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anastasia (2017)
starring: nash easton (dimitri), yael meyer (anya/anastasia)
audience rating: ★★★★ ½ rotten tomatoes: 87%
the evil wizard rasputin puts a hex on the royal romanovs and young anastasia disappears when their palace is overrun. years later, the grand duchess offers a reward for anastasia’s return. two scheming russians, planning to pawn off a phony, hold auditions and choose an orphan girl with a remarkable resemblance to the missing princess. they bring her to paris for the reward, not knowing she’s the real anastasia.
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foxeymulder · 6 years
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                                                rami copeland
                                         twenty-five / musician / aquila
scooped up from a syrian orphanage at four years old by some hollywood royalty / likes to pretend he remembers that life for tragic backstory purposes / woke af / blocked by donald trump on twitter / was arrested for drug possession then used the mugshot as his debut album cover / it was a rly good mugshot, to be fair / goes to leonardo dicaprio levels of extra to avoid the paparazzi / got in trouble with his parents when he was nine for flipping off the paparazzi once / it was worth it (he really hates them) / might also use that photo for an album cover / nudes were leaked by an ex like two years ago / was told explicitly numerous times that he cannot use those for an album cover / a little bummed about it tbh / just a really dramatic human, always In His Feelings / not really the brightest, but hot talented and famous enough that no one really cares and listens to him anyways / i.e., claims to hate capitalism but buys gucci t-shirts and drives a jaguar.
he needs: make the rest of the copelands!!! friends to get high with, friends to write music and collab with, friends to help his drunk ass home from a club at 6 a.m. exes?? namely the ex that leaked his nudes bc #petty. exes, hookups, lady friends the media claims his music is about??
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zhenyakatava · 6 years
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sumter kingsley +
[ prudence morris ] ··· aka: gatsby and daisy are in their graves
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mviamitchell · 6 years
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        the rise and fall of nash easton + marla tierney
“nash easton and marla tierney, a love story for the ages. the pair of them met on the set of granada hills, marla saying that it was initially very shy and reserved but the minute feelings were admitted, it was like a rocket taking off. the two fresh faced actors fell in love on set and continued their love off camera, taking vacations together and eventually moving into together. nash easton spoke highly of his now ex-girlfriend at an event almost four years ago, ‘she’s the love of my life, i couldn’t picture myself with anyone else. honestly? i see a real future with marla.’
but like all good love stories, they have to end at some point and it did. rumors circulated that nash was possibly having an affair with one yael meyer, his anastasia costar. it seemed like this was a cause of a lot of tension in the easton/tierney household, a source close to marla saying that she moved out fairly quickly, leaving nothing behind. with the wrap of anastasia, yael and nash started dating and well, marla was left in the dust.
however, the actress seemed to rebound with one handsome stud by the name of maverick morris who we’ve seen around thanks to his mom and dad. the pair were seen grabbing dinner a few nights a week and have officially confirmed their relationship. but how will this new budding romance stand a chance now that marla tierney and nash easton are cast alongside one another in the steamy remake of roman holiday?”
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lucemorals · 6 years
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▞ luna + social media
serial instagrammer / retweets her fans / starts twitter wars with journos / story inspo: a mixture of tom holland + sebastian stan / will @ tag the heck out of you / puns, puns, puns
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henley lorraine torrance / aquila / esfp / aries
actually not born famous / born & raised in austin, texas to a pair of normal ass parents / dad named her after the drummer from the eagles, don henley because he was obsessed with music and a drummer himself / raised on classic rock, knew how to hold a drumstick before she knew how to hold  a pencil / honestly lived a pretty average life until her dad died when she was ten / took her frustration and emotions out on her dad’s drum set in the garage and actually became really good / started making drum cover videos that she’d put on youtube & played in some bullshit high school bands / entered a song cover contest posted on some fansite for ‘the mystery machine’ and won / was contacted a few months later by their management [ and lowkey honestly peed herself in excitement ] / moved to los angeles six months ago after being offered the spot of the drummer with the band after theirs left suddenly / and lol oops, she’s now lowkey really into the frontman of her band, rusty brighton, but doesn’t wanna say anything because she’s afraid she’ll fuck up her newfound career!!!
faded glow-in-the-dark stars left on the ceiling from years past / character popsicles from ice cream trucks / t-shirts with handcut necklines / loopy handwriting / the sound of cackling laughter / rose gold sunglasses with colored lenses / never taking off your concert wristbands / constantly chipped nail polish / stacks of journals that were started and never finished
she rly likes poeple, please give her some friends to love and annoy at the same time / maybe an ex or former romantic interest of some kind but like ??? she’s fairly new to the famous life so i can’t imagine she’ll be too deep into anything with anyone here / plus she’s lowkey hella in love with rusty but maybe she tries to pretend she’s not by casually dating other people??? / also if ur another member of the mystery machine comE AT HER BRO
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blkmlkspiders · 6 years
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                               ezra cho + just jared articles
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hermoanie · 6 years
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lindy meyers and nick rusek aka licky: two totally platonic best friends. so platonic. the most.
