#did absolutely nothing for either my dad nor (his twin) my uncle. great
crescentmp3 · 1 year
oh WGAT?? its my dads birthday?? whoops
#did absolutely nothing for either my dad nor (his twin) my uncle. great#oh well anyway! hi im home from school ^-^#today was fine! talked with my friend zeynep a whole lot#she kept talking about serial killers which was surprisingly interesting to listen to#first two lessons were both with mrs. damla (hoca . i can't not add honorifics it hurts)#first one being for reading (its literature class but we cant do a lot in one lesson so she just makes us read)#and second being.. whats it in english? google translate gives it as guidance i dont know.#the one where you talk to the teacher responsible of your class about the class or other stuff if you want. you know#then we had two english lessons with ms. ahenk (hoca)! ^-^#very fun love those. ms. ahenk (hoca) even told me to repeat the pronounciation of some vocabulary to the class#and made me write some on the board from the book we use for class#felt very nice#after that we had two p.e. lessons#we share the p.e. gym at our school/s with the middle school connected to ours so we go there biweekly#we were in class this week#the first lesson we stayed in class (was fun‚ got to chat with zeynep) and second we went to the garden with mr. can (hoca)'s permission#(was also fun for the same reason)#then we had Qur'an! was fun ^-^#ms. rümeysa (hoca) ran over some of the basic rules of reading Qur'an well for the new girl#so it was nice and easy to comprehend since i already know those. since very long . <3#then we had.. temel dini bilgiler ummm.... basic religious knowledge..???#anyway! ms. meryem (hoca) went ov#whoops. pressed enter too quickly#she went over the subject we were learning quickly (ramadan and fasting)#was nice and easy to understand!#overall pretty ok day if we dont count the agonies (shoulder and back joints on fire)#♚ — rambling !
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lantern-inthenight · 5 years
Dad Van Fleet (Headcanons)
Get ready to cry. I wrote these while listening to “Dear Theodosia” from Hamilton on repeat, so it’s maximum feels in this one. Thank you to my love @sparrowof-thedawn​ for beta-ing this <3
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Appears stern but is actually putty in your daughter’s hands
Beyond protective of her, from the very beginning
But like. In a quiet, i’ll-kill-you-and-no-one-would-ever-know kinda way
Your daughter gets fussy at night, so Jake often takes her for car rides to get her to fall asleep
And then, when he lays her down in her crib, Jake stays with her and sings softly to make sure she stays fast asleep, softly rubbing her tummy
He helped your daughter take her first steps, holding her arms to keep her upright as your sat on the living room floor with a camera
He watches that video when he’s feeling down
Remember when I said he’d tell your baby goodnight every night no matter what? That didn’t change after she was born, nor did it change as she grew up
Whether it’s on the phone or in-person, your daughter will always hear “goodnight, angel. You’re so loved.”
Which probably explains how you ended up with a daddy’s girl
Jake and your daughter butt heads sometimes because they’re so similar in personality, but at the end of the day, she listens to him more than anyone
They got into an argument over something trivial but your daughter, in the throes of teenage hormones/emotions, yelled that she hated him
Jake was incredibly upset, and moped around the house until your daughter sat down next to him on the back porch steps
“Dad? I’m sorry I said I hated you. I didn’t mean it.”
Jake gave her a tight hug, and you were proud of both of them for making up on their own
“It’s okay, sweetie. I love you.”
“Even when you’re mad at me?”
“Yes. I love you always.”
He taught her how to play guitar as soon as she developed fine motor skills
Just imagine Jake sitting on the couch with your little one, quietly teaching her the different chords
“There you go, sweetie. You’re doing great! A natural.”
So it’s no surprise that she grows up incredibly involved with music, eventually learning to play several instruments and asking her Uncle Sammy to teach her piano
But she’s got natural charisma just like her daddy, so dating is an issue when she gets to that age
Jake just immediately dislikes every boy she talks about, grumbling to you when she announces that the popular boy at school asked her to junior prom
“I don’t like the look of him.” “You haven’t met him yet, babe.”
“Still though.”
You and Jake thought about having another kid, but one night changed all that
Your daughter was about two, and she was nestled between you and your husband on the couch, sleeping soundly
The TV was on low volume and you and Jake were talking quietly about the future
You each had a hand on the back of the couch, brushing knuckles, and your free hands rested on her, playing with her hair and rubbing her back
You shared a glance, and there was an immediate, unspoken truth
This is our little family. This is perfect. The best thing we ever did.
There was nothing to add. You had no more pieces of your heart left to give. Jake and your girl had stolen all of them, and you were happy to let them keep it.
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When you got pregnant, you and Josh weren’t particularly adamant about finding out the sex of the baby
It didn’t really matter either way, you would decorate everything unisex anyway. Besides, surprises are fun!
So you made it a point to tell the doctor you didn’t want to know. However--
When the ultrasound technician raised his eyebrows in surprise, you freaked out for a second, your mind immediately jumping to the worst conclusion
“What’s wrong? Is the baby alright?” Josh gripped your hand, his face painted with worry
But the technician grinned and said, “The baby is fine, don’t worry. It’s just that there are two of them!”
“What?” You were in shock
“Congratulations, Mrs. Kiszka, it looks like you’re having twins!”
