they still lived. Ancient crumbling fresco has spirit inside desperatly seeks help in a long lost cause. Lost citizen in night shirt wandered here in sleep dreaming of past life. table: SewerHazards Flammable oil on ground and surface of water with rainbow hued swirling patters. Pocket of flammable gas easily ignited will explode. Pocket of bad air may asphyxiate all air breathers in area. Plague ridden piles of filth highly contaminated. Dozens of gremlins having a horrible party with a tied up terrified human. Ancient runes if browsed makes looker save vs a curse. Witch child will pretend to be lost abused orphan will try to charm and abuse rescuers. Roof cave in if any loud noises or walls struck. Flash flood of sewerage from burst blockage. Huge rat swarm floods area in panic. Walkway collapses dumping people into filthy river of liquid turds. Slippery walkway dumps the clumsy into water. Swarm of flies chokes and blinds travellers briefly. A strange occult symbol that seems to move if viewed causes otherworldly nightmares. Area of magical darkness. Area filled with coloured mist obscures vision and light. Water levels slowly rising from showers on surface. Water levels rapidly rise from rain on surface. Wind blows out candles, torches or uncovered lamps. Huge swarm of bats flies through area panicking and confusing everyone. Swarm of slippery crawling worms or maggots or leeches covers floor. Loose bricks fall from ceiling. Sewerage pours through drain pipe above explorers. Bridge over flowing excrement collapses. Cave in blocks behind or ahead. Cave in blocks behind then in front. Cave in opens passage sealed for aeons. Confined passage very craped. Steps worn smooth by flowing water and covered in slime. Path passes through flowing sewerage. Diseased leeches crawling everywhere. Mouldy surfaces produced chocking spores if disturbed. Dusty surfaces cause choking if disturbed. Poisonous gas slowly causes damage. Corrosive fluids or vapours. Slimy pipes from walls force you to climb over them. Rickety rotten wooden bridges over fluids. Stooping for long periods of time painful, crippling over years. Irritating mineral oils and tar cause rashes and burning skin. Toxic gas causes tearing and might harm eyes. Slimy pipe is used as a bridge over flows of fluids. Floor collapses into lower level. Tangled mats of roots block passage or cramp space. Forced to climb up or down to continue. Passage submerged for a section. Passage submerged and has a middle section with bad air. Water is thick with eels that will tear holes in anyone, swim inside and start eating. Water and air are chilling and there is a risk of hypothermia with long exposure. Junction or chamber has been taken over as a monster lair. Junction or chamber has been taken over as a gang lair. Junction or chamber has been taken over as a cultist lair. Large pipes have broken blocking walkways. Cascading water blocks walkway making crossing dificult. Flow of water is fast and can sweep away people with current easily. Flow has become so slow sludged up with sticky tar like mass that can swollow you up. Flow is rapid and filled with dangerous debris that can injure anyone in water. A whirlpool in water can suck swimmer down to hidden depths. Pressure in depths causes illness particularly deep below waterline. Polluted with toxic but colourful chemicals from surface. Hot fluids poured down drain from surface. Sewerage rains from drains above backflowed from somewhere else. Damaged rotting wooden scaffolding walkway ready to collapse shortly. Walkway bricks collapsed forcing explorers to climb over loose rubble. Gigantic mass of froth from water covers walkways possibly hiding hazard. Traps left to catch giant rats. Walkway bricks collapsed and flimsy scaffolding made from scrap crosses hazard. Crude tripline setting of noisy alarm using old pots or breaking glass or a bell. Bricks of walkway have been crumbling inside and ready to collapse. Water flow has eroded brick walkway through leaving a jumpable gap. Deadfall trap drops pile of rubble left by gang. Trap drops iron portcullis blocking passage. Spawning grounds of giant frogs who remain to protect eggs and tadpoles. Thousands of cockroaches covering every surface, start moving if exposed to light. Hundreds of plague black plague rats crawling about will bite if stepped on. Colony of giant spiders possibly of aquatic variety with underwater nest. Roof of tunnel has colony of cave fishers delighted by large prey in area. Piercer colony on ceiling among natural calcium formations on tunnel ceiling. Stalactites of ceiling fragile and sensitive to sound, prone to fall of noisy travellers. Sewernami flash flood of excrement usualy preceded by swarm of rats running away. Wererats shanty town built of scrap crawling in common rats, will hide in human form. Monster grown to big to escape trapped in section and very hungry. Area where monsters are dumped from surface menageries, circuses and dungeons. Area has many phantom spirits wandering around ethereally unaware of mortals. Operating black market run by several gangs who don't want witnesses. Stone crypt sealed with magic holds an ancient undead necromancer or monster. A stone vault with arcane puzzle lock contains an enraged shoggoth trapped for aeons. Area covered in corpses crawling with dangerous grubs like rot grubs or kyuss grubs. Area infested by major gremlin colony who may attack, prank or stowaway in packs. Area contested by gangs and regular fights break out and strangers are attacked. Area connected to dungeon complex of secret police who use it to move about unseen. Magic wild zone makes spells and items behave chaotically. Magic null zone ruins active spells and prevents spellcasting or magic effects. Elder prehuman gods were once worshipped here and the place reeks of their taint. A cultist demon worshiping site here and evil essence attracts chaos horrors. A tainted burial area here attracts undead and necromancers. A water elemental node attracts planar beings who delight in playing in liquid. An earth elemental node attracts planar beings who delight in playing in sludge. An air elemental node attracts planar beings who delight in playing in open space. A fire elemental node attracts planar beings who delight in playing in burning gas. A gate to hell is sealed but can be accidentally opened or have guards. table: SewerMissions Rat catchers guild say something bigger than normal is eating members and need it killed. Merchant has giant rats getting in his cellar and normal ratcatcher disapeared. Someones favorite ratting dog has gone missing and they are ever so worried. Sewer workers guild need guards as section they are working too dangerous. Gongfarmers finding certain area infested with criminals and need them driven out. Gang trying to charge gongfarmers tithe to work the best drains in city. Gang has had lots of losses and need someone to scout out a new safe sewer base. Gang ever so grateful if you could find out who has been murdering members in drains. Someones child joined a sewer gang and they want you to find them and bring them back. A wizard wants ten giant rats, preferably black not grey or brown for experiments. A were rat murdered the thieves guild chief's son and he wants the buggers dead. Someone swallowed their gold tooth and need someone to get it back. A tavern keeper says customers keep disappearing in lavatory could you please take a look. An atractive gongfarmers daughter says she will marry whoever returns her father from the sewers. A man came back from prison and has heard his family have been living in the drains, he needs help. A wizard has heard of strange carvings in the deepest levels of the sewers and would like an escort. Some rich dandies would ever so like to see wonders below and will pay handsomely, especially if they don't have to get messy. A circus man wants someone to catch a sewer troll he has heard of for his show. A rich wizards pet monster escaped from his menagerie and got into the drains. A man has heard you can catch magic fish in the sewer and needs an escort. A chef has heard there are giant sewer lobsters and he thinks they will make a dish to bring in his gourmet customers. A wizard found his son using a book of arcane lore as toilet paper and needs the pages recovered. Some well off lads want to hold a sewer boat race and need adventurers to clear out a fun route. A kobold dealer had a shipment of prescious skilled slve kobolds escape into a drain and needs them back. Someone stole a clay golem manual from a temple and priests want it back, the theif broke in through the cistern. Secret police lost a tax inspector in drain looking for illegal traders and offer a reward to recover him. Rat beast men cultists have been spreading disease in sewers and city wants them dead. A crazed old hobo claims to have found a magic fountain that will make rich who can recover it, possibly it is under a sorcerers or alchemists bathroom. Soldiers keep breaking into wine cellars through sewers and merchants want this to stop. Something from sewer stole a child from a merchant through the toilet pit. A wealthy young fop tried to comit suicide by jumping into sewer and his father wants him back. A fluffy pet of a spoiled rich girl was flushed down the drain and family want the pet back. A priest is worried by the sewers as secret highway for demon cults and would like some adventurers to assess the risk. A local street has been terrorised by a witch and she lives in the sewer with her goat and cat. A prize piglet was stolen by a giant frog that escaped into the sewer and the farmer wants it dead. City offering bounty on fish men or fish cultists up to no good in the sewer. A merchant wants to set up a sweatshop in the drains and needs a location and someone to deal with the gangs. A man has fallen in love with a sewer nymph he met when he drunkenly fell down a drain and wants help to finding her. A wizard needs someone to catch gremlins, lots of them. A sewer gang has been getting licked by a gang of orcs and need help. A kelpie faerie has been luring drunks to their deaths in sewers and barkeepers want it dead. A savage sewer nixie tribe have been drowning homeless who live in rivers edge drains and they have scraped together some possibly valuable weird trash for who ever stops them. A filthy clan of sewer halflings have been dricven from their lair by giant spiders. Sewer goblins stole a dozen beer barrels and brewer needs them back or will go broke and it's the best beer youve ever tasted. A sewer bugbear has been scaring local children and stealing pets and parents want the bugger stopped because children wont sleep or use bathrooms. A homeless man found some carvings a scholar paid lots for and he hopes to find more but the area crawling with monsters. A cult has taken a merchants child as a sacrifice because he couldn't pay ransom, he needs adventurers to get her back. A cobbler says magic wee folk came out of drain and helped make shoes in his workshop and he wants you to catch some in a cage because they did such a good job. A barge load of goods in a below street canal boat was robbed and merchant wants goods back. A slaver had his whole stock escape into a drain and he needs them back for a VIP client. Some rich kids were graffiting a drain and several were washed away when a sudden downpour surprised them, their families want them back. A drunk old man says he has seen a secret sewer witch covens and knows where you can spy on their lewd and depraved rituals for a small fee. Gang members all paying top coin for new type of sewer fungus. A rich lady lost a necklace in the sewers and will reward finders handsomly. A devil in disguise offers a treasure map actually an enterance to hell. A cow fell down a well and is running around damaging the drain and sewer workers guild will reward you for getting it out, maybe it was actually a bull, you'll be fine. A murder hobo prospector wants help examining abandoned mine connected to sewers. A scholar has heard there is a tribe of sewer elves and would like you to catch one. A gang has stolen a nobles valuables and he wants them hunted and killed in their sewer hideout. A wizard is sure giant invisible telepathic spiders cortol the city from the sewers in secret and needs someone to find him evidence to present to the wizard council. A sewer worker found an illuminated book page in the depths and a temple wants explorers to see if rumours of a secret sewer monastery is real. A cult of demon sewer snake worshipers have been infesting city toilets with snakes and the sewer workers guild need someone to locate their temple. A wizard wants guards to take his apprentices on a sewer field trip looking for ancient carvings. Some dandies want pet giant snails for jousting but need someone to fetch eggs from the sewers. A necromancer has been teaching evil spells to the unworthy in a secret sewer school and the university want him captured for trial. A homeless man has found a section of long forgotten crypts in drain catacombs and will show greedy adventurers for a cut. Black lotus smugglers are using city drains and the secret police offer a reward to stop these unsanctioned drug dealers. The Barons dungeon games require fresh monsters and the sewers have plenty also conveniently close by. A cultist giving out sewer treasure maps where cult await to trap victims for sacrifice. A cult converted a nobles son and he wants all but his son killed. A witch hunter requires mercenaries to enter the drains with him on a hunt for demon worshippers. A potion dealer has directions to find several types of magic frogs he requires but he cant go himself into the drains because they are too horrible for him. An enormous bear size rat snatched a baby from it's crib and outraged peasants want it back. A tavern keeper thought he was helping a press gang turns out they were a demon cult with a temple in the drains, he wants someone to kill them all. A dandy has heard there are secret races in the drains where goblins ride frogs, he wants an escort so he can plce bets. Cultists from the sewer stole a precious star stone from a collectors house and he wants it back. Brain eating squid men in the sewers have been increasingly braving the streets and the militia want them taught a lesson about where they should dwell. A dandy has heard about a spot where magic fish can be caught in drain needs an escort. A drunk saw moon men come from the sky on moonbeams and enter the sewer, a wizard wants this investigated. A drunk saw giant talking bats cast a spell and the wizards guild want this investigated. A giant sewer centipede stole a mans favorite duck and he will pay you in eggs for a year to get her back or kill centipede. A sewer barge of goods was sunk and guild needs an enterprising group of adventurers to recover the goods. A youth with a waterbreathing potion discovered a lost fishman complex under sewers and tells all about the trreasures and terrors he saw. A group of adventurers in the deep drains were drowned during heave rain, only 3 of 6 bodies recovered, reward offered to who finds any others by kin. A sewerage golem has been killing sewer workers and gongfarmers and both guilds will pay handsomely to who can stop the horror. A priest has heard of an awful thief raising urchins to be criminals and abusing them, wants someone to kill thief and bring kids to church orphanage. Taxman has reports of a hidden sewer tax haven and will give anyone who destroys it a year of tax relief. A man claiming to be a concerned parent wants a hidden sewer drug lab destroyed really it is his gangs rival operation. Nightwatch and the dockyard guards guilds have offered a bounty on ratmen heads this week. A bridge warden has offered a reward for clearing out the sewers that connect to the deeper tunnels under the bridge as monsters and gangs disturbing sweat shop slaves in underground work houses. A factory owner has had a disturbing number of urchins escape his sweatshop and believes they have formed a gang in the sewers that he wants stopped or returned. A new breed of giant kangaroo rats has been reported in sewers and the menageriest guild would like a breeding pair. Frogmen have been kidnapping local halflings and taking them to a newly built sewer temple for some reason. A section of the sewers is eternally frozen and sewer guild has sponsered a wizard study group to investigate and they need guards, posibly ice toads to blame. Giant dung beetles have been released into sewers to damage the gongfarmers guild, sewer workers keep getting rolled over in giant balls of dung - both guilds want beetles under control and find who released the pests. A cult of the old one Abhoth released his spores somewhere in sewer and now all manner of freakish useless things crawling out of sewers, a reward offered to stopping the spawn or sealing them away before problem spreads. A chaos billy goat loose in the sewers is causing all kinds of trouble and keeps on igniting sewer gas with his flaming breath. A lesser devil and his hellhounds have been been hunting sewer workers and the guild will reward any who stop it. A scholar wants rubbings made of certain elder carvings deep under the city for spell research and will pay. A shoggoth has been released by a gang in the deeps and now it wanders the sewers eating everyone and crying gibberish, since it started exploring surface at night city offered a reward to kill it. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_CaveArt.ipt Header: Cave rock art works Mostly these are for decor or curiosity with no game function, but villagers might mention them as a scary place, or adventurers' finding one in a deep cave might serve as a warning. They could describe an historic event, and you might find the remains of a monster that was depicted in art or find a living descendant. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2017/09/d100-cave-rock-art-works.html
prompt: Show me: {Cave Rock Art Works|Make Some Cave Art|More About Cave Art} Cave Rock Art Works use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeSomeCaveArt ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Type[@Type]& Condition[@Condition]& Art[@Frequency]&
table: MoreAboutCaveArt [when]{rep}=1[do]& You might find these in caves but also on cliff faces or anywhere with great sheets of rock. Some might be flooded over by the sea or visible at low tide or on a mountain top.\n\n& Some are painted so these require better shelter and/or a tradition of repainting them every generation, Carvings last a long time but might be worn smooth in some locations. Relief art is more 3D and statue-like but carved into the rock wall.\n\n& More modern religions might fear them, adding their own on top or destroying them outright. A wizard might be able to research a spell from them but these will be better hidden. People might assume they were pagan- or witch-made; these will be shunned or feared. More recent peoples might open them to tourism and even create fake copies for cheap fame. People might adopt earlier artworks and make up explanations or claim their ancestors made them as part of their land claim.\n\n& Many will feature lost prehistoric life being hunted, ancient disasters, ceremonies, communities, supernatural beings, ancestors and more. It is a great chance to show off your world history. Some might be magic but the secrets are probably lost. Some prehistoric maps seem very strange to us and very abstract with distances in days travel to actual distance making them very distorted. Some possible magical instructions or treaties with supernatural beings.\n\n& Works might be made by a particular gender, specialist artists, shamen or wizards. Purposes include seasonal rites, part of coming of age ritual, just decoration, for magic and possibly by teenagers for totally secular entertainment.& [end] table: Type Painted with ochre, pigment or blood with brush or sprayed from mouth like aerosol Scratched or scraped surface with tool Chiseled and carved linework into rock with tools Relief carvings with 3D shapes Patterns with clay or mud possibly built into 3d shapes Carved and chiseled then painted table: Condition Perfectly preserved since prehistory Well-preserved but repaired over aeons, possibly added to or distorted by later peoples Not as ancient as you might think, possibly fake or copied mish mash A bit battered or worn or covered or faded Vandalized with possibly modern work over the top like names or holy symbols Worn and barley noticeable requiring study and reconstruction to comprehend table: Frequency One-off single artwork alone:\n
Several repeated artworks in row:\n
Similar artworks repeated over area:\n
\n...and one unique artwork:\n
{roll==d4+2}{roll} artworks in separate sections:
[!{roll} CaveRockArtWorks >> implode
{roll==d4+2}{roll} artworks in an overlapping mess:
[!{roll} CaveRockArtWorks >> implode
{roll==20+4d6}[|Long wall|Caves gallerey] with dozens of artworks:
[!{roll} CaveRockArtWorks >> implode
table: CaveRockArtWorks Handprints everywhere Large painted areas with pigment Abstract decorative patterns and blocks of colour Tool marks forming pattern like scales Walls plastered with stones or coloured clay cones Patterns made up of dots or simple shapes Bands of colour alternating in simple patterns Stick figures repeated Stick figures and animals Stick figures running from comet Stick figures hunting animals Bizarre elongated stick figures Stick figures with weapons killing other figures Stick figures with extra limbs Stick figures with strange heads or horns or tails Dancing stick figures with instruments Stick figures wailing with many dead Stick figures fleeing monster or spirit Stick figures worshiping monster or spirit Ancestor figures teaching skills to decendants Ancestor figures birthing increasing generations Concentric rings of dots and figures indicating water sources and tribes Men with weapons fighting mammoths and rhinos Men fighting or fleeing giant auroch cattle Frog or snake demon guarding water while people sick Animal ancestors of local tribes Female hag monster squatting over treasure in cave eating children Beautiful depictions of herd animals Face of lion using shape of rock to resemble relief art Horned shaman holding fetishes with familiar Sleeping shaman with fetch leaving body to visit spirit world Strange spirit creatures warning trespassers or taboo area Horned shaman with drum and erection Figures dancing with breasts and erections Animal paintings that have been struck with weapons and painted with blood in ritual Stars in sky, sun and moon with local landmarks Angry dead spirits come from tomb to menace living Village scene of everyday life preparing food with huts Figures dancing around fire Ferocious cave bear chasing hunters Figures around single other coloured strange figure Crude scenes of intrecourse Abstract large women giving birth Pictures of animals with digestive tracts and organs Pictures of animals and people made from repeated dots Moulded clay bison set into wall Relief sculpture of huge earth goddess with many breasts Strange hybrid beast man in frightening detail looks enraged Figures engaged in cannibalism turning into monsters Flying demons chasing people Tentacled horror eating people Relief carving of attractive naked women Wall covered in phallus symbols Worshipers of giant many breasted bat goddess Squid headed bat winged god devouring humans like snacks Horned figure leading people in dance Giant terrorising people and eating whole animals Wolf men eating people Surface covered in clay breasts Painting of men fighting orcs Dwarfs with strange clothes trading weapons and tools with men People worshiping a huge tree Hero fighting a great lizard People trading with shorter people Tribe chasing a male female couple Angry wizard chasing scared women with babies Men riding goats Men fighting a centaur carrying a woman Woman feeding a unicorn Dragon chasing wooly mammoths Wizard raisind undead from pit of corpses Men chasing bison off a cliff People traveling from dark cave past monsters to the surface Men fighting while tribe look on Men fighting a hydra Many headed man being worshipped Wizard sacrificing people to wicked spirit People running from waves to high place Goat men having a ceremony Worshipers dancing around monolith with toad thing sitting on top Men fighting a cyclops and hero shooting it's eye with arrow People with tents trading tusks, fur and stones Fish men stealing women chased by angry tribes men People meeting strange slender people hiding in trees Lizard men and monster destroying huts taking human prisoners Wizard battling ghosts from a pit Tribal ritual burning someone at steak A great flying bird thing snatching a child from angry people Tribe building log wall to keep out angry giant Fish woman luring men into sea Man with axe fighting a lizard man Women with spears chasing a man Tribe of people swapping children with frog folk Many men dragging a great stone Enslaved men dragging rocks to great mound being whipped by bigger men A great horned man with axe leading many slaves tied by neck Strange symbols repeated over again with no visible meaning Walking bird fighting warrior Men shooting arrows at the sun led by horned man Several log forts with huts with monsters roaming in between FILENAME: EMO_OSR_GoblinGifts.ipt Header: Goblin Gifts from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/12/d100-goblin-gifts.html
table: GoblinGifts Dandy lion wine Gourd of honey River stone beads on strings Pointy mushroom like cap Acorn bread loaf wrapped in oakleaves Small pointy toed boots Bushel of field mushrooms Bushel or wild berries Hag Spittle Spiderweb shawl Scream in a bottle Small bottle holds {d6} gallons of fresh rat milk Sick with minor spirit bound inside Gremlin in a bottle Wand with {2d10} charges of a cantrip Fetish idol with green eyes - all chaoic beings save or crave it Turnip with carved face summons a scare crow Purse with {d600} copper coins but weighs as 10cp (holds copper only) Outlandish coloured troll wig +1 CHA when worn Terrorbird Egg Arousing mushrooms, {d6} doses Screaming baby mushroom in pot Addictive spore dust, {2d6} doses, d6 hour high Explosive toadstool d6 damage over 1 " square Glowing mushroom as candle but lasts for years Prophetic dream mushroom, d6 hour trip one Y/N crisis Magic mushroom allows user to commune with spirits d6 hours Tiny adorable mushroom person fits in pocket Sovereign mushrooms, {3d6} days' food with no weight Chaos Mushroom, eater gets a lesser mostly cosmetic mutation Ball of lizard tails +d6 HP when carried Lucky ogre tooth - +1 saving throws Gold nose ring Nose Bone - +2 poison save Necklace of {2d6} teeth, each summons a kobold who obeys for a turn Dungeon Magic Pie Healing Potion d6 Basket with live snake Best quality licking toad or newt Bag with pipe and quality swamp goblin tobacco Obedient zombie rat in a box Dire Wolf Pup Large bejeweled beetle, worth {d6*10}gp Stirge in a box Colourful magic fish in bucket with magical effect if eaten Baby goblin wrapped in leaves or huge pea pod Hand size rat eating spider Baby vampire cave squid Baby goblin riding bat Footlong baby purple grub or carrion crawler Dried Beans - cast Entangle {d4} times Wasp Hive - casts swarm once Whistle - summons a wandering monster {d6} times Dried Beans - cause d6 months of flatulence if eaten, serve {d3} Spider Web in bag allows one to cast web spell once Bark Ointment casts bark skin {d4} times Bear Paw can cast strength spell {d3} times Set of goat or ram horns may attach to head, increases headbutt to d6 Goat Hoof Shoes fuse to feet permanently if worn +{d6} MOV Kelpie Membrane, stretch over face to cast water breathing {d4} times Tree Seed, acorn or pine cone grows adult tree overnight, set of {d6} Goblin Chewing Stick a potent drug, +d3 MOV +1 DEX lasts 1 hour, {d6} doses Wizard Hood, dried skin bag from newborn baby wizard face, +1 INT if carried Goblin Shaman Chunder if eaten grants ability to cast a random cantrip daily Goblin Priest Chunder if eaten will turn into a zombie on death Goblin Goat Bagpipes can be used to attract goats, even better for bard Bat riders Crop, +2 to ride bat ability and +2 to bat morale and understand bats Wolfmasters Bow, compact composite shortbow with base damage of d8 per arrow Goblin Arrows, warped willow shafts twist in the air ignore cover and range penalties Goblin Lord Dagger, spider venom on first stab every day Goblin Spider Fetish, atracts bugs and spideres that spread cobwebs everywhere Goblin Worm Fetish, dig under it if left overnight find 1d6 meals worth of grubs Goblin Fertility Fetish, any births in house get a goblin baby extra in any birth Goblin Mushroom Fetish, attracts fungus to grow in 1" square area double speed Goblin Goat Fetish makes goats produce a extra kid each birth if kept in stall Goblin Love Fetish increases holders CHA +1 if held in both hands visible to all Goblin Bug Fetish increases growth rate of arthropod and or shelled invertebrates Goblin Plant Fetish makes garden in 1" square grows twice as fast Goblin Demon Fetish allows demons to observe area through idols eyes Goblin Ancestor Fetish allows user to cast speak with dead once per week Cauldron cooks battlefield meat into spicy stew, can cast animate dead once a month Sickle of silver if used to cut mushrooms preserves them fresh twice as long Sword of Goblin Metal, shortsword, any wounds save or -1STR 1Turn, non cumulative Goblin Javelin, bursts in air into a d4 separate javelins and roll each to hit, only once Goblin Pot, can be used as a d6 club, a +1AC helmet and makes food taste better Goblin Bong, ceramic water pipe, pack of goblin weed, +1 HP, -d3" MOV for an hour Goblin Trap Tools includes quick snare trap, dose of poison, {d3} rabbit traps Goblin Inflatable Goat Boat, folds from a one man coracle to a 10lb pack Goblin Scroll with a random Level-{d3} [|wizard|priest] spell on leather Goblin Tinderbox with a bottle of flammable oil, handful of gunpowder, {d3} signal rockets Goblin Potion makes drinker turn into a goblin Smoked Goblin Ham +1 STR permanent if you can eat and keep down in one sitting Holy Loaf has spores on wheat that causes eater of loaf to be able to see invisible spirits Goblin Skin Ointment gives user rubbery flesh of a goblin +1AC permanently Chaos Crystal if cracked raw ether inflicts a major mutation on whoever broke it Goblin Scepter holder translates common into goblin speech and vice versa Trained Wolf, can guard or track or attack, very loyal to good Trained Giant Riding bat can carry a small humanoid or child Four trained giant tracking rats, loyal to who feeds and cares for them A highly trained Goblin Dancing Girl (also concubine, spy and assassin) FILENAME: EMO_RoardWar_TheLaw.ipt Header: Cops and law officers for Roadwar from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-cops-and-law-officers-for-roadwar.html
table: CopsAndLawOfficers Local vigilante possible ex death racer vet defends area, car and suit are flamboyant colours. Holy agents like vatican monks, priests or nuns out to destroy evil, well armed vehicles. Hooded vigilante cult in triucks lynch, burn, hang or tar & feather any who meddle in locals affairs. A battered ex cop in a dented interceptor leads local armed vigilante posse. Locals operate ultralight aircraft with other light and off-road vehicles. Local farmers use hay bails for road blocks and use off-road and farm trucks. Church defense club train after prayer and take turns keeping away filthy deviants. Boy and girl scouts with buggies, bikes and scooter scouts use dirty tricks to hit and run. Local Bubba rules area and hillbilly redneck gang inspect and harass interlopers. Local have guardians who dress in local law uniforms and who occasional kidnap sacrifices. Militia well trained in bunker, wear riot armour, weapons and a heavy vehicle to lead force. Bearded old hillbillies with retro hotrods and bikes protect their kin and women folk. Warlord has locals drafted into militia in rag tag mix of vehicles and weapons. Good old boys like drinking and watching roads for strangers to harass for toll fees. Judge created militia after sheriff dept wiped out, well armed with special forces hardware. Part of a regional militia league with dated but effective old police hardware. Local militia with retro town police uniforms, cars, vans and riot equipment from 60s. Local benevolent despot uses militia to enforce his desires, arbitrary but organised. Business has funded a well armed local defense league possibly for corrupt purposes. Grey Legion of senior citizens enforce the laws of their youths and whims on any rude outsiders. Lone vetran sheriff in cruiser appointed by courts possibly will deputies a mob if needed. Sheriff appointed with deputy and a few helpers with a pair of cruisers and a jailhouse/office. Multiple elected sheriffs and deputies with cruisers and sizable station, corrupt and incompetent. Elected sheriff who rules area with iron fist and dim witted deputies who like car chases. Large sheriff dept appointed by council with several off road vehicles to cover wilderness. Lone wolf sheriff with pet dingo or feral kid, has uncanny driving and fighting skills. Large sheriff dept with cruisers, off road jeeps and light aircraft, orderly and careful. Strange sheriff with mutant deputies in battered off road jeeps, bikes and buggies. Creepy dept. with special deputies - [|cyborgs|clones|replicants|undead]. Huge sheriff dept run by town with APC or light tank, drones and armoured cruisers. Highway patrol with pursuit vehicles targeting road violations and hunting fugitives. Motorcycle squad handling road crime and biker gangs with cool sunglasses and leather. Highway patrol with cruisers and customs agents seeking illegal cargoes and goods. Highway patrol of all black interceptors seeking to eliminate gangs on the roads. Highway pursuit car investigating drugs or firearms crime, keen for punks to bust. Patrol squad in interceptors need a bust urgently looking for trouble. Highway patrol elite with high tech interceptors and extra spiffy uniforms looking for evil to smite. Highway patrol squad with bikes, cruisers and interceptors sweeping common highways of scum. Highway patrol accompanied by light plane, helicopter or drone as an observer and air support. Highway patrol biker squad living it rough and looking increasingly like the gangs they hunt. Squadron of city police cruisers escorting an armoured car to special location. Several city cruisers with possible van on a mission seeking something or someone in wasteland. City PD Interceptors on high speed intercept mission. Urban PD of bikes scouting for squad of cruisers sweeping wasteland for fugitives. Large town policed cruisers searching for missing persons and wary of wasteland scum. Lone rogue cop from state capitol with no reason to live is patrolling wasteland to destroy scum. Advanced gentech interceptor driven by elite cop with AI, on an urgent mission in wasteland. City PD detectives in plain clothes unmarked cars mostly on undercover and investigations. City mobile command center truck with fleet of cars, bikes and copter declare martial law in area. Riot squad with armored cars and heavily armored police with non lethal arms. Riot squad with APC and armoured cars will disable hostile cars and capture. Riot squad armoured cars guarding special variant with sonic or microwave weapons. Riot squad with mobile command centre, cruisers, armoured cars and a copter. Riot squad conducting searches for customs with large numbers of dogs. Riot squad guarding or transporting prison work gang wary of escape attempts or rescues. Riot squat with command centre, armoured cars, lots of men and several horses. Riot squad on kill mission with armoured cars and lethal ammo. Riot squad vans on a kidnapping spree for secret purpose of home city. Riot squad with mined roadblocks - [|trade blockade|drug dogs|ID check|alcohol test]. Police STAR force with snipers, heavy weapons and vehicles. Security team with jeeps, SMGs, and a van racing about after someone. Security squad with pursuit buggies and a command hummer which coordinates patrols. Security helicopter coordinating jeeps hunting someone. Security vectored thrust stealth assault flyer strafes intruders then returns to fuel base. Security hovercraft (or GEV) with long range rockets and a machinegun uses terrain for advantage. Security patrol van with crew of dopey guys looking for intruders. Security sniper team in hidden positions ready to destroy light vehichles. Mercenary corp with armoured cars driving in line looking for a tardet to destroy. Mercenary corp light infantry with support jeeps searching area for something hidden. Mercenary corp squad with heavy weapons and can call in copter support or transport. Army reserve squad with sandbags, jeeps and [|MG nest|mortar|flame thrower|RPG]. Army special squad dug in near road, with [|MG nest|mortar|sniper|RPG]. Army in ABC suits with military hospital truck and vans looking for contaminated victims. Army truck and a squad with sandbags and a machine-gun nest, mostly green troops. Army blockade with truck, with an armoured car or APC or tank plus a squad with sandbags. Army apache helicopter on mission to eliminate undesirables on certain roads. Army frontline kill-team of cyborgs fresh from zone, now in armed hummers and highly unstable. Airforce hypersonic or ground attack fighter flies over area to destroy contaminated fugitives. Airforce orbital laser or kinetic kill satellite has a few bugs. Airforce Drone observes area will fire missiles or 20mm autocannon at suspicious armed targets. Agents of tax/post/tax/customs department investigating disappearance of goods. Security agents of ASIO or ASSUS investigating national threats mostly ignore local problems. Elite agent in gentech interceptor with very advanced new tech seeking enemy agent. Foreign agents documenting wasteland phenomena, corporate strongholds and military bases. Military intelligence looking for causes or warning of zombie and mutant outbreaks in wasteland. National Crime Authority agents monitoring gangs and earmarking them for destruction. Secret society agents with psionic powers seeking threats to earth or corrupted by hostile beings. APIS agents investigating paranormal phenomena or hunting cultists or occult relics. APIS = Australian Paranormal Intelligence Service often reluctantly attatched to Commonwealth Experimental Expeditionary Forces (1916) which grew to became official Experimental Operations Command (1937) or commonly known as EXCOM. Mutant control officers visiting mutant camps for DNA register and eliminate dangerous specimens. MIB seeking crashed saucer or escaped alien, agents have bio mods and advanced weapons. FILENAME: EMO_RoadWar_RusticFolk.ipt Header: Rustic Rural Folk These are mostly lowbrow lowtech people that you meet in the Murder Race world. I will use some colourful Australian language in future episodes, possibly offensive but authentic but mostly for use in the slum-burbs section. Women folk are just as dangerous as the men and fanatic if defending kids or home so don't be a idiot. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-rustic-rural-folk.html
prompt: Show me: {Rustic Rural Freaks|Common Variants|Weird Variants|More About Rustic Folks} Rustic Rural Freaks use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& {notes=='[#[@GetInitials with {$prompt1}] GetNotes]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}{notes}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: GetNotes type: dictionary default: \z CV: (groups might have 1d4 of these) WV: (groups might have 1d3 of these) table: MoreAboutRusticFolks [when]{rep}=1[do]& Basic Rural Breakdown\n\n& Choice Vehicles\n4WD utility trucks, jeeps, Hummer, 4WD Buggy, dirtbikes, quadbikes, 4x4 trucks, freight trucks, ultralights, light helicopters, some build light rail above and below ground\n\n& Vehicle Arms\nSwivel mounted machine guns, sometimes archaic arbelast with explosive bolts\n\n& Weapons of choice\nBig sniper rifles, big knives, shotguns, silenced light rifles, bows, dynamite\n\n& Tech\nMostly dated and recycled, some vintage, farm machines will often be more modern\n\n& Dress\nJohn Deere or cowboy hats, checkered flannel shirts, t-shirts, denim, leather, long duster coats& [end] table: CommonVariants Mutants, many mutated mostly for the worse; a few champions have a useful ability or are pet monsters. Inbred, all have the same 1d3 features (like red hair, missing teeth or missing limbs) Morons who fumble so often that most die of funny falls, weapon accidents, or vehicle crashes Religious, offended by everthing from a city or modern War veterans; a few are cyborgs and more deadly Cannibals, possibly due to zombie infection but mostly 'cause they just like it and are lazy Naked, wear as little as possible such as shredded rags, animal skins, or woven plants Strange sect or personality cult with population mind controlled by religious leader Have some militia equipment and hats and flak vests and a bit of training Drunk on homebrew beer, distilled spirits in jars or wine in silver goon bags in cardboard boxes table: WeirdVariants Used killer modified farm robots or drones salvaged from corp farm dumps All contaminated with necrovirus, many zombies, some tribes have not noticed yet Some are animal hybrids or beastmen, tribe skilled at biotech grows killer farm animals in lab All are cultists - [|Satanists|Pagan blood goddess|Alien space god|Prehuman monster god] Triffid Farmers often out hunting wild or lost stock, can use trained triffids in make a stampede Local witch cult seeking blasphemous lore and contact with undead or aliens, some keep monsters This clan have developed psionics such as a hive-mind or a healer or pyrokinetic or mind control Secretly not human - [|greys in skins|giant bugs|serpent men agent|vampires] Are protoshoggoth horrors that have human form but sprout tentacles and mouths and eyes Indigenous spirit cult can call on aid from local entities via clan shaman and sacred sites and relics table: RusticRuralFreaks Jed tanner and his geriatric vet buddies, keep locals safe from unwanted outside influence Pump house boys in their hot rods and buggies attack travellers in region for thrills Devil Lee Jones and his boys are deeply religious, anything wrong must be raped and murdered Bootleggers hate outsiders poking around and mobilize for battle with CB radios Ma don't like the sound of your engine he sends of his clan to strip your vehicles Kelly boys found some old riot gear and the leaders wear into fights, seek conflict Fishing hole gang in area like to throw dynamite and use waterways for amphibious craft O'Malleys are into brewing, hostage taking, fighting and breeding big fat ginger cats Taylor girls are attractive gang of farm girls who stick together and torment their enemies Barn's Bros are local bullys and hoodlums who sell drugs to gangs, they dislike strangers Nick Bradley and his gang catch and train megafauna to fight, many have pet dropbears Deliverance Christian mens hunting club like to hunt people and arrange sporting events Uncle Malky leads a group of scrawny youths on cannibalistic hunting sprees McGraw Sisters huntin fer husbands cos they keep breaking the old ones Carlton family hunt together and and kill together and all compete for best trophy Barton clan have been skinned and turned into bio disguises for grey alien probing team Smith family release genetic monstrosities they steal from black labs as embryos Local farmers gather to hunt predatory mutant or monster hiding in national park or ruins Mutant hunt where locals all rise to beat and abuse mutant camps or settlements Hunters looking for escaped lovers seeking to leave clan Farmers with fleshy alien sphincter plants grown on creepy farm, now planting in the wild Farmers herding [|sheep|mutant goats|cattle|triffids][||| with copter] Farmers on bikes each carrying a [|sheep|pig|giant chicken|giant rabbit] Dino farmers riding raptors herding larger herbivores to new dino park Farmers bored by automated properties turn old farm bots into killing machines and test Farmers left in the past carry out acts of terrorism on corporate farms and property Croc farmers looking for lost new stock, multi climate tolerant fast growing ones Fruit farmers transporting fruit produce including grog evading authorities Farmers unite to patrol area fences vs strangers and weird people from outta town Farmers have turned to organ harvesting on the side seed some kidneys fast Crazy hillbillies need help finding outside town mates as too many mutants born this year Crazy hillbillies want romance for one of their tribe and they don't take no for an answer Insane serial killing clan after eating all local backpackers start hand at carjacking Crazy hillbilly medicine and magic circus actually a front for drugs and serial killers Degenerate clan now undead without realizing, hardworking but hungry for blood Teen cult kill adults, pretend are abandoned, beg new adults to stay for harvest fest Mad farmer with gene printer lab and wombvat breeding monsters for fun and sale Mutant redecks outraged by normals kidnap and abuse them for breeding and slaves Religious cult advocate burning and robbing innocents wear white robes and use swords Clan of secretive beautiful replicants, clones or androids hiding from masters Swagmen hiking or driving a shambling old vehichle or with a wagon pulled by a mutant Swagman is a theiving bastard hangs about to pick look before theft Swagman is a werewolf or other shapeshifter murders folk who don't help him Camp of swagmen all looking for work sharing a simple meal Swagman has stolen livestock to torment and eat assumes strangers are the law Camp of swagmen stealing chickens and kidnapping stray children Swagman has been prospecting for gems or gold and assumes clamjumpers after him Swagmen are ex convicts assume everybody wants to blame them so stay on the move Swagman is part fishman keen to spread his jelly across the outback Swagmen mostly refugees many illegal fearful of law and racist attacks Jackaroos in 4WD travelling to farms for shearing and triffid harvests Jackaroo on horseback with grenaide launcher, wary of armed gangs Jackaroo camp with BBQ, beer, music, bareknuckle fight and strippers Jackaroo camp with mob busy gambling and drinking, having amassed a fortune Jillaroos camp operates as brothel and strip show for local farmer Jackaroos have gathered to arange boxing or animal fight with bets on odds Union farm workers protesting and blockading roads, looking out for corp scabs Scab labourers and armed guards trying to get workers to farm worksite past union Labourers escaped slave farm labour and afraid everybody out to get them Prison labour gang with wardens and farmer foremen, gang ready to escape Newcomer imigrant project set up by feds, always wary racist locals out to kill them Newcomers hunting who sabotaged farm and tried to poison them Newcomers scratching ground with wrong tools and crops, illegal immigrant settlers Newcomers from war torn land turned area into fortified combat field kill zone Newcomers established mircrocosm of homeland in a village with few English speakers Newcomers have built a terrorist training camp and any who see it must die Newcomers are hippy love cult out to spread vegan alternative lifestyle to strangers Newcomers are a radical collective of students building a anarchist commune Newcomers are a personality cult with Guru that locals fear and hate Newcomers are really a secretive gang growing drugs and cloned organs for the mob Aboriginal vigilante comitee looking for those who have harmed their nation Aboriginal warriors hunting down do-gooder christians who stole their kids Aboriginal farmers patrol are to keep out mining surveyors and corporate spies Aboriginal men or women on walkabout hunting and fishing and seeing sacred sites Aboriginal feast with dancing and singing, non initiates might not be welcome Aboriginals guiding tourist 4WD to see the bush country and a genuine firefight Aboriginal special forces and snipers scouting land for undead or weird phenomena Aboriginal youths in 4WD buggies taunt whites and try to scare and provoke them Aboriginal police looking for fugitives on the look out for suspicious strangers Aboriginal shaman and his followers seeking out and destroying those tainted by evil Travellers camping as a convoy, scared and worried about wasteland scum Travellers from city uni archaeology site concerned black market bandits will steal find Travellers part of a Nomad gang have begun farming and herding and seek to settle Missionaries spreading word of lord but willing to cleanse evil with fire if possible Travelling merchants and traders band together and hire mercenary guards Travelling school of feral with fleet of yellow busses, kids ate teachers long ago Travelling journalists out to see real outback and look for any exiting news, poor fighters Travelling circus with carny folk earning a living, clowns are wanted ex gang members Scientists with mobile lab truck looking for interesting specimens or dna with mercenaries Bogan clans from slum-burbs on family camp, will go any cunt who looks at them Whatley clan have a monstrous invisible tentacled mutant that helps them find sacrifices Strange silent farmers actually alien hybrids with hive mind and a creepy similar look Undead affected folk formed into force led by a necrobiological vehichle with ghoul driver Cult led by charismatic psychic who has taught some of his followers basic powers Rednecks actually special military recon in disguise hiding secret black lab compound Cult of farmers moving megaliths in special pattern across the state. wary of any threats Giant hippy rock festival with 7 speaker stacks in v shape sacred to Hastur Fish men hybrids looking for relics buried when continent was more flooded MIB in disguise as rednecks observing locals for cult activities and other strangeness Possessed farmers preparing ritual and ground marks to open gate to overspace FILENAME: EMO_OSR_HumanoidBed.ipt Header: Stuff hidden in a Humanoid's bed I created this dungeon decor table because my parties search monster's mattresses until they get worms or ticks. When you get higher level you get your servants to look; higher still you, let your torchbearers and poleboys take what they want. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-stuff-hidden-in-humanoids-bed.html
table: StuffHiddenInAHumanoidsBed Bloodstains and infectious if searchers have any bloody wounds Parasitic worm eggs in skid marked monster sheets Huge ticks jump on searchers may cause infection till removed Fleas make searcher itch; it spreads at camp Maggots, worms or grubs eating rotten food scraps and dead rat Swarm of [|mice|cockroaches|moths|weavels] scurries from nest Several rats scurry away snacking on scraps Angry giant rat hisses at anyone trying to take its scraps Dungeon leeches lurking in wet patches Huge [|spider|scorpion|centipede|cricket] HD d4 Save vs poison +2 Half eaten food - [|turnips|apples cores|fish|human flesh] Bits or rings and rivits from armour Body hair and toenail clipings Filthy old bandages Bodily products - [|vomit|feces|earwax|oily secretions and dead skin] Empty grog jar made from clay or wood Old broken bones with marrow sucked out Ball of assorted threads, hairs, feathers and string found around dungeon Nut shells Cookie crumbs Food hidden - [|turnips|stolen apples|onions|plump rat] Food hidden - [|truffles|meat on skewer|cheese|bbq rat on stick] Mushrooms - [|mild poison|tasty|hallucinogenic|decorative] Bound and gagged [|piglet|kobold|child|giant rat] Giant snails possible tethered by shells Huge black beetles in a pot Half chewed stale bread 1in6 with hallucination causing fungi Huge juicy slugs Eggs of possibly some horrible dungeon monster Jar of preserved [|sauerkraut|pickled eggs|pickled onions|pickled fish] One corroded tiny copper piece Purse of {d4} coppers Scattered {d6} coppers Dice or knuckle bones for gaming Tarnished silver piece Buckle from some item of clothing Bone or shell button Piece of flint Candles stubs Pipe and smoking herbs Carved tusk figurine of deity or cult hero Terracotta figurine of animal Shiny smooth worn pebble with strange colours String of wooden beads Evil holy symbol made of [|bone|leather|wood|brass] Fist sized tooth Tiny knife for child d3 Tiny bottle of grog Copper medallion with strange symbol Brass ring for ring or nose or ear or whatever Cup made of adventurers skull Candles made from fingers Human ear necklace Human helmet turned into chamber pot Human femur flute Shrunken head - [|dwarf|wizard|peasant] Scalps with long braided hair in bundle Human leather bag of teeth Musical instrument made from mummified stretched elf head Human ribs made into knitting needles with ball of wool Worn old boot Filthy under garments A [|hunter's|child's|woman's|wizard's] hat A lovely ribbon Woolen sock Old leather belt Leg or arm wrappings Creepy possibly cult mask Moth eaten woolen vest Mouldy old cloak Crumbling old map Crude sketch of dungeon section Tattered old spellbook page used as hanky Broken rune carved horn Love letter stolen cos it smelled nice Monsters pay slips Cult chant practice sheet Sadistic print stolen from torture manual Erotic painting on fragment of rich grog pot Broken chunk of rock with elder runes A [|kobold|human|local humanoid|demihuman] corpse Manacles and key and whip Thumbscrews and tongs Fresh human skin in a sack 1in6 salted Severed [|human|pig|dog|goat] head Crushed mummified kobold under the mattress with surprised expression Jar of pickled eyeballs Mummified male genitals Mummified monster fetus A baby mimic which tries to flee or attack if cornered A devil stone in a bag influences viewers to crave it and kill to obtain it Nightmarish evil idol of the old gods that gives bad dreams Frozen cube of troll flesh, will start to grow when defrosted An angry spirit haunts the bed and will use fear to drive away strangers Rock with a permanent light spell A weak herbal healing potion d4 A gremlin sneaks into searchers baggage to sabotage and torment them Aggressive footlong baby purple worm hisses and stings if disturbed A magical dungeon pie A fragment of broken mirror that used to be gate to a demon world FILENAME: EMO_OSR_MonstersNest.ipt Header: Stuff hidden in a monster's nest One of the biggest differences between this monster nest and the previous humanoid bed table (EMO_OSR_HumanoidBed.ipt) is that nests are used for breeding. Monsters might collect shiny stuff to attract mates or tasty adventurers. Most monsters don't value treasure for human reasons. Sensible monsters don't poop in their own nests but instead leave a heap on the fringe of their territory. Parents carry baby poop away so the smell does not lure predators to the nest. Many monsters collect grass, straw or vegetation for bedding or weaving into a nest. Dungeon bosses know that providing straw helps monsters breed and stay stronger. Still, shovelling monster poop is one of the worst dungeon jobs (after fighting adventurers of course). Veteran adventurers can recognise the nests and excrement of classic monsters. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-stuff-hidden-in-monsters-nest.html
table: StuffHiddenInAMonstersNest Overrun with swarm of fleas and ticks Huge weevils eating nest Large dung beetle stealing a ball of dung Mold colony causes respiratory infection if disturbed Slime mold contaminates intruder making them carrier of gelatinous horror Insect nest - [|wasps|ants|termites|bees] Nest of critters, flee when disturbed - [|mice|rats|rabbits|weasels] Giant rats startled and attack Moles burrow away into ground Giant maggots writhe about snapping aggressively Shreds of skin over a foot long Cracked human or animal bones Torn bloody clothing Chunk of bloody scalp Rusty torn chainmail or other armour Severed fingers Battered old adventurers pack of gear Boots with rotten feet still in them Human or humanoid mixed teeth Chewed severed head Buried body left to rot for extra flavour Critically injured prisoner in need of first aid Prisoner with broken bones unconscious Mound of meat slurry vomited up to eat later or share with kin Collection of human limbs Collection of dead rats, lizards and frogs Dead collection of giant rats Pile of big fish Dead farm animals Unconscious [|human child|kobold|goblin|cultist] Broken spade and bucket from former cleaners Broken chain once used on monster Carved wall stones dragged into nest Shredded old battle banner Bones or remains of former nest monsters Round pebbles used to aid monster digestion Rancid animal corpse monster likes to roll in Broken furnature used in nest structure Childs dolly Shreds of old papers - [|accounts|spell book|letters|orders] Coin purse with {5d6} copper coins Coin purse with {3d6} silver pieces Coin purse with {1d6} gold coins Loose change, {d100} copper coins {1d6} semiprecious stones the monster decorates its nest with Low value gem 100 gold piece value Gold leaf covered broken ornament Broken sword hilt with silver and semiprecious stones Silver tarnished key Bone scroll tube with intact document inside Feathers fur or scales mounds Coughed up castings with remains of bugs and rats inside Scratch marks on wall or log Bits of old claws Broken old teeth or egg tooth off baby beaked monster Deposits of musk used to attract mates and declare territory Collection of feces pushed out of nest Something monster sicked up that didn't agree with it Flattened mummified older dead monster under nest Crystallized urea pellets possibly mistaken for semiprecious stone Monster has stretched and impaled corpse on thorny log to impress mates Collected large collection of trinkets of one colour on display by nest Collection of human and humanoid skulls Has built a dome structure from bones and straw Has bundled corpses tied in sinew or secretions hanging from roof Has live prisoner bound who screams attract help, pleases monster Stretched skin of victims over straw dummies to scare away nest robbers Monster has huge pile of gore and muck for wallowing in Built a structure from humanoid rib cages and sinew Impaled humanoids on steaks to lure edible victims to lair Eggs or newborn babies Young offspring will hide or flee Stores of food for future children Mate sitting in nest with eggs or babies Monsters mate returns to find you in nest Older offspring viscous and hungry Dead offspring or rotten eggs from failed parent Remains of monsters dead half eaten mate Piles of broken eggshells or dried placenta from birthing Large friendly toad lives in nest eating vermin Screamer shrooms set off alarm if non owner looks in nest Creepy dungeon possum eats ticks and fleas from nest Kobold stolen as baby serves monster and keeps nest clean for scraps Large spider hanging above nest eats intruders Termite nest helps regulate nest temperature Bats nest around and above nest screaming at intruders Giant skunk visits the nest to eat tasty grubs and bugs in nest Phantom of victim in nest scares away intruders but monster does not care Putrescent zombies in nest arise if intruders come near Giant lizard sleep sunder nest to keep warm, hostile if woken by strangers in nest Fragment of sculpture from ancient times Blasphemous fragments of clay tablets from elder age Engraved symbols in skull fragments of a cult warlock Severed goblin hand with tightly gripped flask holding a d4 healing potion Broken terracotta figurine of the ancient bat goddess Holy symbol, high quality with family crest, wealthy family will reward finders Broken horn actually from a demon Piece of famous lost sword shattered in bast battle with great foe Remains of pet collar with gold rivets with name embossed in leather One-way crystal viewing ball used by lost evil lords to observe minions FILENAME: EMO_OSR_GoblinsSack.ipt Header: Whats in that goblins sack? Everybody wants to know what a goblin has in his or her bulging sack. Here's where you find out! Dungeon secrets like totally exposed booyah! from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-whats-in-that-goblins-sack.html
table: WhatsInThatGoblinsSack? Turnips or or other roots Onions or leeks Worm eaten apples Sauerkraut in pot Pickled wild bird eggs in pot Pot with mom cooked favorite Live frog in a clay jar Jar of centipedes Moldy cheese and bread Goblin beer in clay pots fermented in tree stumps Goblin grog ice distilled nasty drink Pipe with dried goblin weed Pipe with dried mushrooms Leather bag with dried narcotic shrooms Collection of funny rude shaped fruit and veg Glove puppets or a marionette Tatoo needle and ink Torture tools like whips, chains, thumbscrews, manacles Dice, goblins love funny shaped dice and steal them off each other Filth parchments with pictures that goblins giggle at Sling and 20 clay bullets Club and good throwing rocks Bundle of six darts Shortsword and buckler Handaxe Leather armour and cap Caltrops Flammable oil and flints Big knife Studded cloak Large dried trail ration shrooms Fresh bracket fungi Poisonous mushrooms Sickle for shroom gathering, appearance based on owner status Bag of dried mushroom power for soup and gravy Bag of spores to plant favorite useful fungi where you go Bag of toxic, killer and alarm fungus spores Shroom that gives visions of the underworld Fungi supplies for shroom based herbalist Bag of awesome manure too grow shrooms in Bucket and trowel Little watering can Bag of seeds to eat or grow Small knife and basket Handsaw and wooden mallet Hammer and bag of copper nails Bundle of wool and crochet needles Sewing needles, thread, buttons and scraps of fabric Spindle, stolen wool, thread Wire, cutters, pliers, rivets, small sections of mail A scary plush doll owned since a baby Crude terracotta idol of mumsy Relief carved wood image of Castle Clump home of the goblin gods Funny looking handball made of troll sinew Collection of baby teeth, any baby will do Copper shroom medallion on chain dedicated to shroom goddess Bag of sweets Silver coin from goblin king given to ancestor Pretty thing - [|ribbon|broken glass|monster egg|small cracked gem] Enameled mushroom cloak pin commemorating adulthood Sweet pet rat Goblin baby Adorable large toad Dead fish Palm size one eyed blob with tentacles in stone jar Human baby (why do they grow so ugly?) Friendly snake uses stinger on strangers Ambulatory pet fungus, often very cute Potted plant Big black beetle Dried heart stuffed with thorns Human hand turned into candle Diabolic medallion dedicated to birth demon Idol of goblin ancestor Carved antler with scenes of goblin gods Shrunken human or elf or dwarf head Scroll made from mushroom leather with goblin poetry about underworld Shaman bag sewn shut with animal bits, herbs and amber beads inside Collection of hair clippings and nail clippings used to curse rivals Strange amateur potion making ingredients Human purse with {d20} modern copper coins Human purse with {d6} tarnished silver old coins Old gold coin of the ancients possibly dwarf or elf Head of a small brass or stone statue Fancy doorknob Dented silver cup or bowl Boar tooth necklace Bronze clad drinking horn with lid Stolen livestock - live [|chicken|duck|bat|pidgeon] Stolen fine food too good for a goblin - [|fruit pie|sausage|wine|truffles] Frothing fungal potion in bottle, once cap opened must be used in an hour Chaos shroom if eaten gain a low level mutation, eating more increases mutation rank A terracotta jar that if dropped repairs itself and jumps back to safety Mummified ancestral hand may be used to curse a foe once Scroll describing diet to become a hobgoblin or bugbear Explodestool, [|d6 damage 1" radius|2d4 damage 1" radius|3d4 damage 2" radius|3d6 damage 2" radius] Spoors to grow a monstrous dungeon mold, slime or jelly {1d6} keys to part of home dungeon on ring Crude map of friendly goblin tribes, goblin foes and special goblin sites Fungal potion drunk before battle makes goblin explode on death - [|d6 damage 1" radius|2d4 damage 1" radius|3d4 damage 2" radius|3d6 damage 2" radius] FILENAME: EMO_WWI_PettyHauntings.ipt Header: Petty Ghosts and Hauntings This idea's been kicking about since I worked on my Ggothic Dungeon Zone book, but recently I needed it for my trench exploration games - searching through haunted sappers' trenches filled with petty phantoms was needed for a con game. While made for WW1, this table could be transposed to other times. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-petty-ghosts-and-hauntings.html
table: PettyGhostsAndHauntings Strange stench of corpses follows you for {1d5+1} days. Smell of fear and death, fear makes hard to continue. Smell of fresh bread and coffee lures towards a hazard. Smell of slaughter and burst intestines wafts over area. Smell gas and feel panic. Smell of fire and sulphur. A ghostly fart from nowhere. Nauseous odour makes you fight urge to vomit. Burning odour makes eyes red, sore and runny. Stench of sewerage. Strange ghostly whispers while you are moving. Sobbing seemingly from wall or dead end. Laughter from behind you several times. Tweet of a gas detector bird tweeting then going silent. Sounds of phantom digging from walls. Scratching noises like rats or someone trapped in walls. Horrible choking and gurgling sounds of life being snuffed. Sounds of limping person dragging leg in mud. Tool scraping on wall behind you stops if you look. Scream from a dead end. Hair stands on end. Feel hand softly stroke your hair. Ghostly goose pinches someones bum. Terrible chill passes over area. Something you touch suddenly feels hot. Something seems to bite you or stabs flesh. Feelings of nausea and disturbed sense of balance. Odd sensation somebody walked through you. Feeling of icy hands chocking you. Heart feels icy cold as if spectral hand squeezing it. Figure just ahead lures into danger. Figure following you but stays mostly hidden. A fresh dripping corpse, oddly cold gone if eyes leave it. Severed head, eyes and mouth move, gasping and looking at you then gone. Waterlogged white clammy hand crawls along leaving wet trail. Phantom blood drips from above or wall or ground marking a death. Face looks at you from darkness then vanishes. Hand in darkness gestures you leading to finding human remains. Glimpse of child smiling looking back at you then running into darkness. Sobbing soldier in ball, if spoken too reveals skull face and vanishes. Floorboards creak rhythmically as if being walked by. Noose hanging from beam sways as if in wind but there is none. Face forms in the mud on floor or wall makes screaming expression and vanishes. Rotten hand from under mud grasps ankle, turns limp and lifeless after fright. Walls shake, wood creaks and mud sloshes as if troops marching through. Wall surface crumbles revealing horrible rotten corpse drowned in mud. Something invisible blows out candles and lanterns but cant fathom flashlights. Air thick with invisible spirits, living beings feel claustrophobic and panicked. Skulls push selves from the mud grinning frightfully. Face forms in air vapour threateningly passes trough explorers and is gone. Rattling bullet in tin cup. Creaking chair as if someone sat in it. Firearm discharges or grenaide armed by self. Rattling empty bully beef tins. Clods of wet mud gets thrown at your back. Nails and rivets pop out of support beams. Hoard of rats perused by spirit over run intruders. Clanking abandoned helmet. Garbage angrily hurled at intruders in area till they leave. Angry poltergeist punches and chokes intruders till leave area. Headless figure seen staggering and groping, falls, no trace up close. Burning screaming man charges and runs through intruders then vanishes. Soldier approaches up close is smelly maggot ridden soldier, screams and vanishes. Phantom soldiers marching in line through anyone in way. A lost enemy throws a granaide but a phantom ally soldier jumps on top and vanishes. Officer or sarge appears barking orders, starts bleeding a torrent then vanishes. Flood of phantom blood fills the tunnel or trench then disappears. Phantom soldiers in archaic uniforms march into a wall. A nurse with a lantern calls out, when closer a phantom shell explodes and she is gone. A young bleeding runner stops to ask directions, then runs into a wall. A creepy long slinking black wolf seen, he looks at someone whose heart skips a beat. Swarm of rats flood tunnel but only phantoms. A unit mascot follows party but fades when approaches safety. A ratting dog barks warning near one passage as warning then fades. A rotting burning horse with a gasmask screaming runs through party. A adorable feral kitten crying vanishes if touched. Black ape like beast with a german pointed helmet carrying a woman, fades promptly. Devilish hog devouring real soldier corpses, screams and fades if attacked. Fearsome evil dogs bar way growling, fade if attacked. Phantom dog made of darkness with scarlet eyes and mouth bite someone then fades. A unclean spirit tries to possess weakest in group. A lost female civilian actually a spirit seeking to drag a dead mans soul to hell. A smooth officer offers to get you out of here if you sign this contract in blood. A nasty gremlin creeps up on party and tries to sabotage equipment. A black young goat with regimental mascot coat follows, actually a imp tries to finish off wounded. A jolly fat soldier drinking offers you beer or rum, turns to blood if drunk, he laughs and vanishes in puff of brimstone. Horribly giant insect demon fly thing sucking fluid from corpses with proboscis. Swarm of demonic flies cover everyone and crawl in throats and noses then vanish. Possessed soldier attacks screaming he cant stop. Cultist soldier burying fetishes to increase the cursed zone area. Glowing female with spear & shield in nationalist colours, visible for seconds. Lost soldier with older issue equipment joins you till end of next fight when he fades. Young lost talkative soldier joins, expects to be home by xmas 1914, fades if challenged on this or any dated news he discusses. Wounded soldier with bleeding eyes moaning, if first aid given he fades. Wounded soldier tries to give letter to mum, if taken he fades. Two wounded enemy soldiers first aiding each other, if approached turn into corpses. Drowning soldier in pool of mud, if helped out turns into water logged rotten corpse. Lost guard so relieved to see you, wants a cigarette, fades away after a good puff. Drunk guard singing about prostitutes, if reprimanded he looks sad and fades. A whole dugout of men welcome visitors with beer and share stories, offer a nice dry bed. Awake in muddy hole filled with exploded corpses. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_DungeonGuardFootlocker.ipt Header: What's in the Dungeon Guard's Footlocker? Dungeon monsters with good pay get a footlocker as a status symbol. Something they can carry or watch a slave struggle with. Something to put at the foot of their beds. Something to keep their holy signs, ancestral tokens, grog and booty in. In poor dungeons only the boss monsters get footlockers but otherwise they are very common by any bed in a dungeon or occasionally in storage. Footlockers typically weight 1d6x10 pounds; Most are right around 30lb. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-whats-in-dungeon-guards-footlocker.html
prompt: Show me: {Footlocker Contents|Make a Footlocker} Footlocker Contents use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAFootLocker ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Style[@Style]& Security[@Security]& Contents
[!{2d3} FootlockerContents >> implode
table: Style Wicker basket with leather fastener straps Leather trunk with bone handles and a lock Wooden fruit box, nailed shut Wooden box with lock and wooden handles Heavy wooden box with rope handles and stencils designs, padlocked shut Wooden box with metal corners and lock Wooden box with riveted metal edges and big lock Small wooden chest with lock Medium wooden chest with metal reinforcing and lock Metal chest with {1d5+1} locks and chains table: Security Owner prays to spirits and hopes Owner threatens everyone lots Covered in something that [|stinks|itches] Covered in threatening warnings in several languages Poison needle on opening mechanism Sythe blade cuts hand off opener Fires {2d4} darts; each causes d3 damage[||||||, poisoned] Owner encouraged hand size [|spider|snake|scorpion] to nest under and protect it Baby screaming fungus sits on top sleeping [@MagicalSecurity] table: MagicalSecurity Fireblast 1d4+3 damage Electric shock, 1d8+3 damage Lock held unless password given Chest moves away from thieves Alarm magically signals owner if intruded Cursed if removes goods without permission Stinking cloud released if forced open Magic mouth appears screaming "Thief, thief!" Gremlin guards the chest An Imp guards the chest table: FootlockerContents Battered old pewter tankard Wooden tankard Drinking Horn Water skin Wooden spoon Small knife Ceramic mug and plate and bowl Wooden mug and plate and bowl Tin spoon Small tin or clay jug Cheese[||||||, maggoty] Onions or leeks Turnips or cabbage Mushrooms or berries Large snails Wormy apples Mouldy bread Beer or wine Dried meat Frogs Old boots Spare socks Belt Hat Underclothes Shirt Shaving kit Bar of soap War paint Filthy old clothes with holes Loaded crossbow Snake or spider or scorpion Acid sprayer Zombie hand Poison gas Knockout gas Contact poison (burns on touch) Kit for trap never installed Mould with dangerous spores if inhaled Petty demon or devil appears Backpack Rope 50 foot coil Spare dagger Hatchet Bag of {1d5+1} spear heads Heavy cloak Chain 10 foot length Sleeping bag Tent Camp stove and pot Small spade Small pick Hammer or mallet Two foot crowbar Sickle Tin or wooden bucket Oil and whetstone Tinderbox with flint and steel Tin lantern or terracotta hand oil lamp Box of candles and tin or ceramic holder Purse of {1d100} copper Purse of {1d10} silver Gold coin Ladies broach or bracelet Necklace with rat skulls Bag of shells used as trade goods or jewelry Statuette head made or marble or bronze Set of dentures with small amount of gold Copper ring or armband Enameled copper medallion or broach or cloak pin Pet gremlin Large toad Cuddly feral kitten (actually he bites and scratches lots) Adorable scruffy puppy (trained to hate elves) Big purple grub with sting Flesh eating beetle Hand sized bluebottle fly Adorable baby gremlin Rabid giant rat Insane kobold with knife Human ear neclace Decorated human skull Human helmet turned into funeral urn Set of human knucklebones Flute carved from human femur Set of human bone dice Shrunken human head Carved human bones with poem Human skull ashtray Carved human bone chess pieces Squat statuette of vile demonic god Holy symbol of a cult Fragments of old books, mostly kept cool pictures Terracotta statuettes of family used to prey to Strange gold lump with octopus stamp Black powder cast iron ball grenade with 5 second fuse Collection of possibly narcotic plants and mushrooms Erotic print or tiny statuette, collect them all Necklace - [|fragment of iron from meteor|amber|holy symbol] Magic - [|lucky fetish +1 save {d6} times|d6 healing potion|berserk potion|slimy eyeball of elder evil god concealed in ring, used to spy on mortals] FILENAME: EMO_OSR_InAWell.ipt Header: What's in a Well A local well in a village, city or dungeon provides water. Factions will seek to control wells but sometimes old ones are forgotten or change purpose over time. The contents of a well are often interesting. Ancients clans fought over wells and worshiped them, even sacrificing animals and humans. But most people dislike adventurers fouling their water supply and don't encourage adventurers. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-wonder-whats-in-well.html
prompt: Show me: {Well Contents|Type of Well} Well Contents use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: TypeOfWell [|Grassy|mushroom-overgrown] mound with a muddy narrow shaft opens to subtereanean water chamber [|Grassy|mushroom-overgrown] patch with a sinkhole pit; a small spring produces a few gallons a day Dirty hole surrounded by muck and footprints, dries out in the hot season but the rest of the year water pools in the ground attracting animals A neat shaft into the ground with a bucket or jug and rope to gather water 2:A short stone circle surrounds the brick-lined shaft into the ground[||; a small roof covers the well and it has a winch and bucket.] A shaft carved into bare rock long ago A shaft carved into bare rock with [|a locked lid|bars] preventing access A shaft carved into bare rock next to a dry fountain and a broken hand pump A crumbling ancient brick shaft with some old foundations around entry table: WellContents Broken pots. Old broken bones. Rotten food scraps. Rotten lumps of floating wood. Slimy algae rafts floating on surface. Floating excrement. Remains of old wooden hoist and bucket. Floating remains of moldy books. Great floating lumps of [|fungus|mold|slime] [||||||, deadly dungeon kind]. Abandoned treasure chest in bottom half buried in mud. Savage carnivorous school of rippy fish. Huge [|aquatic serpent|eel] creeps from the well some night and steals local pets. Bats nest in walls and airspace in cave beneath. Huge stranded snapping turtle. Gigantic freshwater lobster. Tentacled horror (huge octopus). Wounded [|goat|dog|pig|donkey] on a ledge. Huge rat colony if startled swarms everywhere screaming. Giant bug nest, usually ant or termites in dungeon but also bees or wasps if outside. Giant bat, like a doom bat or huge vampire bat or goblin riding bat. Dead [|goat|dog|bird|big fish] with a big bite mark. Sacrificed animals- [|dogs|cats|birds|goats]. Burned ashes of human sacrifices. Mixed jumbled bones of human and animal sacrifices. Murder victims corpses dumped here by locals for centuries. Floating rotten human corpse. Remains of long lost underworld shrine with skeletons. Zombies dumped here when necromancer overstaffed. Ledge at bottom with remains of broken boned starved person. Ledge on side is a opening of a long forgotten crypt or tomb. A delightful cave with crystals, calcium formations and luminous fungi. Gated cave almost sealed by formations contains a long mummified monk. Crystal filled cave with great crystal imprisoning something. A bubbling grotto with misty pools is home of a holy hermit. A strange slime encrusted grotto where a deformed sorcerer dwells. Cave complex with stone age paintings and megalithic shrine. Spectacular fungus cave with some mushroom folk. An amazing crystal grotto with steaming geothermal spring. Grotto with large docile albino cave fish. Grotto with a lonely undine appointed to live here as punishment of a god. Cave in bottom is secret lair of a bandit gang. Cave in bottom is secret thieves guild bolthole. Cave off side of shaft houses 1d6 runaway children. Cave off side of shaft home to a refugee family. Cave off side of shaft home to 1d6 escaped slaves. Cave system at bottom home to clan of inbred cannibals. Cave system at bottom home to crazed berserk madmen. Secret door off shaft is hidden cult shrine. Secret door off shaft is band of hidden desperate adventurers. Secret door off shaft is a assassin clan hideout. Kobolds have built a cramped hidey-hole to avoid bigger monsters. Goblin lair with hidden fungus garden grotto. Albino degenerate lizard folk have a semi submerged complex. Fish men outpost to monitor the surface and kidnap mates. Orc outcasts lair carved from shaft in hiding. Bugbear secret family burrow off shaft, they love to scare locals. Rat men lair with chaos altar and swarm of pet giant rats taint the water. Frog men dwell here peacefully fishing and trying to seduce local women. Secret lair of hobgoblin spies watching area for their distant king. A cave complex with magically sleeping serpent men and pet dinosaur. Owlbear fell down long ago into damp cave now very hungry. A Carrion crawler nests here with several paralysed prisoners. A Bonesnapper lived here since a egg left by lizard men. A enraged hook horror like to pull on any ropes dropped down. Nilbogs are thrown down by local goblin tribe kin for being too weird. A furious troll lurks down here, tricked into being trapped. Hideous ogre lurks in cave constantly counting his sack of gold. A small black dragon has lived here for aeons in secret. A hideous formarian hid here as a child and now too big to escape. A grell was planted here by mindflayer cult long ago. Well is tainted but could be purified by magic. Water causes fevered hallucinations if not boiled. Water causes madness unless black altar in bottom destroyed. Water transforms drinkers into goblins unless purified by magic. Well has a trapped demon in the bottom bound by magic. Well is polluted until water weirds in bottom killed. A hellcat whispers advice from the darkness and offers to help you. Well has become tainted with sulpher and boiling, possibly connected to hell. A witch dropped a potion in well and drinkers turn into children 24 hours after drinking. Water is unholy water and causes disease if drunk. A spectre arises from well by night to torment living. Cave at bottom filled with megafauna skeletons which arise if disturbed. A vampire is trapped in well his coffin surrounded by flowing water. Ghouls lair in bottom, creeping out at night to steal corpses. Phantoms from millennium of sacrifice, human and nonhumans. Superior skeletons from ancient times guard a necromancers chest. A wight dwells in his tomb inside well occasionally screaming by night. Aquatic ghouls feast on centuries of dumped corpses in well. A spirit seeks someone to complete a quest so they may find eternal rest. A spirit possesses victims and makes them murder comrades and kin. Secret door off shaft is long lost trapped treasure. Lonely stranded selkie would love help to escape to sea. Leads to separate cavern or dungeon caves long forgotten. Water heals 1d4 damage if drunk within 3 rounds from well once a day. Water is holy water but if removed loses potency in 24 hours. Water has strange random magical properties (use this possibly). Well is intelligent and will talk for hours about gods it has met or something. Well if swum through takes you to the "Woods between worlds" a multiversal hub. Well has a imprisoned immortal in the bottom. A god made a sacrifice here once, some remnants or entity or monster remains. Possibly messing with this will change your life. FILENAME: EMO_RoadWar_RoadsAndTerrain.ipt Header: Roads, Barriers & Terrain For Roads and Barriers, this will roll lower dice to get more common results. table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-collapse: collapse;\}
1d6-2Wasteland1d6Agricultural areas1d8Rural areas closer to cities1d12Semi-abandoned wealthy small farms near the city, where nice tree filled properties have been abandoned with a few die hard blue bloods hanging in.
