now what IF and hear me out.. I wrote the Mamma Mia! Ducktales AU but Della is a lesbian and the possible other moms are Magica, Selene, and Penumbra
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ginadespell · 6 years
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@queenbean03​ HEEEEEEEY! Here are the requests you asked me! I hope you like this! The DelPad is my weakness because of those goofy characters and how they could bond so perfectly! And the DellSpell is a really intersting ship. I like it! Sorry for not coloring but I started doing it and I think I ruined it. So I prefered showing only the doodle because, really, It was horrible ;;
I have some other requests now so, for the moment, I will only acept like 2 or 3 more and then I will close them. Hang on guys!
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