#done with the season! excited for s6 now hehe
rhdnthe · 2 months
click the source link to access # 460 GIFS of SAMANTHA LOGAN in all american, season five. ━━━━ all these were made from scratch by me. please like or reblog if you found these useful.
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content warning: kissing, drinking, shattered glass.
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bronyinabottle · 7 years
If you've known me in regards to some of my wishlists for episodes in the show. You would definitely know that I've been wanting an episode involving Twilight's parents for a loooooooooonnnnnggggg time. Probably the very moment they made their first appearance in Cutie Mark Chronicles, they became an instant want for an episode involving them as early as Season 2. Being this is Season 7 and just now they finally got around to an episode with them you know I've been disappointed on that front quite a few times heh. I appreciate the cameos they had and especially the speaking role they had in the Season 6 opener but I still craved a full episode with them. And finally we got one at last. While I still wish we got to see them more fully earlier then this, I did really like this episode.
Though let's get an elephant out of the room. Yes they gave them completely different voice actors in this episode as opposed to from the Season 6 opener. And at the very least regarding Twilight's Mom. The voice Tara gave her is probably better then the voice she had in this episode. That said I don't HATE Twi's Mom's new voice, it probably fits better with the personality she was given in the episode. I do kinda wonder if maybe Twi's parents speaking in the S6 Opener was a little bit of a rushed thing where the staff is like "Oh shit, we should probably have the parents see their new grandchild… Quick get Tara and Andrew to speak a few lines!". It's going to be a bit of a noticeable oddity with the episode. But it didn't ruin the episode for me.
Now I was concerned that they were going to leave Spike completely out of the episode. And indeed he doesn't go. But they probably used the absolute best excuse to not have Spike go in having him offer to take over paperwork duties for Twilight. And Twilight even says  she considers Spike part of her family. That's really important to me, especially if you know what I've done between Spike and Twilight on I Dream of Twilight Sparkle ^^ I probably wouldn't have been too upset if they had completely glossed over him as others would be as it's kinda the thing that Spike gets the short end of the stick. But at least this time they had a good excuse to not have him go.
Right away when we see Twilight's parents we are told the two things that define them in the episodes. Night Light (Twilight's father) warns Twilight that her mom's idea of a relaxing vacation is extreme stuff like bungee jumping. Very surprising but I don't mind because we just see how crazy fun she is later. And Twi's father is huge into Bingo.
An interesting tidbit we also get from this episode; Twilight and Shining were not born in Canterlot. Now they were certainly RAISED in Canterlot. I don't think there's any doubt about that. But now where exactly they were born is a mystery. They obviously moved to Canterlot when Twilight was very young. But now it's something I'd like to know more about. Could we maybe get a 2nd episode with Twi's parents including flashbacks to tell us in Season 8 hmmmmm?
Also welcome back Iron Will. He's back to being that corporate antagonist. Not necessarily a villain but still someone who uses some rather dirty company tactics. I know it's also kind of Twilight's parents' fault for falling for it. But Iron Will could of still at least been more accommodating to Twilight. Maybe she and Iron Will could of at least talked about making sure she can see the Northern Lights later with her family. Iron Will is the ship/cruise manager. He could of at least shuffled the schedule (Maybe take a brief break during the autograph session)
Oh boy, Star Tracker. Definitely a stand in for a bit of a creepy fan with a bit of a crush. Though at least he gets some redemption later. But yeah a few things he does early on in the episode might warrant the hoofstomp he got from Twilight later. I'm certain it'll be another ship in the Shipping side of things somewhere. Though to be fair, Star Tracker's still better then Flash Sentry hehe.
We see Twilight Velvet's adrenaline junkie personality in full force at the waterfalls. Some of the excitement still in her face, shrunken pupils, wet mane, and everything. It's honestly great. I kinda want to see Twilight's mom meet Rainbow's parents. Or even just Rainbow Dash herself. Something tells me that would be awesome.
You know, when Iron Will jumped off in the parachute I was almost half-expecting Twilight's mom to have jumped off with him and said something like how she didn't know there was going to be a surprise skydiving event. That would of been a pretty funny joke to leave off from. Twilight and Cadence could of even flew to bring Velvet back on the ship for the final scenes.
Speaking of the final scenes it was very cute of the family to make the best recreation they can. Though Velvet in this scene also shows some surprising magic skill. You have to remember that self-levitation was believed to not been very easy. While I doubt Twi's Mom has like Starlight level power. Levitating herself, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart has to be some impressive magic skill no matter how you shake it. Maybe Twilight might of at least partly inherited her skill in magic. Because from what we know about Magic, that's an impressive feat for one unicorn to do.
But that's the episode. I'm not going to say it's the best of the season or anything but I definitely think it's up there in the Top 5 of the season for me personally. I am so happy Twi's parents finally got their time to shine. So call me very satisfied with one of my wishlist episodes.
Next time is Secrets and Pies. A pretty crazy Rainbow and Pinkie episode. Now I did catch the rest of the season already through the leaks. But as always I'm doing these responses and thoughts as they air officially. Though I know because I've been late with the response to this episode the episode has already aired. I hope to have the response to Secrets and Pie by Thursday or Friday since i have an idea that won't take nearly as long as this episode's did. Seeya then.
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