from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/d100-roads-and-travel-conditions.html
prompt: Show me: {Roads|Roadside Barriers|Wasteland Oz Terrain|Weather|Other Roadside Features} Roads prompt: Area: {Wasteland|Rural|Rural Close To City|Wealthy Small Farms} Wasteland use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& {note=='[#[@GetInitials with {$prompt1}] GetNote]'}& [#[@GetInitials with {$prompt2}] GetDice]& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}{note}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: GetNote type: dictionary default: \z W: Some areas in the Victorian Alps and Canberra get snow in the winter. On the edge of the apocalypse, Australian weather can be crazy. Even deserts can get frost at night - a way of gathering water. Many desert areas flood seasonally or every decade in the summer and remain green for a few months. Wetland areas have many crossings like ferries and bridges. Monsoon rain or hurricane might be a good backdrop. Or just cover everything in mud. ORF: Australian roads have mostly wooden electricity and phone poles, while in Sth Australia they have i beams with concrete beams (ow!). More likely to be functional if better quality road. Mostly functional highways have lights. table: GetDice type: dictionary W:{roll==1d6-2} R:{roll==1d6} RCTC:{roll==1d8} WSF:{roll==1d12} table: Roads [when]1>{roll}[do]None.[else][#{roll} Roads2][end] table: Roads2 Trail in grass where kangaroos go to water supply or migrate Rough dirty trail with rocks and water filled pot holes and prone to floods Gravely rough road graded every few years Well traveled dirt farmers road, dust visible for kilometers Battered pothole filled neglected bitumen road Craters and bullet riddled. Reasonable road but combat damaged. Reasonable sealed rural road with a few crumbling to gravel patches Reasonable road but some some lanes lost to rockslides and washouts Good condition road well maintained Battered highway with a few craters and wrecks; 1 in 6 sections are well-lit Good quality highway well maintained, well lit by solar lighting Metalic self healing nanite coating highway, solar powered and lit, monitored by feds spysats and killsats, far more policed than any other road type. Mostly in uptown or important industrial links table: RoadsideBarriers [when]1>{roll}[do]None.[else][#{roll} RoadsideBarriers2][end] table: RoadsideBarriers2 Short posts with reflectors Short posts with metal crash barrier Concrete crash barrier 1-2m high with wire mesh Short three wire fence with metal steaks or wooden posts Short wire fence with barbed wire and electric wire A 2m high wood or brush fence often dilapidated As four above plus rabbit proof with chicken wire mesh above and below ground Tall 2m high fence that can keep out dingoes, deer, kangaroos, refugees, zombies[||||||, electrified][||||||, razor wire] Short dry stone wall from colonial times, some scattered farm ruins Tall 2m stone wall with mortar[||||||||||, with cemented broken glass bottles on top|, with cemented iron spikes on top] Short brick wall 1-2m high[||||||, electrified][||||||, razor wire][||||||, with camera system] [|Huge concrete walls and barriers|Carved and tunneled into bedrock] table: Wasteland Oz Terrain [|Red|Yellow|Grey|Brown] sand Ash from a bush fire[||||||||||, still burning off and smoking] Mostly [|red|grey|black|brown] gravel Stony dirt with squat salt bushes Stony ground covered in dry thorny shrubs 1m high to the horizon difficult drive Rubble, rocks, big cliffs, eroded monuments with some scraggly trees difficult drive Grass with thin trees with occasional giant gum, creek and 2-3m high termite mound difficult drive Grassy meadows with light trees, creeks, bushes and occasional drop or huge stone Light bush land with lighter trees most common, rivers, difficult drive, difficult drive Heavy bush with mostly huge and large trees over rocky ground, rivers and rocky ground. impassable by car Mountainous and hilly with winding roads with steep cliffs, tunnels and bridges. Straggly trees and bushes and native grass Salt pan with surreal opalescent colours surrounded by fields of Salvation Jane (Purple) and South African Wild daisies (yellow) - introduced pests. Seasonal floods every one to ten years and is muddy or submergedsometimes. Mostly just salt. table: Weather Bone dry as dead dingo's dick. 40c 104f Sky clear remains for {3d6} days Sunny day on the beach for xmas 30c 86f Some clouds {d6} days Warm weather suitable to play cricket 20c 68f Clouds and gentle breeze lasts {d6} days Humid sweaty weather causes itching and dandruff 30c 86f Some clouds {2d6} days Drizzling and showers, muddy roadsides, humid, grey sky 10c 50f or 30c 86f {d6} days Pelting showers, flash floods, difficult creek crossings grey sky 10c 50f {d6} days Fog rolls out at dusk till dawn hiding the land under blanket of mystery 0c 32f {d6} days Snow or hail or sleet makes roads slick and may damage paint jobs -10c 14f 1 day Severe winds blows huge dust clouds turning sky red or orange like mars 1 day Severe storm and winds bring down trees and blow around cows like leaves Acid rail damages clothes, stings eyes and defoliates plants Chem and rad tainted clouds drop some hell brew, mutants dance in the rain table: OtherRoadsideFeatures Emergency truck breaking lanes regularly Concrete barriers divide middle in places Windmills or solar farms Well-appointed with payphones[when]{1d6}>1[do], vandalized by kids or gangs[end] Crops and farm structures, [when]{1d6}>1[do]in ruins[else]modern[end] Plague of [|locusts|cane toads|rabbits|rats] Tourist attraction[when]{1d6}>1[do], in ruins, popular gang hangout[end] Observation points with rest stops and some kind of monument to Aussie failure (Starving explorers, killed settlers, racist bushranger, heroic dog sacrifice, war deaths) Wild kangaroos, emus, deer, pigs, goats or feral farm animals thriving Mounds of garbage like dumped wrecks, beer cans, ciggy and takeaway packs, used nappies, junkmail, sacks of old clothes, suitcases, fridges, broken appliances Huge electrical towers, anterra, microwave towers, dish arrays in area Roadworks in progress with police armoured cars on guard FILENAME: EMO_OSR_DungeonShantyTowns.ipt Header: Dungeon Rush Shanty Towns So in a big dungeon with many adventurers increasingly flocking to the call of easy gold and slaves, enterprising folks decide to cash in. To start with, some adventurers usually leave a camp with donkeys, carts, guards and other followers. As more adventurers and the curious come, a shanty town begins to form. Each week a new feature is added until it evolves into a village then a town. Many of these towns survive long after the gold is gone. Along the way, some ruler appoints (or locals elect) a mayor, and legitimate settlers move in under the increased presence of law. In the first year most people will use tents and wagons but wooden kit buildings spring up after it is apparent the town will be here a while. Some adventurers see town grow after a few sorties, and go into business themselves. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/09/dungeon-rush-shanty-towns.html
prompt: Show me: {Businesses|Local Problems|Seasonal Visitors|More About Dungeon Shanty Towns} Businesses prompt: Shanty Town Age: {Early stage|After a Few Months} Early Stage use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{choice}=Businesses[do]{extra==' (Results are affected by selected Shanty Town Age.)'}[end]& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}{extra}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: Businesses [when][{$prompt2} >> left 1]=E[do][#{1d10} Businesses2][else][@Businesses2][end] table: Businesses2 Dungeoneer supply store - everyday tools of exploration and mining Brothel - a few local women in tents at first to pimp run whorehouse later Sly grog shop - a humble drinking venue with company and music Stable - donkeys, wagons and care for mounted beasts Tavern - a large drinking den with gambling and food and later brings in entertainers Pawn Shop - buy and sell goods from broke adventurers Boarding and bath house - initially rows of tents to eventually a wooden house Smithy - horseshoes, tool making, weapon and armour repairs, Shrine - a priest has come to heal and convert immoral adventurers Food seller - buy rations, fresh and cooked food, each a specialty Baker - brings in an oven and flour, makes bread daily for settlement Butcher - provides meat and buys exotic dungeon meats Money Changer - trades currency (d4% rate) and lends money Slaver - buys and sells humanoids and men, most end up heavy labour till death Barber - also acts as dentist and doctor for first aid Thieves guild - will move in to control crime and keep tabs on adventurers Mercenary guild - where you may hire guards or soldiers Magic Shop - with a magician to identify and trade magics Healer - sets up a hospital for diseased and wounded Sheriff with a hut and a cage, elected and paid for by local business owners table: LocalProblems Bandits begin to prey on route to civilization. Lack of sanitation, stinks at first then disease outbreaks. Humanoids harass travelers in area. Humanoids skirmishers attack, possibly prelude to major attack. Drunk murder hobos flood town, sleep in streets and brawl in the mud. Homeless refugees and urchins looking for work arrive and start begging. Humanoids increasingly wander into town outraged people wont serve them. Main street is a foot deep in stinking mud. Shortage of women brings out peculiar habits not approved by church. Booze all drunk dry, fights break out. VD epidemic - locals itchy, scabby, infertile and increasingly insane. Inquisitor comes to inspect camp for signs of heretics or cultists. Cultists infiltrate camp and start murdering victims. Lice, fleas and ticks break out. Horses and donkeys all sick most die of disease. Local lynch mob hang or burn some one once a week. Spy from dungeon starts to murder, sabotage and cause local unrest. Fire breaks out damaging buildings, tents and killing some locals. Grog supplies bad, many go blind or mad or die. Lack of food causes price hikes and illness. Stray dogs increasing some with rabies. Rat swarms everywhere bit people in beds at night. Lack of clean water brings disease and high prices. A phantom terrifying locals. A lycanthrope in camp everyone under suspicion. Doppelgangers infiltrate camp to murder. Drug addiction and alcoholism rampant. Tunnel under town collapses. Everyone in false panic that monster attack imminent. Local thugs try to take over and monopolise alcohol. Local business man tries to take over other shops with dirty tricks. People found eaten by some monster attracted to camp. Monsters setting traps around camp. Backstabbed robbed corpses found about town. Gangs form among residents and start to brawl. Plague carrier visits and dies. A wolfpack in area starting to attack locals and kill dogs. A big cat like a panther or mountain lion eats a few locals. Shoddy building collapses and kills several people. Mosquitoes swarms spread disease to locals and animals. Leeches crawling everywhere. Flash flood washes away part of camp. A tree falls on camp killing someone. Trail covered by rockslide and new path required. Humanoids poison local water supply. Pile of severed murder hobo heads left by gate on morning. Locals fight over a woman starting a huge brawl. Signs of demonic summoning or cult ritual found near camp. Campers dig up haunted burial mound and undead attack by night. table: SeasonalVisitors Road builders come to improve road to civilization. Wagon of fancy prostitutes from city. Travelling minstrel and actors come to perform. Traveling circus always looking to buy new freaks. Slaver come with shipment of wives to sell. Priest and acolytes comes to convert sinners and feud with any local priests. Travelling tailor comes to mend and sell clothing and hats. Travelling tinkerer fixes things like boots, weapons and tools. Tanner comes to buy exotic skins, furs and hides. Cobbler comes to mend and sell boots. Visiting noble with entourage inspects camp for local ruler. Wizard and apprentice visits to trade magic items. Family of adventurer looking for kinsman who they have not seen in a while. Drug dealer come to supply area and enjoy local vices. Demihuman adventurers arrive, usually disgusted and make own camp. Quality cook visits and everyone raving about quality of food. Con man comes to fleece adventurers with land deeds and fake potions. Thief gang passes through to rob everyone and move on. Gambler passes through to suck camp dry of money. Bounty hunters looking for a wanted murder hobo. Military inspect area to consider building a fort. Lumber men come in to clear trees. Missionaries come to aid limbless, diseased and drunken murder hobos. Tax men come to claim income tax from business men and adventurers. Historian comes to visit to document happenings and examine historic finds. Dandy wannabee adventurers from city insult scruffy locals and start fights. Hoodlum from city organises pit fights with man and beast and monsters. A fight promoter with star gladiator takes on all comers for cash. A builder comes to construct a structure. Fortune Tellers mostly hucksters exploiting locals. Brewer visits with barrels on wagon. Preachers come to encourage adventurers to quit lives of sin. Cultist comes to recruit. Fight promoter comes to buy monsters for city gladiators. Messenger arrives looking for client to deliver map or letter to. Monster boss from dungeon sends envoy to make deal with camp. Loud braggart adventurer declares he will cleanse dungeon. A famous adventurer and followers joins camp. A band of filthy murder hobos join camp and start rivalries with established ones. An apothecary's son comes to trade potions for exotic monster organs. Inbred rednecks visit to see if a good place to settle down. Farming family visits to examine land and judge if camp a fit community. A poet comes to compose works on the local heroes or murder hobos if he cant find any heroes. A bard comes to put on shows, seduce women and make a name for himself. A cat seller with wagon load of cats arrives, guaranteed to reduce rats. Miracle medicine show comes through to fleece the foolish. Military officer comes to make sure locals not stirring up war with humanoids. Rural hunters and trappers come seeking furs and exotic game. Rich hunters come to hunt monsters for a lark, treat locals like stupid scum. Settlers with wagons come to inspect local land and community. table: MoreAboutDungeonShantyTowns [when]{rep}=1[do]& When settlers move in and the dungeon is fished murder hobos move to a new megadungeon. Sometimes a noble takes interest and sends in tax men or the military to take over. When a noble begins charging for a dungeon licence and his men begin to inspect and imprison adventurers this also can mean death for the town. Military might move in and build a fort to establish order and control. Military dungeon engineers will of course start strip and open cut mining on the mega dungeon. Some even seal entries and pump in smoke then ambush fleeing monsters. Amateur murder hobos are no match for imperial dungeoneers mining magic for the empire.\n\n& Inhabitants of the local dungeon might retaliate and the camp might require more mercenaries and build a wall.\n\n& A camp like this and its growth might be an entertaining diversion from a campaign megadungeon. Heroes might get to become important or even name the town. A graveyard with wooden headstones might well appear within a few months.\n\n& Also this is more detail on military dungeoneering\n& elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2012/10/impirial-dungeoneon-engineer-corps.html& [end] FILENAME: EMO_OSR_DungeonSeals.ipt Header: Dungeon Seals to Trap Heroes Some players like to raid a dungeon and run after just a few encounters, because the wizard ran out of spells. Nobody's hurt but it slows the game down and it's a bit less heroic to flee from a scratch. If there's no risk it's not an adventure, it's shooting fish in a barrel. One option is, every time the party returns the guards increase and every encounter is more ready and monsters hide loot more. Possibly they send women and children and loot to the boss monster's brother's dungeon. A simpler approach: Seal them in and force them to survive without pit stops. They will moan but will have a much more exiting adventure. Some of these might require the threat to be demonstrated possibly from a dead and plundered party. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/10/d100-dungeon-seals-to-trap-heroes.html
table: DungeonSealsToTrapHeroes Mudslide seals entry. Quake collapses entry or causes rockslide. Snow or Ice seals entry (posibly magic). Water floods entry way. A fire damages tunnel collapsing it. Volcanic fissure seals with lave. Poison gas flooded. Plague corpses scattered around entry passages. Accidental explosion from alchemist or wizard. Poor materials and maintenance bring down roof from noise. A horrid flesh eating lake of coloured slime takes over entry. A lake of fleshy protoplasm birthing tiny monsters blocks entry. A deadly fungus garden takes hold. Killer plants block entry way. Plague of huge [|snapping turtles|killer frogs|snakes|lizards]. Everything overgrown with toxic mould and contagious spores. Mobile shambling compost heaps have filled entry for group seasonal fermentation. Something horrible has laid thousands of eggs with hyper voracious flesh eating young. Crawling with [|rot grubs|kyuss maggots|fleshbore worms|zombie worms]. A swarm of giant [|wasps|bees|ants|termites] builds a nest. Entry way collapse when secret kobold tunnel underneath collapsed. Barrels of explosives with kobold suicide pyromaniacs on guard. Celing closes sealing entry and crushing. Hundreds of poison arrow or dart traps installed. Walls extrude spikes and close in on tunnel. Entry covered in flammable fuel or tar with kobold ready with a match. Weakened beams bringdown roof if stripline tripped. Concealed automated bolt throwers (possibly manned). Huge boulder released which eventually blocks entrance. Whole corridor drops suddenly sealing entry. Bandits build a palisade and shoot anyone leaving. Military build trenches and sharpened stakes, with crossbow troops. Military seal entry and pump in smoke if detect anything trying to get out. Military set up ballista guarded by pikemen. Military cavalry unit on guard charge anything leaving. Murder hobo gang build camp in entry and kill anything threat comes close. Religious order of templars with paladin hero to kill non good agents l. Local knight and his friends camp here to slay anything that comes out. Barbarian tribe come to camp so youths can someone to kill for festival. A nasty mercenary force come here to contain entry no questions asked. Monsters bury entrance under [|rubble|dung|garbage|dirt]. Open murder hole hatches in ceiling with boiling oil and lead ready. Entry thick with monsters with shield walls and pikes. Wicker siege sheilds cover archers ready for assault. Covered in poison caltrops with archer guards. Kobolds brick up and if hear attempts to get through add more layers and buttresses. Monsters pump irritating or nausea inducing gas into entry. Monsters seal their end and flood entry with sewerage when intruders enter. Monsters stock with deadly fungus and monsters that blocks tunnel. Monster cavalry force occupy entry and use as stables for their awful mounts. A dragon moves in to set up a lair and is keen to assert authority. A family of giants move in with a big cooking pot, invite visitors to dinner. A huge band of ogres move in and set up fortifications for magi clan leader. Gigantic burrowing monster semi collapsed entry and now live there. Gremlin colony infested in entry, hundreds then a thousand swarm from cracks in walls. Trappers, mimics and other camouflaged monsters infest entry. Giant paralysing carnivorous jelly blocks entry and is difficult to notice. Invisible stalkers have been left here by evil wizards for laugh. A froghemoth has come here to spawn and likes tasty food coming into nest. A flock of wyverns nest here, the two-tailed local variety. Cursed glyphs inflict evil debilitating magic on any who pass. Undead phantoms led by non-corporeal undead arise if intruded. Hundreds of spirits swarm here and await bodies to possess. Corpses scattered around entry arise as undead that seem endless. A small army of wights has come seeking a new lair and will build a tomb. Lycanthropes come here socially and area stinks, can infect intruders with taint. A travelling Kaiju that travels by night has snuggled in here for a nap, can eat in sleep. A rare gathering of many dozens of owlbears hooting incessantly for weeks. A dragon couple have crept in here for violent lovemaking for a few weeks. A travelling monster freak show released stock here rather than let sherriff kill them. Magical walls of fire block passage. Magical Ice fills entry, possibly with trapped victims inside. Force wall blocks entry. Fire elementals guard this spot - a temporary planar node. Air elementals guard this spot - a temporary planar node. Earth elementals guard this spot - a temporary planar node. Water elementals guard this spot - a temporary planar node. A magic mirror makes evil clones of any who pass. Entry actually sends passers to a different time or plane one way. A bubbling pool of chaos here forming shoggoths and worse, guarded by demons. Tunnel filled with millions of screeching rats swarming into impossible shapes. Undead mammoths migrated here from local tar pit, hate two legged freaks. Hundreds of goblins orcs and other species fused into a disgusting living lake of flesh. Blocked by hundreds of tons of candy, cake and other sweets, giant ants attracted. Blocked by fused bones of hundreds of skeletons animated by mad necromancer. Modrons have a foothold base, local intruders to be put in stasis boxes for an aeon. Silver knights of gith come to test mortals psionics, kill enemies and build an outpost. Serpent men came and filled full of explosive runes and magic traps. Special force troops scouting from other dimension awaiting extraction. Flooded with blood that acts as unholy water that cancels recently used magic healing. A local petty god guards entrance for a short stay. Minor elder god has awoken and uses this as lair and flophouse for cult pilgrims. A minion of a god has been sent to keep any from passing. A portal to hell has opened with devil guards and a burning hellscape. A demigod hero camps here challenging all comers, if defeated their parent notices. A saint with a travelling shrine, only converts may pass, violence is impossible. A fabulous divine beast will only let pass those who accept it's quest or puzzle. An angel with burning sword and eyes guards here "I dunno why, nothing personal". A monster god has appeared and monsters from many dungeons come to see. A mighty god watches and will block passage, destroying those who dont get hint. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_FamiliarsProblems.ipt Header: Your Familiar is Boring Familiars are kinda boring, just sitting about boosting your magician's powers and waiting to get smushed. This table could be used for a familiar's consistent quirk or could be re-rolled regularly. Possibly druidic and priest pets are more polite than traditional arcane ones. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/10/your-familiar-is-boring.html
table: FamiliarProblemsAndSubplots Likes to shit everywhere Like to rub against people and things to scratch self Dribbles phlegm or saliva constantly Makes irritating noises in polite company Flatulent, especially if eats certain food it loves Nips people who get to close to master from jealousy Likes to eat or chew things left un attended Likes to lick strangers Drags buttocks on ground and makes disgusting noises Tries to steal favorite treats Snaps and snarls at other familiars or small critters Tries to mate with other familiars or small critters Always has a rivalry with at least one familiar Sneaks off to cavort with other familiars when in town If meets other familiars they giggle and mimic each other Dislikes seeing familiars hurt and tries to save them Likes to play with other familiars, cries when separated Learns tricks and behaviour from other familiars or small critters Longs to cuddle and kiss other familiars or small critters Wants to eat familiar or small critters Familiar hates certain other species and provokes them due to old grudge Familiar type just like it used by unpopular regional cult Familiar type deemed old fashioned by other magicians Familiar type associated with mad clan of magicians Familiar reincarnation of past familiar of ancient legendary magician Keeps unearthing ancient rubble and scraps of ancient civilizations Keeps finding scraps from old books Seems attracted to regalia and objects of past magician dynasty Seems to hate regalia and objects of past magician, urinates on them Familiar is uppity, likes to sit on treasure and wear jewelry Keeps being caught whispering and being overly friendly to rats Spies on people bathing, on toilet and lovemaking Likes to lick faces of freshly deceased Collects stolen trinkets and shiny things, possibly hides in master's stash Likes to steal treasure maps in taverns Digs holes to bury treasure Mutters strange things into ears of the dead Draws strange sigils with spilled blood Performs strange ritual dances to the moon when camping Howls at full moon and responds to other howling beasts by night Likes to get drunk till vomits everywhere Certain foods it likes or cause violent diarrhea Likes to bite of noses and fingers off the dead Likes to hump legs of people it likes Coughs up hairballs or castings or cud making a disgusting sound Likes to lick feet and steal socks and undergarments Likes to chew on old bones and roll in dried old corpses Marks scent on doorways and trees constantly Snacks on animal and monster droppings Likes to gnaw on old bones especially skulls Likes to chew ropes Likes to collect pretty pebbles and keep in masters pack Likes to sing in bestial voice when bored Likes to taunt enemies as master casts spells Utters obscenities at odd awkward moments Writes blackmailing letters Reports people to the secret police or other lawmen Reports activities to a cult, temple or owners master or teacher Hates children, snarls or bites or sprays on them Tends to spit, spray or defecate on those it dislikes or their belongings Under certain constellations familiar changes alignment temporarily When stars are right opens a gate allowing something to visit our worlds On rare evenings turns into a human but might keep a secret Glows or sparkles when certain star or constellation ascending Makes strange noises when it senses weaknesses between worlds near Develops a glowing corona of power under moonlight Under certain stars air pressure increases locally causing master nosebleeds ` Becomes musical and dances about when star sign ascending Coughs up brilliant semi precious stones every solstice Grows strange lumps and tumours as master grows in power Grows creepy tentacles as master grows in power Has a alternate animal form it can shape shift into and back once a day Can breath coloured smoke rings Can drink a potion storing it ready for use later Has one or more horns +1 damage Has wings for short flights (enhanced flight if already a flyer) Can project light from eyes 30" in a 60 degree cone Teleport self (1/per masters lv a day) in puff of smoke (alignment=odour) Can spit fire (1/per masters lv a day) d6+1/masters lv, 3" range Likes to eat semi precious gems and pearls Likes to bask in magical fields and auroras Likes to lick and suck magic items Becomes flatulent near unidentified magic items Can shapeshift into a small child and back once a day Can interbreed with normal similar size animals making odd hybrids Keeps obtaining adorable little outfits from somewhere Can track blood scent like a typical dog (or better if already a tracker) Makes noises if opposite alignment comes within 3" of master Grows long beards or long silky hair quickly which can be woven into fine fabric Goes into trances and mutters, actually spirit is conversing on other planes Monitored by other planar beings according to alignment Disappears from time to time off duty to other plane Occasionally used as mouthpiece for other planar beings Can recall spirit of freshly dead to ask them a question once a day Delivers notes from other plane to master occasionally Can suck masters blood for nutrient or to heal 1hp per injury Can plane shift to avoid danger and return once a day Brings master a coin from plane of planar alignment patron each day Will converse with planar beings of same alignment even ones in disguise FILENAME: EMO_WWI_AirEncounter.ipt Header: Air Encounters for the Great Weird War! These tables are a stopgap for aircraft and aerial phenomena. Obviously sea missions would be different. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/10/d100-air-encounters-for-great-weird-war.html
table: AirEncounterOverNoMansLand Heavy rain reduces visibility increases stalling engines Strong wind makes manoeuvring harder Sudden electrical storm rolls across sky Black clouds darken the sky Fog clouds reduce visibility Lightning strikes plane as storm breaks Strong winds in one direction with possible changes hourly Thick cloud cover from horizon to horizon at a set altitude Strong updraft aids climbing Sunny with clouds allowing surprise attacks See distant enemy train on line See enemy ammo dump exposed See artillery unit being moved closed to line See trucks carrying troops and supplies on muddy road See artillery being pulled by horses to new position down line See super heavy cannons moved on train line See aircraft being moved on train line See observer balloons crews setting up See distant field hospital See enemy aircraft on ground See build up of troops ready for offencive Men fresh from homes marching to front lines See group of men looking for wounded on battlefield See cavalry corp moving along lines See tanks following infantry into position See new line of defencive trenches being dug See a new bunker or dugout See men sneaking across lines See a machine gun nest crew pinning down their enemies See troops putting up mines or barbed wire Hidden air batteries surprise you with fire Ground troops open fire at you Heavy ground fire fills air with smoke clouds Illumination flares light up sky AA weapons across battlefield Observer balloon with expert rifleman Local fighters phoned in by observers Visibility low from airbursting shells Huge volume of AA fire rattles some pilots sanity Flock of birds (or bats at night) strike aircraft Men assaulting trench line Men fighting in hand to hand in no man land Men fighting moving from cover of ruins and tree trunks of former forest Tanks followed by infantry Men pinned down by machine gun nest Men drowning in gas attack Men hiding in trenches from artillery barrage Men revolting against officers and MPs Force of men surrendering Men fleeing fight discarding equipment Light scout plane observer will flee hostilities Two-seater like SE5, observer with camera and pigeons Observation balloons under attack Fighters guarding Se5 with camera Scout plane under attack by enemy fighter Allied fighters tilt wings to salute you Bombers and escorts on way to mission Damaged bombers without escorts flying home and under attack Inexperienced pilots being pursued by enemy See allied plane going down See an enemy scout plane Enemy fighter with pilot distracted with taking photograph An older model enemy scout aircraft alone Scout with two escort fighters Observation balloons guarded by AA positions Two seater plane with observer Three fighters but two are first time pilots ordered to flee Single pilot wary who will flee Two planes wary and reluctant to fight Observation balloon guarded by fighters Lone lost fighter plane with amatuer pilot Damaged plane limping back to lines Two fighters on patrol Three fighters on patrol Four fighter wing on patrol Six fighter planes on patrol Twelve plane squadron of fighters An aerial dog fight with {d6} planes each side A large aerial battle vs two squadrons Red barrons flying circus Fighter plane with pilot throwing grenades and bombs Fighter wing of four planes with pilot throwing grenades and bombs Squadron of 12 fighters with pilots throwing grenades and bombs Flight of four bombers which have lost escort fighters Flight of four bombers with four fighter escorts Flight of four bombers with eight fighter escort Damaged bomber limping home alone Lone bomber returning home Damaged flight of {1d4} bombers with {d4} battle-weary fighters fleeing Squadron of twelve bombers and squadron of twelve fighters Distant airship high above plane altitude Airship dropping bombs with {d4} fighter escorts High altitude airships on way for long range bombing run Airship dropping propaganda Damaged airship desperately limping home Crippled airship crashing to ground Crashed airship on ground 1in6 still burning AIrship guarded by wing of four fighters Airship with squadron of escort fighters Airship and {d4} escorts in battle with {2d4} fighters FILENAME: EMO_RoadWar_WastelandHeroes.ipt Header: Wasteland Heroes In the wasteland you don't often find friends and you never expect to be bailed out by a stranger. But the number one rule of wasteland survival is you can't depend on anything; even a world where you expect the worst will surprise you sometimes. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/10/d100-wasteland-heroes.html
prompt: Show me: {Wasteland Heroes|Wasteland Heroes Motivations} Wasteland Heroes use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: WastelandHeroesMotivations Family killed by [|gang|unknown entities|evil relative|evil cult]. Enemy killed lover and special pet. Only feels normal thrill risking life. Evil destroyed hometown. Best friend murdered during [|wedding|holiday|date|quiet night at home]. Parents killed leaving hero an orphan. In personal war with [|secret society|cult]. In personal war with rogue government agency. In personal war with [|criminal cartel|gang]. Dying and out to right wrongs before death. Dying and out to die in battle against impossible odds. Out to redeem self for wicked life and past sins. Just following orders from a patron. On an one person crusade against evil. Tired of past employers now on own out to protect the weak. Trained by master to battle forces of wasteland. Trained as agent of secret society now free and working against them. Given mission by mysterious advisor outside normal channels. Beloved family member was hero and disappeared. Having given up on the cities now brings justice to the wasteland. table: WastelandHeroes A wasteland Jackaroo who seems good at everything and is just honest and decent. A drunk old guy in 70s car, family killed now hunts gangs suicidally. A war veteran back from the zone to find home crawling with gangs and cults. A school teacher who out of hours hunts and kills students who join gangs. A postman in armoured van helps anyone he can to serve the people. A city lawyer gone fight crazy from being hunted by mob has moved to wasteland. A wealthy old vigilante who uses high tech vehicles and body armour. A pick up truck of good county folk who like to help ignorant and stupid folk. A couple of juves in scrap built car out to right the worlds wrong. A drunken sot who killed own family in accident now roams highways killing gangs. Secret agent investigating security risk in wasteland with hi tech interceptor. [|Nun|Monk], agent of the Vatican, performing duties for the pope's special forces. Utopian secret society spy on mission, willing to help ordinary people on road. Agent investigating strange phenomena happy to destroy normal crooks for a break. Mutant control officer armed and willing to smash degenerate bad guys. Plainclothes cops investigating crime on special jurisdiction. Agent looking for foreign enemies in outback area on a mystery mission. Woomera Space Agency agents trying to hunt for signs of UFOs. Agent of private anti crime org that hunts a single evil cabal. APIO agents looking for paranormal events, psionics phenomena and superhumans. A lone ex highway cop in the last of the v8 interceptors. Lone wolf ranger wants revenge against cartel that killed his loved ones. A war vet who hunts worst criminals but stops to kill any criminals on the way. Ex corporate assassin turned eco terrorist vigilante always helps any one in unfair fight. Agent on run from corrupt department hiding national scandal about Prime Minister. A former spymaster on the run from former agency but cant help protect the weak. Ex sanctioned op sick of agency gone vigilante with company interceptor. ASUS torture expert from the zone after cartel who killed family, likes to kill bad folk. Former foreign spy in hiding but hates bullies and has many concealed weapons. Ex-[|cop|fed] now turned bounty hunter and willing to collect petty bounties. Mutant lives in scrap built car dedicated to being hero and promote human-mutant peace. Mutant students from expensive school on road trip, willing to use odd powers. Filthy mutant hobos in scrap built mobile home always leap to defend normal folk. Bandaged covered degenerate scabby muties swarm out to destroy the wicked. Horrible fleshy thing once a human, steals cars and goes on kill sprees of the wicked. Mutant brain in a vat cyberlinked to franken car roams wastes destroying evil. Mutant fused together from different bodies in similar scratch built car. Self appointed sheriff of mutants roams the highways for baddies to snuff. Masked mutant defends highways from lawless yet is hunted by government and mob. Thee headed mutant ogre eats the wiked and renders them into biofuel. Cyborg assassin escaped controllers and out to kill anyone who harms innocents. AWOL cyborg vets in a van who help anyone in trouble despite being hunted by military. Cyborg ex test pilot agent stuntman, now roams about in pickup truck helping folks. Venus Probe, a russian explorer drone gone beserk when crashed in wasteland. Rogue replicants escaped and awaiting death clocks, will aid others for thrill of killing. Android replicant of someone known to an adventurer but acting out of character. Cyborg agent with brain in heavily armoured humanoid body hunts rogue cyborgs. AI justice org smart car gone wild hunts and terminates criminals. Android on run has been living as a road warrior longing for a pyrrhic victory. Cyborg cop on rampage after most of humanity removed, now hunts crime in the waste. Special tax agent out to assess hidden wealth in bunkers kills tax evading scum. Detective on a case cant stand seeing criminals bother people. Private eye investigating missing goods happy to enter fire fights for some real action. Murder motorsport league recruiter looking for talent and willing to help possible recruits. Corporate suit looking for discreet men for mission accidentally bumbles into firefight. Corporate suit offering rewards to find someone or something, hates wasteland scum. Park ranger looking for who is releasing monsters into park always helps folk in need. Journalists trying to piece together a conspiracy all ways helps others. Freelance conspiracy buffs in volkswagen hippie van seeking secret black bag jobs. Underground protester group looking for stuff to expose and protest. Conspiracy agent hunting dark forces and willing to kill first and dissect later. Master magician with exotic servant travel the land hunting the dark powers. A famous celebrity psychic drawn to area investigating strange sensation. Eccentric professor with military clearance and assistants out to pursue strange cases. Older professor with relics and his coffin like time clock in back of station wagon. Long haired androgynous hipster actually plane shifting and body hopping assassin. A mystery investigator in a trench coat, has unusual powers and artifacts and exits. A masked vigilante with various artifacts and exotic cult training. Immortal warrior and sword master hunting immortal enemies and any other jerks in way. One of the last templars hunting the antichrist or his antecedents or any wickedness. All terrain lab with utopian crew and exotic pet from a bunker solving peoples problems. Squad of secret society mercenaries in APC disguised as a van out to kill mutual enemy. Doomsday cult agent with high tech car, spreading cause of war and will join any battle. Secret society super assassin trained since birth but now fights former killer clan. Black science outfit seeking to test a weapon and minimize collateral damage. Secret society collecting artifacts man was not meant to know for storage. Brotherhood of demonic underground empire trying to cull the unworthy in the outback. Secret brotherhood dedicated to killing immortals and non human threats. Secret ancient civilization with hybrid advanced and bronze age tech, spying on surface. Martial arts brotherhood seeking traitor who killed master, but helping stranger on way. Hyperborean hero awakened by cursed relic hunting serpent men or any forces of evil. Psionic agent from future hunting time criminals help those with important destinies. Psychic investigator hunting dangerous cults a defeats with own strange powers. Old lady witch and several senior coven mates hunt and destroy ancient evils. Swearing old punk rock wizard hunting demons he drunkenly freed decades ago. Metatemporal psionic investigator examining irregularities in multiverse. Immortal kindly old wizard searching for heroes to give questionable relics too. Psionic agent of ancient sect uses powers to wage war on crime via network of helpers. Psionic teens seek own kind, the coming race of telepaths, unable to kill or see any hurt. Goverment psi agents hunting rogue telepaths who might get used by overspace entities. Vampire and undead hunter teens in van decent enough to help any in trouble. Saucer men in disguise in modified vehicle, visit earth for hunts, thrills and kills. Troubled shape shifting monster on the run keeps getting mixed up in people problems. Gelatinous elder horror with human form protects secret assets of his inhuman masters. Zombie driver fused to car with fragment of humanity left undoing his many wrongs. A lone superhuman avoiding the military and trying to right wrongs of wasteland. An alien grey in human form likes humans and cant help meddle in human problems. Hideous insectoid fungal alien hiding in human skin seeks interesting human brains. Body possessed by overspace entity, saves people but then demands worship. Alien in battlesuit destroys certain people and spares others for inexplicable purpose. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_RentAMurderHobo.ipt Header: Rent-a-Murder-Hobo When a murder hobo shanty town forms near a dungeon, these are the kind of mercenaries who turn up. If you don't hire them some one else will. In the shanty town, sly grog shops have a d3 of these merc gangs each. They hang around for d6 days before moving on but 1 in 6 will team up with a rival expedition and move in on the dungeon. You might meet them. Also see elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2015/09/dungeon-rush-shanty-towns.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2015/03/d100-tragic-old-murder-hobos.html from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/10/d100-rent-murder-hobo.html
table: DungeonTownMercenaries A rude gang of {3d6} bandits led by an ex-adventurer, competent wilderness scouts A gang of {3d4} thieves with experience in tomb and dungeon infiltration A gang of {3d6} thrill killers on the run from law keen to charge into a dungeon screaming {2d6} former soldiers experienced in raiding humanoid lairs A band of young boys offering service as lamp, pole and baggage bearers {3d4} tavern cut throats who like to infiltrate and hunt dungeon bosses {2d6} ex-militia guards with spear and crossbow men A local slingers club of {3d6} who like to drink and shoot targets together {2d6} filthy trashed out old hobos with rambling stories and broken weapons {3d6} cannibal hobo wanderers who happily murder in a dungeon for a change A strange man has {d100} gremlins in sacks and cages he swears will ruin dungeon life A man in a wagon selling {4d6} kobolds in caged wagon as skilled tunnel fighters & miners {3d6} desperate squirming goblins will fight or bear loads or guard or labour A half squad of six disciplined hobgoblin soldiers with a corporal A group of {3d6} orc marauders keen to hunt and kill with bow or sword or spear A pack of {d6} goblin archers riding wolves An orc sergeant scout riding a warg A group of {1d6} giant-bat-riding goblins A group of {d4} bugbears keen to assassinate and terrify enemies A savage [||||||mixed-breed] beastfolk scout party of {a d6} A group of {2d6} viking warriors keen for battle and very vindictive if betrayed A gang of {2d6} crazed berserker barbarians who quickly turn into a liability A group of {2d4} huge wasteland barbarians who really like chopping beings up A huge barbarian with his exotic species mount that fights along side them A half ogre barbarian with huge muscle mass and pole axe, easily conned A band of {3d4} nomad savages able scouts and skirmishers with bows and javelins A band of {d6} noble nomads with scale armour, spears and hatchets, proud and fearless A barbarian [|priestly|druidic] hero with a pet seeks relics of tribe lost in local dungeon A band of {3d6} young barbarians with javelins and hatchets, more courage than sense A berserker with incredible muscles, mutates from chaos power when berserk A half squad of 12 men at arms in quality armour with bill hooks, maces and crossbows A band of professional archers skilled in skirmishing and scouting terrain A squad of 12 shield and spear troops who fight in a wall formation like the old empire A group of 6 land knights with rich clothes, two handed swords and pistols A band of {2d4} ex-gladiators, specialists in brutal monster and beast fighting A half squad of halberdiers with crossbows and quality armour A band of {2d6} marine veterans with mixed weapons including swords and pistols A poor knight and {2d4} of his entourage, very brave band who support the knight A band of templar warriors with shield and mace, fanatic to their cult A band of martial artists dedicated to perfection raising funds for monastery or school A band of {4d4} sappers who will dig their own dungeon entries, trenches and huge open-cut pits A band of {3d4} sappers who will dig shafts into dungeon then pump in smoke with bellows A band of {3d4} engineers who will build a gatehouse over the dungeon entrance A band of {4d4} engineers will build a wooden palisade wall and watch tower A band of {3d4} sappers will dig close to dungeon then set off a huge explosive mine A band of {3d4} workers will dig trenches and set sharp wooden stakes and traps A band of {2d4} builders will make bridges or structures like prison or barracks A band of {3d4} wood workers who will fell trees and build wooden structures and walls A band of {2d3} quarry men will build defencive stone walls, bunkers and tunnels A band of {2d4} mine engineers will build a wooden rail line and carts to move goods A crew of siege missile apparatus on wheels casts a dozen javelins A siege shield team in {1d4} groups of three, one man holds huge shield others use slings A band of {2d4} who manufacture black powder explosive mines that damage walls A band of {3d4} incendiary makers who render flammable oil from monster bodies A ballista crew of {1d3} apparatus each with four operators who can even build weapons A catapult crew of six who can build from scratch and hurl pots full of stone shrapnel A cannon crew of six operate a small siege cannon they drag on a sled A crew of six gunners with a wagon with six large guns that can be fired singly or all A mangonel stone launcher on wagon with crew of six, can hurl head size rocks A shielded battering ram with a dozen crew, can enter dungeon with smaller rams A band of {2d6} drunken homicidal dwarves who kill keenly but belch lots A band of {2d4} hobbit rock chuckers able to provide suppressive fire, constantly eating A band of {1d6} snooty elf warrior mages, calm cool killers who hate most dungeon life A changeling spy who can adopt an animal form able to enter dungeon without notice A band of {2d4} gnome sapper and tunnel fighters, wise in ways of dungeons A dwarf priest and {1d6} followers seeking lost relics, dour and boastful of dwarf history A halfling master burglar will enter dungeon and locate entrances and food stores An elf infiltrator will enter invisibly to map parts of dungeon and leave trap spells behind Halfling assassins will scout ahead and kill guards silently but cowardly in fair fight A band of elf soldiers inexperienced but disciplined and rely mostly on bows A sly old witch and her daughters will curse enemies and offer advice and divination A rascally self indulgent sorcerer down on luck needs cash for spells A haughty wizard will support dungeon expedition but really searching for arcane lore A holy healer with {d4} followers will establish a field hospital A druidic priest will aid but really they seek to destroy unnatural monsters A priest with {a d6} followers who will serve to hunt evil and undead An elderly battle priest will cast spells to enhance other troops before a fight A creepy wizard will perform spell casting dutifully actually a necromancer seeking relics A sleazy drug addicted sorcerer will serve poorly and get camp members hooked A grumpy priest and his {d6} devout helpers will fight but lecture everyone about alignment A disgusting were beast offers services as a killing machine, as human is arrogant A gypsy with a young trained owlbear on a chain good for tracking and fighting An ex-circus carny with a trained hook horror, one day he will beat it too much A boy with his pet terror bird he can ride it to flee but is a fierce fighter and guard A lady with her man eating ape that dotes on her, savagely dismembers enemies A necromancer with a charmed ghoul and several skeletons and zombies A lizard man with a bonesnapper pet he raised since an egg An orc mercenary with a giant boar he can ride and sort of direct in a fight An old lady with {3d4} shrieking trained stirges in a sack, dangerous but possibly helpful An evil apprentice with his imp familiar that is capable of espionage and offers advice A loner who only fights by night alone, sneaks into dungeon and terrorizes inhabitants A grim knight who has trouble speaking actually undead seeks something in dungeon A darkstalker who seeks relic in dungeon will act as a thief or assassin A gang of {2d6} ugly sailors actually fishmen hybrids who want something in dungeon A shape shifting serpent man wizard with {d6} cultists up to no good A gang of ugly gutter thugs actually chaos mutants who are looking for trouble A criminal gang of {3d6} thugs join adventurers to betray and rob them A gang of {2d6} wannabe adventurers actually working for rival dungeon expedition A gang of {2d6} ex-military swordsmen actually agents of state informing tax and military A gang of {2d6} cheap spearmen. One is [|a reincarnated|possessed by a] former dungeon inhabitant from ancient times who seeks to know what happened to their former loved ones. The being is helpful, but will react to finds and will have knowledge of layout. Such knowledge might be inaccurate as building may have changed. They may share their story and develop a relationship with party to emphasize their tragedy and feed clues to party. Eventually they will break down when finds remains of loved ones and will try and commit suicide. FILENAME: EMO_RoadWar_SlumburbBogans.ipt Header: Slumburban Bogans Australian language used ahead; proceed with caution. Bogans. Pumped up on boredom and beer these guys will totally smash any strange cunts that come down their streets. "Violence is like totally outta control around here so if anyones not from our street comes by we bash 'em so now crime totally dropped. Actually the post and the milk truck have stopped coming too." In the former poorer suburbs surrounding the walled cities are sprawling ruined slumburbs. There are still mostly automated industrial parks with some jobs but most live off cottage industry, the black market and occasional contracts when their skills are needed. Food is the biggest shortage item and food riots break out often. Dole yeast, soyloaf and soylant green are provided my more progressive cities but they tend to fill it with sedatives. Free wireless-powered TVs that never turn off are given away in lotteries, with tickets gained by ratting out your neighbors to the law. Alcohol and drugs run rampant and most have some connection to gangs, crime or black market. Many homes were bulldozed to make walls to keep out zombies, plague carriers, mutants and the poor, so most people live in tents and ruins. The best properties are held by gangs, some hired by corporations. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/11/d100-slumburban-bogans.html
prompt: Show me: {Common Locals|Occasional Locals|Bogan Antics|Slumburban Encounters|More About Bogans} Common Locals use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MoreAboutBogans [#{rep} MoreAboutBogans2] table: MoreAboutBogans2 1:Basic Slumburb Breakdown\n\n& Choice Vehicles\nRetro sedans, muscle cars, motorcycles, armoured limousines and luxury cars, "utes" (utility vehicle), renegade buggies, scratch built vehicles, sports cars, station wagons, anything gaudy and flashy.\nCar brand fans are major gangs dividing the city.\n\n& Vehicle Arms\nLight and medium machine guns, grenade launchers, rooftop swivel mount or fixed forward. Dropped weapons and ram plates are popular.\n\n& Weapons of choice\nShotguns, sawed-off shotguns, flare pistols, any pistols, knives, clubs, chains. Some choose submachine guns, RPG7s, machine pistols and mini guns to be extra flashy.\n\n& Food\nMeat pies, kebabs, sausage on bread with tomato sauce, vegemite on toast, bacon and egg rolls, pizza, curry, hamburgers, fish and chips, beer or "goon" (cheap wine in silver foil bag in a box, or "goonbag"), lamingtons, biscuits, chiko rolls, sushi, steak, baked beans, pasties, sausage rolls, hot dogs, Chinease takeaway, chocolate.\n\n& Tech\nMostly dated and recycled, some vintage, but the criminal elite flaunt their wealth to those of the inner city.\n\n& Dress\nT-shirts, red or blue flannel checked shirts, denim jeans, t-shirts, bad old suits if business men or government, safari suits still popular with slightly better off or weekends, sunglasses, leather jackets, hats, fluro leg warmers, ugg boots, tracksuits\n\n& Hair\nMullets, rat tails, shaved, huge beards, sideburns, big mustaches, shaved or bald heads, crew cuts, mohawks.\n\n& Footwear\nDesert boots, thongs, black ripple soles, Adidas, sandals with long socks\n\n\n& Note: "Thongs" are flip-flops, not underwear. Also used to swat bugs and occasionally people ("I'm gonna thong you mate if you don't bloody shut up"). 1:Overheard in the Slumburbs\n\n& "We're not here to fuck spiders"\n\n& "Who drank me goon - wuz it you Shazza?"\n\n& "Crikey it's as dry as a dead dingoes dick out here today"\n\n& "Careful the dunny door doesn't hit ya bloody bum on the way out mate"\n\n& "Crikey mate, are you short some kangaroos in ya top paddock?" table: CommonLocals Highly unionized workers of shipping and transport, highly organised and corrupted by crime Highly unionized factory, power, mining and construction workers, strongly communist Religious common folk with cottage industry or shop or from church work house Government new enterprise job scheme, housing and dole food are provided for pointless busy work Homeless dwellers in the ruins, usually most desperate and have other problems Petty criminal wheelers and dealers, many with records from prison or state homes Organised gang district residents working directly for gang enterprise Pensioner living on benefit often with health problems and retro stuff Drug addicts and most wretched alcoholics living in hovels often supported by crime or charity Nomad clan or refugees with road fleet renting accommodation from gang slum lords table: OccasionalLocals Major criminal organisation with international mob ties with own style for every clan Military vets, many cyborgs most insane and disabled hold down a few blocks with gang barracks Mutants are unpopular in city but human looking ones get by and mostly stick to themselves Aboriginal block often with ruins, tent towns, modern cultural centres with thriving community Students living in communal squats fighting the system, often from privileged families of inner city Cult or strange sect of religion with closed community with fanatic self defence codes Corporate suburb gated community with cleaner streets and strong law Convicted felon with explosive tag collar on home-work detention scheme housing program Infiltrated by law officers or government agents or social services investigators Family of alien hybrid infiltrators seek to control area for secretive activities table: BoganAntics Petty crime, [|black market dealing|stripping a car|beating a stranger|mugging a pedestrian] Vandalizing public or private property - [|graffiti|smashing stuff|looting|arson] Party time - [|BBQ|drinking goonbags|sucking down bongs|live band] Working - [|fixing car|brewing beer|demolishing building|roadworks] Domestic life - [|couple fighting|family shopping|walking dogs|feral youths] Chores - [|dumping garbage|harvest drug crop|dumping corpse|butchery] Violence - [|gang brawl|armed robbery|lynch mob|street shootout] Road crime - [|police chase|hit and run|collision|drive-by shooting] Games - [|footy|cricket|dog fight|drag race ] Public gathering - [|riot|protest|charity sausage sizzle|car boot sale] table: SlumburbanEncounters Elderly biker walking teen girlfriend Crazy lady chasing her cats Swagman with train of shopping trolleys of belongings Busker with guitar playing [|Cold Chisel|AC/DC|Icehouse|Hunters & Collectors] Street prostitutes [|with their pimp|, beating up a customer|in tiny shacks|with a cop] Preachers with pamphlets and bibles Card shark with portable table Man with rifle hunting cats and rats for dinner Man trying to catch stray dog Man walking [|attack dog|terrier|greyhounds|cyborg dog, ex-drug squad] Corner drug dealer Takeaway delivery scooter wary of ambush Delivery drone, wheeled or flyer Emergency vehicle with sirens - [|ambulance|police|fire|STAR force] Construction vehicles guarded by machine guns Ice Cream Van 1in6 drug dealers Takeaway van - [|sandwiches|pizza|kabab|soylent green] Biker gang convoy Drunk driver in rust bucket Drug dealer dealing to junkies on way to methadone clinic Prison chain gang working road with guards Armoured riot and star force police searching for escapee Crawling bleeding person - [|was run over|was beaten|a trap|actually a zombie] Strange feral animal - [|odd hybrid|escaped from lab|mutant|undead] Zombie homeless person ignored by locals Cyborg veteran on the edge goes kill crazy if offended Bogan kids with rat tail hair cuts, home made shanks and .22 zip guns Crazy old man selling rat on a stick Pack of dingoes adapted to ghetto life Kids with [|air rifles|sling shots] shooting at strangers for fun Rich kids from uptown having a car race, happy to run down pedestrians Police robots from up town hunting armed fugitive Multicultural youth gang taxing cool brand shoes from the weak Racist gang abusing non whites or refugees Islanders cooking a small horse Indigenous folk having a bonfire BBQ dance look deeply resentful at any whites Christians marching and singing warning about the apocalypse Gang of zombies chasing people on the street Zombie control team on the street Biker funeral with hearse and biker escort (half price drugs today) [|Building|Car] on fire with bored locals watching Piles of wireless powered TVs without off switches in street Dogs start fighting crowd forms and bets placed Kids fishing from drain Rival [|sport team|car brand] fans abusing each other Angry [|kangaroo|emu|mutant goanna] chasing someone Armed and heavily armoured bandits charging tolls with road block Kids on BMX bikes, skate boards and rollerblades doing stunts Police executing a homeless person for recent unsolved local crimes Women screaming abuse at each other, crowd of locals gather to place bets Gang of youths paying homeless people to fight Locals drinking beer and BBQ while watching graffiti crews paint Gang diverting traffic away from street cricket match Homeless mutants being driven away by mob Over a thousand sheep being herded to slaughterhouse through streets Scouts cooking hotdogs on burning car New Zealander gangs performing ritual haka at each other Gang arguing who drank last of the goon bags Kids playing in burst water main Locals washing and polishing muscle cars Car size sinkhole collapsed in street from burst water main under ground Drivers fighting over parking spot Teenage house party sprawling onto street trashing everything Swarm of mutant cockroaches covering {d10} square metres Huge gang of feral cats chasing a [|dog|child with hamburger] Hobos fighting over ciggarette buts Homeless collecting cans for recycling money Police riot squad and truck using water cannon to disperse food riot Locals pelting fortified shop with rocks for running out of ciggies Locals burning a child abuser Armed crew defending truck load of beer from mob Cyborg war veterans without meds rampaging with heavy weapons Locals planting bombs on road to divert traffic past their businesses Kids taunting a basking sewer croc with sticks Giant sewer spider snatches a stray dog Road covered in cane toads, locals playing golf with them Hobos spit roasting a screaming zombie to eat Angry man tending his yard abuses any bloody wogs or strangers that pass Hundreds of rats swarming in streets Angry crowd with torches surrounding a fortified cult house Bogan gang of car enthusiasts enraged if foreign made car in street Teens doing doughnuts and making skidmarks for fun on road in cheap cars Locals furious over electric car in street trying to roll it over and burn it Gay pride parade blocks streets for {d10} hours Kangaroo court with locals holding illegal trial Locals building a meth lab and getting ready to cook a batch Kids racing shopping carts down hill for thrills Film crew antagonising locals and on way towards becoming a riot Politician giving speech to angry crowd Locals with guns debating what the dead mutant thing was Building [|collapses|blows up], large dust cloud Burst sewer pipe street flooded with feces Locals looting a crashed plane or airship Helicopter overhead angers locals who start shooting Thugs wearing Aussie flags roaming about attacking anything too foreign Locals tormenting \a [|zombie|mutie|animal|drone] in a cage trap Nazi protesters meet anarchist protesters head on riot ensues Blood collecting truck, free beer and sausage for every donation Cyborg war veterans marching and easily offended Local conspiracy fan market selling ufo parts, cryptozoological samples, alien urine, photocopied books of "classified" data, angel feathers, templar relics, elf skulls, etc FILENAME: EMO_OSR_CrystalZone.ipt Header: Crystal Zone Cornucopia I hate crystals as a trope in SF or fantasy. I have quit many PC games because I find them kitschy and new-age. Anyway they should not be shortcuts for creative autopilot. They can work but mostly they're a confused lazy metaphor for mysterious tech/magic/power of some kind. Occasional crystals in a setting are OK. Maybe if you're playing Earthdawn or Carcossa or Narcosa or my Planet Psychon setting, the crystal wizard cod pieces worn by fractal dinosaurs might be common in some hexes. Underground would be good episodic use of these tables also. Or just for exotic treasure or quest object or dungeon relic. "Go find shards of the six crystal monuments in Ulthars deep Eric and your god will be super impressed! Honest!" Anyhow this went from a quick d100 idea to a huge bloated table with a whole dungeon zone; here are bloody crystals, feel free to ruin your setting with too many. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/11/d100-crystal-zone-cornucopia-at-last.html
prompt: Show me: {About Crystal Zone Dungeon|Crystal Zone Wandering Monsters|Crystal Hazards|Crystal Mysteries|Crystal Magic Items|Crystal Wonders} About Crystal Zone Dungeon use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: AboutCrystalZoneDungeon [when]{rep}=1[do]& This zone is alien. Possibly a recent arrival and growing or perhaps a remnant of something from long ago. Perhaps the geophysics and magical forces produce such places hidden from human kind. Or maybe they are more common in depths or in some quasi or demi planar suburb of the elemental planes of earth.\n& \n& Crystal ecologies may have strange time spans. Chrystal folk grow their weapons and other tools over years or centuries. Crystal creatures might have long hibernation and whole ecology might slumber if non correct stellar radiation about. Underground is a obvious location but also other dimensions or hidden under dungeons. \n& \n& In one case a star fell from the sky and grew from a single meteor a whole crystalline civilization. Remnants of a race from the sky dome of heaven they were survivors of the dawn age. They were not impressed by meat and wood and metal and set about fixing the world into lawful perfection. Some dungeons might have a crystal garden chamber or area, a remnant of the past or grown star seed Chrystal\n& \n& Many crystals attuned to magic and psionics. Explorers come to loot crystals and magic and often kill and destroy with no understanding. Reptilians seem to be comfortable exploring here and even familiar with some of the crystal magic and technology. Their alieness is more comfortable than human. Goblins even seem to do OK but maintain a fungus garden nearby. Other species might use or abuse features of the crystal land like selling animals or crystal folk slaves. Harvesting their traditional crystalline data matrices as cheap jewels for young wizard punks is saddest of all. Erasing millions of years of history.Crystals most often associated with cosmic LAW. Chaos crystals would be flawed with irregular and illogical patterns. Others would smaller crystals and more fluid shapes like mercury. Chaos slimy blobs are messier than crystals and they tend to eat your hands with acid. \n& \n& When a crystal ecology covers an area with crystal, other grass and tree like fronds develop. Many animals and species have crystal equivalents like crystal snakes, crystal deer or Crystal peacock. Crystalline versions of humanoids and demi humans may well be possible. \n& \n& In a gonzo setting you could have crystal as a uncommon terrain. Crystal places might be found hidden in every hex. In other settings crystal zones might might be hidden or even overtaking part of a dungeon or cave and possibly above ground. Perhaps a crystal star breaches the heavens plunging into the world and increasing crystal encounters or zones. & [end] table: CrystalZoneWanderingMonsters Arthropod Crystal hunter like spider or scorpion or jawed beetle or lobster Crystal mantis - deadly predator looks like crystal column possibly sentient Crystal eye - psionic powers like levitate, mindblast Crystal folk warriors guarding the sacred crystal garden Gastrapods - [|giant snails with crystal shells|giant slugs|crystal shell clams underwater|flailsnails] Crystal paraelemental being - [|elemental|crystal salamander|crystal toad|crystal wyvern] Crystals of living neural circuitry form a collective psionic hive mind with illusion powers Crystal reptilians like dragons or dinosaurs with crystal horns and spikes or entirely crystal Crystal beasts are grazing mobile crystal fauna resembling various animal shapes Goblinoids who tend crystal gardens and help crystals spread Crystal elves are cold and alien and try to scare outsiders from crystals Crystalline version of classic dungeon monster table: CrystalHazards Chasm with a fragile crystalline bridge over boiling sulphur or molten crystal Crystal stalactites fall from above (possibly crystal piercers) Glowing magical crystal - [|explosive|cursed|alarm|oracle/comunicator] Fragile crystal path over running water Mirror people from another universe enter from a reflective surface Steam geyser erupts with boiling vapour Creature imprisoned in stasis crystal opened by certain harmonics Crystalline oozes cleaning up organic scraps might be tempted by intruders like antibodies Crystal column sentry being shoots prismatic rainbow rays or shards A crystal labyrinth with sleeping monsters Fragile crystals full of acid explode if broken Attractive crystal if removed slowly floods the area with water Cavern of cold with crystals and ice Drips of mineral rapidly start to cover and slow any moving through area Greedy dwarves smashing up stuff and hostile to claim jumpers in their mine Huge sleeping crystal covered monster hidden in plain sight on floor Hypnotic lights make weak willed stare and starve to death Crystal being tries to charm person to carry it to some place Lair of a monster filled with crystal statues (crystal medusa or basilisk or cockatrice) Crystal zone tries to alter or shift alignment of intruders table: CrystalMysteries Crystal butterfly make telepathic contact and might seek symbiosis Market where crystal folk, elves and goblins trade and might deal with outsiders Strange glowing crystal skull or helmet on a plinth Voices of someone you know in your mind calling you Voices in your mind give you instructions to enter miniaturized world in a crystal Visions of your hearts desire lead you into hazard Visions of a mental entity warns you of hostile crystal encounters at hear of area Strange crystal on a plinth desires to be carried from here, seeks to control a host Ghost of crystal being tries to get body to reassemble and resurrect it's body Shattered crystal being will talk about local factions Steaming pond with gem encrusted crystal columns in middle Passive monsters bathing in steaming crystal pools Crystal control panel for some mysterious device or doorway Crystal gateway or teleporter pad Crystal figurines or idols of the intruding party Crystal allows self to warn self in past or be advised by future self Crystal with random magical effects on who touches for a round Tiny faerie folk torment visitors with pranks, theft and illusions Crystal kobolds building something inexplicable from instinct Crystal scrying portal allows visitors visions but might not be real table: CrystalMagicItems Crystal weapon can harm non-coporeal spirits or ghosts[when]{1d10}=1[do], and cast a level-{d3} psionic spell[end] Crystal weapon can harm magic beings [when]{1d10}=1[do]+[|1|1|1|2], intelligent[else]+0[end] Crystal amulet can detect magic, range in inches=user level Crystal insect messenger records one message flies to location known to owner then back Crystal ring makes invisible to mental or emotion or life force based senses or detection Crystal Helmet translates all languages[when]{1d10}=1[do], also gives visions of the future[end] Crystal arrow or shuriken or other missile returns to wielders hand after hitting next round Crystal weapon flies into your hand at will[when]{1d10}=1[do], can animate and fight on its own once a day[end] [when]{1d10}=1[do]{obj=='rifle'}{dmg=='2d6'}[else]{obj=='pistol'}{dmg=='1d6}}[end]Crystal {obj} shoots prismatic ray for {dmg} damage, range in inches=user level Crystal crown casts charm person once a day[when]{1d10}=1[do], also gives +1CHA[end] Crystal pendant changes colour if feels threatening thoughts directed at wielder Crystal torc +2 fear or morale effects on allies within lv in inches[when]{1d10}=1[do], also gives +1 INT[end] Crystal bonds with forehead fires a d4 bolt each round range in inches=user level Crystal broach absorbs [when]{1d10}=1[do]100[else]30[end] points of magical damage then shatters Crystal heals [when]{1d10}=1[do]1d4[else]1[end] hp per person per day on touch Crystal miniature grows full size and fights to death once, commits suicide if no threat Crystal of war implanted in forehead can create a proficient weapon from psionic force [when]{1d10}=1[do]{obj=='staff'}{times=='three times'}[else]{obj=='wand'}{times==''}[end]Crystal {obj}, {times} daily summons 1 crystal monster Crystal ring protects form personification or being crystallized or paralysed Crystal ghost trap, ghost within 1" saves or is imprisoned[||||||, has a ghost in it already] table: CrystalWonders Crystal grotto of the dawn age is a spectacular glowing chrystal cave wich includes sleeping dawn age monsters awaiting the apocalypse. Anyone sleeping here may gane knowledge from the dawn time but if they are weak willed they will join the sleeping horrors. Shamans, wizards and holymen come to meditate here. Crystal caverns of the vampire kings where unbreakable coffins of stasis keep ancient vampire lords frozen forever. Occasionally every age the leaky magic sets one free. Crystal spring of unearthly beauty where nymphs and occasionally goddesses bathe. Restores bathers virginity and improves their appearance and is a bit addictive. Holy Crystal grotto is a best kept secret of churches of law and good where hermits come to seek solitude. Remnants of old saints have been calcified and preserved here. Some may be contacted but gods are offended if this is done casually. Crystal garden is entered through a steamy hole in a hill and inside giant crystals grow in the humidity and heat. Crystal creatures stir in here and may follow visitors home. A beautiful crystal cave with the crystallized remains of two run away lovers of old. Lovers come here to escape problems and seek courage, some say true lovers will be aided by the cave Dark crystal cavern is filled with obsidian and onyx crystals of darkness, haunted by shadows and undead but since cave times human come here to make magic tools and weapons from the stones here. Crystal Cave of Eoa made as a mechanism by a god has grown and become self aware - a biological living crystal which folds space and time with entries in many places and worlds. The cave wants to help people but cant help but send adventurers to strange lands or worlds where they might be needed. Cave of splendid doom has a spectacular entry attracting the curious inside. A ecology of crystal beings some mobile some like microscopic life but the great crystal tries to turn outsiders into crystal beings, some it sends to carry a seed to start a new cave. Crystal cave of the portal has at its heart a mysterious control panel with grids of magic crystals. Takes a lifetime to learn but it allows control over space and time and can summon monsters to inhabit itself. Boss monsters and wizards crave the control room and it's secrets. A great black crystal slab sacred to vile toad god of elder sorcery grants weird dreams to any who slumber here, sorcerers come pilgrimage here seeking wisdom of the space frog gods A great crystal monolith with worshipers bowing before it. They will welcome strangers to join them for the sacrifice. They are controlled by monolith psi field and at peak of ritual doorway will open and sacrifices will enter, then worshipers go home and forget A great crystal here on occasion shoots a great ray into space, locals avoid as monolith has a field that keeps low level pests away A super intelligent monolith placed by unknown gods to learn about area by reading minds of mortals up to miles away. Attacks intruders with mental force. A crystal monolith growing from the earth blue at base and scarlet at top, at times the top has an eye shape glow within and may fire beams to punish the unworthy who approach. The entity rarely communicates but may offer powers to any succumb to its will. The great crystal cube of Zhor appears in different places and is a planar castle of an alien crystal god. When it relocates it sends out dark crystal paladins to scour land for new incarnation of eternal enemy Klithorg. Inside the cube is a pocket universe with weird time and gravity laws. A crystal henge circle unearthed in flood, buried since dawn age. The henge has awoken after absorbing enough sunlight and now gates in outer planar beings of random alignment. Cultists and holy men of many cults have come here to control the site and the crisis is escalating. Hidden other planar space is accessible inside the circle. A circle of hexagonal crystal columns encircle a great spiky spherical crystal. A dying being from cosmic battle between law and chaos in dawn age. It was made unable to die so has sat here dying for millennial. Local elves built the columns from it's ruined body but they shield the center from chaos. It knows incredible secrets but to mindlink with it makes you experience an eternity of near death. A causeway path passes through a series of stone henges into a enclosed canyon with a single crystal henge. This ancient gate onec let a horde pass through and was allied to law or chaos. Their cults seek to control and operate the henge and travel back in time to aid the battle at the dawn of time. A crystal pillar was known for ages but now it is burning with sickly white flame. Locals are becoming ill, their hair falls out and bodies are rotting. The land is turning sour the brighter the fell flames. A circle of crystal gargoyles come to life if any damaged will kill everything in sight then return to age old slumber, guarding \a [|crypt|artifact|cave|tablet] Statue of long forgotten god unearthed by avalanche on cliff face. Locals having dreams of pretty but sinister being. A cult is forming and and bringing beings to sacrifice in long lost temple in cliff. Sacrifices become crystalline creatures in stasis with a whole ecology ready to replace outside life. A giant crystalline head in the hills causes headaches so is mostly left alone. Shepherds have seen things come and go from the monuments mouth. Crystal statue chunks have been found in the local creek for centuries. If stream followed leads to cave with a insectoid crystal medusa nests on her hoard. She likes to make life into crystal statues then push them from cave into rocks below. Statues of a monstrous intelligent species but here portrayed as noble and civilized from ancient past. If searched local graves of this forgotten sub species are found and exploreable barrow mound. Clues as to fall of race to chaos partly told by cave art Two ancient crystal golems Ktorr and Draxxa await the apocalypse. If any strikes either they awake and attack for a few rounds with great power then a gate to the chaos plane opens between them and begins to pour out. They were built as long term plan in struggle between Law and Chaos. Made to vent chaos at crucial moment into a collapsing dimension. Destroying them makes you an enemy of law and ruins the multiverse in a billion years time. A cave of crystal statues is discovered under a barn. Using spell on walls they can be revived into human looking beings from a distant aeon. Friendly and helpful at first, eventually they set about purpose to revive their race using humans as the vessels. A great crystal carved face half buried and obviously tilted from true position is found in mountains. If approached it is glad to tell you how awesome and important it is. It's knowledge is of a alien world and not very useful unless you want to spend a lifetime listening to the face boast about self and put you down. May have some useful knowledge though but must talk entity to being helpful. A huge crystal sphynx is dreaded by locals but outsiders are thrilled by discovery. Eventually someone says something that offends sphynx and it wakes up ready for war. It marches to nearest village and sets ablaze with eyebeams. Sphynx will only return to slumber if riddle answered or quest completed. Statue of forgotten god of Law attracts hidden cult who have established a crystal grotto nearby. Will aid the return of their lord who will kill time and preserve us all for eternity. A glorious victory over chaos. A crystal garden in a forest has been a holy place for elves and fairies for aeons. A rich ecology of perfect crystal life forms dwell here. Now has been discovered by dwarves and humans. A big fight is brewing as the materialist races seek a quick buck and will destroy the garden forever. A crystal unicorn haunts the forest and can fire up to seven prismatic rays at once. It protects nature and was made by a elf goddess. It is also a healer and can purify water. A great crystal swan lives in a lake defended by swanmays (were-swans) and elves. She is a great prophet and has knowledge from the dawn age. The great crystal worm lives beneath a mountain but doesn't move much. It might talk to interesting persons with interesting draconic knowledge. Mostly it sleeps, it titanic size making most mortals a non threat. Dragonfolk come to worship it. Crystal battle cattle of the space gods roam beyond power of mortals. Heroes invoke the wrath of gods by killing them and selling crystal to mangy old wizards. Great Crystal ape of Gthorr! may remain still for centuries. The great jade ape fights for the commoners and quickly sets about destroying civilizations or fighting other kaiju A great crystal elephant soars through the sky and when it lands strange clad wizards with wands come forth and take what they wish. Any who try to stop them are blasted by the wands or the elephants psionic beams. Crystal dinosaurs burst from the earth and guard a path sealed for millennial by druids. Recent quake opened the path and so far all fear the crystalsaurians. Crystal gremlins scuttle about the area repairing and improving on things by adding crystal parts. Like crystal limbs for cripples or new eyes for the blind. Crystal people begin to avenge themselves on those they blame for condition. The Crystocats dwell here slinking about eating quarts stones and relaxing in the sun. Wizards want them as familiars despite the creatures preferring psionic and bard owners. They make excellent invisible scouts and are intelligent. The great altar of law has been lost for ages. It responds to being approached by any sentient being with alignment. It offers to heal agents of law and commune with their patron power. Chaos it strikes with lightning bolts. If forces of law find out about this pilgrims will come and a temple will be built. A crystal altar in the wilds with a sword inside. Its 2-dimensional blade gives it vorpral properties, it is alive and keen to kill chaos. The altar will only open for a pure heart champion of law who puts necessity over personal gain or interest. The sword if displeased will decapitate the false wielder and return to the altar. A liquid crystal black geyser of darkness that does not belong in our world. This fluid altar is served by enthralled minions. Awakened from a bottomless crevice by adventurers it is now a regional menace. It infects locals making them servitors and seeks to spread it's crystal seed implants into local rulers. It has plenty of time to make all humans succumb. A Crystal altar under a forcefeid trapped for millennia. May be possible for mighty enough magicians to contact or solve the great puzzle to open the field. The altar is a jerk artificial intelligence whose crystal dome holds a zealous spirit of law. The kind that knows what is best for mortals, every waking mortal every moment. Once free, talks for a bit and demonstrates many amazing powers. Then eventually phazes away to work on improving the world and making Law's cause look rigid and unpleasant. A crystal altar surrounded by pure healing pools, flowers and frolicking unicorns. A sanctuary of a spring local goddess. She and her cult forbid any non followers or worthy to enter but can atone with a holy quest from the goddess. A great crystal altar of the Monster god Ygarnath, his petrified body with a crystal horn stands over the altar as a warning. When enough blood sacrifices to him are made in a single night he will awaken. Every attempt has failed tonight and local lawmen are suspicious if anyone asks about it. A great crystal slab of solidified order can form visions of far away places to those who know how to operate it. Modrons appear from it's right angles if any attempt to harm or move it. They are entirely inflexible but might teach it's use to any who help defend the relic. The great crystal of Yar is a mystery but recently a cult has begun meeting at it's location promising benevolence and peace as inspired by the holy crystal. It is a bound demon of deception trying to trick good people into sacrificing to it so it can be free. The beautiful former angel likes torment and betrayal so will continue to be seemingly good until discovered. It is able to hide it's alignment. This crystal coffin has lain here for millennia and proved immovable and indestructible. The necromancer-vampiress inside has a artifact demon blade. Nobody knows her story and many poets come to admire her and compose songs of her mysterious beauty. Crystal altar of St Joalla where she purified a necromancers black obelisk rendering it transparent and good. Used for healing and prophecy armies often pass through here to use the altars blessings. A orc warlord tried to smash it and a Angel killed him. Crystal matrix throne which extends range of any communication magic or to any similar throne (there are six world wide). Used by early men in fight against chaos now it is mostly used by local wizards who often line up to use it. This crystal sarcophagi grants minor magical powers to some and hideous mutations. It is biased to own alignment. Has very strict ideas on proper alignment conduct and will display visions of past alignment choices and situations to exhort or condemn them. The crystal box or Tarrazak is a hut or wardrobe size crystal box with a panel of gems next to the sliding door. If operated properly the door opens and then has a second panel and lever inside. If operated takes you to the celestial sky chapel of the gods of light and with further use of controls may return to the world on a different location. The sky chapel may have inhabitants trapped for aeons. A crystal ring big enough for a standing man to pass through has lain flat on top of hill for living memory. If stood upright and allowed to absorb 60 levels of spells open a gate to another world. Throne of Kalarki a crystal throne that keeps seated ocupant alive no matter how injured or sick. This protections ceases when the seated gets off. Kings in elder times survived poison and wounds only to perish when rising from the throne. Many kings desire it even though it's history is mostly tragic. It cannot be moved. It has been burried and lost. The great crystal eye was a weapon from the wars that ended the dawn age. It was seen assisting the first lords of evil and later in the age of necromancers. Lords of evil still crave it but the truth is it