#do... do i put ask meme responses in the ''mine'' tag? idk i'll figure that out later
dragonballevolution Β· 2 years
3 and 11 for the DB asks?
OUGHHH AN ASK. THANK YUO... oh god oh jesus i typed So Much i have so many fucking things to say. im putting this shit under a read more. forgive me for my long opinions
3. List your top five favorite characters in order of how much you like them.
oh god it is so difficult to say who are my top favorite Dragon Ball characters. like literally one of the things i think this series does best is have a lot of REALLY fun and interesting characters.... i will try but just know that this list fluctuates heavily based on who im thinking about at the exact present moment and if you asked me at a different time i would probably give you a nearly totally different list
5. Cell - hes simultaneously one of the funniest and one of the scariest DBZ villains. truly he can do it all. also whether i like it or not i get gender envy from his original fucked up bug form so he gets points for that
4. King Kai - hmmmmmmmmmm i am thinking about King Kai right now i want to put him on the list. i feel like he doesnt get put on many favorites list and that's making me sad. so right now he goes on the list
3. Supreme Kai of Time - ive rambled about my thoughts on her on here before. girlboss. i want her to be even more mentally ill. i dont know if shes Supposed to actually be as fucked up as i tend to read her as but she should be
2. Future Trunks - man what do i even say here its goddamn Future Trunks everybody loves him hes aewsome
Bardock - i am listening to Solid State Scouter right now which is definitely biasing me to put him at the top. im not sure i'd put him at the very top normally though, i have really complicated feelings on him though and like i think hes at his ultimate best in the Bardock: Father of Goku special and dont really vibe as much with anything making him more straightforwardly Cool And Heroic. i like him best when he's ultimately doomed
honorable mentions: Puar. hes very silly and i love him but i am very aware the version of him that exists in my head is Not how he is written in canon (...and in canon he has like, No personality)
Z Broly isnt even a Dragon Ball character to me anymore hes like some kind of creature. hes so fucking funny to me what the fuck happened for him to be written this way.
Bio-Broly is barely even a character but. Slime Man..............
11. Have you seen any of the films? If so, which one is your favorite?
i have seen nearly all of the z and super films except for Super Hero so far + Dragonball Evolution (obviously) though i havent seen any of the Dragon Ball/GT films and i haven't watched any of the weird obscure stuff like the bootleg live action movie or The Real 4D just yet.
DBS Broly is definitely imo unironically like. The Best out of everything ive seen, like its just fucking Good and i have no complaints about it that aren't petty personal taste fare.
HOWEVER. "yeah dbs broly is good" is like the most obvious take in the world so i think it would be more interesting to talk about the stuff i'd rank just below it in terms of attachment (in no particular order)
firstly i dont care what anyone says, Wrath of the Dragon was fucking good. it didn't feel like a Dragon Ball Z movie and also Goku had literally no place being the character to get the final blow in on Hirudegarn, but if you meet it where it's at it's a genuinely very enjoyable and INTERESTING movie. Tapion is such a neat character and after most of the 90s Z movies just feeling like mindless boss battles it is SUCH a breath of fresh air to get something that feels more character-driven
counting the TV Specials as movies here, its not like controversial to call History of Trunks a favorite lmao, its just plain good. AS FOR THE OTHER Z TV SPECIAL. i am fucking mentally ill about Bardock: Father of Goku. i did not care about Bardock (or really Saiyans much in general?) until i saw him get karmically tormented by psychic visions and die a futile death against his own boss. now im obsessed <3
the og Z Broly movie was honestly one of the most enjoyable of the 90s Z movies and i understand why it got so popular. however at the same time my perception of Z Broly has been warped so badly that everything to do with him is hilarious to me. ive watched too many Broly MADs (BTW Z Paragus is probably my favorite movie antagonist tbh. while im glad Super Paragus is still a sack of shit im a little sad he didnt get to have as much of an outright villainous role in DBS Broly. at least what actually happened to him was funny)
im stanning Bio-Broly because no one else will. honestly it genuinely wasnt that bad, i found it fun and honestly melting the Broly clone so he immediately stops looking liek broly is HILARIOUS to me. part of me considering it a favorite is just out of spite for people calling it the "worst" Z movie when fucking BROLY SECOND COMING came right before it.
AND. LASTLY. OBLIGATORY DRAGON BALL EVOLUTION. ITS NOT GOOD BUT. BUT. if you cant tell by my fucking url ive become weirdly attached to it. every single detail of that movie and the stuff surrounding it is FASCINATING to me. its like reached a point where i get genuinely excited when i see it acknowledged somewhere in a way thats not just "ugh remember this? lol" some sick part of me has even started to enjoy Geeko as a character just for how cringefail he is. btw the PSP game is unironically fun (its running on the Shin Budokai engine so of course it is but still). someone buy me the scary uncanny Enterbay DBE statues please
thank you again for the ask!!!!!!!!!
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