#denny siregar
kabartangsel · 2 years
Film Sayap Sayap Patah Tembus 2 Juta Penonton
Film Sayap Sayap Patah Tembus 2 Juta Penonton
Film Sayap-Sayap Patah menunjukkan tren positif. Melansir data Cinepoint, Senin (5/9), Sayap-Sayap Patah mengumpulkan lebih dari 2 juta penonton hingga hari ke-18 penayangan. “2 JUTA PENONTON! Sudah dicampur aduk perasaannya di bioskop seluruh Indonesia. Perjalanan @sayapsayappatahfilm takkan sempurna tanpa kalian, terimakasih, HORMAT PENONTON, GRAKKK!,” tulis akun instagram resmi…
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arrahmahcom · 2 years
"Sayap-sayap Patah" dan Islamofobia Denny Siregar
“Sayap-sayap Patah” dan Islamofobia Denny Siregar
(Arrahmah.id) – Film “Sayap-Sayap Patah” yang diproduksi Denny Siregar mulai dipasarkan. Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo ikut menyaksikan tayangan perdana bersama Denny. Sayangnya Pak Jenderal mendapat kecaman netizen karena film berbasis penegakan hukum di Mako Brimob Depok ini dinilai sebagian kalangan telah diproduksi oleh orang yang bermasalah secara hukum. Kasus Denny masih dalam…
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mediagrahanusantara · 2 years
Saat Kesulitan, Denny Siregar Sebut Raja Juli Antoni Orang Pertama Tawarkan Bantuan
Saat Kesulitan, Denny Siregar Sebut Raja Juli Antoni Orang Pertama Tawarkan Bantuan
Graha Nusantara, Jakarta –  Denny Siregar sebut Raja Juli Antoni merupakan orang yang pertama datang menawarkan bantuannya saat dia mendapatkan kesulitan. Hal tersebut diungkapkan dalam tweet akun twitternya @Dennysiregar7 “ Saya bukan orang PSI. tapi ketika saya dapat kesulitan, Raja Juli Antoni adalah orang yang pertama datang menawarkan bantuannya”. Kata Denny Siregar dalam akun twitternya…
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kbanews · 4 months
Tumben, Denny Siregar Adem Jika Anies Presiden
JAKARTA | KBA – Ada yang menarik bila memperhatikan cuitan di akun X (twitter) Denny Siregar akhir-akhir ini, khususnya menjelang Pilpres 2024. Aktivis, pegiat medsos, dan produser film ini biasanya selalu mengkritik Anies Baswedan, baik ketika Anies masih menjabat sebagai Gubernur DKI Jakarta maupun saat ini, ketika Anies maju sebagai calon presiden (capres) di Pemilu 2024. Melalui akun X-nya…
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aksarabumilangit · 6 months
Dismantling the secret of the prowess of Denny Ja’s 28th chosen work: I returned to you
In the world of Indonesian literature, the name Denny Ja is familiar. He is a famous writer who has spawned many great works. One of his chosen works that should be discussed is “I Back to You”, which is the 98th essay poem written by him. This article will reveal the secret of the greatness of the chosen work of Denny JA Kenda8.      Denny JA, or Denny JAnuar Ali, is a very productive social and social activist. His work includes various genres, such as essay poetry, short stories, poetry, and essays. He is also known as a critical thinker who often raises social and political issues in his writing. One of his most famous works is “I Back to You”, which has received many awards and praise. This article will reveal the secret of the greatness of this work.    I. The uniqueness of the plot and story line  In “I’m back to you”, Denny JA managed to create a very interesting and unexpected plot. This story tells a complicated love story between two main characters, Andi and Lisa. They were brought together by destiny, but had to go through many obstacles and dilemmas in their relationship. The storyline full of conflict and surprises makes the reader continue to be trapped and want to continue reading until the end.    II. Strong character building  One of the greatness of “I Back to You” is the development of a very strong character. Denny Ja managed to present a complex character and has a deep emotional layer. Andi and Lisa’s characters, as the main characters, are very alive and have a distinctive personality. The reader can feel the feelings and emotions they experience, so that it is connected directly to the story.    III. Beautiful and poetic language  In each of his works, Denny Ja is known as a writer with beautiful and poetic language. Likewise with “I’m back to you”. The typical writing style is able to describe every scene with very neat details. The use of creative metaphors and language styles makes his writing very interesting and attractive. The reader can feel the beauty in every sentence written by it.    