#dion deathgasm
totalfknloser · 2 months
Idk if it's I'm being asking way too early from the last request , but how about a list about Zack , Brodie , Dion and Giles green and red flags ? Like a top who has more ? ( ahem , it's way too obvious who but let's keep the mystery )
You're writing is awesome 🤟
LMAO THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS SO FUNNY LOL but tbh idk who has more red flags?? zakk is a meanie pants and i feel giles would be.. interesting.. dion would just be kind of nervous and brodie is completely just 😻 i think it would be zakk tho cause well it’s zakk but he’s hot soooo..
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♫ BRODIE! MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL BRODIE! (can you tell i like Brodie a lot?) i feel that Brodie would be a very normal boyfriend and person, just a little weird because as a metalhead myself i can confirm metalheads are a little weird in their own each way. Brodie is a very sweet boy and i feel like he has very little red flags to none. i think his green flags would be that he can cook and take care of himself (i headcanon this because of his parents cause don’t kill me if i’m wrong but considering his dad is i think.. dead? and his mom is a crazy bitch, i think he learnt to care for himself pretty fast.), he’s, as i always say, a total softie who’s a wonderful boyfriend, he’s a calm person to be around other than, well, when there is like a zombie demon thing apocalypse, and other yk, good boyfriend type shit. I think his red flags wouldn’t be too red and more beige or barely a red flag. I think Brodie’s little things would be like he’s not too into actual skincare and just does basic things like wash his hair and use soap and stuff, but he still has like dirt under his nails sometimes and picks at his acne n shit. but i believe he would be more than happy to have you care for him for him lol. i also think he would be sorta lazy and be pretty messy, but blah blah, basically he’s a good boy.
☠︎︎ second on our not that red to bright vermillion flags is Dion. Dion is like, overly a nerd. which isn’t a bad thing, i love me a sweet nerdy boy. Dion has little things too like idk picked his nose till 7th grade in middle school, or watches too much porn but not to an addiction, just more random little things. much like Brodie, he’s a good boy. but until you as a lover would get him to open up to being a little more used to what love is like, he wouldn’t do very much to keep up the relationship lmao, he just loves being around you. Dion is very sweet, just a little more unusual, but more than Brodie.
⚂ GILES! Giles is weird, i think Giles is weird. I don’t hate him, i LOVE him platonically, i think he’s funny. but would i date him? no. i just think he would be a bit too peculiar. nobody can tell me he doesn’t have a porn addiction, and hasn’t fucked something weird which yes, you cannot tell me otherwise cause yes he has fucked something weird, it’s mentioned in the movie! i think it was a dummy or something. I think Giles is just very weird sexually, like not piss kink weird (sorry to everyone with a piss kink), but like too much porn and hot babes weird. and i don’t think he would be very like loving at first? like he would love you as much as anyone else in a relationship, he just wouldn’t know how to show it, but he’d eventually get it, much like Dion.
⛧ and finally, our beautiful blood red Zakk. Zakk is a nasty mean boy as we all know. before he really loves you, i believe he would be a man with a bit of a sick sense of humor (yk like dark jokes or laughing at sort of fucked up stuff), would be terrible at caring for himself in not all ways, but most. and he’s like, a total asshole, obviously. i saw someone say that Zakk would have bpd and listed why and i so agree which bpd or any disorder (trust me y’all i have 4 disorders lmao) doesn’t make you a red flag till you let it make you a red flag, and i think Zakk would let it become a red flag. Zakk is just kinda fucked up. from weird things on the internet he saw when he was too young, to definitely having trauma, i think he’s a little fucked from the start. I still love him and he would def learn to love you. I think his version of love would be a bit possessive and overly clingy, like if anyone hit on you he would get more possessive than he really should. I also think he would hold onto you forever and ever and never let go, and if you left and especially if you hurt him when you left, he’d never forgive himself for letting someone get that close, and other sad bullshit. i think i could work through Zakk and get mutual love out of him but it would be hard. but i don’t really care though cause i know he got some meat down there and he has a pretty face so idgaf! <33 + i know deep down there he is a lovable man. for his green flags, he’s a sweetheart when you get to love him, as i’ve said before. he’s very capable of genuinely caring and loving, it’s just hard to get him to do so. we love our boy Zakk no matter what.
