#do people call her krusten or mumza here?
@mcyt-gt-events @navigating-through-gray
Happy secret Santa!
Here was the prompt I chose:
Ranboo has two lives, one he lives in summer, and the other in winter. He seeks out the goddess of death to remove his other side, but... her idea of a solution is to give him a tiny hybrid?
(Also sorry it's so close to the deadline, school and finals were kind of kicking my ass.)
Cut You a Piece
tw mentioned temporary character death, terminal illness, calling someone it in a dehumanizing way (not maliciously or for long, dw) fear of death, fear play (accidental and intentional), threats of vore (very off hand and only mentioned once) and fear of death.
Tell me if I should tag anything else!
Title from "Cut You a Piece" from 35mm! (Even though it was based on Hadestown lmao)
Ranboo knew he was Ranboo. That- that part he knew. He knew it was cold. And he knew it was- that it COULD BE warm, but he never got to experience that part.
Not anymore.
Ranboo knew he was cursed, he knew that as well. He remembered it well, the veil over the witch's face and his green robes. The way his magic particles looked like feathers. His scary body guard forcing him off the premises before Ranboo could realize what happened.
He was cursed seven years ago, when he was ten for trying to sneak a cure for his friend's illness. The witch laughed and laughed when he caught him, and cursed him so he'd never see his friend again.
This all fell out in December. And Tubbo died in January.
It was a long two months for Ranboo. Sitting in his house, studying magic and necromancy and curses and healing spells. Tubbo was cursed to die, for the illness wouldn't have killed him if Ranboo hadn't met that witch.
This death was a curse, and if Ranboo was any magic user at all, he could lift it.
No, Tubbo was in pain, suffering, but he wouldn't have died. He would have turned into a beast, a horned monster that would ravage and burn towns if Ranboo didn't heal it.
And well, being the only person with healing magic in the village, even at ten years old, it was all on him.
But at the end of it, Tubbo was no longer a patient. But Ranboo's only friend.
Ranboo remembers the first time it happened.
He went to sleep in one March day, tomorrow the Spring Solstice. And he woke up in September.
He ran into town, asking frantically what had happened. He ran into Niki's bakery, feeling like just yesterday she was putting away her winter stock. And now she was taking it out again.
"Ranboo!" Niki smiled. "Thank you for helping me with those boxes yesterday, flour can be SO heavy."
Ranbo blinked at her. He... doesn't remember doing that. "I'm sorry Niki I... don't think I did help you. Maybe it was someone else?"
Niki laughed. "Of course it was you! What other ten year old do I know that's nearly six feet tall-"
She cut herself off as she turned around, blanching. "Oh shit! You look half starved to death! Sit down sit down!"
"Niki," Ranboo's gears were turning. "How could I have helped with the boxes?! I can barely lift five potions at once!"
"I don't know," Niki shrugged, putting down in front of him a warm loaf of bread and some juice. "You've been helping me all throughout Summer. I guess it is weird... how could you help me? And you looked fine yesterday! Why are you so... scrawny now?"
"That witch..." Ranboo put together the pieces. "Niki, do you remember what I was wearing yesterday?"
Niki thought for a moment. "That checkered brown jacket you always- wait... you don't have a checkered brown jacket... Tubbo did but he's-"
"Gone." Ranboo gulped. He stuffed the rest of the bread in his mouth and hopped up towards the door. "Thank you Niki!"
And it had been going like that ever since. And when Ranboo was awake, everyone thought Tubbo was dead, and that whatever Tubbo had done was Ranboo. The other way around must be true as well.
The witch had done his job. He would never see Tubbo again. Not in this half and half state.
So Ranboo was traveling to the underworld. He started his journey when he woke up for the winter at seventeen. And now in a week's time (he silently thanked Tubbo for understanding his goal, keeping him on track), Ranboo would fall asleep for the spring.
The grass was grey, thats the first thing he noticed as he stepped through the portal filled with stars. That and the sky was black. No... the sky was dark. It was purple then grey then blue and it all just looked like sand being swirled up by the tide.
