#did they talk? did they say sorry to each other? striker is set in february so it's only 6 weeks later when S8 starts
sircolinmorgan · 7 months
one of my favourite scenes in endeavour that i don't see talked about much is the one in 7x03 (Zenana) when morse tells bright that his wife was murdered. it's too long to gif and gifs wouldn't do the scene justice anyway.
morse has clearly spent all night trying to piece together all the unusual deaths and has realised it's ludo and violetta, he's still wearing the same clothes, he's dishevelled and it doesn't seem like he's slept. at this point his relationship with fred is so broken but morse still goes to him to try and make him understand. then bright comes in and thursday is desperately trying to stop morse from saying anything but morse carries on anyway. the way bright looks at fred in such a bewildered way, the desperation from all 3 of them. morse trying to get people to listen to him but doing it so badly, fred trying to protect bright and bright's anger. the acting!!!
i think morse is feeling incredibly guilty for not discovering ludo's crimes sooner which is why he goes in all guns blazing. he's probably already feeling guilt for the breakdown in his relationship with thursday, jim has just been stabbed after morse told him to go to that location, bright's wife has been killed, he's been kicked out of the station. as he writes in his letter to joan, he's just burned all his bridges and this (and eventually violetta's death) is the cause of his drinking and downward spiral in the next series.
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alsparaarchive · 3 years
𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒂𝒚 𝑻𝒐 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒅𝒈𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒆 / Alex & Sid
Date: February 1, 2021 Location: Alex’s Winter Garden home in Florida
Summary: A reconnection; Sid seeing Charlie for the first time ; “I want to make this work..” and “Stay with me... stay with us.”
Date Started: February 1, 2021 Date Completed: February 5, 2021
Sidney “When setting expectations, no matter what has been said or written, if substandard performance is accepted and no one is held accountable—if there are no consequences—that poor performance becomes the new standard.” With a nod to no one but himself, Sidney let the wheel of his rented SUV slip through his fingers, as he turned off the main highway and headed in the direction that Alex had just pinged him. Maybe she’d been joking. Maybe she really hadn’t expected him to board a flight from NY to Florida that night and show up at her door at some unholy hour for ‘coffee.’ The thought had crossed his mind. It was the reason why he’d slammed his phone into the car’s USB port (it took him awhile to find it) and threw on the audiobook he’d been listening to for the last couple of days about leadership… in life, in lov… was he still calling it that? He sighed and turned the wheel again. The traffic lights all going green as he neared them, because he really was the last one out on the road tonight. His phone pinged (again) and he told himself to ignore it. It wasn’t safe to reach for it now and truthfully, he was determined to just show up outside of Alex’s house and knock. If it turned out, she’d changed her mind or cancelled he wasn’t exactly sure if he’d have the heart for tomorrow’s flight back to NY and the game that was to follow it. So, instead of answering or looking to see who it was pinging him, he settled on the audiobook and listening to Jocko again, because maybe that was where he’d gone wrong the first time. He’d lacked accountability for the both of them. Which yeah was strange because when had he, Sidney Crosby ever lacked accountability for anything… oh, yeah right… when he got tripped up by brunette hair and the girl caught up underneath it. ‘You have reached your destination.’ Thankfully he made it through the gates relatively unscarred by the Security Chief on duty—turns out his name still held some sway down here, and he was able to use it to get clearance. Upon arriving at Alex’s place, Sidney turned off his rental and walked over to the big doors that seemed larger than life compared to his back home in Nova Scotia, his hand finding the doorbell and --- oh maybe this was where he should try texting and not wake her baby up. Pulling his phone up and not even looking to see if the texts he got might've been from her or not he texted, ‘I’m here.’ And waited. Hands nervously at his side, but maybe pockets would be a safer option…
Alex New York City, Sidney was in New York City for God's sake, he wasn't actually going to show up for /coffee/ was he? That seemed ridiculous but of course she left the option open in case he had actually been serious. It was early enough in the night when they had first texted but now it was late and Alex somehow managed to fall asleep on her sofa under her favorite knitted throw blanket that Trina had made for her a couple Christmases back. It was the loud ding of her phone that jerked the brunette awake, mostly cursing herself for forgetting to put it on vibrate after Charlie fell asleep. Blue eyes squinted at the bright lights of her phone, trying to read what the text said as her eyes adjusted to light again. That was until they went wide at the words she was reading. Here? Already? What time was it? Fuck... She didn't want to be rude and leave him waiting outside in the chilly February air but boy did she wish she could've ran to the bathroom first to fix up her hair and makeup, maybe even brush her teeth again. But it wasn't like Sid hadn't already seen her at her worst and still chose to wake up next to her and kiss her good morning anyway so she refrained and padded her way from the living room, across her 'grand entry way' which was actually far less grand than in the house she shared with Servando but that was neither here nor there. A hand quickly raked it's way through her hair smoothing out any frizz or knots that could've made their way into it while she slept on the couch and then she opened the door, her heart stopping in the process, especially once she saw Sidney on the other end. It took her a second before she could even say anything, her breath and words caught in the back of her throat until she rasped out a little "hi.. sorry, yeah, hi.. come in." Smoooth, Alex... real smooth.
Sidney The thirty-three-year-old penguin centre wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting; maybe a thumbs up, not that that was her usual emoji of choice but, seriously he needed to stop thinking about it… as he continued to stare down at his phone and ignore the feeling creeping in all around him that he’d screwed up here. Of course, it had been insane to just show up like this… no, seriously what had he been thinking? He forced his phone back into his pocket mad for letting some audiobook take advantage of him and mad at possibly jeopardising the team, because he wanted to fly to Florida for the night and see his ex-girlfriend again… Only, before he really had a chance to let it sink in any deeper… the door was open and there she was. The same as ever. Which was bad, because he really had wanted this to be easy… maybe a night where they could let the past go and talk about the future, a future where they could be friends. And maybe that was still the case, it was just, he kind of wanted to kiss her a little more. “Hi.” It was weird, because it wasn’t. A smile shaping across his face as he took a step—oh wait. “Hold up.” He ran back over to the car and grabbed out the small penguin plushie he’d picked up at some store in the airport. He’d initially wanted to get Charlie a proper Pittsburgh Penguin one, but the fan store had been closed and he wasn’t about to show up at Alex’s without a gift for her new baby. His mom had raised him with manners after all. Half-jogging, half-walking back over to her, Sidney held up the gift he’d bought, “had to get her something from her favorite hockey player, right?” It was then, as he stepped in around her that he realised that she must have fallen asleep waiting for him, her hair falling at every angle that wasn’t where it usually would. Hand reaching up, Sidney brushed a few strands behind her ear, “did you fall asleep on me?” his voice teased her, as his smile continued to grow a little larger with every breath slipping out between them… he’d missed this. He’d missed her.
