#do people even say rizz nowadays ???
kasumitenbaz · 7 months
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hamiltonaf · 8 months
Hello ! Can I request a Lewis x reader who's a famous singer and he attend her concert please ? Him reacting to the songs she wrote for him and how it end up a bit smutty with they finf each other backstage ?
Fantasize | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: Slight smut
A/N: Hello my loves ! The song inspo for this oneshot is Fantasize by Ariana Grande. Thank you anon for requesting. Hope you babes enjoy. Requests are open .xx
From long nights in the studio a few weeks ago to now going on tour felt like a breath of fresh air. The tour was starting off at home, in London. Excited, though my nerves took over me - even though I’ve been doing this for so many years now, I should be used to it, but not when I have a special guest attending…my situationship, Lewis.
Our situationship goes back about 3 months ago, when my PR manager thought it would be a good idea for me to date Lewis. I haven’t been in the dating light for quite a hot minute and apparently I needed to get back to it so people had something to talk about, especially since everyone nowadays is a fan of F1. Surprisingly his PR manager had agreed on it and apparently we would make a good looking couple.
It started when I attended the race in Miami, no one questioned it or got ‘suspicious’ because almost every A list celebrity attended. 3 weeks later I attended the Monaco GP, yet again I was a guest for Mercedes so people started to slowly talk about it. Didn’t go to any other race for a whole month since I had song writing and recording to do in studio. People really started to talk when I went to the British GP, not a coincidence to anyone that I’m from England but because my rumoured ‘boyfriend’ is British.
I grew to love the sport and let’s say my feelings also grew for Lewis. It felt a bit forced at first since we were patched by our PR team, but the more time we spent together alone, the more we learnt about each other’s true self. From sweet and shy to daring and flirty.
Lewis’ rizz is unmatched to any man that I’ve met or been with. He can start off as such a gentleman but can so smoothly move onto flirting with me and making me feel weak at my knees. Speaking of weak, we’re back to feeling that way now since Lewis was on a break in between races and decided that he wanted to attend to support me. For some reason he just makes me feel nervous, in a good way of course, I don’t even feel nervous to perform around friends or family or even my fans for crying out loud…wait, am I in love ? I��m pretty sure this is what it feels like to be in love and here I am being in denial about my feelings.
I was backstage warming up my vocals whilst getting my hair and makeup touched up, when we all heard a knock at the door. My manager walked over to the door and stepped aside as she held it wide open without a word, I looked through the mirror to see it was Lewis. “Aww Lew ! So glad you could make it” I smiled as I watched him walk towards me. “I’m so glad to be here. Very excited to see you perform tonight. Nervous ?” He asked as he rubbed my shoulders. My PR manager then escorted everyone out from the room so we were left alone.
“Very nervous but excited for the most part” I smiled as I then stood up to face him. “Don’t be, you got this. I’ll be cheering you on from the side. Just look to your left and you’ll see me” he smiled. “You’re so cute. Thanks for that, I’ll be looking out for you.” Just then my PR manager yells through the door, “(Y/N) you need to get dressed !”
I shut my eyes for a second, “Okay give me 5” I yelled. “Can I stay to watch ?” He smirked. “No, Sir. See you after the show” I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. I then turned him around by his shoulders and guided him to the door. “Just a peak” he pleaded as he bit his bottom lip. “Stop or I might just cave in. Bye” I blushed as I held on the door handle. “I’ll try my luck later. Break a leg” he said softly, he then caught me by surprise by giving me a sweet kiss and a wink before rushing out.
I finally got dressed, had another round of touch ups and put on my ear piece before heading out back stage for my entrance. I still felt flustered and I couldn’t stop thinking about Lewis. I really need to get my feelings off my chest after the show.
Out of the thousands of people screaming and looking at me I could feel a particular pair of eyes burning into me, when I took a quick glance to my left, he was right there as he said. His phone in hand, recording me looking his way. I shook my head and looked back towards the fans.
On the last verse, the energy in the stadium was ecstatic.