.☠︎︎. ⚂ .⛧.♫.
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studiousbotanist · 2 years
i always run into problems where i watch something . iw ant to talk about it at length . i dont wanna spoil anybuddy . ig ot spoiled for halloween ends so bad and not w deathgasm which im SO glad about going in completley fresh is a good idea . with that said heres a read more so ~SPOILERS FOR DEATHGASM~
THE SOUNDTRACK WAS SO TIGHT . i loved melinda . i really liked brodie and zakk and brodies nerd friends dion and giles . i thought the bits iwth melinda and brodie were really cute ....... literally like TOP TIER GORE TOO it wa sjust SO fun . as far as i know, or from what it looked like just about everything was practical which is *******SUCH A TREAT******** adn the CORN SYRUP BLOOD !!!!!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the animated intro for the movie was really cool too very classic metal . idk man . i just really really enjoyed it it was just fun the whole time . i love movies that feel like love letters to a genre or just like, a specific thing !!!! the actors all did pretty good too . so much frat boy humor . DUAL WIELDING CHAINSAWS . i fucking love how they didnt finisht eh black hymn the first time, then were like, aw no okay lets just go ahead and do it again even thogh our tummies were hurting so bad . and the demons fucking HIDING BEHIND SUNGLASSES LMFAO . the cryptic shit .
i had to watch it again right after i finished it cause i waslike okay . i need this again right away . just about any time you can bet if a movie is like rated a 5 or 6 out of 10 its going on my favorite movies list . nothing ever beats using THE POWER OF MUSIC to get the bad guy down either OUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mint said it best but throuple sequel when . brodie/melinda/zakk real . thanks
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sc4bpuppy · 3 years
another quiz.....
made a Deathgasm quiz because i've been rewatching recently
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f3ral-in-main · 4 years
Is there a Deathgasm fandom? I love the movie and would love to have somebody to talk about the movie
Also her are the “posters” we see when we meet characters
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Plz tell me I’m not alone. My pms are open if you wanna talk ;3;
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medinagasm · 2 years
👫 >:)
headcanons about our muses.
medina talks ab brodie being a good drawer and says he should design the tattoo shes thinking of getting and she Stuck To That she found a drawing he did of her after everything went down and she decided That is the perfect tattoo for her she loves it bc its His
there are definitely a Lot of little things in their relationship that probably points towards just how Shit her relationship w david was, just medina constantly being surprised or flustered by so many nice things he does for her. even if they don’t really talk about it i think brodie is definitely smart enough to put the pieces together, especially considering the Violence he’d dealt with from david
to build off of that brodie is probably the first person who’s ever really like? been into her? like david very clearly didnt seem to have a whole lot of interest in who she was as a person and was definitely mostly just into hooking up, even dion and zakk only ever comment on whether or not brodie could have sex w her and it was never like. about her to them and i think medina’s very much used to people only thinking of her like that so brodie is just such??? a new and exciting experience for her and its definitely scary sometimes (the first time they have sex she probably quietly checks with him that that’s not all he wanted from her and that makes me sad) but she’s So Happy with him and so very in love w him
the park bench they had ice cream at that day is a Whole Thing and medina makes a point out of going there to get ice cream Often bc i simply think they deserve a soft little spot that reminds them of when they first really met
when brodie goes on tour w deathgasm medina is. The Most Supportive girlfriend in the world she is screaming from the front row of every show or backstage w water and snacks for him when he gets off stage and just. she’s always hyping him and the band up she’s always so proud and supportive
medina braiding brodies hair................................................................ enough said
i simply vibe very heavily w the aesthetic of medina being soft and pastel colors next to brodie being in his full getup and i just think they should be like that all the time but i also think,,,, medina having little ways to match their outfits,,,, color coordinates w a patch on his vest,,, little bits of the heavier metal aesthetic mixed in w her light colors and pastels,,,,,,,,,,
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daethcrush-aa · 2 years
deathgasm verse bc @thecrypt : okay,so she'd be the only american student at greypoint high school + the only other metalhead other than zakk,who is probably an old flame / friends with benefits situation type deal(i know that sounds predictable af but hear me out on it) who scout must confront after befriending brodie who happened to become buddies with zakk.