Alex The puzzled look on her face soon subsided when she saw her ex holding the penguin stuffed animal which brought an immediate smile to her face. The gesture was the sweetest thing. "You didn't have to do that but I'm sure she'll love it, thank you." She took the plushie from him and looked down at it, still smiling, as he stepped inside. She closed and locked the door behind them and set the penguin down on the table she had next to the stairs so she would remember to bring it up to her daughter's room. Turning back she wasn't expecting him to be standing that close to her at all, her breath hitching when she felt his fingers brush ever so softly against her face and then behind her ear. Alex looked up at him and gave a sheepish smile at his question. "Guilty," it came out in almost a whisper. The striker had no idea what to do with herself in that moment but was quick to clear her throat and pull away to lead him into the kitchen. "Did you really want coffee at this hour?"
Sidney He brushed her words to the side, because of course he did… his mom would’ve had his earlobe in between her two fingers and pinching hard, if she found out he’d just shown up outside of Alex’s house and hadn’t brought something for her new baby— actually maybe he shouldn’t mention this to his mom... “And here I thought you’d have been waiting up for me…” they were playing a dangerous game… or he was and he knew it, but still he couldn’t stop himself. And it wasn’t like he wasn’t fully aware she now had a tiny baby only a few feet away— he’d brought the penguin, he knew— it was just hard to care in that moment when the last he’d seen her they’d been quick to push niceties aside and make up for lost time… “probably not a good idea… how about a water?” He followed her into her new kitchen taking it all in. She’d done a good job here. Though he was sure Pam had had her way more than once or twice… “so, you’re back…” Words he’d always wanted to say. “Have you ticked everything off you wanted to do since you landed…” he was fully aware she’d been back for awhile now, but she hadn’t been back in his life… and that was where he needed the blanks filled in by her.
Alex "Things are different now; remember how I used to take hours to fall asleep? Now I sit down in front of the tv for ten minutes and I'm out like a light. I guess doing the whole mom thing will do that to you." Her words rang out through the hall as she walked him into the kitchen, nodding in agreement with the suggestion of water. She grabbed one for each of them out of the fridge and walked back over to Sidney handing him the bottle. Alex leaned back against the breakfast nook counter and had to stop her arm after it had managed to get midway from her side to his shirt, the way she'd always pull him in closer. Not this time. To be safe she set her own bottle of water down and then crossed her arms over her chest and nodded along with his words. "I'm back," the brunette echoed. "I'm not sure I had much of a list but if I did then no maybe not now that I think about it." Not that she was going to divulge what those things were that she had yet to tick off. "What about you? What have you been up to?"
Sidney He did remember that. Of course, there were nights where that hadn’t been a problem… but he wasn’t going to bring that up right now. The bottle remained unopened in his hand as he nodded and without even realising he’d been doing it notice the space that was so clearly left between them both tonight. Even when they’d first met there hadn’t been this much space between them, but then again neither of them had known the full consequence of what would happen when it did manage to disappear. Wow, had it really been nearly six years since he’d first met Alex, at that bar back in Vancouver… taking a sip he distracted himself from yet another long-lived relationship he’d apparently failed to succeed at. Though, really what was success in the terms of a relationship? With Kathy he thought it would be kids…. With Alex… he kind of hoped it would be everything… he swallowed the water down hard and had to bring the back of his hand up to his mouth to wipe the access away, “uh… you know, just hockey… you weren’t…” he swallowed again, but this time there was no water to soothe the motion… “like alone during… like…” he wasn’t even sure what he was asking… he knew her mom and sister was bound to be there, but still… maybe it was the traditionalist inside of him that wanted to make sure that she hadn’t been completely abandoned either… “do you still keep in contact with Charlie’s dad?”
Alex It was a completely reasonable question, one that should’ve been expected, and yet she hadn’t prepared for it at all. What was she going to say? Not once had she ever hoped Charlie would wake up and start crying for her but there she was practically boring holes into the baby monitor sitting on the other end of the counter as if she could will just that to happen — but nothing, not a peep from the eight month old and she had to hold in her sigh. Looked like there wouldn’t be an easy way out. “Sid, I—“ she stammered, tears stinging her eyes but she refused to let them do anything more than that. “My family was there, I wasn’t alone.” She didn’t even want to get into the trouble she had while giving birth, it hadn’t gone nearly as smoothly as expected but Alex was nothing if not a fighter and everything turned out okay so there was no need to rehash that and worry him for nothing. She tried to find the words to either lie or be completely honest with him about the father but she couldn’t make either happen, all Alex could do was shrug and bite her bottom lip looking anywhere but at his face in that moment.
Sidney From the first moment he’d seen her reaction to his question, he’d found himself regretting it. There had a been a few times in his life that he’d seen Alex cry; like that stupid time he’d taken her out to a batting cage in Pittsburgh, and some idiot in the cage across them had clipped a ball into her head just as she’d been taking off her helmet to kiss him…, but that had been fixed with a trip to ER (she had’t wanted to go but he’d persisted) and a night of ‘anything you want… /anything,’ which she’d definitely taken full advantage of. And that was just it though… in the past he’d been able to fix it… now as much as he wanted to do something to put her at ease, he didn’t think it would be appreciated. “I shouldn’t have brought it up. I’m sorry.” He was, as he put the water back down on the counter and stepped in closer, because fuck it… arms wrapping around her pulling her in against his chest and holding her there— well, at least as long as she’d allow him to, “you know, you could’ve called me… I’d have… been there.” He hadn’t been sure. At least when he’d first seen the photos of her pregnant belly beginning to swell, but slowly as she grew closer to the date he had thought about ringing her or letting her know that if she needed anything… he’d be there.
Alex Her mind seemed to be spinning in all different directions as he pulled her in to his chest but of everything her mind was screaming nothing shouted at her to pull away and so she let herself melt into him, grabbing hold of the back of his shirt like that was somehow going to steady herself and anchor her thoughts back down. She might've wanted to sob but she didn't, she didn't even cry, just took a few deep breaths trying to ignore that each one meant breathing in his scent. To this day nothing had ever intoxicated her more which was saying a lot for anyone who had seen all the evidence of her being drunk for a good few days straight after the World Cup. She wanted to shake him, beg him to do the math and ask her if there was a chance he could be the father but instead she pressed her forehead into his chest, sighing. She almost said something but she stopped herself just before she did knowing it was better to wait until she knew for sure. "Don't," she pleaded in a whisper. Don't make her admit that she wanted nothing more than for him to be there holding her hand through the whole experience, that through every second of the complicated birth all she wanted was to hear his voice telling her she would be okay, that she could get through it and everything was going to be fine. That she and her baby would be happy and healthy once it was all over. Sure she'd heard it all from her mom but if she was honest, it just wasn't what she wanted, wasn't what she needed. Now knowing he would've been there, even thinking there was no way the baby was his, it nearly broke her. The striker picked up her head and looked into his eyes, her hand sliding up from his chest to his face and she rested it there against the little bit of scruff. She knew she was walking that very thin line but in the moment of vulnerability she didn't care.
