#digital footprint doesnt matter to me
funpuddle · 7 months
Tumblr media
One Butt Boy simply having a great time
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simofabitch · 6 months
Sometimes I wish I'd never come out online put pronouns in bio and did pride flag bgs for pride month. The first public discord server I was in, long ago deleted, I said my gender was "secret." (A stranger in that server bought me my first binder.) Before that, before tumblr even, I miss the days when I was a little kid and truly anonymous and assumed male if anything was assumed about me at all
In trying to be free of it all I feel like I've put myself in other box, and even if I got rid of it all now I've ruined my digital footprint, all my mutuals/followers already know, it doesnt matter
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kyonoc · 9 months
G and KK's obsessive habits.
possibly trigger warning for KK being an absolutely delusional, a walking talking menace of the society, mention of stalking; psychics ghost stories and very superstitious thing (or whatever english word call it) that you may not buy. proceed at your own risk
whew, never thought that I needed to put that in one of my shitpost but ah, well, also maybe bad formatting bc this is my first time posting with PC tumblr and wall of text bc i got lost in my thoughts-. not properly proofread
Does the G I mentioned every now and then use tumblr? Yes, he does. Does he know about my tumblr account? No, he doesnt (perhaps). But do I know his tumblr account? Yes, I do, and please dont even try to ask why I know it without him revealing it- I noticed I tend to have a tendency to suddenly be obsessive about someone/something and, uh, kind of proceed to cyberstalk them-. Intrigue me and I'll be more than motivated to find out about your likes, dislikes, your other social media, your birthday, what kind of person are you, your favourite rock band member, the user name you used five years ago, some post you posted in the 2010s and is deleted but still is archived somewhere on the internet because digital footprints sucks.
disclaimers: by all mean i do not condone this type of behavior. I do it is not the same as it being a right thing to do folks
It doesnt help that most people dont care/dont know about online privacy and security; and i have a knack for analyzing stuff, along with an observant personality. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to piece things together.
And Im interested in human and their business too. I cant help but keep sticking my nose in everything (the details about it is sitting in one of my shitpost drafts but, uhm, in short I'm just curious about human in general). What are they thinking? Can I find their thought patterns? Can I predict their reactions and possibly actions base on this information that I have collected about them? Why do they like this? Why do they write things like this, talk about this topic, have this speaking manner, phrase thing like this? Why do they express themselves like this? What do they mean they have something with something about something? Is this related to their background/childhood? Where do they come from? How did they come to develop such a personality? Alhaitham is absolutely right, everything is connected. You only need to take time to sit back and think. If you cant piece things together, then you can just use elimination to find your answer.
While I'm not insanely good at this detective game and can correctly deduct everything everytime (bc im no genius), I can still have a pretty good guess about the matter and an overall idea about said person.
(oh btw I dont like G romantically or something. Like i said in another post, i think the haitham verse one, I struggle to find myself loving someone genuinely in a romantically manner. G to me is an older sibling figure in which I happen to be obsessive about.) (nevermind that phrasing make it even more weird. what am I talking about I am weird)
(Also, just a feeling without any based logic, but I believe G may or may not know about this already)
I also tend to have a tendency to be super protective/possesive about what I see as mine. Mainly about objects and more abstract, non-physical stuff rather than people, which Im grateful for. Because I'll be most likely to k-ll that person (or track them down first before doing so), and then k- myself. Other mean of keeping them alive is possible, but it's too tedious and require too much effort anyway. Wont it be easier if we all rejoice in the afterlife, if it even exists?
Luckily that it wont happen anytime now lol. But for an explanation..
My good guess is its because I'm usually the one to give away too much without ever receiving in return, including willing to ignore my needs, preferences, feelings and gave up on my comfort for others. Which led me to be very very territorial/protective with what I decided that I wont share, or sacrifice.
