#dead serious top three fave landoscar fics of all time
nyoomfruits · 9 months
Here’s how I spent my day:
- Read your snippet of the Landoscar Fake Dating AU and nearly died from anticipation??!!
- Made myself a cup of tea and rewatched Landoscar McLaren reels on instagram
- Read Lacey’s Lestappen & Landoscar Mission Universe sequel and cried tears of laughter followed by tears of pain
- Took a nap because I was emotionally challenged
- Read Celine’s Landoscar Happily Ever After fic and died from cuteness overload
- Binge watched Oscar’s prema videos because, again, was feeling CUTE
- Read Leaf’s Negative Splits AU while watching a hockey game in the background (fitting!)
And I just want to say: you Landoscar fic writers are KILLING IT. I love that there aren’t a TON of fics (though that number is rising!), all the fics that exist are absolutely top notch. Thank you for your service.
I’m also sorry if I assumed people’s names here, I know people have Tumblr names that aren’t actually their real names 🙈
anon that sounds like an absolutely top notch day very very jealous. i too am obsessed with landoscar fic writers dO THEY KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THEM genuinly lie awake at night worrying about this
thank you for this wonderful message anon, hope your tomorrow is just as great as your today <3
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