#don't make me think about these things please i'm just a girl ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿฉท
kniesout ยท 1 month
teacup emoji honest opinion on if mitch is gonna get traded when his contract ends?
thrown in the deep end immediately. can't we just pretend love is enough. that with hope you'll always be handed a chance. no? for real? are you sure?
i'll say what i said to all my friends when the topic of Will They Won't They inevitably entered our chat: if i could choose just one guy to keep, any guy, i'd keep mitch. no brainer.
matter of fact, i think they also want to keep mitch. elite young player, of course they do! it's just that with this team, everything is dictated by the circumstances - instead of throwing punches, they tend to just roll with them.
the circumstances now demand the changes they asked for a year ago, and mitch just happens to be one of the easier pieces to move. long story short. long, dreadful, backed yourself into a corner and now there is nowhere for you to go story short.
i hope i'm wrong though! i often am :)
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