#did some doodles of Avril lol
stupidneko · 4 years
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my art style is pretty much dead lol
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frostyalice · 5 years
fic: can i make it any more obvious? (4k)
The sign is hard to ignore and not so easy to read when it’s being waved wildly by some girl, Maria notices. When she looks harder, she swears she recognizes her.
“She always was weird,” Jessica chirps into her ear.
(or: a sk8er boi au that no one but me wanted or asked for)
a/n 1: well. i did it. i figure, if we’re throwing it back fandom-wise, we may as well throw it back to avril lavigne as well. although, tbh, i was more of a ‘girlfriend’ girl myself and not really a fan (or even very aware) of of sk8er boi until recently lol
Anyway! (to try to keep from wasting your reading time, i am letting you know now that the part of the fic that’s posted below is only a snippet of the full fic - a teaser, if you will. i didn’t realize how long this fic would get until i finished it. so in order to keep from having to scroll through all 4k words of the fic when someone visits my blog on mobile, i opted out of posting the full fic on tumblr. there will be a link to the complete ao3 version at the end of the snippet, or you can skip that and just click here now)
She watches as he hesitates by his locker, trying to time his walk over to her, she assumes. He’s brave, she has to admit, if he plans on going over with all her snooty friends still around. She slowly puts another book inside her own locker, watching.
He closes his locker, takes a deep breath and then walks over to the small – even for her age – girl, surrounded by her group of friends. They don’t seem to notice him. After a minute or so he finally clears his throat.
“Maria,” he says quietly, making them aware of his presence. One of her friends taps her on the shoulder, pointing.
The girl, Maria, turns and Alice watches as she looks him up and down.
“What?” she finally asks.
“Um, I was just wondering,” he starts off slowly. One of Maria’s friends snickers. “If you’d like to go out. With me. Sometime.”
She watches as both of Maria’s best friend, turn eagerly to each other, hiding laughs behind their hands. Maria takes a while to answer, and when she does, her heart sinks.
“Look, Jason-”
“Jasper,” he corrects quietly.
“Yeah, whatever. Jackson,” she flicks her long hair over her shoulder. “I don’t remember ever having a conversation with you, but if I ever did something to make you think I liked you, I’m sorry. But, yeah, no. Sorry.”
From her spot across the hall, Alice can see Jasper push his tongue against the inside of his cheek. A habit he does when he’s flustered, she’s figured out.
“Right,” he says. Then, unceremoniously he turns and walks away.
“See you later!” she calls.
He doesn’t look back and immediately, all of Maria’s friends start gossiping amongst themselves.
“What a freak,” one says.
“Do you even know him?”
“He’s so tall.”
Alice watches Jasper start walking faster away from them. She spares one last look at the group and is startled to see that Maria is still watching Jasper’s retreating form. Quickly, she shuts her locker and fast-walks so she can catch up to the taller boy.
“That’s too bad,” she says in what she hopes is a sympathetic tone.
He seems surprised to see her beside him, but he nods, nonetheless. The only sign he even knows that she witnessed him getting rejected is the slight flush to his neck. “Thanks, Alice.”
He continues on his way down the wall, and Alice stumbles to a stop. One, because she has to turn here for her next class. But mostly, because, well, she didn’t even know he knew her name.
With a smile on her face, she skips on down to her next class. She gathers a few odd glances, but pays them no mind.
She’s always been weird. Always will be, too.
Being normal is so overrated anyway.
Alice watches as he walks into the cafeteria, with nothing on his tray but a banana. As usual.
That’s good, she thinks. Potassium.
She looks at her own cafeteria mush and think she may have made the right choice. She pushes it around, but is startled when a bag falls down on the bench a little farther from her. She looks up to find Jasper sitting diagonal from her. He looks up the table in her direction.
“Mind if I sit here?”
Alice eyes him and the quite large space between them. “All yours,” she says.
For the rest of lunch period, she tries to focus on making her lunch mush taste as appealing as possible, but is having no such luck. Plus, she keeps getting distracted by Jasper, because, well, he’s Jasper.
Currently, he seems to be doodling some sort of logo.
100 monkeys it seems to be trying to say.
“That looks cool,” she comments, probably looking more than a little snoopy, craning her neck up to see it in all its glory.
“Thanks, but I can’t really get all the components to fit so it all goes together, you know? As one piece.”
“Gotchya,” she says. She bites her lip. “Can I see it? Just real quick,” she says quickly.
He looks a little wary, but slides the sketchpad down to her anyway. Quickly, she opens the book so she can use a blank page while still being able to see how he was trying to go about it before. She quickly copies what he has drawn already, tweaking some things here and there, and adding in something that resembles a monkey’s tail hanging from the top part. She slides it back to him, feeling shy all of a sudden.