Ranboo continued his trek, stuffing his hands in his pockets. The air was so cold it hurt to breath, and the dusty and... just overal somber smell of the Underworld didn't help much.
He was in a forest. Maybe? They weren't quite trees, inky black against the dark sky, sprawled out awkwardly, bent into shapes they shouldn't grow in. They were packed tightly together.
"And who are you then?"
Ranboo sucked in a breath, whipping around, narrowly avoiding tripping and falling on the roots. "Who's there?!"
"You don't look like you're from around here... you're..." the voice was small and quiet, so much so Ranboo thought he was imagining it. It wasn't like the voice was whispering either, it sounded like it wanted to be heard. "A human! What the fuck are you doing in the Underworld? And what the fuck are you doing on the way to the castle..."
"Show yourself!" Ranboo yelped as there was a noise behind him, twirling around and reaching for his- did he not bring any weapons?! "I- I have magic! Don't mess with me!"
"Tch. HEALING magic, hardly a threat to ME. Behind you."
Ranboo probably twisted his back 180 degrees as he fell to the floor, looking up at the creature in from of him.
It was... very small, maybe pinky finger sized? Ranboo had read about soul fire before, and the thing was enveloped in it. Or no... it had wings made of soul fire, and the rest was a glowing blue.
"Who- what are you?" Ranboo managed to squeak out.
The thing- the fairy? He sighed, crossing his arms, fluttering in the air. He spoke about as fast as his wings were beating, so very rapid and basically impossible to keep up with. "Apparently I'm not s'posed to give my name out, but Tommy isn't my name so you can call me that. And I'm CLEARLY an Underworld sprite. I'm supposed to guide souls to where their proper place in the afterlife is but you're not a soul! Not yet, anyway. Oh yeah, and quick question-"
The sprite zipped right up into Ranboo's face, making him yelp and back up. "Why are there TWO SOULS on you?! And why are you down here in the first place? Unless you're trying to get rid of one of the souls-"
"Yes!" Ranboo cut in. "I need the goddess of death to break this curse, and if you guide sould could you guide me to her castle?"
"Hmm... maybe for a favor!" Tommy had a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You're a healer, I want you to heal someone for me."
Ranboo wrung out his hands nervously. "I don't know how well healing magic works on the dead-"
"It doesn't! Harms them, in fact-" Tommy stated matter of factly. "No no no, my friend. I need you to heal the human of these woods. He's got a curse and he can't see his wife until it's lifted and he's being all sad and depressed about it-"
"I... don't really have the best track record with curses..." Ranboo admitted. He could somehow feel himself starting to sweat through the cold. "Maybe you could- WOAH!"
Ranboo jumped back in fright as Tommy shifted size right next to him, human sized. He was still a good half a foot shorter than him, but Ranboo was still no match for the sprite's strength.
And even at human sized, Tommy was lightning fast. He zipped through the forest faster than he could blink, taking him to an old cabin. It looked about as dead as anything else in the underworld, the wood grey from time, splintered. Cracked windows, overgrown discolored grass, Ranboo would never want to go there in a million years.
But unfortunately, Tommy was still grasping his forearm, and darted inside.
"PHIIIIIIIL!!!" Tommy called out. A man was sitting on an arm chair, facing away from them both. "I got a human to heal you up!"
The man chuckled, Ranboo sucked in a breath. He knew who this guy was. "Tommy, I told you that only-"
The witch- Phil- turned around, frozen mid sentence when he saw Ranboo. "That only the kid I cursed can heal me."
Ranboo squeaked, stumbling backwards and falling over. He scrambled to his feet, making a run towards the door.
"Shit!" Phil said under his breath as he drew a symbol in the air. The door in front of Ranboo slammed shut, and felt like solid cement as he desperately tried to open it again.
He can't get cursed. Not again. Not when he was so close to curing the first-
Phil stared at him with frustration, closed off and proper posture. He was going to finish the job, he was going to kill him. And he would laugh while doing it. He laughed the first time he hurt Ranboo.