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janespajamas-blog · 6 years
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I don't really know how to blurb but here's a rough outline of my girl Rue Copeland:
In a nutshell, she's your friendly neighborhood perky goth with strong Addams family vibes. One of the many Copelands, adopted from Japan at the tender age of 18 months. Grew up on horror movies - the campier the better - and developed a fascination with all things creepy and darkly hilarious. Currently works as a special effects makeup artist, creating the faces of zombies/aliens/misc. supernatural creatures for the big and small screens. She absolutely loves it - getting paid to experiment with makeup and monsters is about as close to her dream job as you could get. A total junk food junkie - kale is anathema - who somehow never gains weight. Has strong opinions on diet culture and unrealistic beauty standards and will not stand for fatshaming nonsense. Thinks her pet bearded dragon is the cutest thing in the world and buys things for her on the daily. Very artistic - does a lot of diy and crafting. Most of what she makes wouldn't be out of place in a haunted house tbh - has an almost disturbing fondness for skulls. Despite what her tastes may lead you to believe, she's very much a laid-back, friendly, and accepting person who's always up for a good party. Holds grudges like nothing else, though - it's not easy to get her really, truly angry, but once you do she'll never forget it.
Needs: Everything?? She's pretty much set in terms of family, but she could definitely use friends! Especially ones she's known since childhood, who maybe also grew up in famous families? People who know her siblings, maybe? Current/past romantic things? She's a lesbian with a tendency to get super attached super quickly and then ghost when she loses interest, sooo. Whoops. Also, if you have a sci-fi/fantasy/horror project she could've worked on, please lmk!
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veemuses · 6 years
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( darla )
and her google searches (+)
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foxeymulder · 6 years
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                                  [ rami copeland + social ]
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zhenyakatava · 6 years
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                                     silent falls (2013-2015)
                                          [ a place both wonderful and strange... ] 
“ when the body of a young laura palmer is washed up on a beach near the small oregon town of silent falls, FBI special agent dale cooper is called in to investigate her strange demise - only to uncover a web of mystery that ultimately leads him deep into the heart of the surrounding woodland and his very own soul. ”
silent falls premiered in 2013 to critical acclaim, an instant hit that fascinated viewers all over. as they followed the murder of laura palmer, viewers in the united states and abroad watched intently. despite being a hit at first, drama between cast members and lackluster storylines following the murderer’s reveal led to the show being cancelled after two seasons on air. the show, though, still continues to grab watchers’ attention and intrigue despite its cancellation.
sumter kingsley as james hurley
sloane osbourne as donna hayward
nash easton as bobby briggs
peyton anantasu as shelly johnson
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mviamitchell · 6 years
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                    poppy ritter + "explain that ‘gram!”
001. “okay, that loser right there? that’s niko and he’s a huge fucking dweeb but i guess and i mean, i guess he’s a friend? well, what do you call someone who you fight on a regular basis and quote fight club to? a pal? a buddy? anyways, niko let me come on the sunnydale set and i’m pretty sure i went to the bathroom and this asshole posted like thirty instagrams of him doing this weird shit in a pink wig. i don’t know, i love him or whatever.”
002. “oh my god. xavier, literal love of my life and my favorite person. shhhh, don’t tell niko. but we went out to dinner or a movie or some other ... activity and i don’t know! the lighting was nice and he was looking cute and so this dumb little photoshoot happened. looking back on it, i realized that it was kind of ridiculous looking but hey, good lighting is good lighting, who are we to say? but don’t tell him i said this or else it might go to his head!”
003. “yael is the best flying companion, hands down! i probably shouldn’t say this but for my twenty-first, she snuck little wine and beer coolers onto the plane (i’m sorry TSA) and we got completely shit hammered and honestly, i’m surprised they didn’t land the plane right then and there and arrest us. we were so rowdy and by the time we got to wherever the fuck we were going, we both could barely stand. this was probably somewhere halfway between the flight?”
004. “do not and i repeat, do not let rusty convince you to take care of him after he gets his wisdom teeth out because he is a giant cry baby. i took him to the dentist and fucking, i shit you not, his cheeks were swollen like little chipmunks and while it was the cutest thing, the aftercare? not so much. get me this poppy, get me that. i felt like his mom! i did get some bomb ass footage of him waking up from anesthesia though!”