Sidney The first time Alex had kissed him, Sidney had been completely unprepared. A piece of chewing gum lodged somewhere in the back of his mouth, needing to be swallowed up quickly in order to make sure he didn’t completely blow it and lose any chance he had at getting another one out of her later that night… who kisses at the start of the date anyway? Alex Morgan that’s who. Just not tonight. He watched as her eyes remained on his own. His hand now moving from its original position too. Only where her hand had found the side of his face, his hand had found the hot skin stretched across her hip… “Alex…” this was where he should warn her. That if she kept her hand there and her gaze locked on his own he was going to have to do something about it. But, just as she’d once done with him, Sidney decided to forgo the warning he’d had planned for her and do something completely and utterly insane, which was… kiss her. Where the four extra inches they only a moment ago had between each other disappeared entirely. Time was a funny thing and time without Alex had only made whatever 'need' he'd once had to get closer to her, much more urgent..  his hand gripping her hip just a little harder than it had before and his mouth eagerly trying to get her own to open up to it… she wanted this, right? He snapped back. Maybe he’d overstepped. Again. Maybe this time this was a line she’d had no intention of crossing… “sorry… I… sorry…” he needed to shut up. Wait to hear what she wanted, but his hands were already fidgeting… eager to find their way back to her. Though which part of him wasn’t right now? That was the real question.
Alex The way he was looking at her, the way he said her name, she had to know it was coming and yet for some reason the kiss felt like a total surprise. Shocked, it took her body a few extra seconds to react but before she could even kiss him back he was jerking away and apologizing. She wondered if she should just tell him it’s okay, not to worry about it, and quickly suggest they do something else to busy them but doing that, she realized, would betray every bone in her body, every organ and square inch of flesh. The first time she kissed Sidney was because for years it felt like she might burst into flames if she didn’t get to at least once and while she tried to make it to the end of their date, she really did, just knowing there was nothing stopping her anymore, she couldn’t take it. She had to have him. Much like right now. This time it might’ve only been about a year and a half but even one second without him felt like an eternity. Her heart still beat to the spelling of his name, every part of her knew who it belonged to and they’d all have the same answer — Sidney Crosby. She remembered right before she could respond that he made some kind of promise to behave himself in her kitchen tonight and while that might’ve already been somewhat blown she wanted to make sure he kept that promise while also somewhat throwing him off. The striker shook her head and took hold of his wrist. She lead them into her living room and pushed him back just enough to make the back of his legs feel the arm rest of the sofa right there behind him and then urged him to sit on it. “You said you promised to behave yourself in the kitchen...” she made it sound like she was looking for another apology but before he could the footballer had moved herself in closer, straddling his lap. She let her hands toy with his shirt a bit and just as her cold hands met the warm flesh against his abs she shocked him with something else, her mouth crashing back into his. “Maybe I don’t want you to,” her other arm hooked around his neck as she desperately pushed their bodies against one another’s, kissing him like she was so sure she’d never be able to again.
Sidney He’d never minded the quiet. Actually, Sidney was known for seeking it out… isolation, peace, serenity, yeah all of that… he’d take it over some stuffy room with music loud enough to pump your own blood for you anytime the choice presented itself. Only just not tonight. Not when the quiet meant he didn’t know what she was thinking. Usually he was good at that, working out what she wanted before she actually did— like, if she’d been running late for practice and he’d manage to pick up that cleat that had been wedged somewhere beneath the coffee table… raising it above his head for her to take without taking his eyes off ESPN. But tonight he wasn’t sure what she wanted. Maybe what was going on right now, was that she was taking her time to try and work out how to tell him to leave, because what he’d just done wasn’t a good idea with her new baby just one story above them… or maybe, hopefully she was trying to tell him she wanted him to do it again, and again till both of them loss feeling in their lips. The thirty-three-year-old Canadian had never felt so lost. Which was saying something because he’d once been in a car with Geno listening to some sort of Russian Rap thing of his and he’d been pretty damn lost back then too. He watched her shake her head and fought off the urge to sink into the floor that had suddenly turned into quicksand below his feet… right… a thought he barely managed to process before her fingers had wrapped around his wrist and tugged him forward. He moved as his thoughts began to jump off every surface inside his head like some make-shift game of Pong… ‘cause what was she… OH he let her guide him down onto the sofa like some sort of child (which was probably what he looked like right now… eyes big… mouth opened wide to question just about everything that was happening). Not that anything managed to pass through. Speaking had become a hard thing to muster when you had Alex Morgan, straddling your lap and her hands somewhere beneath the many layers you really shouldn’t have worn in the first place… so, it made sense that after her next set of words Sidney had stayed silent… his mouth instead finding another use— which was to push his tongue into her mouth instead. Lips moved quickly, as his own hands found their place… a hand on her thigh tapping slowly and the other slowly creeping up the back of her own shirt… It was probably no surprise to her that something had started to stir awake underneath her, because when had the brunette ever crawled on top of him and not felt that… he just wished sometimes he wasn’t so damn predictable with her… maybe he should take her back to the kitchen… but that would involving moving and losing that pressure she had against his lap right now… and he didn’t want that. So, predictable it was, as he took his hand back out of her shirt and tugged it up and over her head… his mouth moving away from her lips to cover up new skin (because this was definitely new) that he’d just now released.