“Alice,” he says, and her heart flutters a little. “This is really good. Can I show the rest of the guys this?”
“Of course,” she chirps. “What’s it for, by the way?”
“Oh, I’m in a band. Sort of,” he tacks on.
She already knew this. She remembers a few months ago he and some of his friends had handed out flyers in front of the school. She hadn’t been able to go because she had had to babysit her sister.
“That’s cool,” she says.
read full fic on ao3 --->
a/n 2: for Vibes, you can refer to these wonderfully old pictures
and here is one of ashley and jackson bc whenever i write alice and jasper i can only imagine jackson and ashley. bc movies always ruin my original portrayal of characters (as in i can only see the actors now, and can’t even remember how i originally pictured the book characters, not that i think they’re bad) but it works, bc jackson was in a band. so. whoo.
and to think i thought i wouldn’t be writing any more jalice for a while after my whumptober fiasco.. and then wrote this in probably a collective few hours.. whoops
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Where did you get the pants you are wearing from? They’re my sister’s; I borrowed them for the semester because these shorts are conducive for my PE classes, but since we already finished the class last week I should probs give it back to her soon. Do you find smoking unattractive? I used to, but now I can’t really say that I hate it. Have your parents ever searched your personal belongings? They did, back in Grade 6. They took away two of my very private diaries and ever since then I never wrote down my thoughts in a notebook. I never did get the two back. Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I thought I could, then my friends made me try a margarita a month after I turned 18 hahaha. Is there someone you'll never forget? There are loads of people I haven’t and will never forget; this is a very broad question.
Do you miss someone right now? Yes. Last time you were on the phone? Just to use it? Maybe some four minutes ago. But the last time I was on a call – if that’s what you meant – was last night. Do you get distracted easily? Yeup. Earlier I was doing a reading, picked up my phone for a short break, then never realized I was on my phone for the next two hours. Have your parents ever caught you drinking? They never ‘caught’ me; whenever I do drink I let them know/ask permission. I respect them enough to do that because I know how alcohol had nearly ruined our family in the past. Do you think flirting is cheating? Uhhhhhhh yes. Do you hate the last girl, other than family, you had a conversation with? I could never hate Gab. Who was the last person you sat next to in a car with? It was my brother.  Is your room messy or clean? Fairly clean. I had a general cleaning of my room not too long ago. Do you drink tea? Not the hot or herbal kind. I only have iced tea occasionally. Wish you could be somewhere else right now? Sort of? Kind of? Idk it’s either way. I’m content that I’m home but I wouldn’t mind being out drinking right now too. What are you listening to right now? I can only hear the electric fan’s white noise. I don’t feel like listening to music. Where did you get your last bruise from? I don’t remember my most recent bruise but it probably has something to do with PE and me hitting the mat/floor way too hard. Are you looking forward to anything? The weekend. When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? The fact that I stared at this question for a good minute must mean I haven’t thought this in a while lmao. That’s gotta be a good thing! Whose house where you last at? Other than mine, Gab’s. When someone says 'we need to talk', what do you think: If I know that that person doesn’t have a problem/potential problem with me, I just assume it’s something light. The only time this was said to me and it turned out to be something bad was my mom gathering us to say that our grandpa died, so I don’t really have a bad experience in general with that sentence. Tell me what's on your mind? I would have been able to sleep in tomorrow if I didn’t accept a 10 AM commitment and now I’m hating myself loads. It’s exhausting to accept an executive position sometimes. Will you be in bed before 11 tonight? I doubt it; it’s already 9:55 and I just started on this survey. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? It’s fine, but it’s not super solid or anything. They don’t know anything about me other than what I post on Facebook. How much money did you spend today? I spent P45 on an egg and cheese sandwich just to get through my hunger this morning, and my orders from online shopping came so I dropped P1,120 on that hahaha. In other words, I’m slowly GOING BROKE Can you see a cat from where you're sitting? Nope. I can see a dog, though. Who was your last text from? My professor for a history class. I’m the beadle in this class, so he texts me reminders from time to time. What was the last bad thing that happened to your phone? It’s fairly new so it hasn’t acted up ever. The only bad thing that happens to it is me dropping it D: What's been upsetting you lately? I am so fucking burned out from this semester and just wish it’s over already. Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment? Nope, everyone’s safe. Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? Nopes.