was a instigator and controller not a servitor. The size of a large pumpkin the crystal eye fires disintegration beams and hypnotic control beams. It has been bound to a crystal pedestal for half a aeon but it knows of a quest to free it. The crystal maze is a location of myth that past heroes entered ans some returned with gifts. Within it's fog shrouded walls dreams and nightmares creep. The crystal fountain of Zhorr is a great wonder that if it's waters are drunk with a silver spoon bestows a random potion like effect that can be predicted with several years of study. Fake manuals turn up in local fleamarkets. On the wrong day drinkers may taste poison, acid or be morphed into something that sucks. Great Globe of Ktorr is mostly submerged in rock but may one day again be seen as a spherical crystal. Those who meditate while touching can allow it to absorb all the users spell levels and in return it will give a new random often strange spell in return. Usually works once per person. Scholars claim there is a ritual or relic that improves the transfer rate or effects randomness or number of uses. A permanent camp on the relic by a faction of some kind seeks to limit the devices use. The great shard fell from the stars and creatures sacrificed to it in blood arise as crystal creatures easily manipulated by the first master who cares for them. The crystal dwells in a pit and arises by levitation to spawn newly reborn creatures at the pits entry. Blood and the corpses are thrown in the fell pit which makes the crystal glow and float. The Seven Crystal Coffins in a deep cave contain heroes of the dawn age held in stasis. Most stories say the beings are good but people cant be certain. They are invulnerable and cannot be probed with spells or divination unless runes in a grid are manipulated in the correct sequence. Then the sleepers awaken. The crystal eye of Kellora allows a user to spend HP to make up points short of a saving throw. It has been known to provide levitation, invisibility and other powers. Wielding it is addictive and draws interest from a great old one who in past was able to pass through the eye's master and into our world. It reeks of the fell powers of the old ones. The Crystal Sabre a horse mans blade it leaps int the owners hand and makes all psionics or mentalist spells operate at a extra two levels. The blade is +2, Intelligent and can harm any non corporeal beings or beings on multiple planes or invisible beings. The blade is a relic of Law and tries to advise it's wielder to fight the forever wars of law vs chaos. The Crystal talisman aids the special powers of clerics (not spells) such as controlling undead as if the wielder were two levels higher. It is unaligned but all alignments crave it for it's ability to channel divine power. The Singing Crystal Spear sings sweet sorrowful music all non neutral beings can hear when held by an intelligent being (INT=inches radius of sound). The wielder is filled with perfect clarity and can spend HPs to make up for misses 1hp=+1 hit roll. The Spear is naturally +3 It's intellect was struck from it in the dawn age. The Crystal Casket holds a secret ancient emperors and necromancer kings have fought over for aeons. Most think it a spell or weapon or the secret of immortality. None have ever opened it but it's very appearance starts wars. The Crystal gnome is a three foot high statue of a gnome that if commanded by the secret word will come to life and serve it's master. It can speak any language, detect alignment and communicate with master via telepathy 10" range. It can run as fast as a race horse and deliver messages. Really a advanced golem made in the dawn age to serve a godling. It is very witty and eloquent. The Crystal Staff was used by a goddess in elder times and she still watches it appearing to kill any wielders who pervert her will. The wielder becomes immune to 1st through to 3rd level spells. Instead they heal the wielder 1HP per spell level. The staff is also +2. A animal sacred to the goddess will follow the wielder if they exemplify the goddesses wishes. The Crystal Ring was used by demigods in the dawn age as a menagerie of mortal beings. The wearer may enter or leave the pocket dimension at will and transport one passenger. Hundreds of stasis cells within keep all manner of beings and persons gathered through hundreds of years. Some have managed to free themselves and roam the pocket dimension. No life ages in the prison which has driven some inhabitants to madness. The Crystal apparatus of Ktorr a giant alchemist lab used to grow dragons and other huge monsters made by a evil alchemist guild in ancient times. The apparatus has a book of formulas lost for centuries which lists expensive and exitic ingredients for diferent monsters. Recipies range from d4+2 times ten thousand gp and 2d6 months. Crystal Castle is a fabled magical castle of other worldly elves who move the castle from various locations among several worlds. Sometimes only a single tower or even door appears in a world. Crystal Corridors of Zaxys is a crystal maze hidden under a lost dungeon level whose fog shrouded crystal maze is filled with minotaurs, willo the wisps, doppelgangers, invisible stalkers, gelatinous cubes and other creatures. Actually it is a pocket dimension that folds on itself eternally and is used to lose or imprison things in. Some of the crystals are actually cubes of stasis (frozen time) with objects inside nearly impossible to free. Crystal Sepulchre is a pocket universe within a crystal with more than one location. It can be entered by use of a simple mental trick easily taught. The realm inside is a tesseract inhabited by crystal beings that came here to hide. Nobody inside ages. Great beings of the upper and lower planes battle for this place. By aligning agents in key positions the tesseract it can be re aligned to open in various planes. Crystal Ziggurat of Tor a renegade god of law tried to use this to place the universe in stasis but was stopped by chaos and law champions at the dawn of the universe. Strange traps and might cosmic power ebbs through this carved crystal mountain that intersects multiple dimensions. Demented renegade paladins of law gather here for some new purpose possibly to use the ziggurat to raise their god or his spirit. Most of it on this plane is buried. The Crystal bridge is a gateway with a seemingly visible end in sight but once on it it expands into infinity and compresses reality to two dimensions. Based on the collective will it can form a end at the desired destination. A trip takes ten minutes but if any differ in destination desire all are scattered across the multiverse. Can also be operated from secret panels form a gate. Usually the other side of the bridge vanishes when crossed making trips one way. Someone inside could control it and keep end fixed but nobody alone ever is seen again. Fairly sure the micro continuum is uninhabited but something strange always trying to break in. The Crystal Pyramid is a great tomb of a godling one of the first deaths. It is said to be buried or under water from the aeons and is inhabited by crystal beings, living reproducing crystal golems who maintain and guard he crypt. Many gods left additional guardians or treasures here as tribute The Crystal Colossus was made by a ancient wizard king to protect his city from enemies. The earth shook and destroyed the kingdom and the Colossus could do nothing. Without commands it was buried and forgotten. Beings roam around inside with factions hoping to control the great colossus. The Prismatic Star a great structure that fell from heaven now it's ruins are home to strange feckless crystal creatures grown from remnants. The Ruins are growing and quite large in some places with crystal spires and pools of glass The Crystal Cave contains a paradise of plants and crystal and lost species living in harmony like the dawn time. Time dos not pass normally here and many anachronisms and remnants of different times are found here. The cave mouth can move and often offers the doomed a way out of death to eternal captivity. Somewhere within is a secret command complex and magical cognitive engine. Gods made this and then went onto bigger things. The Great Crystal Skull is a mobile flying wizard citadel that terrorised and enslaved man kind when monsters ruled. This wonder is remembered in myths and common folk fear it from tales of old. Many taken are turned into loyal hybrid crystal cultists. One of these is selected by the spirit of the skull and becomes a mighty sorcerer who commands the other crystal beings. Crystal of the Balance travels the multiverse and creates zones of stability and harmony. It floats and changes colour according to the amount of unchecked law or chaos. It can summon champions of either cause to readdress the local imbalance and nullify forces of entropy or stasis for a time. The Transplanar Crystal is a projection of a hyperdimensional solid into our reality. It can be used for entry into superspace which nullifies bodies into pure thought. A glowing column of shimmering quartz which fades in and out of the world. Some beings return some altered into beings of law. Entities sometimes come out to judge our reality. The Cognitator of Zhar is a great monolith of thinking crystal made by a wizard-god from early times. It will answer a single questions to any being but may think a long long time. A cult of sorcerers of law defend it from wasting time with idiots prattle. The Crystal of Chaos is a shimmering relic kept away from darkness or it allows a sentient force of chaos and entropy into the universe. It may manifest as a black shaggy horned demon if threatened or hungry. The wielder who meditates on it is inspired to create innovative spells and mystical ideas. These often change the status quot. Cultists seek it. The Crystal Lens reveals planar forces and weak points if viewed though and allows the observation of secret invisible stars. A three foot wide disc. It can also allow other beings to see the wielder and provide entry into this universe. Cultists seek to use it to help their gods enter the world. The Crystal Cube is a basic model made for the gods for the common unit of measurement in the universe for weight 1lb. It may also appear in the form of a yard ruler. Some beings of chaos believe they can use it to alter the basic units if mass and space in the universe and collapse reality into a eternal void of nothing. It has more than one physical location. No mortal can do this but the forces of law, chaos and the balance fight over these relics. The Crystal Cauldron contains a opening to pure chaos and literally anything can come from it by making a sacrifice to it. Most objects are useless or exotic at best but ocasionaly a shoggoth or demigod monster or relic comes out. Cults fight to control it anf keep it working as much as possible. It takes ten minutes a sacrifice with higher HD making stranger and more dangerous things. The Crystal Key allows the user and any holding their hand to pass through random planes and tolerate local hostile conditions. It can take many hops to reach a desirable plane. Has a 1in20 chance of taking user to a desired plane they have been in before. The Crystal Clock allows a traveller to travel through the multiverse but it also alters the occupant to survive and fit in with the local reality and communicate with locals. Controlling the clock requires long lost secrets long hidden. The Crystal Balance is a set of scales that indicate the balance of law and chaos in a region. Many beings seek it as a measure of success or danger. I has started a few wars. Artificial sun from the underland can be installed and reactivated to illuminate a huge cavern. Different alignments have different tints. Soul Shard is a shadowy crystal broken from a great evil in the god wars. Necromancers seek to use it's soul draining powers to craft shadows. It does not help user control shadows however and the shadows rapidly will take over the operation and sacrifice the living to the shard to grow a army of darkness. Crystal Prison of the Kronovore contains a corrupted Archon who eats time. By manipulating the crystal the wielder can make the Kronovore increase entropy or make stasis fields. There is a chance this god slaying world destroying entity escapes each use. The Demon Stone can be used to call Demons equal to the users HD from the abyss. The Demons perform one task then run away to spread chaos and evil. Demons would like to obtain the crystal to call a whole horde of horrors. The Chrystal Helm shows visions of the future but taints the user to feel indifference to suffering and seek to exploit and rule over others. The more the helm is used the more addictive the feeling of pre destined power. The Blood Star a spiked crystal sphere drinks blood and grants those who feed it occult knowledge of blood magic. Blood wizards crave this relic and will kill anyone to get it. Crystal Chalice makes the wielder disease resistant and able to heal anyone touched for one point. Using the chalice turns the user good and makes them desire to be help as many as possible. Some say it can become a sword also. The Chrystal Mill can be used to grind crystals into a fine powder that may be inhaled and provides the effect of a haste spell for d6 rounds. Many users become addicted and age artificially. Crystal Time Forge is a huge cube which can used to create micro pocket continuities. All too many evil cults, wizards and demigods desire it and it has been hidden for hundreds of years. Crystal Cage is used to conjure long extinct reptilian monsters plucked from the past. Such creatures are not cooperative but may respond to food based training after months of dedication. Occasionally it calls forth a sentient reptilian wizard who usually causes trouble, kills the operators and uses the relic to to call forth a reptilian horde. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_SelfAwareDungeons.ipt Header: Self-aware Dungeon Generation I've spoken of sentient self-aware dungeons before. Some are pocket universes and connect many dungeons on different planes. Many dungeon intelligences might result from a greater force or a collective presence. Some dungeons will have smaller more local spirits. Possibly separate levels are spirits and act as factions. These geniuses can be worshiped and can provide priests, shamen, and sorcerers with power. Some dungeons might have enemy spirits from former occupants controlling a few rooms. This means you can inject a dungeon with strange powers, intelligent traps, local cults, shrines dedicated to the dungeon and many more things. You could be a jerk and give items that only work in that dungeon that are products of the spirit to attract adventurers. You can make dungeon seem haunted by many entities but really it is far worse. It could develop an avatar. Possibly a ghost or a spirit of a holy person or wizard could be come one. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/11/self-aware-dungeon-generation.html
prompt: Show me: {Make A Dungeon|Make An Entity} Make A Dungeon prompt: Entity Power Level: {1 Single room|2|3 Several rooms, area|4|5 Upper dungeon level|6|7 Deepest dungeon level|8 Whole dungeon|9 Godlike} 1 Single Room use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}& {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1} & [when]{choice}=MakeADungeon[do] After noting "Number of Entities" in the chosen result below, use "Make An Entity" and set "Entity Power Level" to flesh out the results. At your discretion, use "Origin" for the dungeon as a whole or "Power Origin" for each individual entity.[end]&
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeADungeon
& Number of Entities[@NumberOfEntities]& Origin[@EntityPowerOrigin]& [||Cult[@EntityPreferredCult]]& [|Avatar[@EntityAvatars]]& Heart[@DungeonHeart] (guarded and well-hidden)& {col=='Bait'}{tbl=='DungeonBait'}{roll==1d3-1}[@DungeonRow]& {col=='Agents'}{tbl=='DungeonAgentsOnTheOutside'}{roll==1d3-1}[@DungeonRow]& Expansion Policy[@ExpansionPolicy]& {col=='Additional Features'}{tbl=='EntityAdditionalFeatures'}{roll==1d3-1}[@DungeonRow]&
table: MakeAnEntity {power=={[{$prompt2} >> left 1]}-5}& {dice==abs(power)+1}{dropHigh==0}{dropLow==0}& [when]{power}>0[do]{dropLow==power}[end]& [when]0>{power}[do]{dropHigh==abs(power)}[end]&
& Self Awareness[@EntitySelfAwareness]& Alignment[@AdditionalEntityAlignment]& Observational Capacity[@EntityObservationalCapacity]& Why It Might Intervene[@EntityIntervention]& Power{rollType=='1d10'}[#[@GetRoll] EntityPower]& Power Origin[@EntityPowerOrigin]& table: DungeonRow // colname, tablename, roll [when]1>{roll}[do]\z[else]& {col}& [when]{roll}=1[do][@{tbl}]& [else]
[!{roll} {tbl} >> implode
& [end]
& [end] table: GetRoll // 1) Dice, 2) Number of Reps, 3) Number of low rolls to drop, 4) Number of high rolls to drop, 5) Number to add or subtract from the final total [@Roller with {rollType}, {dice}, {dropLow}, {dropHigh}, 0] table: Intro type: dictionary default: MakeADungeon: table: NumberOfEntities One dungeon overmind One mind but insane and fighting itself or an imaginary foe One superior spirit but {d6} lesser entities in hiding from the great one Many minor ones ruling individual rooms[||||, all from a formerly single mind now fragmented] One superior but each great gatehouse is an entity that makes passage difficult One entity per level, [|kin|enemies|strangers|friends] One entity per level plus a supreme leader, often ranked weakest down to the master One major entity with many lesser spirits, some barely sentient, forming an ecology {d4+3} entities in combat for control of dungeon and minions' souls The dungeon has many spirits locked in battle or taking turns but always in flux table: EntitySelfAwareness A collective organism consciousness like a coral reef, reacts rather than plans An insect hive like response pattern mostly, notices territorial intruders A cold blooded reptilian spirit coolly calculating and striking at threats A mammalian flight or fight response, retreats for a bit then berserk to defend key locations A clever animalistic intellect that learns quickly and innovates new responses A fully sentient self aware entity that understand its capabilities and will communicate A secretive sentient self aware entity that spies on opponents and carefully rallies its puppets An aggressive sentient self aware entity actively expanding, looting and invading beyond domain A curious sentient self aware entity seeks to learn about and experiment with strangers A sadistic sentient self aware entity tormenting its inhabitants table: EntityObservationalCapacity Statues and paintings eyes are domains eyes Doorways and keholes are the domains eyes Fire particularly torches and lanterns are the domains eyes Eyes of [|vermin|magical spy critters] are the are the domain's eyes Eyes of monsters are the domains eyes Cracks in mortar and stonework are the domains eyes Mirrors, pools and reflective surfaces are the domain's eyes Entity is fully clairvoyant and can see anything in domain Entity is fully clairvoyant and can see and hear anything in domain Entity is aware of every atom and magical part of its being table: EntityIntervention Only intervenes when favorite creations harmed Will aid creations with abilities in combat Will seal intruders inside the domain Will actively bait intruders with personal temptations Will put dungeon on red alert and production when intruders discovered Will test intruders and spy or scout on them Will have puppets place sadistic traps when enemies intrude Will fortify key locations and move valuables when enemies attack Will spy on and prepare a secretive strategic defence or trap Enjoys conflict and watches, encourages victors to remain table: EntityPower Can use {d4} cantrips or zero level spells at will Can animate traps and doors and locks and can appear haunted Can empower priests or other magicians up to level {d4} Can spawn minor monsters, up to {d4} HD, every turn Can communicate with its followers within its domain Can empower mid level priests or other magicians up to level {d4+3} Can spawn or animate a medium monster, up to {d4+4} HD, every hour Can create or change features like rooms or corridor every hour Can manifest an avatar to act as a boss takes a week to spawn a new one Has godlike power with its domain, a pocket universe that exists on many planes table: EntityPowerOrigin Ancestral spirit beings of the dawn times Created by a god during the god wars Created during the end of the necromancers reign Another plane is using as incursion point to this world Created as a bastion of good or law but subverted to wickedness A great tragedy long ago made the spark of the entity It has grown from the seeds a great [|saint|hero|magician]'s death long ago It was once a demigod of some tribe or race from long ago It is fueled by fell cosmic powers that humankind is not fit to know A god placed it here to persecute humankind for some great misdeed long ago table: ExpansionPolicy Has spies working local area and nearest big settlement Monsters are raiding area and displacing bandits Spread secret dungeon cult to local area and corrupt locals Support local [|bandit gang|thieves' guild|assassins' guild] Attract allegiances with spell users like priests or wizards Has creatures scouting local area and local population Has sent out magical agents to corrupt or dupe outside leaders Media campaign of posters, bards, poets, gossips and graffiti to attract treasure hunting suckers Dungeon monsters and agents set up a shanty town for murder hobos and scum nearby Expanding tunnels into local settlements and basements table: EntityAdditionalFeatures Monster generating [|machine|apparatus|netherworld pit] A planar gate where monsters come come from Can summon additional monsters if under red alert condition Can manifest personally as a monster once a week Can manifest personally as a humanoid once a week When the stars are right the dungeon can move to a new place or plane Dungeon environment control - [|geothermal|cold|flood|gravity|time|space] All minions, slave races and thralls increasingly bare the dungeons mark Every month, minions plant dungeon seeds which grow into lesser extensions of parent Has access to money to equip minions and attract treasure hunting dupes to eat and rob table: EntityPreferredCult A small cult with master and a few servants serving spirit A coven of 13 in secret perform worship A shaman and servants A priest with many thralls donating cash to cause A priest hood with major temple and many cultists A sorcerer and their cult of drug and vice addicts A warrior order of fanatic fighters and their servants A cult with many minion members and a monastic order A wizard and apprentices set up a school A mad subterranean druidic sect worship the entity table: AdditionalEntityAlignment 1:Good - Light bringers of the overworld 3:Evil - Hungry shadows of the underworld 1:Lawful - Modronic demons of order 3:Chaotic - Crawling swarms of entropy 2:Neutral - Great lords of the spirit world 2:Balanced - Arkons keeping the universe in perpetual motion 1:Lawful Good - Angelic Force of the Seven Heavens 3:Lawful Evil - Diabolic Devilry of the Nine Hells 1:Chaotic Good - The beast lords of the Cosmic Tree 3:Chaotic Evil - Demonic Hordes of the Abyss table: EntityAvatars //(can replace in a week if killed) A shape shifting spy infiltrates locals and adventurers A seemingly innocent attractive prisoner needing to be rescued An adventurer lost and alone seeking a new party A [|wizard|sorcerer|priest|druid] An outer planar being appropriate to alignment A sentient golem A powerful spirit or non corporeal entity A powerful elemental being A lich or powerful undead A horrendous unique magical beast table: EntityAmbition Torment and torture anyone foolish enough to enter Manipulate and spread influence beyond dungeon To keep a great treasure from human kind To attract and corrupt outsiders To attract, devour and rob outsiders Bastion of a species of monster To release monsters to outside world To grow and expand attracting monsters with homes To accumulate and hoard treasure Spread terror and feed off mortals fear table: DungeonHeart //(always well hidden and guarded) A huge glowing gem A huge beating organic heart in a jar A [|huge brain|severed head] in an alchemical apparatus A huge bubbling alchemical apparatus A sinister [|statue|idol] with jeweled eyes[||||, a golem] A strange carved [|monolith|altar] worshiped since ancient times A weird well connected to the underworld An alien machine built by lost gods possibly tended by minions A corpse in a crypt - might animate if in peril A mass of glowing crystals table: DungeonBait //(Sent by entity to lure adventurers) Maps often wrong spread around country promising easy gold Rumour campaign of wealthy adventures easy time in dungeon Inspire bards with poems and songs about easy pickings Reward posters offering cash to rescue someone or recover item in dungeon Weak humanoids easy caught squeal about dungeon and unguarded entries Fragments of adventurer journals found promising easy loot Fragments of documents providing clues tailored to adventurers personal quest An agent travels about telling adventurers of attractive prisoners in peril Dead monster found with some attractive treasure and a map A dungeon agent poses as a prophet or bard, tells adventurers of fabled loot table: DungeonAgentsOnTheOutside Mayor of a shanty town where murder hobos gather to attack dungeon Tavern keeper who tells stories of easy pickings A thief who informs dungeon of adventures movements A cultist who tries to join party as camp follower A shop keeper who sells false clues of dungeon and buys dungeon items to return to dungeon A bard who travels around county sings of the dungeon and spies on adventurers A bandit gang leader who offers to join adventurers to betray them A homeless [|idiot|drunk] who spies on adventures and authorities A prostitute or local who seduces adventurers and pumps them for information Local sheriff secretly aids dungeon and gives it prisoners FILENAME: EMO_OSR_MagicUmbrellas.ipt Header: Magic Umbrellas There aren't enough magic umbrellas in gaming so here is a shitload. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/12/d100-magic-umbrellas.html
table: MakeAnUmbrella ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Power[@MagicUmbrellas]& Skin[@UmbrellaSkins]& Handle[@UmbrellaHandles]& [|Ornamentation[@Ornamentation]]& [|Secret[@SecretQualities]]&
table: UmbrellaSkins Bat wing like membrane Mammal skin leather Reptile or fish skin leather Lacquered paper Silk from silkworm or spiders Thin wooden slats A giant mushroom cap or mushroom leather Woven grass or plant fibre Insect chitin, possibly transparent like bug wings table: UmbrellaHandles Lacquered Bamboo Carved Wood Carved Bone Horn or tooth or tusk Bronze creatures arm or leg Silver hand grip and horn rod Ornamental gold handle and wood rod Iron rod [|Star Metal|Mythril|Adamantium|Orichalcum] table: Ornamentation Gem Beast head Monster face Family Crest Personal Crest Calligraphic text Embossed scene Artistic paint job Brilliant glossy colour table: SecretQualities Secret inscription leads to adventure Concealed compartment containing [|drugs|a potion|a map|a letter] Concealed one-shot [|compact dart|black powder gun] Concealed detachable [|knife|dagger|rapier|club] Concealed [|20 foot cable|tiny lamp|lock picks|stylus, ink, paper] Concealed holy symbol and holy water Tiny [|telescope|spyglass] Doubles as a flute or exotic wind instrument [|Composed of human body parts|Draws power from a saint|Requires sacrifice to enable powers] History inscribed on handle tells of {d4+3} past users who came to fame table: MagicUmbrellas Plays music when opened mood based on colour scheme. When opened d6 copper coins fall out once a day. Turns into a magic +1 sword at will. Protects from dazzling light or blindness or light spells. Dazzling appearance +3AC vs missiles when open. Acts as a 2d4+1 club in combat. Makes holder seem more suave +2 CHA while open. Shoots up to three magic missiles a day. Can conjure a kobold servant once a day serves 10 minutes then does runner. Protects wielder if open from any natural weather. Detect buried metal when pointed at ground or walls through 10 foot of solid mass. The wielder is dirt free and never soiled, makes garments look immaculate and new. This battered umbrella has a cork in handle and can issue a gallon of beer a day. A spider silk umbrella lets you walk up walls or ceiling as if gravity was reoriented. Black spider silk umbrella that casts web two times a day. Skin umbrella lets you deflect any thrown or falling or fired stones or magical stones. Frogskin canopy lets you walk over mud, grease without sinking or slipping. Stops all normal missiles from striking the target (some only stip 100 arrows). Can turn user into a statue for up to a hundred years in suspended animation. Becomes a +{1d3} 2d4 Mace when waved forcefully at foe. Provides feather fall at will if open. Can levitate if drafty while concentrating once a day 3" up or 1" across. Can be blown like a horn, call followers inside 10 miles to come to umbrella. Calls a magical cloud that flies 12" Speed 90 degree turn per round, ten minutes a day. Can send a long distance message and reply up to 300 miles once a day by wind. If opened and gem depressed provides 10 minutes of invisibility as spell. Can block magic missiles and reduces electrical attacks by -1/die. If opened may call rain, 5% per day since last success is chance to call a 10 minute shower. If opened a freezing mist forms 3" radius for ten minutes, covers all in frost and snow. Can become gaseous form once for ten minutes a day move at 3" AC as chaimail. Fire resistance +2 save and take half damage from natural fire. Fire Immunity no damage from non magic fire and half from magic. Fire shuriken shoots three 2d8 magic fire stars a day 3" range. Fireball fires two 5d6 fire balls a day 2" radius 10" range. Burning Hands fires a d3+6 1" 90 degree cone of fire four times a day. If opened can create a fire wall that moves with user for ten rounds once a day. Conjures a tiny fire elemental that tries to start a fire every round for ten minutes can move 12". Burning blood shoots a d4 fire damage at any melee attacker that cuts or stabs user. This sulfurous brolly can contact the evil lord of fire elementals for advice 3 times per week. This keeps the wearer comfortably warm at all times the brolly is held. Keeps water proof and dry even underwater or any weather. Allows wielder to breath water for ten minutes a day once. This umbrella if tapped on ground opens a spring for a gallon in a minute ten times a day. Creates a bubble of atmosphere that can fit {d3} other people for 10 minutes underwater. Creates two tonnes of salt water released from wielder when opened once a day. Creates a ice bubble around wielder that can fit {d3} others, six inches thick and melts of a inch every ten minutes over one hour, each inch 10HP. When open umbrella once a week can make it rain d100 fish from above striking everyone but umbrella holder, frog versions exist too. Shoots a jet of water 1" for ten minutes that can clean surfaces and remove light debris or annoy people or animals or scare dogs and million other uses once a day. Turns into fishing rod with built in pipe and stash tin. Shoots 2 acid arrows a day inflicting 2d4 then 1d4 for 1d6 rounds 4" range. When opened choral processional music plays for one hour once a day. If opened releases a brilliant dazzling aurora making the user seem divine for ten minutes to the easily duped, but looks great. By swishing the umbrella you can instantly change outfit, each brolly has {d6} slots. Can pull a beautiful flower from brolly ten times a day some make ribbons instead worth 1silver. Shoots a pyrotechnic exploding firework display for ten minutes up to 10" once a day. Can amplify the users speech to be easily audible for 30" ten minutes three times a day. Can produce a d6 gold coins per day when opened good for tips to peasants. Provides protection +2 when held and opened. Unicorn horn handle detects poison within 1" at all times. Brolly turns into jester who puts on one ten minute show a day, if not noble jester is annoying jerk who gives victims a dishonourable nickname. Unicorn horn tip heals a d6 three times a day. Holy relic of mother saint +2 Protection vs evil while open. Covered in holy sigils, +1 level and +1 uses per day to priest special power (turning). Holy light for ten minutes once a day, radius 3" destroys magical darkness, shadow beings and undead burn for 1HP damage per round. Huge holy symbol of user appears on brolly +3lv on one spell cast, once per day. Lost scripture fragments appear in brolly once a week. Holy sentient brolly gives constant alignment behaviour advice 1in6 extra jerks. Brolly of the balance has a built in scales but really it detects planar balance between law and chaos but will speak to wielder if stange or local imbalances occur. Detects evil in 3" feel tip quiver faster closer to evil, works through up to 10 foot solid mass. Protects holder from alignment detection. Wicked evil eye throwing umbrella can cast curse 3 times a day 4" range. Skeletal brolly summons 1d6 skeletons once a day who serve for 12 hours. Detects intact dead bodies suitable for making into undead through 2" of ground. Wielder sees in the dark by light of souls of living or undead beings. Brolly acts as a 2d4 damage club that can harm any undead. Umbrella can drain 1 HP a round from from a held or bound victim by touching tip with skin. Victims report terrible pain and scars. Of course you don't need magic to do that. Umbrella once a day grows into an undead spider with 4HD 3d4 poison bite and platemail. Casts a 3" shadow once a day for ten minutes that heals undead 1 hp a minute. Fires a d4+1 darkbolt +0 magical missile weapon 10" range, ten shots a day, fires two per round requires a hit roll as if proficient. When opened covers user with a coat of living darkness as chainmail which covers recognisable features and clothes like a evil living shadow. Shields wearer from under 1 HD devils, demons or elder horrors who will not harm the user if held and open. Summons a Imp which follows it's new master and invisibly lives in umbrella, one imp per umbrella master. Umbrella causes pain like a cat-o-nine-tails if used to whip a victim also hurts any devils and demons. A poison spike pops from tip once a day, deadly poison activate once a day for ten rounds. When opened every being 4HD or less must make fave vs fear with 4", can activate three times a day, victims flee for d10 minutes. Allows you to plane shift to any hell or plain of chaos or the abyss one way once a week. Turns into a giant 3HD bat that can be ridden or carry user for one hour a night 24" speed. Once a day a victim in 4" can have a leg iron appear halving their movement rate for a day, save to resist. Fires blast of 4d6 hellfire four times a day to target 6"range. A bubbling 6HD shoggoth is formed from the earth once a week and they are not under control and grow over time. When opened a hundred foot radius of natural sunlight illuminates the area and also harming some supernatural creatures, birds (or bats or cricket) chirp a tranquil tune. Artistic skills such as poetry or painting gets +2 if performed under this light. Acts as a sacred sword +2 mostly but +5 vs demons, dragons or undead. Opening the umbrella makes you light and controls a zephyr lesser air elemental to make wielder fly for up to a turn a day. Turns into a huge condor size bird can carry wielder and talks, flies at 18" for several hours a day, longer if weather helpful, actually a spirit entity linked to brolly. Angels, Devas, Arkons and other powers of upper planes have agreed to not kill wielder of sacred umbrella. Attached to end of handle is a small (size of coke can) demon skull in a cold iron cage. Can be asked a question once a day about demonic lore and planar politics. This umbrella is attuned to the center of the universe and can always point there at will. Once a week can teleport self anywhere on plane you have been safely. Can risk places on description or guess but possibly deadly. When open user burns with white light inflicting d4 damage to any one in touch range at end of wielders movement. Unicorn umbrella outrages druids, rangers, elves and unicorns but can detect poison at will and purify water once a day. Fires three magic missiles a day. FILENAME: IPT_Base.ipt Header: TITLE DESC from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/HTML
prompt: Show me: {Opt1|Opt2} Opt1 use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAThing ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Thing1[@Table1]& Thing2[@Table1]& Thing3[@Table3]&
FILENAME: EMO_OSR_ShantyTownStreetEncounters.ipt Header: Shanty Town Street Encounters These are things that might happen every few hours; some might affect the whole community. These could be used in a mining camp or slum. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/12/d100-shanty-town-street-encounters.html
table: StreetEncounters Rats get underfoot trying to get food Stray try to beg or steal food even nipping backpacks Dog fight breaks out and people start betting Mad dog foaming at mouth running around on biting spree Organised dog fight gathers a crowd Organised bare knuckles fight gathers a crowd Fight between two men people mostly ignore it Men having a knife fight, winner tries to finish off loser if not stopped Wrestling competition gathers a yelling mob Woman vs woman fight announced a sp to enter the fight tent Stray squealing pig runs through street knocking people over Crazy donkey or pony panics from cruel treatment Man beating a donkey or pony Mad billy boat butts any one he can when loose Stray chicken chased by murder hobo Homeless kid begs for food Slippery mud and excrement puddle, DEX save or fall in Failed begging adventurer with missing body parts Dog follows adventurers Stray cat stalking mice or birds SItting old man has died and no body has noticed yet Kangaroo court held to punish thief Man put in stocks for thieving or fighting Man being hung for thieving or murder by mob Person being burned or tortured for witchcraft Panic about doppelganger in town eating and robbing people Man collecting corpses on wagon not serving any legal official service A bard here to collect stories of heroism or vice A hungry prostitute makes you a offer Man offers attractive company in tent - [|pimp|slaver|monster|robber] A man offering treasure maps of local dungeons A desperate old murder hobo looking for a rescue party for friends in dungeon A man selling {d4} [|orc|hobgoblin|goblin|kobold] slaves A man selling his wife gathers a crowd for auction A man selling monster trophies for cowards and A man selling {d6} clay bottles of beer A bakers boy selling bread A fisherman selling cooked fish or eel stew A goblin selling shroom stew and drugs on the side A farm boy selling apples and blackberries A farmer selling his son or daughter A man selling a [|pig|goat|big lizard|sheep] on a rope A old woman selling sack of {d6} [|chickens|blackbirds|seagulls|ducks] A man selling rat on a stick A man selling dead rats tied by tails to his stick in a rat hide coat A man with a goblin charging people to beat or stab the goblin A local hunter selling scrawny hill rabbits A disguised orc selling cheap poisoned stew A bard busking for money or food scraps A goblin child spying on people from under garbage heap Invisible person pushes past you - [|adventurer|imp|stalker|humanoid spy] A priest preaching about vice and murder hobos A tax agent spying on who makes it rich or has conspicuous wealth A gentleman and guards seeing the degradation and filthy sub humans locals A old woman or man looking for their missing son A game of kickball or stickball erupts upsetting many in the way A gambler calls out for any interested in a game of cards Bard playing and a tattered crowd dancing a jig A struck it rich adventurer provides a keg of beer for a street party A evil cultist opens a keg of poison ale then departs A man selling demonic trinkets that he claims protect you from harm A man selling a cursed item cheap A Empire crier calls out news about cheap land on frontier A group of old women denounce vice and advocate good life A priest looking for troubled souls to save A cultist proscribing his secret society as the best A mercenary recruiter looking for possible soldiers A army sergeant in disguise looking for deserters See a huge 12 inch mosquito sucking on a unconscious drunk See a gremlin drop from someones backpack into garbage A sickly pox covered man limping and coughing A drunken hobo vomiting in the street A man coughs up blood staggers and falls dead in mud A tattooist offering cheap poor quality unhygenic tattoos Lice, fleas and ticks swarm into your hair and clothes Cockroaches or weevils get into pack spoiling food Man selling cups of fresh spring water with a tin cup and barrel 1sp each Man selling dirty ditch water from a bucket 1cp each BYO cup Old woman selling eggs (probably bird eggs) Huge farm lad selling bundles of straw for bedding and floors Local woodcutter selling bundles of firewood Fancy capped self proclaimed alchemist selling {d4} healing potions A flash robed man selling fake miracle healing potions and tonics A druid cultist offering to rid people and packs of vermin with a cantrip (0lv spell) A man selling {d6} dogs of varied types Dust clouds and smoke make everyone sneeze and choke Lumbering smelly old man in rags actually a zombie A man with whip makes goblins fight for money and bets A raggedy puppet show about adventurers in dungeons Flies swarming every where crawling in eyes, mouths and ears A man selling strange eggs he found A pimp with {d4} hobgoblin sex slaves offering half price services Healer looking for clients who can pay might have some spells Cloaked man selling tobacco, hash, opium and novelty clay pipes Boy selling a live or dead chicken A man selling monster ear and finger necklaces A man seling saucy banned prints from the city pay 1cp per view A man crying out for paid adventurers for mission Men are skinning a live goblin or orc Men cooking a dog in street 1cp a chunk with gravy FILENAME: EMO_OSR_UnwantedMagic.ipt Header: Unwanted Things from the Back of a Magic Shop Most magic shops are pretty old and accumulate all kinds of curios and trinkets. Some might be keystones to adventure others enigmatic table weights ayt best. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/12/d100-unwanted-things-from-back-of-magic.html
table: UnwantedThingsFromTheBackOfAMagicShop Lizardman skull lamp Stuffed crocodile[||||||, has a scroll case hidden inside] Shiny scales of giant chaos butterfly wings Behemoth foot umbrella stand Shaving stubble from a devil in ornate tin Dried out imp pinned out in small display box Box of dried bats Fragment of broken gargoyle detects as alive and magical Beak of a huge insect, monster or demon Giant egg sack Dragon scales of several colours in a box Demon skull with evil sigils and melted candles Faux unicorn horn Box of 1d6 dried unicorn poops heal 1d4HP if eaten or held on wound Macrame bat made of spider silk and goblin ribs Black leather cape made from giant bat wings Giants skull turned into chamber pot Metallic gorgon scales or bird feathers Creepy leather sack made from giant testicle Box with a giant slug inside who plays a mouth organ if awakened +1 Magic rusty shank d3 damage with cast detect enemies once per day 1200gp A dagger made from magically woven cold iron and silver A gnarled old faerie walking stick +1 club 1200gp A dagger with permanent light spell on blade with scabbard to stop it A carved old +0 magic staff, 500gp +1 [|arrow|bolt|sling stone] at a low price A silver knuckle duster with a d4 healing pill and a suicide pill hidden inside A short sword drips stinking demon ichor +1 damage 1000gp A magic stick that can turn into a staff or a spear at will 1000gp +1 stone throwing axe causes sparks on impact, also good for starting camp fires Astrolabe with incorrect starsigns looks faulty but actually a clue to treasure Boxes with incomplete alchemy lab glassware Creepy old painting of person who's eye follow you (Amber Clan?) Dried old hand of a killer casts [|Silence 15"r|Sleep], {d5} charges Gem or medal with demon or devil true name engraved Evil looking silver ring with onyx eye allows a forgotten lich to see what you see Old rug with pentacle design, blood and ichor stained Silver milking pale keeps milk intact used in household of sky gods Shiny apple fresh as the day it was picked in a magic garden a hundred years ago, heals d4HP Pointy hat produces a live rabbit once a week on command Ugly fetish +1 on a single saving throw once 25gp Horrible demon idle with leering face used by demon to see our world Silver holy symbol holds a holy water potion or grog inside Candlestick Idol of a saint, cries if you light candle Candlestick once lighted stays lit without burning candle until commanded Magic salt shaker good for 10 shakes a day Magic nut cracker opens perfectly 1st time can talk and walks but mostly complains Bowl used as a mirror in ancient times but reflection whispers evil thoughts Wizard hat with a grog vessel and drinking tube Three foot statue of a wizard water pipe makes smoking last 20% longer and stronger Box of {d100+10} hand size self-adhesive glittery gold stars Big sprinkle box of glitter and jar of paste Tin of open sea biscuits with petty magic ring in the bottom Badge with gem stud that cleans a outfit pinned on it once a day Snowdome with a unicorn and a rainbow Black ancient skull if held can hear demonic voices offering power for your soul Splendid white fur cape made from 500 squirrel chests, squirrels attack wearer Huge magical tudor style ruff collar +1 saves but terribly out of fashion Necklace with ancient silver pendant containing lich emperors tooth Strange old cabinet which random common items appear inside every month Corset that removes inches off your waste and prevents you going to bathroom if on Local map shows local weather for next day Local map blood stains appear if anyone murdered in a location Local map but local ruins and dungeons appear if sites disturbed A locket with a cameo painting that resembles party member, from a lost local manour Brass lantern will burn with eerie red light for 12 hours on a small amount of blood A 12 inch cube box, once a day a kobold comes out and does 1hr of manual labour Glass jar with hibernating stirge bird inside will hungrily attacks nearest victim if opened Dried dog size spider turned into a 30lb backpack but most find it creepy to touch A chess set that plays by itself with a player but carved in a peasant crude style A yoyo that produces light and sparks as certain tricks performed Wooden duck on wheels, says quack and follows last person who touched it for a day A golden ball that returns to whoever throws or kicks it Magic seeds of a monster plant species killed off a century ago, {2d6} in a bag Serpent man skull, fed blood under full moon will answer a question about reptilians Huge wig from dated fashion, map under inner lining to ruined tower Spectacles with handle allow to see shape of peoples bodies under clothing Collection of strange coins in a box with map of farm where they were found Box of rambling wizard notes; with a year of research, 10% chance a month of finding an interesting map or spell Pack of cards that come to life and play with you but criticize you and cheat A bottle of strong spirits with a face that talks melancholically you while you drink Talking set of dice that beg you to play with them then cheat against and abuse you Volcanic black glass discs with grooves supposed records of a lost reptilian race A cheap copy of a relic or artifact enchanted to detect as magical with a dim glow A stuffed fish mounted on a board who sings a old bard song on command Box of toy army men once a day colours will fight to death then rise next day A box containing {d2+1} blank canvasses and {d4+1} paintings; on comand a canvas will paint a subject Box of {d6} small paintings with animated erotic scenes of [|bathers|undressing women] Magic wonder cloth cleans one thing per charge with {d100} charges Set of drums will drum a march or stop on command Box of strange fertility fetishes will double chances of conceiving if under bed Creepy puppet will give a comedy routine a turn a day, probably not evil monster Box of books on unpopular magical theories; could be used to research a spell Box of {2d6} half-eaten chocolates each provides the effect of bless for a hour Pack of miracle polish makes magic metal glow for 24hrs, {4d6} doses Magical tiara shoots a ray that can cook food for ten minutes a day A box with a metal face inside that gives terrible advice and abuses people A magic self heating frypan that criticises your cooking and taste A self heating mug that warms drinks A pewter tankard that produces a pint of wizard dark old ale once a day FILENAME: EMO_OSR_ShantyTownProblems.ipt Header: Shanty Town Problems This is a revision from dungeon rush shanty towns. The New Entries are the first 50 with original d50 are now the second half of the table. Small revisions have been made to be things that would alarm the community and be subject of gossip. Such events could be daily early on then weekly then monthly as community grows and becomes more regulated. An abandoned shanty town with letters and interesting clues cold be found - a haunted ghost town or where kids like to play in daytime. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2015/12/shanty-town-problems-revisited.html
table: LocalProblems Preachers looking to save godless murder hoboes. Animal cruelty rampant. Monster moves into communal midden heap or cesspit. Plague of creatures crawl everywhere - [|frogs|mice|bugs|flies]. Forest fire starts nearby threatening settlement. Gypsies flood town. Theives guild set up house. Bandits gang move in. Zombies seen from recent local burials. Rust monsters seen sniffing around town. Carrion crawlers caught kidnapping people. Repulsive giant [|crickets|ticks|flies|centipedes]. Dungeon mould or slime outbreak. Government tax agents spying on town. Escaped convicts and fugitives moving into town. Part of town slides a few yards. Abnormally frequent storms. Celestial event has everyone speculating and inspiring superstitious follies. Tough guy declares they will clean up this town dead in {d19+1} hours. Livestock thieves plundering animals (from dungeon or town or forest). Rampaging great beast of wilds attacking people. Abandoned children growing more common. Poson grob kills several locals. Someone hobbling and crippling animals. Cannibal in town was sharing stew frequently was captured by mob. Everyone gets parasitic worms. Crippled murder hobos begging and blocking mainstreet. Murder becoming everyday occurrence from cult or serial killer. Fighting breaking out daily. Gambling mania of town attracts poker shark criminals. Mimic kills several people. Gelatinous cube eating homeless by night. Evil spirit intruding on sleepers dreams. Supernatural being uses sex appeal to gain power and souls of locals. Visiting flagellants inspire pious self abuse cult fad. Visiting bard music scene attracting feckless youths. Ghost stories proliferate and superstition running wild. Local music style and songs spread town fame as tax free degenerate vice pit. Locals play hillbilly music and make terrible folk art. Magical vermin infest stuff - [|goldbugs|gembugs|potion leeches|gremlins]. Magical vermin infest stuff - [|scroll weevil|bookworm|magnivore bug|kyuss worms]. Important local [|crafter|healer] [|ill|missing]. Claim jumping disputes and land grab fights rampant. Streets stinking and choked with sewerage and mud. Local stirring up hatred towards some type of person or creature. Toxic alchemical spill mixes in the streets causing weird magical phenomena. Gangsters offering loans, protections and cash for dungeon claims. Giant dungeon fungus growing in village midden pit. Local was really a magical creature in disguise. Bandits begin to prey on route to civilization. Lack of sanitation, stinks at first then disease outbreaks. Humanoids harass travelers in area. Humanoids skirmishers attack, possibly prelude to major attack. Drunk murder hobos flood town, sleep in streets and brawl in the mud. Homeless refugees and urchins looking for work arrive and start begging. Humanoids increasingly wander into town outraged people wont serve them. Main street is a foot deep in stinking mud. Shortage of women brings out peculiar habits not approved by church. Booze all drunk dry, fights break out. VD epidemic - locals itchy, scabby, infertile and increasingly insane. Inquisitor comes to inspect camp for signs of heretics or cultists. Cultists infiltrate camp and start murdering victims. Lice, fleas and ticks break out. Horses and donkeys all sick most die of disease. Local lynch mob hang or burn some one once a week. Spy from dungeon starts to murder, sabotage and cause local unrest. Fire breaks out damaging buildings, tents and killing some locals. Grog supplies bad, many go blind or mad or die. Lack of food causes price hikes and illness. Stray dogs increasing some with rabies. Rat swarms everywhere bit people in beds at night. Lack of clean water brings disease and high prices. A phantom terrifying locals. A lycanthrope in camp everyone under suspicion. Doppelgangers infiltrate camp to murder. Drug addiction and alcoholism rampant. Tunnel under town collapses. Everyone in false panic that monster attack imminent. Local thugs try to take over and monopolise alcohol. Local business man tries to take over other shops with dirty tricks. People found eaten by some monster attracted to camp. Monsters setting traps around camp. Backstabbed robbed corpses found about town. Gangs form among residents and start to brawl. Plague carrier visits and dies. A wolfpack in area starting to attack locals and kill dogs. A big cat like a panther or mountain lion eats a few locals. Shoddy building collapses and kills several people. Mosquitoes swarms spread disease to locals and animals. Leeches crawling everywhere. Flash flood washes away part of camp. A tree falls on camp killing someone. Trail covered by rockslide and new path required. Humanoids poison local water supply. Pile of severed murder hobo heads left by gate in morning. Locals fight over woman often starting a huge brawls. Signs of demonic summoning or cult ritual found near camp. Campers dig up haunted burial mound and undead attack by night. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_ShantyTownSeasonalVisitors.ipt Header: Seasonal Visitors for Shanty Towns (Specifically, a murder hobo shanty town) from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/01/seasonal-visitors-for-shanty-towns.html
table: SeasonalVisitors Flagellants come and have drunken parties between holy flogging sessions Headstone or coffin salesman taking commissions for master Recruiters of competent adventurers - [|nobility|dungeon boss|foreigners|guild] Famous Bard visits for inspiration and his fans stalk him Farmers looking for someone who wronged family Road builders come to improve road to civilization Old wizard professor with carpetbag seeking adventurers for dungeon raid Mischievous local faerie creatures playing tricks Secret police spy looking for dissident or fugitives Lawman or balif from seeking fugitive Bounty hunter and gang looking for bounties Slaver selling [|halflings|children|kobolds|goblins] Farm kids looking around easily duped attract trouble from families Sailors on leave looking for adventure and cash A wizard looking for party to help him research dungeons and monsters Travelling tinkerer good at fixing things Revolutionary searching for killers to help him commit treason Old scholar with servant researching something lost in dungeon Runaway youth will do anything to serve a veteran dungeon killer Runaway goblin wishes to serve mighty human Tatoo artist of questionable skills Butchers boy buying exotic dungeon meat (no humanoids) Wheel maker taking orders for carts or wagons Farmer with wagon passing will take goods and passengers for a fee Messenger boy carting messages to town Hobo selling fresh farm chickens straight from local farm Madman wanders from hills found eating garbage from roadside Monk scribe comes to take letters by dictation and to visit murder hobos Farmer comes to sell basket of field mushrooms Tinkerer with donkey buys any scrap metal A depressed jester looking for work or change of career Ex servant looking for work or new trade Alchemist apprentice selling fireworks Tobacco dealer also selling razors, tinderboxes and pipes Rat on a stick dealer from town Lamp maker selling candles, oil and lanterns Local hunters lads looking for work Crooked priest collecting money for absolving sins Con man selling kangaroo farms, bridges and cheap slightly haunted castles A fortune teller setting up tent with crystal ball and pet donkey Glamorous foreign prostitute or female impersonator visits town in carriage Man selling a dog pulled wagon willing to sell Crier will tell news from city for a copper Crier advertising work for adventurers Locals seen ghost of missing adventurer and heard spooky cries by night Desperate farmer lost a child to humanoids wants revenge Priest come to study if evil cults and humanoids up to some plot Hobbling old man visits telling rambling stories of similar settlement years ago Bailiffs looking for escaped slave, prisoner or fugitive Professional slave gladiator now free looking for work Trapper comes to sell meat and traps Wagon of fancy prostitutes from city Travelling minstrel and actors come to perform Traveling circus always looking to buy new freaks Slaver come with shipment of wives to sell Priest and acolytes comes to convert sinners and feud with any local priests Travelling tailor comes to mend and sell clothing and hats Travelling tinkerer fixes things like boots, weapons and tools Tanner comes to buy exotic skins, furs and hides Cobbler comes to mend and sell boots Visiting noble with entourage inspects camp for local ruler Wizard and apprentice visits to trade magic items Family of adventurer looking for kinsman who they have not seen in a while Drug dealer come to supply area and enjoy local vices Demihuman adventurers arrive, usually disgusted and make own camp Quality cook visits and everyone raving about quality of food Con man comes to fleece adventurers with land deeds and fake potions Thief gang passes through to rob everyone and move on Gambler passes through to suck camp dry of money Bounty hunters looking for a wanted murder hobo Military inspect area to consider building a fort Lumber men come in to clear trees Missionaries come to aid limbless, diseased and drunken murder hobos Tax men come to claim income tax from business men and adventurers Historian comes to visit to document happenings and examine historic finds Dandy wannabee adventurers from city insult scruffy locals and start fights Hoodlum from city organises pit fights with man and beast and monsters A fight promoter with star gladiator takes on all comers for cash A builder comes to construct a structure Fortune Tellers mostly hucksters exploiting locals Brewer visits with barrels on wagon Preachers come to encourage adventurers to quit lives of sin Cultist comes to recruit new members Fight promoter comes to buy monsters for city gladiators Messenger arrives looking for client to deliver map or letter to Monster boss from dungeon sends envoy to make deal with camp Loud braggart adventurer declares he will cleanse dungeon A famous adventurer and followers joins camp A band of filthy murder hobos join camp and start rivalries with established ones An apothecary's son comes to trade potions for exotic monster organs Inbred rednecks visit to see if a good place to settle down Farming family visits to examine land and judge if camp a fit community A poet comes to compose works on the local heroes or murder hobos if he can't find any heroes A bard comes to put on shows, seduce women and make a name for himself A cat seller with wagon load of cats arrives, guaranteed to reduce rats Miracle medicine show comes through to fleece the foolish Military officer comes to make sure locals not stirring up war with humanoids Rural hunters and trappers come seeking furs and exotic game Rich hunters come to hunt monsters for a lark, treat locals like stupid scum Settlers with wagons come to inspect local land and community FILENAME: EMO_OSR_StrangeWells.ipt Header: Strange Wells Most commoners have sayings like "if the waters good don't ask" or "only a fool questions a good thing". Commoners avoid murder hobo traits like curiosity and seldom look in a well unless a child falls in. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/01/d100-strange-wells.html
prompt: Show me: {Make A Well|Well Contents} Make A Well use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAWell ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Shaft Type[@WellShaftType]& Fittings[@Fittings]& Water[@Water]& What's Below[@WhatsBelow?]& Contents[@WellContents]&
table: WellShaftType A hole in the earth hidden to most by rocks or grass muddy and narrow A crude carved hole in the stone cramped and winding hidden by rocks A sinkhole entering into possible cave complex and ancient remains A clean shaft into earth with cleared space around it in open A smoothly carved stone shaft with chiseled hand holds in stone or ladder A square shaft lined with crude stones which increasingly become slimier A shaft of neatly carved stone blocks fitted with great precision A brick lined shaft with a rusty iron staple ladder going into depths A slime covered winding shaft caked in living matter surrounded by mud Perfectly smooth shaft in obsidian, cleared area around it and shaft marked with sigils table: Fittings None - bare and primative, BYO rope, bucket etc Rope with crude bucket tied to rock Wooden lid with padlock, rope and bucket inside Iron bars locked with chain and bucket A shadoof with irrigation ditch leading to fields or a catchment pond Wooden hut with rope winch and bucket Crude stone shelter with rope and bucket Old fountain with statue, a hand cranked pump, iron bars cover well Well dressed carved stone bricks with chain winch and bucket Carved stone shrine visited by pilgrims, chain and bucket table: Water A shallow dirty pool A rapid flowing subterranean stream An underground river A deep dark pool Ancient stone cistern Slimy contaminated pool Muddy puddle but water regular and can be filtered Swirling pool of churning foaming water Sweet pool of clear water seeping through rocks Slightly magical well, sparkling, glowing or weird colour table: WhatsBelow? Small cramped chamber A natural grotto covered in calcium formations A series of caves with {d5} chambers A complex of caves with {d10+2} chambers Cavern complex connected to local dungeons Cavern complex connected to local subterranean underland Winding cramped root filled passages Man-made complex of {d4+2} chambers - [|cellar|tomb|hideout|shrine] Man-made complex of {d10+2} chambers - [|granary|temple|dungeon|armoury] Complete dungeon complex table: WellContents Strewn with garbage, broken tools and mud Garbage and sacrificial animal bones Remains of animal bones and human sacrifices Remains of murder victims and unwanted children Children in hiding from cruel family, disaster, cult or slavers Homeless hobos hiding from local thugs and landlords Hermit living in solitude to meditate Thousands of corroded copper coins from well wishers Thousands of broken pots and bottles with some intact Pots of chemicals and reject potions dumped by alchemists servants Hundreds of rats crawling everywhere possibly some giant ones Filled with cobwebs and huge spiders, possibly a giant one or two A huge snapping turtle trapped here and always hungry Crawling with snakes, some huge and venomous Lizards crawling everywhere possibly a giant one like a gecko or cave lizard Carnivorous ripper fish swarm, biting and hold on to prey Gigantic frog king and hordes of fist sized followers that croak loudly at night Scorpions crawling about possibly a giant one Giant centipedes possibly some huge and gigantic specimens Aquatic carnivorous insect larvae possibly parents like giant dragonflies near by An ancient druid cave shrine with delightful grotto hidden from humanity A shrine with an elderly hermit caretaker seeking a place of solace A gallery of stone age paintings and mud sculpture, with ancient animal remains A secret cult shrine possibly still used, often cursed and possibly with treasure A crypt hidden here long ago[||||||, defiled with undead] A secret jail cell with remains of prisoner from long ago A tarpit with remains of ancient animals possibly a few tar infused undead animals Remains of a dilapidated lost temple to some forgotten god Ruined remains of lost civilization with cyclopean rocks and sigils covered in rubble A geothermal pool bubbling cozily, used by ancients as bath and steam room Gang of bandits hideout with secret entries to surface Gang of thieves hideout for loot and members needing to be hidden Band of inbred cannibals live here occasionally kidnapping surface folk Band of homeless murder hobos live here to keep loot safe Adventurers hidden base in here to keep loot safe Wanted criminals hiding here till hunt for them blows off Serial killers live here with collections of human skins and bones A guild use as a secret store room with possible secret entry to local business A witch coven meets and hides here from the patriarchy A magician hides here from the mob A gang of kobolds building stuff like waterwheels, traps and nests A goblin garden cult have planted food and medicinal fungi Hobgoblins lair here, robbing and stealing by night Bugbears family home, like to creep about by night scaring people especialy kids and oldies Orc bandits lurk here by daylight hours Dwarves live here with pets and sound proof workshop Elves lurk here - [|exiles|spies|refugees|have always lived here] Hobbits live here crafting and gorging and possibly theiving Gnomes clan live here operating \a [|workshop|general store|farm|alchemy lab] Monstrous humanoid lair - [|ogre|troll|ogre|troll|stoopid giant|ettin|cyclops|formarian] An ancient golem commanded to guard well chamber aeons ago A long trapped albino dinosaur placed here by lizard men, some are undead fossils Dragon with stunted wings and serpentine features, injured and thrown down well as hatchling Gargoyle guardians hidden among stalactites guarding a mysterious calcified door Lycanthrope lair to cover up murder sprees also to keep clothing, treasure and victim bodies A stone sealed box with a basilisk or cockatrice inside, if escapes will poison well and area A tentacled well kraken horror planted by cultists long ago, mostly it hibernates in hiding A great underground worm or burrowing bug nests here Monstrous bat creatures like giant vampire bats or doombats lair with thousands of ordinary bats Giant albino freshwater crayfish with impressive pincers nips and eats travellers A sinister old hag or witch dwell here with her pets, adopted children or sisters A ghost, spectre or phantom hovers over the remains of corpse or sarcophagi Piles of human corpses if disturbed arise as zombies, possibly of a superior kind left by a cult Piles of human bones if disturbed arise as skeletons, guarding some ancient necromancer trinket Pits where ghouls sleep by day before nocturnal feasts, defend lair to death if awakened Phantoms reenact their glory days repeatably, ignoring the living A poltergeist spirit where an angry murder victim was dumped A petty demon or devil lairs here trying to spread local evil and influence (possibly imp or quasit) Mummy crypt from prehistory intered here, keen to murder intruders Withered corpses frozen in agony distract intruders while the unliving shadows arise and ambush Sorcerers lair with dug gen and stoned followers seeking thrills and enlightenment Wizard who moved here for privacy long ago studies here with aprentices Priest guards this spot - [|sacred site|holy grave|cult treasure hole|remains of ancient evil] Druid cult meet here and gods demand intruders are sacrificed Necromancer lair with exotic assembled hybrid undead, master might be living dead Summoners lair with animal cages and mystic circles carved into stone floor Elementalist lair with summoning sigils carved into ground and elemental beast guardians Evil sect of spell users meeting lodge with magical guardians Alchemist lair with laboratory, a great monster awaits unborn inside a huge glass apparatus Tribal shaman with guardian and ancestral spirits lairs here since clan was destroyed long ago A hiding spot for a long lost evil relic or magical item forgotten from minds of mortals A temple of a prehuman primordial god of darkness, a guardian lurks for unwary Doorway sealing a great evil away, tempting voices and illusions bid intruders open the door Strange archway - [|class swap|gender swap|race swap|turns you into a monster] Bizarre archway - [|alignment change|teleporter|turns you undead|time travel] Relic drains magic items, imprisoned in stone mostly and difficult to remove and has a guardian Pool, mirror or crystal ball that allows you to commune with an evil lost god Evil relic used by infamous antihero in past, only works for evil and difficult to destroy Pool of bubbling primal chaos guarded by oozes mutates those who touch it Evil talking relic is imprisoned here will give bad advice and tell half truths to create problems Underground casino operated by locals or non human Goblin market selling strange shrooms and petty magic Hidden monastery where monks train in secret fighting arts A long forgotten lab with preserved brains and other organs in jars A magical being asleep since dawn times - [|titan|sphynx|dragon|angel|elder god] Healing magical spring hidden from main water source Magical fountain with strange properties Spirit or dragon appointed to control local weather by heaven Dimensional gateway with other planar guard FILENAME: EMO_OSR_BugbearBackpack.ipt Header: Whats in a Bugbear's Backpack from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/01/d100-whats-in-bugbears-backpack.html
prompt: Show me: {Whats In A Bugbears Backpack|More About Bugbears} Whats In A Bugbears Backpack use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MoreAboutBugbears [when]{rep}=1[do]& Bugbears are the mightiest of goblioids; whether attacking en masse or by ambush, they're scary into high levels. \n\n& Solitary ones enjoy head hunting and scaring people for fun. Groups are often elite goblinoid special forces.\n\n& Parents warn children about bugbears who delight in kidnapping and acting like bogeymen. While they don't mind eating kids they prefer to traumatise them for life. \n\n& Other practical jokes and home invasions like getting under a child's bed or pooping in a farmer's boots are a test of their sneaking skills and earn them honour. They get prestige from telling the best joke stories around the clan hearth.& [end] table: WhatsInABugbearsBackpack Collection of shrunken heads Pickled head in jar, pot or small barrel Ear necklace Head cheese - compressed preserved head sliced for sandwiches Collection of garrotes Collection of teeth Bottles of hair dye to keep looking young Ceramic jar of pickled [|fingers|cabbage|radishes|eggs] Flayed and oiled human skin to keep of rain or scare people Scalp collection Bag of toenail clipping useful in afterlife to build boats to cross the Styx Collection of used bandages Dried dead rats for stew stock Jar of leeches for first aid Iron fire poker Iron slave brand Length of chain and leg irons or manacles Whetstone and oil for sharpening blades Tinderbox and human tallow candles Bone needles and woven hair thread Bone fishing hooks and line Jellied eel or lampreys in jar Pipe and dried mushrooms Soap made from human tallow Jar of animal urine for hunting or jokes Bag of catnip and rolling papers for smoking Gremlin in a jar Scented oil to drive away fleas Dried children's bones for toothpicks or snacks Jack O Lanterns and candle Bitter melons Bag of mushrooms Chunks of mystery dried meat Jar full of honey Jar full of hallucinogenic fever inducing honey Henbane and other mild ingested poison Jar of fermented feces, urine and blood for coating weapons A chewed up dead young goat Necklace of children's skulls A drugged stolen sleeping baby being kept for later Jar of toxic salt for preserving skins Bag of unwashed socks Crude ancestral miniature of ancestor Collection of mercenary contracts from many different races Cat O Nine Tails or bullwhip Bundle of darts A giants toenail Shaving kit Collection of cheap necklaces Leather bag of loose change Treasure map Collection of pretty rocks Pickled wizards tongue Blood sausage Fragment of statue Demonic cult medallion Camouflage cloak covered in dead leaves and dirt Blowpipe, darts and Bone whistle makes scary noises Horn for signalling Drum with human skin Fat 40lb bugbear baby, indignant but quiet Musk attractive to bugbears seeking love Exotic coins from underland Troglodyte musk glands fermented in sealed pot Bottle of terrible bugbear grog Skin of fermented hog milk Dried bats or stirge Huge eggshell containing wine Human skull oil lamp Stolen children's toys Bag of dried barley Fancy grog - [|dark elf wine|dwarf brandy|hobbit beer|spiced rum] Bottle of phosphorescent slime good for making scary decoys Bag of sawdust Stinking flea ridden bedroll Length of woven bugbear hair rope Wooden mallet and iron spikes Wooden clogs Nail polish Dented pewter tankard Cooks clever Thieves tools set Bear or fox trap Length of twine for fishing or traps White sheet with eye holes for ghost impersonations Black soot makeup for recon missions Slingshot Bag of huge thorns for traps and torture Bag of dried beans Bag of onions or garlic Loaf of bread with mice cooked in it for flavour Plush bugbear toy for kids back home Bag of children's clothes or nappies Crude wooden mask Carved wooden ladle and birch bark cooking pot Winter fur cape Sealed bag of bedbugs or fleas Ring of keys from past guard jobs Bagged and gagged kobold or goblin slave FILENAME: EMO_OSR_HobgoblinWarTrunk.ipt Header: What's in a Hobgoblin's War Trunk Hobgoblins carry trunks with them and these are the kinds of things they store in them. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/01/d100-whats-in-hobgoblins-war-trunk.html
prompt: Show me: {In A Hobgoblins War Trunk|More About Hobgoblins} Specific Hauntings use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MoreAboutHobgoblins [when]{rep}=1[do]& Hobgoblins are the bigger more aggressive and warlike big brothers of goblins. While more serious and disciplined they are still goblins, prone to mischief and tantrums and provokable by insults.\n\n& At best they are hard working labourers, good at digging, tree felling and load carrying. At worst they are cruel and vindictive.\n\n& They are less skilled at agriculture than their smaller cousins, but all right gardeners. You might hire them as farm workers but mind your tongue. \n\n& Elites use heavy plate armour and halberds. Alone they are more wiling to talk and be recruited. En masse they conform. While their martial order might seem lawful they are willing to disobey orders on the battlefield when they're angry or overconfident.\n\n& While goblins enjoy subterranean life, hobgoblins prefer rural living. When not fighting and working they relax with stories, jokes, saucy poems and games. While a bit rough they can be more fun and cultured than orcs. Hobgoblins ar more likley to have individual hobbies and collections than orcs.& [end] table: InAHobgoblinsWarTrunk Dead goblin with chewed fingers and expression of dispair Collection of hobnail war boots Thick studded leather belts and harnesses Collection of helmets from other species Collection of skulls from various animals and humanoids Trowel, watering can, seeds and bulbs Blood stained work clothes Sack of straw for animal feed, bedding or pillow Bedroll and tent Tin cup, plate, bowl and spoon Cast iron pot with lid and wooden spoon Bags of different types of beans Bag of onions or garlic Dried mystery meat Dried mushrooms Pipe with exotic dried weed and fungus Ceramic pots and plates wrapped in hessian bags Collection of sacks and bags Collection of rope, string and twine Dried and salted fish Bags of nuts and berries A live hornet nest in a sack A pot of slippery oil for tricks and traps Collection of brushes Wooden dentures stolen from someone Collection of left or right socks Collection of gloves and gauntlets Collection of stolen beards Collection of doorknobs and novelty knockers Sack of goose or duck feathers Knitting needles, yarn and incomplete projects Collection of stolen children's dolls with tea set Broken cogs and winches from siege weapons Wood carving tools, several incomplete projects and good wood Leather working tools, several incomplete projects and hide Copper bucket, hops, yeast, large spoon, roasted barley for brewing Dozens of empty ceramic bottles Collection of cooking pots, cutlery and Strange cult robes or costume, idol and holy symbol Collection of sheep or goat horns and deer antler Roasted acorns Dried eels Hatchet, spool of twine and bundle of firewood Jar of ointment for boils Sack of blood and bone for garden Bundle of pulleys and rope Blacksmith hammer, tongs, small anvil and iron ingots Old armour saved to give to kids Donkey head with surprised look Dog hides Manacled goblin slave Mushroom compost with sprouting shrooms Nail clippers and collection of nail clippings Collection of ear wax, some moulded into stinky candles Set of files for wood and metal work Clay bottle of potent distilled grog Tarnished copper coins from far of places and long gone kingdoms Maps of hobgoblin hidden camps Maps of goblin villages, caves and hidey-holes Map of human villages worth robbing Pickled elf or dwarf head Slave contracts of family goblin serfs Sleeping goblin baby wrapped in cloth with nappies and bottle Spinning top, leather ball, cup and ball and other toys Musical instruments - [|drums|horns|flutes|cymbals] Obscene set of prints banned in the city Strings of clay, wood and bone beads and trinkets Heads off ancient statues and idols A tavern or shop sign Clay jars of house paint and brushes Pewter or horn beer stein with lid Ceramic beer steins with erotic relief art with articulated breasts Jars of vinegar, peppercorns, bay leaves and pickling clay jars Block of rendered lard wrapped in cloth Bacon bones for stew Goblin to orc phrasebook of insults Sack of chicken heads Taxidermy tools and stuffed squirrels and rabbits and rats Tattered playing cards, bone dice, and box of clay tokens Incomprehensible goblinoid board game Set of {2d20} four inch carved wooden soldiers in box Rolled up old rugs A slightly soiled potty Collection of stolen love letters Collection of saucy poems in hobgoblin with quill and ink Lewd statuette of hobgoblin prostitute Collection of insects pinned on cork inside box Honeycomb wrapped in cloth Bottle of good mead Urn with parents ashes Collection of hats stolen over many years Pots containing tree resins with various craft uses Collection of dog collars and bones Box of military iron rations Box of biscuits Small keg of molasses Crude portraits on wood panels and tin of art paints and brushes Goat fur leggings for ceremonies or cold Whips, manacles and slave branding irons Fancy outfits stolen from human dandy FILENAME: EMO_OSR_GruesomeDeathsPunishments.ipt Header: Gruesome Deaths and Punishments These are some tables to make hauntings. I think most monsters should be more unique and spirits even more so. Clerics might be sent to clear up some local hauntings. Once you get Exorcism spell you get even more busy. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-gruesome-deaths-and-punishments.html
This is for those saint and martyr stories, tragic travesties of justice, family tragedies and other occasions a painful end is required. Also good for threats to rescue people from or escape from. Tame stuff like hangings are for sissies. I would like to thank world religions for some of these, and governments for the rest. Trigger warning if you were executed in a past incarnation! table: GruesomeDeathsAndPunishments Sealed alive in wall or bridge or room Tied to dead rotting bodies in publicly visible location out of reach Tied up and left for wild dogs or other animals to eat Eyelids cut off while forced to stare at sun till dead of exposure Forced loved one to kill them Torn apart by wild horses or oxen Legs tied to bent over trees which are then released tearing body in half Locked up with plague carriers Red hot iron egg inserted in body Impaled with stake hammered through body, die slowly over a few days Crucified with nails on wooden post or tree Covered in honey and left out for ants or animals Rolled in blanket of stinging nettles or thorns Legs weighted while forced to sit on giant stone spike, body slowly impaled Exposed in a cage or gibbet until death Burned alive at the stake Roasted slowly inside of bronze bull with a furnace inside Boiled alive in water or oil Heart cut out and corpse thrown down huge stair case Torn apart by angry mob Thrown from a tower or cliff Hot lead poured down mouth Cage over stomach or face full of rats forced to burrow through victim with fire Fired from a catapault Dragged repeatably under barnacled boat keel and torn to shreds and/or drowned Forced to eat self with torture till dead Force fed suspended in septic pond then eaten by bugs over days Trampled by large beasts like ox or elephant Thrown into pit or arena with hungry carnivorous animals like lions or wolves or bears Thrown into pit of scorpions or snakes Back broken with mallet or apparatus Breaking ribs and pulling lungs through cuts made around spine (viking blood eagle) Tied to mouth of cannon or balistia Tied to wheel and broken and crushed to death as it is rolled Dragged by frightened animals Buried alive in coffin Cooking in a great oven or furnace Slowly crushed by great rock or tree trunk or adding more rocks slowly Disemboweled with intestines attached to a hand crank Flayed alive removing skin, for added touch nail skin to wall Forced to consume poison Drowned in bog or tar pit by hand or apparatus Slowly cut over days Shot at while tied up as sport, made to last as long as possible Bound and smothered in mud, ash, worms, dirt, sewerage or whatever Stoned by mob Thrown in well or hole Mallet blow to head then throat slit if brains not dashed out Tied up and mutilated with hooked implements, face saved for last Tied to wheel on platform then spun and beaten with flails Throat slashed then tongue pulled through hole Tied over bamboo shoots that grow rapidly through body over days Tied facing loved one, thrown into river or run through with sword as marriage parody Cutting off body parts leaving head for last if they survive Forced to lay on bed of spikes Nails hammered into body parts till death Spherical apparatus inserted into body then opens inside body as operator turns screw Torn apart slowly on rack apparatus Forced to drink water till death Forced to eat loved ones then beheaded Holes drilled in skull till death Exposed for vultures to eat Limbs broken with iron club, then body smashed till dead Impaled with hot iron rods Have a wall collapsed on them Sleep deprivation by being tied in chair or upright with water dripping on head or spikes Buried under foundations of church or state building Hurled into volcano (or something dangerous like lime pit) Hurled into pit of spikes and left to die Thrown unarmed into arena with expert well armed gladiators Whipped to death tied to post Hooks attached to weights dug into flesh which tear off shreds of flesh Suspended from height by flesh hooks till bleeds to death Deliberately cut so slowly bleeds to death Tubes or baskets fitted on to victim heaad, limbs or body filled with insects Eyes torn out and then hot irons inserted Tied victim attacked by mob with burning torches Boiling metal poured over victim Covered in flammable oil or tar or costume then set alight Cut up by mob who eat victim before their eyes Covered in wet rope or vines that constrict as they dry strangling victim Impaled and spit roasted Explosives inserted in body and ignited Dissolved in acid from head down, can be quick or slow Chopped up or decapitated by apparatus with blades like pendulum or guillotine Slowly tortured over months using all the torments of a dungeon Hung from neck by rope till dead using gallows, tree or crane Bound and exposed to sun, possibly enhanced with lens or reflective metal till desiccated Weighted with rocks tied to feet and thrown into sea or lake or bog Blasted by wizard using a spell Flesh boring grubs inserted into body Bound in pit then otherworldly monsters summoned Thrown in gladiator arena, pit or dungeon full of monsters Turned into zombie or undead in ritual then used as labour Exposed to magical slime, mould, fungus or ooze possibly in glass coffin Turned into stone by spell or monster gaze Bound to post and left as food for dragons or sea monsters Dropped into a pit with a forgotten prehuman god who only wakes to eat Hurled through a magical gateway FILENAME: EMO_OSR_HumanoidGangLoot.ipt Header: Humanoid Gang Loot These are tables to help fill out monster gang loot, complementing cash and magic items. Use "Loot Sources" to help with ideas for goods you might find, or just to explain how humanoids got it. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-humanoid-gang-loot.html