"Kid- kid." Phil put his hands up when he saw Ranboo pressed as hard as he could against the door, as far as he could be from the witch. "I'm- hrmmmm... I'm SORRY for cursing you all those years ago."
Ranboo blinked back, surprised. He stayed in his position though, ready to run. "What?"
Phil sighed. "I thought nothing of it but my wife... not a huge fan of the joke. I can only visit her in my other form, but she cursed me for cursing you and now I'm stuck like this. And the only way to BREAK the curse-"
"Is if I do it..." Ranboo finished his sentence, remembering Tommy's words from earlier. He squinted at the witch and the sprite. "Any why should I help the guy who took my only friend from me?"
"You're here for him, right?" Phil crossed his arms. "And the spring Solstice is in just two days I believe-"
Ranboo's eyes widened. He hadn't been in the underworld for THAT long, had he?! He still had a week left when he was on the surface...
"Which only gives you two days to find the goddess of death and get a deal with her," Phil shrugged. "Once my curse is lifted, I can get you to her much faster. And if you do decide to wait out the two days and your friend makes his appearence... his soul will have a very strange time getting used to being thrown into the underworld with no adjustment period like you got."
Ranboo froze. What the heck was that supposed to mean? Tubbo wouldn't... get hurt, right?
No, Ranboo wouldn't let either of them get hurt, not if he could do something about it.
Phil clicked his tongue. "Tick tock-"
"I'll do it." Ranboo glared.
Phil smiled, tilting his head. "Perfect."
You know, Ranboo should have expected this when Phil asked to be cured outside.
"Let go of me!" Ranboo struggled in the witch's now giant grasp, watching the trees grow smaller as they were lifted in the air.
What happened to Tubbo if Ranboo died?
Now they were squirming even harder. They didn't want to be the one to get the two of them killed. Why did they tempt the witch again? The very witch that cursed them in the first place?!
"Relax, mate," Phil gave a giant sigh. Ranboo could feel the vibrations extend all the way to his hands where they were being held. "Ranboo-"
Ranboo screamed as they were pulled closer to Phil's face. They kicked and punched their fists against his hand, eventually resorting to clawing at him with their nails.
"Stop- hey!" Phil snarled, shaking Ranboo violently. Their brain pounded in their skull when he finally stopped. Ranboo felt like they would throw up if they had eaten anything in the past few days. "Stop it, or I'll make you go the journey in my mouth."
Ranboo yelped, slapping a hand over their mouth. He wouldn't he WOULDNT-
... would he?! Phil had already cursed them basically at the drop of a hat, who's to say he won't-
"Phil!" Tommy shouted up, zipping onto the witch's shoulder. "Stop shaking them! Treat them like me! No threatening, no surprise picking up-"
"I would if they weren't trying to ESCAPE-" Phil glared back down at Ranboo. They sucked in a breath as his grasp tightened. "You want to see your friend, don't you?!"
Ranboo nodded frantically.
"Well, Tommy's not strong enough to carry you-"
"And you won't be able to keep up on foot." Phil tilted his hand and opened it, allowing Ranboo to stand up. "So let me hold you, or let your friend wake up confused and scared for his life on why he's in the underworld in the hands of a giant. You want me to carry you or not?"
Ranboo froze in indecision before slowly nodding their head.
Phil brought his other hand up, using both hands to cup Ranboo and make sure they didn't fall as they crossed the underworld.
And... it was beautiful.
Ranboo didn't really get to appreciate it from down below, but the view stunned them nearly as much as their fear of Phil did. The trees were caked in white... snow? And the sky was shone when Ranboo tilted their head, like an opal. The clouds swirled and shifted, dancing even though there was no wind.
And in the distance... a giant castle. It was dark, darker than the neutral grey of the rest of the underworld. But with that it also had the only colors in the land, purple fires dotted the sides, torches about two or three times Ranboo's size.
