#don’t get me started on the Kagi posts though. those turn me into a different creature entirely
sunnnfish · 2 years
my dear friend sunnnfish I don’t wanna rb my own post too many times so I’m sending an ask from main (this is dirtbra1n, just to be clear) . your TAGS GODDDD…… like honestly there are very few peoples tags who make me feel as like. TALENTED. as yours do. ALSO THAT IT’S CALMING TO YOUUU this post that wades around in the turbulent waters of DEATH and MORTALITY not being fear inspiring but instead like. comforting.. I didn’t mean to come here to get all poetic but something in there makes me very happy. love u love and light
YOURE GONNA MAKE ME BLUSH… you ARE talented !!!! All your writing makes me feel so many emotions and like it’s so.. real in such a raw and emotional way. Especially the way you write hanzawa has become particularly #relatable and personal and also like very sensory oriented ? If that makes sense? Like I said it’s very grounding to read and imagine it all. Very peaceful despite the violent rivers and creaking bones (though those too are oddly peaceful in and of themselves). You said it’s about death and mortality but it ends saying he wants to live yknow :) like. After all that turbulence. Masato wants to live. Maybe that’s the most comforting part. ANYWAYS ummmmm yeah :) I love YOU and you also make me feel so talented… I love reading ur tags and how u notice the details in my art n stuff… love and light <3
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