#dont really post art here anymore for personal reasons but i wanted naff to see this so here you go lol
ufolane · 1 year
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i am totally normal about @naffeclipse 's fic Cryptid Sightings (i'm lying)
as usual, click for better quality because holy shit tumblr was not kind to this post
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Life, The Universe & Everything
I sometimes wonder whether anyone actually cares about anything I say. But to be honest, I’m not that fussed and wouldnt mind somewhere that I can just ramble and post things that no one will probably ever see as I am not exactly going to advertise what i am doing here.
So, in the time it takes for a pizza to cook in the oven, wait a minute, not a delivery? I know right, shock and horror and all that. Where was I? Oh yes so in the time it takes for my food to cook, I’m just gonna introduce whats happening in my life at the moment so I can one day come back and be like ah, thats what I wasted my time doing, I mean thats what I was doing when I was 23.
Where do I start? Well I better put that pizza in I suppose as its not going to cook itself, you know what I mean.
In a world where technology is everywhere, I have only just recently realised how unfortunate it has been for us that grew up in its wake. Sure, it has its positives but I think our childhoods were robbed of something golden and that is the art of a book. You see, I have only started taking up reading in the last year or so and have been annoyed to discover I enjoy it so much, that I wish I just had more time to do it. When you’re a full time working adult in the film industry, spare time just seems to evaporate and you have to just grab it, like the last drop of drink at the bottom of a bottle.
For me, I dont think there is a writer better than Douglas Adams. His style is so unique and pure with a sense of humour that i feel I can relate to and it almost feels like youre have a conversation with a mate who is just too excited to get their words out. I also find it it so incredibly depressing that he went so young and we will never get anymore of his beautiful humour.
I tried writing a book once and it turned out to be a serious of annecdotes but Dougs’ style bled through. Maybe I’ll show those 5 chapters to someone special one day.
Advise to yourself: A career in the film industry is tough and will take its toll on you, I am living this right now. With my first saturday off in weeks, I have decided to relax reading, sitting on the kitchen worktop out the window in St Johns Wood. I think this is my favourite spot in the whole universe and one day, I’ll look back with fondness on this.
Dates to remember Part 1:
August 3rd- The moment you knew.
See I am being very vague here but sometimes in life, full circles happen and a beautiful set of conincedences occur.
Talking of full circles, I had the realisation the other day that my mum bought me a dvd of the film Inception for doing my GCSE exams. My job now, I am working with the VFX Supe who made that film what it is. So you could say, thats one big coincidence but it all happens for a reason.
This is sort of a diary when you look at it really. I tried writing a diary before but its tough to keep on something regularly when you are an irregular person.
I do love writing, i find it something magical really. The films I wrote are just naff if I am being honest and some of the stuff in them I do regret as down the line it would haunt me. But thats the thing, you write what you know and your experiences, hence the haunting realisation that everything you ever right is going to be about yourself in some shape or form.
I want to try and be a bit ambiguous about what I write on here and have a range of stuff build up to look back on and think hmm, thats creative. At the end of the day, everyone needs a way to express themselves and this is mine.
i can smell the pizza but it still has 50 seconds left so I am going to wrap this up as I need to text someone back aswell as I have been writing instead of writing you see.
Oh there goes the timer...
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