#dog walker gatley
dogs4walks · 7 years
So after I did my walk for charity on the Saturday I was still feeling very stiff come Monday, although to be honest it’s probably a better option to be out walking as opposed to sitting around and seizing up.
Now what I cannot work out is how dogs seem to recover from exercise so much quicker than humans. My springer spaniel did the charity walk with me and spent most of it on lead apart from a couple of moments where so ran around like a possessed beast. While on the lead she was also pulling me a 12 stone man up the hills.
But come Monday she was desperate to be out and about and running around like she hadn’t really walked 11.3 miles at the weekend.
My eldest springer spaniel has had 3 major leg operations in 2 years yet her recovery from all of them was insanely quick. After 2 months of recovery from a cruciate ligament operation she was back to doing what she loves best and that’s running around. She was also putting full weight on the leg within 24 hours of the operation.
Me on the other hand took 5 days to start feeling like I hadn’t been hit by a bus.
This week on our walks we said goodbye to Rio whos owners were back from Glastonbury. He has been an absolute pleasure to walk over the few days we had with him and lets hope we get a chance to walk him again.
The weather also took a massive turn for the worst so we spent a lot of time walking in the rain which meant the washing machine and drier in the dogs4walks household was in overdrive. It’s funny how some dogs see the rain outside and immediately think ‘There’s no way I’m going out in that’. But then they don’t seem bothered by jumping in the dirtiest smelliest puddle you can imagine. That and the dog walkers worst nightmare which is ‘Fox Poo’. Yes we had the delights of that this week and if you have never smelt it let’s just say ‘You don’t want to’.
dogs4walks has been running now for 4 months and I have to say this is one of the best decisions I have made in starting up a dog walking and pet sitting service. I have some amazing customers and get great joy in knowing that they are happy with the service I provide. If someone said to me 4 months ago the business would have been doing this well I would of said ‘I will take that’.
It’s taken a lot of time and effort to promote the business and if you want to be successful you need to keep up with promoting the service you provide. Luckily my wife has helped me out a lot especially with posting flyers in the local area and I have received a lot of helpful advice from a friend who runs Northampton Dog Walker.
We are still looking for custom so if you need a dog walker in Sale, Northern Moor, Northenden, Wythenshawe, Gatley or surrounding areas as well as pet sitting then you will not only be able to take advantage of some of the most competitive prices in the area for a fully insured and DBS checked dog walker, but also you will be guaranteed that your dog will be having fun and lots of care and attention or your pet will receive an amazing service for pet sitting.
So check out our website or Facebook page to see and read about our days out and about.
Reece (dogs4walks)
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dogs4walks · 7 years
Wow that was certainly a hot one this week, so we made sure the dogs got the chance to have plenty of opportunities to cool down.
This also gave us a very funny moment with Alfie in our little cool down pool at home. You have to see the video on our Facebook page.
Dexter was back this week after a week away from us and we also had a new dog in Rio join us while his owners are away for a few days. He fitted in with the others dogs really well and had a great time playing and chasing around the other dogs, so hopefully we get another chance to walk him again some day.
One thing i did notice was how all the dogs react differently around water. In the 7 dogs i walked last week only my springer spaniel Poppy was the one who just loved jumping in. A few would paddle but most didnt feel to comfortable around it. Whether different dog breeds are more natural swimmers and are not bothered by water would be interesting to know.
I know our 2 springer spaniels had abit of a scare when they were puppies so it took a couple of months for them to get confident enough to go near water again. But once they saw other dogs having a great time they soon became obssessed by water, so hopefully after another few months of trying we may see some more of our dogs getting used to it.
Please check out our website if you need a dog walker or cat sitter as we provide some of, if not the most competitive prices in the area for the services we provide
Here are some of our photos from the last week
Reece (dogs4walks)
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dogs4walks · 7 years
So its been a long couple of weeks for us at dogs4walks so there was no blog last week but here's a recap of what we have been up to.
After the Bank Holiday I decided to get the dogs back into the groove with an awesome 10 mile walk around Styal Woods and the Manchester Airport Runway 2 Trail. This certainly got them running around whether it was chasing squirrels or having a race to be the first into the water.
At the end of the week we had our 1st new dog join us who is the one and only Frodo Baggins (yep you did hear me correctly). What a belting name for a dog.