Ranboo looked up to see what Phil was thinking and... the giant witch was smiling fondly as they approached the gates. Why would he be... no.
Was Phil's wife... sure. Yep. Phil's wife was the goddess of death. Why not.
"Kristen!" Phil shouted, both Ranboo and Tommy flinching and covering their ears. Tommy shoved at his jaw in annoyance. "I'm home!"
The shadows casted by the large walls and the purple flames conjured together, before disputing and leaving yet another giant in their wake. She wore a large hat with a veil, covering her face and the upper half of her torso. Other than that, she wore a long black dress with long dark brown hair.
"I've missed you!" She laughed, walking forward to embrace her husband before noticing Ranboo. "And who is this? Wait! No way... you actually found them-"
"Well," Phil shrugged. "More they found me. And while they've cured me of my curse..."
Kristen crossed her arms. "They still need the cure YOU gave them lifted. Huh. Funny how those things come back to bite you, isn't it, Phil?"
Phil rolled his eyes. "Yes yes, I get it. No cursing random kids."
"So... can you do it?" Ranboo spoke up.
"Of course I can," Kristen said with an audible smile. Ranboo couldn't really tell if she was being sweet or bragging. She looked at one of Phil's shoulders. "Tommy, would you mind fetching me water from the moat of the castle? And Phil, I'll need-"
"Ow!" Phil yelped as Kristen plucked a hair from his head.
"Yes ma'am!" Tommy fluttered in the air for a second, saluting, before flying out of the gate. Phil followed Kristen into a side room, where there resided a giant cauldron.
Kristen got to work as Phil stood by her side. Tommy fluttered up to be by Ranboo as well, who had been placed on a shelf and was nervously wringing their hands.
They were going to see Tubbo again.
Kristen walked over with a ladle of inky black liquid, dotted with little white specks like stars.
"Ranboo," Kristen said slowly, not quite hitting the gentle mark. "You're going to drink this, and then you'll pass out. When you wake up, you'll be in the land of the living, with Tubbo. It will most definetly be painful, as we're essentially ripping apart your souls at the seams."
Ranboo looked at themselves in the reflection of the potion. "Will... is it going to be painful for Tubbo?"
Kristen shrugged, shaking her head. "You're the one with the body, I doubt he'll even realize what's happening until he's back."
Ranboo nodded gravely, cupping as much potion as they could in their hands. The world turned sideways. There was shouting? And then it all faded to black.
Ranboo wasn't expecting to wake up to be honest. If what Phil said was true, then the Spring Solstice was today, when they would fall asleep and Tubbo would wake up in their place.
But Ranboo woke up.
And Kristen was right. They did hurt like hell, all their nerves were on fire and their heart felt tight, but they were awake for sure.
They sat up in bed, not sure what to do now. In... their own bed, back home too. Ranboo hasn't been home since he was thirteen.
What if it didn't work? What if they were seperated but it didn't bring Tubbo back? Or if Tubbo was in the last place HE woke up? What if-
Ranboo yelped. It was a few years older, but they definetly recognized that voice.
They looked over at their nightstand, where a tiny figure was sitting on the desk, like he had just woken up too. Brown messy hair, jet black horns and wings, it was unmistakably Tubbo.
"Ranboo!" Tubbo yelped, falling backwards before scampering to his feet. "What's happening?! What's-"
"You have wings!" Ranboo gasped. "And- it worked! Wait, Kristen actually- ha HA!"
Ranboo leaned down over their night stand and hugged Tubbo close to their face. Tubbo screamed.
"Sorry!" Ranboo flinched back. Tubbo stood firmly on the nightstand, like he was ready for a fight. "I'm just... so happy to see you. And... wait, do the wings mean you're still cursed."
Tubbo flexed his wings in and out, flapping them a few times. "They don't feel cursed? Like I was bedridden and in pain before... everything happened obviously. And while we were... seperated I had no features at all, like the curse had gone away overnight. But now they're just sort of there? Even though this is the first time I've had them they just feel... natural."