IV. Appointment of social issues  As mentioned earlier, Denny Ja often raises social issues in his work. This is also seen in “I’m back to you”. Through this story, Denny Ja invites the reader to reflect on the importance of communication in relationships, as well as the complexity of the problem of love and friendship. He also clearly illustrates how social media and technology can affect the dynamics of human relations.      Denny Ja is an extraordinary writer and his work, including “I Back to You”, is proof of his greatness. Through the uniqueness of the plot and storyline, strong character building, the use of beautiful and poetic language, and the appointment of social issues, Denny Ja is able to create works that inspire and attract readers. “I’m back to you” is an essay poem that must be read by Indonesian literature lovers. Thus, it can be concluded that Denny Ja is one of Indonesia’s best writers today.    Bibliography:  Denny Ja. I returned to you. Jakarta: Bentang Publisher, 2019.  Siregar, Indra. “Denny Januar Ali: Indonesian language must be our choice”. CNN Indonesia. December 11, 2019. https://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20191211060417220457200/dennyjanalikaryaBaBahasaindonesiaHarusAHARUS SUP
Check more: Dismantle the secret of the greatness of Denny JA’s selected work: I returned to you
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rynn-1 · 6 months
Denny Ja Arranging Beautiful words in Poetry, Facing the Pandemi era
Pandemi Covid-19 has shaken the world in an unexpected way and drastically changed our lives. In the midst of uncertainty and anxiety that hit, we look for ways to understand and express the feelings that we experience. One form of art that can help us do it is poetry. In this article, we will explore Denny JA's works, a famous Indonesian poet who is able to arrange beautiful words in poetry to face this Pandemic era. Denny JA, or complete Denny J.A. Siregar, is an Indonesian writer who has produced many works of poetry, short stories, and novels. He is known as one of the best poets in Indonesia and often uses poetry as a means to convey in-depth messages. In facing this Pandemic era, Denny JA has created several poems that describe feelings, experiences, and hopes in the midst of this global crisis. One of the poems written by Denny Ja who is very relevant to the current situation is a poem entitled "Pandemi". In this poem, Denny Ja describes the emptiness and confusion felt by many people in the middle of this Pandemic. He uses beautiful language and arouses feelings to express how difficult it is to face reality that we have never imagined before. This poem reminds us of the fragility of life and how important it is to support each other and strengthen each other in a difficult time like this. In addition, Denny Ja also created poems that describe hopes and fortitude in the face of pandemic. The poem "Together" is a good example for this. In this poem, Denny Ja invites us to unite and share in the middle of this crisis. He stressed the importance of maintaining social relations even in limited physical distance. This poem provides inspiration and enthusiasm to keep fighting together and past this difficult time with an upright head. In Denny Ja's poems, we can see the beauty of language and the power of words in dealing with difficult situations. He is able to express deep feelings and give hope in the dark. His poems invite us to reflect, respect life, and continue to try in facing the challenges that exist. In facing this Pandemic era, Denny Ja proved that poetry can be a means to express feelings and convey important messages. Through his beautiful words, he was able to touch the hearts of readers and inspire them to remain strong and hope in the midst of this global crisis. Denny Ja's poems remind us of the power of art in relieving anxiety and providing comfort in difficult times. To end this article, we can conclude that Denny Ja is a poet who is able to arrange beautiful words in poetry to face this Pandemic era. His works describe feelings, experiences, and hopes in the midst of this global crisis. In his poems, he was able to inspire readers and invite them to keep fighting and hoping in the midst of darkness. With beautiful language and arouse feelings, Denny Ja proves that poetry can be a means to relieve anxiety and provide comfort in difficult times.