Alex She had to stop being so easy, so predictable, but who could help themselves when it was Sidney Crosby's lips pressed against their own? She was willing to bet she was just the first in an impossibly long line of women /and men/ who would kill to be in her exact spot right now and what made her so special if she was just another one throwing herself at him? What ever made her so special to begin with? That she would probably never understand. The striker was starting to realize there would probably never be a time they didn't greet each other with such a hello and in a moment of so many questions she had no idea how to feel about that. Every time she had him inside of her she swore he took another piece of her away with him when it was all said and done which had been fine when they were knee deep in falling madly in love but like this? A future so uncertain? Could she handle losing another piece if he decided to up and walk away in the morning, chalking this up to them being /them/ but ultimately thinking it was a bad idea? Could she handle it if maybe she got lucky and he did want to work things out but threw that all away in a fit of rage after learning there was a good chance Charlie was his? She couldn't do this and let go again, she knew she couldn't but there she was letting herself get lost in his touch anyway. Alex had to fight back a moan at the familiar sensation of his hands on her skin. He'd have to work harder than that to hear those again, she was determined but it became increasingly harder when she felt him underneath her, the pressure and friction in a spot she wished made her less weak. Her head fell back, long brunette locks like a waterfall cascading down over her back and his arm. She closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip hard enough to stifle any kind of noise that threatened to erupt from her throat but her breaths getting heavier as his kisses crossed her chest, the rise and fall of her diaphragm, was probably a dead giveaway. Her hands found the back of his head as she let him rediscover her but there was only so much she could take before she was tugging back on what little hair he had making him look back up at her. Her eyes searched his as she leaned forward again, hair falling down to frame both their faces now and her lips crashed back into his but what was fast and hungry just moments ago she turned into slow, deep, passionate, only breaking their contact to remove both layers of his shirts. The soccer star pushed Sidney back on the couch and let them both reposition comfortably but she didn't dare move from being on top of him. She took both his strong, muscular arms and raised them above his head, wanting to pin him down but she did so in a way that had her hands sliding into his, their fingers interlocking and she squeezed tightly before lips found his earlobe, teeth grazing it gently and she let him feel her breath. She wanted to whisper how much she missed him, wanted him, needed him, but all that came out was a stammer of breath as she just barely grinded her hips down against him. Alex picked her head up again and looked into his eyes like she was letting everything she wanted to say pour out from her own. "Sid.." she breathed out as her forehead fell down pressing against his.
Sidney Sidney knew that at any moment, Alex could change her mind and this feeling he hadn’t felt since that party of her’s, where she’d ended up with a whole packet of confetti all stuck in between her hair, the same very party he’d also attempted for a moment to free her of said confetti; first with his fingers than his body, as he picked her up and pushed his hips into her own…  could be gone in an instant. And yet, he wasn’t going to let that fear stop him either… His hands coming up to the sides of her cheeks, pushing brown hair back away, so when she pushed her lips back to his own again the only thing between them was stale air… And there it was a sense of home that not even his house back home in Nova Scotia, had. He lifted his arms up next… letting her free him of the two layers he’d naively thought he was going to need tonight… before his arms wrapped back around her, as she pushed him back and he manoeuvred them both till it was only his shoes still hanging off it. Mouth still on her own, Sidney used his right foot to free his left, before doing the same to the other… the sounds of his shoes hitting the carpet beneath them both lost somewhere between him no longer carrying and the softness of it all. He’d have smiled if he’d been less worried— still half certain that any minute, Alex’s other half was going to step back through the doors and tell him he didn’t belong there anymore… a thought that grabbed ahold of his chest, squeezing back hard… because he wasn’t sure he’d be okay with that tonight. Might even put up a fight that for once didn’t involve two sets of hockey gloves coming off. Eventually he found himself being brought back to reality, when her hands found his own and raised them up over the top of his head, her fingers sliding in between his own next to keep them there… not that he’d have fought her… Alex having complete and utter control over his body wasn’t just something he was used to, but something that his body had been craving for just over a year now… The evidence that had been not-so-slowly building up inside his boxer briefs and the jeans that encased them probably all the proof he needed to give her right now that he wasn’t going anywhere tonight if she didn’t want him to. With her forehead pressed to his own, his name still fresh in the air (was it possible to only ever have her say his name from now on?), he pushed his hips up against her… hoping that she got her answer, but just in case… “give me back my hand… I want to touch you…” Bold? Maybe. He didn’t care as he pulled against her, before sliding his hand down between her legs and adding a different kind of pressure than earlier… his fingers fiddling around with the fabric as he knotted it up and managed to get his hand underneath just her panties… the breaths coming out of his mouth as he continued to move them against her, quicker than his from earlier.
Alex She didn’t let go of his hand but she didn’t fight him when he started to fight against the weight she was using on her wrists to keep him restrained and before she could do or say much of anything his hand was pushing it’s way past any and all fabric covering the one place she was starting to need him the most. If she couldn’t feel how hard he was underneath her she might be embarrassed with how wet she already was for him but it seemed that was completely mutual. Her breaths picked back up and she used her free hand to dig into his flesh at the side of his hip as she struggled to hold herself up enough for him to keep doing what he was to her. She had been so adamant about making him work for her moans but after a few shallow breaths one slipped out right as her lips found his again. If there was one thing Alex was sure of anymore it was that Sidney was her kryptonite and more than likely always would be. She couldn’t help but start moving her hips against his hand slightly as he pleasured her better than anyone else ever knew how. It didn’t surprise her that it took him no time at all to find that spot that drove her crazy because she had his entire body memorized as well. “Sidney...” his name again but this time it was a lot more desperate, begging for more of him. Both hands met at his jeans and started to undo them maybe a little too eagerly but the faster she had them off the quicker his hand could be replaced with what she needed most of all. “Please.” Her body trembled not only with the anticipation but with every other earlier thought swirling around in her mind as well. But she wanted... no, she NEEDED him especially after what he was just doing to her.
Sidney Fingers pulled against not exactly wet but not exactly dry either fabric as he continued to do his best to bring her close to the edge… It wasn’t that he’d planned to finish her off this way when he’d first put his hand down between her legs and took up his hold of her, but now that he’d had a moment to think about it, the thought had crossed his mind that maybe this should be enough for them both tonight. It wouldn’t be but he was trying really hard to stay open to the possibility of it, just in case she told him to stop because she still had some sort of healing to do. What was the timeframe on that anyway? If his head had been clearer he’d have tried to do that math, but with her mouth on his own again… he hadn’t got very far with the whole thing. Already forgetting about his plan to keep his pants on when she started to tug at his waist line… ‘cause okay if she wanted them off he wasn’t about to say no. Moving his hand from underneath her; already missing the warmth he’d left behind, he brought it up around her waist and rolled her underneath him… his nose brushing against her forehead as he balanced and watched her make quick work of the pants she’d just been asking him to get rid of. With a few awkward shuffles… Sidney had managed to pull them down to his ankles, his feet now taking over to finish the job as he brought his hand across her face, “you want this, right?” It was a stupid thing to ask, but he had to make sure… even if he wasn’t some sixteen-year-old kid and she wasn’t some girl he’d randomly picked up at a friend’s party. Sure there was a history there, but that was exactly why he needed to ask. Had to make sure that by sleeping with her tonight she wasn’t going to completely end up hating him by end of it. ‘Cause he wasn’t sure he’d be able to live with that.