While Im good with picking apart other people's stories, I dont even know why Im so... abnormal like this. I have vague guesses but nothing solid (and yet im supposed to be a therapist in the near future). Is this concerning? Yes, very, if you experience these tendencies and feelings/thoughts like me, please go visit a counselor/therapist asap. I'm just very well aware of my limits and my possibilities, and I dont see myself actually committing something that can be classify as "an actual menace to the society" anytime soon, so Im just chilling around. But if you are unsure, seek help. This is not something to be normalized nor is it fine.
Im not a goofy ah person i swore Im veri sirius!! G pls keep looking at me being scholarly pls? i even brought back the "an interesting fact about our world a day" series for u.. Im capable of talking in a more nerdy and science-y way if thats what u want? ill go far n beyond for u G u deserve better so pls be happi why do i sound like a lovesick yandere ew this would have been the tag ramblings but I dont want to accidentally tag sth people do search about bc this will not be a secret hideout anymore by then oh uh i just realize an unstable therapist sound SUPER concerning... d-dont worry?? I have really good self control, I promise
Post script KK here because I realized I forgot to add the superstitious part. Maybe it's because I'm so unstable that my suitor from the afterlife is also unstable lol. I couldn't really find an English word for it aside from paranomal romances made by the wattpad users, but basically a ghost decided he would like to have a crush on me. Or what would the term in my native language literally translate to, "afterlife lover/fate". I had suspicions before, but it wasn't confirmed until I told G about this and he said it is 🙈
So the story is: There was a period of time that I dreamt of this man who kept taking me out on dates and hangout/lingering in my dreams. I don't remember my opinion about him back then, but I do vaguely remember being interested in him. I mean, if a mysterious figure suddenly appeared in your dream several times, take you on date, and treat you nice, won't you be curious at least?
Well until he actually invited me back to his home and meet his parents (his mother to be specific).
That was one of the wildest dream I have ever had. It bewildered me so much I still remember it as clear as day till now. His family seems to like me, and decided we should have a marriage on the spot or something. I remember protesting (of course??), but ended up getting trapped in his house, and uh I kinda forgot/woke up after that. But after that day, all I ever dream about is I'm being chased by someone (I'm assuming him or his servants-), always on the run. There were so many failed escape attempts, but I remember the last time uh, I dream of such, I ran away with 3 children that god forbid is mine. After that I stopped the habit of writing/recording my dreams, and don't really remember much anyway.
Well, I assume the mysterious guy gave up or something. But turn out he is still very much here 🙈 I did a tarot reading with Mei (not the OC, my tarot deck. She's 7 this year, yay!!). She also confirmed that, yes, I have a ghost that love me. I asked G for more information after that, but he only gave me the description of the guy's appearance and didn't elaborate further (which lowkey checks out with my dream btw, I don't exactly remember his face). Mei did gave me some descriptions about his personality tho, with them being "possessive" (which will explain the second mark this time in between my thighs that looks awfully similar to a hickey), and a guy of science and/or art. Mhmm, it's not like Mei is not reliable, I'm just not a good tarot reader nor I am a good psychics. Mei did tell me more, but I'm sucks so.
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ugly-fuck · 1 year
me realising the internet does not matter. it doesnt. digital footprint is real and dangerous .. if you believe the internet matters . live free. i am ok with myself because i am not sick in this internet sad girl way. i am sick the superior way. i am sick because i am sick.
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moreofalemming · 3 years
Guess Who’s Back
After how many years, I am finally trying to get my shit sorted. Well, Ive been trying all along but this time, I am actively trying. Its not just a passing phase. 
I have decided to use this account to blog the ups and the downs, leaving my digital footprint somewhere. I dont have any followers, but that doesnt really matter. I’ll know that Im trying to use something I love (i.e. writing) in a constructive way to try and help me.
I’ll be talking about up to date topics and my personal experiences and also the things that I enjoy and all the drama going on!
I am finally not feeling so hopeless and so lost in this world.  