Josh wouldn’t stop yelling excitedly, as you very quickly realized that in a couple months, you were going to look like a balloon with legs
You decided right then that you probably didn’t need more surprises, so when the time came to be able to find out what you were having, you went in right away
God help you, it they were both boys
The sheer chaos of being outnumbered by three boys, one of whom is Josh Kiszka and the other two of whom are miniature Josh Kiszkas
Luckily, Josh was surprisingly good at co-parenting, being unafraid to discipline your sons and holding down the fort while you were at work
He managed to get both of the boys reading at an early age, always stressing to them the importance of education and understanding other cultures
His favorite part of the new daily routine is reading bedtime stories
Being who he is, Josh picks out fantastical tales to read the boys, and reads them aloud with all the voices and sound effects
He absolutely hated the twin stroller, though
Josh’s preferred method of getting around with your sons was a double papoose, one baby strapped to the front, and one on the back
He alternated which kid was on which side, so as not to offend them or make one feel left out. When he told you as much, you were very amused
When people in public would compliment the baby, Josh’s usual response was to say, “Thanks, I have two of them!” and spin around to reveal the other baby
When you went out as a unit, you put the twins in matching onesies
Josh acted like he hated it, but then you saw him come home from Target with several new sets of matching onesies
“What?” He asks, as you laugh. “They were on sale!”
When one of your sons gets pushed over by a bully at school, Josh comforts him until you get home
Wiping tears from his boy’s face, Josh whispers, “You’re safe now. I’m not going to let that happen again. Okay?”
Your son nods, and Josh hugs him tightly, cradling his head under his chin
The next day when he drops the boys off, Josh makes it a point to make eye contact with the bully and glares at him until he gets scared and runs away
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You were worried Sam would freak out during the birth, which wouldn’t be good because the hospital didn’t need to deal with two panicked parents-to-be
But Samuel surprised you
When the time came to push, Sam was at your side with a calm voice and a firm grip on your hand, kissing your forehead even as you cried
Right before the baby came, you grabbed his arm, feeling that visceral fear that only comes with new parenthood
“Sam, I’m so scared.”
But he holds the back of your hand to his mouth, kissing it firmly
“I know. I am, too. But you’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met. You’re gonna be an amazing mother.”
And when your son was born, Sam cried
Because he was feeling every bit of love he’d ever missed, like a whole new sphere of heaven was opened up to him
And when he looked at you, tired and weepy, his heart felt like it might burst. Because how could one man feel so much love?
For the tiny human in his arms and the incredible woman in front of him
You and the baby immediately become Priority Number One in everything he does
Can often be found meeting Danny and his daughter at the coffee shop for some much-needed caffeine
Danny’s girl and yours and Sam’s boy are about the same age, so they have playdates
Sam also takes your son out into nature pretty much as soon as the kid can walk
Thankfully he was more willing to put shoes on the kid than on himself
You waited a few years to have another one, giving birth to a daughter when your son was about four
And Sam went through the emotions all over again, in disbelief of how much happiness he could feel
He set out right away to find things they could do together
He’d often whisk all of you away for weekends of going camping, giving your son piggyback rides up and down the trails
It was on one of these camping trips that your daughter said her first word
You were helping your son get dressed before a hike, and Sam was bouncing her on his knee by the remains of the previous night’s campfire
Your daughter saw the animal before Sam did
Sam’s eyes widened as he gazed down at her, but she was looking out towards the edge of the woods, unaware of her dad being in shock at her declaration
“What did you say, baby?” “Dee!”
Sam followed her excited gaze, and saw the deer standing under a nearby tree
“Dee! Deeeeee!!”
“Oh my god. Deer. Oh my god, Oh my--YN! Come here!”
You ran over with your son, afraid something had happened
He and your daughter were both pointing at the deer with identical dopey grins
Before you could speak, your daughter realized you were there, and smiled up at you
You and Sam both cried
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When your daughter is born, Danny doesn’t set her down for a second
He just walks around with her, tiny in his arms, cooing and smiling at the baby
“She’s got my eyes, babe, don’t you think?”
And you can tell in that second that you’re gonna have to be the disciplinarian in the household
Bc that baby owns his heart
So it makes sense when you go back to work and Danny takes paternity leave for six weeks
He’s a natural nurturer, like he’s so good at taking care of the baby
But he’s also very protective
So like... Baby papoose.
Danny strolls up into the grocery store, the park, the zoo, wherever, with the baby strapped to his chest bc he doesn’t care how he looks as long as the baby is secure
You get regular snapchats at work of Danny and the baby being out and about
But you always come home to a clean house and Danny passed out on the couch, the baby fast asleep on his chest
And he still somehow finds time to spend with you, always reminding you what a phenomenal mom you are and how much he loves you
Nobody was shocked when you got pregnant again, like literally no one
You had two more children together before deciding that three kids were about all you could handle, especially with your two youngest being boys
Danny was good at disciplining them, though, so that helped a lot
You were a sports family, taking your children out to basketball and football games on the weekends whenever possible
But of course your kids loved music too, with one of your sons learning guitar and your daughter eventually asking for a drumkit for Christmas
Your other son is more of a scientist than his siblings, and Danny “Telekinesis” Wagner makes every effort to help with school projects and going to the science fair
Becomes That Dad when it comes to his daughter dating in high school
“Dad, there’s this guy--” “You can do better.”
When your daughter experiences her first heartbreak, Danny is there to comfort her (and to offer to beat up the guy)
He brings her ice cream and puts on her favorite movie, hugging her tightly and assuring her that she’s the most wonderful girl in the world and any guy would be lucky to have her
He takes the time to sit your sons down and talk to them about respecting women (“or men, because that’s cool too!”)
These boys are raised to be gentlemen and understand the concept of consent from an early age
And he definitely taught your girl some self-defense before she went to college
Taglist: @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank​, @jeordinevankiszka​, @that-glassbottomed-ego​, @kissthesun-fightthefire​, @lover--leaver​, @myownparadise96​, @satans-helper​, @songbirdkisses​, @bluewillowmom​
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