Alex She could always tell when there was a shift in him and watching Sid carefully she waited to see if he would speak what was on his mind. She wondered if any of it came close to being the same as what had been swirling around in her head since this all started and by the time the question rolled off his tongue she realized he was just as unsure as she was about where they stood with each other. She couldn't help but let a soft smile take over her features, thinking it was sweet to ask. Just like before, her hand found the side of his face, being as tender as she could with him even in the midst of passion and while looking into his eyes so he knew she was sure, Alex nodded. "I want you," she whispered leaning up to kiss him to stop herself from saying anything more while her mind ran rampant with "I always want you. I need you. I love you." /That/ would've all been way too much. "But only if this is what you want, if you're sure. I'm perfectly okay if you just want to just lay here and hold me." And she was... she just wanted to be close to him in any way he'd allow. It still blew her mind that he flew all the way here, probably not expecting this in the slightest because she knew when he said coffee it probably meant some very awkward conversation that wouldn't end the way she wanted it to at all so this was so much better than what she had been expecting. Soft petal lips made their way back to his after her tongue ran over them and now her kisses turned sweet, tender, loving. He'd gotten every kind out of her in such a short amount of time. "Just be here with me," she breathed out against his lips and pulled him down, kissing him more. Whatever he chose to do from here at least he knew she'd want and be more than okay with it. She really never could say no to him.
Sidney It was funny but, Sidney was fairly certain, not even an earthquake could’ve shaken his soul as much as that whisper of her’s had just done... Soul? She’d been the one to make him put a name to it… a name that made sense amongst her family’s household, which was where he was at when he’d first felt like he was losing it… losing her… Only this time she wasn’t a week out from flying to Lyon, but underneath him.. telling him all she wanted right now was him. This wasn’t a tug… or sudden evaporation of air… this was a squeeze and one that had his body eager to kiss her back and tell her just how much he wanted her back. Only she’d pulled back away again and was making excuses for him to stop… he didn’t want to…, but he let her finish… falling in closer and sliding up around and behind her as she asked him to just be there with her, “I’m always going to be here with you, Alex…” it might not have seemed it, but really when had he really left her? Not really. Not in any permanent sense. Shifting back around, Sidney slowly started to build up the momentum again, as his hand slipped down and freed her legs from that last bit of fabric separating her from him… waiting for her to do the same with his own…, and then after another shuffle or two he was finally free from whatever kind of elastic that had the nerve to be marketed as ‘comfortable’ — just not when you had Alex Morgan, underneath you, telling you she wanted you… He felt her hot centre and wet folds come into contact with his own skin… and took a moment to slide himself a couple of times through— His eyes slipping shut as his mouth pushed up against her own. It all felt insanely good. Not just, because he hadn’t been in this position since the last time he’d had sex with her, but because maybe unlike last time this didn’t have to end again. After pulling his lips back, Sidney stole a look down at his hardened length; its tip lying on top of her… just a few inches from where he really wanted it to be… Hand moving down, he managed to line himself up near her entrance… eyes reconnecting with her own as he finally broke through… a groan slipping out into the space between them the moment he had, “Alex..." not a question... statement... letting her know... she was who he wanted. She was who he couldn't seem to stop himself from coming back to.
Alex It wasn't easy to take Alex's breath away but the way he just told her he'd always be there with her did just that. She wasn't sure if her heart stopped or sped up (was it possible to do both at the same time?) after hearing it. She fought desperately not to let all her emotions come flooding to the surface. Not now. Not yet. She needed him first, the rest could all come later. Thankfully it didn't seem she'd have to wait long now that they were both free from what was left of their clothing. The feeling of him sliding against her awoken something inside her that she swore she'd probably never feel again after the last time they'd been in a similar position. Everything felt like so much, the slowness making her feel every tiny sensation surging through her body and she wasn't sure how much more she could take. She was almost about to beg again when instead it was her name filling up the space between them, his body finally becoming one with her own again. Like it was a reflex her legs wrapped up around him and she pulled him in closer, needing to kiss him even more than she had that first date or any other time she felt like his lips were the only thing that could bring her any oxygen. Her lips worked tirelessly against his own until another moan and then a break of the kiss to moan out his name, her light blue eyes going a much darker shade with desire as they flickered up to look into his. Although she was positive he already knew, why else would they keep coming back to each other? Alex was so determined to show him just how /his/ she truly was. With heavy breaths she used her own hips to urge him to begin thrusting himself. Her eyes closed tightly as another moan slipped out, her head falling back. It was her first time having sex since she had Charlie and she always wondered if things would feel the same afterward. Eight, nearly nine months was more than plenty of time to heal and as she felt him get deeper inside of her she was beginning to realize it somehow felt even better.
Sidney If he’d been prompted for one… hungry is the word he’d have used to describe the way his lips had pushed back, after her own hips had started to move underneath him for the first time since he’d slipped inside. Yet, despite that… he had started off slow… and deliberate… which allowed his mouth to slip away from her lips and instead focus on the sensitive skin beside her neck and collarbone. Skin where it was all too easy to get carried away and leave marks that she’d have to complain about again tomorrow, when the light of day caught sight of them… he’d apologise later… right now he was busy. Hand shifting down her arm as he shifted slowly inside her… still the same…. which had him groaning into her neck and tightening his hold against her wrist… Now, more than ever, Sidney was reminded of the time between this and there last time… which along with her hips… had him moving faster. It was becoming increasingly harder to focus… his lips returning back up towards her face, where they were forced to clumsily meet with her own, as the groans started to slip out more freely between the air there in front of them… Was he making too much noise? Not that he could’ve done a thing about it if he had been. At least not when Alex felt as good as she always had and he was just beginning to realise why this had always been so easy with her… she knew him… every single part of him… “do you need me—“ he broke apart, asking her the question he wasn’t sure he really wanted to know the answer to, because if she said yes… he was going to have to really pay attention and right now he wasn’t sure he’d be able to…
Alex He wasn't playing fair going for her neck like that but if she was honest she hadn't expected anything less. He always knew and typically utilized every way he knew how to bring her to the precipice embarrassingly fast but tonight she had the excuse of being worked up by his fingers first as well, not that it probably would've made much of a difference. Her first always came pretty quickly with him, it was her second that she could withstand typically for as long as he needed her to. Her breaths grew more shallow and frequent as she felt herself clench around him, so close to the release and contraction of muscles. She wanted to scream out for him but this wasn't like any other time she didn't care much about who heard the loud cry of his name. She didn't dare wake Charlie this way even if she was too young to understand it. The footballer leaned forward and bit into Sidney's shoulder stifling a symphony of moans as she came for him. Once the orgasm was fully ridden out she released the patch of skin that her teeth had definitely just branded and laid back panting but still begged him not to stop knowing he still had yet to reach his own climax. She had made a habit of knowing how to make sure her second time aligned perfectly with his first so they could come together. Something she never cared about doing with anyone until him, wanting the experience to feel even more intimate between the two of them. "Shhh," she shook her head. "You're okay, baby. Don't stop." Her lips found his again and she continued to moan into the hollows of his mouth reveling in the feeling of having him inside her, hitting all the right places. Her fingernails dug gently into his back but raked down with just enough force to leave marks that would more than likely last the night but disappear by morning. Most of them anyway. "Sidney," she moaned out quietly knowing from more than enough experience by now that hearing her say his name always helped bring him closer.