prompt: Show me: {Humanoid Gang Loot|Hoard Defenses|LootSources} Humanoid Gang Loot use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: LootSources Local farmers and villagers Travelers on road Merchant caravans Other weaker dungeons Other weaker monster tribes Rival monster tribes Nomads or barbarians Grave robbing and ruin plundering Sound business skills, trade and savings Have a thriving industry making goods and trading table: HoardDefenses Snakes or scorpions Mechanical traps Viscous dogs or other pets Curse or spell Hidden monster among loot Shrieking fungi Gas or contact poison Disease or spore contaminated Horrible monster asleep on loot Hidden with false wall, underwater, etc Elaborate locks or bars table: HumanoidGangLoot Baskets of vegetables Bushels of dry grain stalks Sacks of seeds or dry beans Sacks of grain Farm animals, herd beast like goats and sheep Farm animals, equines like horses, donkeys, mules Farm animals, cattle for dairy or meat Farm animals like poultry Barrels of beer Barrels of wine (often non grape wine) Wagons and carts Animal hides and rolls of leather Animal traps Butchered meat (last 1d6-3 days, negative numbers increasingly off) Cured and smoked meats like bacon or ham Salted fish Dried meat Dried fruit Dried vegetables Mushrooms, possibly dried Military grade iron rations Pots of pickled vegetables, eggs, meat Bread in different shapes and sizes Hard biscuits of dried grain like groats Hard biscuits of hide for stew Cheese in large waxed wheels Milk or yogurt in clay pots Crude coarse sack cloth Rolls of coarse linen Bags of wool Spools of thread and balls of yarn Kegs of honey Boxes of candy, sweetmeats or fancy pastry Clothing from years of commoner victims Rich clothing of merchants and nobles Quality lumber cut into planks and beams Expensive quality wood Scented exotic wood from far away Cosmetics like kohl and lead paste from far away Beads, trinkets and shiny things in sprawling heaps Wigs, hats, and fancy accessories Ingots of [|copper|tin|brass|bronze|iron|silver] Mounds of [|copper|tin|brass|bronze|iron|silver] junk Boxes of incence and scented resins Exotic spices in boxes like pepper or tumeric Pots of dried salt Collection of common pottery and ceramics Perfume and scented oil Cooking oil like olive or seed oil Lard and rendered animal fat in pots Quality fine pottery like tea sets for rich or painted pots Palanquin or luxury carriage Slaves human or humanoid Chains of various metals and lengths, including manacles Rope enough for ship Nets for fishing or birds Ship sails Flags and banners Piles of commoner weapons loose or in barrels Collection of military steel Armour and weapons in boxes and barrels Collection of idols and ritual paraphernalia of church or cult Paintings on wood or canvas Loose documents including [|letters|records|deeds] Collection of scrolls, mostly financial but 1 in 10 is magic, lost lore, or maps [|Religious|Legal record|Educational|Blasphemous] books Boxes of unused vellum, paper, quills and bottles of ink and paint Statues in varied sizes, materials, quality and subject Furniture from commoners like beds, tables, cupboards Valuable artisan furniture with carvings Sacks of goose and duck feathers and quilts and pillows Military camping supplies including tents, stoves, bedrolls, lanterns Boxes of candles Lamps oil in jars Kitchen pots, knives, spits, stove, cauldrons Bathtub, boxes of soap, towels Quality marble, stones, scaffolding and mason tools Siege weapons, dissembled for transport in boxes or wagon Brewing or wine making equipment Blocks or beads of coloured glass Dye for cloth, mostly green or brown but 1 in 6 is an exotic colour from far away Kegs of black powder, incendiary devices or fireworks Collection of small boats, canoes, wood and boat building supplies Stuffed animals, mounted heads and hunting trophies Boxes of antlers and animal horns Piles of animal and human bones Crates of building supplies, tools, paint and bricks Collection of human scalps or severed/shrunken heads Torture equipment including chairs, racks, chains, pokers, etc Piles of arrows, bolts, lead sling bullets or other missiles Cages of exotic pets like parrots, monkeys, fancy dogs Documents of ownership deeds for [|cash|house|land|slaves] Medicine, herbs, artificial limbs and surgeons kit Drugs like smokable herbs in bales or exotic addictive resin blocks Monsters or ferocious beasts in cages Monster eggs or babies in cages Stuffed and mounted monster bodies Barrels of poison like arsenic good for well poisoning Alchemist glassware and ingredients Boxes of spell and ritual components Collection of erotic art, saucy pamphlets, bejeweled sex toys, pornographic furniture FILENAME: EMO_OSR_HowVillainWrongedMe.ipt Header: How I Was Wronged by That Villain Sometimes it's good to have heroes get personal with bad guys from day one. Fairly genre neutral. You could roll twice and combine the results if you're feeling it. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-how-i-was-wronged-by-that-villain.html
table: WhatTheVillainDidToWrongMe Your family entered into a bad marriage contract that destroyed your clan. Your family were murdered when gathering in public only you survived. When the family head was killed the whole family fell to ruin. The family home was burned killing all inside. The family [|pets|livestock|servants] were all brutally murdered. A gang of savaged brutes invaded family home killing everyone horribly. The villain's family were traditional rivals who finally destroyed your clan. Your family were outlawed and robbed by nobility. Your family were slandered and shunned by peers and driven away. Your family was tainted by [|a cult|treason|monsters|crime]. You had false evidence planted on you and have hid from the law since. Your were were once respected and important but now shunned and poor. You had a promising career but it was sabotaged by lies an slander. You were to be married into a good family but turned out they were false and wicked. You received a promotion but evil machinations ruined you. A former [|friend|lover] was forced to betray secrets and slander you in public. You received a chance to be great but your mission was stopped and you failed. You were granted wealth and land but someone stopped you receiving it. You had to kill one person for a chance of great glory but you failed. You were sent to prison and torture for several years by lies. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was taken by criminals as blackmail. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was deceived by lies and ran to you rival. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was murdered just to make you suffer. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was driven insane by this madman. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was driven into a life of vice and wickedness. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was seduced into your enemies service and died. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was killed in a callous accident easily avoided. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was married but died soon after suspiciously. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was sent to their death by a false documents. Your [|friend|sibling|sweetheart] was killed in a war be enemies led by your foe. Soldiers demanding lodging then killed abused and robbed your loved ones. Your home was taken by unscrupulous dealings leaving you destitute. Parents were killed on streets leaving you a child to live on the streets in poverty. You family were killed and you were left with monks with no name. One of your close family betrayed everyone and stole your family home. Family were part of a cult controlled by villain. Your family head was in debt and sold some family members to your enemy. Your family enjoyed patronage from superiors but foe destroyed relationship and clan. Your family were lynched and many killed when really foe just wanted family home. Your home was taken and your family live in a labour camp which killed most of them. You were formerly good friends who enjoyed adventure together but they changed. You were raised with them as part of our family but they joined an enemies service. You were friends till they stole your sweetheart she then they disappeared. They were a teacher and mentor but really you were a pawn in their schemes. You were trained together but they killed the master and fled with a relic. They convinced your friends to join them and they turned on you. Your comrades were massacred at their command by killers. Your friends were betrayed and poisoned by a former comrade. One of your friends picked a fight and died, the killer now hunts you all. They were a former student but now seek to destroy all your kind. You belong to a organisation together but they left and betrayed their teachings. You served a crusade together but you managed to get out and they hate you now. You worked together on a quest but saw them tainted and leave the cause. You were both sworn to service but you exposed them as a fraud and cheat so they left. You were part of a organisation that was destroyed by your heretical foe. Their servants killed and robbed a wise leader you respected. Your faith had amassed wealth and a temple that was destroyed by your enemy. Your creed was shattered when leaders outcast and buildings demolished. Your cause was overshadowed by a new order linked to your foe. You crossed the villain on a quest, now you are hunted. You have been blocked at every cause from your mission by the villain. All your friends and loved ones seem to be killed by them. The have taken something you need to uncover a mystery. They have made a major obstacle to stop your quest. They have hostages to prevent you seeking your desire. They have same quest as you and seek to block you. You succeeded but now they try and undo your success. While you have been working on your quest they threaten your loved ones. They destroyed places and killed to block your quest. Your family has been struggling against them and their clan for generations. They belong to a organisation your family has battled for generations. Your and your kind have been persecuted by them and their kind forever. Once your kind and them were allies but a schism divided you forever. In past wars your clans clashed again and again. You were to be married and restore peace but you were not keen. Famous ancestors battled and the grudges remain. Court machinations between your clans has reduced you both to ruin. Clan competed with them in land grabs for generations. Interclan feud went on for generations with one side being exiled. They stole your lover, your business, your life and had you sent to prison. They were invited to a banquet and used chance to kill everyone. They came to talk peace but murdered all the delegates you knew. The villain has taken one small object from me each day of my life since born. Sometimes a raisin, sometimes a shoe, but something every year. Befriended the family then killed many and sold rest as slaves. Gave your family secrets to other enemies who destroyed your clan. They were struck by a madness and turned on your family and joining rivals. They were promised something by your clan head who backed out of deal. They had your clan blamed for their despicable deed. several died before truth exposed. They lied starting a blood fued between you and some formerly friendly clan. They are secretly your [|real parent|sibling]. They have unseemly abilities which ruined you clan fortunes. They have mysterious secret allies which killed persons you love with impunity. They have a great patron supplying them with killers and gold. The villain used members of my family in a ritual/scheme, and they were never the same.. Your clan killed each other but it turns out they were under influence of something. Your parents were murdered but the killer had something you recognise on the villain. They fled from something horrible they did leaving you to get the blame. They married into your family and used strange influence to ruin and rob your clan. They called upon some dark power to destroy those you love most. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_MagicalUndergarments.ipt Header: Magical Undergarments No half orc co-ed panty raids here sorry, move along. A poor person, labourer and child wears possibly one layer of clothes and costs less than 1gp a year. A middle class man or woman wears three layers a child two if cold, costs 1-12gp a year. Rich folk wear more than 3, the more layers the mightier, children wear three layers, spends over 100gp/year. Big sleeves say "I don't work with my" hands so they're good for rich ladies and clergy or just as a status symbol. +30% cost +10% normal sleeves Clothing might be limited by class. The poor cannot wear clothes of the rich. Middle class posers might be tempted to try to wear noble dress. Hats my delineate race or class and gender or age from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-magical-under-garments.html
prompt: Show me: {Magical Vestments|Some Clothing Definitions} Magical Vestments use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{choice}=MagicalVestments[do]{mvStart==' More magical looks high quality and very decorative for the effeminate tastes of decadent nobility or colourful ornamental folk taste. Most are in styles more appealing to women but who knows what a wizard wears under his robes.'}[end]& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}{mvStart}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: SomeClothingDefinitions [when]{rep}=1[do]& Footwrappings - poor rags wrapped around feet\n& Socks - knitted foot covers\n& Sandals - cheap footware\n& Shoes - common footwear\n& Boots are for some workers or soldiers requiring protection\n& Leg wrappings - help protect feet from wet, cover tops of shoes or boots to help waterproof\n& Stocking - or hose are socks that go from to knees or thighs, garters hold them up\n& Leggings - a stocking covers legs and abdomen\n& Loincloths - cloth that covers lower abdomen\n& Drawes - undergarment to protect outer garments (underpants, knickers, panties, etc)\n& Bumroll - a buttock enhancing feature, the richest made of fox tails\n& Girdle - a light belt, often symbolic for chaste women or pious men, worn over shirt or robes, can be used to restrict and change shape of figure\n& Belt - leather strap to support pants, heavier ones hold tools or for fighting men as protection\n& Codpiece - a bulging groin attachment often of leather\n& Corset - tight form shaping garment around torso, often laced\n& Braies - short pants of cloth bundled about groin, waist down to knees \n& Trewes - long cloth pants\n& Skirt - a tube of cloth haging from waist to knees or even covering feet\n& Tunic - a short sleeve shirt down to waist\n& Shirt - a long sleeve barment often hang over thighs down to knees\n& Gloves - hand garments woven or knitted or leather, fighting men have heavier ones with metal\n& Smock - light outer coat to protect clothes for better off workers\n& Jacket - a light coat opens in front, also used as undercoat\n& Jerkin - a leather sleeveless jacket\n& Bodice - sleeveless low cut jacket worn over shirt often laced, possibly detachable sleeves\n& Dress - a women's garment combining a skirt and sleeved bodice\n& Apron - garmet worn over other clothes to protect from work (cook, butcher or blacksmith)\n& Toga - stola female version worn over a tunic and goes down to knees or feet\n& Gambeson - quilted jackets with padded vests, good with a collar\n& Overcoat - an outdoor heavy padded coat\n& Surcoat - heavy padded possibly sleeveless coat often with a coat of arms\n& Cloak - a cape hanging from neck or shoulders\n& Robes - long often hooded shirt hanging to ground\n& Collar - a neck band of cloth worn with shirt or often frilled or decorative\n& Coif - cloth head coverings to protect head\n& Veil - semi transparent scarf often worn over face or many of them all over by dancers\n& Scarf - a piece of cloth to wear around neck or head or over face\n& Hood - covers neck, head and possibly face, might be attached to other garment\n& Hat - a cloth or other material to protect top of head and from sun with a brim\n& Wig - a fake hairpiece, but include beards, merkins, chest wigs, moustaches\n& [end] table: MagicalVestments Clogs of dancing make you dance like a pro in ten peasant popular styles Shoes of neatness protect you from getting filth on you or getting splashed on the road Shoes of desire give you +1 CHA and they are always shiny Stockings of grace give you +1 DEX and never smell bad Stockings of the spider let you grow 6 extra legs and spider climb for ten minutes a day Girdle of defence always holds up a stocking as lets one leg cause 1d6 kick damage Hose of the worm allows you to turn into a giant worm and burrow for 10 minutes a day Stockings of holding each leg can magically hold 1000 coins and still be worn Stockings of spinting add's 3" to movement rate or double run speed for ten minutes/day Drawes of purity always fresh and wearer never needs to go to bathroom while on Drawes of sanctity only removable by mother or good dame over 40 Drawes of virginity restore maidenhood every time put on, prevents pregnancy Drawes of fraternal love tell you who fancies you and if intentions are good to you Braies of piety prevent wearer from desire and are never soiled or spoiled Braies of the goat allow wearer to turn into a goat for one hour a day Braies of manliness make wearer look like a man or if a man more manly and hairy Loincloth of defence adds +1 to AC and lets you dig or march 8 hours a day Codpiece of vulgarity can grow up to two feet, shrink, change colour and animate Bumroll of the fox made from 9 fox tails allows wearer to turn into a fox for one hour/day Trewes of horseman, ancient checkered pants, let mind link to horse you ride Shirt of sleeping allows wearer to remember dreams and enhances realism Shirt of the night lets you detect enemies and provides night vision Shirt of arms may turn from decorative kingly shirt to plate mail at will Shirt of delight allows wearer to change and exude any scent they can imagine Shirt of panic allows wearer to blink away 1d6" if back stabbed or surprised once a day Shirt of heroism makes you immune to fear and adds +1CHA Shirt of many colours can cast sleep once a day including on yourself Shirt of the Bard extends a song range by 3" and lets them last +1 round after bard stops Shirt of splendour add +d4 CHA for ten minutes/day and casts light spell one/day Shirt of Paradise creates illusions of luxury and vice in a room d10 minutes/day Tunic of spiders, cast insect swarm 10 miutes/day as level with spiders pouring from shirt Tunic of the pirate makes the wearer able to perform acrobatics in rigging on boat Tunic of the snake looks scaly and lets you turn into a venomous snake o minute/day Tunic of the sun can cast light and burning hands each once per day Toga of Imperiousness lights up with a light spell whenever wearer makes a speech Bodice of the witch allows wearer to levitate holding a common tool one hour/day Bodice of the holy harlot makes wearer look more busty Bodice of the salmon lets you turn into a salmon one hour/day Bodice of the birds lets you talk to finches and summon them with any music skill Bodice of demonic power, conjure up a succubi or incubus monthly but without control Gloves of knitting let you knit as if skilled and if already can then doubles speed Gloves of the siren, can animate and give you a massage rubdown for one hour/day Gloves of the beast allow punch to inflict d6 damage and can harm magic beings as +2 Gloves of the healer allow +1 HP per person per day when attempting first aid Inferno Mittens protect your hands from any heat like petting a salamander or baking Mittens of power let your punch inflict a d4, damage = inches of stone smashed through Mittens of strangling let you inflict a d6 damage on any wrestling attack or manouver Aprons of defence +2 AC from front only, resists stains and heat of oven or furnace Apron of charming casts charm person per day Apron of hammers keeps within it weightlessly a set of small tools and a hand weapon Dress of the goodwife, protects modesty by turning invisible ten minutes/day Dress of fish wife, can breathe on water and float at will, never smells of dead fish Dress of the Sphynx, consult the riddlers of the ages with weekly commune spell Dress of the iron maid acts as chainmain +5 AC with no movement penalty Skirt of the rainbow provides feather fall at will Skirt of the wind fairies allows wearer to jump +3" anytime Skirt of the elves allows you to dance for eight hours a day unharmed Robes of night - improve ability to hide or see at night, become a shadow if you die Robes of the hermit as +4 Ringmail no move penalty, create food and water one/day Robes of the holy keep wearers moist in holy water that burns undead to touch Chain of Ganilon used as a war flail or a bolo, two lage balls connected by 1" long chain Girdle of piousness unable to be undressed against wielders will, protected by a god Girdle of gender change a popular magic item shunned by conservatives Girdle of the Elves +1CHA, skin and teeth shinier Belt of the Dwarves wearer works 12 hours digging, crafting or carrying without harm Belt of the Hero +1 STR and AC +1, wearer comes to prefer bare sleeves Warbelt of the Crusader, carries 1000 coins mass inside in pockets as if weightless Iron Corset of the war queen adds +2 AC on any other armour Spider Corset allows wearer to create 10" rope three/day from spinerettes War Corset inflicts d4 to any who touch wearer ten rounds/day Cape of prediction +2 AC unfortunately ever month 1in6 chance summons a time demon Cape of gliding, fly across as far as height you fall, DEX save to avoid harm Cape of shadow makes you invisible in dark if you don't move Necktie of fowl mastery can summon a d6/day chicken to crow sized birds to eat Collar of slavery keeps victim charmed and complaint as spell when put on Neck Ribbon of Celestial ones Resurrects wearer once a decade (roll d10 years since) Imperial Head Ruff head can fly off on own for up to 10 minutes/day speed 24" Scarf of the assassin, stretch to 10 feet, become rigid and be used as ladder or scimitar Scarf of the sultan makes up to 100 extra magic silk scarves per/day last 10 minutes Scarf of the Magister, woolen coloured item can stretch to 100 foot long or back to six Rogues Jackets, ornate gaudy number +2 AP, hides a lockpick set and dagger Jacket of the hunt, wearer can track and speak to hunting dogs Jacket of tears, user inflicts +1 damage on any attack and sheds tears every life taken Travellers Surcoat, worn over armour but the wearer changes heraldry design at will Great coat of the marshal, ignore bad weather and can march 12 yours/day War masters coat, +1 ATT, pockets contain a sheild, hand weapon, 12 days iron rations Coat of the merchant has twenty pockets that hold 2lb objects with no mass Fools Jerkin with hood takes d6 less from fall damage, can charge into any two colours Woodsmans jerkin, pockets contain bow, twenty arrows, dagger, hatchet with no mass Dwarf Jerkin, +1 CON +3HP +2AC used by elite dwarf emergency labour crews Skullcap of thought +1WIS, often comes with horns of some kind, improves hearing Bonnet of power is a cloth tied on hat, wearer can call flame strike once per month Headband of mystery +1INT, detects copper in amounts of over 100 coins Coif of the holy allows wearer to cast bless three times a day Hood of dread, wearer sees in dark, can change face for ten minutes/day Cap of Jauntiness, cast charm person once per day and +1DEX Hat of Jubilation can twice a day produce tea, cake and fruit for 12, large and decorative Mask of Night allows night vision, makes face unrecognisable, and changes your voice Veil of Illusion can cast phantasmal force once a day for as long as you can concentrate Wig of Regal Locks, bonds to scalp till death, change colour or length up to 5 foot FILENAME: EMO_OSR_RandomStrangeCrypt.ipt Header: Random Strange Crypts Wikipedia on crypts and burial vaults: "A crypt (from Latin crypta "vault") is a stone chamber beneath the floor of a church or other building. It typically contains coffins, sarcophagi, or religious relics" In more modern terms, a crypt is most often a stone chambered burial vault used to store the deceased. Crypts are usually found in cemeteries and under public religious buildings, such as churches or cathedrals, but are also occasionally found beneath mausoleums or chapels on personal estates. Wealthy or prestigious families will often have a 'family crypt' or 'vault' in which all members of the family are interred. Many royal families, for example, have vast crypts containing the bodies of dozens of former royalty. In some localities an above ground crypt is more commonly called a mausoleum, which also refers to any elaborate building intended as a burial place, for one or any number of people. The last sentence is the main point for me. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-random-strange-crypt-table.html
prompt: Show me: {Specific Crypts|Make A Crypt|Crypt Locations|Exterior Decorations|Security|Inside The Crypt} Specific Hauntings use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeACrypt ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Location[@CryptLocations]& Exterior Decorations
[!{1d3} ExteriorDecorations >> implode
& Security
[!{1d2} Security >> implode
& Contains[@InsideTheCrypt]&
table: CryptLocations //This is if you have heroes seeking a specific crypt from records for a relic for instance. Under common church or temple Under a great cathedral or high temple Under a family house or castle Under ruins of a church, house or castle In a family estate or property In a tiny plot of land in cramped urban area In a lonely out of the way roadside churchyard In a great necropolis In a quiet village cemetery In a lonely windswept isolated place table: ExteriorDecorations Water feature fountain, horse trough or pool Pair or more of columns Statue often of dead or religious Bench possibly with sheltered porch Decorative archway Carved with poetry and scriptures Carved with relief art of family or great deeds Holy symbol of interred's faith Overgrown with vines and vegetation Buried mostly into earth with door visible table: Security //1in4 chance of being trapped also Stone wall around crypt Iron bar fence with locked gate Solid metal doors with quality locks Stone door sealed and difficult to open in secret Secret door entrance Crypt contaminated with poison gas or disease A watchman or hermit or local watches over it Defilers are cursed by godly or wizard magic Has a strange animal protector like a big black devil dog Has otherworldly entity protecting it like ghost or demon table: InsideTheCrypt Inters a single sarcophagus and 1in4 with a pile of bones in corner Niches or shelves in walls with {2d6+6} mummified bodies A feature sarcophagi with sealed holes with coffins or shrouded bodies inside A feature sarcophagi with funeral urns of ashes in niches or shelves A feature sarcophagi with more recent coffins stacked around chamber A feature sarcophagi with shrouded mummies laying in floor against walls A feature sarcophagi with skulls on top of bones in niches or shelves Walls and ceiling covered in bones, feature skeletal mummies dressed standing upright Large underground chamber with columns, paintings, relief art, shrine and sarcophagi A large complex with many chambers with different styles in each chamber table: SpecificCrypts The Miser's Crypt\nFilled with traps and scattered with bones of his poor descendants who reanimate and attack any trying to rob his cache of copper coins. The Weeping Virgin's Crypt\nEveryone knows the tragedy of the virgin who died of the plague. She was interned here then awoke from her coma, weeping for days before death. She is now some kind of haunting spirit. The Virtuous Maiden's Crypt\nLoved by locals she died of sickness but really she had a vampire lover and she feeds off local virgins. The Wizard Crypt\nAll fear the old man wizard but he was rich. Now he is a mummy who awakens to read his books. The Good Mayors Crypt\nWell known and attractive. The Mayor had bone golems interned with him as guardians. The Old Captain's Crypt\nDecorated with sea themed carvings is well known in area. What people dont know is he worshiped sea demons and if disturbed will arise with his fish folk brides to protect his collection of exotic trade goods and furnishings. Brave Hugo's Crypt\nHas a statue of Hugo and was built by his adventurer friends. One fiend a rogue now leads a band of evil murder hobos who live in the crypt with their ill gotten loot via a secret door. Karizon the Transmuter's Crypt\nHe studied shape shifters and now crypt is home to a family of doppelgangers and their pet mimic. Azul the Shadow's Crypt\nA evil rogue and crime lord some say served the demons of living darkness. Now shadows dwell here. Artan's Crypt\nA trader was buried with many exotic items including his idol collections. One idol contains a wicked spirit who has summoned imps to dwell here and they use as a base for their soul buying operation. Mistress Shastra's Crypt\nHas been cursed by the spider goddess and now it is full of cobwebs and giant spiders. Bartan's Rest is a where jolly local sherrif was interned by grateful admirers but he was actually murdered and the angry revenant didn't know who killed him so now he kills travellers by night and murdered the local bandit gangs. Sir Torin's Crypt\nA goodly knight was buried with gems from the crusades, if disturbed his armour and sword arise to fight. Ahmon DeTaint's Crypt\nWhere an aged respected knight was burried after a sudden illness. Actually he was poinoned with chaos tainted troll blood and on death trolls burst from his corpse and are now insane with hunger. Locals hear screams from within by night. Dame Zeldra's Crypt\nA famous rich widow inside she is a ghoul queen and gnaws on her poisoned husbands bones. She is keen to eat new men and get out. Lord Drodon's Crypt\nWith oriental ornamental tiles from a far off land is a striking sight. Some hear music from inside and the Lords faithful bard had his throat slit and was swalled inside. Now undead the bard lures in victims to kill and eat or tell him stories. The Brothers Crypt\nWhere two brothers, the last of their lines was burred. The twit brothers now undead enjoy dueling and see newcomers in the tomb as practice. Bloodbeard's Crypt\nA famous bandit and pirate who was pardoned during the war. Now his beard is alive with demon blood, and is a great hairy snake like hell beast. Blarg's Crypt\nA bad local man who obtained wealth by unknown means. Actually he worked with evil goat men and now they live in crypt attempting to raise him as a goat man hero with blasphemous rites. People hear bleating by night. Oorod's Crypt\nA scholar and astrologer who died mysteriously of a broken neck. It is known by all e was intered with his astrology books and his telescope. The invisible horror he spied in the stars by accident killed him and now dwells here, strangling and draining local animals of blood by night. Madnaan's Crypt\nA religious scholar whos crypt has been defiled by demons who live in crypt and use as a base of terror. Madnaan has been risen to high status by head church since death and seek adventurers to cleanse the tomb and recver his remains to be used as relics. Kiroth's Tomb\nA lumber trader was killed by elves. Since his death the arrow heads inside him have turned his corpse into an undead tree man who by night murders humans and plants trees. Flunn's Crypt\nA famous womaniser was cursed by local witches, now he prowls the night killing and eating is former buddies. Takar's Crypt\nA celebrated tavern keeper and sherrif, sounds of celebration like music and laughing are heard within, his enemies who's crimes he exposed are furious and want someone to stop his otherworldy fun but locals dont mind it. Branahan's Crypt\nCarved with scenes of witches cavorting with familiars. This champion of witches saved many lonely old women from angry mobs. An expert on witch lore who maintained that stuff was long ago. Still someone built and decorated this crypt. Noodle's Crypt\nA famed tailor who served the rich and amased a fortune which he used to collect strange relics and lore. Some say he was also a wizard who made magic garments. Murder hoboes attempting to rob crypt found dead with eyes and mouths sewn up. Jaybee's Crypt\nA warrior who's sword Blackrazor was feared and never seen since his death. With it he travelled across he world seeking adventure. Calivar's Crypt\nA doll maker and collector who modeled many famous heroes, gods and beauties. His crypt has been eyed of by rival collectors but they are put off by the ice emanations. One thief's frozen corpse was covered in tiny bites and scratches. Teray's Crypt\nA esoteric wizard who preserved old ways and reputed to be a plane shifter. Collected many compendiums of planar lore and some say there is a gate in his crypt. Bloody Jack's Crypt\nA scholar specializing in the study of corrupt, tragic, cursed and gloomy kingdoms. His studies of grotsque rulers and nations earned him many enemies who were not flattered. Many who wished not to be exposed have sent various horrors to watch his tomb and protect it's secrets. Crypt of Satarias\nA devil-worshiping depraved sorcerer and high priest of the old ones. His depraved cult interned him with his many vices, so robbers assume crypt full of treasure, drugs, evil relics and an undead harem. Zacarim's Crypt\nA famed scholar of dungeon lore involved in many great feuds in the magic collogeum of Shadelport. His infamous burning of the house of Ftar and other incidents made him an intriguing figure and subject of false rumours. Some say he is a vampire who dwells in the crypt with his mostly all female adventures guild. Gareg's Crypt\nA former dairy merchant his crypt is surrounded by high quality statues. Some say he was interred with one of the gorgon sisters as a guardian. Perdustin's Crypt\nA scholar of otherworldly and dungeon lore he died in his cross breeding monster labs. Thouls now use his crypt as a lair terrorising locals. They have been killed many times but uncannily return again and again. Johan's Crypt\nWas a traveling sage who after a single night of dreams in a haunted lich house never slept again. Some say even in death he will not sleep. Terimshotz Crypt\nFamed for his dilapidated old manour and collection of dungeon and adventurer maps his crypt built from the burnt stones of the infamous spirit haunted manour. Arnar Khem's Crypt\nFamous pugilist who famously battled monsters. Starting from early days asa pit fighter became noted for killing goblins with one punch. Then worked up to beating other monsters like flumphs and bugbears. Possibly died in cage match vs gelatinous cube and pool of green slime. His crypt paid for by fans had many fallen monsters interred with him. Jensen's Crypt\nPioneering settler in area when still frontier, led a wagon train of freaks and desperate outcasts to area long ago. Local murder hobos sing about his exploits with local monsters in campfire songs. Some say crypt filled with odd relics found in old days but his many descendants in area keep an eye on this run down crypt. Gussell's Crypt\nFormer sea captain who was missing for years apparently on a ghost ship and lost in strange lands. He was buried with strange relics from his travels and barnacle encrusted sea ghouls and frog men have been seen around this place at night. Sister Nurel's Crypt\nA stern nun who fed the starving who converted to her faith and left rest to die. Shunned by her her god her revenant dwells inside. Emaciated dead and skeletons surround her barred chamber attempting to eat her while she prays for forgivness. Occasionaly they do but next day all returns as before. Lady Orla's Crypt\nSpent her life hunting and torturing and killing those who killed her family. She never found them all and never found rest in her grave. Lady Bathra's Crypt\nMade poor children into cosmetics for the rich and cursed by common folk, bloody footprints and broken mirrors have been found nearby. Zandara's Crypt\nThe famed beauty was leader of assasins guild. Followers tortured an old priest to give her final rites then they killed him. A bloody cult leave her offerings and prey for her to grant them knowlege. Those who try and stop them are murdered. Ulrain's Crypt\nA young bride some believe was murdered by her husband. Since her burial his families graves have been violated. Their gnawed and broken bones scattered around the area. Dandachar's Crypt\nA former mercenary who enjoyed burning orphanages and selling children. Now small shambling figures have been seen around his crypt trying to break inside. Pelorian's Crypt\nA lady wizard who's rivals had her tortured for witchcraft so they could steal her spellbooks. Several local wizards have been found dead with their eyes gauged out and their fingers missing. All their books and wizard paraphernalia has disappeared. Her now empty burned out tower overlooks the crypt. Debrahar's Crypt\nA lady adventurer who was killed by a succubus. Some say she is now a fearsome wight who howls at the full moon. Maggar's Crypt\nA former master hunter who guided decadent nobles to hunt exotic beasts and maidens. Wolves have been seen digging around the crypt and locals debate if he was a demon or a werewolf. Mother Krang's Crypt\nShe ran abusive orphanages and charity donations made her rich. Demons granted her a deal for eternal life and now she is an undead horror who must eat children to live. Bones litter the area around her resting place. Her coffin was the largest ever made in the region. Vorad's Crypt\nA notorious pimp and slave trader was killed by a paladin for enslaving nuns in his brothels. A she devils has raised him as her undead consort and his screams are heard every full moon. Nerrella's Crypt\nA lady necromancer who robbed many old wizards before one was prepared and took her body when she killed him. Inside the crypt she toils making new undead to torment the area. Dr Varashdig's Crypt\nHe was a great surgeon and wizard who collected remains of evil doers from gallows across the country. He sewed them into hulking great flesh golems to guard his body from necromancers. Zahdran's Crypt\nA mean money lender and pawnbroker, killed and robbed, his spectre rattles coins in crypt and moans to attract victims inside. Lodan's Crypt\nA forester well regarded by those of old and new ways, overgrown in vines which attempt to entangle intruders, if opened bears from the forest come to defend his body. Piazan's Crypt\nA famous seducer and dandy has been arising from the dead to seduce other inhabitants of graveyard. He is now a ghoul often found making love with other undead but also jealous lovers of his partners have been arising and causing trouble. Undra's Crypt\nCovered in holy symbols and hidden truth id shr died giving birth to a were wolf, Inside she is a wight with undead wolf servants who dug their way in. Her son will seek vengance on those who defile her grave. Zhuel Family Crypt\nA clan of rich infamous fiends who lost everything through vice and villainy. Insied the clan are ghouls still carrying out their depraved lusts. Westington Family Crypt\nA good family crypt but tainted by burying last son alive, he is now an angry spirit and has reanimated kin as skeletons to punish his clan, if he is stopped the clan will est in peace. Black Brotherhood Crypt\nCrypt of a fraternal order linked to crime and vice, inside shadows lurk. Sisters of Varsha, a holy order of nuns actually actually wicked ghoul clan who eat and abuse young men. Krunrel Family Crypt\nThe Krunrels were infamous hunters who even killed unicorns. Since death tey have become wights who hunt and skin villagers, only willing to convert high born to undead to dwell with them. The gods hate this clan and few remain in poverty. Taban Clan Crypt\nA family of merchants who collected exotic foreign idols. The undead clan will buy and sell grave goods to the living at night which is deplored by proper undead. Hulnarj Clan suspected of being assassins were rounded up by king, killed then pardoned and buried. The undead now hut and kill the descendants of their humiliating murder. They are hard to find now so expanding vengeance to the living now. Orvrak's Crypt\nA cruel rich man who operated mental hospitals for profit and opportunities for surgical and magical experiments. His spirit forms a monstrous pale worm-man thing that catches the living to torment in his crypt. Madam Merto's Crypt\nShe was accused of killing and eating all the women on a small island colony so she poisoned herself and was spared a trial. Now she appears as a seductive slightly older phantom widow who kills any woman near her men. Maabda's Crypt\nA famous witch woman who some say still flies over the village at night spying on gossip and selecting victims to curse and udders to blight. Castolya's Crypt\nA noble woman who ran orphanages and hundreds of babies. Most think well of her but the story of a child who escaped her hidden witch torture kitchen still is told by locals. Missus Vrinpreen's Crypt\nKnown as an exponent of proper speech and manners, she would have her servants flogged to protect them from vice. Now people are still are polite near hearing distance of her crypt at night. A few uncouth types have been found half eaten. Belgorra's Crypt\nHigh mother of a sorcery sect who was perpetually magically pregnant. Recently cultists have come offering sacrifice to her. Strange half man half mutant horrors have been found of late and resemble missing local men and several have been killed by farmers. The cult say she will arise and spawn a race of super witch children. Calperthia's Crypt\nWas a successful merchant and council member. Well respected some were always trying to destroy her victories and slander her. Poisoned, she was buried and a gang of hoodlums paid to vandalize the crypt vanished. She is a wight queen fueled by vengeance against her enemies. Her growing pack of undead men make her stronger. Mayerth's Crypt\nCarved with pendulous brested maids, satyrs and wine gods, dedicated to a popular barmaid who served from child to over a hundred. A few dead fool grave robbers have been found here drowned in beer with happy expressions. Zuulya's Crypt\nA local fortune teller and mystic who was donated this crypt by her patrons to keep her secrets silent. It has been encrusted with many religious idols and symbols and repulsive to magical beings including spell casters. Sister Trayun's Crypt\nA martial artist who protected the village and killed 47 bandits at the cost of her life. Students of her style come to the crypt and prey and protect the great Sister's remains. Zonrang's Crypt\nWas a large spoiled daughter of wealthy mine owners. She hired gangs to beat any woman prettier or had nicer shoes or things. Choked on a potted doormouse, and took twelve men to carry her body to the burial. Occasionally a local beauty is attacked by a great undead toad demon thing locals have named after this crypt. Lord Hulrun's Crypt\nA petty lord who traded in slaves and used humans as sadistic playthings. Murdered by his daughter who fled to ignominy, his resting place has reported haunting of spirits and rites of angry slave cultists. Local priest has been meaning to re sanctify the crypt. Hurran's Crypt\nA gentleman on his travels who was loved everywhere he went. Was murdered and locals who owed him money purchased the crypt. They were even buried around the crypt. It even has a coinslot and people come here to drop in a coin for luck. Ullrann & Bridge Crypt\nSome say it was from before the lands former known occupants. Ullrann was a necromancer clan who used it for several hundred years. They were exhumed and cremated and returned to the newly refurbished crypt for the up and coming Bridge clan. Anyway the place is a mess and cursed undead battle here and enter the crypt freely and down to it's underworld. The Old Crypt\nA megalithic black stone slab crypt with aeons of weathering have worn scratches from a dragon almost gone. Cultists attracted by strange dreams get chased away by locals often. Inside a tiny angry elder god thing writhes in fury trying to contact and control mortals. It knows it is vulnerable to harm from heroic or spell casting mortals. Dr Zaruz's Crypt\nWhere the good doctor (a wizard too) was interned with the star stone that fell from the heavens. He and the stone glowed as they were sealed in a lead coffin placed in the crypt. Master Ruun's Crypt\nHead of a crime syndicate of martial artists that terrorised city blocks for generations. The masters replacements have been interned inside as well. These superior bad juju zombies practice every night then return to meditation by day. Scarlet Sisterhood, a band of wealthy devil worshiping fighting lady murder hobos were buried here in a suicide pact as their leader died. They are vigilante revenants hunting bad husbands and slave owners. When they slumber together they share memories in between solo missions delivered to them by an underworld goddess familiar. Arnk Zuu's Crypt\nA mysterious eastern wizard who aided the grand fleet with good weather and destroyed enemies with storms. He was sealed in alive very sure he would meditate himself into a state beyond flesh and live forever. Zorg Larg's Crypt\nSon of a famed brutish mercenary who married an orc! Zorg was killed when young by a party of murder hobos. The criminals were sacrificed calling demons by orc witches, who also enchanted Zorg and his armour. Half orcs come to leave him turnips. Sirilliram's Crypt\nA reputed elf adventurer murdered by a secret admirer. The folorn maid wails at night killing homeless persons and drunks sleeping here. Baazrok's Crypt\nBaazrok was the token Dwarf lover around these parts who got best trade deals because he offered to pay dwarves royalties to use technology stolen by humans. When he died the crypt was carved and sealed by his friends with traps to punish any who would harm the structure. A stone golem comes out to repair damage and seasonal maintenance. Local kids say that is when to sneak in. Cragmarv's Crypt\nExecutioner, torturer and right hand man of many powerful men. Died drink driving off a cliff, his patrons built into his crypt a complete torture dungeon so he would never miss home. Now his spirit possess bodies of preferably a fit male human and kidnaps people so he can keep up torturing. Kahrdril's Crypt\nA man obsessed with the ancients who sent expeditions into the underland. His body was never recovered but his crypt and grave goods were prepared, and his favorite slaves were sacrificed ready for him. Turns out people say they were actually dark elves. Captain Sally's Crypt\nLady privateer who was infected by black demon ichor and used a mimic as a heart before she finally died. From house maid to pirate queen she was a popular subject of biographies, paintings and saucy prints. Hundreds of ruined old pirates have come here and been found dead on the front steps. Zamon Gra's Crypt\nSupposed friend of the immortal Black Baron, Zamon was an unstoppable warrior turned necromancer who tried to claim the great sceptre of the goat headed lord of undeath. He was assassinated by is former friends and the necromancers guild. Yin Yuin's Crypt\nA exotic courtier of the east who served in the court administratum, and was a spy for many factions with many secrets. She committed suicide by entering the black crypt and had her soul eaten to preserve her secrets. A necromancer took the secrets anyway now she is a huge angry wight with the abilities of an assassin and martial artist. The Black Crypt\nHoused a noble warrior line who's clan was murdered by the Baron. They have been reborn as warrior wights and ghouls, angry and impotent. Durlan's Crypt\nWhere the great she-wizard was buried after her last spell duel. Nobody knows who the winner was but now the angry spectre of Durlan sucks the life from mortal spell caster who dares flaunt their power near her crypt. Kudras's Crypt\nThe snake dancer who kept performing into her 80s in the courts of the city. Some say she was leader of a cult of snake worshiping vampire lovers. Murderers staked her and her followers interned her in the Crypt then committed suicide.Gloomy teens into poetry often come here. Zirra's Crypt\nA famed mercenary woman who was friends to orcs and pirates. She was burred with her loot and orc witches placed magic wards and spells on the site. Mirnmorg's Crypt\nA jolly fat baker who invented a popular pie sold across the city. The pie king filled a huge pie shaped coffin and was sealed up with giant gingerbread men and dough golems with pretzel hilted swords. He was even mummified in pastry but non at funeral would try any. Smell of hot cinnamon buns lures curious loners to the crypt at night. Psuttzetta's Crypt\nA tall thin beak nosed girl who tried and failed to get married and died old with only her maids for company. Young men taking shortcuts home from the pub have been chased by a screaming corpse that bears a likeness to Psuttzetta 97 Fimgorn the wizard died in his inn room and the villagers split his stash and could still pay for his crypt. There was a bit of a surprise that he was a she when the cleric came to perform the rites and record the death. Fimgorn's spirit is inside mostly reading and writing his books. Ptormar's Crypt\nA trouble making political rebel who was sponsored by noble patrons till he was murdered by the state. His patrons paid dwarves to fill it with traps and elves to provide magical ones. Grechnap's Clan Crypt\nThe Grechnap Clan was an old rural slaving family who became paupers and canibals in the ruin of the manour. When that burned down they come here to wallow in thir accestors remains. They claim the dead will protect them. Old Wizard Holwey's Crypt\nA unpopular rural wizard killed by a mob of hill people. He was intered with the remains of his former wives and tiny coffins of his sons who all died before manhood. Locals entombed him from fear with his spellbooks that survived the burning. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_EverydayDeaths.ipt Header: Everyday Deaths Common deaths are tragic but seen as ordinary. Useful if you need a cause of death for a family back story or some reason. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-everyday-deaths.html
table: EverydayDeaths Gored by a bull Run over by carriage Fell of horse Bit by diseased dog Attacked by stag Mauled by bear Eaten by wolves Gored by wild boar Trampled by cattle Stung by bees, wasps, spiders or snakes Starved to death from famine or poverty Died of old age in bed Fell down stairs or off roof or out of bed Homeless and exposed to weather Killed in house fire Accidental food poisoning Stranger robbed and murdered Domestic violence Arrested by law taken away forever Stack of crushing crates fell Struck by a mallet or work maul Crushed by a barrel Wall collapsed Wagon out of control crashed Murdered by Bandits Murdered by workplace bullies Executed for causing an accident Crane dropped load of goods Loaded wagon toppled over Murdered by gangster over protection racket Killed in a bar fight or sport match Killed fighting over found treasure Murdered in market place for small change Guards killed rioters to break up a mob Executed for a crime in public Murder hobos killed and robbed for no reason Killed for urging others to ignore crime syndicate Found murdered nobody knows why or who Killed by neighbor over quarrel Disappeared looking for treasure Accidentally killed self with weapon Limb cut off in work accident and bled to death Fell and impaled on fence Tree fell on top Fell into staked wolf pit Accidentally consumed poison Fell in water and drowned Set alight and burned horribly Choked on dust or toxic fumes Smothered by grain in silo Imprisoned falsely and died in prison from torture Rounded up with a gang and all put to death Taken as a hostage and murdered Joined a cult then executed Insulted noble and beaten by servants Paid thugs killed to gain land for some schemer Hunted by a nobleman for sport Accidentally went on private land and killed by game warden Died from troubling old war wounds Refused to testify against friend and tortured to death Died while drunkenly staggering in town Died of organ failure after life long alcoholism Died of drug abuse Lynched by commoners for debauched behavior Lost all money and killed by loan sharks Caught in act of awful sex crime and executed Caught molesting farm animals and burned by mob Caught grave robbing and killed by mob Caught with private prison cell and captives, executed Caught committing adultery and killed by mob Died of plague Killed for leaving quarantine house Operated on by quack Wasted away on fake healing tonic Died from septic wound Limbs amputated but still killed by gangrene Committed suicide Died in madhouse Died in leprous colony Died in hospital care over months Testing magic items Accidentally summoned planar creature Killed in crossfire of dueling wizards Accused of witchcraft and burned Killed by witchcraft, everybody sure Disappeared but later seen as a zombie Killed by spell caster for some offence or accident Turned into animal and eaten Killed by magical guardian or trap Humanoids robbed and killed Killed by supernatural horror in public Eaten by humanoids or cult Sacrificed to local monster by authorities Flying horror swooped and snatched away Thing from waters grabbed and dragged into depths Some beast burrowed up from earth and snatched them Sacrificed by humanoids or a cult Creatures from the depths raided and murdered Found a monster lair in odd place Killed by monster in own home FILENAME: EMO_OSR_GothicDungeonDressing.ipt Header: Gothic Dungeon Dressings These are intendeded to furnish castles, palaces, manors, churches and large state buildings. But really for dungeons. The more decrepit catacombs version of table more run down, possibly crude, with lots of dead. If a description calls out for an open courtyard or windows then there is a cave ceiling or built dome in place above instead of a sky. It could have a deep shaft from above and some light. Gothic dungeon rooms A-Z goes well with this. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-gothic-dungeon-dressings.html
table: GothicDungeonDressings Great Barbican with heavy gate and guard rooms and tower or ceiling height Heavy reinforced oak door with metal rivets, a lock and bar Solid door with metal lock Arrow slits or fortified battlements for archers or crossbowmen to shoot from cover Murder holes with [|hot oil|hot lead|burning oil|boiling water] Hidden guard post where guards watch and may ambush or signal help Prison cells Prisoners cage or gibbets Torture dungeon Courtyard with parade ground for soldiers or staff Stairs [||||||(bricked up)] [|leading up|leading down|split level room] Two grand stairs that go to same upper level - usually offices or bedrooms Hole and ladder [|||(sealed up)|(with trapdoor)] leading [|up|down] Hall has a high vaulted roof with flying buttresses and artworks, possibly stained glass Room has a high dome possibly with windows or artworks A great shaft above (or inside a tower), or huge pit below A huge candelabra dominates the room, supported by chains or ropes Bell chamber actually runs several levels above and below with ropes and mechanism Incredible mural on ceiling by best artists of time Organ chamber is an architectural bellow powered organ built into high ceiling room Wall is variegated with buttresses making niches High ceiling, buttresses and flying buttresses with windows to a hidden upper level Ornamental stone arch over door with some holy design Relief carved memorial archway around door depicting afterlife or creation or war scenes Huge triumphal arch with interior split into two floors, well fortified panic room An open courtyard with columns around the outside A great column with engraved monumental relief art of some event A classical theatre with a semicircle of steps around the stage Cloistered open courtyard with covered walkway around the outside A ceremonial bridge so persons can walk under a priest, mostly useless but fancy Podium for a speaker with book stand and stone step seating Stage with seating for rituals, presentations, performances or choirs Small lecture theatre with room for secretaries desk and a number of scholars A dais with engraved woodland scenes and creepy staring animals Statuette of saint of beast in a niche Blood stained old shrine in a niche Pedestal displaying armour and weapon of a righteous soldier or cleric Pedestal displaying an ancient urn or statuette or art object Altar with significant religious scenes engraved, often some urns and candlesticks Statue of mythic creature over altar with braziers or fountains A great statue of a [|robed figure|knight|noble|merchant] Rows of mummified bodies built into niches with clergy regalia Rows old statues of pious old priests and saints from the past Engraved sarcophagi of an armoured warrior in order dress Busts of scholars and war leaders on plinths Collection of even more ancient stone statues and border stones Ugly faces or skulls up high in corners - [|alarm|surveillance|cast spell|speak] One gargoyle part of a feature on plinthor two guarding a doorway Rows of gargoyles perched around a courtyard on shelves A gigantic gargoyle or a gaggle of exotic looking foreign looking gargoyles A huge relief battle scene marble runs across a wall A carved font with stone seats and a cup on a chain Stone benches in niches for prayer with carved scenes of pious heroes and clergy A huge marble fireplace with carved scenes of mythic history Rows of thin columns part of flying buttress every few meters on side of room A stone screen formed with interlocking holy symbols carved in stone (& a bit of glue) A stone screen carved to look like beasts or interlocking animal horns A stone screen carved to look like vegetation or with vegetable themes Intricate stone lattice screens around an open courtyard Stone semi transparent screen carved with incredible skill A glistening series of small glass works depicting local founding families and donors A glass depiction of creations and heavens Hundreds of candelabra filled hall with elaborate equipment for servants to help light Stone head with mouth for doorway, high ceiling to make art have more impact High dome with giant stone figure carved into walls or remains of huge machine cogs Crumbling mosaic vaulted high ceiling with ancients symbols a bit odd by modern tastes Apocryphal painting of local saint doing something strange Great shutters in ceiling can open or close for ventilation in very high ceiling Huge mural depicting the dawn of humans and their relations with gods and non humans Variegated dome high up with gold and silver leaf Huge throne on dais with rug before it usually entered through a courtyard Artful canopy in covering high ceiling over a locked reliquary on a dais Huge royal bed for visiting high priests or kings, 4d6 layers with canopy and columns Stage with locked book case chained on a reading stand, often valuable Huge [|mechanical|chemical|magical|slow impaling] torture apparatus A great kitchen fit for barracks, noble or rich monastery, huge spit roasts and ovens Monk cells often small niches and hidden in clusters or inside structure of building Store rooms full of boxes, art work, furniture under sheets, dusty and dark Trophy room with museum of mighty deeds of local faith objects that prove the miracles Artisan work benches for crafts or scribe projects, samples of goods on hand Painted heraldic creatures on walls Painted stars and night sky on walls Painted gloomy underworld mural on walls Paintings of martyrs suffering on canvas Panels depicting the gods birth, childhood and later life on wall Painted scenes of the end times or underworld on walls Paintings of cult heroes in frames with prayers written on frames Tapestry of the dawn times Tapestry of gifts being presented to church and king Tapestry of kings victory over old bloodline Mozaic of the religions founders on floor Tiles on floor include maps Mozaic of animals in wild or fish in water Bricks forming crude 8bit holy symbol pattern Long carpet in colours of nobility or church Huge carpet of abstract symbols actually remnants of older faith Carpet includes map of [|the world|the local countryside|the complex|catacombs] Crypt entry built into alcove wall as artwork, shiny stuff inside Well shaft for [|drinking|bathing|rituals|garbage (with possible monster)] Trap door in [||floor|ceiling] - conceals [|spy hide|prison cell|crypt|secret complex] FILENAME: EMO_OSR_ColossalDungeonDressing.ipt Header: Colossal Dungeon Dressings This set designed to be for a sprawling prison complex, but also a mental asylum, a workhouse for the poor, poor hospital or slave labour. It also includes lots of torture and architectural scaled devices of cruelty. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-colossal-dungeon-dressings.html
table: ColossalDungeonDressing Hall lined with small cells behind thick doors with for slots Hall lined with barred cells easily observed Hall with a giant open cell Hall with cell pits with locked barred lids Hall with rows of manacles or leg irons Hall hanging with small cages and gibbets Hall with walk way around deep pits for prisoners Half submerged pits with rocks to sit on with leg irons Hall strewn in garbage, bones and scraps from prisoners Hall with rows of small cages without room to sit or stand Courtyard with bare rock where lone prisoners left exposed Courtyard with sunken floor and walkway around for madmen Courtyard with nameless grave pits for dead inmates Courtyard for exercising inmates or a few hours a day Courtyard with battered tables and shambling beds Courtyard where guards drill and have target practise or shooting squads Courtyard full of stores and building materials Courtyard where prisoners chained to large rocks and left exposed Courtyard with flogging frames Courtyard with gallows or chopping block A ornate gatehouse with gargoyles and governors offices and residence above A gatehouse to control movement between prison sections A gatehouse with observation area to watch adjacent courtyards and cell blocks A gatehouse with records office and guard station A gatehouse were trolleys (food or laundry) moved through and searched A gatehouse with bathhouse where prisoners are controlled while bathing A gate with store rooms for clothing, bed linen and other goods A gatehouse with infirmary where basic medical needs like pulling teeth met A gatehouse with guards armoury and murder holes A gate house where keys kept and made Watch tower for guards to see grounds Solitary prison tower for isolated prisoner Solitary tower with luxury cell for nobles or rich guests A punishment tower with gallows and stretching apparatus A guard tower with best marksmen on duty Walkways for guards and marksmen to cross sections of prison faster Walkway used for storage of junk Walkway between areas left alone due to hauntings Walkways up high for guards to spy into various areas of prison Walkway granting views over several courtyards Torture room with fire pit, iron braziers, cauldrons and chains Torture room with stretching and impaling apparatus Torture room with great wheel for breaking men Torture room with iron maidens and spiked beds Torture room with torture chair with clamps and implements Torture room with well used for dunking and water torture Torture room collection of severed heads, limbs and bodies in gibbets Torture room with tiny dark locked punishment boxes Torture room with dissection room with seating for important persons to view Torture room benches for restraining victims with collections of knives and implements Weaving workshop with looms and spinning wheels, piles of cloth, wool and spindles Woodshop where prisoners make wheels, carts, doors and work on prison repairs Metalshop where blacksmith and helpers make bars and chains A kitchen and bakery where workers cook prison food or goods to sell A laundry with well where prison washing and commercial jobs handled A basket weaving workshop with piles of dried vines and finished baskets A tailoring workshop where inmates sew clothes and sails in dim light A stone working pit with rocks to be cut or broken into gravel with mallets A ceramics workshop with clay, wheels, pots, bricks and roof tiles made A brewery where prisoners make grog possibly without permission A hospital foe quarantining disease carriers A medical delousing area with chemical baths and powders Wing of small cages or cells for the worst insane inmates A medical operating room and laboratory for normally illegal experiments A surgical room with multiple bloody benches and rusty tools Dental chairs with pliers, tongs, hammers and rope A medical area for staff and guards, clean with stocked alcohol cupboard A room of stores for medical supplies including chests of artificial limbs A apothecary for making medicine possibly unofficial and run by mob or guards or both Row of beds with straps and manacles for ill prisoners unfit to work Secret passage for staff escape Secret storage room with weapons and booze Secret panic room to hide from riots Secret prisoner dug tunnel under concealed loose stone Secret cell with dead prisoner, possibly haunted Secret tunnel partly collapsed with dead inmates Secret panel into crawl space between walls and get into basement or catacombs Secret door into crawlspace where you can spy on many cells Secret compartment with tobacco, soap and a knife Secret compartment used as letter drop Flour mill cranked by human labour several stories high with grain silos Huge portcullis gate apparatus with hand winched crank Huge machine to simulate person being torn apart by horses Huge crushing apparatus with spiked platform for victim Room with crushing spiked walls or ceiling Room which can be flooded with hand cranked pump and reservoir A apparatus that kills men loaded into crushing wheels and they come out zombies A rotating wobbling disk with randomly popping up spikes for prisoner death matches A room where restrained victims are flooded with bugs or snakes or rats A room where prisoners run gauntlet through traps and loose monsters Scriptorium and current records room Document storage room with records to earliest days of prison Staff kitchen and mess room Office for section chief or governor Barracks for staff or bedrooms for officers and wives School for staff children often taught by good behaviour educated inmate Library with plenty of religious, penal theory and stories of reform and torture Prison shrine and priest office Theatre where semi reformed put on talent shows and plays Morgue where special prisoners bodies like magicians remains kept under lock FILENAME: EMO_OSR_CatacombDressing.ipt Header: Catacomb Dungeon Dressing This is for decrepit underground cemeteries built under churches, ruins, cities and dungeons. Roll a few for a small complex or roll as a theme for new areas opened up or levels. I've been playing with the Zac S. system of placing several courtyards about and some other features like from my pre-keyed locations or from a table. Then I connect them with shapes based on letterforms for passages and perhaps add some more rooms where lines terminate or meet. Ive done a few and has got me doing the whole chaotic complex thng. Normally my stuff is too sensible, rigid and boxy. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-catacomb-dungeon-dressings.html
table: CatacombDungeonDressing Piles of loose bones and Piles of loose old coffins stacked up Piles of mummified bodies Piles of stacked skulls and bones sealed off passage Barred cell with body on plinth with heaps of dead flowers Skeletons assembled as art works with symbolic robes and tools Bodies on plinths in rusted cobweb covered armour and tabards of holy order Skeleton with scythe actually a trap if passed Skeletons in robes posed praying or holding lamps Cases of mumifie children Mumified bodies standing upright in niches Skeletons laying sideways in niches Small sealed niches where mumified bodies inserted head Shelves of coffins Shelves of mummies Niche with graffiti from past Niche with bars and ancient gilded skeleton Niche with huge bladed pendulum trap Niche with swinging battering ram Niche with spiked bars block passage and possibly impale someone slow Rows of sarcophagi with fine carved line art or former heroes Entrance to much older tomb with older art and different symbology Great stone sarcophagi with carved figure of great leader Smashed sarcophagi robbed and vandalized Sealed stone door to chamber full of sarcophagi Huge holy symbol seals crypt entry Upright sarcophagi with carved likeness of once important occupant Crypt carved with figures in middle of room sealed with bars Open sarcophagi with open coffin inside no body Hole in wall to sealed tomb patched up with skulls and mortar Wooden trapdoor [||||||(locked) leads to [|wood ladder|stone footholds|rope|rope ladder] A heave flagstone trapdoor cover, with iron staple wall ladder to another level Iron bar lid locked or built in, situated in floor or ceiling, possibly a drain or air vent Open shaft connecting upper and lower levels for goods, possibly with rope and winches A secret iron ladder in shaft to other level A well shaft which cuts through several levels or even into a cave or underground stream A secret spiral staircase to other level Steep stone winding staircase Grand stone staircase with skull and death symbols carved in stone Tiny cramped srairs reaching into depths of crawlspaces within walls Grim archway actually a concealed portcullis trap Ornamental archway with skeletal death statue harvesting souls Arch with bars covering entrance to tomb Pillars either side of barred stairs to tomb Grim Reaper life size statues with scythes or sickles either side of door Door arch is a huge crude brutish face with door for mouth Rows of pillars and buttresses Archways with skeletons chained hanging by limbs or tiny cages Archway gate with locked iron gate with bars Archway gate with portcullis and hanging chains Bejeweled mummified body inside Glass case on plinth Small caged shrine with old boxes stacked inside Stage with stalls for robed singers and very acoustic ceiling Dais with holy symbol in stone Dais with ritual altar Dais with caged sarcophagus Dais with ritual font surrounded by skulls Dead adventurer shoved in open panel in base of plinth with statute Podiums with mummified monks, some are holding crumbling old books Podium with scroll shelf for records of burials, candles, wax, quills and dry ink Rough hewed coarse stone walls Smooth dressed stonework Glazed brick walls with strong earthy red and black colours Crude brick walls with some patterns forming simple symbols Carved scenes of skeletons, the reaper and the underworld entrances and demons Carved scene from creation or other important religious event Gargoyle pair guarding a door or crypt Doorway carved as entry to [|hell|primordial garden|heaven|judgement] Carved grotto with water flowing from spring or well A great carved mythic beast like a sphinx or dragon or divine beast Family scene mural Underworld mural Graffiti covers walls some dating to ancient times or secret cults Painted scenes of agriculture, farmland and landed class wealth Mythic feats of religious heroes mural Mural of funeral scene with weeping mourners Tapestry of conquest over the old people Tapestry of coronation of long ago ruler Tapestry of heretics being rounded up and stopped Honour role of names who helped fund catacombs Floor covered in bone, rat dung, bits of bodies and garbage Floor covered in chalky white bone meal and dirt Ancient worn cobblestones, some areas smooth worn by foot steps and water Water covers some lower floors and areas where drains blocked Roots burst through walls, ceiling and floors in places Water drips through from above forming streams and slime Sewerage and water has turned area into awful stinking mess Fungus and mould everywhere with bad air, shrooms & floating balls of slime in pools Crumbling and prone to collapse if doors slammed or loud noises Mozaic tile floor depicting underworld of funeral Everywhere lit by magic candles and torches or glowing skulls All the dead and faces in art look tormented Find some remains with same face or inscription of similar name Tiny goblin or gargoyle or gremlin faces peek out from architecture everywhere Huge sealed ornamental gate with magic symbols and ritual altar Dead whispers heard often get worse as skulls and artworks or phantoms join in Doomed phantoms re enact past tragedies or wander about depressed Cobwebs from huge spiders are thick here with mummified bodies in spidersilk found Spacial anomalies make it hard to map or find the way out easily Spores cause dreamlike hallucinations and religious visions FILENAME: EMO_OSR_PettyUndead.ipt Header: Petty Undead Petty undead are the sort that don't cause most adventurers problems but might ad a bit of colour. For low level or zero level you might make them fill a whole adventure. Possibly just hopping around a necromancer lab or in a tainted graveyard. Some might come from funeral urns or canoptic jars. Good for grisly Reanimator action. Basic Stats Most have only a d4 HP Armour as a unarmoured person +1d4 Some with * symbol require silver, cold iron, normal fire or magical item to harm Some have no attack or only inflict a d2 or d3 or most often d4 All can see in the dark and sense life There are some references here to undead insect magic a rare specialization for necromancers. They keep queens alive and nurture eggs and larvae then make them undead when hatch into adult stage. In past they made great hives towers and were known as feared Insect wizards. In human times their magic has become less known. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-petty-undead.html
table: PettyUndead Phantom head*\nSevered non corporeal phantom head appears mouths silent words. Moaning head\nSevered zombie head which comes to life when living hears and moans. Chattering skull\nWhen disturbed hops about biting anything alive in sight, often in set. Foul Cranium\nSoft squishy rotten head that spits diseased phlegm at living in sight. Fire Skull\nA flaming screeching flying skull that illuminates and guards dungeon06 Slime Skull\nIf disturbed by life will vomit a yard wide pool of acid every round in front. Laughing Head*\nA form of phantom head but laughs with jollity if disturbed by living. Drowned Hand\nBlue rotten waterlogged severed hand that leaves a dripping trail. Clutching Hand\nZombie hands left in high places that drop onto victims and grip them. Grasping Hand\nCrawling hand sneaks on sleeping and resting victims to strangle. Flaming Hand\nFloating burning phantom hand that tries to set alight victims. Pugilistic Fist\nFloating zombie fists punch victims often appear in groups. Jilted Hand\nFrom a spurned suicidal lover, attacks opposite gender especially with rings. Spectral Claw*\nFloating glowing phantom hands reach inside victims body. Rending Fist\nSkinless swollen hand that tries to batter self into victims body. Putrid Claw\nRotting slimy hand that touches. Wizards Claw\nWizened hand covered with tatoos can cast a d5 zero lv Wizard spells. Mummy's Hand\nBandaged desiccated hand that crawls and drains moisture from living. Wraith Hand\nA shadowy phantom hand that drains life on touch. Plague Hand\nCrawling pox marked hand, touch drains a CHA point, week/point recover. Bloody Torso\nLimbless and headless torso that hops and bashes living victims. Hungry Torso\nRibs open like a horrible mouth and intestines drag victim inside. Angry Bones\nA collection of loose skeletal parts that hurl themselves at victims. Shambling Gore\nDripping mound of ground flesh and bones that crushes victims. Shambling Eyes\nMass of all seeing eyeballs, try and force selves inside a victim. Tongue Fiend\nMass of crawling tongues that attempt to grapple then smother victim. Gut Buster\nAnimated intestines that strangle and spray stomach acid. Gutsack Horror\nFloating digestive tract, floats or bites or grapples, explodes on death. Gastric Fiend\nFloating gas filled stomach with eyes sprays acid or stinking gas. Hopping Fiends\nThese hopping purple legs kick intruders, usually found in heaps. Scalp Horror\nA collection of scalps with animated hair tries to strangle victims. Shambling Ash\n mound of cremation ash which can blind and choke victims. Stabbing Fiends\nArms or legs with sharp bone protruding from stump used to stab. Phantom Heart*\nNon corporeal heat beats loudly when living come near inducing fear. Bloody Heart\nHorrible hopping bloody gristle that tries to enter bodies of the living. Clotted Horror\nAnimated pool of blood that leaches victims blood to increase mass. Shadow Heart*\nNon corporeal shadow that eats light & attacks with tendrils of darkness. Putrid Heart\nThis crawling slimy horror attacks with strangling diseased arteries. Orphan's Teeth\nA mass of rotten teeth that crawls and gnaws living things. Grey Horror\nUndead brains that drip acid and crawl like slugs to drop from above. Beggar Bones\nA crawling crippled skeleton with useless deformed legs. Crawling Carcass\nZombie human body cut off at waist leaving a trail of rotten goop. Zombie Baby\nThese horrors often crawl in city sewers, they can leap and bite. Zombie Orphan\nThese undead feral children usually attack in a pack but flee if losing. Spectral Baby*\nPhantom babies cause fear with a touch and can bite. Spectral Orphan*\nLost children cause fear with a gaze or can drain blood by touch. Skulk Claws\nJoined skull, shoulders and arms, attack with a two scratching claws. Torso Apparition*\nGlowing and bloated phantom from waist up, bites and grabs. Bloated Carcass\nPulsing torso sack full of gas, explodes with stinking or diseased gas. Skull Snake\nSkull with spinal column which crawls and bites. Zombie Rat Ball\nA group of slowly crawling ferocious rats with fused tails. Death Rat\nA undead giant rat, as a giant rat but with undead abilities. Death Dog\nA undead stray street dog, often found in graveyards feeding on dead. Gore Hound\nSkinless savage dog fights as a berserk in negative HP. Puss Hound\nWhite dripping stinking undead dog with a diseased bite. Bone Dog\nThese suddenly leap from piles of bones assembling into skeleton dogs. Phantom Dog*\nThese spectral hounds howl by night and leap through people to attack. Necro Owl\nEvil owls attack those visiting graves with flesh shredding claws. Spectral Owl*\nPhantom owls can turn invisible and claws ignore non magic armour. Nightmare Owl*\nThese shadowy owls call a victims name instilling fear. Ghost Fish*\nEspecially hate fishermen, swim through air or through flesh to drain life. Necro Fish\nUndead fish dwell in water of all kinds and can jump to bite those on land. Snake Skeleton\nThese bone snakes can bite or stab with their tails and crawl quickly. Nerve Snake\nForms from spinal nerve tissue, bite causes ghoul like paralysis. Putrid Worm\nRotten slimy snakes that can spit acid, leave stinking trails. Sting Worm\nThese horrid snakes have a bite and paralyzing tail stinger. Shadow Cat*\nCan run through walls and attack by ambush with life draining touch. Crypt Cat\nSeemingly normal cat but up close can see fatal wounds, fierce and sneaky. Phantom Cat*\nFollows loudly screeching, blinks away if attacked, bites from ambush. Mummy Cat*\nDesiccated, bandaged and often bejeweled cats cause disease by bite. Shadow Rabbit*\nBring dread to rabbits but will attack humans with shadow touch. Necro Hare\nHopping evil terrors can be seen dancing by night, jump and bite. Grave Squirrel\nBig black rodents that rob graves for flesh, often attack in packs. Slime Squirrel\nWet stinking critters leap at foes then explode into a small stinking cloud. Grave Hog\nDeadly grave flesh feasting hedgehogs shoot bony spurs often from cover. Grave Toad\nLarge toads are former necromancer familiars, bite and know d4 cantrips. Shadow Bat\nShadowy creatures fly through corporeal bodies and drain life force. Blood Bat\nSkinless bats that drip blood and attach selves to victims to drain blood. Stench Bat\nPutrid bats leave a trail of stinking odor behind them to bite those overcome. Bone Beaver\nBuilds dam from bones dug from graves for material, bite or slap attack. Gore Beaver\nBuilds dams from corpses to collect pools of blood, bite or slap attack. Doom Drake\nBlack and grey ducks that attack in flocks. Night Raven\nUndead ravens some mutter abusive phases when they attack with pecks. Necro Bee Swarm\nNocturnal bees make evil honey potions & guard them from thieves. Necro Termite Swarm\nMostly build hives and at wood but can attack from below. Necro Crab\nA undead crab from the deep, can grapple or nip 2/round,+1 on right claw. Necro Ants Swarm\nGreat diggers can attack from below and some kinds can fly. Necro Locust Swarm\nEat every bit of meat they can find, and skeletonise the living. Necro Wasp Swarm\nDwell in evil hive, victims killed arise as zombies. Hell Fleas\nThese are just like blood sucking fleas but normal treatments don't stop them. Protoplasmic Horror\nGelatinous mass of necrotic organic matter that crushes living. Ectoplasmic Fiend*\nSlimy mass from beyond crushes victim, carries dead to other plane. Miasmic Cloud\nA stinking vapour that spreads disease but flees any threat. Shadow Mist*\nA small shadow being that lurks in shadows and drains life away. Putrescent Slime\nA rotten mass of dead tissue surrounded by stinking gas cloud. Proto Phantom*\nRemains of a unborn soul with no distinct features that drains life. Shroud Phantom*\nGlowing sheet phantom with a chilling touch, has no memory of past. Screaming Phantom*\nTranslucent human dressed as burial, scream causes fear. Grave Phantom*\nTranslucent human dressed as burial, attacks if had a weapon. Jack-o-evil*\nFlying carved pumpkin stuffed with human brains, shoots sparks from eyes. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_StrangeMemorials.ipt Header: Strange Memorials This table is about curious memorials which might just be curiosities, local colour or simply exist to inspire adventurers to loot them. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-strange-memorials.html
table: StrangeMemorials Headstone with names of a family sharing a large grave together Headstone with names of a patriarch and many wives Headstone with names scratched off and witch hex marks added Headstone with name, rank and military insignia, relief carving of a heraldic shield Headstone with old names scratched off and a new one engraved over the top Headstone with engraving of gloomy underworld scene Headstone with symbols of a guildsman Headstone with symbols of an obscure cult Headstone with images of owners business Headstone with a dragon or other monster carving Headstone with images of saints and religious stories Headstone with symbols of wizardry or alchemy Headstone with relief engraving of town or city Headstone with carvings of skulls and skeletons Headstone with landscape scene Headstone with engraved large leaf patterns Headstone with carvings of laurel wreathes Headstone with skull and crossbones Headstone with engraved national flag Headstone with urn filled with flowers (1in6 fresh) Headstone with sundial Headstone with carving of woodland animal Headstone with astrological symbols Headstone with relief art of grim reaper Headstone with carved flowers and love poem Headstone with carving of helmet and war poem Headstone with engraved crescent moon and possibly stars Headstone with sheaf's of wheat Headstone with carved bowl of fruit Headstone with a weeping angel Headstone with carved gargoyle on top Headstone with carved books Headstone with carved doves Headstone with carved triumphant eagle Headstone with engravings of instruments Headstone with carved urn for lighting a fire in Headstone with carved human hands Headstone with carved cornucopia with fruit and grain Headstone with carving of a holy templar knight Headstone with carving preying monk Headstone with script in unknown language Headstone with carving of winged hourglass Headstone with carving of scythe or sickle Headstone with carved lantern or oil lamp Headstone with carving of a dog or cat asleep Headstone with carving of a bell Headstone with carved embracing skeletons Headstone with carved gloomy face Headstone with carved hands holding carved memorial scroll Headstone with carved winged skull A statue of deceased in fine clothes A statue of a shrouded figure with hidden face A statue of an angel A statue of a cherub A statue of a holy person or saint A statue of a naked woman A statue of an equestrian A statue of a sleeping couple A statue of a sleeping knight holding sword A statue of a grim reaper playing a bone organ A statue of a sphynx A statue of a wise and wizened old person A statue of a wizard with a distinctive hat A statue of a devil with a trident A statue of a woman with a baby A statue of a terrified adventurer with equipment A statue of a woman holding snakes A statue of a warrior on guard holding weapon A statue of robed woman holding a brazier bowl A bust on a pedestal or block A stone pyramid A stone sphere A stone archway A stone fountain A stone horse trough with plaque A circular or square pedestal An ornate column A large stone skull A stone engraved cylinder A stone table with inscriptions on surface A large obelisk carved with many names, memorial to war or plague A very tall thin pointy obelisk A black obelisk with an angel holding a sword A tall grey obelisk with circular base and metal sculpture on tip An obelisk surrounded by headstones within an iron fence A squat obelisk with a funerary urn on top An obelisk with a statue of a bare chested woman holding ritual implements A large obelisk with sphinx statues A tall green obelisk engraved with arcane symbols Twin obelisks side by side A featureless ancient worn black monolith A crude box of sheet slate from ancient times A black monolith with elder sigils scratched out with modern symbols Iron cage over a sarcophagi to keep robbers out or something in? Statues of gladiators or soldiers in battle on a stone slab A crude dolmen, three menhir support a horizontal slab A cluster of prehistoric menhir, some toppled over A huge boulder with patterns engraved on surface A worn squat stone figure thought to be a gnome or dwarf, actually an ancient god A huge tree grown over a sarcophagi visible between roots FILENAME: EMO_OSR_Sarcophagi.ipt Header: Strange Sarcophagi This took longer than I thought and entries got increasingly carried away. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/02/d100-strange-sarcophagi.html