Last place you fell asleep other than a bed? The living room couch, I think. Does it take a lot to make you cry? Not at all. I’m an easy target. Do you have a dog? Yes, the goodest and bestest. Do you like to wear pants? No, I hate jeans and wish I had more shorts than jeans. How many people do you trust fully? I trust everybody I know, is the thing. I feel like my loved ones and friends deserve that. But I can cut off ties with them very easily if they abuse that trust. When you're bored in class, what do you usually do? I use my phone but make sure I’m hidden behind my laptop. If that’s too risky, I’ll doodle whatever lyrics on my notebook (if I’m writing). Otherwise I’d just check my social media on my laptop. What’s your favorite color out of these five? Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink: Pink. What was the first thing you said when you woke up today? “...Already?” I set my alarms this morning for 4 AM, 4:30 AM, and 5:30 AM. I woke up at the 4 AM alarm, went back to sleep, and the next alarm that woke me was the 5:30 one. I must have turned off the 4:30 one too but I was probably half-sleepy and groggy AS FUCK because I don’t remember turning that one off at all. Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday? Yeah. I kinda have to because the way I run during the day depends on the amount of sleep I get. Ever like someone older than you? I haven’t. What's your favorite amusement park? I don’t really have any. Universal Studios in Singapore was great fun though. Are you cold at this very moment? A little bit. I’ve since turned on the AC and also have an electric fan directed at me, so I’m quite chilly. Do you prefer people who talk a lot or are quiet? Depends on my mood..sometimes I’m talkative, and sometimes I just want to be on my laptop and be undisturbed. Is there someone in your life you wish you never met? Other than incompetent groupmates from past projects who temporarily made my life a living hell, not really. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? 7 to 10. Nothing more, nothing less. What do you think Avril Lavigne is doing at the moment? This question is so creepy. What's one fear are you most paranoid about? Not getting a nice enough job that doesn’t pay enough. Have you ran into an old friend recently? A couple of weeks ago I bumped into Mils; I was headed to my car and she was headed to class. It was super brief; we just said hi and she complimented my water bottle (which I have since lost lmao). Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for more than a day? Most likely. Could you go a whole year without cursing? I doubt it. Would you rather give up the computer or the TV? TV! I gave that up like, 6 years ago lol. That’s no problem for me now. Have you ever liked someone who had a girl/boyfriend? No, I haven’t. As of this minute, what is going through your mind? I want to play Mario Kart Tour again but I have to finish this survey first. Does anyone know your password besides you? Gab and my sister. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? I dunno, I’ve never been in that situation. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes. Are you a patient person? I’m patient with people more; I don’t like the other aspects of waiting, like traffic or waiting in line for something. Could you go a day without eating? I could, but it would suck and it would hurt and I’d probably pass out. Honestly, are things going the way you planned? More than, I guess. I mean I didn’t plan on making it to 21, so I guess everything I do from here on out is more than what I had planned. Are you a forgiving person? No. I prefer holding grudges. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep? HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH YES What is something you disliked about today? My anthropology professor instructed us to watch a film over the weekend. Completely forgot about it of course, and crammed my viewing the night before even though I was already tired. Today, I walked into the room to find out we were gonna watch the exact same movie as a class anyway; meaning I could have rested up last night lolololololol but guess not When's the last time you had a headache? A week ago, I think. Is there anything that you are craving right now? A burger from Pound :( And samgyupsal, ughhhhhhhh. What was the first thing you thought of this morning? How I fucking hate my Wednesday schedule. What part of your body hurts right now? I’m good at the moment. Eyes are starting to feel heavy though. Is there anyone you would like to just appear at your front door right now? Not really. Gab’s working tonight and I wouldn’t want her to drop everything just to surprise me at home. What is something that you realized today? I really dislike my course. I had a very productive afternoon today and started work on each of my final requirements for all my classes this semester – I met progress with every single major requirement, except for those of my journ electives, about which I could really not care less. Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be? No. Do you remember who your first crush was? Yeah, my 5th grade science teacher. I remember feeling ashamed to disclose it on these surveys back when I was new to this, but it’s been like ten years and I’ve gotten old as fuck and I can just spit it out now lmao. Ever walked into the guy's bathroom? I don’t think so. Have you ever cried from being so mad? Sure. What's a word that starts with the third letter of your first name? Binoculars. Do you have a bad temper? I can, most especially on my period. How many wives or husbands do you want? Wow, just one please. What's the closest pink object to you? My keyboard cover. Do you consider yourself lucky? No. Whats on your bedroom floor right now? A single sock that I’m too lazy to pick up for now, and my dog. Do you trust anyone? I trust lots of people. What's your favorite color gummy bear? Maybe red? I like strawberry/cherry flavored gummies. What's the last movie you saw in the theater? Portrait of a Lady on Fire. If you could push one person off of a mountain, who would it be? Duterte. Wish you could be somewhere else right now? Meh, yes and no. What color is your iPod? I don’t use it anymore, but my Nano is blue. What should you be doing right now? Sleeping maybe? Or at least settling in. Do you like roller coasters? Nope. One famous guy you would marry in an instance? Does it have to be a guy? I got nothing.
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nanalikessurveys · 5 years
Where did you get the pants you are wearing from?