Sidney When sharp teeth met his shoulder and bit down… Sidney almost saw stars… not because it hurt, but because at the same time, he felt her walls wrapped around him start to constrict and — it had just been so long since he’d felt that. It kind of felt good, to know he still had it in him to get her to that point again. Not that he was doubting his skills…, more so the emotion behind each and every one of them… they’d spent so much time making love to one another that now that they were here tonight and those words hadn’t been uttered between them, well it was different. He did love her still though. That hadn’t stopped. Even after their break-up… it was just… he knew right now wasn’t the most appropriate time to bring that up, because maybe they’d been some pause for her… maybe there /should’ve/ been some for him too. Opening his eyes back up to see her breathing quickly beneath him… it was definitely one of his favorite looks from her; not one he wanted to see her take out on the red carpet, but one that urged him to keep going in before her words ran through… his thrusts now getting harder and deeper and if he’d been back in that bed he’d grown up in, surely his efforts would’ve caused a few of his ‘signed’ hockey gloves to fall off the shelf from above and land on top of them.. and he knew it was impossible, but he didn’t want to stop. He wanted to keep going…. Keep feeling this good forever. Only just as that thought had settled in… he felt that pull… his stomach twisting downwards as he reached that point of no return. He wasn’t even in Dallas and yet that’s what he saw… stars… as her own name slipped out of his mouth in half syllables and he felt himself empty out inside her. His breaths coming quick as he struggled to keep himself from collapsing down on top of her— and saying something he really shouldn’t be admitting to in a moment like this. Not when he was sure she’d cast it off as some kind of heat of the moment thing anyway. Instead he let his hand slip back up to the side of her face, where his eyes studied… her own, her lips, her… before leaning back down and kissing her again. Softer this time… the energy inside him on some sort of mini-vacation for the time being. Shifting back outside of her… once the energy had returned, Sidney knew he probably should’ve made an attempt to wash up, but all he wanted to do was lie next to her… kiss her… and make up for the last year and a half… “can I bring you back to New York with me?”
Alex The harder and deeper his thrusts got the more difficult it became to keep her moans to a volume that was quiet enough not to be heard by the sleeping baby upstairs. She watched him somewhat unable to believe that it was Sidney on top of her and this wasn't just some stranger she was having to envision his face onto. Not that she'd ever done that more than the one time. One hand stayed gripped tightly to his hip while the other went up and touched his chest and his face. Her thumb ran across his bottom lip just as he gave her that look she knew so well and with it she allowed herself to become just as close. She felt the warmth inside her and her name, that was enough to send her over the edge a second time. Her second orgasm was always more intense and this was no exception, holding her breath as her mouth fell open, her head back, and she bit down desperately on her bottom lip to keep the scream to nothing more than an exhale of breath. He left her panting once again, her legs trembling underneath him. She knew she couldn't get up for a while even if she wanted to, there's no way they would work but it was a good thing she had no intention on going anywhere and seeing he didn't either caused her to smile. It all turned soft again, the looks, the kisses, and the touching. She laid there running her fingertips up and down his arm, kissing him between moments of getting lost in his eyes. She thought it too, so many times, she was so madly in love with this man, always had been, probably always would be... but now wasn't the time to voice that as much as she may have wanted to. "I wish," she gave him a look that told him she regretted the no more than anything. "Tomorrow is the first day of pre-season, I have practice." She leaned up and kissed him again. "But I want to see you again soon." Of course they'd reconnect during his busiest time and right as hers was starting to pick back up. It reminded her of why they ever said goodbye in the first place and her heart felt like it sunk into her stomach. Her cheeks heated up as she fought back tears, swallowing a growing lump in her throat. This was all it was going to be, wasn't it? Until maybe the next time it would happen all over again but the in between... it just wouldn't be there, would it? She turned away from him and quickly brushed away a tear hoping desperately that he wouldn't notice. She didn't want to be that cliche emotional girl to cry after sex, she barely ever cried as it was so any tears meant there had to be a lot going on inside of her.
Sidney He felt a little stupid now that he’d let her reply sink in. “No, of course…” he offered up a smile, well at least half of one before her lips found his own and he kissed her back. What he’d done tonight; the insanity of it, he knew he couldn’t keep doing and yet, when she’d said she wanted to see him again soon… he wanted to do it again… tomorrow. He’d never really been a fan of flying, but it was part of the job so he’d grown accustom it it. Just, it would’ve been nicer to skip the whole thing and just have her there in New York, but that would’ve meant something else and he wasn’t sure if she wanted that right now. It was just— soon, maybe that had been her just being polite. Letting him down easy that she was glad for whatever this was, but longterm…, that just wasn’t in their cards anymore. She had a baby now… and Sid, knew that Charlie was always going to come first. Not that he’d have it any other way…, but still that meant Alex wasn’t just thinking about them, but where Charlie was going to fit into that picture too. Outside of the few times they’d joked about it, the topic of ‘children’ had never really been breached between them.., so this.. this was something new. And something that Sid didn’t have an answer for. Caught up in his own thoughts he hadn’t even noticed the shift in mood (at least outside of his own) until he felt her twist and turn her head away from him…. was she crying? With his hand sweeping against her cheek, Sid applied just enough pressure to twist her head back around to face his own, his thumb brushing any hot water away that had started to fall… He wasn’t exactly sure what had done it. He’d felt his stomach dip when she’d said soon; where in his mind all she’d really said was, no point making plans when we’re not even sure what we’re doing anymore. But, what had caused this reaction from her? Time? Or maybe just the fact that he’d shown up tonight and they’d once again found themselves with no clothes on just like last time? And look how good that had turned out. He wasn’t sure. All he knew was whatever it was… he wanted her to feel better, “hey… it’s okay…” he brought his lips to hers. Quick and soft… “you’re okay…” at least that’s what he was hoping. He wasn’t and the last thing he wanted was that for her too. If she wanted him to go he would— if this was too much for her right now and she wanted him to leave… he’d go. “Do you want me to leave?” That’s what it was right? He’d just shown up and expected everything to just go ahead and be like it used to be… before Lyon… and it wasn’t. Not anymore. He'd got ahead of himself... again.