"That's good," Ranboo thought for a moment. "We should probably-"
There were footsteps downstairs.
Tubbo clearly heard, snapping his neck over. "You didn't get a new roommate while we were apart, right?"
Ranboo shook their head, not able to say anything else before the door opened.
They blinked away the blue light invading their eyes, making their headache ever prominent. "Tommy?!"
"You're finally awake!" Tommy laughed. He was at human size, carrying two glasses of water. "Took you long enough! You both slept WELL through the solstice, it was SO boring!"
"Tommy, why are you here?!" Ranboo took the glass, slowly sipping on it. "WHY are you here?!"
"Well, Kristen sent me to look after you while you adjusted," Tommy shruggedlike he wasn't talking about the literal goddess of death. "And since you two have been passed out the entire time, I've sort of just been making sure you guys were alive, messing with the locals a bit- wait a minute!"
Tommy shrunk down to Tubbo's size and flew right up to him, hsnd outstretched. "I'm Tommy! And I already know you're Tubbo, don't worry."
"Ranboo," Tubbo backed up. "Who is this guy."
"Tommy is... an underworld sprite," Ranboo scratched the back of their head, not really knowing how to say that lightly. "He's here to help. I think? Did Kristen of Phil send you?"
"Kristen," Tommy landed on the nightstand. "She couldn't completely undo the curse, clearly, so she sent me to make sure neither of you do anything stupid. Can you fly?"
Tubbo blinked back before flapping his wings rapidly as hard as he could. Nothing. "I don't think so."
"Hm." Tommy lifted in the air again. "We'll have to get that taken care of. Meet me downstairs when you're ready, we've got LOTS to talk about!"
Tommy launched off the desk and returned to human sized, walking back downstairs.
"I'm..." Tubbo turned back to Ranboo. "You know what? Nope! Not even gonna ask."
Ranboo snickered. "I'm glad you're back."
Tubbo snorted. "I'm glad YOURE back! Haven't seen you in forever."
Ranboo extended their hand, Tubbo stepping onto it. "Come on, let's go figure this out."
And they did.
It was a lovely spring, the first spring Ranboo had had in years. He took his sweet time walking around outside, helping out around the town between healing and being with Tubbo.
And Tubbo was adjusting as well as someone could in this sort of situation. With Tommy there to help, giving pointers on how to navigate through giant sized terrains, as well as him teaching Ranboo how to properly handle the tiny, it was going well.
"Is it bad I'm still nervous for the solstice?" Ranboo asked. Him and Tubbo had been looking out the window, with Tubbo snuggled in the little pocket in his shirt, watching the first dnow of the year. Which was surprising, as the solstice was tomorrow.
"Meh." Tubbo shrugged. "I'm... definetly nervous. But you know, old habits die hard, right?"
Ranboo hummed, the two looked out the window the rest of the night. Until they went up to bed.
"Goodnight," Ranboo yawned pulling over his covers.
"Night!" Tubbo stretched before curling up. They had discovered that as a dragon, Tubbo liked sleeping on piles. Not just gold pulls, but everything. Like fabric.
He let his eyes fall closed, and drifted to sleep. The rest was short, as it was cut off early in the morning by a loud crashing sound.
"Ranboo?!" Tubbo said from the floor, rubbing his head. Why was Tubbo so big?! "Where are you?! I can't see-"
"I'm under the blankets!" Ranboo shouted. Tubbo lifted up the covers and-
Tubbo was a giant. Ranboo scrambled back, realizing how small he was. He felt like he was with Phil and Kristen again.
"Here, let me put you on the desk," Tubbo grabbed Ranboo a bit tightly and plopped him in the nightstand. Ranboo collapsed.
"Don't do that please..." Ranboo was shaking like a leaf.
"Oh crap sorry-" Tubbo cringed back. "I know that that isn't the greatest feeling."
"And we had just gotten used to living with you as a tiny..." Ranboo whined, sighing.
It was going to be another long six months.
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