Stadium, these are Adidas sports tights
Do you find smoking unattractive?
I don’t like the smell of smoke or i would never ever smoke myself, but it LOOKS attractive for some reason, haha
Have your parents ever searched your personal belongings?
Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
Is there someone you’ll never forget?
Of course
Do you miss someone right now?
Yeah, i miss my best friend. i feel like we’re drifting apart now, we rarely text eachother and we rarely see eachother nowadays :(
Last time you were on the phone?
I talked to my dad on the phone coupe hours ago
Do you get distracted easily?
Have your parents ever caught you drinking?
Not really, i took a sip of my mom’s wine glass when i was like 9 or something but yeah that doesn’t really count does it? lol
Do you think flirting is cheating?
Good question, i think it just really depends on what kind of flirting?
Do you hate the last girl, other than family, you had a conversation with?
Of course not
Who was the last person you sat next to in a car with?
This one guy i know
Is your room messy or clean?
My bedroom is pretty messy right now, i should clean it again
Do you drink tea?
Just iced tea
Wish you could be somewhere else right now?
No, i like being at home
What are you listening to right now?
The tv is on. it has some italian soap opera or something haha
Where did you get your last bruise from?
I don’t remember
Are you looking forward to anything?
When is the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
I don’t know
Whose house where you last at?
My mom’s
When someone says ‘we need to talk’, what do you think:
Everything haha
Tell me what’s on your mind?
My back is hurting again, i injured it yesterday, sigh
Will you be in bed before 11 tonight?
I don’t know yet
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes, i’m just not close with my dad but we have a good relationship
How much money did you spend today?
9,25EUR, i bought breakfast and a pizza haha
Can you see a cat from where you’re sitting?
Who was your last text from?
My mom
What was the last bad thing that happened to your phone?
I dropped it couple weeks ago but nothing happened
What’s been upsetting you lately?
Nothing rrally
Is there anyone getting on your nerves at the moment?
Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind?
Last place you fell asleep other than a bed?
My sofa last night, i was too tired to go to my bed
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
Not really
Do you have a dog?
Do you like to wear pants?
How many people do you trust fully?
When you’re bored in class, what do you usually do?
I just used to think about what i’m going to do after class and stuff like that. or doodle on my notebook
What’s your favorite color out of these five? Green, Yellow, Blue, Pink:
What was the first thing you said when you woke up today?
I have no idea, something to my cats i think
Do you get 8 hours of sleep everyday?
Not everyday
Ever like someone older than you?
What’s your favorite amusement park?
I like our local amusement park, i’m not into amusement parks that much tho
Are you cold at this very moment?
Do you prefer people who talk a lot or are quiet? I prefer something in the middle, but i guess quiet 
Is there someone in your life you wish you never met? No
How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
I don’t know haha
What do you think Avril Lavigne is doing at the moment?
I have no idea
What’s one fear are you most paranoid about?
I rather not go there
Have you ran into an old friend recently?
Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for more than a day?
YES, so annoying
Could you go a whole year without cursing?
Probably not lol
Would you rather give up the computer or the TV?
The tv
Have you ever liked someone who had a girl/boyfriend?
I guess so
As of this minute, what is going through your mind?
My back is hurting, i don’t have any pain killers and the pharmacy is already closed
Does anyone know your password besides you?
Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? I wouldn’t, i would forgive them tho of course
Have you ever ridden a horse?
Are you a patient person?
I’m not
Could you go a day without eating?
Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
Are you a forgiving person?
When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
Hahah yes
What is something you disliked about today?
My back. hurting
When’s the last time you had a headache?
I don’t even remember
Is there anything that you are craving right now? Pizza
What was the first thing you thought of this morning? I can’t  remember
What part of your body hurts right now? My back, lol
Is there anyone you would like to just appear at your front door right now? Nah
What is something that you realized today? Nothing comes to my mind
Is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be? Nope
Do you remember who your first crush was? One guy in my class in elementary school
Ever walked into the guy’s bathroom? No
Have you ever cried from being so mad?
What’s a word that starts with the third letter of your first name?
Do you have a bad temper?
No, i’m really calm
How many wives or husbands do you want?
Haha one
What’s the closest pink object to you?
My notebook
Do you consider yourself lucky?
Yes mostly
Whats on your bedroom floor right now?
Just my carpet
Do you trust anyone?
What’s your favorite color gummy bear?
I like all of them
What’s the last movie you saw in the theater?
Doctor Sleep
If you could push one person off of a mountain, who would it be?
No one
Wish you could be somewhere else right now?
What color is your iPod?
Don’t have one
What should you be doing right now?
Nothing i guess 
Do you like roller coasters? NO
One famous guy you would marry in an instance? I wouldn’t marry anyone famous tbh
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