Alex Of course he would be sweet about her tears, he always knew how to be soft and tender in moments she needed it most but that didn't stop her from feeling completely pathetic for letting the few tears fall. She wanted to grab on to him, say no until her breath ran out, and beg him to never leave again but she kept herself composed and took a deep breath before answering. "No -- no, I'm sorry. I guess I just never expected this and it's all just ... a lot." The striker lifted herself and sat up after finally feeling like her legs could move again. Her hand fell to the back of her neck as she sat forward, trying to collect herself and her thoughts not wanting to say or do the wrong thing to give him the wrong impression and send him running. "I--" just as she started to speak again she heard the baby monitor go off, Charlie starting to cry. "Shit." Alex shook her head, giving him an apologetic look. "Sid, I'm sorry.. I have to go check on her." Worst possible timing, kid. She just sighs and quickly slips back into her lounge pants and t-shirt running up the stairs to tend to her daughter. She completely forgot the monitor was still on and even though she was whispering, he could still hear everything she was saying as she talked to Charlie in her soft, soothing mom voice that turned into more of a baby voice when she picked up a toy and made it dance in front of her face, trying to get her to laugh instead of cry. She picked her up and brought her over to the changing table where she quickly and expertly changed the infant's diaper, something she didn't think she'd ever be able to master but had finally gotten it down to a perfect science after one too many incidents. It was hard doing it all on her own but luckily she always had her sisters, family, or fellow mom teammates around if she needed help with anything. She didn't ever want to admit to needing the help but there were probably a dozen times by now she had to push her pride aside and call them up for assistance. Charlie was a relatively a chill and easy going baby but of course there were still those moments Alex might've thought she couldn't do it and was failing miserably at being a mother even if everyone always told her otherwise. Once the baby was satisfied with her fresh diaper and pacifier back in her mouth Alex took a sigh of relief and cradled her daughter in her arms, bouncing and swaying her back and forth hoping she would be quick to fall back asleep. She felt terrible for leaving Sidney right in the middle of such a serious conversation like that.
Sidney A lot. He could feel his mouth go dry. This wasn’t good. He watched next as she manoeuvred her body away from his own. With her legs now swung over the couch it was easy to see what she was trying to do. She was trying not to look at him. This was it right? This was the prelude to that conversation that somehow weaved its way into his dreams. Things would start off good— really good and then, this. She’d start with something like, ‘this was nice…’ and then would come the but, ‘it probably shouldn’t happen again.’ Something inside Sid’s chest tightened, as he sat up behind her and waited…. Only just as she’d started to say something— most likely something that involved him putting his clothes back on and leaving, Charlie’s cries broke free and put her to a stop. He nodded… ‘cause he understood, watching as she pulled on a few of the clothes he’d just taken off her and hurrying off to go and calm down her baby. Hands finding his lap, Sid did his best to stay where she left him, but something cracked through the monitor that had been left abandoned in front of him and curiosity got the better of him, so he leaned forward and picked it up. It was the first time he’d heard Alex with Charlie… first time he’d heard Alex with any kind of baby really…, sure they’d seen Geno’s baby when he’d been born, but even back then neither of them had been too involved. This was new. He listened as she quietly tried to calm Charlie down, before giving up and playing some sort of game with her… at least that’s what he assumed she was doing when her voice shifted upwards… She was a good mom. That was the first thought that entered his mind. The second was he hoped she knew that. The third…, he didn’t think it was possible love Alex anymore than he already did, but turns out… he could. ‘Cause there was more to Alex now than just Alex his kind-of-girlfriend. There was Alex the mom and she was something pretty amazing too. Moving to put the monitor back down, Sid rose up to his feet, before leaning back down and pulling on the boxers and white t-shirt he’d had on from earlier… he just had to see. Walking up the stairs leading up to the upper portion of the house, Sid wondered if this was a bad idea… that maybe, Alex didn’t want him intruding on her and her daughter and their little moment right now. He’d even almost considered walking back downstairs, but the floorboard beneath his feet had creaked and he knew she’d heard him… Bringing his hand up to the door he slowly tapped, pushing it forward as he ducked his head inside… “is it okay… if…” he could see Alex now.. swaying slowly back and forth with a little baby in her arms…, she seemed so small, so tiny and even though Sid, had never really felt comfortable holding them… there was something inside of him that would’ve maybe said ‘sure’ if Alex had asked him to. “She’s so tiny.” She wasn’t a new baby, but she still looked small to Sid, when he crept over and stood in front of her and Alex.
Alex Alex breathed in deeply, almost forgetting to exhale when she heard the footsteps in the hall. She knew he would meet her eventually but she hadn't mentally prepared herself at all for this moment yet. It dawned on her that this was the first time Charlie could be meeting her father, the first time Sid would be meeting his daughter.. /their daughter./ And whatever 'a lot' was before this moment didn't seem to come anywhere close. Nothing could be more than this moment right here. She swallowed and nodded her head forcing a little smile when he asked if it was okay he come in. Charlie wasn't asleep but definitely close and she knew Sidney wouldn't get the full experience of her yet but this little moment would still always be cherished regardless. It felt cruel and unfair of her to let him meet Charlie without him knowing there was a possibility she could be his but it was too late now, he was walking in and commenting on how small she was which Alex guessed was true but considering how much she had already grown since being that tiny little baby she brought home from the hospital it felt weird to agree because from her point of view it felt like she was growing so much and getting so big already. A real personality starting to form and certain features becoming more prominent, features she swore she could see so much of Sid in and it gave her hope, so much hope, but what if it was all just wishful thinking? One of Alex's hands found Sidney's back, pulling him in closer so they could both stand there overlooking the baby. She watched as he reached up to support the half of her body that Alex had pulled her hand away from to touch Sid and she smiled. She'd gotten more than used to the whole one handed holding in all different kinds of positions by now but still, it was sweet the way he was so quick to want to support her. The brunette couldn't be any more thankful for the dark room lit up nothing but just a small night light plugged in at the corner of the room. He didn't have to see the set of tears that was welling up in her eyes yet again. God, she couldn't remember the last time she felt so emotional. Alex almost offered to let him hold Charlie but the way her eyes were closing the soccer player knew her daughter was drifting back to sleep and she didn't want to jerk her around too much waking her up all over again. They had plenty of time for that to come, at least she hoped which made her realize they had yet to finish their conversation. Taking her hand back from Sidney's back she once again held her daughter with both arms, bringing her back over to her crib, laying her down as gently as possible. When she was out of her arms and getting herself comfortable without another peep Alex breathed a sigh of relief knowing it was safe to sneak back out of the room. She took Sidney's hand and lead him out, closing the door until it was left just slightly ajar. She never fully closed it in case the monitor stopped working or something. "I promise next time when she's awake you can hold her." She reassured him, giving his hand a squeeze, not wanting to let go. "Do you want to go back downstairs or do you think we can finish that conversation in my room?"