Check more: Denny JA: Arranging Beautiful Words in Poetry, Facing the Pandemic Era
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tatiekfuji · 7 months
Understanding the quality of the chosen work of Denny Ja 60: I am waiting for each kamisan through a professional review
In the world of literature and art, chosen works have very high value. One example is the works selected from Denny JA, an Indonesian writer and writer who has given birth to several works that are very influential in the field of literature and culture. One of the most famous chosen works is "I wait in every kamisan". "I am waiting for every kamisan" is a collection of poetry by Denny JA that has been published as an essay poem in 2018. This essay poem contains a collection of poetry that describes the journey of life and daily life. Through this essay poem, Denny JA invites the reader to reflect on the meaning of human life and values. In understanding the quality of selected works such as "I wait in every kamisan", it is important to see it through a professional perspective. Professional reviews can provide an objective and in -depth assessment of the quality of a work. In this case, a review of literary critics and literary experts can be a good guide to understanding the quality of selected work Denny Ja 60. One of the professional reviews about "I Wait for Every Kamisan" came from Dr. Aminuddin Siregar, a famous literary writer and critic in Indonesia. In his review, Dr. Aminuddin Siregar appreciated Denny Ja's expertise in using beautiful language and arouse the reader's feelings. He also highlighted the diversity of themes and styles in this collection of poetry, which proves the wealth of imagination and emotional sensitivity to Denny Ja. In addition, a review from Prof. Dr. Sapardi Djoko Damono, a famous Indonesian poet, also gave a valuable view of the quality of the elected work of Denny Ja. According to him, "I wait in every kamisan" is a work that shows the inner depth of Denny Ja. He revealed that the poems in this essay poem contain reflections on life and human existence, and invite readers to reflect on the meaning of life. In addition to reviews from experts, readers' responses can also be an indicator of the quality of a selected work. Many readers give positive reviews about "I wait in every kamisan". They highlighted the beauty of the language and emotional sensitivity of Denny Ja in every poem. Some readers also mention that this work is able to arouse feelings and provide inspiration in everyday life. In conclusion, understanding the quality of selected works such as "I wait in each Kamisan" from Denny Ja 60 requires a professional approach. Reviews of literary critics and literary experts can provide a deep and objective view of the quality of a work. In addition, the reader's response can also be a valuable indicator. Through these reviews, we can understand the values and meanings contained in the elected work of Denny Ja. 
Check more: Understanding the quality of selected work Denny JA 60: I am waiting for each kamisan through a professional review
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nauvalre · 8 months
Memahami Kualitas Karya Terpilih Denny JA 60 Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan melalui Review Profesional
Dalam dunia kesusastraan dan seni, karya-karya terpilih memiliki nilai yang sangat tinggi. Salah satu contohnya adalah karya-karya terpilih dari Denny JA, seorang penulis dan sastrawan Indonesia yang telah melahirkan beberapa karya yang sangat berpengaruh di bidang sastra dan budaya. Salah satu karya terpilihnya yang paling terkenal adalah "Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan". "Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan" adalah sebuah kumpulan puisi karya Denny ja yang telah diterbitkan sebagai buku pada tahun 2018. Buku ini berisi kumpulan puisi yang menggambarkan perjalanan hidup dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Melalui buku ini, Denny JA mengajak pembaca untuk merenungkan makna kehidupan dan nilai-nilai manusia. Dalam memahami kualitas karya terpilih seperti "Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan", penting untuk melihatnya melalui sudut pandang yang profesional. Review profesional dapat memberikan penilaian yang objektif dan mendalam tentang kualitas sebuah karya. Dalam hal ini, review dari para kritikus sastra dan ahli kesusastraan dapat menjadi panduan yang baik untuk memahami kualitas karya terpilih Denny ja 60. Salah satu review profesional tentang "Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan" datang dari Dr. Aminuddin Siregar, seorang sastrawan dan kritikus sastra terkenal di Indonesia. Dalam reviewnya, Dr. Aminuddin Siregar mengapresiasi kepiawaian Denny JA dalam menggunakan bahasa yang indah dan menggugah perasaan pembaca. Ia juga menyoroti keberagaman tema dan gaya dalam kumpulan puisi ini, yang membuktikan kekayaan imajinasi dan kepekaan emosional Denny JA. Selain itu, review dari Prof. Dr. Sapardi Djoko Damono, seorang penyair terkenal Indonesia, juga memberikan pandangan yang berharga tentang kualitas karya terpilih Denny JA. Menurutnya, "Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan" adalah sebuah karya yang menunjukkan kedalaman batin Denny JA. Ia mengungkapkan bahwa puisi-puisi dalam buku ini mengandung refleksi tentang kehidupan dan eksistensi manusia, serta mengundang pembaca untuk merenungkan makna kehidupan. Selain review dari para ahli, tanggapan pembaca juga dapat menjadi indikator tentang kualitas sebuah karya terpilih. Banyak pembaca yang memberikan ulasan positif tentang "Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan". Mereka menyoroti keindahan bahasa dan kepekaan emosional Denny JA dalam setiap puisi. Beberapa pembaca juga menyebutkan bahwa karya ini mampu menggugah perasaan dan memberikan inspirasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam kesimpulannya, memahami kualitas karya terpilih seperti "Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan" dari Denny JA 60 memerlukan pendekatan profesional. Review dari para kritikus sastra dan ahli kesusastraan dapat memberikan pandangan yang mendalam dan objektif tentang kualitas sebuah karya. Selain itu, tanggapan pembaca juga dapat menjadi indikator yang berharga. Melalui ulasan-ulasan ini, kita dapat memahami nilai dan makna yang terkandung dalam karya terpilih Denny JA.