Frodo is a 12 and a half year old terrier cross and is a friend of Alfie the Pug who I walk (hes currently on a 2 week holiday). So I have had the pleasure of walking Frodo for a week while his owners enjoy a break.
I also had a week of cat sitting for some cats I've seen before in Cali and Leo. These 2 cuties are a joy to be around and are so funny when they are playing together.
Also at the end of the week Marley the Staffy/Boxer cross stayed with us for a couple of days of daycare. We went out of our way to make sure he wasn't left alone too long after his owner was let down. There's nothing worse than when you make plans for your pet and somebody lets you down. But then that's why I decided to get into this line of work, to provide a top quality service and go above and beyond what people expect.
The Sunday morning I was up at 5am to go and pick Marley up and he spent the day with us.
On Sunday I decided to have some fun with my 2 Springer Spaniels. It seems to me that every walk we go on at least one of them will find a ball. And without realising they all add up and we put them in a bag and forget about them. So while the weather was nice I decided to get the bag and have a look at how many we had. As you can see in the photo we have accumulated quite a few.
So onto the week just gone and not only did we have a new dog to provide daycare too all week (that being Dexter's best mate, we also had another new dog join our walks).
We had Red a Pointer for daycare for the week and WOW what a crazy week it was. Him and Dexter are a right pair together. I was pre warned of the antics they get up to while together and they didn't disappoint. I have never seen another dog hang off another's ears so much. It was as if Red wanted to suck the side of Dexter's face several times a day.
Pippa the pocket rocket was also back from her holidays so Wednesday was full on fun while she was with us. And then our 2nd new dog of the week was a puppy Labrador cross called Jess who has endless amounts of energy.
It was quite a challenge keeping her on the lead for her 1st walk with us and on a few occasions I thought I may end up going for a dip in the River Mersey myself.
On Friday we gave her some off lead time and got a chance to practice her recall which with treats went really well.
And now we get ready for another week. It's going to be fairly quite in the house due to Dexter being away for the week, however we have Alfie back with us this week.
If you need a dog walker or some cat sitting then feel free to contact us. We offer some of the most competitive prices in the area and we really do push the boat out to provide a 1st class service for you and your pet.
Areas we cover are Sale, Sale Moor, Northern Moor, Northenden, Wythenshawe, Gatley and surrounding areas.
Our reviews on Google and Facebook will give you an idea of how happy our customers are.
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dogs4walks · 7 years
I have to say i have probably the best job in the world. You may disagree with that but right now i wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I mean where else do you get a welcome like you do when you go and pick up a dog from its owners house to take them out on a walk???
This week on Wednesday it was hilarious.
We had a Bichon Frise/Maltese cross puppy join us for a walk called Pippa and WOW is she is a bundle of joy. The energy from this little pup is AMAZING!!!!! A real little pocket rocket.
Due to having some spare time on my hands this week Alfie, Dexter and Poppy also got a treat and had some extra walking with me. Rather than them being at home and i would much rather give them the joy of some free walk time so they can have a good run around.
Dexter took a trip with me on Thursday for some 1 to 1 quality time for a walk i love which was around the outskirts of Quarry Bank Mill and Manchester Airport. Without taking a trip there yourselves its hard to believe the amount of steps on this walk, especially with alot of it following the River Bollin. So the dogs get plenty of changes to cool off in the river when its humid in the woods, plus you get all the smells of the woodland and other wild animals.
Also Alfie, Poppy and Dexter had a longer than usual walk around the full section of Manchester Airport Runway 2 Trail. Plenty of off lead walking for them all to have a good run around, a nice dirty muddy hole for Poppy to have a bath in before dive bombing in the pond abit further along.
Only downside to this week was poor little Alfie the Pug having to take a trip to the vets with something possibly stuck in his foot. Even though Alfie showed no signs of any issue its never nice to see any animal having any issue. So hopefully Alfie makes a full recovery asap.
Good luck for your check up at the vets tomorrow Alfie.
I hope everyone enjoyed the fairly decent weather this weekend. By the looks of it we are in for some scorching weather this week.
For an awesome update of the Manchester Weather take a look at Martin's forecasts
Have a great week everyone
Reece (dogs4walks)
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