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seoviews · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 115
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: auto; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
,Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 115, We’ve moved HDHOs to the new Webinar Jam platform! You must register to be able to ask questions:
0:00 Intro and announcements
Semantic Mastery Citations:
12:00 How does Hump Day Hangout notifications and questions work now?
13:00 Is Google AMP increase rank? Are you suggest google AMP?
15:00 How are you indexing your citations? I still have quite a few not indexed and they where built a while ago now. If I just copy and paste the url of the citation page into google and it doesnt show does that mean its not indexed or may my links still be indexed? Cheers
20:00 Have you guys seen the new Serplify by Mo Miah it a serp shaker type software. Here is YT
24:00 First, I’m testing out Megarray- was impressed I put in a ticket and they called me on the phone. Pretty decent support! Will report back after some tests. Next, anyone have issues with burner app on phone sometimes not working with Google coming back and saying this number is not valid? Finally, I just finished watching the YT Silo course- GREAT STUFF!
27:00 How would you recommend YT structure for local cities? Do you agree with “others” that say channel name = KW+USA, then playlist = KW+state, then videos titles = KW+Counties, then description to put in cities??? If not what channel and silo structure do you recommend? Finally, how many silos per site? Thanks!!! Happy New Year!
Bulk Phone verified accounts:
33:00 When using crowdsearchme for wanting traffic to come into our site from a Google partner like Diigo, do we need to start at a kind of buffer site to start with the search and bring the traffic into the google partner then to our site? (like use tumblr to go to diigo then to website). Or can we start with the DIigo directly? Thanks.
36:00 Have you any suggestions how to use Alexa to ramp up voice search results. There has to be a way to speak to Alexa then ask questions over and over. Think of people also ask….. There is something big underlying voice search if you can tell it what questions you want to be found on I think it can be huge care to comment or suggest something to milk this?
40:00 Yo, can anyone remind me how to make Diigo library public facing? Is it possible?
42:00 1. I just purchased my first full 2-tier network from Serpspace marketplace. The first posts from my site have been syndicated. In the management dash I see that over half the properties are showing “not yet checked” What do I need to do to them to get them up and running?
43:00 2. I recently heard you on a webinar say not to syndicate posts from the money site beyond the first tier branded ring because of footprint issues. I immediately went disconnected the 3 persona rings. Please can you advise on what I should be doing with them now… how can they be put to good use.
47:00 Question 1: I noticed through testing that Bing seems to be more lucrative for acquiring b2b projects, as it appears that most corporates tend to be stocked up with the preloaded internet explorer and bing as the default search engine. Do you think that the future for more sizable project will not be coming from google but from bing, as it has a higher conversion rate with less traffic(BUT HIGHER QUALITY). Should we therefore not be looking at targetting our efforts to google for b2c and bing for b2b? …….Question 2: Is there an is way to address AMP pages production and is there a technique for pushing them to google news? Keep up the great work. Jane
52:00 If I have active YouTube accounts built within Browseo, that are all set up on different IP’s, and are in good standing and aged, with supporting tier accounts etc., and I intend to continue using those accounts within Browseo. If I then put them into megarray (same YT accounts) wouldn’t that create a problem for my accounts; activity coming from 2 sources? (I think I have answered my own question, but I want your expertise on the matter.)
If that is the case, a problem from 2 sources, then my best option if I decide to use megarray is to populate it with all new YT accounts-tiers and etc, yes? (again your expertise willingly accepted)
And, what is your “REAL” take on megarray?
55:00 I just picked up Abbas new product, Socilinkz to give it a test and was wondering if you’ve had the opportunity to test it yourselves and if you had any thoughts on best practices with it. It looks like the sort of thing that could give our IFTTT properties a nice boost and maybe even the same for RYS stacks.
If you don’t plan on asking questions, you can always just watch direct on the YT channel:
See you all on the Hangout!, {rating}
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