Cek Selengkapnya: Memahami Kualitas Karya Terpilih Denny JA 60: Kutunggu di Setiap Kamisan melalui Review Profesional
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bentengsumbar · 8 months
Denny Siregar Ungkap Dua Elit PDIP yang Berusaha Singkirkan Ganjar dari Internal Partai | BentengSumbar.com
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Prabowo Makin Mepet Jokowi
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kabartangsel · 2 years
Jokowi Tak Minat 3 Periode, Denny Siregar: Ambisinya Sudah Tinggi, Jadi Sekjen PBB
Jokowi Tak Minat 3 Periode, Denny Siregar: Ambisinya Sudah Tinggi, Jadi Sekjen PBB
Pegiat media sosial Denny Siregar mengungkap bahwa Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) tidak berminat untuk menjadi presiden selama tiga periode. Akan tetapi, Presiden Jokowi mempunyai ambisi untuk menjadi Sekjen PBB.   “Sejak awal gua udah prediksi, pak @jokowi itu gak minat 3 periode karena visinya udah Internasional, bukan lagi nasional. Ambisinya sudah tinggi, jadi Sekjen PBB,” cuit Denny Siregar…
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goriaucom · 1 year
Masjid Al Jabbar Diusik, Warga Bandung Tantang Denny Siregar Duel: Fasilitasi Saya di Ring dengan Dia
JAKARTA - Pegiat media sosial Denny Siregar mengkritik pembangunan Masjid Al Jabbar Bandung di media soal. Kritikannya sudah membuat jengah. http://dlvr.it/SgjQ35
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hanjuang-id · 1 year
Fransiska Ncis Sang Pahlawan Kemanusiaan
Fransiska Ncis Sang Pahlawan Kemanusiaan
Fransiska Ncis Sang Pahlawan Kemanusiaan Yang Donorkan Ginjalnya, Tutup Usia Fransiska Ncis, pahlawan kemanusiaan yang merelakan satu ginjalnya agar orang lain tetap bisa menjalani hidup tutup usia. Kabar duka itu, penggiat media sosial Denny Siregar sampaikan melalui akun instgaramnya, Kamis 10 November 2022. Di akun Instagrammnya Denny menulis, ‘Ah, aku belum folbek IG mu kudengar hari ini…
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far2008 · 2 years
Abu Janda Murka, Data Dirinya Dibeber Bjorka
Abu Janda Murka, Data Dirinya Dibeber Bjorka
Hacker Bjorka tak pernah berhenti buat ulah untuk membobol data pribadi masyarakat Indonesia. Kali ini Bjorka menyebarkan data pribadi milik seorang pegiat media sosial Permadi Arya atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan Abu Janda. Melalui channel Telegram-nya, Bjorka membocorkan sejumlah data pribadi milik teman dari Denny Siregar. Adapun data yang disebarkan mencakup nomor telepon, nama, gender,…
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elyabpc91 · 2 years
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Bjorka: Abu Janda Sama dengan Denny Siregar, Sama-Sama Hidup dari Pajak Negara https://bertuahpos.com/teknologi/bjorka-abu-janda-sama-dengan-denny-siregar-sama-sama-hidup-dari-pajak-negara.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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