005. “i think this was back, oh my god? probably around december? i think we both got a little too tipsy off the wine that my studio gave me and we were just fucking around on the car? i asked blue if she could bench press me and i mean, i still think she can but she refuses to do it! i just love strong females, god. but anyways, she started doing pullups in the car and well, drunk blue is my favorite blue so here we are.”
006. “lavinia is my girlfriend and i’m not going to tell you any different. i’m kidding or am i? this was when we took an impromptu trip to new york together. i had never been on the subway before and she insisted that i had to try it. she gave me a full new york experience and god, i was so scared but she was looking so cute! i love her. i think we rode the subway probably from manhattan to brooklyn and back again until i got sick of it. ten out of ten experience, would do again.”
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lucemorals · 6 years
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♛ luna + pegasus aesthetic
flushed cheeks / having someone play with her hair / pot plants being changed on the regular / pastel bedroom colors / thanksgiving with the family / smiling through the pain / being too hot to cuddle / sleeping with the ac on and a blanket in the middle of summer / apologises for being herself / eyes lighting up at a challenge / dancing in the middle of a red carpet / knee high socks / pressed flowers in the middle of books / getting pruney fingers from staying in the bath / rewatching dirty dancing / snarky side-eyes / surprise spicy foods / passive-aggressive rainbows
⇝ luna + pegasus traits
diligent, unyielding, likeable, charismatic, humorous, insecure, audacious, procrastinating, quirky, messy, restless, approachable, spontaneous, romantic, goofy, quiet victor
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latibule · 6 years
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                           “on wednsedays, we wear pink”
you all know the plot - raised in africa by her zoolgist parents, cady thinks she knows all about the "survival of the fittest", but the law of the jungle takes on a whole new meaning when the home-schooled sixteen year old enters public high school for the first time. trying to find her place between jocks, mathletes, and other subcultures, cady crosses paths with the meanest species of all - the queen bee, aka regina George, leader of the school's most fashionable clique - the plastics. when cady falls for regina's ex-boyfriend aaron samuels, though, the queen bee is stung - and she schemes to destroy cady's social future. cady's own claws soon come out as she leaps into a hilarious "girl world" war that has the whole school running for cover.
i’d like for the main cast to have been between the ages of 16-20 at the time this was filmed, which means they were born in 1984 and 1988. older cast members - teachers, parents, etc - have a wider age range, which i will leave up to you as the player. also, if there’s a character on this list that you don’t see, but want to add, go for it!! you can pm me here or hit me up on discord mikaela#0327 if you’re interested!
cady heron - character name, born in 198#, played by open regina george - hallie parker, born in 1988, played by mikaela gretchen wieners - character name, born in 198#, played by open karen smith - character name, born in 198#, played by open janis ian - character name, born in 198#, played by open damian - cj eaton, born in 1985, played by monte aaron samuels - character name, born in 198#, played by open ms. norbury - character name, born in 19##, played by open mr. duvall - character name, born in 19##, played by open mrs. george - character name, born in 19##, played by open mrs. heron - character name, born in 19##, played by open mr. heron - character name, born in 19##, played by open coach carr - character name, born in 19##, played by open
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eilislaceys · 6 years
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valencia pilar ramos - aquila - blue moon 
the younger sister of writer & director rosario ramos with whom she shares a dark sense of humor and the same cloying stage mom / grew up doing #pagentlife / although she made it pretty clear she was not the heir apparent when at eight she completely disregared the plate spinning performance she had been made to practice for months and opted instead for a terrible christopher walken impression / really extra at all times / talk show guest queen / tells one story that takes up an entire segment / went to college and discovered marijuana was her soulmate / that is until she met her actual soulmate and writing partner effie on the set of her first movie / they have since created a raunchy, feminist half an hour comedy series about two best girlfriends in l.a ala broad city together / loves eating at chain restaurants / a frequent mainstay on people’s ‘stars they’re just like us!’ spread, usually pictured with a taco bell takeout bag / feminist agenda / despite the heightened version of herself she plays on tv, she can be a little shy and socially awkward especially without effie as her safety blanket / their show is currently filming the fifth and final season and she may or may not be freaking the fuck out about the end of an era!!! / how is she coping? channeling her energy into seducing julian medina via twitter mostly / had the worst snl audition in the history of time / also responds to leni / sends her friends and family gifs of herself instead of actual helpful responses / disaster bi / got too high at the emmys last year and became a meme 
needs: anything and everything! unlikely celeb pals and or people who have made cameos on her show, exes, and past hookups/fwbs, anyone who knows her sister charo, best friend effie, or julian medina because she will for sure insert herself into that group in no time at all. 
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