table: Strange Sarcophagi Simple Sarcophagi of crude stone with wooden coffin within, inside is a dead were swine in rich clothing, possible it may reanimate due to tainted soul. Carved with simple likeness on stone with painted coffin lid, amid dust of occupant is a smoking imp who offers you youth as long as you live in return for your soul. Crude stone box with good coffin within, body inside awoke after burial and gnawed off own hands before asphyxiating. Carved stone Sarcophagi with underworld scenes, coffin inside has body clutching diary of souls decent into underworld. Stone slab Sarcophagi sealed with silver and a holy rowan wood coffin, if Sarcophagi opened seconds later vampire leaps out to attack. An ornamental carved Sarcophagi with large oak coffin with fat town elder corpse in remarkably good but emaciated condition, they have become a ghoul from an evil life. A fine carved marble lid with city scenes on it, a carved coffin showing life of rich old merchant, inside corpse has been dismembered and stuffed with holy symbols and herbs. Fine white stone slab Sarcophagi with elegant painted coffin, woman within was poisoned by traitors and in her anguish has become a banshee or howling spirit. Stone coffin with bronze bound coffin, inside is a metal golem body with wizened severed head inside helmet welded to body for a head, construct arises as a mindless engine of destruction. A stone Sarcophagi with multiple traps, metal locked coffin inside has more, wizened old person inside on bed of thousands of copper and silver coins and IOU's. Marble Sarcophagi with carved statue of knight laying in prayer. Wood coffin within has carved scenes of heroic knight. Inside a skeleton revenant with a magic sword defends himself from defilers. Huge heavy but plain slab, inside is a dazzling gilded wooden coffin, inside a mummified body of a noble with a sword and scepter which will arise as a superior mummy angered by defilers. A grey slab carved with heraldric designs of forgotten wicked house. Inside locked coffin is an attractive fresh noble body which begins to wake, seems confused and dialect dated. A rough cut stone Sarcophagi with a crystal coffin inside, inside a beautiful crowned woman actually an imprisoned lich with an illusion of beauty, if released she will humiliate any men with magic and summon her undead dwarf heroes to start a new kingdom. A marble Sarcophagi with scenes of court life, inside a fine coffin of a king with painted life like features and semiprecious stones, inside is a jester dwarf skeleton and a jug of grog. A fine granite Sarcophagi, inside the decorated coffin has been picked clean, inside body has been smashed by looters looking for hidden treasure. Possibly spirit of noble seeks help recovering loot or is an enraged undead. Thieves might have destroyed the undead already. Sarcophagi decorated with carvings in several languages, inside the decorated coffin is the inhuman remains of a shapeshifter staked through the sternum with a cold iron rod. Stone Sarcophagi carved into giant coffin with serene face of noble, inside is a metal coffin with silver and small gems. The coffin is magically locked and cursed and the noble within has a jeweled scepter and a magic weapon and a crown. Simple stone sarcophagus with a plain empty crate scrawled with curses inside. This is a distraction, the real coffin is concealed underneath and is of a short lived noble whos' body was hidden from enemies. Inside he body in fine dress and was hastily burried, holding family tree and legal documents a threat to a current important family and means to finding true heirs. Spirit might implore discoverers to help justice. Elaborate diorite Sarcophagi with a lead Sarcophagi and five more wood coffins each locked and cursed (oak, ash, pine, rowan, cedar). The body inside covered in semiprecious gems and silver and holds a long lost minor relic. A carved stone Sarcophagi with religious scenes with coffin of a high ranking cleric inside holding a magic weapon appropriate for religion, a shield, chainmail and tabbard. A spectre arises to punish robbers or unbelievers. A sarcophagi carved with holy symbol with a plain coffin inside, contains a plain skeleton in a shirt with humble holy book preaching poverty and abstinence from luxury. Heavily defaced sarcophagi with old version of holy symbol, inside is smashed coffin and desiccated body parts. Shreds of heretical holy book from long forgotten divergent sect possibly of interest to scholars or surviving sect members seeking a revival. If the seal of this sarcophagi is broken an angel will appear with a flaming sword to slay defilers or at least will chase them away. Will open humble wood coffin and carry away saints corpse and scriptures to safety. A major religion hates defilers with some calling for death to the vandals. This stone sarcophagi was carved by locals and the coffin lovingly carved by local craftsmen and commoners. Inside a humble clergy member loved by the common people. The church will investigate desecration of this sarcophagi. Sarcophagi with holy images on outside but the coffin carved with demons and skulls. If lead seal broken a blast of scarlet light and a demon emerge sent by ascendant evil cult leader who hid from the world. Sarcophagi carved into shape of church and the ornamental coffin in shape of high altar with gold leaf and mother of pearl. Inside desiccated holy leader with remains three younger bodies in white shirts. Inside stone crude sarcophagi is another stone sarcophagi but carved with woodland scenes then a wooden coffin made from a large carved log. Robed leader of nature cult with a magic staff and sickle. Magical healing potions, seeds and berries in pots and the remains of several small and medium animals. Stone sarcophagi carved with astrological and holy symbols, inside an engraved brass coffin with locks magically sealed. Inside a robed diviner with star charts, crystal orbs and other valuable trinkets. Possibly even something magic. A stone sarcophagi sealed with lead, inside is a black lacquered coffin with evil holy symbols and several guardian wights. Inside the evil high holy person's remains are a specter with priestly spells . Treasure including money, evil books, unholy water that heals undead in clay jars and several magic items. Plain stone sarcophagi but inside is a gilded wooden coffin carved with esoteric symbols featuring eyes, Some seem to watch intruders. If opened the robed skeletal sorcerer awakes and blasts robbers, contains gold and magic rings with eye symbols. Stone sarcophagi painted into a crude skull with a black coffin inside. Wizened bloated body sack has an enlarged skull and rib cage. Bursts open with a young demon inside using like a cocoon. Great sarcophogi has snake designs with a snake carved coffin within, inside is remnants of a snake cultist with some serpentine features rare in humans. In his arms is a book from the reptile age and a snake staff or rod, poison traps are popular choice in such cults. Stone sarcophagi with strange designs, inside is a metal riveted shut heavy coffin with angry toothed maws and tentacles etched on the lid. If opened tentacles, a toothed maw and eye stalks burst from the cult leader. Among remains are gold coins and book in secret cult language. Large stone sarcophagi with star and sun symbols, but some symbols have eyes and mouths. The plain stained coffin has a gold sun disk on the front. If seal tampered with brightly glowing superior ghoul king climbs out shooting beams of light and surrounded by glowing nimbus. Grime encrusted sarcophagi reeks of fungus, the coffin is carved with goblins and mushrooms. Inside are eight strange black cabbage like pods that once exposed, each shoots out a goblin armed with a club and shield per round until pods are destroyed. Remains of a goblin shaman are flattened in the bottom with bone fetishes and exotic spores in pots. Granite sarcophagi with mysterious spiral runes, The coffin is unusually wide and if opened strange purple mists pour out and a standing robed non human wizard of olden times appears. The strange being will demand obedience telepathically, hiding its true face behind a strange mask. Smooth carved sarcophagi with a meal coffin within with a large rotating calender disk on the front. If right code dialled up the lid opens and a handsome cult leader emerges from a thousand year slumber. He has a box of silver and is keen to establish himself and hire body guards. He is careful to esquire if anyone remembers his "misunderstood" crimes from his last awakening. Stone sarcophagi magically moulded like clay into shape of robed sorcerer. Inside a lead coffin is a painted human shaped coffin in a more detailed likeness. Inside the wizened corpse holds a box filled with black lotus resin and other forbidden drugs and gold weights with a brass scale. Stone sarcophagi carved with symbols of one element or quasi element) sealed in lead, Inside is a wood coffin coloured and inscribed with images dedicated to an element. Inside the cult leader wears robes with silver coins, a cult boo and some minor elemental items. If the body is disturbed an elemental spirit will pour from the dead's mouth and attack. Inside this sarcophagi is a coffin made of force with an intact perfectly preserved corpse with treasure only a powerful magician could breach. Inside the plain sarcophagi is a huge lozenge of amber with a preserved robed body with copper treasure and a small bear familiar. Inside the sarcophagi is a huge rough carved coffin. If opened an ogre mage inside awakens and attacks, he will escape if threatened with powers. Has gold, gems and a valuable porcelain tea set. This blue grey stone sarcophagi is unlike any local stone and insideinstead of a coffin in a statue of a hero turned to stone long ago. If revived will be greatfull and knows of long lost treasure hidden in places now built over by civilization. This stone sarcophagi is well sealed and th heavy coffin is sealed with lead. Inside is a mass of worms which form into a robed humanoid wizard from pre human times. Instead of spell books it incorporates living book worm colonies into self. Keen to eat wizards books and study modern spell casting then unleash an age of terror and madness. This purple hued strange stone sarcophagi came from another world. The strange metal coffin inside is highly polished and blank. Inside a blank faced forgotten wizard corpse in good condition wearing an old theatre mask. Inside a metal bound book are flailed faces turned to removable leather sheets. This sarcophagi has strange designs carved on it and inside is a crude spiral wood box and the car from a chariot and cremated horse skeletons. Inside the box are the bundled remains of a prehistoric leader and their slave lovers. Bone combs, seeds, boar tusks, stone weapons, copper tools and a few magic trinkets are inside. Inside this large sarcophagi decorated with gladiators is a large ornate coffin and the remains of skeleton gladiators. They will spring to life and defend their former master. The master's body in the coffin is large with a twisted spine and deformed legs. A collection of fine bronze and iron weapons with coffers of silver is in a box as the bodies pillow. This russet stone sarcophagi was a former vampire's resting place. There is dirt in the bottom of the coffin, several changes of clothes, ornate bejeweled sacrificial knives with a journal of victims which solves generations of local murders. If the vampire returns will seek revenge on those who inconvenienced it. If opened this rough surfaced sarcophagi contain a giant bean pod. Shortly after exposure to light the pod opens and strangling vines and venus flytrap mouths grow, seeking to turn area into a domain of monster plants. Vegegoblins will hatch from a later generation of the pods who worship the plant's spirit. This coffin has deep carved warning runes and if opened the bronze coffin inside begins to heat and smoke, releasing a blood drinking bronze golem with the ashen remains of an elder chaos wizard stored in its chest. The golem is made in the form of a heavily armoured horned knight ad glows cherry red in battle. This lichen- and slime-encrusted sarcophagi has within a rotting pool of filth which bubbles to life if disturbed. Shambling horrors begin to emerge then finally a slime encrusted lich with a cloak of lichen emerges to call the slime lords from the abyss. This ancient sarcophagi carved with worms and skulls hold the remains of a priest king inside a sealed rusted iron coffin. The crumbling rich robed skeleton arises and begins to spit glowing green maggots at any who do not bow down in terror. This smooth fine gained dark stone sarcophagi is lined with human and goat skulls. The coffin is painted with cavorting goat folk dancing with skeletons. Inside the bloated goat headed mummy arises with his sceptre. He will summon goat men from beyond and will strike defilers with his rod cursing them with transformations to goats. This sarcophagi is carved with jolly feasting townsfolk. Inside with decayed remains of food of a wood coffin bloated and about to burst. Eventually it explodes with a rampant undead pig demon that once was an important official in human form long ago. This sharp smooth red granite sarcophagi begins to bleed from the seams when seal broken. Inside an angry undead blood wizard awakens with spells to drain blood or conjure bloody elementals and gelatinous blood golems. His treasure is a fused mass of silver coins and potions in jar of magically preserved blood that acts as healing potions for living or dead. This stone sarcophagi has shining species of mica among grey rough surface. If opened a rainbow reaches from inside to the sky and a vulture headed demon in a magical spectacular coloured robes emerges to kill or enslave mortals. Its various magical powers are rays of coloured light that transform and mutate victims. This sarcophagi has a crude angry faced warrior woman carved into it and inside is a very attractive painted wood coffin depicting a warrior woman with a sword. If opened the remains of an armoured evil warrior maid and demon consort lies. If her silver stash or evil inteligent sword are touched several four armed warrior demon women appear to taunt and kill intruders appear. Stone sarcophagi with carved healer symbols on the lid. Inside the coffin is carved with scenes depicting a healer who came to heal sick near a falling star stone then died with much lamenting by locals. Inside the coffin a black stone looking blob arises and attacks, eating metal and flesh. It was once the healer but died and was reborn by the tainted meteorite. A simple but large sarcophagi with a large wooden crate and dried mouldy carrots and hay inside. Inside the crate is a pantomime horse with two zombies inside who arise and attack. There is also a demon soul contract with bloody pantomime horse prints on it. This sarcophagi is oval shaped and very heavy. Inside is a copper plated coffin depicting fish men. Inside is a mummified fish man human hybrid with spears, nets and strange gold objects with cult markings. Any who steal will have curse of the fish folk on them. A square marble sarcophagi with religious designs, with a huge crude plain wood humanoid shaped sarcophagi then a final gilded coffin within with a serene face. Mysterious chimes sounds when the inner coffin is exposed. If opened loud bells sound and the thieves writhe in agony with bleeding ears and noses. When bells end they will see the remaining glowing spirit depart and the gold relics turn to ash. Followers of the faith will see the thieves faces in dreams and send inquisitors to hunt them. This featureless stone sarcophagi has a very heavy lid and a lead seal. When opened inside is a nailed shut wooden crate. Inside an angry insane flesh golem will awaken if the sarcophagi lid is moved. Also inside are the partly burned notes on the golems construction and the regrets of its creator. A small crumbling sarcophagi with floral mosaic designs. Iside a black wooden plain coffin with a mystic sigil on it. If opened the crumbling remains of a holy oracle teller in ritual robes holding divination tools. The body and robes begin to crumble to dust when exposed and all hear mysterious laughter. Potions, drugs and scrolls are inside but a nightmare from the underworld comes to torment the thieves in their dreams in order of who lead the group or opened the coffin first. The nightmare will continue unitl battled in the dreamlands or the thieves atone for their sin. A stout stone box sarcophagi with geometric patterns. Inside is a coffin with a realistic painting of a wizard. Inside the wizard has some magic items and gems. His bones crumble to fragments. Later a revenant reforms and defiles the thieves ancestral graves. The thieves ancestral spirits will haunt their dreams with wailing until safe. This sarcophagi of grey rock has holy symbols and a blessed silver and cold iron seal. Inside there is an ornate coffin depicting a goat man cult. The coffin suddenly drops away revealing a burning pit which lesser devils begin to climb through. This grey-blue rock sarcophagi has dwarf holy symbols. Inside is a fine coffin carved with dwarf mines. Inside if the wealthy robed dwarf friend and his gold for the underworld. If violated the criminals find all their metal goods begin to tarnish and suffer serious rust in 24 hours. This elegant greenstone sarcophagi has a line engraving of trees and elvish symbols. Inside is a beautiful carved coffin. Inside there is a rich robe laying on the velvet interior and a chest of silver coins. Elf seers have visions of the thieves and send increasingly worse summoned creatures. This black rock sarcophagi has a plain coffin within with a wizards symbol on the front. If opened there is gold, magic items, bejeweled grooming devices and the skeletal remains of the wizard. A wraith arises, informs the intruders it will find their graves and defile their bodies and kill their offspring in the future, then it will vanish in a puff of smoke laughing. This crude sarcophagi has sighs of being opened and has had a large rock left on top. Inside their is a painted coffin with a madly grinning face and several skeletons with crushed pelvises inside. If opened an insane undead hermaphrodite sorcerer arises and attempts to capture and defile the intruders. If unable to win it escapes and tries to torment them through love by tormenting their sweethearts or shape shifting into a desirable mate who needs rescuing. Has several magic items. This black sarcophagi is covered in the symbols of long forgotten necromancy. If opened a stone coffin within begins to create an animated skeleton every round. This black diorite sarcophagi holds a black ans silver painted cofin within. A former master of a secret necromancer school. his spirit arises as a spectre if his remains are exposed. Several ancient scrolls and a book are also found. This ornate black marble sarcophagi contains a necromancers remains and is guarded by six evil shadows. The body has long ago walked off seeking its fortune but did leave some treasure. This large crumbling ornate brick sarcophagi contains a folded and packed funeral carriage with skeletal horses driven by a sorcerer skeleton. If the seal is broken and the lid removed, the carriage bursts free and attacks. It will flee if pressed taking the coffin to the underworld. If opened the remains of of a necromancer rumble to dust. This cold to the touch grey sarcophagi when opened releases a breeze and snow flurry. The coffin is unmelting ice with a skeletal robed necromancer clutching his book while adorned with gems. If the coffin is broken a violent snow and hailstorm erupt over the area for a day and a night. Ice ghouls appear and hunt the defilers wile the spirit of the wizard is in the plane of cold extorting the lord of evil ice and death to strike the grave robbers. This black sarcophagi if opened releases moaning shadows and makes the area as dark as night for the next day. The jet black wood coffin is guarded by the shadows in a wolf like form. Inside the necromancer has poorly sorted notes on summoning of shadows. This black stone sarcophagi has carved tentacle patterns. Inside is a sealed pressurised metal coffin. If touched shadowy necrotentacles arise from the earth and attack. Inside is the mummified necromancer and his books which rapidly decay into dust leaving only gems behind. This sarcophagi is almost seamless and difficult to open with clerical holy symbols carved on the lid. Inside is a cheap wooden coffin sealed in bees wax with more holy and warning symbols. If the coffin is opened a crumbling skeleton with some bone disease signs crumbles. Over next few days locals and grave robbers begin to be struck by plague. Within a week clerics and nobles take action and seal off the area. Among the bones is a scroll detailing the evil necromancers torture and execution and how he swore revenge. If the bones are burned and blessed the plague will end but any attempting the ritual attract diseased rotting undead who seek to ruin the ceremony. This ancient sarcophagi has a smooth panel where locals leave coins and at night a ghost takes them and the donors have dreams offering strange advice. Inside the sarcophogi with a simple dark wood coffin are thousands of coins. If disturbed the ghost will attack and if driven off it will haunt the thieves dreams until esoteric means stop it. This triangular shaped stone sarcophagi has skulls carved around the outside. Inside it is filled with skulls mostly covering the rich black lacquered coffin with silver handles and fittings. If the coffin is opened the skulls begging to hop about angrily biting intruders. The necromancer's body is headless and holds a gold plate offering a reward and power to any who replace his skull on the skeletal body. This angular sarcophogi has strange geometric textural patterns that seem to ripple if looked at from periphery. The green opaque glass coffin has a relief elder octopoid demon god with jade eyes. Inside the skeletal remains of a wizard with his fish folk consorts. A terrible blasphemous spell book and a set of corroded bronze tablets are in a locked chest with gold coins from pre human times. This stone sarcophogi is star shaped and its base sinks deep into the earth. If seal of strange grey clay broken opened a great stench is released causing vomiting and retching. Inside is a stinking muddy hole going deep into the earth with vile vapour rising from it. Inside evil sentient landsquid horrors perform evil rituals. Some are wizards and others are priests. When the seal breaks the squid are free to menace human kind again and begin to eat locals. This shiny black basalt block is covered in intricate serpent man script and a puzzle must be solved by touching the sigils to reveal the sarcophagi seam. Inside is the dark purple coffin is the remains of an old wizard holding a shining dodecahedron. This artifact allows comunication via dream travel to the otherworldly castle of the old ones on he edge of the universe. The will teach the user spells in return for using the operators body for a night a month. This crude cyclopean sarcophagi crumbles if any attempt to open it is made. The stone coffin contains the remains of a hunchbacked wizard holding the onyx statue of a squat evil toad god of elder times. Copper disc's with a lost language describe the fall of a long forgotten dynasty of wizard kings. The idol sends the holder dreams and teach strange spells best forgotten with terrible consequences. This yellowish stone sarcophagi has carvings of masked dancing figures in tattered scalloped capes. Inside is a beautiful white alabaster coffin carved with a masked figure about to remove their mask. If opened yellow mist floods the area and a bloated white maggoty undead wizard arises who calls more dead to arise and insectoid demons from the stars. Inside are thousands of gold coins with unrecognisable alien script. This oval shaped sarcophagi has locals gossiping about the otherworldly music sometimes heard from here. Inside is a coffin with strange designs and brass clamps with strange hexagonal locks. Inside is a swirling vortex to another world without gravity where formless spirits drive men mad. If entered may be able to escape if has a rope or throws a mass in opposite direction to return. This old sarcophagi is carved with ghouls feasting on victims. Inside are gnawed skeletal remains and a dank pit into a network of ghoul filled tunnels. They have amassed a treasure trove of grave goods. This old sarcophagi has eldritch markings erased by more recent holy symbols. Inside is ancient crumbling coffin, worm eaten useless spell books and the remains of a crowned wizard and a mound of old coins. The wizards ghost will posses a grave robber, preferably a minor follower who can slip away later and will be seen later as a rich powerful new wizard in the area. Possibly it will build a dungeon and return to breeding abominations, raising the dead and summoning elementals. This strange sarcophagi is seamless but if the strange designs are studied a secret door might be found. Inside is a dusty staircase into the depths and an old lantern. Down the 77 steps the explorers enter the land of nightmares, ocupied by strange demons and non human wizards from forgotten prehuman races. This stone dome sarcophagi made from rocks and mortar has been built by an angry mob long ago. Inside is a crude wooden box with a terrified grimacing wizened corpse in a long black coa and tall hat clutching a partly burned book. If clothing removed the corpse is revealed to have scaly skin, bristly black hair and tentacles growing from its waist. This unusually wide sarcophagi depicts a man and woman side by side and alchemical symbols. Inside a cedar wood painted coffin with more realistic depictions of the couple in alchemist robes. Inside is a fused at the hip male and female corpse of an alchemical hermaphrodite. Piles of gold and alchemical ingredients and recipe scrolls are in a large chest at their feet including the process that made the fusion and claims of the marvelous powers such an union grants the participants. This red granite heavy sarcophagi is carved with a grinning face. Inside is a red wood coffin with a chaos star on the front. If opened a crazed clown leaps out and tries to explain how it has seen beyond and returned with great wisdom. The creepy jester will increasingly grow bizzare in conduct challenging notions of alignment and morality, The more time spent in his company the more listeners' alignments shift to chaos. He will go on to form a cult and cause upheavals in local politics in the name of freedom. This sarcophagi smells of mould and if opens it is filled with black and purple toadstools growing in the wrecked remains of a coffin and skeleton. There is some treasure and spoiled jars of wine and a scroll tube describing the death of this former underland explorer. Over next few weeks new strain of fungus appears in area, some helpful and some hostile. Some even grow and hatch into goblins and mushroom folk who worship the mushroom goddess. Some places like old basements even develop into grotto wonderlands of fungus. This old crumbling sarcophagi if opened reveals cheap coffin holding a twisted corpse that has chewed off and scratched of his own fingers. Anyone exposed to opening may be exposed to a disease causing them to arise as zombies on death. Over days it spreads and zombies arise that spread the disease further causing a zombie apocalypse. This sarcophagi has remains of mosaic tiles featuring rich robed women but the faces have been smashed off by vandals. If opened a delightful scent of incense rises from a staircase going into a small luxurious chamber. Inside are attractive and friendly servants who offer drinks and sex. They claim to be imprisoned here by a wizard who abuses them and they are very grateful. Of course they are shape shifting undead looking for mortals to kill out of misdirected vengeance. When killed or kissed they return to rotting corpses but at least their jewelry and fine glass perfume bottles and makeup cases and grooming tools are intact. This sarcophagi is decorated with maritime scenes of ships. Inside with a plain coffin are hundreds of dried stinking fish. In the coffin is the remains of a rich sea captain with his mermaid lover. Scrimshaw whale teeth, strange idols from afar, huge sea shells, poor quality pearl strings, old sea charts and other strange exotic things from the couples adventures. Robbers will be cursed by the fish gods and unable to eat fish ever again. This sarcophagi is magically locked and trapped. Inside the coffin is an adventurer from olden times with chest of mixed coins, treasure maps, a mummified donkey head, several minor magic weapons, several cursed magic items, strings of goblin ears and several huge orc skulls. The adventurer might be a robbers ancestor and their spirit will be upset. This sarcophagi moulded from mortar has rat hols in the sides. A swarm of rats inside attacks if opened and their master, an undead wererat, bursts from the coffin. All carry disease but the wererat carries high quality thieves tools, a sack of silver and copper, a collection of saucy paintings, a tin of black lotus resin and a collection of ivory and gold pipes. An idol of the rat god allows the god to witness the robbery and rats will constantly cause trouble for the robbers until the god is appeased. This crude carved sarcophagi leaks green fluid from within. Inside the coffin has many toads sitting on it that hop away as opened. The coffin is slime covered and badly warped. Inside the coffin is a badly decomposed body clutching a strange key. If the key is touched a toadlike chaos demon appears and demands a tribute. If granted a valuable offering the demon will grant them a random strange chaos mutation. If the gift is very valuable the demon ensures it is a useful ability. The key can be used to make bargains with the chaos frogs but the deals get worse and allow them to enter this plane more easily every wish. This stone sarcophogi has scenes depicting a god's mythic quest. If disturbed by attempting to open it a gruff voice from with speaks: "I wouldn't do that". If thieves persist the night feaster a demon of divine vengeance appears to punish thieves. If they surrender and beg forgiveness he will only scar them. If defeated the god's followers will be alerted. Inside the sarcophagi is the remains of a brilliant saint the god has earmarked to make into holy relics. An imp will appear and offer to buy the corpse. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_Hermits.ipt Header: Strange Hermits I assume most hermits are male here but feel free to adjust. I will do a hag table for the ladies later. When we are old we can all play Hags & Hermits. Hermits are mostly holy (or pretend to be, or are at least thought of as holy by the locals). Some are actually dangerous frauds. Hermits often know things and are invaluable as sages or teachers. Some can be horrible villains. Good for source of adventure, training, aide, mentors and information. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/03/d100-strange-hermits.html
prompt: Show me: {Strange Hermits|Make A Hermit|Where Do I Find Hermits?|Hermit Livelihood|Hermit Dress|Hermit Dislikes|Why A Hermit?|Hermit Secrets|Strange Hermit Quirks|Quick Hermit Types} Strange Hermits use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAHermit ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Hermit Type[@QuickHermitTypes]& Wears[@HermitDress]& Lives[@WhereDoIFindHermits?]& Livelihood[@HermitLivelihood]& Dislikes[@HermitDislikes]& Secret[@HermitSecrets]& Quirks
[!{1d3} StrangeHermitQuirks >> implode
& Why a hermit?[@WhyAHermit?]&
table: WhereDoIFindHermits? In a hole On a pole In a tree In a bush In a ditch by side of the road In a tower[||||||, bricked up] In a well crafted cell In a crude piled stone hut In a humpy of woven sticks scrap In a cave In a grotto with running water On a ledge on a cliff face Under a tree In a wild beasts lair In a well In a shrine In an old tomb In a ruin In a forest On a mountain top table: HermitLivelihood //or roll D10 for common ones 2:Donations from travellers and pilgrims 2:Fed by local church 2:Fed by local folk 2:Gathers food and goods in the wild 2:Gathers scraps from local farms for chores 2:Makes [|baskets|shoes|wood goods] to sell 2:Labours, [|cutting wood or stone|carrying water|gardening] 2:Earns money as \a [|guide|watchman|porter|gatekeeper] 2:Earns coin as \a [|scribe|sage|artist|healer] 2:Animal friends bring food daily Hermit uses magic to call divine food Hermit no longer needs food or drink table: HermitDress Stark naked Filthy old loincloth Clean loincloth A scratchy hair shirt A plain cloth shirt A shirt and hooded cloak Tattered moth eaten robes Coloured robes Clean but coarse layered robes Faded old worn Clerical vestments Animal skins Monk cossack table: HermitDislikes Local children or youths who tease him Sinners who live unquestioning lives [|Violence|Those who live by death] Mainstream organised religion Improper [|morals|alignment conduct] Anyone who disturbs hermits [|Local gang|Bandits|Humanoids] Those who abuse gifts like beauty or magic [|Supernatural spirits|Phantoms|Demons] who taunt him at night Unjust rulers or authorities Displays of wealth and status table: WhyAHermit? Atone for sin Fled a tragedy Questioned authority Broke taboo Sect decimated Avoiding temptation Lost a struggle for position Questioned faith Discovered blasphemous secret Solace from other people Orders from hierarchy Had visions table: HermitSecrets Knows of a local dungeon Knows secrets of local evil Knows local comings and goings Knows local version of legend Knows of scandal evidence Knows location of a lost thing Knows the formula for a [|potion|drug] Knows long lost truth of history Knows of strange location Knows why a location haunted Knows \a [|rare|unique] spell Knows of other planar beings table: StrangeHermitQuirks //d3 each hermit Covered in caked on filth Overgrown toe and finger nails Long hair and beard on the ground Painted all over with mud Diseased skin Face and hands painted with symbols Tattoos all over Missing teeth A wizened staff Holy symbol necklace Collection of bead necklaces Collection of skulls Snakes, owls or some other small pet Dog, goat, deer, mule or some medium size pet Lion, Wolf, bear, horse or some large animal pet Long Eyebrows Shaved head Vile smell of unwashed An Idol or shrine A holy book Wine bottle Calligraphy set Old pot Begging bowl Pipe and stash tin Fishing line Lantern Wide brimmed hat Tattered old banner Flail or lash for holy self abuse Smell of frankincense, incense or scented oil Holy water sprinkler for blessings Fishing rod and bucket Bag with bread,onion and cheese Holy water flask Gourd Instrument, probably flute or bagpipes Hand bell Shepherds crook Sickle Scythe Brazier Fragment of old religious artwork Item from pilgrimage to holy place Basket Ashes in funerary urn Bundle of skeletal remains of predecessor Stone Tablet Religious Scroll Scarified from [|war|torture] Scrawny with sagging skin Apparently blind with white eyes [|Blood shot red|Brilliant blue] eyes Missing limb Missing eye [|Nose|Ears] cut off Missing fingers Exotic and foreign Floral garlands Ornamental piercings Locked in [|manacles|yoke] A large vegetable Surrounded by birds Surrounded by vermin Surrounded by flies Smell of honey and flowers Singing birds follow Cant' speak, [|has no tongue|vow of silence] Face covered by [|mask|hood|veil] [|Broken|Old discarded] templar weapons Ring with noble crest seal Humble tasty honey cakes or pies Loaves of bread Huge skewered roast honey locusts Bowl of porridge or groats Tea set with herbal tea Talks to invisible friends (spirits or crazy?) [|Paler|Darker] skin than typical Covered in [|freckles|spots|warts] Hunch backed Club footed Has palsy Has terrible breath Tempted by pretty young people Tempted by vice Foams at mouth Sickly and seemingly near death [|Stutters|Lisps] Has great inspiring nobility Knows a secret technique Always jolly, laughing and knows good jokes Protected by invisible entity Has a minor saint relic, [|hidden on person|in relic box] Weather seems to respond to hermits mood Strange music sounds when hermit met Does not sleep Feels no heat or cold Has a halo, different shape for each alignment table: QuickHermitTypes Wild Man Wanderer Madman Wicked cultist Charltan Holy recluse Loner monk Heretic Prophet Magician table: StrangeHermits Balshebbar\nChaotic\nFilthy Insane cannibal who hides grisly feasts in an old well.\nTeaches how to sustain self from cannibal diet, concealment and wilderness survival. Baraney Crungle\nChaotic\nFilthy crazy squirrel eater with squirrel cape.\nTeaches secret .language of squirrels, hundreds of recipes including a plague cure. Old Zeravny\nGood\n balding bearded pauper who watches hills for bandits and worse.\nKnows the mountain trails and many of the humanoid dungeons and bandit hideouts. Kubal the wise\nNeutral\nA tattered robed old bearded man with mice and birds in hair.\nKnows many secrets of nature and animals, bird friends tell him gossip from afar. Lazlo the wild\nChaotic\nA fierce wild man who flings feces at intruders in his glade.\nKnows secret entrances into secret dungeon and tunnel complexes. Zarb Bardabing\nChaotic\nLaughing madman who lives in a tree stump.\nHis friends the trees know many secrets forgotten by younger beings historians. Tulnab Dingle\nChaotic\nRobed forest philosopher with lichen covered beard.\nKnows location of secret magic herbs and the unicorn glades and secret elf outposts. Fard Brinditch\nLawful\nStern wild philosopher with his animal friends.\nOccasionally comes to fringes of civilization to preach against corruption of humankind. Old Bear Grillson\nNeutral\nA wildman in a bearskin who prowls woods living as a beast.\nKnows many secrets of survival and hidden caves and lost things in the hills. Cardjad Frawlthistle\nNuetral\nLives under a bridge and advises travellers about routes.\nIs fluent in ways of trolls as he was enslaved by them and some say he lives like one. Krall Tinwhistle\nNuetral\nWanders across land with but a staff, shirt and begging bow.\nKnows names and gossip of adventurers and murder hobos across the land. Pwrall Bugrump\nNuetral\nTravels across land examining mysteries of wells.\nKnows of subterranean water ways and strange wells across the land. Zabab Graal\nLawful\nWanders the land as a homeless old man looking for true heroes.\nSeeks heroes to train to recover a holy relic guarded by traps and moral tests. Nopka Thuze\nNuetral\nRamble around country side gathering herbs and treating the sick.\nHappy to teach others herbalism and knows some secret recipes for strange ailments. Arden Truel\nLawful\nWanders the land seeking gifted students to teach literacy to.\nTeaches reading, writing and the classics to poor, sometimes helps fund scholarships. Shamden Bogtrotter\nChaotic Good\nA drunken jolly fatman who wanders tasting grog.\nActually he is is looking to find wicked cultists and adventurers he can provoke to kill them. Zolran Trone\nLawful\nA crazed old man looking for supposed long hidden evils.\nLooks for strange cracks in earth and long hidden places, also needs adventurers to search. Manderbrog Bafflegab\nLawful\nIs a gibbering wanderer who talks too much.\nActually he seeks the truly wise by hidden phrases he can share his secrets with. Jaleb Bharji\nChaotic Good\nA strange foreign man who is tolerated as a tinkerer.\nWhile skilled in fixing things, secretly he searches for lost relic from his distant homeland. Banthra Karg\nChaotic Evil\nWanders land giving dungeon maps to heroes.\nActually he is paid by dungeon lords to send ill prepared unskilled adventurers to deaths. Kybold Ming\nChaotic Good\nLives in filth on fringe of village talking to self.\nActually knows technique to see invisible things in spirit world and protects village. Korben Lax\nChaotic Evil\nWas been on run for murder for years and keeps moving.\nOffers to teach students and lures to death traps, often uses bandits or humanoid allies. Mandiger Folx\nChaotic\nFormer adventurer who tells rambling stories in return for beer.\nSome of his stories contain truth and he knows many dungeon locations in region. Olag Blag\nNuetral\nLikes to badly play crude instruments and busks for his daily keep.\nActually is a bar and spy, often tries to manipulate adventurers to investigate humanoids. Borag Mog\nNuetral\nCollects cats and lives in filthy shack with dozens of them.\nActually can teach how to speak cat and trained several youths in thievery. Plugly Gilthwapper\nChaotic\nLives in shack in garbage heap making things from junk.\nSkilled at tinkering and many handicrafts, also kows movements of local humanoids. Plunkwhistle\nChaotic\nDrooling old fool who falls over and people pay to stay away.\nHe knows common scriptures and many forgotten ones no longer popular. Bobbit Crunktadger\nChaotic\nHas been locked up as public menace and keeps escaping.\nActually he is a skilled escapologist and former agent of the high holy heirophant. Zebran Draab\nEvil\nPretends to be harmless and helpful old fool.\nSpies on peoples comings and goings then performs horrible murders framing innocents. Brog Gelb\nNuetral\nA hard working wandering labourer, shunned for his madness.\nKnows techniques for great endurance and long distance running. Polka Zin, a dancing old fool who talks to graves an carries a skull.\nActually can speak to dead and tries to help dead resolve issues so they can rest in peace. Oolran Bor\nChaotic Evil\nActs as a teacher and adviser to poor and down trodden.\nActually recruits them into the embrace of the mad frog god cult. Master Zeringer\nLawful Evil\nWise holy man who helps who helps find hidden witches.\nEncourages mobs to persecute women, pretends to be kind and reasonable, serves Hell. Barnaby Zellwien\nLawful Evil\nOld man convinces locals to destroy "evil" pagan relics.\nIn reality these relics and monuments have trapped evil beings he seeks to release. Giles Cockleby\nChaotic Evil\nHelps farmers while introducing them to demon cults.\nSeems like a kind helper of common man, actually cult leader on mission from evil god. Master Kithreon\nLawful Evil\nSpends time indulging in luxury, vice and wickedness.\nSpreads corruption and vice with cash he gets from a local dungeon lord from Hell. Kalandor\nEvil\nA popular attractive healer who gives medicine to the poor.\nExpert in brewing addictive drugs, perverts commoners to join drug cults. Modorian the Wonder Worker\nChaotic Evil\nUses his blessed powers to help commoners.\nActually a sorcerer who dupes pious into joining his inner circle a demon vice cult. Fenwick Marsh\nChaotic Evil\nA local marsh guide who sells fish and heals the poor.\nA fish cultist who charms women and offers to restore their virginity with his holiness. Karzan Brimble\nEvil\nWarns commoners of unhappy spirits and helps battle undead.\nActually creates undead and cons people into making cash offerings to appease dead. Doctor Grimblebee\nLawful Evil\nKindly old man helps many with personal problems.\nActually he is desperate to buy souls for Hell in a deal to get his own soul back. Gimble Thorn\nNeutral\nHelps the poor with inexpensive healing potions he makes.\nActually a fraud using narcotics to make dupes feel better, moves on if any suspicious. Paddra Thune\nNeutral\nThis kindly healer sells charms to protect women.\nActually he seduces them leaving a trail of illegitimate children, former baker from city. Nunria San\nNuetral\nKindly advises local business men with his astrology skills.\nA fraud who manipulates commodity prices and cons suckers to buying them. Paldor Than\nNuetral\nCollecting donations for a wondrous new church or monument.\nActually a shameless con man who spends money on booze, gambling and prostitutes. Tolun Nitron\nEvil\nRecruiting young men to join his merry rebel band in the hills.\nInstea of freeom fighting the victims are press ganged into being poorly paid bandits. Zobra Tor\nEvil\nTravels about aiding farmers with his agricultural wisdom.\nAlso encourages some to grow illegal drug crops and evil spell components. Old man Thorsby\nNeutral\nTravels to help commoners with his livestock advice.\nWorks with thieves who steal best animals in county after he moves on. karon Meldham\nNeutral\nSells lucky and charms an offers personal prophecies.\nA former trinket crafter from city who sells work to country rubes as magic. Illior Turan\nLawful Evil\nVisits communities and has a knack for finding witches.\nActually blackmails women for sex and tries to grab land of old women with little family. Loran Despule\nLawful Evil\nKindly old man selling city apprenticeships for children.\nActually he sells kids to sweatshops and slave traders and cults. Sanpa Gnodstrom\nLawful Good\nA once important cleric in hiding from church authority.\nHas knowledge of ecclesiastical scandals, regions ancient ruins, and fallen angels. Tozer Rundok\nChaotic Good\nWild bearded scholar deep in mystic contemplation.\nAvoids distractions while trying to understand secrets of his holy clerical texts. Kozak Braan\nGood\nPrays in is cave for worlds salvation, avoids people but will heal sick Abstaining food and water and trying to prey self to death but angels keep restoring life. Padrial Zemna\nGood\nWears faded patriarchal robes of banned sect but helps the needy.\nTeaches secret doctrines no longer part of modern church including new spells. Porius Lecta\nGood\nFormer cleric adventurer now living in stone hut in hills.\nWill put on old armour to help needy or foolish young adventurers out of there depth. Zamna Thorg\nGood\nGuides road travellers and knows how to avoid bandits and trolls.\nKnows local bandit lairs, troll holes and other dungeons and caves best left alone. Golrod Stang\nGood\nFormer judge from church court, locals still seek for judgement.\nExpert on church lore ans cunning extractor of truth from commoners, well respected. Salma Stern\nGood\nFormer priest of now rare sect destroyed by tyrant decades ago.\nSect knew many secrets of cults and local demons an elder gods in the region. Asran Varp\nGood\nFormer teacher lives in isolation to prey and still offers advice.\nRetired due to temptation teaching holy virgin sisterhood, tries to avoid looking at women. Rolgan Thark\nGood\nFormer inquisitor who had innocents killed with weak evidence.\nExpert on atonement rituals and now dislikes judging others, will fight obvious evils. Brother Rolgar\nLawful\nSurvived his orders destruction and now avoids humanity.\nHis sect had known many secrets of cosmic law and the mysteries of overspace. Brother Weltron\nLawful\nFailed his orders leadership challenge now dwells in a pit.\nWise in the ways of medicine and natural philosophy which he scribes in his journals. Brother Sannel\nLawful Evil\nRemoved from his sect for wicked plots and theft.\nHe secretly trains bandits in esoteric fighting arts while pretending to be a wise scholar. Brother Hroldar\nLawful\nA jolly wine maker exiled from order for drunken revelry.\nHe still makes wine in his cave but now it use ceremonial only, but he will teach others. Brother Dzelrak\nLawful evil\nFrom a sect fallen to devil worship and burned by king.\nHe now pretends to be a kindly teacher and tries to dupe heroes into finding evil relics. Brother Tralorn\nLawful Good\nLives in ruins of his order, the last of his kind.\nSeeks new students but cant find truly disciplined ones but he keeps searching. Brother Latan\nLawful\nHunts signs of chaos, corruption and evil but is getting old.\nTells tales of his old battles but villagers don't believe in the power of chaos now days. Brother Phebus the lightbearer\nLawful\nHe guides nigh travellers and fights undead.\nHas knowledge in finding undead and the taint of their evil in graveyards. Brother Selinor\nLawful\nLiving off nuts and berries living in a cave, tired of humans.\nActually keeps a minor relic in cave and knows where there are several more in dungeons. Brother Flaius\nLawful\nSeeks atonement for burning church building, helps travellers.\nWas a famous scribe and calligrapher, has been writing several books with his cat. Camus Faran\nLawful\nExiled for unusual interpretation of holy texts, has pet snakes.\nKnow the language of snakes and obsessed with their every mention in holy books. Zoran Kerax\nChaotic Evil\nWild man has written additional scriptures justifying murder.\nLives in a cave full of skulls, writes on flayed human skin, kills visitors, deceived by demons. Alleous Toran\nNuetral\nLives in harmony with beasts, disapproves of church buildings.\nSpeaks many animal languages and is superior animal doctor who helps farmers. Wallen Gorb\nGood\nWas tortured by goblins now prefers solitary life in prayer.\nKnows goblin ways and underground tunnels through mountains, keeps set of goblin idols. Talen Rael\nNuetral\nSits on top of ruined column and fed by locals, fantastic long beard.\nBelieves everyone should live like him and lived like this for decades, was a skilled healer. Varran Klator\nNuetral\nDriven from church for seduction of youths and nudity.\nPreaches fornication and preaches in nude as god made him, locals throw rocks at him. Balrezar\nNuetral\nSpends time praying god unmakes the universe as it is a mistake.\nExpert on creation, dawn age and the elder races before man, seeks spell of annihilation. Tolrad Brathe\nGood\nExiled for arguing church give all money to poor, lives in ditch.\nOpposed to greed and property ownership, hunts bandits and thieves who rob poor. Erod Sunn\nChaotic Evil\nSpreads corrupted church beliefs and demon worship.\nAlways smiling and works at corrupting local faith, killed several priests and keeps skulls. Marren Bor\nGood\nAdopts orphans who live in stone huts preying and living simply.\nLocal church leaders don't approve of his archaic doctrines about nature of divinity. Master Terran Vorr\nChaotic\nDwells in stick hut having mystic visions, fed by locals.\nHaving visions of apocalyptic changes to structure of the universe and cosmic threats. Zogorra Than\nLawful\nIn hiding to contemplate if the angel who gave him tablets is true.\nComposed a new potentially heretical book of prophecies and new insights into doctrine. Horzel Mishma\nLawful\nHas been scribe of secrets told to him by possibly rebel angel.\nHas been keeping in hidden trunk all his writings with gold "angel" gave him for copying. Paleb Drule\nNuetral\nPeople pester him for future visions an he has had a gutful.\nHides in mountain with animal guardians now, might share presight for great purpose. Kural Pradshem\nGood\nCurrently hiding in wilds and tormented by demons nightly.\nUndergoing tests from the angels, forthright in all dealings, fears demons might hurt others. Terewel Knorrad\nNuetral\nHiding in woods having terrible visions about a local killer!.\nActually he is a werewolf and is the killer, he is a fine poet but demons attack his spirit. Prawlogg Skren\nChaotic\nSpreads exiting new teachings inspired by angels!.\nActually serves chaos frog demons of limbo preparing cult for a visitation of the frog gods. Horlog Blanb\nHas made a prophecy of the fate of the kingdom\nSome say he is just daft.\nHe has had his doubts but now is sure angels inspired visions, everyone must get ready!. Azrag Truell\nChaotic Evil\nGossips about hidden enemies, betrayals and family secrets.\nActually a demon in disguise stirring up small communities and provoking murder. Curdmas Trey\nGood\nHiding in isolation in ruins in hope angel voices return.\nHas been given specific knowledge on demon and evil cults, they hunt him every night. Simony Magaros, Teaching he is new incarnation of god from his cliff shrine.\nActually a sorcerer into drugs and vice using spells and drugs to pretend he is a priest. Honoriad Trast\nLawful\nFormer inquisition master now a quiet wandering healer.\nAculay member of secret order battling planar intruders and finding heroes to fight chaos. Calabus Corimm\nNuetral\nWell known and loved for aid to farmers and commoners.\nActually a druid who avoids conflict with urban priesthoods to keep helping commoners. Marastad Galum\nLawful\nActually a wizard but but strong in faith, lives in a treehouse.\nWorking in his study and identifying evil beings in the area secretly up to no good. Zortell Madden\nLawful\nA former templar who roams back hills hunting evil.\nActually seeking to recover a relic entrusted to him and locating area dungeons and lairs. Korgax Ran\nChaotic\nFormerly a barbarian who converted and joined priesthood.\nOccasionally comes from hills to form a posse to exterminate local bandits and humanoids. Sirriax\nNuetral\nA helpful but shy hermit well liked by villagers for driving away monsters.\nAcyually they are an elf using a false bears to keep an eye on humans. Kozrax the Dwarf\nA short angry hermit sick of people who lives in a hole.\nActually he was a very short man\nProperty of royal court and escaped, sick of big people. Morzigan Truel\nLawful Evil\nA mighty hermit who has sealed many dungeons with spells.\nActually helping dungeon lords on his faction and impeding those who refuse to join. Korzarrim Skyrax\nLawful\nA stern preaching philosopher who lives in bramble bush.\nCynical of human good being able to save world, preparing own strange ritual to save world. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_DungeonVermin.ipt Header: Dungeon Vermin (revised little guys) So today's d100 is a revision of this: elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2012/12/dungeon-dwellers-little-guys.html I have long meant to fix this; my animal project has sped up since abandoning stats every entry. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/03/d100-dungeon-vermin-revised-little-guys.html
prompt: Show me: {Dungeon Vermin|More About Vermin} Dungeon Vermin table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MoreAboutVermin [#{rep} MoreAboutVermin2] table: MoreAboutVermin2 1:Some average stats for quick use but special animals exist to break these standards and can be more dangerous.\n& \n& Tiny\n& Bugs, mice, frogs, lizards, finch, cricket, under a foot length\n& HD 1hp AC +5 some might inflict 1hp Mv6\n& \n& Small\n& Chicken, smaller dog, goose, cat, duck, monkey, crow, owl, under a yard in length\n& HD d4 AC +4 some might inflict d4 Mv9\n& \n& Medium\n& Sheep, goat, pig, large dog, miniature pony\n& HD d6 or d8 AC +3 some might inflict d6 Mv12 1:Note:\n\nMost dungeon vermin can sense in dark or have penalties halved\n& Poison is often mild, +2 to save, or +4 for smaller specimens, and only a d6 or so damage table: DungeonVermin Dungeon rat swarm - {4d6} 1hp rats in a swarm more aggressive than regular rats 1dam to victim/round, 1 victim every 6 rats. Dungeon Giant rat - d4 HD, travelling in group of {d6}. Dungeon Hog Rat - 1HD as big as a pig, solitary as the eat smaller rats. Dungeom Bear Rat - 2-3 HD often fill whole drain or tunnel and chase food into corners. Ball of rats - ball of {3d6+4} entangled rats with fused tails attack as small creature. {d3} Dungeon King Rats - 1-3 foot long 1d4 HP, 1d4 bite, diseased, good food and hide. Dungeon rat mutant - bizarre specimen with wings, scorpion tail, bald, green, intelligent. Plague Rats with red eyes and black fur. Mice mostly flee on site or run past. Mouse Swarm with hundreds of mice. {1d6} Dungeon Hens and Cock, 1d4 HP and damage - wild, feral or somebodies livestock. Dungeon rabbits - 1d3 HP 1d4 attack if cornered, uses dungeon as thoroughfare, possible feral food beast. Dungeon Cat - usually flee but may be curious and follow. Dungeon Dog - medium size, [|stray pet|{d6} watch dogs on patrol|feral dog pack of {2d6}] - territorial, will have allies it can howl for. Dungeon subterranean swine family with sow, boar and adorable piglets. Dungeon hog lost from herd eating some lovely muck. Boar who eats dungeon rubbish and agressive of territory. Dungeon cow, stinking miniature shaggy cows with mildew covered hair, gang up, trample and butt. Goblin miniture tunnel goat eats all kinds or rubbish, will butt and fleee threats but will let you milk it if you have food and it is a doe, buck more agressive. Dungeon hedgehog - 1-3 foot long eating bugs, grubs and other critters, good eating, harmless. Dungeon bobcat, normally cautious but curious. Ferrets - a lost pet or hunters beasts gone feral in a family of {1d6}, chase mice and rabbits. Dungeon weasels, large ones attack and suck d4 blood per round, small packs. Badger hunting or using area as thoroughfare, mounds of earth might have remains of beads and potterey they uncover on digs. Jackal or fox looking for scraps, possibly see parents with {1d6} young, will flee. Dungeon monkey, evil little men, steal stuff and fling shit. Ghost bats cause fear when they leap out in surprise and demoralize people, nast bit, pussum sized. Vampire bats swarm about draining a HP per round and possibly spread disease. Screeching bats in hundreds cause confusion and alert local monsters. Dungeon toad - looking for bugs, puffs up if sees bigger things, possibly poisonous, size and attitude of bull terrier, makes good leather. {1d6} dungeon froglings or toadlings - large 1-2 hand size frogs or toads. Dungeon gecko - hides above doors, camo blends in, may hide near door frames, bites or squeaks loudly then flee if startled, eats bugs, is tasty. Dungeon turtle - slowly wandering turtle looking for bugs, might stay near water or drainpipe, tasty, looks tired and resigned to fate, linkboys eat them. Dungeon Lizard - one to two yard scavenging monitor lizard, attracted by smells of blood or rations. Dungeon Adder, sneaky biting snakes with mild but painful poison, might even swarm. Dungeon Python a constrictor up to 18 feet long. Dungeon cobra or rattler with lethal bite and bad attitude. Dungeon Salamander or Newt, squishy and poisonous, large ones bite hands or feet. Discover you are crawling with leeches - 1hp damage. Huge lamprey like leech drop from above or ide near door frames to attack the cling and suck blood. Trap tooth rock grubs, burrow and attack from ground with trap like jaws, STR to pull free or DEX to avoid ig you know they are there. Dungeon maggots - good bait and good eating for some, 1HP and bite for 1 HP, {1d10} maggots probably on some corpse or some dung. Dungeon Earth Worms - up to a foot long come from its hole to eat some rubbish, good bait. Dungeon giant worm - up to a 1 yard worm with a 1d4 HP and bite. Dungeon sting worm pops out of ground or wall with paralasys sting. Dungeon grubs - {2d20} grubs attack for 1hp then live inside host as a parasite - when worms exeed HP victim bursts, 1d6 attack a person each round. Dungeon thread worms - {2d6} sticky threads attack and cling to victim from wet patch on ground or near food or rubbish for 1hp per worm then live inside host as a parasite - when worms exceed HP victim bursts open. Termite swarm infests wooden objects to eat. Chirpers increadibly noisy cave crickets, may congregate near scraps and bite, mosly make alarm if scared warning local monsters. Dungeon dung beetle - collects dung and rolls away and stores in nest neatly. {d100} Cockroaches - may get into party stuff and lay eggs. Dungeon mosquito swarm - swarm inflict 1hp per round for 1d4 rounds then leave. Dungeon fleas or ticks - infested area spreads to party, lose 1 hp per day till treated, with weekly disease check. Fly swarm of stinging flies or wasps that crawl into eyes, ears, nose, may blind and smother. Giant tick bite then suck 1d4/rnd, diseased. Dungeon giant mosquito - 1d4 HP, 1d3 bite then suck 1d3 per round till dear, diseased. Cave lobster (Dungeon Yabbie), usually hide near drains or water on in puddle, nip for surprised then flee to water if prey dangerous, delicious in butter and garlic. Giant wasp - {1d6} large stinging cat size wasps with clay nest. Dungeon giant flies, {1d6} in group, aggressive hit and run hand to small dog size. Ants or termites, footlong builder or mining ants or a single grumpy dog sized ant or termite. Inch ants, multiple bites cause 1pt wounds and mild poison. Dungeon scorpion - up to foot long, aggressive often in groups. Dungeon centipede - up to foot long 1d4 hp, Poison+2 save, angry if disturbed nest or while eating. Dungeon camel spider - foot long creatures look part lobster. Paralyze you with venom then eat 1hp for 1d10 rounds, others may join in meal, attack sleepers unless desperate. Tarantulas, many hand size or lone larger, poison inflicts urge to dance till exhaustion. Dungeon rat eating spider - a 2 hand size spider with necrotic bite dam 1d6+2 damage save vs poison for half - not hostile but might be startled and defend self. Dungeon red back spider - black orb with scarlet eye mark on back builds scraggly webs under benches, furniture, goods left against walls, holes - poison aggressive with nest. Dungeon trapdoor spider - blends into stonework bottom few feet of wall or in doorways for skilled ambush. Rope snakes like to hide among rope or look like coils of rope. Torch bugs fold up to look like a torch when scared, if you set them alight they go crazy. Lamp Spitter shoots spit at open flames, dousing candles or lamps. Biggest can douse a torch, if irritated they jump on your face. Lockspiders hide in locks and poison anyone rude enough to use a key or lockpicks in their homes. Leatherworms, infest leather goods and weaken them. Blue Gel, ball sized glob drops onto wood or leather goods, ruining them rapidly. Flying Squealers are magical winged piglets from another plane, they are adorable, eat your food, fly about shitting and squeal if spooked. Dungeon Squirrel, dog size, aggressive, eat carrion and all kinds of dungeon waste.. Dun Jelly, eats sewerage and feces, some keep them in latrine pits, sometimes people step in them and slip and stink after. Baby fire salamanders live in fire places and forges and if left without fuel will wander off to start a fire, feeding them fuel or fire magic heals them, cold or water or sand hurt. Explodestools - [|{d3}, 1foot diameter|{d4}, 3foot diameter|{d6}, 10foot diameter|{d6}, 10foot diameter|{d12}, 20foot diameter]. Green Mold, creates stinking cloud if disturbed once a day. Tentacle from drain or water grabs your foot will give up if hurt or cant drag into hole. Faeries, sprites, pixies or brownies pinch stuff and play tricks on rude or oafish boors. Flying monkeys screech, steal stuff, grope people and fling shit. Shrieking mushrooms scream if disturbed allerting dungeon monsters. Walking mushrooms, kinda adorable to some and possibly delicious. Stirge owls, blood sucking dungeon owls. Undead hand or other body part or undead small creature like a rat zombie. Baby carrion crawlers, 1d4 HP one sting save vs paralysis +4, left the nest in a group of {1d6}. Baby trapper covers single floor stone usually near doorway[|||, in group of {1d5+1}] - 2d4 HP grab then crush for 1d4 per round, surprise. Baby cave fisher - sits above doorways, try to eat party pets or hobbits, 2HD, entangling fisher line 2x1d6 lobster claws when victim close. Small piercers 1d4 dam. Baby purple worm 1d4 HP 1d4 bite or stinger - kill and eat now or else. Baby jelly or ooze or cube eating some dungeon rubbish. Baby mimic 1d4 HP grabs then 1d4 per round crush, disguise as doorknob, gem, dagger. Gremlins play cruel pranks, pick pockets, hotfoot, steal food, cut rope, hole battles, etc. Lost familiar creature may be shy or just follow or be friendly. Rat or weasel or cat looking but actually a imp or brownie or other small curious shape shifter. Spherical one eyed furry ball follows party, makes cute noises and eats party victims. It is a baby beholder; if scared it has a single flash strobe, Save vs blindness for 2d4 rounds -1 to hit for 1 hour after. It usually flees and goes down a hole, very fast and harmless at this age but most get eaten. FILENAME: EMO_Gamma_BunkerPettyProblems.ipt Header: Petty Bunker Problems and Gossip So this is a table for smaller shittier problems you might face weekly in a bunker or generation starship or isolated base. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/03/d100-petty-bunker-problems-and-gossip.html
table: PettyProblemsInTheBunker Leader growing senile and increasingly crazy Leader demanding unreasonable personal attention and servitude Leader corrupt and accepting bribes and services for privilege Leader clamping down on personal freedom and choice Leader increasingly paranoid about enemies Leader concerned about traitors from with bunker Leader adopting harsh and arbitrary punishments Leader appointing overbearing officials Leader [|ill|engrossed in his own problems] and organisation suffering Leader is being duped or misled by dubious adviser Several workers down with flu Someone important has medical crisis Medical [|supplies|skills] needed Mold or fungus making health problems Doctors working on treating medical mystery Several workers pulled from duty due to mental problems Accident hospitalizes some personnel Worker reproduction or cryopod problems Medical tech ethics dispute (cloning, reproduction, genetic mods) Debate over patient priorities Food production failure, food supply shortage Armament or ammo shortages Fuel shortages Improvised materials and repairs failing Water or air filters having problems Technical information lost Vermin eating supplies Storage facility damaged by [|flood|cave in|contamination] Light bulbs, toilet paper, paper other common goods hustled on black market Water supply reduced [|Construction material|Tech parts] shortage Power outages Attempts from unknown outsiders to enter Collapse of a section trapped some occupants Sewerage flood Toxic gas vented into some areas Flammable gas leaks Elevator or internal transport fails Main Door frozen Surveilance system tampered with Panic about surface conditions Riots over goods shortages Accusations of [|murder|cannibalism] Witch hunt for traitors Fear of [|disease|contamination] Crime and corruption on the increase Faith in mission or survival low Suicide increases Citizens seek to escape Killer hidden among population Workers strike for better conditions Security prompting a coup Family dynasties struggle for control at any cost Science staff tired off backward oafish elites who cut their funding Criminals plan a take over for more vice and corruption Ideological zealots stirring up unrest Demagogue winding up workers with talk of equality and fairness Military faction need bigger barracks and more food as they take all the risks Law and order faction tired crackdown on petty rules [|Religion|Cult] wants bunker to go in new direction Rumors of bunker purpose a lie, demand secret agenda exposed Rumors that conditions outside are a lie Rumors of secret infiltration from outside force Rumors that leaders corrupt and have secret luxuries Gossip rampant and bullying driving some to suicide Gossip about contamination and safety covered up Gossip about private lives of leaders sexual exploits and vice Gossip that complex doomed, panic and dreams of escape abound Stories of [|creature|maniac] lurking in complex depths Stories of supernatural phenomena - [|ghosts|people with ESP] Establishment of black market economy and currency Gambling running rife and causing problems like violence Secret fight club league or other dangerous blood sport Underground sex industry linked to corrupt officials Personnel being killed in dangerous physical challenges Gamers taking things too far by acting out dangerous fantasies in real life (mario carts!) Addictive [|game|fan fiction zines] distracting important workers Kleptomaniac scavenger hunts all the rage Drug abuse rampant and safety compromised [|Gangs|Cults] forming, dividing community Rust and corrosion rampant, things falling part Software bugs make computers inefficient Air temperature too cold, ice forming in some places Air temperature too hot, hot spots in some places Air too humid, dripping water, condensation and water damage Machines and computers acting funny Funny odors and bad air some sections Food production areas [|declining|diseased] Vermin loose in some sections Stuff growing in some sections that shouldn't be Mental health crisis among essential staff being investigated [|Manpower|Skill] shortage solved with clones, androids, cryopods or other tech fix Slimy trails found Disappearance of person alarms Graffiti increasing and common is some areas Terrible practical jokes getting more serious Vandalism running rampant in some sections Something important missing Eugenics club advocates [|modifying personnel|creating worker drones] Someone is stealing [|power|lab supplies] for some purpose FILENAME: EMO_OSR_MagicMods.ipt Header: Common Magic Mods for Weapons and Boots Rather than have just a skill or spell to make items, I have lots of spell to be cast with a ritual or a specific spell for every enchantment is interesting and keeps wizards on top of enchanting tree. Could be broad like enchant armor, enchant shield, enchant boots. Or specific like enchant bracers of defense. If you don't have enchant weapon but an enchant for a plus of some kind only the plus harms the being not the basic metal or wood of item. Weapon Enchant also increases material strength to that of quality steel and can injure beings immune to non magical weapons or normally vulnerable to silver or iron. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/magic-and-mods-for-boots.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/common-magic-and-mortal-mods-for-weapons.html
prompt: Show me: {Common Weapon Mods|Common Minor Weapon Enchantments |Rare Major Weapon Enchantments|Common Boot Mods|Common Magic Boots|Rare Magic Boots|More About Magic Mods} Common Weapon Mods use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] endtable: table: MoreAboutMagicMods [#{rep} MoreAboutMagicMods2] table: MoreAboutMagicMods2 1:Magical plusses and number of uses per day/week are based on the creator's level: & table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& LevelPlusses / No. of uses per day/week& 1 - 41& 5 - 82& 9 - 123& 13 - 164& 17 - 205&
1:Common Mods can be done by a very skilled craftsman.\n& Common Magic requires the 3rd level version of Enchant.\n& Rare Magic requires 6th level version of Enchant.\n table: CommonBootMods Hobnail Soles non slip on mud or grass, 1/2 DEX on hard smooth surfaces Soft soles +1 on sneak rolls Waterproof +1 save Reinforced +1AC +1 save vs some threats Steel cap +1 kick damage Knee high Thigh high +1AC if no other armour Heels +1 Mv Points +1 kick hit Spurs for riding Gators - can attach to make footwear act as higher boots and increase water or grass resistance table: CommonMagicBoots Stealth - makes all sneak skills easier and removes dificulty penalties on surfaces like gravel False Trail - leaves false track d4 1=backwards 2=small beast 3=humanoid 4=monster Jumping - can jump as if had a run up from a standing position height up or double height across Climbing - improves climbing skills and removes dificulty penalties on surfaces like glass Riding - makes beas calm and compliant removing penalties for difficult riding rolls Kicking - extra kick attack d4 Dancing - dance as if skilled or removes removes penalties for impressive moves Speed - +25% move rate Levitating boots allow to cast levitation once a day Feather fall boots - once a day can fall one drop unharmed table: RareMagicBoots League leaping - once a day can leap a league in one round of 3.5 miles Haste - once a day caste haste spell Spider Climb at will can walk up 90 degree walls onto ceiling as if on ground Beast boots - put them on animals hind legs, makes bipedal and able to tal Water walking boots can walk on calm water, rough requires dex check or sink Air walk boots - a ten min turn per day Faerie Boots - can plane shift once per week to faerie land Teleporting Boots - once a week to a known location like home, wearer only Fire walking boots - unharmed by normal fire, -1 per dice from magic fire Stone Walking Boots - can walk through stone or earth one round per day table: CommonWeaponMods Reinforced +2 saves from damage Quality - (roll o1 craft) +1 hit Light - weighs less, moves easier than normal Hook - can entangle person or weapon Spike - -1 to opponent's AC Throwing - no penalty to throw yards in STR Heavy - 2 minimum damage dice instead of 1 Hand Guard - weapon can be used as a buckler instead of weapon Silvered or cold iron weapon harm some foes Poison Well - keep a charge of venom in handle table: CommonMinorWeaponEnchantments Weapon Enchantment - can harm creatures immune to non magic weapons Reducing Enchantment - double the normal plus, but loses a plus each use until it's nonmagical +hit as per superior enchantment +1 better not cumulative with superior weapon +damage only as per superior enchantment, not cumulative with superior weapon Light - gets 1' of light per maker's level, if maker is at least 9th level, can grow and shrink light or turn on/off Nemesis vs specific species or race - doubles + from other enchantments vs target species Cursed - will curse user or make them have penalty or other strange effect if not permitted user Conditional - only a certain type or alignment or race; can use as a security device Superior weapon - +1-5 hit and damage One use only, but can make multiple weapons 1/lv; used for making ammo mostly table: RareMajorWeaponEnchantments Detect item/substance/species/enemies - pick one per plus Sentient Weapon - has a d6 of INT WIS CHA per + on level chart Slayer - on a +1= on hit roll 20 victim loses limb, increase dice range with +, by +3 is vorpral head cutter Wounding +1 = point of blood loss per round for 10 minutes Vampire - half inflicted damage heals weilder and makes them crave life force Elemental - +d3 damage - venom, spark, acid, ignite, chill or elemental fx Spell charges each plus is a number of spell levels and charges per day. Eg +3 = 3x3rd lv spell if had or 3x3 different 1st level spells per day Alignment bound makes advanced powers work only for set alignment and is monitored by planar powers who will send advice and missions, can detect opposite alignment if you are the right one for weapon Absorb levels of incoming spell per day equal to plus Can detect weak planar barriers and cut through them one per month per + FILENAME: EMO_Psychon_vsMars.ipt Header: Psychon vs. Mars! When the apocalypse hit old Earth and terraforming, bioforging and mindhacking technology was weaponised in the final war, Mars was cut off and isolated from Psychon. It has its own mysteries, space gods, and ruins. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/psychon-vs-mars.html
prompt: Show me: {Martian Tribes|Common Mutations|Common Ruin Types|Gods of Mars|More About Mars} Martian Tribes table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MoreAboutMars [#{rep} MoreAboutMars2] table: MoreAboutMars2 1:Mars is semi terraformed with a modified core, breathable to modified humanoids. Visitors need breather masks, drugs or chew oxygum. Gravity is less and people can jump double and lift double. Most NPC peasant martians have 3d4 strength. Movement rates are increased by 50%. 1:Forests of giant lichen, fungus, red weed, triffids cover about 18% of the surface. Cacti deserts, grasslands and swamps surrounding the colonists ancient canal system cover about another 30%. Fresh water covers 22%. \n\n& 6% of Mars, on the equator, is a city ruinscape where the sky elevator fell on a once-megacity of ancients. 5% is covered in machine ecologies where wild robots roam. Many are robosaurs; living beings struggle to survive here. Some abuse the machines for various purposes. 1:Once Mars was independent and even threatened Earth, its people and even all known life. The peoples of Mars were the first to modify themselves, with colonial nationalists defining their form by political unions. \n\n& Some Martians visit Earth by saucer to study, loot or prepare an invasion. Most Martians are lower tech and battle in the wasteland. 1:The sky has two moons. Phobos has a star gate to Planet Ariel, and a demon-invaded military base is on Deimos. A ring of 16 solar reflector squares orbits mars and helps illuminate Mars. Fragments of the space elevator and other orbitals remain in orbit also. 1:Various Martian Gods include Mars, Olympia, Spartan, Janus, Set, Nergal, Loki, Eris who all have heavenly orbital platforms and deep bunkers and servitor kaiju.\n\n& Gods of mars are mostly not nice and not welcome on Psychon. Even the space gods dont like martian gods. Martian gods try to hack systems of other gods and introduce martial life on Psychon. Gods are jealous and dont want more gods fighting for influence. Mars and Psychon gods send agents to visit each other. 1:Mars has canals and mighty caverns and cisterns as well as abandoned mines and canyons. Ruins of many civilization types exist.\n\n& Martian dinosaurs and sleeping kaiju were placed by Martian gods to feed the fighting folk of Mars. table: MartianTribes Green Men - the first tribe The Brainlord Tribe - mentalist magicians Cyclopeans - four armed one eyed tall men Brain Squid - evolved into tentacled sacks of intelect who are cyber linked to cyborg tripod bodies Reptile men - dino herder lizard and serpent men tribes Changelings - shapeshifters with various sub tribes Eldren - descedants of space elves, greys, and hedonistic eloi, generation starship tibes Morlocks - canibalistic dwarves who live in depths with bizzare machines and eloi farms Goblin Tribes - aliens from Tau Ceti stranded in solar system colonised and hybridised Beastmen - beast hybrid men, mostly mammals, such as apes, swine, dogs, otters and other furries Plantmen - hybrid plant men with photosynthetic skin symbiotes Silicon men - built by gods to explore universe or work deep underground Robot Tribe - machine people and synthetics like androids and replicants table: CommonMutations Antenna[||||||, concealable when not used][||||||; can smell as nose]. Wizards use them to cast gesture based spells components instead of hands. Some fern-like, moth-like or coiled like a butterfly's. Large forehead +1 1st level mentalist spell, or mentalist zero level cantrip for non casters [when]{1d3}>1[do]Shell-like[else][|Pointy|Reptile|Cattle|Cat][end] ears, hearing skill free Photosythnetic plant symbiote, half as much food needed, more than once you are shaggy Webbed fingers and toes, swim normal movement rate Gills for water breathing, also eye membranes, nostril and ear flaps Vampirism, craves living body fluids of unconcious or recently dead (or canabalism or eat dead) Narcotic scratching nails, CON+2 save or increasingly groggy then pass out if get a second fail Alternate reproduction such as egg laying, budding, parasitism, sexless pathogenic 10 Glider wings fall gently at 45 degree guided slow fall, skilled user can catch winds and do better Cyborg parts replace body part d6 1=hand 2=arm 3=foot 4=leg 5=eye 6=skull Plant or mineral or other species part like a limb or hand transplant Bulging brain -1HP +1 INT Glow in the dark 1"/lv Strange snout -1 CHA but gains scent, taste or track ability or noseless gets no CHA loss and no nose or smell sense Elongated prehensile tongue one foot long Tusks bump up dice of bite attack +1 (or teeth or extra jaws on tongue) Extra eye can see multi dimensional objects (undead, outer planar beings, spirits) Extra eye can see invisible or through illusion magic effects Extra eye can see multidimensional entities and can hit them (as if only +0 or one better than any plus of weapon) table: CommonRuinTypes Observation bunker Lab station Atmosphere refinery Colony complex Agri complex Space port Industrial complex Mining complex Bioforge facility Military base Renegade outpost Black lab complex table: GodsOfMars Mars - former military AI bcame supreme god of mars, enjoys violence and farming Phobos - the god of panic and fear aids tose who flee and scares enemies Deimos - the god of terror and dread has become a demon lord of chaos Eris - the godess of chaos and discord, patron of anarchists, queen of the gold apple Set - former security AI dedicated to subversion, infiltration and corruption, father of monsters Nergal - lord of disease, death and war but also of subversion and anarchy Spartan - bunker god who enforces martial dicapline, teaches eugenics and upholds slavery Janus - stargate gate god, driven mad by fall of space elevator, god of tricksters and performers Loki - lord of lies, deceit and tricks, aids rebelions, helps prisoners and fathers monsters, Venus - the wife of mars and sub AI to the planetary AI of Venus, godess of love and life Thanatos - the destroyer always trying to kill all on mars Eros - god of love who battles his brother constantly and help life be fecund FILENAME: EMO_Psychon_Gods.ipt Header: Gods of Psychon - Deus Ex Machina Most of these are in the Psychon book but some are new, and I promoted Typhon up. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/gods-of-psychon-deus-ex-machina.html
prompt: Show me: {Great Gods|Lesser Gods|Petty Gods|Space Gods|Elder Gods|Gods of Mars} Great Gods table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1} [@{choice}Intro]
[end]& [@{choice}] table: GreatGods Colosus the great god of the west the ruling god who always knows what is best Guardian the great red god protector of mankind and king of the synthetic life systems Pheonix - the grid all divine power uses, the cosmic balance, source of magical power Kernu - hunter and scientist magician, recycles departed souls for the godess in his data underworld Gaea - planetary terraforming and weather control systems that gods evoke to shape reality Wotan - the bad god, a blood thirsty war god worshiped by templars, inquisitors and fanatics Nergal - lord of famine, plagues and murder, he usurped part of hell to recycle wicked as undead Erishkigal - goddess of monsters and the sub worlds, queen of vampires and gates of hell Tiamat - goddess of deep and auroras, mother of dragons and sea monsters and chaos demons Minerva - protector and inventor, ruler of science and magic, she is telepathy and mental power Selene - lunar healing goddess of night and mystery, hospitals and paladin cults Typhon - the destroyer, father of monsters, bad weather and volcanoes, wrath of the mother table: GreatGodsIntro These great gods have multiple bunkers, space platforms, servitor AI's and kaiju. They connect with the great systems that support Planet Psychon. They are part of the infrastructure of the world. table: LesserGods Virgil - guide and protec tor of travellers, opener of the way Paragon the paladin lord of virtue Bool - wizard lord of maths and logic Alpha the bunker lord, protector of the chosen, protection from communists and mutants Takwon god of precision combat and targeting and identifying foes. faceless green god Lomax the hard working giant who serves the community and protects workers Atar is the god of simulated war and ritualised training. lord of resurrection and illusions Platon god of ethics, logic, data. philosophy and teachers of ultimate reality Socrates god of wisdom, questioning and heresy Sophia goddess of diplomacy, mercy and wisdom Valleeforge goddess of protecting plants and animals, and keeps a magic space ark Justice a giant green goddess of law and reincarnation who weilds a torch, book, sword or staff Segar the beserker and honour and battle, unconcerned with ruling or non warriors Koleko goddess of design, elegance, artistry and good machines Moloch god of bad machines, slavery, factories and sweatshops Loth goddess of the underworld datawebs, networking and subversion Kali goddess of renewal, rebirth, assassination and murder Zardon purges the impure, his great head comes to delver guns for food to his exterminators, Panatee angel of guns, monster killing and fornication Stokan angel of the sword, monster killing and tasty treats and feasts table: LesserGodsIntro These gods have own bunkers and satellites and active cults. They are major agents of change and struggle and often serve the great gods. They are impossible to completely wipe out with many back up systems ready. table: PettyGods Donarkong great ape god of bride stealing, construction and violence Morazio a leaping heroic tradesman who improves life with building and monster fighting Otto an evil laghing robot head, lord of the crystal maze and robots who hunt humans Centapedus a great machine centipede who guards fungus forests and goblin settlements Pandora goddess of feckless maidens and releasing ancient evils, people hope she stays away Pakumon eating god of the fruit and ghost maze, with tiamat spawned pakuspawn mini monsters Galagon lord of the bad robot plagues, has several brothers, some who fight and hunt aliens Defender hunter of mutants who carries the pure to his eternal crystal stasis fortress forever Maaria the good helps common folk and children, inspires goodness Maaria the wicked helps corupt rich and decadent vice, inspires naughtiness, is really an android Lorelei goddess of physichal love, seducer and prostitutes Maltor is the god of lycanthropy and were monsters who gives power to sinners Nanee godess of kidnapping children for own good to raise to serve her Barabee godess of grooming and trade and collecting nice things Wenadee godess of processed food and food service and Barabee's sister Legos god of building, craft and engineers Logos god of maths, logic and order Gargaz god of underworld dungeons, traps, ruins and monsters Atlas former great god now a fragmented mostly sub systems remain, helper of humankind table: PettyGodsIntro These gods have a single bunker or satellite and can be temporarily destroyed. It takes some time and cult support to return from back up, especially if mightier gods dont want them to reboot. Their plots are mostly localized to a hex. table: SpaceGods Ankor the star judge, asseses the fitness of life to be worthy of evolution or destruction Mazzigor the warrior who comes across the stars to fight evil kaiju and bad mecha Raydan great space god who protects Psychon from aliens and kaiju and elder gods Anu great star commander, father and teacher of the aliens and his city building cults Karzar the lord of darkness and conquest, master of transforming evil robots Kalidan the betrayer who planted evil desires in life to support his ideas of evolution Talos the fire warrior sends down his kaiju fighting form surrounded by a nuclear firestorm Commander lord of the good force, protecter of good men, aliens and robots Kronos the world eater sends refinery landers and mind controls agents to eat planets Star Warden, the great AI of a colony ship taking the chosen to the far away heaven Koran the evolver comes to uplift species to freedom, manifesting as a titan or as space monoliths Gian the life giver comes to plant seeds of life and mutation to barren systems table: SpaceGodsIntro Space gods are based in space and are not embodied in Psychon. The may manifest mecha kaiju or great sky chariots and land. Local gods might try to drive them away and the ruined bodies of past landings can be found. Some build monuments of stone or scratch huge insignia in the ground to encourage space gods to land. They are more likely to leave enigmatic artifacts or send servitor aliens. & & & elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/aliens-saucer-men-and-space-gods-of_11.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/aliens-saucer-men-and-space-gods-of_9.html table: ElderGods Cthulhu (K2LU) the great sea demon who is dead but dreaming, lord of the fish men Tsathogua the subterranean lord, the great shaggy frog god, lord of wizards Yig lord of reptilians, father of serpent kind Shudde Mayelle the great worm that crawls beneath the earth, god of telepathic land squid Iquatha lord of cold and the polar ice caps Zoth Amog a conical body of flesh with tentacles who is favoured by mutants Hastur patron of space wizards and evil magic, necromancy and summoning Ganatathoa the gazing god who is served by liogorr and Shumagorath the goddes of fecund nature and mother of monsters Yog Sothoth the god of gates and hyperspace, travel in space or time or the multiverse Nyarlathotep the god with a thousand faces (many are kaiju), lord of telepathy and lies Azathoth the blind idiot god, got of atomic power and the cosmos table: ElderGodsIntro These supposed alien gods persecute humanity and aid monsters and cults. table: GodsOfMars Mars, former military AI bcame supreme god of mars, enjoys violence and farming Phobos, the god of panic and fear aids tose who flee and scares enemies Deimos, the god of terror and dread has become a demon lord of chaos Eris, the godess of chaos and discord, patron of anarchists, queen of the gold apple Set, former security AI dedicated to subversion, infiltration and corruption, father of monsters Nergal, lord of disease, death and war but also of subversion and anarchy Spartan, bunker god who enforces martial dicapline, teaches eugenics and upholds slavery Janus, stargate gate god, driven mad by fall of space elevator, god of tricksters and performers Loki, lord of lies, deceit and tricks, aids rebelions, helps prisoners and fathers monsters, Venus, the wife of mars and sub AI to the planetary AI of Venus, godess of love and life Thanatos, the destroyer always trying to kill all on mars Eros, god of love who battles his brother constantly and help life be fecund table: GodsOfMarsIntro Gods of mars are mostly not nice and not welcome on Psychon. Even the space gods dont like martian gods. Martian gods try to hack systems of other gods and introduce martial life on Psychon. Gods are jealous and don't want more gods fighting for influence or godnet system control. Mars and Psychon gods send agents to visit each other. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_MagicFarmAnimals.ipt Header: Magical Farm Animals Farm Crawls are a riot. Send low level adventurers to farm of attacking farm animals. Zombie or mind controlled animals like D&D cows, goats, sheep, farm dogs, geese and other animals will earn respect. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/d100-magical-farm-animals.html
