#dnaiel Larusso
hanniballover67 · 3 months
Daniel skipped down the damaged, uneven concrete steps two at a time, ducking under the balconies to avoid his mom locking on.
“I don’t want you hanging out with that no-good hoodlum!”
Daniel stopped in his tracks. Anger coursed through his veins, he tasted metallic. He’s bitten his tongue near enough in half.
He turned and pounded up the stairs, uncaring that his fingers splintered on the peeling paint of the handrail.
“Do you know how many of these Valley ass-hats have shouted hoodlum at me? How many have spat at me?” He knew he was coasting with the curse-word but right now getting grounded didn’t matter.
Lucille Larusso shocked Daniel. It wasn’t often his Ma could say something that truly shocked the “runt from Jersey” but today was apparently the day.
“How many of those fuckers gave you a black eye, huh Daniel?”
Daniel blinked. His Ma’s face was puce, specks of spit at the side of her thin mouth.
Daniel took in a shaky breath as his lips trembled.
His mother pulled him in close, breathing in the scent of his cheap drug-store shampoo. They’d ran out of conditioner and Daniel hadn’t been able to steal anymore yet.
“I’m so happy you’re dating Daniel, but why did it have to be him?”
That was a query he’d tried to solve. He’d even roped Johnny’s few brain cells into finding the answer.
They kept coming back to the same reasoning: Johnny couldn’t kiss him so he’d pummeled Daniel - a touch was still a touch.
“He’s apologised, Ma! He’s shown me every day he’s sorry. He’s never laid a hand on me since. He’s even stopped drinking!”
Lucille’s breath caught. Shit! Daniel hadn’t meant to disclose his boyfriend’s alcoholism. Well, can’t back out now.
“He’s been sober for five weeks, Ma. He’s trying. Even the days Sid is extra Sid he hasn’t had anything.”
Daniel was treading on thin ice. He was okay as long as -
“Had this Sid ever said anything to you?”
Daniel wanted to say No! Of course he hasn’t! But he couldn’t. Sid had said it to his face, shouted at his back and screamed it down the phone.
Daniel nodded, timid and suddenly so small.
Lucille’s grip tightened against his t-shirt.
“Has he hit you?”
Daniel shook his head no. Two karate trained teenagers versus his middle-ages indulgence. Apparently Sid was a prick but not a stupid prick.
“Has he hit Johnny?”
Daniel hesitated. Johnny had never told him outright but there was an edginess about him that he’d seen in his mom after Big Jerry moved in. Thankfully that was only for a few months before the guys from the deli downstairs came round to talk about the noise complaint. Daniel hadn’t seen Big Jerry in the hospital but he’d heard those six months in intensive care were tough. He had walked with a limp the last time Daniel saw him.
“Tell him that he’s always got a bed here.”
Daniel sobbed against her shoulder as her tears soaked her cleaning shirt - the pink one that was ripped in the back from the tree she’d had to rescue Daniel from when he was seven.
A motorbike’s engine revved outside their window.
Lucille sighed at Johnny’s admittedly hoodlum behaviour.
Daniel hiccoughed a laugh back.
Typical Jonny!
The thought gave him a swirly tug in his belly. His Johnny.
Lucile have a last stroke to Daniel’s hair as the rev’s intensified.
“Tell him he’s always got a bed here and if he revs that goddamn bike so loudly again he’ll be wearing it!”
Daniel nodded as he stepped back before leaving in to kiss her soft makeup free cheek.
“Thanks, Ma.”
Lucille wiped his tears away, yet again, and yet again because of Johnny.
Only this time it was kinda different.
Daniel silently asked the question and she silently replied - their eyes equally as expressive.
He grabbed his jacket and shades and retraced his steps outside. He heard his mom’s voice floating down to the street. He didn’t hear Johnnys reply.
Crouching to cut under Mr Garbazo’s window rather than walking all the way round Daniel came face-to-face with his smiling boyfriend. The blonde looked more relaxed than he’d ever been picking Daniel up.
“Hey baby.”
Johnny’s big blue eyes widened as he realised he’d said that in front of Lucille. Daniel laughed kindly.
“We’re from Jersey, Johnny. Ain’t nothing I ever heard before. You make sure he wears a helmet. You too!” She winked and Johnny turned as red as his jacket “And I don’t want you getting home any later than 11, ya hear me?”
Lucille was giving Daniel The Look that meant she was going to work and she didn’t want the neighbours complaining about that “loud-ass fucking motorcycle waking me up at 3am” again.
Daniel realised he’d forgotten his key.
“Daniel!!! Wait there.”
Daniel gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the lips as he fastened the helmet underneath Daniel’s chin. He wasn’t wearing one, as usual. He was cool but dumb!
Lucille threw the disintegrating Mickey Mouse key ring underarm and Johnny caught it perfectly. He passed it back to Daniel who slid it into his front pocket.
“Have fun! Stay safe, the both of you!”
Johnny’s back straightened.
“Yes ma’am. I swear!”
Lucille and Johnny observed each other for a long moment.
Daniel nervously scratched the tip of his nose.
“I’ll leave the spare duvet on the settee. As an option.”
Johnny looked at Daniel over his shoulder, a myriad of emotions chasing them across his perfect porcelain features. He looked like a doll at times.
Daniel blushed as he fumbled for words.
Johnny shook his head, his eyes misty with unused emotions.
“Thank you.” He turned his face back up to the woman above, imposing wasn’t generally a word you associated with Lucille but was perfect for this moment. “You too, Mrs Larusso.”
Daniel and his Ma locked eyes before both laughing good-naturedly.
“Ain’t Mrs Larusso your Ma’s Ma?”
Lucile’s face was just as cheeky.
“Nah, I think it was her Ma’s Ma!”
Johnny looked between them.
“This is Johnny. Johnny, this is Lucille. Never Lucy and DEFINITELY not Mrs Larusso!”
Johnny looked relieved.
“ I’ll have him back at a decent hour, Lucille. Have a good night at work.”
With that Daniel and Johnny slowly pulled away from the complex and made their way into the late afternoon traffic, the sun at their back as they made their way to nowhere in particular, stopping off for burgers and shakes on the way.
“Charming hoodlum” ricocheted off the crumbling once-white walls of their apartments block.
Later on the beach Daniel explained what it meant as he snuggled further under Johnny’s red jacket, their eyes looking out to the universe as the traced lazy shapes against each others naked body. Safe and together.
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danielslaw · 2 years
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