#do these guys realize they are equating Palestinians to nazis and are just THAT ignorant?
missmayhemvr · 6 months
So the US plans to send 105 billion in aid to fascist enthostate who's currently doing a genocide, proxy war with Russia, and the place where they are trying to start a proxy war with China. You can feel how you feel about Russia, falling for a bait doesn't make you a good guy, but being the bait doesn't either. China just been doing it's own thing and the us fabricated all sorts of insane things to try and get into a war with them and they just wouldn't bite.
But like do you guys realize that money is just weapons? you realize the biggest prevention of peace in the world right now is the same as the last like 400yrs? Ya'll notice how Kwame nkrumah was right about their being infinite aid money for warfare? Ya'll notice how so much of the so called western left, especially the breadtubers are just siding up with the US state department and being highly opportunistic? How about how said breadtubers like vaush, keffals, Ryan burns, have taken this moment in particular to attack leftist that actually do the work, to attack organizations and to proclaim their racism to the world(that black people been telling you about for years).
Have you noticed the liberals trying to equate Hamas to nazis, while all Palestinians are under seige in Gaza and under attack in the west bank. Have you noticed how the refuse to even think about Sudan, the Congo, or the Armenian.
Biden and the dems didn't save democracy, they quitely ushered in fascism around the globe while ya'll were out to brunch. Or it would be quitely if not for the screams and crying of black and indigenous people ya'll been ignoring since Obama.
A lot of ya'll, especially white folks have to ask themselves very seriously what lessons they learned from history, have to ask themselves what they will do when the next ss comes to power, are you going to side with whiteness or with humanity. Cause that day is fast approaching.
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