#dollydevil update
lucykisaragi · 3 years
Been a long good chunk of silence from me for the most part for 2020 and 2021 thus far. but wanted to give a small update that in the upcoming month i’m planning to start to put all my renders onto a google drive that’ll be accessible for viewing/downloading for everyone. this is both to better organize renders and have them in the quality they are on my end since tumblr does lower the quality a bit. 
after that this blog is likely going on archive mode because i really haven’t been motivated to continue rendering for aikatsu as a whole.
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lucykisaragi · 4 years
mostly for new followers, but please remember that even though not every render post might not mention it, it is stated in my own guidelines page to not upload my renders to other websites (instagram, png websites, insta, twitter, wikias/fandoms, ect). this goes for all my renders new and old. thank you.
and unrelated to that, sorry for the lack of content, have had a lot going on offline last few months between health issues and issues concerning my house. hoping to start posting renders again soon though!
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
Just a heads up. imma likely not be checking the emails, so if anyone who joined in the SS this year needs to contact me, please message me on this blog or the @aikatsu-secretsanta blog! i’m in the middle of packing my whole house up this month, so mostly gonna be focusing on packing and working on renders when i take breaks or run out of tape again.
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
dumping a big batch of renders ive been sitting on some of which i forgot i had done but the queue is evened out so it should swap between posting a precure set and an aikatsu set for the next couple days! most of the precure sets are just sprite-renders i did while getting into a rendering mood to finish photokatsu ones
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
four more precure summer sets on the way! and a couple more photokatsu sets as well are in the plans! been a really productive month for rendering tbh. 
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
So imma take a break for the next couple days and both finish & re-open requests next week.  my area went through an extremely abnormally rare tornado siting/warning earlier today and im just now fully calming down from that scare (its been 7 hours since this post but it was really scary cause we dont have any even school lessons for what to do for those where i live). i am okay, but i wanna just take it easy for the next couple days cause that was a lot to go through for me.... and it did cause a lot of damage to my town and near by towns.  but yea due to that imma likely not post anything til next week or work on much render wise until next week. 
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
Render Live stream dates!
May 25th - Aikatsu Renders June 1st - Pretty Cure Renders. *edit: date change because family is apparently coming over that weekend of the 18th/19th.
Time frames will be from 3-4 pm EST til 7-8pm EST, so roughly 4 or 5 hours. Live streams will both be held on Twitch again. More information regarding the stream are under the cut!
First, just to make sure no one presumes this time, I will NOT be uploading the completed stream as a video at all. the stream will NOT be recorded, if you are hoping for a tutorial then i highly recommend one of the many tutorials that are already on youtube. 
Second I will mostlikely be doing requested renders on the livestreams, so on note of that requests will open up on May 17th around 2 pm est until May 25th 2pm est. Requests will be done via slot list, so first come first serve basically. Aikatsu & Pretty Cure will both have a separate slot list as well. both slot lists will only be 4 slots, so that means only one request per person. and requests sent via anon will not be accepted. 
To send in a request, all you need to do is message me with your request and if i accept it then I will add it to the slot list post which will go up on May 10th. 
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
i’m back from the convention and working on two sets to upload later this week! (one for precure from the new easter themed set and one for photokatsu!) i’m going to start thinking of a weekend in MAY for the livestream after i finish these sets as well! like last time it will be on twitch. i’ll also be thinking of what to render durring the stream, mostlikely i will do a PR card i havn’t gotten around to rendering yet for Aikatsu and maybe an anime screenshot as well. and then a 5 or 4 star card from the pretty cure app. i’ll likely be doing two streams, one on a saturday and one on a sunday. so one will be me rendering aikatsu things and the other precure things.
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
Next few sets imma be posting on here will be a mix of renders from screenshots of Aikatsu & of cards from the precure puzzle mobile app. 
So that is the heads up this blog will now do renders for both Aikatsu (as a whole) & Pretty cure. i’ll still be posting renders from the photokatsu game too but more so in mid to late febuary. kinda just getting back into the hang of rendering at the moment. 
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
Blog update!
Tag list page updates:
Added Aikatsu Friends characters to the taglist!
Added Precure tags to the taglist over all!
updated the misc tags a bit!
Rules/guidelines updates:
updated the rules for how to request things
updated seires this blog will accept for requests/render in general
added a rule regarding fanart (which tl/dr please don’t request fanart for me to render, answer will always be no)
Updated the ‘other aikatsu blogs’ page
page name changed to ‘blog promos’
updated & removed urls (some blogs became inactive completely)
added a few other blogs i run 
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
Regarding requests in the future!
While they aren't open yet (might not be til May, sorry got a convention in mid April so doing prep for that most of April) I am doing requests a bit differently when they do open later this year. this is to both make sure i’m not overloaded with requests & that things are done in an organized way. 
First there will be a slot list of a maximum of 10 slots and one request per person so that will mean you can not request things via anon. 
Second to make those who normally request via anon a bit more comfortable, request-asks will not be posted but the request will go onto the slot list  as soon as i see the request. If i need to decline the request for whatever reason, i will answer the ask privately. 
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
some things- giveaway will still happen but trying to figure out how to set a giveaway up since i’ve never done it. and the livestream is postponed til next weekend because it’s been raining her the past few days and will rain again tomarrow so my internet is not great atm to stream.
unrelated would ANYONE be opposed if i posted renders to here from the pretty cure app?? i’m trying to get back in the habit of doing renders actively and at the moment i’ve been rendering stuff from that game for my own personal use but if people don’t mind this blog having aikatsu & pretty cure renders, i can start posting what i’ve already done for that game?
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
Give away details will be > here < on my other side blog specificly for wallpaper & icon graphic edits.
Live stream will be on twitch this weekend, Saturday around 5:00 pm EST & Sunday around 4:00 pm EST. link will be up when the stream starts on saturday 
(please note while the stream will start at 5pm on saturday, there will be a 10 minute delay to make sure everythings working & give time for people to join)
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lucykisaragi · 5 years
oh a small xmas surprise. so this is a heads up, around the 27th i will be hosting a mini giveaway of sorts.
the giveaway will be a graphic set that’ll be made just for the winner.
graphic set will include up to 4-6 items depending on your choices between: Desktop wallpaper, Chrome theme, Icon set, Mobile wallpaper set, tumblr/twitter header & renders.
and i will be hosting a livestream (finally figured out the program) on the first weekend of the new year! so january 5th or 6th!
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lucykisaragi · 6 years
updates! so i've been working on somethings in the spare time i've had where im not super tired*. one of those things is some halloween fullbody renders from the photokatsu game. another update i've recently added / am working on, is adding new tags to render posts (both my renders & ones ive shared/rebloged from others). tags like; #halloween, #june bride, #christmas, #winter, #beach, ect.. to make it a bit more easier for those of you who are making graphics/edits using these but want to easier find certain themes/holiday versions. there'll be some like 'storytime' which kinda just shoves a few sets together that revolve around fairytales/storys like the aistar petter-pan set or the wolf/grandma otome from redridinghood for examples. or ones like 'cooking' which is like just food theme related.
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lucykisaragi · 6 years
okay so little update, everything that happened last weekend got solved thankfully. and i’ve decided to wait a little bit on announcing the new date for the livestream i promised, mostly because a good friend of mine is taking some time out of her days off to help me learn how to stream via twitch. hopefully though the stream should be later this month or early next month.  also shamelessly advertising here- if you guys want some spooky graphics, check out my other side blog @nonodaichis i’ve made some aikatsu halloween wallpapers (akari gen ones coming soonish!) & some from other seires too.
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