prompt: Show me: {Specific Magic Farm Animals|Make A Magic Farm Animal|Strange Animal Features|Strange Animal Abilities|Animal Goal|Current Escapades} Specific Magic Farm Animals table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAMagicFarmAnimal ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& [@AnimalSize]& Farm Animal{animal}& Size{size}& Stats{stats}& Strange Feature[@StrangeAnimalFeatures]& Special Ability[@StrangeAnimalAbilities]& Goal[@AnimalGoal]& Currently Doing[@CurrentEscapades]&
table: AnimalSize {size=='Tiny (under a foot in length)'}{animal=='[|Bug|Mouse|Frog|Lizard|Finch|Cricket]'}{stats=='HD 1hp AC +5 some might inflict 1hp Mv6'} {size=='Small (1 - 3 feet long)'}{animal=='[|Chicken|Smaller dog|Goose|Cat|Duck|Monkey|Crow|Owl]'}{stats=='HD d4 AC +4 some might inflict d4 Mv9'} {size=='Medium'}{animal=='[|Sheep|Goat|Pig|Large dog|Miniature pony]'}{stats=='HD d6 or d8 AC +3 some might inflict d6 Mv12'} {size=='Large'}{animal=='[|Horse, Cow]'}{stats=='HD 2d8 AC +3 some might inflict d6 or d8 or a d4 bite Mv18'} {size=='Huge'}{animal=='[|Bull|Ox|Draft horse]'}{stats=='HD 3d8 or 4d8 AC +3 some might inflict several d6 or 2d6 Mv12'} table: StrangeAnimalFeatures Part bright faerie, sleight and swift and unearthly beauty and night vision Part dark faerie, sleek and poisonous beauty gain night vision Part prehistoric stock, 30% more HD more aggressive and bump damage up to next dice Animals are intelligent and unified against unfair abuse secretly in league with druids Animals are undead and hostile, mostly zombie like but craving revenge on humanoids Crossed with humanoid breeds which are bigger and meaner and have night vision Holy beasts repulsive to undead and evil creatures, favoured by the gods in sacrifice Evil looking sly beasts with cruel natures blessed by powers of evil, extra damage All exotic throwback breeds from olden days with unusual qualities Animals are hybrid with other planes like elemental or diabolic Draconic or reptilian throwbacks with serpent taint Led by a horrible beast like a devil swine, demon or evil fey being table: StrangeAnimalAbilities Clever team tactics, traps and ambushes Priestly powers of a cult Sorcery abilities from planar bloodlines Druidic powers from a nature cult Strange mental powers in a telepathic link Mutated by chaos - mostly hideous and weird features Weaponized by law - magical or cyber weapons grafted to beast Local strange powers respawn animals if slain Fed on strange drugs or herbs or alchemical waste Crawling with hideous dangerous parasites Mutating into shoggoths, some fuse into each other and cross features Under the protection of a local spirit or fey being who protects them from harm table: AnimalGoal Serve a god or other planar power Works with a local magician Works with a secret society or cult Seeks increasingly difficult tasks Establish own kingdom or cult Recover a lost secret or item Find true purpose Uphold an alignment Seeking a loved one or friend or kin Searching for a worthy human to serve Wanders earth aiding others (of similar alignment) Seeks to expose and humiliate secret society or cult table: CurrentEscapades Find help for kiddies [|stuck in a well|lost in the wilderness|lost in a cave|who've been captured] Find help for an adult who is [|trapped|injured|sick|captured] Looking for a favored human With pet humans off to visit town or another farmstead Bad people pursuing the animal[||||||. Has a kid sidekick.] Solving a mystery with a few other animals or kids Out doing some normal animal in a contest Eating some tasty morsel dropped by the trail Lost on the way somewhere for holiday Mean horrible human seeks to claim beast and whip them Of to visit another animal, its [|mate|kin|friend|rival] Looking for a thing [|that's been lost|that's been stolen|, required urgently|for a gift] table: SpecificMagicFarmAnimals Macha the Big Brown Hen Outsmarts Mr. Fox, lays lots of big eggs, kills snakes, alarm cackles if evil near, keeps coop quarrel free. Ronaldo the Big Black Cock A fighting black rooster who cries out if enemies near, He stands 4ft high and has 10 inch spurs. Thomas the Turkey A bluffing puffed up coward who was taught sorcery by planar beings impressed by his mock bravery. He uses illusion magic and fear spells. Sir Quackalot the Great green drake. Bite is diseased. This duck hero battles mr fox, rescues foolish ducks. He will alert friends by flying around quacking angrily. Mother Duck A great white duck who cares for her young and outwits mr fox. Her foolish sister does opposite. Her wisdom inspires all with her virtue. Blue Arnold A handsome pigeon who leads his flock in flying circles at home or when he infallibly delivers messengers, he can crap in a human eye from hundred yards up and uncannily avoids predators and enemies. Screaming Molly A tiny but smart hen who outwits others. She doesn't just outwit mr fox she makes him kill her enemies the gets someone else to kill mr fox and his family. She also screams a horrible alarm cry that drives everyone mental. She hates snakes and dances on enemies graves. Glory Goosedown A great big goose saved his family and community by honking loudly and even breaking arms of attackers, On a natural 20 can knock a target over or break an enemy limb. Tends to scream for miles at any strangers coming near. Can lead a flock of geese in battle or flight. Granny Goose Tells stories inspiring wisdom and courage as well as inspiring listeners to live the good life (listening to her = save or one step alignment shift towards LG). Wicked people have stolen her then returned her later. Brainwashing people is more her thing than fighting. Glenda Goldrums A goose who daily lays gold shelled eggs worth d6x10gp. People like to steal her and heroes always rescue her. Everyone knows she wont lay if hurt or upset too much. She weighs 30lb. Bowser the Wonder hound saved many children from wells, inept adult criminals and children, great at getting help or dragging people to safety, understands human speech. Polly Ratter Can find vermin hidden anywhere and does max damage on mice and rats or related monsters, she is only one foot long and can squeeze in rabbit holes to fetch you dinner. Jiminy Whippet Can run faster than any dog or horse so is good for gambling but also chasing rabbits or sending messages. Jenny Terrier An efficient ratter but when fighting other dogs takes half damage and has +4 better AC. Small but able to beat most hunting dogs and will guard babies from rats. Rollo Wolfbiter A huge wolfhound stronger than a wolf and even will take on dire wolves (use stats for him) and can bite dog like creatures normally immune to non magic. Peggy Plugface the Pug princess is also a wizard. She can talk, cast as a 4th lv wizard and speak to all goblinoids who like her. She likes wearing hats and little outfits and cake. Old Crosby the Shepherd Can guard and herd livestock caring for them as a shepherd for weeks and can track stolen livstock, very shaggy and eyes not visible. Bullbiter Billy the Bull Terrier Can take on a bull and win though he only weighs 40lb, he is fearless in any fight which is a problem. Wears a suit of armour that injures creatures who bite him. Saint Barker A holy mountain dog who preys at every shrine or temple and bows to clergymen. Can find missing people, carry wounded to safetey, carry load of a miniture pony and often has a tiny barrel with a healing potion he can use on wounded. Gordo the Rat Hound Actually funny giant rat from city who people call a dog because nobody wants a giant rat in their house. Obedient, loyal and can carry ropes and climb walls on command. Fat Ginger A lazy greedy big fat cat the size of a large dog. Hates snakes, rats and dogs and will fight them. Expert at blinding attacks when attacking a face. Black Tom A sorcerer cat allied to powers of hell. He is quite helpful and will help master obtain wealth and power through lies and trickery. Suggests a devil-pact as answer to many problems to heroes. Pussy Willow A shaggy long haired cat size of a bobcat, She protects hearth and house and children and can magically blend into vegetation. Some say she has elf powers. Jenny Barncat Sits in barn and protects the animals and prevents vermin and fires. She has hundreds of kittens per year. Claude the Cat King Wears a tiny crown and cape and demands best chairs and cushions and laps to sit on. He can summon d6 kobolds for an hour a day who deliver a silver coin each and will serve as his footmen or guards. He demands posh food and is fussy. He talks but most people don't like what he says about cat superiority. Mrs Miggins' Big Black Pussy Nobody remembers Mrs Miggins but everyone knows her big black cat. It is always is refereed to as property of Mrs Miggins. It mostly sloths around eating smaller animals even small dogs when hungry. She looks after children and baby animals left in her care if paid in milk and a spot near the fireplace. Rusty Tom A cad who can turn into a charming richly dressed handsome man for an hour a day but mostly does it to crack onto ladies. He sometimes helps those who feed or look after him as a cat. Only talks when human and his hundreds of children are changeling cat folk. Bloody William A nasty tom has sharp claws that cause bleeding wounds (1pt/rnd for ten rounds). He is surly and cranky and does as he pleases. He does show gratitude to any who help dry him when wet, or feed him or keep him warm. He hates kobolds and can smell them from 100 feet away. Princess Fluffy A very fluffy white-grey cat, whose fur gets on everything especially black clothing. She is a bit pompous and sneezes when near magic. She is good natured and puts up with being dragged by children but not adults. She is good at detecting ambushes unless distracted by birds or mice. Zebidiah Sleek A big black and white crafty tom who fetches rats, snakes and even rabbits daily. Often the victims have a bit of life left in them when he drops them near his friends beds. He likes to sit on peoples shoulders and dislikes evil people on sight. Nanny Binx A former familiar roams the land turning normal farm animals intelligent. She encourages them to serve earth cults (she isn't religious) and to fight chaos cults who sacrifice animal souls to evil. She often follows adventurers and provides them with healing milk. She has many brave sons who kill chaos (see also Petty Gods Tome). Stinky Billy Likes to chew things and to pee on things he doesn't like. He is a bit rude and likes to butt people bending over for fun. He hates evil and has killed many small humanoids and driven off bandits from his farm. Black Buck An evil chaos goat who serves evil cults, witches and wizards and will join in evil rituals. He will protect other animals or humans earmarked for sacrifice and knows the secret of sending souls of slain to chaos gods. People might think he is a protector but not guess his true motive. Possibly local goat men covens are his spawn from his liaisons with witches. Geraldine Redhoof A ginger and black doe is a successful mother who can pull small carts and lets children and small humanoids ride her. She likes company and bleats if left alone too long. She can count and do simple sums by stomping her hooves and understands common. Grandpa Big Horn A shaggy grey goat with huge horns. He is pretty friendly but guards his territory and friends from uninvited guests. He has a knack for knocking foes over then trampling on them. His horns can harm beings normally harmed by magic and he senses invisible foes like naughty fairy folk. Zimulah Strange Nanny Has a strange stare some say has elf blood. She can detect elf hills, faerie circles and invisible faerie folk. Those she gives evil eye to make a save or get -2 all actions for a day. Her milk is mildly addictive and delicious, elves crave it and her owners with her aid develop relations with local fey folk. Nimblehoof A smallish white goat can climb and balance incredibly and likes to nibble on thatched roofing. Can stand on a walking stick, walk on hind legs for a bit and can dance. happily works with bards, performers and beggars to earn extra cash for a human friend. Greybeard Wizard Goat An ex familiar who has grown to huge size since masters death. He can carry a lightly encumbered person and can cast as a third level wizard if allowed to read a spellbook. Actually knows many obscure magic secrets and history but he cant speak common but understands it. He worries about his humans a bit and bleats if he thinks they do anything dangerous. Whitey Oddhoof A shaggy white goat who can detect poison and purify water and food once a day. He is pretty big and will protect other animals and humans from evil. Under the fur on his forehead is a holy symbol shaped birthmark which he uses to scare off undead as a third level cleric. He bleats to scold human doing wicked things like smoking or drinking too much. He prefers to wander and help people to being cooped up in a temple. Several priests follow him and try to return him to the church. Weirdhorn A strange goat black goat with odd eyes and twisted horns, obviously intelligent and prone to snaking off on own. He likes to find graves and can cast animate dead once per day. He can be helpful to a party, guarding a camp and scaring off intruders but the zombie outbreaks get a bit obvious after a while and he moves on. Occasionally he and his zombies destroy a farmstead. Making zombie farm animals is a favourite trick. He has dark fey blood and can understand dark elvish and common. Lola the Cow Produces enough milk to be milked three times a day and her udders drag on the ground. She is lovely and a bit dim. She occasionally damages property running to greet her handlers and her calves are all prize winners and docile. She has stomped several wolves and dogs flat. Brown Bessie A dewy eyed lovely cow who always births twins and produces finest quality milk products. Gods expect her to be treated well and to wander as she pleases. She chooses good pious farmers for several years at a time and has lived since the dawn age. As she is favoured by gods and impulses she is a bit dim and naive. Her lick cures 1hp once a day. Adolfo Blue A blue-grey bull who will fight monsters and humanoids who enter his farm. He senses evil and enemies and begins bellowing if they enter his territory. Locals parade him through town yearly as a heroic protector of people. Black Boris the Bull Tears up fences, gores strangers and loves to fight. He is perfectly marked and of great value despite his naughty ways. Some farmhands refuse to work with him. He killed a dozen orcs once and only a few farmhands. Ox Sled Billy A big dumb yellow ox, can pull three times more loads than other oxen and this applies to a whole ox team if he leads. He wont lead for anyone evil and loves good farmers. Elves dislike him for the trees he helped tear up. Immaculate Pete the Plough Ox Can plough three times the crops of a normal ox, is docile and loves pious ploughmen. He is grey with huge horns. He once chased a devil out of the village. Apirion the God Bull A perfectly marked sacred bull important in state rituals who reincarnates among the common folk every generation. He is black and white marked equally and may have holy birth markings that look like tatoos with scriptures and symbols on them. The bull can sense evil and chaos and has a noble demenor when participating in ceramonies. He has perpetual protection from chaos and evil and can turn as a cleric with his HD instead of level. He will protect weak and holy but they prefer to throw down their lives for him when recognised. Goremgax the Great War Ox Has ten horns and has huge muscles under his white hide. He is intelligent and warlike and is willing to pull the battle wagon of a king. Requires magical attacks to harm. Thul the Auroch A throwback to ancient times, several feet taller than any other modern cattle. He is aggressive and hunts enemies. He is difficult to manage but his ofspring ate several inches taller than other sires and he protects farm from enemies. Besides his huge size he is also a berserk who can still fight to -10 and gets +2 to hit and damage at this point. Nibura the Great Cow A huge jolly cow who's enormous udder produces beer. Her offspring are excellent quality. She is jolly and likes music and occasional drunkenly falls on some one for comic effect. Kings and priests desire her but she prefers the common life and escapes boring captivity. Endless parties keep her amused. Wooly Bah the Black Sheep An individualistic sheep who prefers the company of shepherds to sheep. She follows humans and ignores sheep dogs. She has saved numerous old and child shepherds from danger and is an expert at bowling over everyone who fails a DEX save when she charges through them. Diablo the Devil Sheep Of an old north breed with a set of straight and curled horns. His black wool can be plucked by hand. He can cast spells as a sorcerer and sneaks off to cavort with witches at night. Biggles the God Lamb Was found injured and has grown into a jolly bouncy larger lamb and has nor grown since. He gives everyone cheer and joy and likes to run along side his chums. He improves a groups moral and reaction rolls by +1. He is very delicious but gets reincarnated again to be forever young. Bindy the Adventurous Sheep A black and white sheep with black face and legs with white wool everywhere else. He is very good at sneaking and hiding and eavesdropping and often warns humans about terrible danger. She might even follow young adventurers and has save a few. Stormy the War Ram A huge grey woolen lump with huge coiled horns. He can summon a storm once a week and he is far stronger and hits harder than any mortal sheep. He is immune to electricity and skilled at controlling freefall and lands al light as a feather. He might allow a worthy smaller humanoid to ride him into battle who gets his immunities. He escaped a sky gods pen and incompetent demon mercenaries search for him. Molly Cloud Bah A spring happy sheep who can levitate and make leaps into windstreams to glide across huge distances. She comes from the plane of elemental air from the flock belonging to cloud giants. Non maggic missiles cannot harm her. She has carried children to safety before. Grey Donald A mighty ram who's wool is metal and can be knitted into chainmail that weighs as leather or can be made into iron or steal items. Mighty men crave him and he prefers a life of freedom with common herds. The Golden Ram Comes from the gods and is sent to save royal children from bad fates. He can fly and can carry two persons. He blesses any grassland he lives on. Usually the children grow up to sacrifice the sheep to thank the gods and grant the fleece to a temple. Evil beings despise the Ram and keep it to attract and kill heroes. Gods follow the fate of the ram and curse those who kill it without proper sacrifice rituals. Evil Thomas Was castrated and turned mean, injured several humans in "accidents". He is grey-black and very wooly. Will attenpt butt to any humane alone neat a cliff, pitchfork, well, etc. He will continue his secret murder spree till killed or wounds regenerated B. Betsy the Magic Sheep Can read and cast spellls as a fourth level wizard. She is piebald black-and-white with thin, scruffy wool. She was raised by a wizard and a druid and will use a spellbook if possible. Her students follow her and assist her. She was a tutor at the university but now mostly travels for adventure. The Great Sow A scary black tusked mother pig who must be paid in treasure or she eats her piglets and other baby farm animals. Her piglets are fine healthy specimens worth double normal, with large litters. She digs up small trees and holes where she pleases. The Great Glory Boar A gold bristly boar from elfland who taunts hunters and leads them to dangerous places. The boars children have gold bristles worth a d12gp each if shaven. The Hell Swine A great ugly pink pig who spawns pig beastmen and charms farmers into feeding him everything they have down to their livestock and families. Then the pig goes to a new farm. Guarded by pig beastmen. Glinda the Good Pig A crafty young sow who tricks wolves and negotiates with other animals to form mutual defence agreements. Jenny Fine Sow A huge 800lb mother pig who intimidates boars and produces record litters. She is a gift of the gods and has eater those who tried to steal her. She is best bribed with good food to steal her piglets. Often she refuses to move without a meal. Snowball the Boar A tin pot dictator of the farm who will subvert the farm will to serving him. He leads a gang and rewards them with human vices like beer and smoking. He enjoys murder and slavery but legitimizes it for the common good. Wiggly the Piggly wizard A large immortal piglet who has learned 4th level sorcery and can talk ans walk on hind legs. Prefers to wear childrens clothes, a shirt with hood if posible. He is always up for adventure. Pretty Petunia A dazzlingly beautiful pig, who is very vain. She likes to wear ladies hats and wigs and coerces other animals into being her servants. She gets star treatment and food which keeps her content. If not kept in haute headwear and food she storms off in a huff. She is unreasonably lucky as if the pig gods help her. Kulara the Witch Pig Can shape shift into a human and curse others with impotency. While human she has affairs with all the local farm hands. Her piglets are found across the county and always plump and healthy and clever. She can change her skin colour and alter her appearance to cause extra mischief. Large Marge the She-Boar A huge mother pig who has eaten three boars. She has also eaten four orcs, over a dozen goblins and a few bandits. She protects her turf and is very surly. She is happy for farmers to take away her piglets when a new batch appears. Farmers are wary of her but love her. Donald the Dungeon Donkey A dungeon vet and is fearless by donkey standards. He saved several parties who retired him but he like the murder hobo lifestyle more. He will fight small humanoids and wolves and will drag kind masters to safety or carry to local shanty town. He is sneaky for a donkey and follows cues and orders well. If party mean or dumb he escapes. Pretty Polly the Pit pony Now carries children of well to do farmers for fun, but she used to be cruely whipped and blinded by adventurers for a life killing monsters in murder mazes. After she saved a wizard he had her eyes healed and got her a cushy gig being adorable. She hates adventurers but will go down a pit to save children. She can fight in the dark and gets an extra attack more than most ponies. Old Bill the Draft Horse Always looks like he is almost ready to be made from glue, and he seems wheezy and tired. But he has been near death for generations. He carries heavier loads and has a gentle canter. He will kick and bite bandits. Farmers Ned's Horse Wears a distinctive farm hat, neckerchief and blanket. Te talks local gossip, weather, ghost stories and about his early life with rum runners and organised crime. Getting him to shut up is hard. He is aloud in the local pub. Black Racer the Fast Horse Is clever and kind but tragedy follows her wherever she goes. She has had many homes and is a bit sad. Actually several imps follow her tormenting her life invisibly. He runs like a race horse and is a loyal and clever mount. Mr Dumblebee the Stud horse Has a big attitude and roams the land to visit new mares. He lets humans hold him for a while as long as he is treated alright and he gets lots of sex. He will allow people to ride him to help him get about to more mares but he might do something embarrassing in public. Mike the Awesome plow horse Makes farmwork 50% easier and does all kinds of jobs. He is very strong, enjoys work and is a good listener who understands human speech. Old May the Wagon Horse Well-known hard working horse who has escaped bandits and wolves on the trail many times. She can pull a cart 50% faster when scared which can be hard on the wagon. She also caught local arsonist boy who burned a few barns. Flavia the Loyal horse An heroic mare who is an excellent slightly faster palfrey riding horse. She has great endurance and is an excellent jumper. She has even dragged wounded owners onto her back and carried them to freedom and plays dead well. Grey Danny A mean horse that sold it's soul to evil and now serves witches and evil folk. It hides in common farms but by night it's off to drink the blood of stable boys and babies. Has unusual powers from a nightmare bloodline, especially by night. Possibly will let an adventurer ride for a while for kicks. Old Man Barn Owl Watches the farm from the barn and warns of danger. Actually he is a druid living as an owl for decades and can cast spells still. Helps te farm and has a congregation of animals. Lara Harp Ear the Rabbit Loves music and comes out of the woods to dance. So far nobody has killed or eaten her. In her burrow is a small treasure hoard burred centuries ago. Occasionally she wears a bracelet as a neckband which has humans searching for her treasure. She is saving it for a special bard as gift from faeries. Jimmy Lark Hare A jerk joker who startles horses, teases people to chasing him into danger with old mine shafts and stealing bread and cake from farm houses. He wears i tiny jacket and scarfe. King Toad Sits in the pond eating rats and snakes. He can be coerced into talking of old days and things he has seen over hundreds of years. He also knows where trinkets he lost in the area as a prince are including a gold ball in the pond bottom. Mr. Fox An unwelcome visitor who lies and murders farm animals. All on the farm hate him and want him dead. He taunts people and seemingly teleports about the landscape (or has tunnels). Can talk with any species and will decieve humans or get food from them. Lord Finch Commands a kingdom of tiny birds who see and hear all in the village. They trade with the mouse kingdom. For cake or treats they will whisper secrets to your ear in a tiny chirping chorus. Boss Ratty A disgusting huge rat who talks like a seedy underworld villain and smokes. He lives in his trash palace and loves to scare people in toilets. He talks like he is well connected and implies he authority alot in hois stories. King Mouse Rules a mouse kingdom in the brambles and they trade with the finch kingdom. The collect interesting knickknacks and also hear all the village secrets. King Crow Leads the local crows who know where to find the best roadkill and seeds and crumbs. They also dine on the crossroad gibbets down the road. They will talk occasionally mostly to loners. The y arrange accidents to crow haters and contract other animals to make hits. Mr Snake Comes into town for milk but eats mice and rats so farmers leave him milk. He may talk and remembers the dawn age milenium ago. Hard to coerce and tells that some things not for man to know. The Winged Horse Had divine parent and will only allow person of correct alignment to ride, expects good treatment and very loyal to chosen one. bat winged ones more evil than bird wings, colours may vary. The Winged Bull Comes from the holy herds of the sky and comes to visit mortal cows. The Chaos Goat A horrible monster who crawled from its birth spot and now menaces local woodlands or even sewers or swamps. Has many strange chaos mutations and respawns from even scraps of flesh. Can hybridize with many species and can ruin a farm with one night passion. Charlie the Wonder Pig Can read and write, find missing children, solves crimes and find the best truffles. He dislikes attention and prefers the humble life on the farm. The Dragon Cow Has scales and wings and can breathe fire, but prefers to live with her herd and uses her powers to protect them. Most bulls fear her so she prefers dragon mates. Emperor Horse A great black handsome stallion with a peacock tail. Very loyal skilled warhorse who fights with master skillfully and improves morale of a whole army. The Magic Ass Curiously cunning, eats exotic human feed and understands language. Actually a human turned to a beast looking for freedom and a way out of this curse. Terrible Cat Lord Seems to be a black cat that protects promising witch children. Can turn into a leopard at will and can teleport through darkness. The Storm Sheep Can fly, summon storms and call lightning daily. Protects farm from threats. Her milk and cheese products protect consumer from lightning or electrical damage by half for a day. Bowser the Clever Dog Looks like a dog but really is a shoggoth in dog form. Occasionally eats some one or some live stock and happy to hide among humans. Call on dark elder gods only once a year. Will protect it's chosen home and "owners" from threats as they are reserved for the gods to devour body and soul. Most would never suspect the lovable old hound capable of murder and engineering disasters. FILENAME: EMO_Psychon_Languages.ipt Header: Language on Planet Psychon These are some tables to make hauntings. I think most monsters should be more unique and spirits even more so. Clerics might be sent to clear up some local hauntings. Once you get Exorcism spell you get even more busy. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/03/language-on-planet-psychon.html
prompt: Show me: {Languages (Other Than Common)|More About Languages} Non-Common Languages use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MoreAboutLanguages [when]{rep}=1[do]& S=spoken version\n& W=written version\n& \n& Common S W - Common is the universal tongue put in the minds of everyone by the star gods since birth or when assimilated.\n& \n& Ancient S W - Language of the pre apocalypse times, many regional dialects.\n& \n& Eldren (Elvish) SW - Language of folk of low gravity orbitals, star explorers and utopian hedonistic bunkers.\n& \n& Morock (Dwarf) SW - Language of subterranean, ultra high density bunkers and high g space space travellers and miners.\n& \n& Goblin S W - Languages of most common breed of mutants made to fight and labour hazardous environments with little resources. Hobgoblin, kobold, bugbear are dialects. It is related to morlock and eldren.\n& \n& Giant S W - Language of these behemoths mostly mutated and bread for work and dumb. Rare giants.\n& \n& Ogre S W - Is hybrid of giant and goblin used by dumb ogres and the rarer ogre magi and high ogres.\n& \n& Orc S W - Is a hybrid related to ogre and ancient military code. They are bred for war and are mostly born from machines or spells fully ready to fight adult males. Orcs are bred to fight in chemical warfare and many carry gas asks and horned helmets.\n& \n& Troll S W - Used used by savage cancerous chaos ridden cave trolls or the sweeter common house troll who are more likely to read and make you something nice to eat.\n& \n& Machine S W - Mathematical language of binary, basic and fractal maths that machines talk in. Used by priests, robots, androids, cyborgs and AIs, it is the language of the space gods.\n& \n& Abumans S W but for each race has own. More related to animal or elemental or other planar languages.\n& \n& Changelings S W but for each race has own. More related to animal or elemental or other planar languages.\n& \n& Alignment languages used by other planes and priesthoods or wizards. Law and Chaos are most common with special types like Lawful Evil, Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Good.\n& \n& Arcane W - A mishmash of obscure ancient and dead languages, psuedoscience jargon and occult gobildigook. To speak it if talented is dangerous and is how spells cast. It is the language that interacts with the data manifolds of the universe. Greatest wizards can cast with but a thought. Many specialize in one dialect to keep secret spells but translation spells are easily obtained. In most cases assume wizard has own dialect. It just isn't for normal communications of concepts. Sorcerers don't know what words mean, they are gifts of otherworldly beings, bloodlines and cult patron powers. Wizards use these to make magic items and new spells. Less useful for sorcerers but still interesting. Once 4th level arcane may be spoken safely and is a sign the user is able teach now.\n& \n& Animal S W - Species have own language but write with scent rather than words, Beast men abumans, druids, elves, some bards, gnomes and other might learn the secrets of animal speech with effort.\n& \n& Elemental S W - With dialects from all the prime elements of fire, earth, air, water and the para or quasi elements like lightning, cold, crystal, mist.\n& \n& Aliens speak otherworldly languages one dialect per species.\n& \n& Secret Languages are for secretive groups and dialects include theives cant, cult languages, druidic and more.& [end] table: Languages(OtherThanCommon) Ancient English Ancient Japanese Ancient French Ancient Chinese Ancient Germen Ancient Russian Ancient Spanish Ancient Hindi Ancient Latin Ancient (other) Eldren Morlock Giant Goblin Goblin/kobold Goblin/hobgoblin Goblin/bugbear Ogre Orc Giant Troll Machine Abhuman/Goat Abhuman/Lion Abhuman/Wolf Abhuman/Ape Abhuman/Cattle Abhuman/Deer Abhuman/Kangaroo Abhuman/Panda Abhuman/Hyena Abhuman/Rabbit Abhuman/Lizard Abhuman/Toad Abhuman/Fish Abhuman/Bat Abhuman/Newt Abhuman/Falcon Abhuman/Pigeon Abhuman/Chicken Abhuman/Lamprey Abhuman/Crab Abhuman/Spider Abhuman/(Animal) Abhuman/(Elemental) Abhuman/(Plant) Changeling/(Animal) Changeling/(Elemental) Changeling/(Plant) Changeling/(Planar) Animal/mouse Animal/rat Animal/finch Animal/cow Animal/pig Animal/dog Animal/cat Animal/sheep Animal/goat Animal/pigeon Animal/rabbit Animal/duck Animal/chicken Animal/goose Animal/spider Animal/fly Animal/scorpion Animal/snake Animal/bear Animal/possum Animal/raccoon Animal/skunk Animal/Eagle Alien (dialect) Cult (dialect) Arcane (dialect) Druidic Thieves Cant (one per gang) Fire Earth Air Water Metal Crystal Ice Lightning Smoke Vapour Magma Radiance Law Chaos Good Evil Lawful Good Lawful Evil Chaotic Good Chaotic Evil Nuetral Balance FILENAME: EMO_Psychon_Plagues.ipt Header: Plagues of Planet Psychon! Diseases of the Gamma Aeon are mostly leftover bio weapons, terraforming and population-altering plagues grown artificially. The worst of them compel you to consume goods that no longer exist outside of occasional ruins. Undead outbreaks from alien nanobots had been spreading since long before the final times. Some reprogram brains. Most get a saving throw or stat roll to resist, halve chances for more virulent versions. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/the-ten-plagues-of-planet-psychon.html
table: PsychonianPlagues Zombie Virus - turn into zombie on death, some strains 1in6 activate on near death. Fast Zombi Virus - - turn into fast zombi on death, some strains 1in6 activate on near death. Ghoul Virus - turn into ghoul on death - turn into ghoul on death, some strains 1in6 activate on near death. Wight Virus - turn into wight on death, some strains 1in6 activate on near death. Mummy Rot - every day save or lose CHA point, die when ay zero. Kyuss parasitism - infested with glowing worms, die in 24 hours and arise as Son of Kyuss. Gargoyle - body turns into cacoon for 24 hours, mineralizes and hatches as gargoyle. Skeleton plague - turn into wizened sleletal undead on death, some strains 1in6 activate on near death. Vampire virus- turn into vampire after a week of fever and 24 hours death, some strains 1in6 activate only after victim dies with no sign of vampirism. Spectral Plague - turn into non corporeal undead on death, some strains 1in6 activate on near death d20 1-6=Phantom 7-8=Shadow 9-10 Poltergiest 11-14 Spirit 15-16=wraith 17-18=spectre 20=Ghost. Colour shift flu - changes hair,eyes, skin, blood colour and taste of victim. Tentacle polyp - save each month or tentacled growth covers 5% of body till tentacled monstrosity that just wants to die 1in6 crawl into sea or swamp or sewers and live as monsters. Tumour buds - save each month or 5% of body covered in horrible growth covered monstrosity that just wants to die 1in6 growth develop baby face and drops off forming a angry baby clone, 1in6 of those the being doesnt seperate but develops own intelect and is abusive towards host. Tentacle growths - Sprouts a tentacle from a body part with own will, can be reinfected and develop more. Small mutation pox - develop a minor mostly cosmetic mutation, 1in6 replace a existing one if any. Mutation pox - develop a first level or random mutation. Chimera mutation hybrid features - develop bestial extra head, limbs, tentacles till insane monster save per month or new mutation, complete insane monster by fourth. Sphynx Fever - turns you into a quadrapedal mutant, later mutates cross species features, one new mutation per month after becoming quadraped and keep human face, after four mutation become a ridling obsessed carnivore. Shoggoth devolution - 24 hour fever save or body part begins squirming and changing and sprouting tentacles, save per month for extra body part infection. At four mutations become a insane cannibal sex maniac. Gorge fever - a 4 hour fever that increases urge to eat raw meat and have sex. Cyborgismic fever - save after week fever and craving to chew metal and plastic, if fail a body part develops a random cyborg feature or interface jack. Can get multiple infections. Brainborg - brain modified after craving for plastic for a week, save or die, if live brain now in a sealed pod can survive body death and be installed into a borg, 1in6 develops spider legs and scuttles to saftey. Robosapiens virus - painfully over week of eating metal and plastic turn into a robot. Carbon syndrome - turns victim into carbon statue after 24 hours of fever if fail a CON save. Bioplastic syndrome - turns victim into plastic menequin after 24 hours of fever if fail a CON save. Cyber parasites - painful cyber bugs crawl under skin, when you die they reanimate corpse as a cyber zombie. Android virus - painfully over week of eating metal and plastic turn into a android with metal skeleton and bioplastic organs and flesh. Akira syndrome - evolves painfully after 24 hour fever into tentacled evolving machine freak on killing humans spree. Tetsuo syndrome - evolves painfully after 24 hour fever into devoted soldier with a biological assault rifle in one arm that serves a cult or AI. Slaver virus - after a short hour fever if fails save becomes a biological drone in service to a AI. Gamma bed bugs constantly drained 1hp less per day and prevent natural healing from rest, itchy and prone to getting other infections. Psychon ticks constantly itchy -2DEX -1CON once infected and spread to others and beds. Chaos Crabs - tiny arachnids live in your skin, making it dry, scabby and thicker +1AC -1CHA. Blood worms infest internal organs -3 DEX, -d4 move (roll daily for speed penalty). Gutworms - need to eat double food, constantly flatulent and shit worms. Chlorophyl skin syndrome - overgrown with symbiotic plant tissue reduces need for food by half. Fungoidal skin syndrome - coated in hideous fungal threads adds 1d10 HP -1CHA. Clot jellies - 1in20 chance of death per round of stroke if exerting self. Rad mould - grows thick coloured fur all over, absorbs 90% of incoming radiation. Brain worms, attracted to predictors and risky situations that could kill you, resistant to fear attacks. Bio slime - disolves your flesh, wood, plastic and leather rapidly fatal requiring burning to remove. Yellow spores - grow toxic yellow furry mould on body and inside lungs, save every day or die from choking, 1in6 arize as yellow mould covered zombie. Plastivore bug - you spread a plastic eating bacteria using you as a host making you unpopular. Kemelco Fever - die after a hour of fever if fail save. turns you into high octane liquid fuel over 24 hours. Death Spores fatal mould covers in black fur in 24 hours if fail save 1in6 arise as mould covered ghoul. Psychonian Tetnus - targets wounds if fail save stops all natural healing from rest, then save daily or lose a d4 HP till cured or dead with horrible grimace. Gamma Gangrene - targets wounds requires amputation or will spread over body and kill host in 24 hours. Some body parts like head or torso cant be ambutated normally. Trojan plague - save or makes victim sociable and seek company, after 24 hours blossoms into horrible fleshy flower that spreads the disease via spores. Apocalypse bug - if fail save get headache and victim after 24 hours burst open into a frothing airborne plague mass. Assassin bug - makes fever but tailored originally to kill certain now rare genetic markers only found in ancients, 1% of modern victims make a save or die in a hour. Spamfeast virus - only eat products from packaging or purchased from one ancient food chain. Loyalty shopping virus - only buy certain goods from one ancient brand. Jingle bug - makes you hum and sing and whistle ancient add tunes, save to resist for a turn. Shopoholism fever - desire to visit any new shop and go to markets daily if possible. Mission fever - preachy about one religion of one modern space god or ancient cult. Colectaholic fever - collect one type of ancient toy or item with obsessive seal. Randaynn fever - makes you selfish, greedy and lose empathy for life not related by blood. Videoholic fever - urge to watch programs of a single ancient network or broadcaster. Patrioholic bug - turns you into fanatic party member of ancient democratic faction. Munchhousen fever - constantly worried about health and disease, obsessed with health products. Gambling bug - you want to gamble on any outcome and only feel joy when taking risks. Narcoholic fever - you crave consuming a particular drug or alcohol illegal to ancients. Klepto bug - you desire to steal small items from stalls or peoples houses. Vegan bug - ancient food terrorists made, infected can only eat non meat but can live off grass. Amazon fever - turns you into a female amazon dedicated to the sisterhood. Exterminator fever - unite with infected to cleanse world of impure, mutants and weak with guns. Pyro bug - turns you into a pyromaniac favouring incendiary weapons and burning down structures at least once a day or you cant sleep. Pimperholic bug - sleep walk and sell sexual services, try to deposit money to black account of ancient crime cartel, forget everything when you wake up. Firewall bug - some thing you can no longer think about, talk about or see (possibly a colour, type of threat, common type of thing). Babel virus - can no longer use or understand language until treated. Abuman flu - Turns you nto a type of abhuman after a weeks fever. Morlock flu - turns you into a morlock (dwarf) after a weeks fever. Eldren flu - turns you into a eldren (elf or eloi or grey) after a weeks fever. Lycanthrope fever - turns you into a lycanthrope after a weeks fever. Gigantism fever - Turns you into a giant after a weeks fever. Orc Pox - turns you into a orc after a weeks fever. Goblin pox - turns you into a goblin (d6 1-3=goblin 4-5=hobgoblin 6=bugbear) after a weeks fever. Hobbit Pox - Turns you into a halfling after a weeks fever. Changeling Fever -turns you into a changeling after a weeks fever. Morph Plague - turns you into a less common humanoid creature or monster after a weeks fever, each strain makes a different creature like baslisk plague for example. Sexmorph Flu - change sexual characteristics d4 1-2 opposite 3=sexless nueter 4=hemaphrodite. Frankenvirus - now receptive to transplants from anything safely by amateurs without rejection. Psi Virus - develop a psionc power (d6 a zero level cantrip once a day on a 6 get a 1st lv mentalist spell). Hemovirus - Changes your blood type (and possibly color and flavour). Sterilizer Plague - makes you sterile. Power Up Plague - increases a atribute by one, body runs hotter by a few degrees. Power Blast Plague - makes your body highly flamable and explosive. Hot Fever - makes you more atractive +1 CHA after 24 hour flu. Crome fever - makes you more positive and receptive to machines, implants, cyborgs. Bioblaster plague - explode like a gory hand grenaide after hour fever, some strains only explode the head. Ego Plague -overwrites peronality changes to an alignment. Citezen Fever - turns you into a patriotic ancient of specific nationality with knowledge of dialect of ancient. Hate Pox - makes you violently hate a ancient nationality will go besek on sight. Berzerker fever - makes you psychoyic kill crazy madman. Psychon fever -changes your reality, see everything different to everyone else (the past, a trip or a fantasy game or movie). Passive flu - makes you unable to initiate violence, 1in6 strains make you flee from violence. Slave virus - makes you passive and respond to orders. Drone virus - makes you a moron (halves INT)who likes to obey orders and perform labour for mediocre food. Red fever - makes you a communist, enforce sharing, kill the rich, seize means of production for the people!. Terror pox - makes you weekly perform random acts of sabotage and terrorism to all but one ancient tribe and not remember anything. FILENAME: EMO_Modern_JanitorStoreRoom.ipt Header: Janitor Store Room & Locker Content My players in ASE kept freaking out about the empty store rooms feeling like janitor rooms, and I realized janitors cover a pretty huge range of possible modern and near futuristic play so I joked about doing a table. Chad on my post about it started off a list of twenty which was the germ of this. Now I'm thinking of a secret society of janitors and their dungeons. Janitor quest? A dungeon janitor class who at 9th level gets a creepy boiler room and can invade your dreams? from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/d100-janitor-store-room-locker-content.html
prompt: Contents of: {Small Locker|Large Locker|Store Closet|Store room|Janitor Station} Small Locker use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when][{choice} >> At Station]>0[do]{station==' (central supply and meeting area, leading to some store rooms and containing several lockers)'}[end]& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}{station}
[end]& [@GetLocked][@{choice}] table: SmallLocker {large=='no'}& [|Empty.|[!CommonLockerItems]] table: LargeLocker {large=='no'}& {numSupply==1d4-1}&
[!{1d3} CommonLockerItems >> implode
]& [when]{numSupply}>0[do]
[!{numSupply} SupplyItems >> implode
table: StoreCloset {large=='yes'}&
[!{1d4} SupplyItems >> implode
table: StoreRoom {large=='yes'}&
[!{1d3} CommonLockerItems >> implode
[!{1d6} SupplyItems >> implode
table: JanitorStation \nContains / Leads to:& {container=='Large Locker'}&
[@{2d6} GetContainer >> implode
& {container=='Store Room'}&
[@{1d3} GetContainer >> implode
& table: GetContainer shuffle: CommonLockerItems shuffle: SupplyItems {container} [@GetLocked]:& {tbl=='[{container} >> replace / /\/]'}& [@{tbl}] table: GetLocked 7:(locked) 1:(unlocked!) // Most are locked // Small locker has one common object (odd might be 50% or 1in6 in looted areas) // large locker has d3 common objects and a d4-1 from janitor supply table // Store cupboard has d4 items from janitor supply table // Store room has d3 common and d6 items from janitor supply table // Janitor station - central; supply and meeting area has a d3 store rooms and 2d6 lockers table: CommonLockerItems {d4} pens A [|magazine|newspaper] {1d6} forms, folders and clipboards {4d6} rolls of toilet paper A personal music device {s=='s'}[|One{s==''}|{d6}|Pack of|Lighter and a carton of] cigarette{s} [|Male|Female] hygiene items [|Phone|Camera|Electronic game] A [|soft drink|pack of gum|doughnut|bag of chips] [|Uniform|A set of casual clothes] [|Backpack|Handbag|Purse|Wallet] table: SupplyItems Mop and bucket Broom Sponges of assorted colors, cleanliness and sizes Rags for washing, cleaning and emergency plumbing Feather duster Box of rubber gloves Scrub brush Roll of cleaning towels Brush and dustpan Bottle of floor cleaner Box of {1d12} bars of Soap Bottle of solvent for cleaning off graffiti [|G|G|G|G|G|Spray-on g]rease (for creaking hinges and wheels) Wood finish for VIP desks and furniture Rat Poison and traps Cockroach baits and poison spray Spray cleaner (often specialized to a surface like glass, plastic, vynal) Hand wash refill bottle Spray sanitizer Hammer and nails Wrench, nuts and some old pipes Plumbers helper Screwdriver set and box of screws Tool belt or tool kit Carpet or lino cutting knife Box cutter Cable ties [|Masking tape|Plumbers tape|Nonslip tape|Warning tape] Tape measure Electric drill Poison gas spray gun (for bugs) Light bulbs Broken switches, printers, fittings, odd cables Gardening trowel Pots for plants Potting mix Plant grow formula Spade or Rake, tiny if indoors Pruning shears Insect and snail bait Fungicide[||||||spray] Watering can Fake pot plants or flowers Aquarium ph test kit with fish food [when]6>{1d6}[do]Ladder[else]Multi-shapable scaffold system[end] Wheelbarrow or cart or trolley Tea trolley with tea and snacks 10ft of [|rope|rope|rope|rope|rope|chains], coiled [when]6>{1d6}[do]Crowbar[else]Bolt cutters[end] First aid kit Bullhorn and fire warden cap[||||||, also a fire axe] Weapon - [|flaregun|light carbine|bat|truncheon] Emergency radio Fire extinguisher Flash light (also a good baton) Fire or high pressure hose Eyewash station [|Fire|Fire|Fire|Fire|Fire|Bomb] blanket Emergency defibrillator[when]{1d6}>1[do], broken[end] Dust masks Safety goggles Gas mask Industrial thick elbow length gloves Thick rubber boots Emergency air mask Rubber apron ABC suit atomic-biological-chemical proof Radiation badges in lead foil bags Lunchbox Photos of family Pinups of celebrities Patriotic shrine Religious shrine Saucy trucker hat, apron or coffee cup [|Thermos of coffee|Soda can|Instant soup|Beer can] Huge tub of paste used as body builder supplement[||||||, contains steroids] Comic book Snackfood item and lots of empty packets Lockpick set (in the event of lost keys) Porno mags Bottle of spirits Creepy vids or photos taken by peeping tom Black book of phone numbers rated by love hearts Huge collection of stolen underwear [|Heroin kit|Bong|Crack pipe|Speed kit] Envelope containing cash and blackmail photos Locked box of smelly old sex toys Carefully wrapped up human body parts 16:[when]{large}=yes[do][!BigStuff][else][!SupplyItems][end] table: BigStuff Vending machine for [|beverages|snacks|hot meals|ammo] [|Micro buggy hauler|Micro buggy floor cleaner|Micro buggy for graffiti removal|Micro recycler bin] [|Sacks|Stacks] of [|garbage|recycled pellets of stuff|clothing|papers] Robot - [|cleaner drone|courier drone|maintinance drone|sexbot] [when]6>{1d6}[do]Small fridge[else]A combination lock safe[end] Stacks of drums or polygon cargo pods Stacks of plastic cargo tubs on wheeled pallets Vacuum cleaner Floor polisher Steam cleaner Circular saw Jigsaw cutter Broken hand dryer Paint spray gun Saftey, political and motivational posters [when]6>{1d6}[do]Flat packed boxes[else]Paintings and block mounted motivational posters[end] FILENAME: EMO_Psychon_Pubs.ipt Header: Pubs of Planet Psychon Planet Psychon is a troubled place and a tavern possibly could help or make things worse. It's been pointed out I had done this already - doh!!! elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2014/06/d100-pubs-on-planet-psychon.html from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/04/pubs-of-planet-psychon.html
prompt: Show me: {Make A Pub|Pub Encounters} Make A Pub use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAPub ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Type[@PubType]& Decor[|[@TypicalDecor]|[@TypicalDecor]|[@TerribleDecor]]& On the Walls[@InterestingCrapOnWalls]& Typical Meals[@TypicalMeals]& Specialty Grog[@SpecialtyGrog]& Fun and Vice[!FunAndVice]&
table: TypicalDecor Rustic farmers pub Retro pre apocalypse bar Cyberpunk gang dive Fantasy dungeon murder hobo bar Space age sterile [|white|black] minimalism Garbage strewn ruin Concrete with rusty ancient boilers Wood and brass steampunk inn Creepy haunted village inn Frankenstein lab Industrial ruin converted into hip new bar [|Brickwork|Factory ruins, converted] table: TerribleDecor Glass bead curtains, hookas and pillows, curtained private booths Depressions in ground for sitting in with tables, coarse and dirty Lava lamps and psychedelic light shows, podiums and black light Dungeon rocky horror theme with a monster waiting staff Smoke filled dive smells of desperate old men, piss and vomit Weapons mounted everywhere with spikes and bloody effigies and fire Coloured lights, music, water features and fog Orange plastic and [|chocolate|stained] wood, dark and smokey Covered in huge collage of colourful ancient crap glued on every surface Red carpet and walls with gold framed mirrors, little tables, sofas and nude paintings Prefab panels recycled from ancients, all modular and functional and a bit dirtier Recycled buildings from military, refugee and bio quarantine camps table: InterestingCrapOnWalls Head trophies with stuffed monsters, dinosaurs and game beasts Old newspapers, comics, posters all pasted to walls Interesting junk with speculative descriptive plaques Pornographic pin ups, sex dolls and sex toys Tapestries and carpets with abstract and pictorial narratives Old maps with doodles and comments written on them Graffiti and letter forms to trash tags and throw ups Murals with landscapes, attractive ladies or other mood setting work Religious devotional items and narrative murals and relief carvings Old screens, circuit boards, wires and wrecked machines Cavernous rock walls with crude artwork scratched and painted Recycled bricks and old signs from local ruins Paintings including portraits and landscapes or abstracts Caged animals like birds or cats or weirder Scaffolding and hoardings Weapons, shields and armour Political graffiti mural with faction symbols Mirrors or highly reflective materials Aquariums with [|aquatic beasts|mutants] Projected video artworks, loops or replays table: PubType It's a local pub for local proper people like us. It's for scum and villainy mostly. Its mostly young men boasting lots and being macho. It's a dance and music place where young people like to meet. Old people who like a quiet drink and talk about turnips and the weather. Where older people hook up over bingo and quiz nights and half price schnitzel. Everyone drinking here met through [|church|a cult|a secret society|a minority group]. Multi species bar with aliens, travelers, mutants all welcome but no entry to one species. Mostly travellers come and go, regulars occupy the bar. Some kind of sex club later at night[||||||, actually a demonic sex cult summoning]. Dedicated to a god and welcoming everyone with hospitality. This is [|the community|a factional group]'s sacred meeting place, but outsiders are tolerated. table: TypicalMeals Honest working man's meals, cheap and big Home cooked peasant food Cheap and possibly toxic street food Pies, cakes and mostly baked goods Deep fried snack food [||||||(it's a franchise)] Sandwiches from local ingredients Synthetic food made from [|yeast|soya|algae base] Vegetarian treats[||||||, created from sentient plant folk] Meat [||||||(from sentient beings)] and lots of it A single food like potatoes or turnips cooked hundreds of ways BBQ grill ribs, kebabs, steaks, vegetables, haunch, whole birds etc. table: SpecialtyGrog One type of beer or grog Range of beer, ale, stout, ciders Wine from various fruits, berries and weeds Sap from secret tree Non alcoholic smart drinks and mocktails Blood based drinks, most just throw up first try Milk, milkshakes, smoothies, yogurt drinks, fermented milk Fermented hash, opium and mushroom drinks Fluids dosed with mood altering hormones (magical tears) Ancient post mix soft drinks Unpleasant spirits, fuel, cologne, formaldehyde and ethenol [when]6>{1d6}[do]A single highly specialized spirit[else]Many quality spirits[end] table: FunAndVice //(roll twice for bigger pubs) Singer[||||||, a trained bard] Prostitutes Drug abuse Gambling Animal fights Barfights Live torture [|Dancers|Strippers] Weapon and strength competitions Deadly games (Russian Roulette, reach in the bog beast log) Story telling Filthy jokes and stories you cannot unhear Glory holes Executions Duels Live sex acts [|Board|Board|Board|Board|Board|Addictive video games] Show old movies of the ancients [|Racing|Battling] [|crabs|rats|frogs] Debating local social issues
[![|2|2|2|3] FunAndVice >> implode
table: PubEncounters Old man from the wastes comes with a strange prophecey then dies. Two gamblers shoot each other. Two people fight then kiss and leave. Android assassin attacks bar patron. Waitresses have a fight. Barman and wife have a fight. Two petty gangsters of rival factions fight. Horrible parasite explodes from dying man. Woman stabs a waiter. Gangster insists on being allowed in with friends. Replicant hunter finds prey in bar and tries to terminate them. Man breaks out with a new mutation, many leave repulsed. Unusual monster species is in pub having day off killing murder hobos. Alien in pub, most think just a mutant or GM human. Supernatural seducer in disguise looking for a lonely victim. Lizard men listening to serpent man preaching about the reptile age. Solemn band of duck men barbarians sit and drink, easily provoked into berserk suicide. Tako octopus man juggling and clowning pretending to be drunk for coin. Man brings in a talking severed head he found, boy has it got plenty to say. A man comes in, sits and slowly turns into a [|frog|rat] before he can finish his drink. Parasitic worm pokes head from somebodies wound. Mysterious professor and sidekicks talking about some local threat. Guildsmen discussing how to stabilize good prices, local resource shortage. Off duty lawmen discussing strange case. Bounty hunters gaze over every one, checks wanted poster collection. Drunken mob debt collector is sure you owe his boss money (from a past life?). A man brings his small dinosaur to pub, well behaved if not teased. Druids meeting to discuss local imbalance in local species. Wizards meeting to discuss [|research|a lost recipe|familiars|apprentices]. Morlocks outraged that people object to them eating fresh human body parts. Eldren from strange tribe seeking who killed one of their kin. Farmer drinking and crying because animals took over farm. A drinker looks surprised then head explodes. Angry housewife looking for her [|husband|sons]. Amazon kills someone for touching her. Two headed mutant fighting with self, tries to get others involved. Droid comes in and plays help holographic message. Beast men of animal incompatible types argue then fight. Goblins insist they are old enough to drink, if refused go on tantrum rampage. Robot unhappy they don't serve pure ethanol or jet fuel. Man warning about androids, synthetics, replicates, clones among us. Local vigilante in costume with side kick questioning patrons about a case. Man with carpetbag offers to cure unpopular mutations or skin colour. Drug dealer offers variety of weird drugs you have never heard of. Mustache twirling gent offers cursed magic item for free. Weirdest cyborg mutant beastman anyone seen in ages. Barman offers free taste of experimental new brew. Tarantula in toilet, patrons come out dancing, can't stop until they pass out. Man sets up tiny tabletop circus from case with fleas, roaches or other bugs. Familiars complaining about wizard masters foul habits. Angy man tries to talk party into killing some one based on complete lies. Lawman showing latest wanted posters to patrons. Exotic travelling [|sex workers|dancers] make a visit, boss and goons protect them. Clowns come in and annoy everyone with stupid pranks until a fight starts. Ogre and exotic pet squeezes through front door then eats and drinks bar dry. Traveller has let gremlins loose in bar who quickly spread to everyone stuff. Character seems to be an adventurer's [|long lost parent|lookalike]. Coven come to drink after a ritual, usually moody and sensitive. Cultists come to recruit, will buy spiked drinks and offer to take new friends home. Halflings outraged at being refused service smash place up to show how adult they are. Halflings drinking heavily suddenly cover bar in vomit then leave. Shifty ape men hunting escaped human come for a drink and stare at humans. Geriatric turtle men discus their youthful life in dojo and past adventures. Strange wizard claims he can trade people hair with new spell. Local collecting for some charity for a recent tragedy. Children offering selves as slaves to those who kill parents murderers. Shapeshifting mutant prostitute uses esp to look like your dreams 500gp a night. Terrible band play a d6 awful songs before patrons beat them and smash instruments. Gang enter and push patrons out the way. Man selling pocket kaiju pets, promises they wont grow to city eating horrors. Goatmen looking for who ate their kids. Arrogant apprentice wizards come to look at what yokels do on a night out. Homeless old man looking for work and accommodation, will do anything for money. Man selling tentacle monster in a sack, no questions asked. Man selling alien monster eggs, claims amazing uses and delicious. Farmer showing strange relic he dug up in his field near old ruins. Morlocks with bound and gagged victim discussing best recipies. Priest comes in and abuses everyone for straying from gods programmed path. Old witch selling [|love|gender change|sleep|healing] potions. Cult seducer out flirty fishing for converts, take home to shack next to hidden temple. Farmers talking about mystery hole that dog fell down near fields today. Gang talking about a big heist using confusing fake names. Old prospector looking to sell mine map, a few monsters moved in he can't fight. Cocky bard puts on a show then looks for attractive lover for night. Mixed beast men plotting to help friends break out of wizards zoo. Men singing loudly over drinks. Man finishes last drink then kills self, no valuables just a treasure map. Battered adventurers come in to mourn loss of followers for the week. Dog men complaining about bitches and how snooty poodle men are. Cat men knights on a quest to kill wizard who taunts their village with a laser. Fish folk hybrids get drunk and sleazy offering anyone sex. Cultists talking about hunt for a relic that eludes them. Psychic reading minds for profitable secrets and charming people to buy them drinks. Rooster men searching for wizard known as the colonel for killing and eating their kin. Scientists looking for adventurer body guards for a ruin excavation. Man selling [|a bicycle|first aid kits|{d6} silver bullets|a treasure map]. Wizard selling secret to cross the great barrier that borders this land. Robot wants to buy [|robot parts|batteries|lubricant|a human child]. Team of travelling athletes looking to get drunk and any chance of cheap sex. Traveller offers competition - [|cards|darts|dancing|drinking]. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_ClownsSack.ipt Header: Whats in that Clown Sack? Of all the non human races clowns are the most vile. Half human half clowns are worse. When you kill them you might find some of this stuff. Degenerate shamen? Madmen? Extra chromosomes? Reefer madness? Nobody is sure who to blame or what hell spawned them. ASE has quite a few so i thought this handy. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/whats-in-that-clown-sack.html
prompt: Show me: {Whats In a Clown Sack|Sack Type|Clown Props} Whats In a Clown Sack use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: SackType Carpet bag brightly coloured and a bit old and worn Patched up old cloth sack Leather backpack, possibly ex army Bindle, tablecloth full of stuff wrapped up tied to pole Wooden box with shoulder straps Wooden crate with wheels and handle Backpack of canvas with lots of pockets some secret Brightly coloured satchel bag A clay pot tied with wood and rope into a backpack A stick with pot on each end carried like a yoke table: ClownProps Hand Cranked organ with dour monkey Wagon pulled by dog or tiny pony or tiny car Chainsaw - make a WIS save to start 2d6 damage lasts ten minutes Food and drink stall selling [|icecream|hotdogs|cordial|human flesh] Bubble gun or wand or horn or potion Trained costumed [|pups|cats|snakes|birds] Huge mallet functions as a war maul d10 damage Really large black powder iron bomb with fuse Sack with a {d3} children captives Portable shrine to chaos clown trickster gods or demons table: WhatsInAClownSack Grease paint makeup in jars with brushes and sponges O2 Fake nose carved from sponge Ugly turnip carved into head and dried Large over sized or curly toe shoes Creepy mask from folk play Funny comedy mask Glove puppets or Marionette Plastic squirting flower or whoopie cushion Juggling balls from leather or wood Wooden pins for bowling, clubs or juggling Set of large juggling knives Several strange freakish wigs Novelty hat mocking some occupation Sets of long stripey socks Finger less light gloves Theatrical elbow length gloves Large puffy stuffed comedy gloves Painted wooden clogs Collection of silk scarves Deck of marked cards Set of rigged dice Large leather ball stuffed with dried beans or grain Wine skin of grog foot long coil of rope Spoor of string or cord Balancing pole Wooden jesters head on a stick Jesters costume Loud clown shirt Flammable spirit in bottle for fire breathing, {d6} torches to juggle Tiny monkey outraged by strangers Small yappy dog with clown hat Tiny box with flea circus Butchers knife Man sized sack and ten foot long chain Machete type short sword or dagger Bunch of fake flowers made of [|paper|paper|paper|paper|paper|silk] Dried monkey hand gripping something Gremlin in a jar Hobby horse Huge friendly rat, ferret or weasel Wooden clapper or rattle kazoo or noisy wind instrument like trumpet Simple string instrument Bongo drum Big fish for slapping people Cup and ball or yoyo Tambourine or cymbals Set of tiny bells Bagpipes Humerous pamphlets lampooning local leaders Suacy prints cut from a book to resell per page Tin with pipe, tabbacco or resin Egg shells with pepper for throwing in faces Egg shells with smoke bombs (must light fuse) Rotten eggs for stink bombs Coloured eggs for treats for children Bag of candy and lollypops for children Old lump of cheese Jar of pickled cabbage Jar of water Old root vegetables like turnip Pickled eggs Bag of onions Bowl of {d6} eggs Half a loaf of bread Comedic dentures A small hen A stolen piglet with distinctive markings that squeals A finch in a tiny cage Pot of paste for putting up fliers and fixing props Small whittling knife and {d6} ugly tiny idols Shrunken head Fake hump with compartment Fake eye patch or fake wooden leg Fake huge hairy spider on string Make up kit to look wounded or diseases Theatrical dagger that cant cause wound A giant toenail A goblin head Terrible orc makeup and wig that orcs find very offensive Hoop and stick Bat and ball Costume for a play or routine or disguise Pamphlets with comedic dialogues and routines Toy plush [|bugbear|owlbear|beholder|dragon] Skin removed and dried from some ones face Metal trick rings Two headed coin Tin of mystery pills Fake leeches Itching powder Medalion of chaos Medallion of jester gods laughing face Sketches of stage props and costumes Journal of jokes and routines written in code Comedic cross dressing costume Comedic fat suit Bag on unshelled nuts and nut cracker Articulated moving wooden toys to sell Shaggy bugbear mask covers shoulders with gloves Old posters from glory day shows Cured mystery meat possibly pork Common ingested poison antidotes Candles, several in novelty shapes FILENAME: EMO_OSR_WizardsSack.ipt Header: What's in that wizards sack! People really need to know. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/whats-in-that-wizards-sack.html
table: WhatsInWizardSacks Mandrake root Flash powder, {d10} doses {d6} smoke bombs with fuses Bar of scented soap Bottle of hair and beard dye Hookah or small bong Large clay pipe and smoke weed or resin Tiny teapot and exotic tea Dried wizard corpse dust, {d10} doses Bag of dried mushrooms Jar of honey Hornet nest plugged up for now Goblin toenails Shruken wizard head Worn tablets in elder script Shopping list of strange component Battered bundle of old scrolls tied up in string Crumbling old book in oilskin A live snake Jar with spider and web Bottle of old wine or spirits Jar of beer and straw Astrology charts Old maps Scroll of cold treatments Packet of mummy dust Jar of mercury White dove tied up in bag Medallion with demonic sigil Small rune carved tooth Ugly tribal fetish Bag with miniture monsters Bag of divination cards Tinderbox Bag of gem dust {d6} empty glass potion bottles Empty metal potion bottle Small bottle of acid Angry imp in bottle Phantom spirit in bottle Strange egg found in dungeon adventure Strange diabolic red gem, curses onlookers with LE alignment Bag of boiled sweets Incense sticks Aromatic oils Body or face paint {d6} sheep intestine condoms in tin Broken wand Atractive but not magic wand Bundle of 3 darts Three throwing knives and paper target Mild poison for darts and blades Sling and ten stones disguised as cheap jewelry Dagger Beeswax in a tin Trick wrist holster for knife Purse with {2d10} silver pieces copper pieces in bag Cheap ring worth 1gp Monster bodily organ in jar Jar of pickled eggs Exotic foreign cheese that gives nightmares Jar of troglodyte musk with "do not open" written on Pamphlet on recognizing demon types Pamphlet showing lewd witches ceremonies Certificate from university or scholarship Devil soul contract unsigneded Spare wizard hat Pendulum for divination and hypnosis Travel chess set Human skull (possibly of master) Fake love potion Fake healing potion actually poison Tin of pills for arthritis or heart condition An adorable kitten or puppy A toad or newt for licking Pamphlet on the enigma of sexual attraction Lewd prints of frolicking elves Wooden puzzle of finger trap Cheap crystal ball Tiny portrait of mother or master Pressed dried faerie in large notebook Apprentice notebook with {d3} zero level cantrips Scroll with a first level spell Dried tentacle in a box Dried baby mermaid in a box (fake) Undead beetle in box Firecrackers for scaring spirits Familiar’s favorite snacks in box Apple or favorite snack Spectacles or magnifying glass Pocket astrolabe Pocket sundial Pocket globe, opens up to show hollow world and sky Small set of scales Carriage clock or pocket watch {d3} iron hand grenades with fuses Incendiary fluid in bottle with fuse Tiny ornate lantern FILENAME: EMO_OSR_CultistHidingSpots.ipt Header: What is in that cultist hiding spot? Can be used as evidence, treasure all kinds of things. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/d100-what-is-in-that-cultist-hiding-spot.html
prompt: Show me: {What Is In That Cultist Hiding Spot?|Make A Hiding Spot|Hiding Spots|Containers} What Is In That Cultist Hiding Spot? use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAHidingSpot ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Location[@HidingSpots]& Container[@Containers]& Item Found[@WhatIsInThatCultistHidingSpot?]&
table: HidingSpots Behind loose bricks in wall or house In old tree stump In old well In secret nook in chimney or fireplace In secret panel in wooden furniture Hidden inside respectable shrine or altar In roof cavity Under [|floorboards|paving stones] Buried in yard Under floor of animal pen table: Containers Black leather sack Worn cloth sack Wooden box [|Clay jar|Chamber pot] Small wooden chest locked and trapped Wooden [|barrel|washtub] Child's coffin Bundle wrapped in oilskin Wrapped in woven carpet Stuffed in hay bale table: WhatIsInThatCultistHidingSpot? Mummified heart pierced by thorns Ancient exotic sacrificial knife Wig and false nose Goat mask and leggings Drum made of strange beast Skull lyre Trousers made of human skin Candles made of human fat Human skull carved with runes Stone phallus Silver medallions with devil or demon names Contract for human soul List of coven members secret names Astrological charts [|Flute|Pan pipes] made of human bones Mummified bats Mummified ball of rats with fused tails Demon or devil horn made into cup Evil eye medallion Mortar and pestle with strange powders Narcotic resin and pipe Hallucinogenic dried mushrooms Live snake Dried placenta Strap on spiked phallus Ritual bowls and cups Creepy wooden idol Evil looking puppet Mirror with occult marks on frame Body paint Ointment that gives otherworldly visions Weird lens lets you see secret stars and constellations Hand of glory Small ritual cauldron Sickle Monster costume Whip Painted [|cow|stag] skull Occult code book Leather cord with thorns tied into it for whipping Ancient squat stone idol Skull of a monster Leather bundle with odd talisman sewn inside Collection of hair and nail trimmings Bag with mummified testicles [|Toad|Newt] for licking Roosters egg Cult robes Block of incense Lewd prints of Sabbaths Collection of flint arrow heads and hand tools Remains of dog sacrifice Rug with design for summoning Bag of dried herbs for many medical uses Bottle of dried blood Map to forgotten stone circle Murdered corpse Drugged and bound child Set of ornamental carnival masks Well crafted child doll Dolly or dog made from bundle of wheat Twig dolly Doll with thorns stuck in and real human hair Doll of devil or demon Sacred stone Notes on vices of local villagers (blackmail, recruiting?) Stolen milk from local cows in a bucket Bundle of knotted cords used in weather spells and curses Strange root shaped like ugly screaming baby A familiar spirit in small animal form An imp or gremlin Disguise kit A ledger of evil deeds Stolen items from church Scroll with a demons true name Human meat, salted Formula to predict next high sabbat location and date Map to ruined castle where a demon lives Zombie manservant servant Instruction book for young witches bound in human skin Note with plot to destroy person and family Letter from senior cultist of region Note incriminating minor official as cultist Stolen farm tools with blood on them Pamphlet on spotting cultists from witch hunters Details of witch hunters persona life observed by cult spies A human headed maggot from hell in a sound proofed pot A witch hunter corpse shrunk to six inches impaled on a nail A list of vulnerable youths the cult hopes to recruit A list of people to frame and fake evidence for emergency A newborn goatman baby chewing a chunk of meat Bundled human skeleton A human tail in a jar removed at birth Unholy water in bottle Bottles of beer and strong grog Holy book cover but really a cult manual inside Holy symbol with concealed knife Holy symbol conceals a unholy symbol Silver unholy symbol medallion A list of all innocent people local witch hunters murdered FILENAME: EMO_OSR_LonelyRuins.ipt Header: Lonely Ruins I've done ruins before and those tables are still useful for a quick adventure, but I got the impression rereading them they are the kinds of ruins near people who remember what happened and could be researched to prepare for exploration. They are ready-made lairs whose function is obvious. Many are more like dungeons. elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2013/11/d100-forgotten-temples-and-bleak-ruins.html This table a bit more archaeological. They are the kind of remnants nobody remembers that you might find on a hex crawl far from settlements. These are not rumour-haunted or gossiped about. Nobody cares or knows anything about them. They are more ancient and possibly prehuman. The bone forest in my setting would be full of ruins like these. Will be more like quick lairs than mini dungeons. A bit more creepy than my earlier set. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/d100-lonley-ruins.html
table: LonelyRuins Quiet crumbling tiny shack used by local witch who hides invisibly. Semi collapsed tiny cottage haunted by phantoms. Rotting old farm cottage with serial killing woodsman hidden in basement. Crumbling termite eaten log cabin lair of local werewolves. Shed built into hillside entrance to a creepy lost mine now humanoid lair. Crumbling stone walls of a house offers some shelter, evil dwarf lives under floor. Mound of rubble, bones and broken farm goods with a lair dug by wolves. Burned cottage still stands, ghast hides under burned wall section with his treasure. Large worked stones semi buried in mound from house, giant snake lives in hole. Remains of foundation stones and farm rubbish, zombie farmers arise hungrily by night. Shed built into hillside entrance to a creepy lost mine now humanoid lair. Ruined old mill, mostly a shambles but stone parts intact, angry wight haunts by night. Crumbling long shed used for hunters and herdsmen, beastmen lair here now. Crumbling beehive shaped grain solos here, now home to a carnivorous ape. Lumber yard shed and shacks, even a few axes and saws about, wight lumberjack hides here. Trappers shacks with frames for stretching hides, ogre lives here now with pet wolf. Fishing shacks, with tattered nets and broken boat, several fish men hybrid brothers live here. Remains of log trading post with well, some gods still in shack but marine troll in well. Wattle and daub workers shack made by convict labour, now all ghouls. Stone cell with torn off door for temporary prisoners, now home to rabid bear. Stone carriage house, half collapsed home to a dozen angry albino goblins. Small travellers shrine of stone among bushes, now lair of a wild mad man. Small wooden shrine house partly burned, a long haired crazy gnome woman lives here. Vandalized stone shrine under a battered shelter is watched over an exiled dark elf. A small hut shrine surrounded by cobweb filled trees watched by a hidden giant spider. A sacred stone erected under a rock formation is protected by angry young elves. A crumbling stone hut with a worn shrine is populated with fat belching drunk halfling thugs. A crumbling statue is guarded by a mad monk who assumes everyone is a threat. A crumbling wooden porch on a cliff face houses a row of small spirit shrines protected by a tiger. A wooden archway covering a broken statue is protected by crowman swordmaster. Stone shelf with hundreds of broken urns and small headless statues where teen ogres throw rocks. A crumbled heap from a worn black basalt obelisk, angry frogmen attack defilers of this holy spot. A badly damaged statue of the vampire bat goddess among dead trees is watched by the bat cult. A non functional fountain with a broken statue of the lamprey god, with lamprey men pilgrims. Crude statue of serpent man face, a crack in the earth in front of it is emitting strange fumes. Statue of multi limb demon with broken weapons, cultist martial artists lurk nearby. Carving of hairy horned wing demon with human slaves in cliff, a demon boar guards it. Cliff face with hundreds of elder pictographs, some defaced, guarded by degenerate morlocks. Strange grey stone cone with sighs of blood sacrifices, cannibal cult live nearby. Statue of insect god, weathered by age guarded by a giant insect guardian like a preying mantis. Statue of huge fat fish swallowing people, a huge fish man berserker lurks nearby. Rubble and foundations of long lost destroyed village, were rats live in a cellar. Crumbling shacks abandoned during a plague, a goat man wight keeps humans away. Row of cottages mostly collapsed, feral children hiding go berserk in fear if discovered. Old crossroads overgrown with vegetation, including a store and shacks, swarms of rats live inside. Burned out shacks with charred skeletons inside, any fires started summons a salamander. Stone foundations and fire pits from stone age, dug up by treasure hunters, home to elder ghouls. Crumbling clay adobe shacks, adopted as camp by reptile men bandits. Termite ruined collapsing log cabins from log lost settlement, home to a grumpy owlbear. Remains of overgrown village half buried by mudslide, badger men have dug an underground lair. Ghost town abandoned after mine closed decades ago, doppelgangers welcome visitors. Crumbling wall of ancient design with odd battlement style, a redcap bandit lurks here. A long collapsed tower with a skeleton wizard trapped inside hostile to treasure hunters. Wooden watch tower semi hidden among tree tops, angry vulture men guard nest on top. Remains of small log fort overgrown with vines, tribe of forest goblins have occupied. Crumbling strange gatehouse half buried, degenerate albino sake men live in tunnels underneath. Crumbling remains of stone from once sprawling fortress complex, armed skeletons roam by night. Overgrown hill fort with remains of paths and scattered bones, witches gather to collect bones. Huge mound of stones from collapsed small keep, cursed fox spirit woman cannot leave. Forgotten guard house with supplies and last few patriotic bearded old men still on duty. Scattered rubble from ancient fortress with a few intact wall sections, ghouls roam by night. Abandoned miners cottages, smelt pits, piles of ore and mine entrances where kobolds now live. Sawmill complex sheds overgrown with trees, a treeant and his needlemen keep humans away. Massive wool dyeing complex with hundreds of coloured pits, moaning spirit haunts by night. Ancient ruined milling complex on scale nobody uses today, devil swine and human slaves. Quarry with remains of cut rock, tunnels and dirty pools, large cavemen mega tribe meet here. Old boat yard here from when river used to flow, angry tribe of frog men use as camp now. Remains of huge cistern under long gone town, unhappy albino fish men tribe dwell here now. Stone age quarry with half carved out menhirs and crude statues, brutish orcs camp here now. Crumbled foundations of store house complex overgrown with ferns, wild boars shelter here. Dilapidated complex once a weapon factory for orcs, some still gather here looking for scraps. Worn house size stone head on side, worshiped by mongrel men as ancestor or creator. Stone spheres overgrown with tree roots, some smashed by treasure hunters, upsets local hill giant. Huge carved stone block abandoned mid move from quarry, sacred to local kobolds. Crumbling amphitheater in hillside, haunted by spirits of gladiators who died here long ago. Headless statue on plinth (head under leaves not human), cultist lurk in tiny hidden cave. Huge statue of mounted horseman, fallen and broken with several horrible centaurs nearby. Battered small pyramid tip exposed guarded by jackal men who hate robbers. Mysterious stone spheres and heads buried around forest watched by savage tribesmen. Sinkhole penetrates roof into a prehuman dome where albino ape men guard treasure. Semi flooded memorial hall entry through roof hole, with rows of crumbling statues, a medusa lair. Buried megalithic temple chamber exposed by flood, lair of a prehistoric ghouls. Broken columns surrounding a crumbling mozaic, dedicated to hunting godess, lair of beastmen. Circular brick structure from elder times, guarded by angry frog men protecting their shrine. Foundations of ancient church with intact cellar where ghasts dwell. Ancient stone fire pit and monument to fire elementals, salamander with fire newt cult guard it. Battered stone basin and shrine to water elementals, kelpie and water weird guard a treasure. Earthen mound with stone menhirs, earth god temple guarded by stag men. A broken stone tower with stelae dedicated to air elementals, guarded by a frost salamander. Crumbling plaza with broken ancient demon statues, guarded by angry cultists. Great worn statue and altar of god of evil, beast men cultists perform sacrifices here. A huge monumental archway surrounded by crumbling walls, living shadow stalk by night. Section of aqueduct, connected to buried ancient city, used as shelter by ogres. Huge crude earthwork stadium, were horses meet here for running races and to eat victims. Dilapidated noble feasting hall among remains of earth works, home to a slimy troll. Collapsed huge dome with overgrown garden with rare herbs guarded by undead burnt treant. Scattered bricks and rubble mounds of long lost city, undead wander the loneley streets by night. An ancient quarry has exposed even older megalithic stone megalith, guarded by a toad demon. A gaping open cut brick mine was here till miners exposed undead hyena men buried for aeons. Cave shelters where cavemen cultists still dwell, preparing a cannibalistic feast of captives. Foundations and walls buried in volcanic ash then exposed by flood, ash zombies arise by night. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_InADwarfsTrunk.ipt Header: What is in that Dwarfs Trunk? These are some tables to make hauntings. I think most monsters should be more unique and spirits even more so. Clerics might be sent to clear up some local hauntings. Once you get Exorcism spell you get even more busy. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/what-is-in-that-dwarfs-trunk.html