she'd stand up for people being bullied by brodie's shit head cousin,david. and stick up for dion and giles. they even teach her how to play d & d. she's got zero talent regarding the band the boys start,but she helped filmed the typical black metal dudes in the forest scene. honestly,scout was made to be in this verse,and i love this movie so much. imagine scout,decked in corpse paint wielding a chainsaw or some shit like that fighting demons with brodie and zakk
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Deathgasm (2015)
Director: Jason Lei Howden
I feel as if Deathgasm pays homage to Trick or Treat (From 1986, not to be confused with Trick ‘r Treat from 2007) and the classic I’m sure many of you have seen Evil Dead. Being a huge fan of metal and horror movies myself, I always find it entertaining when the 2 emerge, my favorite example being the soundtrack for Dario Argento’s Phenomena. 
In Deathgasm, an outcast metalhead named Brodie is forced to move in with his Uncle after his widow mom is institutionalized in a mental hospital for giving a blow job to a mall Santa Claus. His Uncle and Aunt are crazy religious and his cousin is the typical douche bag jock bully you see in almost every movie where the main characters are in high school. So of course, being a metalhead in a Christian household, there is conflict. At his new school, and stop me if you’ve heard this one before, nearly everyone considers him a freak and decides not to associate with him and is subject to bullying from his cousin David and a friend of his (whose name is not mentioned). The only 2 individuals who accept Brodie are 2 “nerds” named Dion and Giles who are super into dorky role-playing games.
On the way home from school one day, he checks out a local record store where he meets his new friend and partner in mayhem, Zakk. Considering Brodie “plays” (you’ll know why this is in quotation marks when you watch it) guitar and Zakk plays bass, they form a death/black metal band called DEATHGASM with Dion on keys (strange for a black metal band, but whatever) and Giles on drums. The movie really picks up when one day Zakk and Brodie break into an abandoned house where Zakk expects Riki Daggers, member of the legendary metal band Haxansword, to be hiding out. Zakk is unknowing of why they’re breaking into the abandoned house until he sees in the hallway a Haxansword tour poster and a picture of Daggers himself. They then walk into a room with a wall of old amps and a mattress on the floor, on which Daggers is sleeping. Tucked in his arms is a Haxansword record (which earlier in the movie at the local record shop costs $213), in an attempt to steal the record, they snag it from his arms. As they’re walking out, Daggers awakes and attempts to attack Zakk and Brodie. I don’t want to give too much away, but basically they “talk it out”, Zakk and Brodie leave the premises with the record and head towards Brodie’s place. There, they discover that inside the record sleeve is a Rick Astley record, and also what appears to be sheet music. They read the music and play it, but little do they know, the music contains demonic incantations and thus the horror ensues.
That’s all I’ll give away about the plot, I left out some details but if you want to fill in the gaps, watch the movie yourself. Deathgasm is an all around fun movie but falls short in a couple of aspects. While there were humorous parts in the movie, a lot of the jokes just fell flat with me. If you are a true fan of metal, some of the dialogue in the film you may consider cringeworthy. There is a lot of stereotypical “ metalhead” things in this film if you know what I mean. I’m sick of the whole outcast in high school plot, I’ve seen it way too many times. But all flaws considering, I’d suggest this movie if you like just fun all out gore horror movies, you may even find some of the jokes funny. I’m looking forward to whatever Jason Lei Howden has is in store for us. Thanks for reading!
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The first movie, I want to tell you about is Deathgasm. It's my favourite movie. It's about a boy called broodie. He has to go to his uncle and his wife (they believe in god very much) and they have a son. They don't like him, because he is a metalhead. And for them metal is satanic as much as possible. In the new school Broodie meet new friends. They're victims of buillying too. Their names are Dion and Giles. And then there's Medina: Broodie thinks she is the most beautiful girl, but she is in a relationship with his cousin. After school Broodie meet Zakk and they want to make a band with Giles and Dion. The band called Deathgasm. Zakk and Broodie find old paper with music on it. The words aren't in english, but Broodie find out that it's something to call satan. So they play the music and all people in the little town will be zombies. I don't tell you more about the movie, but I think it's the best movie ever! If you interested you can message me or watch the movie! Greetings from me. Selina!
