#do not pass go do not collect $200 do not stop to debrief
Riley: You need attention
Mac: What, just because my dad didn’t love me as a child?
Riley: I meant medical attention
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After the Mission
story idea by nhattan212 on deviantart
Trigger Warning: medical/resus content below
It was late Fall. The sun started settling down. Lian had finished up with her tasks for the day. Her main mission that day didn’t go as planned. She barely came back to her HQ and with minimal success to show for it. She was mildly beaten by the guards while in combat.
She drives back to HQ in the van she drove to get to her work destination. She walks into her superior’s office for debriefing. After some questions and data collection, her superior sends her off to the infirmary for a medical examination.
She then takes the elevator to the infirmary and waits to get called in. After several minutes passed, a nurse opens the door and brings her in. The nurse then checks her blood pressure, weight and temperature. Nothing completely out of the ordinary there. Next, the nurse tells her to wait for the doctor to come in and examine her. After several minutes, a male doctor walks in and greets her.
“Hello miss! What brings you in here today?”
I just came back from some rough work. My boss just wants me to get examined for any signs of injury that I’m not aware of.” Lian says.
After hearing that, the doctor wastes no time to inspect her.
Can you please take off your suit? The doctor asks.
“Sure.” Lian says
She starts unzipping her suit. She takes off her bra as well, revealing her bare breasts and belly. Next, her bottom comes off. She shimmies out of her pants, showing her legs, leaving her now nearly naked with only panties on.
Lian hops onto the exam bed and lays down on her back. The cold, yet soft bed makes goosebumps rise up all across her body. The doctor presses his fingers into her stomach. It’s tender, yet springy. As his hands firmly push across her belly, some light groans were let out by Lian. The doctor was applying pressure to places where Lian was struck during combat.
“Does it hurt around here?” The doctor says, gently pressing on the parts where Lian was moaning at.
“Just a tad. I think that’s where I was hit while I was fighting out there.” Lian says quietly.
“I see.” The doctor says, looking at the light bruises on the side of her stomach.
The doctor then puts on his stethoscope to listen to her heart. He presses it against her chest, the cold metal piece made her shiver a little and more goosebumps popped up on her upper body. As he listened to her chest, he heard a rested, slow but steady heart. It was beating slightly hardly than normal. He moved on to her stomach. He pressed it deeply into her belly, sending shivers to her hips. He listened to her abdominal sounds, hearing nothing out of the ordinary.
“I want to investigate further, but because I know there is some pain in your stomach, can I put you to sleep?” The doctor asks.
Of course. Some sleep is definitely what I want right now too! Haha!” She responds.
“Alright great! Nurse Angie! Can you bring this patient to exam room C? And help me gas her up! I want to do some more thorough examinations on her.” The doctor ordered.
On it, doc! Angie said in response.
​She brings Lian to the other exam room and help her get comfortable on the table. The doctor helps the nurse get the anesthesia ready. They put the mask over Lian and make her sleep quickly.
The doctor pulls out a pen light from his coat. He opens each eye and shines it in them. Her pupils shrunk a little slower than normal, but not too slow to worry about. After that, they hook her up to an ECG above. Three leads were stuck on her chest. As the doctor listens to her heartbeat via stethoscope, the ECG explained what was going on inside. Her heart was in a slow, irregular looking state of bradycardia. Her breathing was a bit shallow and slow, so the doctor slid a tube down her still throat with ease. He attached the tube to a ventilator and boosted her oxygen levels a bit.
“Angie, go prep the AED, she needs a little shock.” The doctor orders.
Nurse Angie grabs the AED from the counter and brings it back to the table. She opens it up and starts getting it ready.
The pads were taken out and placed on Lian’s chest. One above her left breast and another below her right breast. The defibrillator is turned on and it starts analyzing her heart. The small display indicated it was irregular and a shock was advised. The doctor overrided it’s controls and manually set a charge for 200 joules. He waited a few seconds to let it fully charge up. Once it was ready, he pressed the big yellow button on the AED and watched as Lian’s body twitched for a split second. He looked back at the monitor and saw little change in rhythm. He charged the defibrillator higher to 300 joules. He shocks her again. This time, her body bounces up a bit, falling straight back down on the bed. Her breasts jiggled freely coming back down. As the doctor looked up to check her heart, he was met with the sound of a flatline. Her heart had now stopped completely.
Acting quickly, the doctor grabs a shot of epinephrine and injects it into Lian. He then quickly gets down to compressions and gives her a few rounds of CPR. He pushes deeply down on her chest, rapidly forcing air in and out of her lungs. Her chest and stomach repeatedly rose and fell as the cycles continued. The ECG went wild, showing each and every compression he gave to her. After a couple cycles of CPR, an alarm on the ECG sounded. She was now in ventricular fibrillation.
The doctor swiftly gets back on the AED and charges it once again at 300 joules. Pressing that big yellow button again, Lian’s upper body jumps up off the bed as the electricity courses through her chest, straight to her fibrillating heart. Her fingers and toes seize and curl up. She crashes back down, bouncing gently from the impact.
The alarms had stopped. There were now only slow, steady beats. The doctor looked up and saw a normal heartbeat. She was starting to breath on her own now.
Grabbing his penlight, the doctor shines it into her eyes. They move rather slowly, but it’s not too concerning. He steths her chest, hearing that slow and steady heart start working properly again. He then steths her stomach, hearing a very thin, weak abdominal pulse. He pushes his fingers deep around her smooth belly, feeling for any abnormalities now. It was at this point that he realized, Lian was not very responsive to anything. He declared her to be comatose right there on the exam table.
“Nurse! Can you please transfer this patient to a recovery room? She’s in a coma and needs careful attention.” The doctor requests.
“I’m on it!” A nurse from down the hall replies.
Lian was taken off the ventilator and ET tube, being given an oxygen mask instead. She was stripped completely naked and covered loosely with a hospital gown. She was then transferred to a bed and was closely monitored until she woke up a few weeks later.
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