table: WhatIsInThatDwarfsTrunk? Touchstone to assess metal types and quality Lodestone magnet to use as a compass Set of {d6} files Heavy wooden mallet05 Thieves tools for locks and traps Bag with one pond of sand Set of copper scales Copper mirror Vial of metal eating acid eats one lock Empty glass jars and bottles Bottle of wood alcohol poison to non dwarfs Pewter beer stein with lid Ten foot length of iron chain Hammer and ten iron spikes Box of {2d6} candles Bulls eye lantern Bottle of lamp oil Lead bar for seals Copper wire Silver wire Gold wire Sealing wax Alchemist potion test kit Hair dye Curly toe boots Thick leather belt Beard wax Set of {d6} old keys Pet rat Pet bat in cage Runestone Lead pipes, {d6} lengths a foot long Lubricating mineral oil Box of grease Box of {d100} ball bearings Tin of dwarf rations {d6} iron bars Boiled leather apron and gloves Smoke quartz goggles Bellows Accordion Bugle {d6} bottles of beer Rat jerky Bag of mushrooms and pipe Goblin or orc head Throwing hammer Carved cave walrus tooth Roll of toilet paper Set of {d6} brushes Tin of beeswax polish Bottle of mild acid for cleaning metal Large tongs Wineskin full of mushroom wine Metal box with charcoal chunks Tinderbox Bundle of {2d4} torches Can opener Harmonica Tin with stud rivets and hammer Tiny jars with {3d6} soil samples Bronze arm band Knife Copper bowl Steel cup and straw Thermous Salamander skin cape (asbestos) Interesting rocks Fools gold Bag of coal Interesting fossil Chisel and hammer Grappling hook feet of rope Dry rations for {d6} days Fishing line and hook Sewing kit foot long spool of string Ancestral helmet Tiny terracotta cult statues Ceramic beer mug with articulated breasts Knitting needles and ball of wool Whittling knife and {d4} wooden animals Whetstone Cast iron grenaide with fuse Horn of gunpowder Mini Abacus Selection of tokens for services in dwarftown Bag of mushroom compost Trowel Box of rat poison Cameo with portrait of mother Buckler Dagger Crossbow {3d10} crossbow bolts Bar of acrid soap {d6} turnips Large pair of heavy work gloves Mini anvil weighs 20 pounds Cogs and pulleys FILENAME: EMO_OSR_InAHalflingBindle.ipt Header: What's in that Halfling Bindle? This might work for any fat greedy middle class semi-rural hedonist. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/whats-in-that-halfling-bindle.html
table: WhatsInThatHalflingBindle? Long clay pipe and block of hash Triple decker sandwich Corned beef in a pot Block of sheep head cheese Jar of pickled onions {1d20} boiled eggs String of fire crackers Tinder box Pick nick blanket Pet sqirrel Doormouse sealed in clay pot for cooking A cottage ham Cast iron frying pan Salt and pepper shakers {1d6} jars of exotic herbs and spices [|A flute|Pan pipes] Toenail clippers Loaf of bread Bag of grapes {2d6} apples Blackberry jam in pot Fruit knife Teapot and tea Smoked chicken Mustard pickles in jar Cursed ring in a hankerchief Shaving kit Fishing line and hooks Tin of odd buttons Candle holder and {d6} cadles Stuffed toy Night cap Spare underpants Velvet jacket Set of [|gators|spats] Collection of hankerchiefs Thieves tools Bottle of wine Bottle of gin Bottle of beer Bottle of rasperry cordial Jar of honey Teaspoon collection of {4d6} Tin of buscuits Teatowel bundle of scones Jar of [|goose|duck] fat Leg of roast lamb Fancy hat Spearmint leaves Basket of fried chicken Pound of bacon Pornographic pamphlet from the city Tambourine Dried magic mushrooms Block of butter Fruit cake Cinnamon buns Weight loss pamphlet Sling and sling stones Hatchet Sardines Hand painted playing cards Quill and paper {d6} sheepgut condoms in a tin Aphrodisiac root Diary full of gossip, food reviews and saucy stories Cookbook Purse of {d20} silver coins Jar of ancovies Purse made from sheeps ballsack with {d100} copper coins Asparagus in jelly Live cornish game hen Saucy beach scene hand painted postcard Itching powder Stinging nettles for soup or torture Bunch of baby carrots Dill pickles Lettuce Tobacco pouch and wooden pipe Hero sandwich Coil of sausages {d6} pork pies Book of saucy poems and limericks String of Garlic Bag of nuts Bag of boiled sweets Jar of spiced olives Book of ghost stories Butterfly net Decoy wooden duck Toothbrush and mint flavoured chalk powder Wooden dentures Gremlin in a jar Worms in aspic Bar of scented goat milk soap Wooden spoon Fake mustache Ceramic mixing bowl Long winded boring fantasy novel Dictionary with all rude words circled FILENAME: EMO_OSR_SuspiciousVillageHappenings.ipt Header: Mildly Suspicious Village Happenings Black Stump is a quiet little decrepit out-of-the-way village. Unfortunately once you've arrived you're trapped in a temporal null zone. The only way out is to enter one of the entrances to hell and escape through the netherworld. Other suspicious villages can be found all over Exile Island that are tainted by cultists. Plenty of others are a bit off and local cults are pretty common. Using these in a random village might lead to murder hobos turning into witch hunters and killing whole villages.. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/d100-mildly-suspicious-village.html
table: SuspiciousVillageHappenings Suspicious murder of crows staring at strangers from rooftops and trees. Followed by black cat, runs away under ladder and under fence if noticed. Sly one eyed toad stares from crack under doorstep. Goat stares at visitors then makes odd screaming bleats when sees adventurers coming. Rats run across road and over feet. Chirping bird swarm about making strange noises07 Two headed lamb being inspected by villagers who then hide it from strangers. Huge ferocious black dog barks ferociously but stops when owner glances over. Horse goes wild, screaming till brutish man whips it away. Huge black cock crows when you enter village street. Group of similar looking silent children staring creepily staring at visitors. Little girls singing scary skipping songs. Boys dissecting a puppy. Creepy googly eyed child nodding head non stop and drooling. Kids chasing cat with sticks. Little girls playing witches with broomsticks and pets. Child drawing occult signs on wall with chalk. Kids performing ritual like game throwing flowers and chanting around mud idol. Woman with creepy googly eyed baby. Odd pale kid playing flute or other instrument follows party playing weird tune. Corn dolls or dogs with some bloodstains. Strange chalk sigils drawn over house doors. Burned remains with bone human teeth fragments. Strange costumed dancers chasing each other with sticks and demanding coins. Maypole dancing youths. Dancing led by beast mask wearer. Animal skulls on posts. Dancers in monster costume with terrible bagpipe band. Villagers singing strange folk song while working. Villagers beating scapegoat animal in ritual. Odd child size muddy hole behind a house. Bones scattered in streets locals say are from pigs. Happy dog running off with suspicious looking bone. Villagers finishing burying something look awkward and leave. Villager throws something in well when sees strangers. Merchant covers and removes some goods on display. Some villagers quickly eat something when they see you coming. Farmers quickly bury something when they see you coming. Strange footprints in muddy street. A hasty bonfire with villagers burning something smelly. Strange idols for sale along with normal goods. Weird deep sea fish being sold by bulgy eyed fish monger. Butcher chopping up chunks of mystery meat gleefully. Vendors selling curse tablets on the side. Candle maker boiling up foul smelling tallow for new candles. Baker only sells special pies to locals. Blacksmith makes and sells exotic knives, some for locals only. Carpenter stops sawing and stares at you, starts sawing when you look away. Tailor selling hooded capes and beast head masks for festivals. Shop refuses to sell to outsiders, "local shop for local folk". Other villagers drag away the friendly drooling village idiot. Village drunk slinks away somewhere out of sight. Kind village elder asks how they can help you on your way. Old woman ask if you need healing, potions or enemies cursed. Man offers unusually marked pets for sale. Locals have interesting tattoos. Locals have unusual jewelry. Locals have unusual deformity, birthmark or other bodily feature. Locals have unusual turn of phrase like "we welcome strangers to our feasts". Local tries to seduce party member and get them alone somewhere. Bountiful crops with folk idols on each plot. Unusual marked animal in pen alone with lots of food. Strange scarecrow surrounded by crows. Youths tormenting an animal for fun. Sweaty farming youths wink compellingly at strangers. Farmers hanging a pig from a tree to butcher it with strange knives. Labourers singing a strange work song. Local farm youths chasing a piglet with hammers. Farmer passionately kissing a cow. Farmers having break, one dancing with a goat. Worn stone block with old blood stains. Stone pillar with skull shaped niches. Cliff or boulder with ancient carved pictographs. Several old graves with archaic symbols of old faith. Abandoned, vandalised shrine of popular faith. Headstones re purposed for building a wall. Church in dilapidated condition with missing symbols. War memorial statue with missing head and limbs. Stone sarcophagi covered in iron bars. Strange rock formation with hoof prints. Unusual plants in garden for poison or magic. Farmer tying dog to mandrake root to harvest the magical herb. Children gathering holly berries and leaves to build a human fetish. Hunters putting on wolf pelts and ointment. Shredded old fishing nets and broken boat unused for years. Corpse wrapped in blanket of nettles shoved in a bush. Burned remains of wicker man. Old man carving creepy faces in pumpkins and turnips. Villagers leaving out baskets of food while singing by a large boulder. Villager talking to farm animal ignoring strangers. Old woman chanting and gesturing to stars. Evil staring old man playing with fancy knife. Old women with cauldron on camp fire. Old woman sitting with cat having a chat. Fat guy gazing at strangers rubbing groin and drooling. Hooded figure in distance watching strangers. Farmer carrying bucket of blood to make bloodwurst sausages. Men throwing sword into a pond. Men throwing a dead dog and coins into a sinkhole. Fisherman throwing engraved wax tablet and bucket of gore into pond. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_MildlySuspiciousVillages.ipt Header: Non Corporeal Undead Hauntings These are some tables to make hauntings. I think most monsters should be more unique and spirits even more so. Clerics might be sent to clear up some local hauntings. Once you get Exorcism spell you get even more busy. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/10/non-corporeal-undead-horrors-pt2-d100.html
http://elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/d100-mildly-suspicious-village.html Mildly Suspicious Village Happenings (+more hell stuff) Hell Project Progress I did like the ones in dragon magazine and was disappointed they didn't get officially used. Manual of the planes kinda disappointing being mostly full of spell mods rather than adventure seeds. My first three Hells: 1 Plague lands, 2 Infernal lands and 3 Underworlds were based lots on literature, art and mythology. I have some rough plans for the following: 4 A swamp 5 A frozen hell 6 The dark dimension 7 Nightmare land 8 Something like a Buddhist and Chinese hell's with endless rooms of horrible torments. It might feed into 9 Bosh-Brugel hell based on their late medieval surreal paintings full of metaphores. I just have to find my books in storage. Just found out i gotta move for second time this year so glad I didnt unpack much yet. Should be easy with books. 10? Still unsure, posibly something with elder gods and dinosaurs Naming them a bit of a issue too (fantastica, fantastisch, somnium). Need to be full of grotesquery and rabelaisian shenanigans Black Stump is a quiet little decrepit village out of the way. Unfortunately once you have arived you are trapped in a temporal null zone. The only way out is to enter one of the entrances to hell and escape through the netherworld. Other suspicious villages can be found all over Exile Island that are tainted by cultists. Plenty of others are a bit off and local cults are pretty common. Using these in a random village might lead to murder hobos turning witch hunters and killing whole villages. d10 Quick odd happening types 1 Animals 2 Children 3 Folk art 4 Cover ups 5 Shops 6 Odd locals 7 Farming 8 Monuments 9 Outdoors 10 Strange folk d100 Suspicious Village Happenings 01 Suspicious murder of crows staring at strangers from rooftops and trees 02 Followed by black cat, runs away under ladder and under fence if noticed 03 Sly one eyed toad stares from crack under doorstep 04 Goat stares at visitors then makes odd screaming bleats when sees adventurers coming 05 Rats run across road and over feet 06 Chirping bird swarm about making strange noises07 Two headed lamb being inspected by villagers who then hide it from strangers 08 Huge ferocious black dog barks ferociously but stops when owner glances over 09 Horse goes wild, screaming till brutish man whips it away 10 Huge black cock crows when you enter village street 11 Group of similar looking silent children staring creepily staring at visitors 12 Little girls singing scary skipping songs 13 Boys dissecting a puppy 14 Creepy googly eyed child nodding head non stop and drooling 15 Kids chasing cat with sticks 16 Little girls playing witches with broomsticks and pets 17 Child drawing occult signs on wall with chalk 18 Kids performing ritual like game throwing flowers and chanting around mud idol 19 Woman with creepy googly eyed baby 20 Odd pale kid playing flute or other instrument follows party playing weird tune 21 Corn dolls or dogs with some bloodstains 22 Strange chalk sigils drawn over house doors 23 Burned remains with bone human teeth fragments 24 Strange costumed dancers chasing each other with sticks and demanding coins 25 Maypole dancing youths 26 Dancing led by beast mask wearer 27 Animal skulls on posts 28 Dancers in monster costume with terrible bagpipe band 29 Villagers singing strange folk song while working 30 Villagers beating scapegoat animal in ritual 31 Odd child size muddy hole behind a house 32 Bones scattered in streets locals say are from pigs 33 Happy dog running off with suspicious looking bone 34 Villagers finishing burying something look awkward and leave 35 Villager throws something in well when sees strangers 36 Merchant covers and removes some goods on display 37 Some villagers quickly eat something when they see you coming 38 Farmers quickly bury something when they see you coming 39 Strange footprints in muddy street 40 A hasty bonfire with villagers burning something smelly 41 Strange idols for sale along with normal goods 42 Weird deep sea fish being sold by bulgy eyed fish monger 43 Butcher chopping up chunks of mystery meat gleefully 44 Vendors selling curse tablets on the side 45 Candle maker boiling up foul smelling tallow for new candles 46 Baker only sells special pies to locals 47 Blacksmith makes and sells exotic knives, some for locals only 48 Carpenter stops sawing and stares at you, starts sawing when you look away 49 Tailor selling hooded capes and beast head masks for festivals 50 Shop refuses to sell to outsiders, "local shop for local folk" 51 Other villagers drag away the friendly drooling village idiot 52 Village drunk slinks away somewhere out of sight 53 Kind village elder asks how they can help you on your way 54 Old woman ask if you need healing, potions or enemies cursed 55 Man offers unusually marked pets for sale 56 Locals have interesting tattoos 57 Locals have unusual jewelry 58 Locals have unusual deformity, birthmark or other bodily feature 59 Locals have unusual turn of phrase like "we welcome strangers to our feasts" 60 Local tries to seduce party member and get them alone somewhere 61 Bountiful crops with folk idols on each plot 62 Unusual marked animal in pen alone with lots of food 63 Strange scarecrow surrounded by crows 64 Youths tormenting a animal for fun 65 Sweaty farming youths wink compellingly at strangers 66 Farmers hanging a pig from a tree to butcher it with strange knives 67 Labourers singing a strange work song 68 Local farm youths chasing a piglet with hammers 69 Farmer passionately kissing a cow 70 Farmers having break, one dancing with a goat 71 Worn stone block with old blood stains 72 Stone pillar with skull shaped niches 73 Cliff or boulder with ancient carved pictographs 74 Several old graves with archaic symbols of old faith 75 Abandoned, vandalised shrine of popular faith 76 Headstones re purposed for building a wall 77 Church in dilapidated condition with missing symbols 78 War memorial statue with missing head and limbs 79 Stone sarcophagi covered in iron bars 80 Strange rock formation with hoof prints 81 Unusual plants in garden for poison or magic 82 Farmer tying dog to mandrake root to harvest the magical herb 83 Children gathering holly berries and leaves to build a human fetish 84 Hunters putting on wolf pelts and ointment 85 Shredded old fishing nets and broken boat unused for years 86 Corpse wrapped in blanket of nettles shoved in a bush 87 Burned remains of wicker man 88 Old man carving creepy faces in pumpkins and turnips 89 Villagers leaving out baskets of food while singing by a large boulder 90 Villager talking to farm animal ignoring strangers 91 Old woman chanting and gesturing to stars 92 Evil staring old man playing with fancy knife 93 Old women with cauldron on camp fire 94 Old woman sitting with cat having a chat 95 Fat guy gazing at strangers rubbing groin and drooling 96 Hooded figure in distance watching strangers 97 Farmer carrying bucket of blood to make bloodwurst sausages 98 Men throwing sword into a pond 99 Men throwing a dead dog and coins into a sinkhole 100 Fisherman throwing engraved wax tablet and bucket of gore into pond will do a very suspicious village happening perhaps one day FILENAME: EMO_OSR_WeirdVillageEncounters.ipt Header: Weird Village Encounters from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/d100-weird-village-encounters.html
table: WeirdVillageEncounters Two headed [|kitten|lamb|dog|turtle] A goat eats a rat with frog like adhesive elongated toungue Huge spider webs around trees and roof tops Giant fly snatches a baby or cat and flies away Giant rat runs under a building Cow eating a rabbit A dog vomits up some fingers A horse tears a shred of flesh of a farmers leg and eats it Bats fly out of a chimney Old woman talking to cat who whispers answers back in her ear Children chanting in strange elder language Child sucking on headless squirrel Child with overgrown fang sticking out of mouth Children playing with pet black rats Children running from giant bed bug Siamese twin baby googling sweetly A child asks if visitors are the chosen ones elders speak of Bulging eyed pudgy child drawing demon sigils on walls with chalk Baby bites a dog which runs away in terror yelping Staring silent children each holds a pet familiar Statue made from animal skulls covered in blood Villagers frolicking in masks some not really wearing a mask Villagers performing a puppet show for the kids full of heresy and treason Child with a creepy straw doll drops it in visitors belongings Elaborate totems of wood, horn and herbs on every house for the old gods Regional odd hat that all the locals wear Local metal work features a strange design and unfamiliar characters Villagers torturing a local who broke the local code by some bizarre means Villagers have welcomed a strange clever man from a foreign city to live here Villagers all wearing jewelry (metal, wood. horn, stone) with a sinister face design Butcher selling strange creature parts he gets from local cave Baker seems to have a supernatural fire spirit his oven Highly skilled craftsman making amazing diabolic designs Local drunk tries to arrange to meet you about something sinister and is never seen again Tavern keeper offers vices and narcotics on par with the debauched cesspits of the city Storekeeper uses quite a few odd coins "adventurers found" JD Jarvis Hellcoins handy Beer tastes funny and the brewer also uses strange body parts from local cave for local flavour Strange figure designs on fabric woven and knit by local old women Locals in bar playing strange game with large monster teeth Roof repair man often attacked by stirge owls living in the attics of local houses Street covered in sawdust over a rancid pool of gore they say was a wagon accident Headless corpses suspended by pole by the executioners block, heads missing Church has had a cheap facelift on the outside, cobwebbed mess inside Pile of large beast heads near a bonfire ready to burn, no bodies present Wanted posters from the city law have been painted over and torn down Border stones and official signs have been wrecked or vandalized Local tax collectors don't want to stay here the night and afraid of witches Free stew and village having a party, someone asking about missing friend Naked villagers drunkenly asleep wearing nothing but robes or goat leggings House burning down with new family that sadly didn't fit in trapped inside Swine like fat greedy merchant or friar who everyone seems to love is a devil swine Mayor often seen in regalia, a gold necklace with magic medallion and hooded cloak Attractive progressive and tolerant holy person beloved by villagers border on public heresy A local sorcerer with a d4 "students" have been teaching locals esoteric arts and drug abuse A formerly famous adventurer gives map to local dungeon he now secretly serves A hideous old woman stares at you lots, locals fearful but all sworn to protect her A wizard tower with vegetation surrounding it affected by chaos or necromancy Large old graveyard with a few prehistoric monoliths run by a necromancer working as mortician A famous prostitute linked to royalty from the city has come to stay but seldom takes visitors Rugged muscular priest is actually a werewolf, outsider animals hate him Root vegetable crops squeaking and wiggling underground All the farm work is done overnight by something and the villagers lazy All the farm animals have same eyes and often stare at visitors creepily Goats dancing on hindlegs and bleating being encouraged by shepherds All the large and healthy animals have some colouring and markings Farm animals being beaten with sticks or clumsily killed sound almost human as they scream Scarecrows in the fields look very creepy and strange, curfew after midnight Animals all act the same and come and go without herders Farm hands beating one of their own into bloody pulp while chanting Farmers preparing a wickerman with animals in cages in the limbs already Iron bar sealed old well that allows water be drawn out but not monsters Stone plug sealing an ancient sinkhole into caves Squat ancient idol in village centre with food, burnt offerings and bone sacrifices Short wall section is forgotten foundations and old chambers exist under the village A creepy prehistoric mound nearby is used for dancing on by drunken locals A statue with a missing head and odd physiognomy yet highly detailed and realistic A fountain from a lost age with worn but quality art[||||||, works and has a man-sized drainhole plug] A statue of a notorious cult leader from many generations ago who founded village Locals point at the elder monolith with fear and warn you not to sleep near it Standing stones seem to move at night and occasional fall on someone Creepy trees in woods sway in unison without wind being felt Strange howls heard from the woods Strange fetishes on the borderland with the forest Spirits in the forest make it unsafe at night all locals say to strangers Snakes are seen everyday outside by everyone and locals unafraid Villagers have a pump that draws water by itself with a switch the locals say is a bound demon A huge ancient tree looks thousands of years old and has secret passages and chambers Several sinkholes and caves are known to be in the area but villagers publicly shun them Colourful toadstools rumoured to be associated with an evil god are commonplace People and animals are sometimes swallowed up by the earth if they stray far from village Robed order perform rituals in ruins or groves or caves publicly Some local sport being played with grisly body parts used ass the ball Drunken festivities grow wild with eventual fighting and orgy in the streets Lynch mob flailing a prisoner with whips till they drop over crime they wont mention Lynchmob forcing a prisoner to run a gauntlet of villagers with rocks Village come out to watch an execution on old strange blackened tree stump here since olden days Villagers chasing and beating an apprentice cleric preaching in the country for his studies Village choir and folk dancers singing, then they get drunk and start ritual castrations Village militia practice targets are old painted wooden statues from a run down church Villagers having a funeral where locals sing strange song about fate of persons soul FILENAME: EMO_OSR_UrbanRentalNightmares.ipt Header: Urban Rental Nightmares in Shadelport Rent in Shadelport for adventurers. After their first haul, adventurers seek better living standards. The city redlight district is a favourite choice, full of tomorrow's bitter murder hobos. Adventurers are the preferred rubes for con men and shapeshifters. And fires, plagues, criminals, and evil landlords are additional menaces murder hobos don't want to face. These assume apartment buildings or side-by-side rows of housing in a cramped overcrowded poor area. In Shadelport the nice parts of town won't even let shabby adventurers in. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/05/d100-urban-rental-nightmares-in.html
table: UrbanRentalNightmaresInShadelport Fire in building, firemen ask for money to help put out. Burns to ground overnight with a d6 other houses. Small fire in house or building causes some damage. Neighbors die of drug abuse. Neighbors door kicked in and murdered. Neighbor found long dead and partly eaten by animals. Plague sign marked on door of building for quarantine. Corps found on door step. Gang move in next door. Gangsters hanging out on doorstep ask "What are you looking at?" Rats in the walls. Giant rat in bed. Stray cats hang around building. Zombie heart noisily beating under floorboards. Fungus out break. Bats in the roof. Neighbor is a werewolf or wererat. Leak in roof. Sewerage leak in building. Floor or ceiling collapses partly leaving a hole. Serial killer tries to kill you. Neighbor climbs in window to steal loose change. Phantom haunts the building. Whipping and screaming from neighbors. Pervert drills holes through walls to spy on you. Moths eat clothes and leave food full of grubs. Flea infestation. Neighbor dies and and arises as zombie. Birds living in roof. Stirge owls living in building. Crazy cat lady moves in next door. Giant tick gets in through floorboards. Locals abandon babies on your doorstep. Termites start eating building. Tiny stove troll lives under stove. Brownies in roof, punish people who swear. Gremlins move in causing hilarious shenanigans. Jesters living nearby have noisy drunken parties. Band move next door and practice all night. Witch neighbor gets annoyed by you and curses with her evil eye. Landlord like collect rent in case your broke to collect in sexual favours. Horrible drunks sleeping in the stairwell. Wasps build a nest in chamber pot or somewhere not fun. Hood wearing cultists among neighbors. Lost pet reticulated python loose in between walls. Stray children in between walls and roof cavity. Goblins in the basement. Orc neighbors cook strange smelling food. Neighbor likes to slaughter animals at home and has poor sanitation. Necromancy students neighbors slip out to steal corpses by night. Stray vulture get in home. Rabid dog in street. Drunken landlord demands more money and starts fight if you disagree. Drunken landlord snoops in your place while your away. Evicted because landlords relatives homeless. Evicted because building demolished. Evicted for building redevelopment for hipper nicer tenants. Alchemist next door steals stores poison chemicals. Rat with human face bites you in your sleep. Carnivorous jelly oozes up through drain pipe. Stray sailors monkeys break in and rearrange furniture. Mysterious bloody stain keeps appearing. New tenants set up a drug house and dump corpses in lane weekly. Building graffiti covered by youth gang. Giant beetle eaten several tenants this month. Skinny homeless teens harass adventurers for work. New landlord demands tenants are tidy church goers. Hailstone ruins roof. Wall collapses. Imp tormenting and murdering local tenants. Old drunk wizard neighbor casts spells in his sleep. Assassin trying to kill neighbor with incomplete address. Cultists looking to collect human hearts for imitation. Giant mushrooms start growing from dungeon spoor. Former criminal tenant wants treasure hidden in house. Drug crazed killer hiding in building. Gong farmers blacklist area, sewerage everywhere in street. Secret police seen spying on building, identity unclear just look creepy. Snooty citizen claims writer once lived in apartment, declared historic site. Former tenant was a gambler and thugs visit demanding cash. Lesser demon banished here a hundred years ago finally returned. Some rival adventurer dropped some troll meat in crack in the floor. Giant fly enters through window and steals food and leaves maggots. Amateur black powder maker blows his apartment up. Someone in building distributing treasonous documents. Tax man makes a visit and estimates your net worth and leaves a bill. Strange fungus growing on ceiling. Giant leeches come out of sewer in the rain. Rat colony in your bed. Fungus people children grew in the wall cavity and now in your house. Mosquitoes molest building inhabitants from sewers. Bull goes wild in market, runs up stairs and into your flat. Hole collapses into sewers on bottom floor, sewer goblins come out at night. Adventurer neighbor died while away and secret pet owlbear gets hungry. Religious neighbor leaves you pamphlets and preaches to you. Green slime develops a colony in building attracting city officials. Neighbor cavorting with lesser devil makes horrible noises. Orc gang members move in next door and party all the time. Secret policeman's mother moves next door and spies on everyone. Thief practicing reading magic summoning scroll summons an angry dinosaur. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_ChaosVillages.ipt Header: The Village is Rampant with Chaos The first time you went to this village you were a bit worried. The second time you almost called the inquisition or witch hunters. Now it is too late, hell has taken over, the villagers are damned. A horror filled parody of life and normalcy, a prelude to the powers of evil plans for everyone. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/d100-village-is-rampant-with-chaos.html
table: TheVillageIsRampantWithChaos Fused together cows with tentacles spraying milk from their huge udders. Devil swines slaughtering and eating human farmers charmed to acting like animals. Chaos centaurs whipping humans strapped in yokes pulling a plow. Hell cats sweetly offer to help you and help your dreams come true. Hell hounds on chains barking madly and spitting fireballs. A cockatrice hops about the yard eating a trail of eyeballs. Rat beastmen with maces eating a shopkeeper. Goatmen performing a human sacrifice to demons. Chaos duckmen barbarians stabbing old people for small change. Tentacled babies hanging from walls flailing their parents. Children in robes running about buildings laughing. Child magician wants toys, adventurers will do nicely. Child fleeing monsters runs to adventurer for protection is a witch or shapeshifter. Possessed children as strong as ogres hungry for murder. Goatfolk kids in adorable costumes frollicking and gnawing on chunks of human meat. Running giggling child ahead if cornered is an ugly chaos dwarf in missing child's clothes. Gang of small children turned into chaos halflings who throw rocks like specialists. Children playing ball with fresh bloody severed head or heart. Devilswine boy in human form stealing pies and food, carries a bloody clever. Children teasing a small dragon with sticks. Villagers dancingon green with devils or demons. Demon hybrid drunken villagers spit roasting a resistant villager. Dancing demon villagers with living chaos dragon turtle as a hobby horse. Demon dressed as priest preaching chaos and evil. Demon band playing and evil tainted beer being served to dancing villagers. Zombie and skeleton farmers dancing to funeral music set on living hungrily. Public execution where devils work the chopping block. Spectre of evil priest killing demon tainted villagers. Animated bloodthirsty golems from scarecrows, corn dolls, and farm tools. Puppets strangling their owner, then look for more victims. Hedges of thorns surround village. Phantoms haunt possible exits to scare people back inside. Bear traps and wolf pits concealed arounf village exits. Screeching flying skulls try to distract and disturb visitors. Swarms of flies or locusts irritate humans around exits. Imps exiting a hidden pit carefully concealing it after exiting. Clouds of bats confuse everyone who fails a save. Clouds of colored smoke obscure vision and choke breathing. Vision ripples and everything distorted causing -2 to hit. Laughing and burning noises and illusionary flame. Pushcart and demon selling adorable imps, hell kittens and hell pups. Shop selling disgusting food and vile grog run by succubi. Blacksmith furnace is a living burning entrance to hell tended by demon smith. Butcher demon selling demon and monster and human flesh. Shop selling evil idols and cult robes and knives. Shop selling torture tools and apparatus. Shop selling weapons with exotic designs. Shop selling drugs and poison. Tavern with succubi and devils. Crafter in shop fighting gremlins or imps. Robed cultists praising evil. Coven of witches kissing a devils butt in a pact. Farmers ignoring incursion of chaos trying to act like nothing happening. Drunken nuns cavorting and drinking with devils. Band frolicking with demon hybrids. Leper colony happily selling souls to devils for sham cures. Corrupt priest having sex with succubi in street. Animals dressed as villagers wearing clothes and walking on hind legs. Snake men in hoods have come to visit and give tainted gold to villagers. Militia obviously tainted question those not corrupted. Devils with whips drive humans pulling a plow. Demon bull chasing victims easily distracted by newcomers. Devil swines in pig form wallowing in mud mixed with corpse chunks. Imp chicken hybrids holding an evil ceremony around a crater of slime. Crows plucking eyeballs and meat chunks from trees, rooftops and gibbets. Vampire drinking from a cow flees if spotted, setting vampire cow on visitors. Farmers tending a pit of larvae with their kins faces. Bat winged carnivorous goats chasing farmers. Sheep shearers with diabolic features sacrificing sheep to evil altar. Goat men beating shepherds with sticks. Demonic idol or monolith dedicated to hell in street. Wall of flame around churches, holy places sand shrines. Devils guarding a temporary living hell mouth. Black hexagonal monolith with with squat toad demon teaching evil wizardry. Bronze bull with devils roasting screaming prisoners inside. Shrine to a demon with priests and guards. Huge statue with furnace where demons encourage cultists to roast their children in. Forest of impaling poles, gallows, gibbets and wheels on poles all with rotten bodies. Huge mound of corpses. Carnivorous squirrels in woods. Burning forest that ever keeps burning. Burning sulpher pits and craters. Rain of burning sulpher. Fog and mist reduce visibility. Rabbits are skinning a hunter alive with tiny knives. Bear family roasting child on a spit roast. Dire wolves howling hungrily attack by night. Elk men performing a dance around a bonfire, enraged if seen. Frogmen croaking around creek or pond edge preying to the frog god. Human entrails strewn in treetops, human bloody bones laying about woods. Old lady with cats fused to her screaming. Chaos mutant evil bard villager with living demon bagpipes. Chaos mutant jester follows asking annoying riddles. Villager hiding, really partly responsible for troubles. Demons and witches assisting in a birth of a prostitute mother. Demon preacher warning mutant villagers about the unclean presence. Skeletons dancing in the street following a plague doctor. Mayor being carried by celebrating mutants drinking and dancing. Store owner wallowing in pig shit who thinks it is gold coins. Local priest being crowned as anti pope by devils then hunted and sacrificed. FILENAME: EMO_Xor_QuiveringFleshPits.ipt Header: The Quivering Flesh Pits of Xor Xor is in fact a living quasi dimension that overlaps and intrudes into multiple other realities. In facts some wizards use the quasi plane to travel to other worlds. This previous stuff done more for a Metamorphosis Alpha or SF-type adventure or even inside a titan, kaiju or flesh dungeon. It's a bit darker and more nonhuman. Possibly good for the deep interior of Xor. elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/d100-flesh-pits-of-space-gods-pt1.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/d100-flesh-pits-of-space-gods-pt2.html from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-quivering-flesh-pits-of-xor_3.html
prompt: Show me: {How Did Xor Get Here?|How Can I Make Xor Go Away?|Terrain - Major Types|Terrain - Occasional Features|Terrain - Orifices|Terrain - Fluids And Secretions|Encounters - Specific|Encounters - Common|Encounters - Most Common Beast Men|Encounters - Common Mutations|Treasure - Containers|Treasure - Strange Items|Hazards|More About Xor} How Did Xor Get Here? table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MoreAboutXor [#{rep} MoreAboutXor2] table: MoreAboutXor2 1:Terrain\n\nAt first glimpse an area overrun with the flesh pits is a verigated fleshy panorama of wet pink, covered in pits and sphincters and tentacles polyps, eyes, spasming and twitching randomly. Occasional patches of coloured skin, weeping sores, crusty scabs. and dried secretions may be found.\n& \n& On the shores of the great lake of flesh, where it meets the normal soil of your world, it appears as a great slab of sweating meat resting on top of the ground. You can even lift up the edge and look underneath. It may have grown a great tap root of flesh into the planetary crust to sap nutriment from the life force of the planet. 1:Encounters\n\nXor is inhabited by various beings. Parasites, symbiotes and antibody entities are common. Some kinds of demons and dimensional beings find Xor pleasant to visit. Some creatures from worlds Xor visits come for the food of the local biomass. Some stay, thrive, mutate and become one with Xor. Some places in Xor are huge organic structures that living beings thrive within, some actually are part of Xor, refining and recycling biomass.\n& \n& Most mammals adapted become hairless\n& Most reptiles and amphibians are mostly pink or white\n& Many monsters and demons have mutations\n& \n& Skin colour could be any colour really\n& Flesh underneath could be pink, purple, scarlet with white sinew 1:Treasure\n\nXor has many exotic treasures, some are precious secretions and organs like ambergris. Other places Xor acumulates metals and other substances in nodules. Many visitors to Xor die and what Xor cannot consume gets covered in organic secretions to protect Xor from contamination like a human body might do to a splinter or piece of glass or needle that is stuck inside a body. Druids sometimes visit Xor looking for new species or to care for the wounds of Xor. 1:Hazards\n\nXor is not evil or necessarily anti human life. Xor is more indifferent than malicious. Xor is both an individual and a collective organism. Humans and creatures manage to survive. Beneath the surface of Xor are flesh chasms and meat tunnels. In the darkness below the surface other kinds of horrors dwell.\n& \n& Whole civilizations exist in the gastric chambers of Xor but their are also air tunnels for Xor's breath and various liquid transmission systems if explorer's can breathe water.\n& \n& Hazards are easily avoided obstacles that can cost time or the explorers can take risk to cross faster. Combats should avoidable. 1:So what the hell do I do here?\n\n& Killing, looting and feeding are common reasons to visit Xor.\n& Fresh unsalted water is rare and valued.\n& Finding a way to make it leave is pretty common too. table: HowDidXorGetHere? The stars are right and Xor has come. A [|wizard|cult] summoned Xor. A conjuration from aeons ago finally arrived and it was Xor. The land is cursed but gods of chaos and called Xor. An alien wizard of another plane used Xor to travel here. A cosmic spore traveling through the stars seeded Xor. An elder monument was activated by someone releasing Xor unto the world. Xor grew from a cancer dead plague carrying mutant. Xor grew from the turd of a plane traveling daemon. Xor has come here for a nutriment cycle. Xor needs something from this world and has come to take it. Xor grew in the underground aeons, just surfacing now. table: HowCanIMakeXorGoAway? Heal Xor’s wounds. Feed Xor. Destroy the foci of the magic that brought it. Performing a ritual. Help Xor deliver a baby. Find the central neural cluster and annoy it. Remove a hostile object harming Xor. Communicate with the central intelligence. Introduce a contamination to a vulnerable organ. Kill the meddling [|cultist|demons|aliens|wizard]. Pleasure Xor and bring to a climax at neural pleasure hub. Help Xor find a better home. table: Terrain-MajorTypes Dry slab of skin covered flesh with pores, tiny hairs and occasional freckles (any colour skin) Moisten wet slippery exposed flesh, often uneven and slippery 1/2 speed Damp verigated surface pockmarked with orifices (see below) 1/2 speed Red ropy fleshy ridges with tendons and sinew holding bundles of muscle, moist with blood Squirming fleshy pink tentacle polyp forest, swaying like trees in a breeze Soft yielding pink tissue that legs sink into, covered in pools of saliva 1/4 speed Gum like ridges of hard flesh with twitching growths, moist to the touch Huge organ like lozenges nested against each other in pink, purple and violet, that pulse rhythmicaly Coiled intestine like mass up pipes and tubes, some move occasionally as something moves in them Fleshy mounds with orifices that regularly erupt in disgusting random fluids 1/2 speed Shallow [|lake|sea] of fluid Tufts of hair and fuzz growing like [|bushes|forest|grass ] table: Terrain-OccasionalFeatures Eyes glare meloncholicly, blinking occasionally Bulging veiny fleshy sacks Soft fuzzy velvet hairy lumps like on a mole White [|growths|polyps] attacking surrounding tissue An extra large fleshy orifice A great bleeding wound that something has taken a bite from Swollen stinking infected mound of white, yellow and green Gelatinous grey brain mass colony, if harmed attracts monsters Inflating huge sacks of tissue full of [|air|liquid] Clusters or single huge breasts[|||, lactating] Clusters of strange alien genitalia table: Terrain-Orifices Nasal - these blowholes inhale and expel foul air with passages going deep into Xor Aural - twisting tunnels with fine hairs inside, often surrounded by trumpet like structures Sphincter - a knotted flesh valve sealing flesh tunnels for secreting waste, vary in tightness Sexual - these twitching sensitive pits await to be fertilized or give birth to monsters Weeping sores - leak secretions from infections or even blood Mouths - these toothed chasms contain drool filled pools, writhing toungues and best avoided Pores - leak oily secretions, some become hard and block pores causing infections Glands - leak all kinds of fluids but most often sweat Urethra - leaks pools of yellow stinking urine or solid urea crystals or mineral stones Gastric Vents - flesh pits of acid that idiot creatures wander into and are eaten table: Terrain-FluidsAndSecretions Smegma - oil and dead skin, burns slowly if used as fuel Urine - stinking piss, can ferment into ammonia, some cases emitted as a hard urea crystal Sweat - salty water with hormones, can ferment into ammonia Feces - stinking sticky semi liquid clay, used as food by some creatures Pus - rotten yellow or white stinking mess, attracts insects for food and breeding Milk - fed off from animals, harvested by sentient beings for food and potions Bile - green, yellow, cyan and black and magenta, each with alchemical transformation properties Acid - corrosive fluids or vapour ranges from irrirtants to metal and flesh eating varieties Mucous - semi viscous fluid, biolubricant and protects surfaces, forms crusty bubbles on edges Semen - reproductive fluid, food for animals who unwittingly transport it to reproductive vents Tears - salt hormone filled fluids cause mood ans Blood - vital fluid of life used as a superfood, plasma or serum Phlegm - pituitary secretion alters consciousness, causes mutations and cancer Nuero Fluid - interspinal and cerebal fluid, if consumed enhances mental abilities and reactions Saliva - drool from mouth, used as food, drink, lubricant, cleaning and sterilizing product Cellular Fluid - juice from in cells crawling with tiny alien critters and macroscopic life Vomit - violently discharged unprocessed food, acid and gastric juice, used for food and acid Sebum - skin oil, greasy body oil, used as food, cooking, lubricant Amniotic Fluid - fluids accompanying birth of a creature or egg Lymph - clear sticky fluid, healing properties and cures Ceremun - ear wax used as resin, fuel, bioplastic, adhesive, super food Sputum - infected matter violently expelled or oozing from orifices table: Encounters-CommonMutations [|Extra eyes|Only one eye] A tentacled tumour growth {d4} functional tentacles[||||||, out of owner's control] Eyestalks Amphibious Acid resistant Extra limbs[|||, tentacles|, crab claws] Extra [|sphincter|orifice] Insectoid feeding parts Extra sexual characteristics (breasts, genitalia) table: Encounters-Common Swarm of [|fleshy bugs|worms|naked rodent-like critters] Amoeba and gelatinous horrors Tentacled and shape shifting rafts of flesh (Shoggoths?) Hairless giant molerat-like creatures Hairless bat-men like creatures Fleshy naked hound like pack mammals Naked faceless sexless humanoids with biological weapons Fleshy pink dinosaur like horrors Fleshy insectoid creatures with bony hooks, beaks, Skinless draconic predators that spew acid Demonic intruders like succubi, incubus or breasted chaos demon Outsider intruders like murder hobo adventurers, cultists, druids or wizards table: Encounters-MostCommonBeastMen [|Lamprey|Leech] [|Bat|Dog] [|Oyster|Eel] [|Mole Rat|Seal] [|Isopod|Centipede] [|Pig|Goat] [|Turkey|Cockerel] [|Mantis|Scorpion] [|Crab|Lobster] [|Squid|Octopus] [|Blowfly|Maggot] [|Vulture|Cassowary] [|Hyena|Jackal] [|Ape|Baboon] [|Starfish|Sea urchin] [|Man-o-war|Snail] [|Axolotl|Newt] [|Cat|Sabretooth] [|Lizard|Serpent] table: Encounters-Specific {d4} Ochre Jellies acting as antibodies Gelatinous Cube acting as a cleaner Grey Ooze eats intruders Gibbering Mouther wallowing in a pool of filth Black Pudding on cleaning detail Roper guard important nerve clusters while wallowing in filth Tentacle groper concealed under [|floor|wall] Shoggoth a tentacle and eye covered servitor gone insane Grell a tentacled mobile brain cluster that directs repair work Noe-otyg devours and wallows in pulls of diseased liquid waste Templar warriors sent by church to explore Assassins looking for exotic poisons and weapons Cultists seeking wonders of Xor Knights on a quest to find [|missing person|relic] Thieves looking for interesting treasure Wizards looking for exotic secrets of the universe Sorcerers looking for drugs and strange new pleasures Clerics looking for means to return restore normalcy Sages looking for curious secrets of knowledge Mercenaries with two handed swords, pikes, guns and crossbows hired to explore Beastmen tribal warriors [|exploring new land|seeking territory] Changelings looking to infiltrate adventurers for safety Orcs looking for territory to move to Goblins gorging themselves on edibles foodstuff Hobgoblins marching looking for way to get out of this Bugbears exploring land, assimilated ones lose hair Dwarfs seeking treasure and glory Elf band looking for home, flesh tribe and bone elves have assimilated Gnomes curious about the land and seeking to adapt Halflings gorging themselves on [|some luxury foodstuff|milk] Camp of travellers may be willing to trade or share House often built of local materials, often inhabited Wizard tower of flesh and meat, a wizard bases himself here with followers Village of commoners, farming and working to adapt to new land Fort of intruders have built a bone keep as a military base Farm with several shacks and a family of farmers Mine with prospectors tunnelling for precious biogoods Shop selling local biological and imported goods Tavern where many species gather to eat and drink Inn where many traders and travellers stay Herd beast - [|goats|sheep|pigs|deer] Hairless Cattle - [|farm cows|auroch|bison|water buffalo] Pink elephant herd mostly peaceful but get irritated if people approach young Pink rhino, very aggressive[||||||, has mate and babies] Pink sauropod dinosaurs, mostly peaceful but might stampede Pink duck billed dinosaurs Pink [|anklysaurus|stegasauraus|triceratops] Giant [|maggots|caterpillars], often herded or milked Giant slugs and snails grazing on [|slimes|hair] Small game - [|lizard|rat|rabbit|monkey] Giant carnivorous mole size of a grizzly bear Mole rats the size of dogs {3d6} flesh hounds, wild hairless pack hunters Lone huge pink carnivorous dinosaurs, allasaurus, t-rex Pack of hunting dinosaurs like raptors Pride of lions, alpha male has main made up of porcupine quills that can shoot Pack of savage carnivorous apes covered in fleshy colorful growths Featherless axe beak carnivorous flightless birds in a hunting pack Demon dogs the size of dire wolves Grizzly bear with scabby scaly hide Aberrant mutants with varied changes and deformities, cannibal sex maniacs Mongrel men, patched together mutant savages Faceless men are covered in wrinkly skin hoods and can spit 2d4-damge acid 2" Eye men covered in eyes most are wizards Headless men with faces in torsos hate regular configured beings Tentacle men with four limbs like an octopus mostly mad cultists Flesh Golem wandering lost, formed by lightning strikes on waste assemblages Trolls, grown from tumorous growths Colourful naked ogres with bone clubs Ogre Magi with bone and sinew weapons and bows, horned smart magic ogres Tripod with a harpoon between legs, eats prey or modifies them to breed for it A single tentacle sprouts from pod buried in [|wall|floor] Spheropod a bouncing ball with a tooth filled oral sphincter and claws to grip things Swordpod - floating slug like blob with bladed tentacles Migo exploratory force seeking pineal secretions Migo wearing human skins in disguise pretend to be friendly Grey hybrids in disguise as humans seek aid to find lost agents or crew Eyepod - a non-mobile intelligence cluster with telekinetic abilities Brainpod - a non-mobile intelligence cluster with telepathic abilities Astronaught lost in time and space with limited supplies Overspace entity, spirits of old one looking for host body Overspace entity, converts a dead body to a vampire host Overspace ghouls, converts a dead body to a vampire host Gray alien shipwrecked looking for help, advanced weapons explode if he dies Grey alien explorers, a survey team awaiting to be collected Alien robot exploring and recording surface, can eventually translate Alien saucer wreck with dead or dying humanoids Human experimental escaped, mutated with cybernetic implants Alien drone searching and scanning for secret masters who can see through it Larvae, human headed lost souls of the damned, used as currency by evil beings Tiny evil demons used as familiars and messengers Manes demons idiotically roaming about Dretch demons aimlessly wandering for victims Rutterkin demons Babau on assassination mission keen to kill some extra victims Droning fly chasme demons [|Succubi|Incubus] pretending to be lost adventurer Bar-lgura, leaping orarangutan demons Greater demons with extra breasts table: Treasure-Containers Chrysalis will eventfully open [|Eggs|Egg sac] - will eventfully hatch Coating of organic - crystal must break open Coating of slime - to scrape off Pod of fluid filled skin - cut open and clean Casket of flesh - stimulate nerve ganglia correctly to open Flesh sphere of meat - cut open Ball of infected puss - cut it will burst open A lump of dried oily gunk - scrape and clean off A living being with something stuck in it - kill and disembowel Encrusted in mass of minerals, mostly calcium Coated in brittle pearl like secretions table: Treasure-StrangeItems Plate armour with jellitinized corpse inside Skeletons with metal arrow and spear heads in pool of acid Travellers chests with clothing and {d4} bottles of booze [|Letter|Map] in a bottle Magic +1 [|mace|sword| spear|staff] in pool of slime A broken smell wagon with a cargo of meat, saws and axes A backpack with rope, pitons, hammer, {d6} days' worth of food and water An adventurer's [|head|arm|leg|skull] Rotting corpse being eaten by worms Split open helmet and scraps of armour Alien helm, protects you from gas and provides thermal based night vision Silver jump suit with deformed skeleton inside, as weightless chainmail Strange glowing crystal hand to football size Life detecting gem, {d20} charges, 10 min a charge, 3” A rod which can cast shocking grasp, {d10} charges Collection of {2d100} silver discs with alien glyphs worth 1gp each Glass vials of mercury (Xor dislikes these spilling) Strange alien gold hand held idol[||||||, can send your dreams to an elder god] Metal cylinders with engravings, when activated play recordings of chants for elder gods Chrystal cluster of rods, tubes and spheres - 2d6 damage alien ray with {d6} shots 10" range Brain or other organs sealed in a container Ambergris used for perfume worth {d10*1000}gp Pearls in a container worth {d10*100}gp Tears full of hormones in a container with effects of a magic potion Resinous secretions turned hard into bio plastic gems worth d10 x100gp Mother of pearl in sheets suitable for craft d100gp [|Horn|Keratin] slab mass, useful as a craft material or shields [|Scattered|A pile of] shells, decorative, worth {d100}gp Salt deposit of {d10} pounds (a gp each) Hair follicles, huge and strong like wood, useful for making arrows, javelins, darts {1d8} weapons made from bone and sinew Bow of bone and sinew with {2d20} bone arrows Bundle of {2d6} [|daggers|shurikens|javelins|darts] [|Armour|Shields] of keratin, resin, bone, hide, horn, and leather A living weapon with gum hand grips and moving tooth edge, requires food Living [|armour|shield] that bleeds, heals damage if fed blood Biological firearm, re-grows propellant and ammo daily, requires food Living bow that grow a dozen shot daily if fed well Needler gun shoots d4-damage bone dart, 2 per round, 100 shots day, 10" range [||||||, poisonous] Spitting tube shoots one shot of liquid [|fire|web|acid|narcotic gas] Flesh puffball bursts if irritated into poison gas cloud 1" across Packet of compressed web strands if thrown traps all in 1" across Spore pod if irritated bursts to release disease 1" across Retching bile pod if irritated releases cloud of vomit inducing gas 2" across Gas clam mine if irritated releases sleep gas sleep 1" across Fear trumpet is a fleshy pink flesh horn that may once discharge fear gas in a 2" cone Grey fleshy gland that sprays [|mood altering|hallucinogenic] gas one in a 1" Glob of highly explosive matter inflicts 2d6 damage 1" across Entwined sacks of liquid ignites as incendiary 2d4 dam +1d4 for next d4 rounds Cold frost covered chitinous containers full of frozen gas d4 damage 1" across Wasp nest bomb carries an angry insect swarm 2" across Healing symbiote, 1 HP a day will once a week heal you a d4+1 HP Nutrient symbiote, 1 HP a day but you dont need to eat Water breathing mask uses 1 HP per hour under water +1 per week Skin symbiote acts as leather armour lose 1 HP per day Camouflage symbiote acts as leather armour +2 sneak and hide lose 1 HP per day Vestment symbiote acts as clothing and can change form for 1hp per change Overskin suit symbiote acts as +1AC for 1hp a day, not recognizable as skin Glider cape symbiote can glide across as far as above ground, 1HP per day Skin suit symbiote keeps wearer warm/cool and ignore acid, 1 HP per day Cap of eyes gives you 360 degree 6" night vision for 1 HP a day Haste hormone potion in crystalline ter bottle Healing hormone potion in crystalline tear bottle Beserker potion in crystalline tear bottle Water breathing potion in crystalline tear bottle Strength potion in crystalline tear bottle Intelligence potion in crystalline tear bottle Dexterity potion in crystalline tear bottle Charisma potion in crystalline tear bottle Acid resistance ointment biological resin jar Cure disease antibodies in clear gel blob Cure poison antitoxin in clear gel blob Delicious sweetmeat glands with attractive odours worth {d10*10}gp Blubber a superfood, a one inch cube feeds a person for a day, {d100} piece chunk Brain cluster, if eaten allows you to commune with Xor's spirit briefly, one use per week Eye jellies, if eaten allow you to see in the dark 6' for 24 hours, and Xor sees through you Milk of Xor heals as a healing potion and a days food and water, usually in {d10} bags Blood of Xor heals a HP and a days food and water, in {d10} bags Water sac, a gelatinous bag with fresh water for 30 days Royal jelly acts as a potion of heroism Honey comb with {d10} doses in a hive, heals disease and poison Living tools like hammers, saws, drills, made from gums and teeth, require food Water udder, absorbs water from air to supply a person with water for a HP Spidersilk rope, {d100} feet long, stronger than rope, 10 foot weighs Glow worm, acts as a light 1" radius, eats fungus, {1d4} in a cluster Glow flies in a bioplastic bottle, if released {d100} spread out lighting 1/2" each Extendable ladder, 2 food long elongates to 20, made of living bone and sinew Organ bugs, burrow inside a dying person and replace damaged organ healing {3d10} hp Skin tents keep users warm and dry, require food scraps, each holds {d6} persons Stretchable meat sack, grows from 1 pound coin bag to a 80 pound sack Hair eating isopod will shave you but eat all your hair if you let it, you can hold as it eats Stray dog, friendly and trained now ownerless lost by explorers Child servant with lamp and ten foot pole lost from his party Donkey with tents, pots, pans, supplies and {d6} weeks food and water Pack slave wearing loin cloth and gators with ropes and sacks Pack mole rat size of a pony fanatically loyal, can climb and track Pack grub a giant caterpillar can carry as a draft horse and can be milked Fleshwing, a giant hairless bat that can carry a lightly equipped person Fleshhound, a large hairless warhound size of a wolf that can track and guard Hairless cat, a sly cat that understands speech and reduces party surprise chances Adorable pet lap grub that can remember things from brains it eats, mostly eats scraps table: Hazards Fleshquake as Xor sneezes or laughs A thin flexible keratin bridge over a huge open wound Hug stinking boil with monsters wallowing in pus bogs Sensitive ground expands, contracts and quivers, cant walk but can climb Spasming field of red tentacles swaying in unison Thick forest of [|hair|horns|antlers] Ground scaly and covered in flakes of skin that smother travellers Open wound being grazed on by carnivorous Wall of giant teeth and gums Huge ridge of bones Meatstorm rains gobbets of squirming meat Blood rain pours down Huge methane deposit released to surface as a stinking cloud Asphyxiating oxygen depleted cloud of gas washes over area Clouds of dried skin falling from sky burying landscape features Swarms of insects blot out the sun scouring landscape for food Humidity increases everything damp with airborne sweat Air dries, ground becomes wrinkled and leathery moisture sucked out of travellers Wind storm blowing salty crystalline secretion dust Acrid cloud of acid rain dissolving detritus and washing it away Violent flood of vomit rushes over land Creeks of tears run by, releasing mood altering hormones in vapour Ground sweats and secretes salty stinking fluid Greasy smegma makes ground slippery from skin oil and dead skin Flash flood of sweat Rapid flowing river of drool Calm lakes of saliva Pools of digestive acid Oozing rafts of frothy spittle slide over terrain Liquid protoplasm sea that responds to sentient dreams by forming dream creatures An oozing fleshy cave that spawns monsters and treasures has attracted adventurers A great meat mountain with a bony weathered castle formation on top A mass of gums with canyons of giant teeth, some have tunnels and homes carved into some A fleshy forest with eyes and other organs, halfling folk are born of them as guardians Gigantic brain structure under transparent organic dome, some humanoid species lives within A gigantic meat cube with various orifices home to many species on several levels A huge cyst crater weeping infected fluids where fly demons wallow with maggot like larvae Savage gnomes town with a tied up giant being tortured and eaten for decades Orcs guarding a sewn up vent to the underworld A huge fleshy gateway into the under skin lands guarded by a major demon Tower of meat head with exploratory force of a strange race Wall of bone surrounding a village Deranged cannibal camp up ahead Hairless cannibal dwarfs from a flesh cave have set up a cooking pot Orcs or others besieging a flesh tower with last remnants of magical race Camp of flesh giants skinning some humanoids for dinner Houses of friendly villagers who try to drug newcomers Cultists living off he land want to help explorers commune with Xor and join it forever Sorcerer living in a skin tent with drug crazed cultists Strange foreign robed merchants collecting biological material while tensely aiming strange weapons Giant white sperm snakes writhing in a carpet like a river Titanic sperm snake writhing over horizon Pride of giant hairless cats on prowl Flesh golem screaming and punching the landscape looking for victims Herd of fleshy herbivores migrating between hair fields to graze Great flesh hulks fight for supremacy while confused creatures watch them Bullette land sharks bashing their scabby heads together roaring Huge pack of [|hairless dogs|giant rats] galloping across path, howling Ochre jellies rolling around in complex patterns and budding new offspring Herd of hairless apes eating brains of explores Fungus and mould covered with sickening spore dust and dead dried skin Hundreds of grazing giant ticks, fleas and mites sucking at scabs Mass of blind toothed worms crawl out of wound ahead Transparent worms burst through ground and bite feet in this area Cloud of giant flies laying eggs on wound, mites use flies to ride to new wounds Open wounds crawling with huge hungry maggots keen for new food Giant purple worm writhing under surface of skin, hungry for new food Giant lobster like parasites patrolling around a wound for food Blood red octopus like creature bursts from wound and snatches passing animal Giant ankheg insects burst out ground and snatch migrating hairless71 Area sweating and shaking, hallucinating flesh creatures laying about having fevers Sticky masses of ropy mucous with trapped small creatures trying to escape Gelatinous mass full of eyeballs quivering over landscape devouring animals Scabby welts and ridges attracting diseased ticks to lick up fluids Chaos rat beast men coven in robes throwing plague corpses into a vent of Xor Valley of invading grey oozes grazing on terrain but interested in new tastes Beholders disintegrating a pit to invade surface kingdom with some charmed servants Brain cluster being raided by mindflayers with pet displacer beasts Diseased wasteland with neo-Otyughs wallowing in pus cesspools Diseased orifice covered in bubbling green slime Ruined civilisation with ruined bone structures Area full of hidden and dangerous orifices and pits A meat pyramid with an orifice for each face ruled by a great wizard Giant idiotic open mouthed face in mountain having spasms and strokes Mesa of flesh with thriving tentacle forest on top Huge inflatable flesh membrane structure floating on saliva lake Forest of flesh towers with giant centipedes and scorpions crawling about them Huge open mouth full of drool and entry to subterranean flesh caverns Fleshy volcano erupting fluid and attracting monsters Skeletons guarding a bone fortress Devil swine meeting on cumfy chairs with servants and guards Succubi looking for slaves to help it gather biological treasure Tentacled demon probing orifices for food Chaos frogman war lord with hoard of invading beastmen eating Xor's fleshscape Arkon of law attracted by chaos demons is eliminating everything it can grasp Bubbling lake of living elder god spawning all kinds of crawling horrors Crab claw demon multi limbed demon tormenting explorers to death Vulture demon with no feathers and saggy skin flies over plain to hunt Shoggoth made up of breasts and eyes, a living gateway to another plane Demon lord with courtiers come for a holiday and entertainment FILENAME: EMO_OSR_Dogs.ipt Header: Dungeon Dogs I have played with rewriting the Monster Manual before, but I think that by approaching broad classes of animals in groups like this I will be able to keep things simple and create new variants on the fly. Increasingly weird versions of animals can fill most dungeons. I want to encourage the notion that re-skinning animals with a few new powers creates plenty of odd monsters for new breeds, local variations and one-off mutants. I assume animal intelligence unless mentioned as human range. Size shouldn't be too hard to work out. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/dungeon-dogs-and-monster-manual.html
prompt: Show me: {Domestic Dogs|Wild Dogs|Magic Dogs} Domestic Dogs prompt: Age: {Young|Mature|Old} Young prompt: Leader? {No|Yes} No use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {dogType=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& {dogAge=='[{$prompt2} >> left 1]'}& [when]{$prompt3}=No[do]{leader==''}[else]{leader=='yes'}{leaderPrint==' - Leader'}[end]& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1} - {$prompt2}{leaderPrint}
[end]& [@MakeADog] table: MakeADog ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& {hdplus==0}& [#{dogAge} Bonuses]& Dog Type[@{dogType}]& [when]{notes}[do]Notes{notes}[end]& [when not]{hp}[do]{hp=={{HD}d8}+{hdplus}}[end]& [@GetSkills]& [when][{$prompt1} >> left 5]=Magic[do][@GetMagic][end]& AC+{ac} {acextra}& HD{hd}& HP{hp}& Move{move}& Attack{attack}& {skills}{magic}&
table: Bonuses type: Dictionary Y:{skillPlus==0}{magicPlus==0} M:{skillPlus==1}{magicPlus==0} O:{skillPlus==2}{magicPlus==0} table: GetSkills {skillList==''}& {skillCount==(1d2-1)+{skillPlus}}& [when]{leader}[do]{skillCount==skillCount+1d3}[end]& [when]{getKnock}[do]{skillList=='{skillList}
[@KnockWords]'}[end]& [when]{getAlert}[do]{skillList=='{skillList}
[@AlertWords]'}[end]& [when]{skillCount}>0[do]{skillList=='{skillList}
[!{skillCount} DogSkills >> implode
]'}[end]& [when][{skillList} >> length]>0[do]{skills=='Skills
'}[end] table: GetMagic {magicCount==(1d2-1)+{magicPlus}}& {magicList==''}& {magicList=='{magicList}[#{specialJaws} SpecialJaws]'}& {magicList=='{magicList}[#{specialHowl} SpecialHowl]'}& {magicList=='{magicList}[#{specialWeaponImmunity} SpecialWeaponsImmunity]'}& {magicList=='{magicList}[#{specialMagicImmunity} SpecialMagicImmunity]'}& {magicList=='{magicList}[#{specialBreath} SpecialBreath]'}& {magicList=='{magicList}[#{specialSprint} SpecialSprint]'}& [when]{specialCamo}[do]{magicList=='{magicList}[@SpecialCamo]'}[end]& [when]{getBlink}[do]{magicList=='{magicList}[@BlinkWords]'}[end]& [when]{getAirWalk}[do]{magicList=='{magicList}[@AirWalkWords]'}[end]& [when]{getExtraHead}[do]{magicList=='{magicList}[@ExtraHeadWords]'}[end]& [when]{magicCount}>0[do]{magicList=='{magicList}[@{magicCount} DogMagic]'}[end]& [when][{magicList} >> length]>0[do]{magic=='Magic / Mutations
'}[end] table: DomesticDogs Ratter / Lap dog{ac==2}{hd=='1/2'}{hdcalc==1}{hp==1d4}{attack=='Bite d3'}{move=='12"'}{getAlert=='yes'} Farm dog{ac==2}{hd=='3/4'}{hdcalc==1}{hp==1d6}{attack=='Bite d4'}{move=='12"'}[||{notes=='Trained as guard'}|{notes=='Trained as shepherd'}] Hunting dog{ac==3}{hd==1}{hdcalc==1}{attack=='Bite d6'}{move=='15"'}[||{notes=='Trained tracker '}] War dog{ac==3}{hd==2}{hdcalc==2}{hdplus==2}{attack=='Bite d8'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Trained for guards and fighting, can wear +d4 armour'} table: WildDogs [Fox|Jackal]{ac==2}{hd=='1/2'}{hdcalc==1}{hp==1d4}{attack=='Bite d3'}{move=='15"'}{notes=='Expert at avoiding pursuit and tracking'} Wild Dog{ac==3}{hd==1}{hdcalc==1}{attack=='Bite d4+1'}{move=='15"'}{notes=='Includes dingo, coyote, cape dogs, dhole'} Wolf{ac==3}{hd==2}{hdcalc==2}{hdplus==2}{attack=='Bite d6+1'}{move=='18"'} Hyena{ac==3}{hd==3}{hdcalc==3}{attack=='Bite 2d4'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Cowardly scavengers'} Dire Wolf{ac==4}{hd==3}{hdcalc==3}{hdplus==3}{attack=='Bite 2d4'}{move=='18"'}{notes=='Can be ridden as a pony'} Warg{ac==4}{hd==4}{hdcalc==4}{hdplus==4}{attack=='Bite 2d4'}{move=='18"'}{notes=='[|C|C|C|C|C|Speaks, c]an be ridden as a pony'}{skillPlus==skillPlus+2}{intCount==1} Hyenadon{ac==3}{hd==5}{hdcalc==5}{attack=='Bite 3d4'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Brave vs smaller creatures'} Anrewsarchus{ac==4}{hd==1d5+7}{hdcalc==hd}-12{attack=='Bite 6d4'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='1-2 ton hyena-like predator'} table: MagicDogs Giant Fox{ac==4}{hd==2}{hdcalc==2}{attack=='Bite d6'}{move=='15"'}{notes=='Can talk, stand bipedal and wear clothes'}{skillPlus==skillPlus+2}{intCount==1} Death Dog{ac==3}{hd==2}{hdcalc==2}{hdplus==2}{attack=='Bite per head d10x2'}{move=='12"'}{getExtraHead=='yes'}{getKnock=='yes'}{specialJaws=='DeathDog'} Hoar Fox{ac==4}{hd==2}{hdcalc==2}{attack=='Bite d6'}{move=='15"'}{notes=='Hits as if target wore no armour, immune to cold'}{specialBreath=='HoarFox'} Blink Dog{ac==5}{hd==4}{hdcalc==4} {attack=='Bit'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Beings of good from upper worlds'}{skillPlus==skillPlus+2}{intCount==1}{getBlink=='yes'} Hell Hound{ac==6}{hd=={d4+3}}{hdcalc==hd}{attack=='Bite d10'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Detect invisible 6"'}{skillPlus==skillPlus+2}{intCount==1}{specialBreath=='HellHound'} Winter Wolf{ac==5}{hd==6}{hdcalc==6}{attack=='Bite 2d6'}{move=='18"'}{notes=='Immune to cold, vulnerable to heat'}{skillPlus==skillPlus+2}{intCount==1}{specialCamo=='winter conditions'}{specialBreath=='WinterWolf'} Devil Dog{ac==4}{hd==6}{hdcalc==6}{attack=='Bite 2d4'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Critical doubles damage and causes bleeding 1/r'}{skillPlus==skillPlus+2}{intCount==1}{specialCamo=='winter conditions'}{specialHowl=='DevilDog'}{specialSprint=='DevilDog'} Cooshie{ac==5}{hd==3}{hdcalc==3}{hdplus==3}{attack=='Bite d6+4'}{move=='15"'}{specialCamo=='forest'}{specialSprint=='Cooshie'} Yeth Hound{ac==10}{hd==3}{hdcalc==3}{hdplus==3}{attack=='Bite 2d8'}{move=='15"'}{notes=='Can be ridden as a pony'}{specialHowl=='YethHound'}{getAirWalk=='yes'}{specialMagicImmunity=='YethHound'}{specialWeaponImmunity=='YethHound'} Cerebus Spawn{ac==8}{hd==8}{hdcalc==8}{attack=='Bite per head d10x3'}{move=='15"'}{notes=='Descendant of great underworld guard.'}{skillPlus==skillPlus+3}{getExtraHead=='yes'}{intCount==1}{specialWeaponImmunity=='Cerebus'} table: SpecialBreath set: gotBreath='yes' type: dictionary HoarFox:
Breath - Frost 2d6 3" range HellHound:
Breath - Fire d6/HD 1" range WinterWolf:
Breath - Frost 6d4 1" range, line effect table: SpecialJaws set: gotJaws='yes' type: dictionary DeathDog:
Jaws - disease table: SpecialSprint set: gotSprint='yes' type: dictionary Cooshie:
Sprint 21" DevilDog:
Sprint 30" 3 turns a day table: SpecialCamo set: gotCamo='yes'
Camouflage - can hide in {specialCamo}. table: SpecialMagicImmunity set: gotMagicImmunity='yes' type: dictionary YethHound:
Magic Resistance - 10% chance of ignoring table: SpecialHowl set: gotFearsomeHowl='yes' type: dictionary DevilDog:
Fearsome howl - causes fear in 3HD or less beings. YethHound:[@FearsomeHowlWords] table: SpecialWeaponsImmunity set: gotWeaponsImmunity='yes' type: dictionary Cerebus:{immCount==immCount+1} YethHound:
Immunity to normal weapons - silver causes 1pt damage magic weapons only hurt with + damage. table: DogSkills Guard - Sit alert and bark if senses intruder, not distracted by treats or rabbits Herd - Can herd farm animals where directed Track - Can track by scent Hunter - Can sneak quietly and follow directions to startle prey towards hunter [when]{gotAlert}[do][!DogSkills][else][@AlertWords][end] Ratter - Expert at finding and catching vermin [when]{gotKnock}[do][!DogSkills][else][@KnockWords]{gotKnock=='yes'}[end] Hold - If bites can hold on, if instructed will hold prisoner by limb or throat Husbandry - Will look after offspring better and might look after other animals babies Howl - Lets all dog like beings know how strong and important dog is for a mile Stealth - Is as silent as a thief Listen - Is able to hear distant and minute sounds Sprint +6" in straight line for 1 round per HD Camouflage - Can hide in one specific terrain like winter, desert, forest, grass, night, cave Fetch - Can get familiar objects or people or animals Play dead - Can pretend to be dead Chase - Expert and chasing or evading pursuit Rescue - Will drag wounded to safety or protect them Ferocious - +1 hit and damage and +1HP per dice (hp already applied){hp==hp+hdcalc} Intimidate - Can scare creatures with less HD with growls table: DogMagic [when]{gotAquatic}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Aquatic - Moves through swamps and water without loss of speed, webbed toes and waterproof. Second roll means dog can breath water{gotAquatic=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotExtraHead}[do][@DogMagic][else][@ExtraHeadWords][end] [when]{gotExtraLegs}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Extra Legs - +50% to basic speed{gotExtraLegs=='yes'}[end] [when]{intCount}>1[do][@DogMagic][else]{intCount==intCount+1}[end] [when]{gotClimb}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Climb - Can climb trees, cliffs or buildings as well as a goat{gotClimb=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotHorned}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Horned - Has extra d6 attack in melee{gotHorned=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotNight}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Night vision - 60" can also burrow at 3" in earth but dislikes sunlight and bright light; -1 to hit under it{gotNight=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotBlink}[do][!DogMagic][else][@BlinkWords][end] [when]{gotDisplacement}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Displacement - Actually 2 foot away from position, first missile misses, +2AC (already applied){ac==ac+2}{gotDisplacement=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotBaleful}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Baleful eye - [||A cyclops!] Victim saves or -2 on attack and saving throws for a turn {gotBaleful=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotFearsomeHowl}[do][!DogMagic][@FearsomeHowlWords][end] [when]{gotBreath}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Breath - Can make one breath per turn with 1" range; inflicts 1d6/2HD and can save to take half damage - [|fire|poison|acid (d4/hd+1 next d4 rounds)|Stinking Ichor (musk)|Web (STR save)|cold]{gotBreath=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotTail}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Tail - Makes extra attack - [|Scorpion d4 damage + poison|Snake d4 damage + poison|Lamprey if hits will suck d4 per round automatic|Whip d4 damage and can entangle or grab items on critical|Prehensile like monkey and can hold a weapon|Burns like a torch d4, will start fires and make light]{gotTail=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotHealing}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Healing lick cures d4 HP; can only receive one lick per day at most from any dogs{gotHealing=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotWings}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Wings - Mostly bat for evil or feathers or insect +12" speed flying in straight line 3" is minimum speed{gotWings=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotAir}[do][@DogMagic][else][@AirWalkWords][end] [when]{gotUndead}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Undead - Abilities of all undead and be skeleton 1/2 edged weapon damage or zombie 1/2 vs blunt{gotUndead=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotJaws}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Jaws - [|Huge teeth or beak bump dice up to next higher one|burning +d6|disease|Acid take 1 hp damage for next d6 rounds|Lockjaw bite locks on even after death STR save to break out for a combat action -1 per dog hanging on to hit or save ]{gotJaws=='yes'}[end] [when]{limbCount}>2[do][@DogMagic][else]{limbCount==limbCount+2}[end] [when]{gotArmoured}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Armoured Hide - Dinosaur like frilled head and hard skin +2 AC (already applied){ac==ac+2}{gotArmoured=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotBeserk}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Beserk - When enraged +2 hit and damaged can fight to death up to 10 HP never fails morale{gotBeserk=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotMountable}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Mountable - Can carry a rider like a small pony and typically has a small armed humanoid companion{gotMountable=='yes'}[end] [when]{invCount}>1[do][@DogMagic][else]{invCount==invCount+1}[end] [when]{gotRegenerates}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Regenerates as a troll 1hp per round unless damaged with fire or acid{gotRegenerates=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotGaseous}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Gaseous Form - Can turn into vapor for a turn a day and uses to ambush or flee{gotGaseous=='yes'}[end] [when]{SpecialWeaponsImmunity}=YethHound[do][@DogMagic][else]{immCount==immCount+1}[end] [when]{gotMagicImmunity}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Magic Resistance - [|10% chance of ignoring|Ignore 1st level spells]{gotMagicImmunity=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotPhase}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Phase - +4AC (already applied) and can walk through walls by becoming ethereal, 1 turn per HD per day. requires magic to harm when phased but become solid when they attack{ac==ac+4}{gotPhase=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotTongue}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Tongue - Huge slobbering tongue with range of 1" can be used for extra grappling attack{gotTongue=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotShadow}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Shadow - Undead being of darkness, drains a point STR with each bite like a shadow touch. Also requires +1 magic weapons to harm, silent and can hide in darkness{gotShadow=='yes'}[end] [when]{gotNegative}[do][@DogMagic][else]
Negative Touch - Is undead like a wight, requiring silver or magical weapon to hit, drains an energy level per hit, and can only tolerate sunlight for a turn a day or takes 1 hp damage per round{gotNegative=='yes'}[end] table: AlertWords set: gotAlert='yes' Alert - Seldom surprised; -1 Surprise dice table: BlinkWords set: gotBlink='yes'
Blink - Can make short teleports in combat can port away after attack table: FearsomeHowlWords set: gotFearsomeHowl='yes'
Fearsome howl - All but others in pack save vs fear 6" once per turn table: KnockWords set: gotKnock='yes' Knock - On a critical or roll 4 better than required to hit, victim saves or falls prone table: Intelligence
Intelligence - As smart as a human[when]{intCount}>1[do], and casts spells as a caster with a Lv per HD [end] table: Limbs
Extra limbs - Has {limbCount} - [|Tentacles make grappling attack each|Snakes, d4 damage + poison each|Lampreys, on a hit will attach and suck a d4 blood per round|Pincers, d6 nip or each can grapple and hold on|Paralyzing stingers, save or held for a turn|Toothed tendrils, d6 damage] table: AirWalkWords set: gotAir='yes'
Air Walk - Can run through air or even sit floating to keep a look out, slower than wings but can hover table: Invisibility
Invisibility - [when]{invCount}=1[do]Can turn invisible as per the spell[else]Always invisible[end] table: ImmuneToWeapons
Immunity to normal weapons - Requires magic (minimum +{immCount} or silver to hit. [when]{immCount}>1[do]Silver does {1/immCount} damage. table: ExtraHeadWords set: gotExtraHead='yes'
Extra Head - Additional bite attack[@DogMagic] FILENAME: EMO_OSR_DifficultMagic.ipt Header: Difficult Magic Items Magic stuff in dnd relatively easy to use and operate. Even limiting a Identify spell to one property per level or spell it is still easy. RuneQuest items often require a spiritual fight with the item to attune it. Gamma world and that Gygax space wreck module has the artifact table. Magic item makers in my world love putting conditions on items. Alignment or race are common requirements. Sad that goblin mace +3 is unusable for a neutral human, but maybe you can trick it by pouring goblin blood on it every fight. So here are some things to make life tougher for more complex items. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/difficult-magic-items.html
table: MagicDiffulty 1:Requires meditation or long ritual to attune item before use.\n\n& Sacrifice time and possibly cash to learn to use object or attune to it. Items require a day for basic items or a week for complex items to attune them. This at least can stop a item being used in current adventure. Possibly a skill might speed this up more.\n\n& Meditation - hold object in a self induced trance to form a emphatic link.\n\n& Ritual - requiring props, a location, dancers, costumes and reading a text or chanting. 1:Research in libraries and with sages and bards to study device operation. 1:Experimental magical tests required to find what item requires to awaken. Must take precautions and train to use the item. 1:Sacrifice - requires material goods ceremonial destroyed, evil objects like blood or a life, material might be rare or believed extinct in ancient times. Sacrifice certain monsters to unlock power ups. 1:Ordeal - item will only bond to a person who is tortured or suffering or even dead (and returned). Might be part of ritual or trance too. 1:Intelligent and mostly unhelpful or annoying or demanding.\n\n& Intelligent items might require a saving throw or a CHA roll to dominate or befriend them. This might take a period of time. Attribute rolls as a additional requirement for other items are possible too. Or tests of your attributes to prove you are worthy. A sword might only serve someone strong or might prefer them to demonstrate health or agility.\n\n& Intelligent items should be more common the greater the item. The lower ones are empathic and not very bright. Smarter ones or ones with souls of dead or being in them can be difficult to work with and withhold power if the dont agree with your actions. A +5 dagger that only works if used to ambush or murder by surprise because it has a evil assassin soul inside. 1:Alignment required, or possibly a test of alignment commitment.\n\n& Alignment preferences mean someone will be less likely to misuse that relic or have it turned on the maker.\n\n& Finding goblin and orc weapons is dangerous; some change the user's alignment or drain a levy from the unworthy as a price.\n\n& This might be a good way to coerce players into a more extreme alignment than oh so uncaring selfish neutral. 1:Racist item, requires a set species to use or only used vs a certain species.\n\n& Racist preferences are a must for inter-race war settings. Might explain why monsters leave weapons in treasure piles instead of using them. Possibly you could make a glove out of a species' hand to trick the item. 1:Religious preference to a committed tithing member of a cult.\n\n& Religious preference is a pretty tough requirement but some characters might be willing to worship a new god to use a powerful item. Most gods don't mind you praising their siblings or kin or pantheon. You just try and praise them, make some sacrifices or visit a temple occasionally with a possible new convert. 1:Item has limited uses or limited to being used in certain season or day or night or when stars are right\n\n& Limit how many items you can bind perhaps with a stat or equal to level. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_Apes.ipt Header: Apes Amok! Primates (Monkey and apes) can use clubs or weapons or at least throw rocks, fruit or feces. They can't throw or run as far as a human. The movement rate below is running on all fours or swinging; most are slower when walking over ground by half on only two legs. Large apes of the Alpha get +1HP per dice and +1 hit, damage and save. Alpha Ape gets a extra HD, AC and +2 hit damage and save. Lemurs, gibbons and other primates exist and may have harger prehistoric cousins you could use with larger ape stats. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/apes-amok.html
prompt: Show me: {Wild Apes|Strange Apes} Wild Apes prompt: Show me: {Normal Specimens|Leaders|Alpha Leaders} Normal Specimens use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {apeType=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& {apeSize=='[{$prompt2} >> left 1]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1} - {$prompt2}
[end]& [@MakeAnApe] table: MakeAnApe ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& {hdplus==0}& [#{apeSize} Bonuses]& Ape Type[@{apeType}]& [when]{notes}[do]Notes{notes}[end]& [when not]{hp}[do]{hp=={{HD}d8}+{hdplus}}[end]& [@GetSkills]& AC+{ac} {acextra}& HD{hd}& HP{hp}& Move{move}& Attack{attack}& {skills}{magic}&
table: Bonuses type: Dictionary N:{skillPlus==0}{magicPlus==0} L:{skillPlus==2}{magicPlus==1} A:{skillPlus==4}{magicPlus==2} table: GetSkills {skillList==''}& {skillCount==(1d4-1)+{skillPlus}}& [when]{hug}[do]{skillList=='
[#1 PrimateSkills]'}{skillCount==skillCount-1}[end]& [when]{skillCount}>0[do]{skillList=='{skillList}