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totalfknloser · 2 days
So the deathgasm cast - if they had to date a supernatural creature (vampire, siren, etc) what type of supernatural creature would each of them choose/gravitate towards?
Or maybe even the metal lords/skull flower crew as well (Emily, hunter, kevin?)
Zakk would be into demons and vampires, Dion and Giles would be into sirens/mermaids, Medina would be into vampires/maybe werewolves, and I think Brodie would be into anything hot tbh!!
i think Emily would go towards mermen/mermaids, Hunter would be into demons, Kevin would like sirens or maybe like human sized fairies? like humans with pretty fairy wings i guess!!
do you guys think anyone in skull flower would like anyone in deathgasm but also including medina
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totalfknloser · 4 days
So totally in denial about the deaths in the movie (Giles, dion, especially zakk) could the gang take on demons a second time? Or other ghosts/monsters and pull off another successful save the world/end the chaos type of deal?
Could their respective gf/significant others survive as well? Imagine zakk and his gf destroying monsters, saving each other from the supernatural or Medina and brodie meeting someone who saves the two of them 😳
YES! i think that all of the dead people especially Zakk would be more powerful! i think dion and giles wouldn’t rlly know how to use their new magical powers or whatever but i think Zakk would learn fast and like totally own it!!! tbh instead of Zakk killing the main villain i think it would be funny if Dion or Giles did it and Zakk would be super pissed he couldn’t do it himself as much as i believe it would be that kind of jar thing where ppl are like “open this jar for me” and the other person does it easily and then the first person is like “wtf i just loosened it there’s no way you opened it by yourself!!” yk like that but with Zakk being the open this jar and Dion/Giles being the one to open it except i think that Zakk wouldn’t ask to get the jar opened or the big demon dude killed it just kinda happens because wtf else would happen?? anyway I think that Zakk’s gf/so would be kinda like Medina when she was kicking demon zombie type shit ass but like extra badass cause idk they’re with Zakk?? i just feel like anyone who can handle Zakk would be extra strong in multiple ways. Medina and Brodie being saved by someone else tbh i can see it lol. i think Brodie would sorta be a little wimpy when it comes to this big bad mega demon/entity of some sort. and i think Medina would be eager to kill it but going by this situation, they would not win but they would not die because i refuse to have them die <3!! idk who that person to save them would be but i’d bet they’d be like Zakk tbh!!
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totalfknloser · 2 months
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totalfknloser · 2 months
i wanna do a who i will write for and not blah blah type list
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who will i write for?
Eyeless jack (creepypasta)
Jeff the killer (creepypasta)
Ticci Toby (not sexually but anyways again from creepypasta)
prolly some others i can’t remember 😭 but lots of boys for crp
Medina (deathgasm)
Brodie (deathgasm)
Zakk (deathgasm
Dion (deathgasm)
Giles (deathgasm)
basically anyone from deathgasm
Hunter Sylvester (metal lords)
Kevin Shlieb (metal lords)
Emily Spector (metal lords)
anyways that’s the characters but if there’s anymore y’all want me to do then please tell me! these r just the characters i know! i’ll write for any unless they go across my boundaries
topics i will write for
this isn’t all of them but i will write for smut, fluff, angst, etc!
what will i not write for?
sexualized/illegal shit with minors (i can write about minors but strictly NEVER sexualized and things like that but i don’t mind writing about sweet scenarios of for example having a healthy relationship with a child and character), incest, rape, consensual non consent and related topics, abuse (but like romanticized abuse specifically idm writing about trauma), real people (ill write for the characters people act obviously), manipulation, toxic stuff, etc just nasty stuff like that but i will write for self harm or other addiction headcanons because i understand addiction very well and don’t have a problem with writing about them as long as the said addiction included in writing isn’t romanticized.
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thank you!!
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