#disabled people honestly . ''im just thinking critically unlike you idiots cant you use common sense its not that hard to understand-
watercolormogai · 2 years
idk if it's just ve but the label "critical inclusionist" has always felt very , very ableist . like , v have friends who literally are incapable of "thinking critically" or "using common sense" because of their mental disabilities . it feels very ableist to just go "just use your critical thinking you idiot , dont you have any fucking braincells , are you braindead or something use common sense" (all of which v have seen "critical inclusionists" say constantly) .
plus , the actual definition of the label is not "i think critically about things and use common sense" it is "if this doesnt have enough historical backing to support it then its horrible and homophobic and transphobic and should be burned and destroyed" . people arent "misusing the label" when they include "excluding mspec lesbiand / lesboys / xenogenders / etc" under "critical inclusionism" , they are just using the definition provided . plus the definition , even if it is just "using critical thinking" , feels a lot more like "you gross hypoempaths (or in this case , people who can't think critically / use common sense because of disability) are all horrible people for not understanding and experiencing empathy (in this case critical thinking / common sense) , unlike us pure wonderful empaths (in this case "critical thinkers") who know everything and wont ever explain anything to you , you just have to figure it out yourself" .
that brings ve to the fact that it is literally impossible for people to understand anything if you just yell at them like "it's bad ! why dont you understand ! youre a horribke person !" and push them out of your communities and refuse to explain anything . like , you dont teach someone to read by handing them a book and then yelling at them when they cant figure it out . if people would use arguments beyond "it's bad because i said so" it would actually be "critical thinking" instead of just "making up bullshit because you dont wanna help people and only wanna fight others" .
hiding behind "im just critically thinking unlike you uneducated idiots" does nothing but make people wanna listen to you even less , make your argument seem like nothing but lies and bullshit , and make you seem very very ableist even if that isnt your intention . telling people that their struggle to understand something (when you havent been helping them at all beyond saying "its like this because i said so and im right") is a moral failing is ableist , no matter the context . its nothing more than an excuse so you can fight with and hurt others instead of trying to help them , while painting disabled people as stupid pieces of shit who need to try harder to "think critically and use common sense" .
tl;dr the concept of "critical thinking" and "common sense" is ableist and stupid and nothing more than an excuse to fight with people instead of actually explaining things and helping them , which is why v hate the "critinclus" label
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