Sidney Whatever sense of surety he might’ve still had about tonight being more than what it was for them a year and half ago evaporated the moment he stuck his head inside Charlie’s nursery and watched her and Alex become one body. It was just— it was hard to watch them and not think that maybe there wasn’t any room left for him anymore. Of course, that was all before she’d called him over, invited him in and not just to stand next to her, but to join her… holding Charlie… together. Something twisted inside his chest, something he wasn’t even sure existed till right now, so putting a name to it was proving to be rather difficult, but whatever it was it felt kind of big. He was distracted, still caught up in all of it, when he felt her shift and move away… nodding his head when he finally let her words reach him… “I’ll hold you to that. She’s… she’s amazing, Alex…” Which made sense, since kids usually took after their parents... parents something stale grew in the back of his mouth realising that there still existed some other guy… some other part of this duet… that he’d have to get used to. What was he doing? Getting ahead of himself that’s what. He still wasn’t even sure Alex wanted him in her life again… and here he was already debating how he was going to handle knowing that somewhere down the line, Charlie’s father might make a reappearance. What if Alex was still in love with him? What if… his head hurt. It was running a mile a minute and what he needed to do was stop— realise that Alex had just invited him into her bedroom to talk and maybe that was a good thing, right? You didn’t invite people into your bedroom just to tell them to leave, right? He swallowed, “no.. yeah, that sounds good…” squeezing her hand back before shifting his fingers through her own. It was hard to let go tonight. Though by the time she pulled him into the room across from Charlie’s it seemed silly that he’d done that. Letting go, he stood in front of her, looking at her, her room, and then maybe a small glance over at her bed, before finally settling back down on her face… did she want them talk here? Or… “hey… come sit here…” it wasn’t his room, but Alex still looked pretty emotional and the last thing he wanted was her just standing there, trying to get out whatever she’d tried to get out before and not feeling like she could. Her bed felt nice and one he wouldn’t mind crawling in and sleeping next to her if she’d let him, but right now he knew he had to get his mind back on the present… “so,… just before…” he had to at least try and convince her to keep him around a little while longer, right? “I know neither of us was expecting that tonight, but was it so bad? It didn’t feel bad to me. I missed you, Alex. And I know it’s been a long time…, that things have changed, but I want to make this work. If you want to…" it was the most he'd said all night and still, he hadn't stopped... "we don't have to jump straight in... like we did tonight... we can go slow.. whatever you want." Just don't go.... is what he would've said if his hand hadn't already reached over, taking hers up and telling her... without actually telling her... that he wanted to stay.
Alex Alex couldn't believe all she was hearing. She'd sat on the edge of the bed next to Sidney, her legs crossed, body angled towards his and she listened, wondering if those were the words actually coming out of his mouth or if they were what her brain was choosing to hear because it's so badly everything she's ever wanted. Since the day she left, all she wanted was for him to come back and say those exact words, 'I want to make this work..' A part of her always thought that even after saying goodbye he'd try to show up, chase her and tell her he couldn't let go but when he didn't all she could do was beat herself up over it because why would she possibly let herself hope? How could he possibly have known to come after her when she so adamantly told him there was no way to make it work? But she always hoped he'd protest, insist they could find a way, but maybe they weren't ready then. Maybe they could be now. God she hoped that now they could be but if she'd learned anything it was that hope was dangerous when it came to them. "Sid..." she looked down at their hands and rubbed the back of his with her thumb watching for a second, realizing how right this always felt. How every time he was touching her she was home. And now here he was practically asking to come home which made all kinds of emotions stir up inside her once again. She knew she wasn't crazy for leaving that light on... in case one day he ended up back on the doorstep. Everyone told her he wouldn't, he was gone, it was time to turn it off, lock the door and move on but she never did. Every night, that stupid metaphorical porch light on. Now it finally didn't feel so stupid anymore. She didn't know what to say, all words eluding her in that moment so she opted for her free hand finding the back of his neck, pulling him into a soft and sweet kiss. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that," she whispered pressing her forehead back against his. "You can always come home to me." She pulled him into another kiss, this time one more passionate but still nothing that could be misconstrued as hungry, just happy. So incredibly relieved and happy. "I want you to stay." She pulled back just enough so their eyes could meet, "stay with me? ... stay with us?"
Sidney He must’ve taken in a breath somewhere at the start of her response and forgotten to release it somewhere in the middle, because by the time she was finished, the breath he was eventually forced to let out— came out three times as loud as it usually would’ve. Not that he cared. The only thing Sid cared about right now was the fact that Alex, was going to give him ago with her— her and Charlie, and what else really mattered? “Yeah?” He felt his face shift, as his mouth twisted upwards, “your really want me to?” He wasn’t really asking her to repeat herself. He’d heard her and if there was one thing he knew about Alex, she never said anything she didn’t mean. Which, in the end, made it easy for him to lean forward and recapture their lips back together. There had been a few kisses tonight; unsure, hungry, and now… relief. Like, he could kiss her.. and just focus on kissing her…, a weird thought for sure… but when you’d spent the last few years wondering if every time you kissed it would be the last, you tended to lose focus on what really mattered. After pulling back, Sid remained close… his hand against her cheek, his knee touching her own, “let’s get some sleep…” it seemed insane to think that they were about to share a be together again… what had it been? Five years… he stood up, pulling the quilt down and folding it over twice once he had. Yes, nothing had changed there… He looked up his eyes catching her own, where he held them… if he’d been younger and more likely to be swayed that what was happening right now was all just a dream, he might’ve tried to pinch himself. Instead, he slipped wordlessly into the bed and waited for Alex to join him, sliding over and taking her up in between his arms once he had, “night—“ he said it, but a part of him knew that neither one of them was ready to sleep just yet and that tonight would be filled with hours and hours of quiet chatter… as they both did their best to catch up with each other’s lives… Did he mind? No… not in the slightest.
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