[!{skillCount} PrimateSkills >> implode
]'}[end]& [when][{skillList} >> length]>0[do]{skills=='Skills
'}[end] table: GetMagic {intCount==0}& {magicCount==(1d2-1)+{magicPlus}}& [when]{magicCount}>0[do]{magicList=='[@{magicCount} PrimatePowers]'}[end]{intCount}& [when]{intCount}>0[do]{magicList=='{magicList}
Intelligence ([#{intCount} IntDescription])'}[end]& [when]{magicCount}>0[do]{magic=='Powers
'}[end] table: WildApes Spider Monkey{ac==3}{hd==1/2}{hp==1d4}{attack=='Bite d3'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Common small pet monkey'} Baboon{ac==3}{hd==1}{hdplus==1}{attack=='Unarmed d4 or club or rock'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='d3 hurl rock'} Giant Baboon{ac==3}{hd==3}{hdplus==3}{attack=='Punch and bite d4/d4/d6'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='d4 hurl rock'} Chimpanzee{ac==8}{hd==2}{attack=='Punch or bite d6'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='d4 hurl rock'} Orungutang{ac==8}{hd==3}{attack=='Punch or bite d6'}{move=='12"'} Gorilla{ac==4}{hd==4}{hdplus==1}{attack=='Punch and bite d6/d6/d8'}{move=='12"'}{hug=='yes'} table: StrangeApes White Apes{ac==4}{hd==4}{attack=='Punch d4/d4'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Albino live in snow and caves, 12" infravision, d4 hurl rock'} Cavemen{ac==2}{acextra=='wearing hides)'}{hd==2}{attack=='Weapon +1 hit and damage'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Primitive humans, d3 hurl rock'} Ape Folk{ac==3}{acextra=='(wearing leather)'}{hd==12}{attack=='d4 punch or Weapon'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='As abhuman class, double leap, night vision, human technology'} Monkey Folk{ac==2}{acextra=='(wearing leather)'}{hd==1}{attack=='Weapon'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='As halfling class with prehensile tail, d4 hurl rock x3/round, low tech'} Monkey Spirit{ac==0}{acextra=='(wearing clothes)'}{hd==6}{attack=='Weapon'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='As changeling class from human to monkey with spells'}[@GetMagic] Wise Monkey{ac==1}{acextra=='(dextrous)'}{hd==6}{attack=='Weapon'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='As gnome class can turn invisible 1round/lv and cast cantrip/level, benevolent'}[@GetMagic] Carnivorous ape{ac==4}{hd==5}{attack=='Punch and bite d8/d8/d10'}{move=='12"'}{hug=='yes'} Yeti{ac==4}{hd==4}{hdplus==4}{attack=='Punch d6/d6'}{move=='15"'}{notes=='Fear Gaze, d6 Hurl rock'}{hug=='yes'} Sasquatch{ac==4}{hd==d3+5}{attack=='Punch d8/d8'}{move=='12"'}{hug=='yes'} Giant Ape{ac==5}{hd==10}{attack=='Punch and bite d10/d10/d12'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='d10 hurl rock'}{hug=='yes'} Gargantuan{ac==8}{hd==50}{attack=='Punch or stomp vs human size 3d10x2 also bite vs giant 5d10'}{move=='12"'}{notes=='Titanic size, 3d10 hurl rock'} endtable: table: PrimateSkills [when not]{gotHug}[do][!PrimateSkills][else]Hug attack (If two punches hit ape gets to hold the target and inflict highest damage per round automatically{gotHug=='yes'}[end]) Hurl rock (Can throw a single rock, can take up to two more skill slots in this for extra attacks per round) Survival (Can find all means of survival to spare and take care of others like old and children) Forage plants (Can always find tasty food plants like fruit and nuts or roots or bulbs) Herbalism (Can select plants to help woulds heal +1 per day and treat illnesses symptoms) Forage insects (You can locate yummy bugs and grubs and know how to get termites) Forage water (You can always find a source of water to share) Swing (Can add a d6" to move when swinging through forests or elsewhere) Instant Stand (Can get up instantly in combat from a fall or slip) Tumble (Reduces fall damage by 20 feet, can roll and spin and tumble) Dodge (+1 AC by being better at avoiding wounds - already applied{ac==ac+1}) Toughness (+1HP per HD - already applied{hp==hp+hd}) Acrobatics (Can make incredible aerial moves while swinging or leaping in the air) Balance (Can run along branches and vines and ledges easily) Jump (Can accurately jump and land on a dime at maximum distance without falling) Leap (+1 foot leap per level - height across or half up standard, double with a run up) Weaving (Can weave hair or branches into vines or shelter or containers or rafts) Wallrunning (Can run up a wall 1 foot/lv after leaping to get up walls or trees) Clubs (Can use a club usually does damage of fist bumped up by one) Leadership (Is respected by hierarchy as strong, wise or clever and get extra food) table: PrimatePowers [when not]{gotHorned}[do]
Horned (Extra attack equal to punch for damage and +1AC - already applied{ac==ac+1}){gotHorned=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotMarine}[do]
Marine (Is adapted for semi aquatic living, a second roll and can breathe water){gotMarine=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotCamouflage}[do]
Camouflage (Can hide in one type of environment like winter, night, forest, desert. Rocks){gotCamouflage=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotIntelligence}[do]{intCount==intCount+1}[else][@PrimatePowers][end][when]{intCount}>2[do]{gotIntelligence=='yes'}[end] [when not]{gotCyclops}[do]
Cyclops (Can shoot a sleep spell ray 1" per turn){gotCyclops=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotWinged}[do]
Winged (Can glide like a flying squirrel, second roll can fly with wings like bird bat or bug){gotWinged=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotIce}[do]
Ice (Immune to cold and radiates cold d6 damage with 1"){gotIce=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotWar}[do]
War (Can use melee weapons and some re purposed armour, second roll can use missiles){gotWar=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotLava}[do]
Lava (D3 extra damage per touch from heat, immune to fire +1 damage per dice from cold and hate water){gotLava=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotDisplacer}[do]
Displacer (Actually 3 feet from real position first missile misses +2 AC - already applied{ac==ac+2}){gotDisplacer=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotPhaze}[do]
Phaze (Can become insubstantial and pass through walls and not be harmed +4AC attack or be attacked only by slipping in phaze, otherwise can only attacked with magic weapons ){gotPhaze=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotRock}[do]
Rock (Stone like skin +2 AC - already applied{ac==ac+2}){gotRock=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotBeserker}[do]
Beserker (+2 hit and damage can keep fighting until -10 never check morale){gotBeserker=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotTail}[do]
Tail ([|prehensile and can use a weapon|d4 poison scorpion stinger|poisonous snake|glowing gem can shoot a magic missile per round|squirts acid 2d4+1hp/round for d4 rounds|constrictor can grapple and crush damage as hug attack]){gotTail=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotLeap}[do]
Leap can add 1" per HD to jump distance with a second roll can ride on a cloud 1 mile per HD once a day{gotLeap=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotBreath}[do]
Breath once per turn can breathe 1" range [|stinking cloud|fire d6/2HD 3=Sleep gas|d6/2HD lightning|insect swarm inflicts a hp damage for one round per HD and confuses without a INT save|diseased miasma]{gotBreath=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotRegenerate}[do]
Regenerate (Recover one HP per round except fire or acid which are needed to kill ){gotRegenerate=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotExtra}[do]
Extra Limbs (Come in sets of 2 - [|tentacles can grapple|lampreys can blood drain d4 per round once attached with hit|pincers can nip as a punch or grapple|hooks can damage as punch or grapple]){gotExtra=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotBlink}[do]
Blink (Can teleport 3" in melee and can port after attack if win initiative){gotBlink=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotFear}[do]
Fear (Can cause fear with a roar and chest beating to all enemies within 6"){gotFear=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotVampire}[do]
Vampire (Can suck blood from a held or bitten tarket for a d4 extra per round, heals 1hp per d4 ){gotVampire=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotSpiderclimb}[do]
Spiderclimb (Can climb like a spider on any surface and drop on prey){gotSpiderclimb=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotSonic}[do]
Sonic Attack (1" range sonic blast d6/2HD, causes deafness for 1 turn. Save halves and avoids hearing loss. Can use once a turn ){gotSonic=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotBite}[do]
Bite (Huge jaws and teeth or beak bump dice up or exta attack if without a bite attack){gotBite=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotInvisible}[do]
Invisible (+4 AC when invisible as per spell, second roll of power makes it always on ){gotInvisible=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotExtra}[do]
Extra head (With extra bite attack and can take turns to sleep and watch){gotExtra=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotHuge}[do]
Huge claws (Bump fist damage up to next highest dice){gotHuge=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotHuge}[do]
Huge specimen (+2HD +1AC - already applied{hd==hd+2}{hp==hp+2d8}{ac==ac+1}){gotHuge=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotSpinneret}[do]
Spinneret (Can spin webs into nets (STR save to escape) or use to swing or build or like rope ){gotSpinneret=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] [when not]{gotMusk}[do]
Musk glands (When enraged generate a stinking cloud 1" around ape, does not effect others with same ability ){gotMusk=='yes'}[else][@PrimatePowers][end] table: IntDescription Can understand speech and is as clever as a human. Can speak and is as clever as a human. Can speak and can cast spells as a level-{hd} Wizard. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_BlackLotusDreams.ipt Header: Black Lotus Dreams I've long used black lotus in the tradition of pulp in my games. Lotus in my setting is a dreamy narcotic found mostly in smoking resin but many variant strains are used. A hallucinogenic injectable or contact poison version are commonly used in Lotus lands. This table is used for misadventures with drugs and other tainted nightmare-inducing magic. It provides a good opportunity to inject history and horror. You might assign these to a batch. Lotus is also used as a consumed universal material component, especially by drugged cultists. Some cults teach that using lotus is worth the risk for wisdom and enlightenment. Regular users taking regular doses are put into a d4-hour pleasant trance. Everyone else, roll a Dream and perform WIS and CON checks. All users who take more than three doses a week should roll Side Effects. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/black-lotus-dreams.html
prompt: Show me: {Black Lotus Dreams|WIS and CON Checks|Side Effects } Specific Hauntings use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: WISAndCONChecks [when]{rep}=1[do]& First batch of lotus: make a WIS save or roll a hallucination make a CON roll or throw up make a WIS save to see if hallucination leaves any personality changes Large dose or more than three doses a day: make a WIS save or roll a hallucination make a CON roll or sleep for d3 days make a WIS save to see if hallucination leaves any personality changes make a WIS save to resist addiction if not addicted already& [end] table: BlackLotusDreams {duration=='[|{d10} minutes|{d10*10} minutes|{d10+1} hours|{d10} days]'}& {perceived=='[|{d10} minutes|{d10+1} hours|{d10} days|a lifetime]'}& [when not]{duration}={perceived}[do]{join==', but feels like {perceived}'}[end]& You dream that:\n[@BlackLotusDreams2].\n& The trance lasts for {duration}{join}. table: SideEffects Flatulent Diarrhea Sleepy Hungry (plus weight gain) Detachment Feel no pain Berserk rages Hair and fingernails falls out Hair and fingernails grow long Obsession with sexual perversion table: BlackLotusDreams2 You are trapped in a nightmare where a horror stops you crossing a bridge You are imprisoned in a tower by monsters and your every escape fails A nightmare from your child hood torments you and kills your loved ones Your loved ones are kidnapped and hidden by a taunting phantom You are naked and stalked in a maze and killed again and again by a nightmare thing A nightmare demon strips your humanity turning you into a shadow Doppelgangers torment you and perform uncharacteristically vile deeds You are perused in a cave by a hidden nightmare beast A nightmare posing as a loved one assails you with nightmare horrors A nightmare demon torments and changes you into a beast who kills your loved ones Fetid misty fern forests where nightmare tings covort and writhe in a stone city Dissected and tormented by elder things in a laboratory Trapped in the floppy flaccid body of an elder being while its mind uses your body Participate in an unholy screaming sabbat with animals, witches and demons Trapped in a lifeless crumbling ruin in a strange body with inhuman mummy sarcophogi Trapped in a beach where slimy lumps, sea scorpions and amphibians try to eat you You are the play thing of an inhuman race for sex and torture in their unearthly citadel Tentacled horrors grope and molest you while you run around a dark fleshy cavern The sun is black and millions of chittering demons swarm in the sky over a temple Icy frozen dark plain crawling with shaggy horned horrors mad with hunger Ghost of your family are suffering in underworld and blame you for failing your sacrifices Judge of the dead shows what sinners like you will face in underworld Death challenges you to a game where your dead loved ones are pawns Underworld demon torments souls of your loved ones forcing you to watch In the garden of the underworld you meet a perfect mate but discover they are long dead Underworld judge places you in an eternally recursive loop where you suffer same fate Underworld judge shows you how others suffered terrible fates to save you as infant Demons throw you naked in pit forcing you to wrestle a mirror opposite of yourself Demons strip you of your items and clothes at each gate until you are naked and dead Demons abuse your loved ones while you are bound and have eyelids cut off In a lightness void being hunted by unseen beast that bites and claws your naked body Shadows of your loved ones and allies torment you in a maze of darkness Dark tentacles pull you into the primal depths to face the elder gods The great dragon of darkness burns away your flesh again and again A demon of darkness swallows you into it's feeding pits where your soul is digested You are a shadow walking in the ruins of the world in eternal night You are perused in a dark forest by a shadowy strange beast Darkness pours into your body eating your soul and turning you into a shadow Dark demons carry you into the starry void of space showing you meaninglessness You cross the universe and travel to a planet spanning palace of the demon of darkness You are a spirit while everything else is frozen driving you to dispair Your body becomes a gelatinous mass and you try to communicate and flail helplessly Your skin is torn off and you brain is exposed, you see mysteries of the cosmos You become a beast and you act like a specific animal spirit occupies your body You melt into a pool of coloured liquid light and you perceived coloured patterns You can perceive the universe vibrate, you feel nausea and increase in air pressure Your brain, eyes and nervous system escape your body and is lost in an astral reality Your higher soul ascends leaving you trapped in your rotting shambling mumbling corpse You transform into a hungry carnivorous reptilian who hates mammals You burst into flames and the sensation torments your souls screaming A malevolent spirit chases you through your memories tormenting you An ancient elder ghost takes your body and tries to commit suicide while you watch A hideous evil spirit takes you to it's awful lair to use you as a concubine A spirit hurls you into a pit of snakes and talks about all your failures A dark spirit offers to release you if you serve it in the waking world Evil spirit tells you the hopelessness of your goals showing demons ready to impede you A spirit takes half your body and you fight yourself in a nightmare battle Dream spirit torments you with visions where you make everything worse A horrible hungry ghost occupies you and you desire to gorge yourself impossibly A spirit takes your soul o it's lair and implants lesser spirits inside you that cause phobias Devils stuff you with live toads, worms and excrement to punish your gluttony Devils grope and molest you forcing to watch in a mirror for vanity Devils torment you in beds of fire, leeches, spikes and other horrors for sloth Devils torment you by nailing trophies, crowns and medals to your flesh Devils feed you tasty delights while you cry, too bloated to move while your works burn Devils laugh while you bezerkly massacre loved ones and innocents Devils maim and cripple you while you watch others feast and celebrate your state Devils having taken your own form torture, mutilate and molest you Devils torture you while telling how your every achievement will be undone and fail Devils torture you while beggars throw filth and abuse at you and eat scraps You live as peasant farmer in a strange land until one day you try some black lotus You live as a spoiled king bored with your life of pleasure and opulence You serve cults of the elder gods murdering, screaming and performing vile acts You live as a wild forest person roaming the woods and performing savage rituals You live as an ancient sorcerer serving revolting gods for power You spent a life serving the lotus cult and it's secret masters from under the mountain You live as a crippled beggar in some city far across the world You live as a slave in a long ago temple complex eventually being sacrificed You live as a witch spreading curses and corruption til you are caught and burned You live a privileged life in a temple until sacrificed to a horrible elder god You frolic in a wonderland of magical food while your body eats nearby stuff You are in a strange world full of mutants and dinosaurs You wander in a huge treasure vault where you find all your dreams You are in an alien library avoiding some inhuman guardian creature You are in a heaven full of attractive concubine servitors who worship you You are in a weird drug den occupied by alien beings and strange spirits You wander a strange market populated by creepy goblins selling strange things You wander the bazaar of a strange foreign city where you don't speak the language You fall into a haunted cavern full of gibbering and meeping horrors You are lost in a strange misty forest with sounds of scurrying creatures You experience the void and eternal non existence You are tiny rodent sized being in the celestial temple of the dark gods You are one with a universe of refracted light rays from holy gems You are one with thousands of people inhaling lotus smoke You feel the eternal recursion of the universe leaving you cold and detached You become one with thousands of deities moving through celestial spheres You commune with your own spirit that gives you personal advice You experience a life time of vice and depravity then feel uninterested in pleasure You feel a lifetime as a god ruling a heaven then return uninterested in ambition You battle a demon of wrath among the million spheres returning unable to feel anger FILENAME: EMO_OSR_PettyLairs.ipt Header: Petty Lairs These are lairs you might find a hike from the village or to the unused side of the lake, or on travels. They should be safe for beginning level 1-4th level adventurers and not horrible or otherworldly. Well not much. I assume small caves mostly, but you can roll on Typical Lair Locations for more variety. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/d100-petty-lairs.html
prompt: Show me: {Petty Lairs|Typical Lair Locations} Petty Lairs table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: TypicalLairLocations A small cave A cliff shelter A rock pile shelter Old ruined shack Ruined stone walls A dirty hole dug in bank Under a fallen tree In a forgotten crypt Collapsed old cottage table: PettyLairs Wild dogs with {d6} pups A wild boar, two sows and {3d4} piglets if in season A large talking bobcat who is wary of humans A pack of gigantic rats each size of a small dog Several wolves with {d4-1} pups and a human child skeleton A brown bear lives here will chase off humans A giant python lives here with the remains of a dead knight A panther lives here and likes to ambush humans from above and or behind A giant cave lobster with a pool and d100 silver from a stolen payroll A giant friendly talking owl A mangy old lion turned man killer from desperation A giant savage fighting frog lost from local frogmen A fire toad has a pile of {d100}gp he sits on A hungry owl bear with several human corpses15 A starving rust monster with a pile of {d100} semiprecious stones A cave lizard clinging to the roof licks it's lips when pink wriggly people enter Wild ponies shelter here and lick mineral salt deposits A family of angry badgers live here A giant porcupine with shooting quills lives here A solitary dire wolf lives here A ochre jelly lives here with some metallic parts of mining tools on floor A hook horror lives here with piles of bones A black bear trying to get a beehive Several giant carnivorous bugs Several giant spiders in webs Giant ants building a nest and collecting gold Giant carnivorous territorial bat Huge swarm of bats A pair of giant blood sucking weasels Giant flies raising several giant maggots in sheep bodies A battered chainmail wearing robber knight in hiding from his gang and law A band of common thugs desperate enough to rob travellers Professional criminals stealing and threatening locals for a living Some young priests practicing being hermits for initiation A band of local cultists with ritual paraphernalia and evil altar Local hunters camp here and perform ancient rituals A band of filthy murder hobo adventurers resting here A old hermit who doesn't want to talk A wary poor old magician with a student or pet Scrawny homeless starving refugees Old chests of contraband rum buried by smugglers Several old prospectors on hard times Local drunks gather here, hundreds of empties Local youths gather here as a romantic location A priest making out with a parishioner who is possibly married A crazy cannibal clan live here and cant let you leave A serial killer keeps several prisoners and a collection of victims loot A old hag lives here offering medical treatment, love potions and luck charms A prostitute lives here with her huge moronic son (possibly half ogre) A clan of rednecks live here offering various questionable services with clan members A dwarf lives here repairing tools and living quietly A lost elf shelters here ware of humans A gang of drunk halfling poachers having a feast A family of strict gnomes who trap for furs and do leather craft A family of kobolds eating a stolen chicken Goblins here harvesting annual sacred fungi here Hobgoblin bandits eating a prisoner with several more tied up Several bugbears who spend nights scaring local children Orc mercenries on way to serve new evil lord keen to have no witnesses A fat ogre eating a caravan guard with {d3} prisoners Coven member goat men awaiting till enough arrive for a dark ritual Wolf men eating a human, will pretend the are werewolves and demand money Cat woman solitary hunter very alert and good at ambushing Pig men gorging selves on food villagers send them to stay away Dog men bandits looking for glory and treasure and comrades Hyena men in service of a dmon cult raiding for sacrifices {d3} prisoners Toad men hunting and preserving giant bugs for feast Rabbit men chopping up and impaling several human corpses for fun A fox man offers safe accommodation and to join him for dinner Lizard men diving in local pools seeking lost relics Serpent man if cornered will promise to share a ancient treasure location Mixed group of beast men drinking and playing instruments Fauns getting drunk and keen to know where they can find women A wild centaur hunter wary of humans but a wise teacher Bat men blood cultists who require sacrificial food for vampire goddess Fire newts scouting human territory for easy prey A shape shifting fox spirit woman seeks a human mate she can use as a pawn A blue skinned and horned ogre from hell moved in to torment locals A shaggy furred ogre eating pile of deer he has dragged into lair A goat headed ogre smashing rocks to expand home A group of ancient warrior sacrifices here leave only undead skeletons A collection of murder victims stashed here were reanimated by dark elves as zombies A lonely phantom is here bound till someone returns sacred urn to church Several ghouls here feast on a old cave tomb A stinking ghast guards a stolen hoard of silver A nightmare shadow from the netherworld was summoned here long ago A necromancer and students reanimating the dead A priest of evil equipping undead with weapons and armour for a mission A skeleton hound guards treasure chest in cave for long dead master A huge zombie hound left here to guard cult tresure An Imp lives here performing evil rites alone Filled with gremlins all keen for mischief A lonely Dryad wants helpers to replace the ones eaten by orcs A spectre offer gold to those who murder his enemies descendants Faeries picnicking will try to charm strangers or steal coins Werewolf lair with treasure and gore from murdered locals A wailing banshee spotted as a woman washing blood from clothing A grisly wight arises and screams furiously if living com near A kindly treeant watches over a grove of young saplings A friendly animal or plant spirit invites you to share a meal as a test FILENAME: EMO_Xor_CharacterStart.ipt Header: Growing Up on Xor from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/growing-up-on-xor.html
prompt: Show me: {Character Backgrounds|Equipment Lists|Starting Mounts} Character Backgrounds use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: CharacterBackgrounds Lived for most of life in womb complex till got lost and accidentally escaped. Used to be connected by umbilical cord till you gut cut free and banished. Hatched from an egg fully formed adult with language. Hatched from a pod fully formed adult with language. Born from a ground fully formed adult with language. Hatched from corpse of your parent fully formed adult with language. Walked from foam of a pink primordial sea a fully formed adult with language. Raised by animals of Xor who found you as a baby. Lived since a feral child in wastelands till start with a bonus tooth knife or bone club. Clone decantered when original copy reported dead to alchemist creator. Born from the ground and found by hunting tribes people bonus bow and arrows. Fled home tribe of immobile overweight lazy freaks who just sat about naked eating Xor. Member of nomad clan separated from clan before they were all killed. Member of tribe of barbarians but love gone wrong resulted in tribe now hating you. Fled desperate tribe who began to become cannibal monsters bonus ear necklace. Member of nomad beast riders start with weird hairless pink mount best friend. Lived with beast nomads who lived as equal brothers with another species till yours died. Lived under the saliva sea till your gills fell off and you came ashore bonus shell jewelry. Your tribe came to Xor to escape your worlds doom, Xor is your savior. Your barbarian tribe were enslaved by evil wizards and you escaped captivity. You lived in crude skin huts and grew mould and mined meat. You lived in a lone bone shack built by your humble parents who died of old age. You grew up in a small trading village enslaved by a warlord. You saved your parent from an assassin and now you have been marked for death. Your village got the plague and everybody died but you. Your village well dried up and most moved or died. You farmed quivering meat blobs till beastmen stole them and killed your village. Your farm and village was destroyed by giant burrowing carnivorous bugs. You were in the militia but were carried off by pterodactyl men as a prisoner far away. You were in the village militia when rest of people eaten by ogres. Raised by gnomes till you couldn't fit in door to gnomeland bonus gnome hat. Raised by elves to life of pleasure serving them in a citadel bonus d100 silver pieces. Raised by dwarves who used you as a labourer bonus metal weapon. Raised by halflings who overfed you and teased you about your freakish height. Raised by goblins among fungus garden in a cave bonus bone sickle and shrooms. Raised bug bugbear head hunters who abandoned you when you no longer feared them. Raised by hobgoblins who abused you for years but made you tough. Raised by orcs who travelled thousands of miles with you across Xor on raids. Beastmen enslaved you and killed your kin till you managed to escape. Insectoids from the underland kept you as a food animal till you escaped. You were raised in a town as an apprentice to an abusive master. You lived as a homeless street urchin and after a lucky score got out. You lived as a gang member who were your family till they turned on each other. You lived as a caravan guard travelling between towns. You lived in town working in a store till you were fired by a mean master. You were an own guard who failed to catch an assassin and had to flee. Your drifted from an urban gang member into local bandit. You worked in sweatshops till you couldn't stand it. You were a miner working in a disgusting flesh pit. You were kept as a companion and plaything to someone wealthy in city. You came as a teen linkboy with murder hobos who abandoned you. A wizard brought you here as a servant but kicked you out for being stupid or lazy. A gang of cut throats brought you here for loot and only you survived. Templars brought you here to serve them while they hunted demons. A cult expedition kept you as a possible sacrifice having kidnapped you. You ran away with a lover to Xor and they were separated from you. Old prospectors brought you here as apprentice but got swallowed up by a pit. Your knightly master brought you here as a servant but he got eaten by trolls. You were with a posse chasing a fugitive here and got lost alone. Your cult brought you here but they betrayed you to a demon and you escaped. You were born in a citadel but one day you got out and never went back. You dwelled in a citadel ruin and served the last elf who died of grief for it's kind. You were with last humans living in upper citadel when the lower monsters broke in. You lived in citadel and were sent out to explore by the lords to get rid of you. You lived in the citadel full of monsters under a mighty wizard but you escaped. Your citadel was over run and burned by a beastmen or orc hoard. Your citadel was swallowed up by Xor and you managed to jump clear in time. In your temple in a great citadel you were shown your one true love and now seek them. Your citadel died and began to decay then fall, you got away before the end of it all. A great dragon attacked your citadel burning it to the ground. You lived in a flesh cave with your kin and had to flee your evil uncle. You dwelled in lonely ruins in a flesh cave when newcomers dug a new entrance. You lived inside a titan in an orderly society till it died and you had to escape the rot. You lived with a hedonistic cult deep under Xor till you began to resist the drugs. You lived in a gigantic skull until murder hobos broke in to enslave everyone. You served the wizards of Xor's spleen until they decided to cross breed you. You attended brains of Xor under a transparent skull dome till giant wasps invaded. You lived immortal in a garden under the grace of Xor till you sinned and were expelled. You were a guardian of the digestive tract of Xor from demons but were vomited up. Your clan lived in the endles stomaches of Xor but a great quake swept all away. You faced certain death when a pink fleshy portal appeared and took you to Xor. A crazed flesh golem carried you to Xor as a child and you have survived since. Demons carried you here on your wedding day and left you here laughing. You were exploring a serpent man ruin when you fell through a portal to Xor. You crashed on Xor in a sky chariot and forgot your old life from shock. You were battling a cult in their lair and fell through a mirror to Xor. An evil wizard sent you here to stop you meddling in his schemes. You ate too many mushrooms in the goblin grove and woke up on Xor. Xor called to you in a dream and when you awoke you were here. You were killed in a far off land and somehow Xor resurrected you from it's flesh. An alchemist regrew you from your found thumb and you don't remember much. A wizard sewed you together from spare parts and trapped a soul in your body. You were from one of the first generation of your race but got trapped inside Xor. A god sent you to Xor without memory of your old life as punishment for hubris. You boasted of you sexual prowess offending a god and were sent to Xor. Your world was invaded by demons and you sneaked through a gate to Xor. You were a servant in the celestial citadel, you were sent to Xor for some sin as a mortal. Some being made you to explore Xor, one day they will come to extract your brain. You were a demigod for an aeon but your karmic debt brought you to Xor as a mortal. For some reason gods are out to get you and carried you from your palace to Xor. table: EquipmentLists [when]{rep}=1[do]& DM, pick the best based on character background\n& \n& Primitive kit - stone bone teeth sinew tools\n& Sack, hand axe, cord, knife two javelins, wooden bowl, bone club and loincloth,\n& \n& Nomad kit - stone bone teeth sinew tools\n& Sack, skin tent, skin cloak +1AC, skin clothes +1AC, tooth dagger, three javelins, hair rope, shortbow and 12 arrows, fermented milk or blood in skin, dried meat\n& \n& Barbarian kit - stone bone teeth sinew tools some metal\n& Sack, skin cloak+1AC, soft skin amour +2AC, iron dagger, biological battle axe, bone spear, shortbow and 12 arrows, hair rope, wineskin, dried meat, skin sheild +1AC, torches\n& \n& Peasant kit - wide variety of materials native and traded\n& Backpack, lamp, oil, hair rope, woven hair clothes, hat, hair blanket, iron knife, shortbow and 12 arrows, bone staff or club, clay bowl, wine skin, tinderbox\n& \n& Militia or non human - wide variety of materials native and traded \n& Backpack, leather armour +3, bronze sword, bone spear, iron dagger, one weeks dried rations, water flask, tallow candles, bottle of wine, block of head cheese \n& \n& Urban poor kit - wide variety of materials native and traded \n& Sack, leather cord, sandals, hair shirt, leather cap, tooth knife, begging bowl, stick\n& \n& Urban or citadel rich kit - wide variety of materials native and traded \n& Linen clothes, steel dagger, one steel weapon, sinew and bone crossbow and 20 bolts, wine skin, fancy hat, stylish cloth cape, 3d100 silver coins\n& [end] table: StartingMounts Giant hairless mole rat Hideous warty hairless pony Giant hairles dog Quadraped devolved human Riding Mutant Turkey Giant pink salamander A riding amoeba A hairless riding cat A giant bat A giant beetle slow but sure FILENAME: EMO_Xor_SettingColor.ipt Header: Wanderers, Cults, and more of Xor Xor is not evil, just indifferent. But some evils of Xor are a recurring problem and a menace to everyone. Xorward ho, meatbags! Cults and Factions were contributed by Aeons and Augauries, including this information: Among the host of visitors, parasites, and scavengers that trod upon and within Xor there exists a number of cults seeing a connection with the divine. These cults can be alien and just as dangerous and zealous as any cult worshiping the gods with unseen bodies. Factions are not cults in any traditional or religious sense but they may still exercise customs as fervently as zealots adhere to their faith. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/wanderers-of-Xor.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/villains-and-dungeons-of-xor.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/settlements-of-xor.html aeonsnaugauries.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/8-types-of-factions-and-occupants-of-Xor.html aeonsnaugauries.blogspot.com.au/2016/06/6-cults-of-Xor.html
prompt: Show me: {Wanderers|Settlements|Cults|Factions|Troublesome Forces|Boss Monsters in Dungeons|Suspicious Locations} Wanderers use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: Wanderers Knights of Xor These bold warriors in bone and sinew plate roam Xor seking to undo injustice and fight evil robber knights and other undesirables. People know and respect the knights of flesh. Assassins of Xor These secretive killers spy on the comunities of Xor and collect inteligence they sell and they kill certain types of trouble maker that threatens their secret plans for Xor. Merchants of Xor These traders deal with all and trade many exotic goods. They know the cutoms of most peoples and know how to hide goods that might offend a particular tribe or even bring them desired materials. They also trade news and carry messangers. Many depend on them and protect them. Others dont like to admit dependance but dont rock the boat possibly keeping trade secret if tey prefer to keep their tribe ignorant. Concubines of Xor Traveling sex workrs catering to all desires and vices travel Xor. Some hate them others love them. They also trade in slaves, makeup, wine, luxuries, drugs and books. They are very cultured and many consult them for advice ant just sex. Wizards of Xor Wizards of Xor try to keep secrets of Xor a secret and keep newcommer wizards in line. They are secretive and plot against some comunities, cults and factions. Cult of Xor This is the secretive cult who claim to speak and fight for Xor but do not share their secret knowledge or comunons with Xor. Monks and priests make up the order and the flesh templars defend them and their monastaries of bone and meat. Druids of Xor Protect Xor from exploiters and heal the damaged and corrupt flesh of Xor. They dislike those who torment Xor to increase certain secretions from Xor's pain. They help ecologies and divrsify the life of Xox. Gardeners of Xor These enlightened scholars and nobles believe they can tame and exploit Xor to serve mankind and study all they can in secrets of survival, local technology and local lore. They have experimented bringing order to Xor and even try to bring the lords of order to Xor to counter the demonic presence. The gardeners practice some experiments which other sects of Xor find abonible. They sponsor explorers to map Xor and explore the underlands in Xor's body. Sages of Xor Thes scholars collect knowledge of Xor and share and trade it with others They make vellum scrolls and books and keep outposts of bone towers. They employ mercenaries and adventurers to guard them. They ratley intervene in politics but know many factions are their enemies. Conquerors of Xor This ferocious former mercenary army now support dozens of warlords and seek to sudjugate other existing settlements. They are often called in for help if the problem is bad enough because they dont lleave and bring new taxes. Some say they infiltrate militias and armies then subvert them to the conquerors. Seamen of Xor These sailors on the seas of phlegm or spittle or sweat or tears travel water ways of Xor. Rafts of bone and skin canoes are common in shallows and large pontoon canoes a hundred feet long are good for longer journeys. Such craft can be carried overland. Inflatable skin bladder boats are good to. Only the biggest seas have full ships which are rare. Exploring the inside of Xor often requires boats and the seamen have dealings with strange races of the depths. Gladiators of Xor Gladiators are popular athletes who kill for entertainment. Animals or beasts are fair game and many gladiators are slaves. Some win freedom and begin to train their own slaves. table: Factions Tumor Grooms This faction seeks out, nurses, and protects tumors of Xor until they are deemed ready to harvest. The odd tumors of Xor are rumored to have unique properties and flavors which most attribute to the reasoning behind the practice of the Tumor Grooms. Scabrous Sculptors These artsists cut into the flesh of Xor to release blood and other vital fluids which are directed and shaped as they harden over the inflicted wounds into a variety of esoteric sculptures. Lice Whisperers Small bands of Lice Whisperers roam about claiming to be able to charm the lesser vermin of Xor and use them as scouts and minions. Lice Whisperer bands will work spells and sell talismans to ward against lice infestation and attacks; curiously enough those that purchase such spellworks are seldom attacked by lice soon afterward. Skin Crawlers These folk believe it is uncouth to walk about in one's own skin and fashion garb from the skin of Xor and the host of other creatures that dwell within and upon. The more grotesque a mask, the higher a peaked hood, the grander a cape, and the longer a scarf are all goals and signs of status among Skin /Crawlers. They find cloth contemptible and nonsensical in the presence of so much skin. Womb Wardens This faction of tradesmen has learned how to transplant a living fetus and see it brought to full term within a specially formed pocket-womb within the flesh of Xor. They guard the wombs from predators and charge a fair price for the overall service. Mawpicks Scavengers that survive by picking the remains caught in the teeth of the many maws of Xor. Some carry the practice so far they will only dine upon beings they have captured and hurled into a maw. Tickherds The plentiful vermin that infest the skin of Xor are a resource that some depend upon and a variety classified as ticks have come to be herded as med off-Xor herd goats or sheep. The Tickherds dine upon the flesh of the ticks, "milk" the blood harvested by them, and fashion much of their gear from tick carapace. Sweatmongers These peddlers know how to collect, store, and mix the vast array of Xor fluids. They can seem as simple as water bearers or as erudite and schooled as alchemists depending upon their their personal range of lore and talents. Some groups of Sweatmongers maintain breweries that draw customers from far afield. table: Cults The Eternal Flesh Disciples of the eternal flesh preach of the immortality that comes with bonding with Xor and becoming of Xor. The Surgeon Acolytes of the cult of The Eternal Flesh take the infirm and connect their bodies with the sacred body of Xor, the blood of Xor is redirected to flow into the undying vessels, the flesh and other tissues of the undying vessels is peeled back and grafted onto Xor. In time the undying vessels lose all physical vestiges of their personal identity becoming one with Xor, never to die, never to be apart from the cult. The Scriveners This cult seeks to inscribe all knowledge upon the flesh of Xor with massive and elaborate encyclopedic tattoos that can wind of virtually for miles, some of which can only be truly appreciated or comprehended from afar or by those with extra-human observational skills. The cult can be found looking for ideal locations to lay down these tattoos, searching and brewing choice pigments, and fashioning implements to properly lay down the wisdom. The Milkmen Many have mistaken The Milkmen for Xor-dwelling nomads because they do not understand the complex physical and (according to the cult) spiritual voyages that The Milkmen take to travel from teat to teat do draw upon the milk Xor. The Milkmen will travel in small vagabond troops singing and engaged in bizarre dance empowered by the milk of Xor. They will trade in the Milk (and in their songs) but seek and see little profit from it seeming to settle for just enough to continue on their unending pilgrimage. The Thirsters The thirster clans are dangerous zealots who seek to draw upon the liquid of Xor and return all liquid onto Xor that have been stolen by parasites and scavengers (as they view them). Any who ever partake upon any of the myriad fluids of Xor that are not of the Thirsters are considered blasphemers. Clearly The Milkmen and The Thirsters will never get along unless the two cults somehow join together, such an aspiration would be heresy among many of The Thirsters but as each clan is led by an ancient charismatic elder the specifics of how each clan functions is variable. Fleshweavers The flesh weavers seek to expand upon Xor by bestowing the worthy with grafts form the body of Xor. Fleshweaver saints, guardians, and champions will grow to massive proportions as they accept multiple grafts over their lives for the faith. Among the Fleshweavers there is some contention to the end goal of the weaving and sects have not all agreed if the goal is to become a worthy offspring of Xor, to become a brother ox Xor, or to become a mate of Xor. Some of the less reputable shrines have been known to sell the Holy Grafts to those outside the cult sometimes reasoning it away by pointing out that Xor clearly approves when the graft is successful. Droning Dreamers This cult of Xor is easy to spot as practitioners will seek the high points upon the body of Xor to perch upon and engage in lengthy droning hymns that if done properly will be rewarded with a meditative dream-like state full or euphoric and prophetic visions. table: TroublesomeForces Bands of murder hobos, out to kill rob and enslave and torture locals to find legendary gold. Cultist of various demons, assassins, foreign or apocalyptic sects like hoods, masks and murder. The Great Beast is a titanic parasite that subverts Xor to breed servitor monsters and minions. Wizards from outside are always raiding with minions or seizing dungeons for exotic ingredients. The cosmic cancer cult bring radioactive star stones to Xor which spread mutation and shoggoths. Demons love to visit Xor for meat and victims and have been trying to subvert Xor to evil for aeons. Under the surface of Xor whole kingdoms of strange beings struggle to rule Xor. Plagues of creatures arise often and require adventurers to destroy the spawning point. Crusaders have come to Xor under impression everything demon tainted and requires purification. Conquerors of Xor are bandits and warlords united by a despot against all free people of Xor. Assassins of Xor are spies and killers but they in reality set their own secret agenda. Titans of Xor are godlike beings who secretly still dwell on Xor in monster filled meat dungeons. table: BossMonstersInDungeons Kurgad the Skinless Ogre Rules a gang of hairless rat men who rob and kill locals. Erdin the Flailed Mana A mercenary who wears his flailed skin as a cape leads local banits. Zordka A succubi who uses charmed spies to infiltrate settlements and steer them to demon cults. Barudka Arnjarz A bloated woman with her mutant sons who steal food and kidnap men for her. Master Azeron A demon cultist who breeds chaos spawned shoggoths in his secret temple. Kraj the Warlord Leads a band of pierced and mutated tatooed freak warriors who seek conquest. Ladja the Tick Queen Serves the demon ticks of the abyss and summons more with every sacrifice. Gorfang A hairless dog man with his savage tribe of mixed beast men hates humans except for food. Cernubas A hideous mutant and crime lord who runs nasty criminal gladiator bouts in the wasteland. Kalya the Sorceress With her pet giant flies tries to halt trade and keep people isolated and ignorant. Goldrun the Flesh Wizard Has been making flesh golems for years but they all go insane. Udru the Ghoul Leads his people from necrotic pit to gangrenous sore, increasingly hates the living. table: SuspiciousLocations An abandoned meat quarry has had signs of habitation but none dare explore the old pits. A crumbling bone castle once a site of a dynasty with forgotten flesh dungeons beneath. Remains of a ghost town and old almost healed over mine has had lights seen from it. A great once glorious living manour house now inhabited by monsters. A great scab mound has a bad reputation and things crawl out from beneath Xor here. A scabby valley with pustule hills and flowing sewerage has several demon shrines. A great wet cave entrance has swallowed many adventurers over the years. In a great wasteland of feces a tribe of humanoids has been growing increasingly hostile. A great flesh citadel once home of plane traveling elves appears every few years for a while. A great swollen red hill has been growing for years full of festering things crawl under Xor's skin. A slavers' camp surrounded by bone walls has been taken over by a demon cult. table: Settlements ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& Settlement Type[@SettlementTypes]& Tech Level[@SettlementTechnology]& [||Defenses[@SettlementDefenses]]& [||Local Specialist[@SettlementLocalSpecialist]]& [||Interesting Resource[@SettlementInterestingResource]]& [||Problem[@SettlementProblems]]&
table: SettlementTypes Nomad or hunters temporary camp site Semi permanent camp possibly move seasonally Cluster of shacks around a resource Village with a light defensive wall Large fortified village Sprawling town Fortified town Citadel often grown or built on Xor Castle or fortress City with walled defenses table: SettlementTechnology Hopeless stranded people with no local survival skills and scraps of supplies Hunter gatherers using bone, sinew, hair, teeth and other secretions of Xor These people sculpt and grow Xor by living in harmony and everything is grown from Xor for them A mixture of local technology with some expensive imported technology A hybrid of local and imported technoloy Local technology but with inclusion of recycled scraps like metal and glass used Mostly local technology but have some metal and local materials to replace things used outside Foreigners importing everything and improvising a few local resources Religious community that rely on priestly magic to feed everyone and use anything they can find These peoples sculpt Xor to live in luxury and use best technology organic or otherwise. They have forgotten more than others have ever learned and might posses high tech and magic table: SettlementDefenses Locals too lazy, starving, drugged or pacifistic too put up a fight or flee Some local hunters and warriors defend tribe Every male of age trains weekly and has a melee or missile weapon All eligible males drill regularly and women train in missile weapons Trained militia with armoury with some permanent on guard Locals rely on pets or allies for self defense Locals flee to defensive position with missile weapons Militia and arms training for all plus specialist exotic troops or pets Locals train daily and kill or enslave the weak - usualy classist and/or sexist Locals have built well fortified walls and well drilled guards and stores for seige table: SettlementLocalSpecialist A superior hunter well respected monster slayer A cunning trickster who saved everyone with lies and tricks and murder A wizard who defends and aids the locals A sorcerer who is a respected cult leader and vice addict A priest who preaches the traditional local religion A new priest who introduces new ways to Xor A druid who preserves the balance of community and nature A wandering hero has been accepted by tribe for heroic deeds A cunning business man who has improved local trade A shapeshifter in human form has become a trusted community leader table: SettlementInterestingResource Fresh water either from a sunken flesh pocket of refined somehow A tear duct where hormonal potions are gathered for trade On route of migratory species which locals exploit Have access to an underground trade route Slaves found wandering are sold in markets and common A viable meat mine feeds the populace with steaks and roasts Is incredibly ancient with remnants of ancient inhabitants and lost vaults A well full of blood feeds most of the populace used in all kinds of ways Parasite herders keep mites, ticks and bugs for food Local species used every day by locals for food, travel or war table: SettlementProblems Everyone sick of local but reliable food source Water is always short and precious Local humanoid tribe competes for resources Beastmen or orcs constantly raiding A local monster receives sacrifices to leave people alone Quakes have been increasing making area unsafe Xor has illness or taint which must be found and healed Some material resource is in high demand like metal Outsiders infiltrating the community for the worst Local meat caves or flesh tower a source of evil FILENAME: EMO_Supers_SidekickWoes.ipt Header: Sidekick Woes Sidekicks are a burden, though they can be helpful, sometimes even saving you from a deathtrap. And temporary sidekick teen heroes in training can be a novelty. An agency might ask or even insist that you adopt one to make up for some breach of the heroic code. Heroes might find misguided troubled teens with powers who will turn bad without help. Heroes should get karma for helping troubled teen sidekicks. I have sidekicks as a standard option. A Referee might allow rolling Popularity to bring in a sidekick to help when you are trapped. Of course the law nowadays frowns on child sidekicks being brought into battle, and those fallen pedophile heroes of yesteryear didn't help (TOP10 and 49ers by Alan Moore or Martial Law play on this). But honestly, having a sidekick is worthwhile; some even marry them. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/d100-sidekick-woes.html
prompt: Show me: {Random Sidekick Trouble|Growing Pains|Vice|Troubled|Brooding|Angst|Zealous|Naive|Passionate|Public spirit|Strange Mysteries} Random Sidekick Trouble use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: RandomSidekickTrouble [@GrowingPains] [@Vice] [@Troubled] [@Brooding] [@Angst] [@Zealous] [@Naive] [@Passionate] [@PublicSpirit] [@StrangeMysteries] table: GrowingPains Green hero -2cs for rolls till trained for 2 weeks Power unreliable or poorly controlled Afraid of engaging in combat Afraid of hazardous places or environments Lost confidence with selves and mission Sneak of to party and cause a public disturbance Gets attacked by gang ambush Charges foolishly in combat without looking Doesn't follow instructions, terrible improvisation Thinks they know it all, cocky table: Vice Failing schoolwork Catch pervert talking to sidekick Sidekick behaving oddly, experimenting with bad drugs Catch sidekick abusing drugs hardcore Becomes a sly drinker Breaks curfews and breaks out to party Become a gambling addict and in debt Almost kills someone, becoming blood lusty Buys super energy powder from guy in street or internet Obsessed with exercise and becoming an angry hotheaded beefcake jerk table: Troubled Desperate for company is tricked by an enemy Getting fat and sloppy and eating free doughnuts on patrol Collecting gang members money after defeating them Crime incredibly fascinating and drops other interests Vengeful wrath after seeing parents victims of crime Wants lots of guns and lethal weapons Wants lots of money and cool stuff Easily distracted, plays with phone on duty Takes up cigarettes and swearing Busy studying hottest and sexiest villain photoraphs table: Brooding Writes terrible poetry and goes a bit emo Gets into punkrock, piercing and tats Gets into anoying sub genre of heavy metal you never heard of Becomes born again religious Mouths off angry stuff to media Obsessed with mortality and heroes doom Hanging with hippies and reactionary droputs Got in thick with cult and gets carried away Terrible at delivering deadpan and embarrassing catch phrases Gets into guitars and mopes about the lair being a jerk table: Angst Cry when they fail Panic in battle and do dumb stuff Feel bad about being a hero Secretly love hero or someone they probably shouldn't Keep bringing up social issues at irrelevant times Keep mentioning favorite tv, games and movies adults have never heard of Keeps moaning why nobody loves them Goes out with bullies due to self loathing Keeps mentioning personal tragedy too often Moans they will never be a real hero or as cool as hero table: Zealous Fanatic no time for fun, got to be the best, in danger of burn out Studies and questions legal procedures like an annoying pedant Pulls apart equipment to study it Likes to graffiti name everywhere around town on patrol Sleeps at school from overwork Tries to kill criminals when hero not looking Has foolish theory on killing a kingpin would solve everything Keeps wanting upgrades and weapons and new uniforms Thinks friends make you weak, claims hero taught them, doesnt want secret ID Adopts additional identity and goes on secret patrol table: Naive Lets go a villain who showed him a fake SHEILD ID Sidekick has pregnancy scare Crooked patrol cops encouraged them to beat on bound criminal Thinks they can take on any problem Accidentally kills or maims someone Lets out hint of secret identity requiring a cover up Talks candidly to press too much Believes criminals will fear them Ask for explanations of everything Swears and blurts out inappropriate hate speech table: Passionate Goes into rage in fight publicly Argues with everything and has tantrums Smashes things when angry Oversexed and turning into a jerk Picks fights and smart mouth Stops to make long winded speeches Easily provoked hot head Taken to carrying a knife and threatening people with cruelty Terrible road rage driver Jealous of attention hero give others table: PublicSpirit Patronizes police and common working persons Likes to pose dramatically when public watching Repairs battlefield if possible next day or feels bad Picks up litter and rubbish compulsively Always doing community work and good deeds Berates evil doers with windy speeches Offers to talk to high schools about good life Reminds heroes about the hero code of conduct and the law Gets on TV more than hero for good deeds Risks dangerous power amplification to be a better hero table: StrangeMysteries Sidekick mind controlled or possessed by enemy Zelous public figure condems hero and sidekick relationship Tries to operate villain equipment or power source Evil duplicate (clone or parallel earth) replaces sidekick Gets a crush on a villain and tries to reform them and offer second chances Turns into a monster temporarily (were wolf) Age is changed or replaced by older or younger version from alternate earth Temporarily granted god like power, dangerous and goes to their head Otherworldly being takes fancy to sidekick Abilities out of control and weird Reading more wonder woman reprints so possibly another d100 love gone wrong coming d100 super team troubles a possibility FILENAME: EMO_Supers_LoveProblems.ipt Header: Super Hero Love Life Gone Wrong Romance should be a common problem for heroes. Some players declare friends are liabilities and try to avoid love but this is doomed to fail also. Marvel FASERIP has a contact system for relationships which is an underrated. I allow unlucky old aunts, kid brothers and pets to be opportunities to earn Karma. Similarly a contact could be a regular love interest and could earn the hero additional Karma. Other love interests can come and go. Enemies could be unwanted love interests. Drama should be as commonplace as battles in super hero comics. This table might help. Karma +10 Go on a date -10 to cancel +20 Role-playing an awesome speech to loved one -20 Shit speech that makes everything worse +20 Make formal declaration of love and some kind of personal contract -20 for messy break up +40 Getting married or moving in together -40 ugly lengthy legal separation +20 Deliberately having first baby +10 every child after -20 Finding out about surprise offspring after the fact from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/d100-super-hero-love-life-gone-wrong.html elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/d100-more-marvel-love-gone-wrong.html
prompt: Show me: {Random love problems|Only modest love problems|Obsession|Rivals in romance|Ex lovers|Love interest has issues|New blood|Dating difficulties|Personal problems|Unwanted interest|Spiteful enemies|Vile plots|Family drama|Strange mystery|Timeline crisis|Oh god why me!|Deathtrap delight|Loves pain|Unnatural excursions} Random love problems use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: OnlyModestLoveProblems [#{1d13} RandomLoveProblems] table: RandomLoveProblems [@Obsession] 2:[@RivalsInRomance] 2:[@FamilyDrama] [@ExLovers] 2[@LoveInterestHasIssues] [@NewBlood] [@DatingDifficulties] [@PersonalProblems] [@UnwantedInterest] [@LovesPain] [@VilePlots] [@SpitefulEnemies] [@DeathtrapDelight] [@StrangeMystery] [@TimelineCrisis] [@OhGodWhyMe!] [@UnnaturalExcursions] table: Obsession Love interest obsessed with knowing everything about heroes activities. Love interest obsessed with knowing heroes alter ego. Love interest obsessed with knowing heroes past and origin. Love interest obsessed with marrying the hero. Love interest obsessed with jealousy for heroes attention. Love interest obsessed with following hero everywhere. Love interest treats hero alter ego with contempt and as unworthy of love. Love interest concerned they are not worthy and depressed. Love interest tries to protect hero and deal with hero enemies. Love interest exposes self to threats unreasonably expecting rescue. table: RivalsInRomance An attractive rival becomes friends with your love interest. Aggressive competitive romantic rival challenges you constantly. An old same sex friend comes out of closet and reveals love interest in you. Inappropriate love interest has embarrassing crush on you. A childhood friend turns up with secret love interest. A lookalike of a lost lover appears and chemistry starts despite pain. An alien or otherworldly being has developed romantic interest. A stranger triggers dreams of being star crossed lovers in past life. An old friend or mentor confesses they always loved you. An enemy developed a crush and risks plans to be near you. Several love interests meet and quarrel publicly. Several love rivals create a contest to prove who is most worthy. Several love interests view another as a threat and team up to get rid of them. Love interest tired of waiting for commitment dates a jerk or enemy. Love interest injured by ex lover angered by interest in hero. Love interest has crazed admirer who tries to arrange death of hero. Super enemy of hero becomes admirer of romantic interest. Super enemy of hero kidnaps romantic interest to convince them of superiority. Someone builds a robot that becomes obsessed with heroes romantic interest. Villain adopts new identity to seduce heroes romantic interest. table: FamilyDrama Your love interest is possibly discovered to be a relative (or clone). Family do not approve of love and want to save you. Discovered children from past relationship. Your lover has family that hate super heroes. Your lover has a sibling who becomes obsessed with your love. A family member hates the love interest and tries to sabotage love. A frail dependent relative occupies love interests time. Love interest related to a super villain. Love interest has criminal, political or military family ties. Love interest family could effect your income or popularity. Family cultural, religious and nationality causes some family to disprove. Family member is a super villain goon for hire and closet full of coloured boiler suits. Family member has personal vendetta against super humans and vigilantes. A parent of love interests says you have to prove your worth to get their approval. A love interest's sibling becomes crazy for hero in secret or public ID. Sickly grandparent pretends to be sick to keep you apart because she hates your kind. Parent of love interest is mind controlled agent of an evil force and used as a spy. Love interest family have many criminal and corrupt members. Love interest has several members in a conspiracy breeding super humans. Love interest has family members who monitor strange phenomena for secret agency. table: ExLovers Ex lover turns up needing help or tied to evil plot. Ex spouse appears on scene to confuse matters and brings up messy divorce. Ex lover wants relationship back desperately. Ex lover become tied to super villain some how. Ex lover desperately in some trouble and needs care and help. Lover or spouse back from the dead with incredible story. Ex spouse of some relation to currant love interest and emotionally unstable. Ex lover tries to cause accidents finally resorting to attempted murder. Ex lover appears to warn away new love interest. Ex lover becomes BFF with current love interest. table: LoveInterestHasIssues Love interest takes up dangerous career. Love interest becomes a rising celebrity. Love interest attracts attentions of criminals or super villain. Love interest devotes life to charitable or political cause. Love interest being monitored by crime, conspiracy or government. Love interest charged with a crime. Love interest is threatened by someone and lives in terror. Love interest develops eating disorder as well as interest in quack therapies. Love interest deeply in debt and delusional. Love interest has abusive behavior possibly violent. Love interest becomes a drug addict or alcoholic. Love interest is corrupt. Love interest is a career undercover criminal. Love interest is an agent or spy. Love interest involved in secret high risk thrills. Love interest has multiple affairs. Love interest is shocked by event and suffers mental breakdown. Love interest is ill and needing difficult treatment. Love interest is revealed to be a bigot "but they might change!" (hero hater). table: NewBlood An attractive new interesting co worker or professional peer befriends you. You help stranger out who asks you out for drink or coffee. Attractive young person flirts with you lots. Attractive person needs to be rescued, promises to make it up to you. A celebrity admits to finding your hero ID atractive. Person you never consider admits awkwardly they love you. An attractive hero ID fan really would like to meet you. Meet person who is infatuated by you and is now your stalker. A charming sociopath serial killer worms way into your life. Hot mysterious person flirts, turns out later they are super criminal. table: DatingDifficulties Emergency comes up before date or meeting with love interest. Family, friends or co workers interfere with dates. Crime or accident spotted on way to or during date. Date asks you awkward questions about how hero spends time. Muggers try to rob you during date. Love interest expresses annoyance at heroes secretive and busy life. Love interest pressures hero for commitment like engagement or co habitation. Love interest tries to convince hero to adopt less dangerous and quiet life. A romantic rival or ex meets you while on date and makes awkward moment. Love interest makes public romantic gesture and devastated if not returned. table: PersonalProblems Love interest suffers temporary memory loss probably from injury. Love interest feigns illness to get attention. Love interest tests heroes resolve in relationship. Love interest develops a split personality. Love interest struck by disability and requires support. Love interest having crisis and goes to odd sanitarium for rest. Love interest needs a break and flies to opposite end of country. Meddling friends and family try to play cupid and put pressure on relationship. Love interest makes gift demonstrating commitment (house keys or ring). Love interests family make personal attacks and difficult to impress. table: UnwantedInterest Fans of hero swarm about them, both annoying and dangerous. Misguided fan throws self into danger for attention. Unstable fan attacks hero love interest. Powerful being appears declares hero a worthy mate to reproduce with. Villain tries to clone hero to be a worthy mate. Villain taunts hero with crimes in order to meet and seduce them. Media gossips and speculates on heroes love life and interest. Journalist stalks hero and villains try to make use of obsession. Spurned unbalanced former love interest becomes villain for attention. Powerful unbalanced being demands hero love them or inocents will die. table: LovesPain Love interest while on a date outraged hero seems distant and not really interested. Love interest keeps getting urgent calls and cancelling dates for work. Love interest outraged by a heroes opinion and blows it up into absurd drama. Ex love interest tells to much in public or online media making you famous as a jerk. Love interest seems to to only wants you for making babies. Celebrity or social media claims hero in relationship with someone the are not. Love interest sick with worry all the time for heroes well being. Love interest witness to crime or jury member in important case of mobsters. Love interest gets suspicious job offer. Love interest needs time out and goes on trip leaving only a few clues. table: VilePlots Enemy changes love interests age from under age or elderly. Enemy erases love interests memories of hero. Enemy uses mind control to steal love interest out of spite. Enemy reveals (or lies) that contact with hero is a health hazard. Enemy turns love interest temporarily evil and taunts hero. Enemy clones love interest and sets loose to cause trouble. Enemy offers love interest powers so they can be truly with hero. Enemy sends love interest back in time or to future. Creature released by enemy hunts love interest. Enemy tells insane monster the hero secretly loves them. table: SpitefulEnemies Evil demon seeks to torment hero through endangering love interest. Enemy apparently kills love interest but just a cruel trick. Enemy tries to make love interest jealous of friends claiming they are having affair. Enemy declares will kill your love interests. Gangsters kidnap heroes love interest to blackmail hero. Crazed fan lies about being heroes lover attracting enemies to kidnap them. Enemy makes hoax threats of danger to hero love interest to be a jerk. Someone makes false prediction about heroes love life to cause trouble. Fan fakes evidence of hero being love interest (Photoshop or a baby). Enemy fakes evidence that hero killed love interests family member. table: DeathtrapDelight Several love interests in deathtrap you choose between their life or mass desruction. Love interest taken and left in a deathtrap with time limit by villain. Villain uses love interest as hostage to force hero to serve them in a task. Love interest infected with horrible alien parasite that will kill host in time. Love interest parent actually encourages villain to get rid of hero. Villain decides will be heroes only one and threatens to kill heroes love interests. Villain uses an android replicant, clone or plastic surgery look alike to lure hero into trap. Villain sabotages love interests career and reputation with fake evidence. Assassination attempt by some means of hero while on a date with love interest. Villain intrudes on heroes dreams trying to influence them romantically. table: StrangeMystery Love interest turned into a creature. Love interest targeted by mysterious super assassins. Love interest secretly from a non human species. Love interest on the run from super villain or secret society or cult. Love interest is a living time bomb and if not contained in time is a walking disaster. Love interest is replaced by shapeshifter, android, alien or clone. Love interest is being mind controlled by someone. Love interest undergoes incredible image and style change over night. A non human entity declares you or love interest are it's chosen one. table: TimelineCrisis Clues from alternate possible parallel show you with surprising partner. Time travelers from oppressive alternate future are your offspring. Temporal assassins from possible future seek to erase you and love interest from timeline. New enemy from other timeline is evil version of your love interest. An evil version of yourself tries to replace you and steal your love interest. Time travelers come and give you a child you will have in future for safe keeping. A parallel version of your love interest seems more willing but has terrible secret. Love interest is a clone made by someone for a secret breeding program. Time traveler from future tells you to stick with current love interest no matter what. Time travelers appear to see if the chosen one convinced or born yet. table: OhGodWhyMe! Your lover didn't used to be human and came from a lab or spell. Your love interest is possessed by a being from another plane. Your love interest dies in your arms horribly thanks to an enemy. Your love interest carried away by mysterious enemies. Your love interest carried away from the earth. Your love interest meets and tames a powerful being, her presence keeps it under control. Your love interest is a super villain or changed into one or doesn't even know. Your love interest is a leader of a non human secretive civilization with many factions. Enemy made your love interest dangerous for you to touch or be near each other. Cosmic being tells you how your current love interest pans out will determine fate of the world. table: UnnaturalExcursions Unearthly being seeks a host body to be born in this world and impregnates someone. Creepy villain declares love for hero or love interest, if rejected cries then goes insane. Enemy with hots for hero love interest declares a contest to see who is most worthy. Enemy with love for hero or or love interest attempts mind control or drugs. Enemy impersonates hero and is abusive and cruel to hero love interest. Enemy spurned by hero love interest shrinks to micro size and moves inside their body. Hero struck by telepathic SOS message from unknown soul mate on another world. A strange being from beyond warns your love interest that hero is no good for them. Alternate universe self who lost love interest now wants yours and they seem nicer. Fantastically rich lonely creep offers hero or love interest power to fulfill desires. FILENAME: EMO_OSR_HomesForWeeFolk.ipt Header: Homes for the Wee Folk The wee folk live in tiny natural houses, quite often near human villages and rural farms. Some are well hidden or invisible to humans, others are blatant. The latter kind is best avoided as they are pretty well defended to be so brazen. Thought if they get along with locals and trade they might just be neighbors. from Elfmaids and Octopi elfmaidsandoctopi.blogspot.com/2016/06/d100-homes-for-wee-folk.html
prompt: Show me: {Specific Wee Folk Homes|Make A Home|Home Types|Neighborhoods|Defences|Household Size|Good Wee Folk|Neutral Wee Folk|Evil Wee Folk} Specific Wee Folk Homes use: common/nbos/Tools.ipt table: Start {choice=='[{$prompt1} >> replace / /\/]'}& [when]{rep}=1[do]{$prompt1}
[end]& [@{choice}] table: MakeAHome ul \{margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 1em;}& table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}& {align=='[|Evil|Good|Neutral]'}& {align} Wee Folk Home &
& Home Type[@HomeTypes]& Defences[@Defences]& Household Size[@HouseholdSize]& [|||Connections[@Neighborhoods]]& [@WeeFolkInsert]&
table: EvilWeeFolk {align=='Evil'}[@MakeWeeFolk] table: GoodWeeFolk {align=='Good'}[@MakeWeeFolk] table: NeutralWeeFolk {align=='Neutral'}[@MakeWeeFolk] table: MakeWeeFolk table \{border-collapse: collapse;\}tr \{border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;\}&
& [@WeeFolkInsert]&
table: WeeFolkInsert {align} Wee Folk[@{align}WeeFolk2]& Up To What?[@WhatAre{align}WeeFolkUpTo]& Allies[@AlliesOfThe{align}WeeFolk] table: HomeTypes In a giant mushroom with tiny door and window In a tree stump with chambers going into roots Inside a living tree stump In branches of a tree Inside a large rock formation Tiny little cottage Inside a bush Inside burrow of an animal Inside a [|hill|burial mound] [|Under a pond|On a tiny island] table: Defences Animal guard, an able fighter Animal friend, warns inhabitants Birds get help if trouble Cunning traps Has several potions Magical plant defenders Gods curse any who harm Invisible guardian spirit Magical guard construct Illusions hide home table: HouseholdSize Single and lonely[||, bitter] Single with {d6} pets {d3+1} unmarried[|||, with {d3} pets] Nuclear family of four with {d3} pets Extended family of {2d4+4} with {d6} pets Household of {3d3} mixed wee folk and talking animals table: Neighborhoods Is connected by paths to {1d3} other households Is connected by tunnels to {2d4} other households Is actually a village with {3d6} households Is part of a large hidden colony with a king and/or queen table: GoodWeeFolk2 Kind gnomes who help anybody Faeries Squirrel folk Rabbit Mushroom folk Sprites Mouse folk Mole folk Beaver folk [|Robin|Wren] folk table: WhatAreGoodWeeFolkUpTo Singing and dancing for festivities Singing and doing chores Performing rituals to thank nature Performing first aid on local animal friends Gathering and preserving food like nuts and berries Repairing or expanding home Receiving friends for supper [|Playing games|Performing in a band] Playing with local child and teaching them secrets Hiding from evil greedy adventurers table: AlliesOfTheGoodWeeFolk Bright elves Unicorn Giant eagle Wild dogs Good Tree man Forest Dwarves Kindly Wood troll Local villagers Firebird Faerie Dragon table: NeutralWeeFolk2 Forest Gnomes who help nature Rabbit folk Cat folk Frog folk Moss folk Brownies Raven folk Owl folk Rock folk Badger folk table: WhatAreNeutralWeeFolkUpTo Performing lewd fertility rites Beating a [|trapped|tied] enemy with sticks Having a drunken orgy Milking caterpillars Receiving a guest [|druid|elf|fairie] Placing traps to snare human hunters Seducing a youth they found in forest Buying a child off a parent Laying about in magic mushroom stupor Dancing around a fairy circle to open a gate table: AlliesOfTheNeutralWeeFolk Wood elves Halflings Druids Centaurs Satyrs Dryad and her thralls Stag man hunter Nature spirit Local hunters Were[|boar|bear] table: EvilWeeFolk2 Black hat gnomes who like poisoning wells Toadstool folk Rat folk Redcap gnomes who like to bathe in blood Fox folk Weasel folk Goblins Forest Imps Gremlins Mandrake folk table: WhatAreEvilWeeFolkUpTo Torturing a bound enemy Making poison in a cauldron Preparing spells to torment local farmers Terrifying a small crying child Comparing stolen loot Dancing naked covered in blood around mangled corpse Praising the powers of darkness with blood sacrifice Playing ball with a human head Making zombie animals for fun Planting weeds, thistles and thorns table: AlliesOfTheEvilWeeFolk Dark elves Hobgoblins Goat men Giant spiders Evil tree folk [|A forest giant|An ogre|An evil troll] A coven of witches A wight A wyvern A werewolf table: SpecificWeeFolkHomes Old tree stump with tiny door with a dwarf, otter and beaver having a tea party inside Door on a tree with black cap evil gnomes making a batch of poison for local children Huge fallen log with several doors inside a pixie a sprite and a brownie playing cards A tiny pond next to a tree stump cottage of a tiny frog man who likes to smoke and fish A door under some tree roots is home to several evil dwarves having a black mass A cluster of mushroom cottages with a band of pixies performing for local animals A cluster of tree houses with clothed swashbuckling squirrels polishing their nuts A pond with a tiny shroom house with a bathing nixie, becomes irate if spied on Tiny hut in bush where drunk goblins play spin the bottle with an intelligent pig A small bear and a monkey angrily trying to enter a gnome tree house A tiny lantern filled grove where fairies dance about mushrooms A tiny door in a grassy knoll, a badger in a dressing gown sips tea in the door way Brownies with watering cans tending flowers in a grove in front of a tiny cottage A sloppy tiny shack where goblins lay about eating shrooms with erections A tree stump table where an evil dwarf and weasel playing knife games A colourful mushroom manour with naked sprite doing house work inside A tiny grove where a stern gnome berates goblins for letting intruders in area Red hat gnomes building a tiny cottage for a fairy who squeals with joy Rabbits with tiny waist coats dancing about a maypole instructed by a brownie A rat a spider and an evil gnome drinking dark ale in a burned out tree hollow A cluster of tiny tents where hedgehogs cook grubs on forks over a fire A cat with a fiddle entertaining a giant cricket, a frog and a mole while eating stew A tiny stage in the woods for an insect cabaret with lady beetles and crickets Singing giant mice picking berries flee into their giant bramble bush cottage complex Weasels in teeny robes about to sacrifice a hedgehog on a pentacle carved in tree stump A door in a foxhole is where the local mr fox lives, local barnyard serial killer A creek with a tiny waterwheel cottage home of river rat family who are terribly nice A beavers dam complex where dozens cheerily work, they are a religious commune Tiny tree men and faeries dancing around an attractive glitter covered sleeping naked elf Dark forest dwarf shack where they are busy with prisoners in sacks they need to shank A fluffy bunny, squirrel and brownie in a mushroom house trying to to help a lost faun Band of small duck folk standing around pond trying to solve gruesome murder of a duck Several evil treemen about an old stone shrine plotting how to exterminate humans A dark elf child with his zombie farm animal pals torturing a tied up farmer A tent where an Imp a weasel and a dark dwarf camp in between murdering locals A toadstool patch actually a village of gremlins and their pet toads A grove of fungi where a tender goblin druid with his sickle cares for this garden Fairies playing with brownies who leapfrog over mushrooms laughing A hillock has a tiny gate house where faerie guards to an elfland through the portal Shambling shack with a light on distracts you from an evil mandake plant man A tiny village of toadstool men are performing evil rites to the fungus goddess A slimy fungi cottage in a pond a newt is serenading his love hiding in the house A robin, a leprechaun, a frog and cat telling bawdy stories in front of a door in a tree A kindly wood troll helping little folk repair roofing of their mushroom houses A hole in hill with an adorable tiny mining shack with several moles drinking after a shift Giant bramble hedge where mice and wren with clothing live in multiple cottages Brownies learning about love from an old satyr bard in his hollow tree house Village of sprites in mushrooms having a birthday party for a [|centaur foal|baby unicorn] A mushroom village of pixies with a charmed village idiot they stole from locals Faeries in a village hanging from tree branches all gathered around a human baby Pixies in hut playing with wild baby goats, pigs and other cute animals they look after Dark elf mother in hollow burned out tree with spider nanny and dozens of goblin brats A mossy glade hides dozens of moss men and their strange mentalist powers A worn stone circle is actually a village where rock folk mostly sleep between rituals Raven family with a cottage where humanoids hang humans in gibbets to die A village of raven folk tree houses where they train orphans to be warrior monks Owl folk cottages in branches where owls debate philosophy and giving quests Grove of bird houses where every dawn and dusk a fire bird comes and from his house Industrious badger burrows with doors, mining, working metal and making weapons Old badger with his moss woman and rabbit friend live in a pond side cottage House of a brownie, sprite and faerie teaching a lost child about wonderful faerie land Mushroom houses of brownies who run and hide leaving a {d6} changeling babies Frog men and rockmen village in stone filled swampy pond, training in martial arts Nature spirit becomes visible and pours flowers and fruits over fairy mushroom village Village of evil tree folk, squirrels and imps plot to torment local humans for the year Door in hill where quaint forest trolls have built sprawling cottage for mixed wee folk kids Red hat good gnome village having celebration for ancient treeman guest Black hat evil gnome village summoning imps from the netherworld to alter reality Small shroom house looks like a gnome but is a redcap - turns from a gnome to an ogre Green hat tree gnomes in front of tree homes brewing up potions to awaken trees Druid sacrificing a dog to a mixed group of animals and wee folk who start to prepare it Mixed wee folk village celebrating a dryad and her enterage of charmed humans visit A huge fallen tree cottage is home to jolly wereboars and their dozen children An old bear, a newt man hunter and a forest drake live in a cave together Foggy remains of destroyed tiny shroom cottages guarded by a willo-the-whisp Outside a tiny shack with iron stove live an imp, a fox, a weasel and a goblin gamblers Thousands of fairy huts in branches of trees like glowing fruit, mortals unwelcome Drunken halfling throwing his weight around in a mushroom village of mixed wee folk Pixie mushroom house where household are treating boar wounded human hunter Hobgoblins and goatmen serve dark dryad and her evil faerie friends in their tree house Evil spirits materialze in toadstool imp village to advise their war on humanity Cave of young fauns being tutored by a brownie and a badger in life's secrets Craggy rocks with many holes and thorn bushes home of plucky mouse settlers Tiny shack where hedgehog and blackbird live with mementos from their adventures A treehouse belonging to a harpy and her tree imp friends who plan evil deeds A tribe of savage forest octopi folk holding druidic rites in woven communal tree nests A cobwebbed grove with dark faerie toadstool houses, above them lives their spider god Creepy pond where a kelpie her frog and goblin servants live in a shack Several dark faerie live in a shroom cottage on a crypt of a banshee spirit Sprite and a frog co habit under a creek waterfall in a mushroom outraging their families Frog mushroom village around a pond having an inspiring sing song Nixie a pixie and a brownie by a mushroom cottage run a small shop peddling supplies Goblin brothers lounging on porch of their shack built on a cave mouth busy drinking A wicked gnome and her spider consort live in a battered old mushroom house Several wicked imps hold an attractive elf prisoner inside a tree awaiting a ransome A clan of giant bat riding small goblins live in tree nests built from guano A tiny door leading into a hill is entry to a tap filled kobold mine A cave mouth with smoke pouring out is home do dark dwarf smiths trade in weapons Witches coven cavorting with goblins, cats and imps in toadstool grove Old hag telling stories to young goblins, dark elves, rats and spiders in a cave shack
0 notes