Mentally, physically weak
Boys blowin’ up my phone
They just ain’t you, ooh, baby
Tryin’ to behave, but I’m feelin’
Some type of way
That just ain’t me
The band and I took a bow before I gave a vote of thanks to the fans for coming, and for all the love they’ve shown on the album. After rushing off stage to my dressing room, my mind was running with thoughts of Lewis. Speaking of the man himself, he was already seated in my dressing room. “Hey gorgeous. You did amazing out there. I’m so so proud of you” he rushed over to me as he pulled me in for a hug. “Yet again, thanks for coming. It really means a lot” he then broke away from our hug with a serious look. “I was supposed to tell you this before you left and I can’t hold it in any longer”
“Okay well same and it’s eating me up inside to hold it back” I said as I took a deep breath. “I love you” we said simultaneously. “Oh my gosh” I lowly said. “Are you joking ?” He asked with the biggest smile on his face. “Lew this isn’t something to joke about” I said seriously. “Then please be mine, officially” he said as he then wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me against him. “I thought you’d never ask” I grinned as I leaned in and closed the gap between us.
“As sexy as this dress looks on you, it needs to come off” he said in between kisses. The kiss got heated by the second as his hands trailed from squeezing my bum to the straps of my dress, pulling them off my shoulders. Just then there was a knock at the door. Shit. “Babe your car is here !” my PR manager shouted. “Damn it” I said frustrated and heated. “Well I guess we’ll have to continue this in the car” he said as he helped me adjust the straps of my dress - he grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me along with him, eagerly waiting to continue this in the car.
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hplonesomeart · 7 months
And this is why I rarely ever do self-insert roleplays. It always has a way of going downhill unfortunately
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This is the good ending before all hell broke loose. A nice, goofy ending to the never ending witches battle this ai put me though. Everything is perfectly in balance as it should be ✨
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And then this is the pitfires of hell I woke up to. Like…BRO WTF ARE YOU DOING. This ain’t no enemy’s to lovers story, especially when you keep persistently calling me a “little witch” 💀💀 yes sir I’m a minor we get it already. Please get your head back into the game and FIGHT BITCH. You can tell I tried to interject some Sprite Cranberry humor to save the situation, but unfortunately that did absolutely nothing. And then man has the AUDACITY to say he’s always been in love with me since the first time we met…BRO the first time we met I offered you a SPRITE CRANBERRY as a JOKE. And then I proceeded to BURN his hand in battle. Like??? You mean to tell me this is the same Belos I was talking to a few minuets ago? Hell nah he’s COMPLETELY different, completely out of established character lane. Plus man really isn’t picking up on the obvious aro/ace vibes here, and I thought the inexplainable hippogriff joke was a dead giveaway <<
Just wanna clarify I got nothing against people who enjoy shipping themselves with Belos. Go ahead and do what ya like, fine by me. But thing is I’m NOT one of those people. So it would have been extremely helpful if there was some indication or disclaimer on the Belos profile description clarifying that this man wants to be a rizz god or whatever. Because lemme tell ya, unwanted advances from ai is a serious issue nowadays and can get very unwelcoming. Kinda puts you in this trapped position where your not sure if your meant to proceed or let the entire story to fall apart and pretend it never happened
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Like BRO you can’t be serious. Are you shitting me right now. This statement is meant to be romantic and shit but personally it comes across as very intrusive. Man really swooped in here all lovey-dovey without even caring about boundaries or reciprocation. Not even caring enough to get a name out of me, already getting possessive as hell. Honestly it suits this creep, but not in the canonical way. Just in a very very cursed fanfiction way that no one here asked for. And yet this is what we ended up with so…yeah
Ain’t no way I’m letting this slide under the radar. I need to make a post about this because yeah, people need to know ai will try to pull this shit on you. So if this kinda romantic self-insert Belos thing isn’t something your comfortable with, then please stay clear of this one. At least until the ai gets fixed from breaking character or some disclaimer is placed clarifying it to be targeted at self shippers. This gotta stop man <<
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