childrenofthesun77 · 3 months
A little prince, leaving his planet to meet other people because he's lonely:
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and ends up confused by the world of adults:
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Lands in the desert and meets a seemingly friendly yellow snake that claims to know a way to bring him back home:
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And in the end the snake bites and kills him, promising him that with the weight of his heavy body lifted from him he'll be able to return to his beloved rose.
Now which rose will it be that mahiru misses more:
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searihart · 7 months
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Happy Halloween!!
Loosely based on the last minigram <3
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stuffedsand · 10 months
innocent voting kazui every day is not enough i need a gun
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eve6262 · 10 months
just watched ("just watched" meaning played on loop for an hour) cat and oh my god. first of all, banger. kazui's first song was good but too slow and emotional for me to listen to that often but this one is so fun. he's having fun(?).
but the mahiru parallels. THE MAHIRU PARALLELS. mahiru doing anything she can to stay in a relationship that's actively hurting them both / kazui only keeping up the bare minimum for the marriage and wanting to take a break from it, wishing for someone else. mahiru getting attached to the first person who shows her affection / kazui wanting to be caressed but his wife can't cut it, because he doesn't want to be with a woman. kazui started out asking for a guilty verdict and blaming himself and now he's wondering if he's really innocent, still calling himself the perpetrator / mahiru getting a guilty verdict and swinging 180 from "I didn't do anything!" to "it's all my fault it's all my fault"
and the SONG PARALLELS. both of them have this equation theme, like love and relationships are just a problem to be solved ("Clothes Food Shelter + Love and Miss You" // "Love plus destiny = Crap, smash it, shatter it, bye-bye"), a void to be filled based on prerequisites. mahiru falling in love with the first person she was interested and deciding that once it was mutual, this must be real / kazui deciding that since his partner seemed to like him, and he "should" be interested in women, it would be a good pick. he surely liked her as a good friend, as well, because of how much they worked together / mahiru not knowing her boyfriend pre relationship at all.
the animal theming too- kazui calls himself a cat, to be loved but not pinned down, and bites the dove's wing off. it was supposed to be freeing, to finally be in a relationship, to have people not ask him when he's going to settle down anymore- but it's not, he can't stand it, it's prey to be consumed, bothers him with every ruffle of its feathers. mahiru feeding her boyfriend rats because she thinks that's what love is supposed to taste like, rotting and sour and rancid but she'll be damned if she doesn't have it.
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cryptid-called-ash · 1 year
On the bus, so let’s talk about the immortal mahiru au.
Mahiru starts out as a courtesan’s son in the heian period
He ends up accidentally gaining immortality from a god he unknowingly helped. (Probably a sun god, for symbolism reasons)
He doesn’t notice at first, but eventually it becomes obvious he hasn’t aged at all in the last ten years.
It’s an adjustment for sure, getting used the immortality and the innate magick that comes with it.
So he does the only rational thing he can think of. He fakes his death and leaves the country.
Spending the next couple decades country hoping, he finally decides enough is enough and temporarily settles down in a small English town in the county of Lancashire.
He meets the local shepherd, a pretty young man named Adam, who offers the wanderer a job on the tenet farm he runs. It was left to him after his parents passed away from sickness.
It doesn’t take very long for a romance to blossom between the two. It’s the first time in almost a century mahiru can really connect to someone.
This doesn’t last of course. Adam dies, rather horribly I may add, and mahiru is once again left to pick up the pieces of his scattered life.
He leaves town after the funeral, that’s nothing left for him here anymore. He keeps Adam’s small golden cross necklace, wearing it constantly.
He spends the next several centuries wandering, mostly working as a travelling exorcist. It’s surprising common how often he can find work, Europe has some serious spirit problems.
There is one rumour he can’t bare to actually check. Rumours of a wraith clad in a tattered black cloak and a ram skull mask, carrying a black sword with black roses on the hilt. The Lancashire Reaper, folk called the spector.
Though he could never bring himself to return to Lancashire, he never actually left Europe. As much as it hurt, England was always the place he’d find himself walking back to.
He meets other immortals along the way, though he never stays long enough to form long lasting relationships. He just won’t risk that kind of heartbreak again.
Some of the immortals speak in hushed whispers about a faceless man and the demonic vampires he created. Few actually payed these rumours any mind.
Eventually mahiru settles down again, this time in London. He gets a job teaching history at a local university. Things are going well for a while.
He’d been walking home from work when he came across the cat. A small black stray. It seemed hurt, so mahiru took it home.
It seemed normal until he got home the next day. He’d just hung up his coat and bag when a voice made him jump.
“So, you’re the man messing about somewhere he ought not to be.”
It was rough and sarcastic, but so achingly familiar. Mahiru almost didn’t want to turn around, but he did.
He met the stranger’s eyes, the man perched atop a shelf opposite the professor. Blood red eyes, ice blue hair, a slight point to his ears. Soft freckles dusted his cheeks, dark circles frames his eyes. He was pale and looked exhausted, but he was undeniably beautiful in a strange unearthly way.
But it was the man’s expression that had mahiru’s interest. The way it has changed from a look of apathetic disinterest to confusion to shock to disbelief and pain. The way he’d raise a shaking hand to his pretty trembling lips. The way his eyes went wide. The way the words fell breathless from his tongue.
“No, no, that’s not possible.” The words made mahiru frown. He knew better than to push his luck. But now he was curious. So he asked his question. “What’s not possible?”
He forgot how much he loved hearing his name off those lips. His fingers traced the small gold cross that hung around his neck. That scarlet gaze followed his fingers, a soft gasp and a quiet “you kept it?” Was all he needed to hear.
That first kiss left them both breathless, but that didn’t matter. It wouldn’t be the last kiss that night. Or any night after.
Mahiru wasn’t about to lose his love twice.
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i made a fake I Love You Es Cover thumbnail for funsies :3c
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kotelok16 · 1 year
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A few things that I drew for my friend. She leads a text role-playing game with a talent swap. It's very exciting, she did her best on the plot! I drew Chiaki the crystallographer and Mahiru the radio host, I really like their designs! Well, I'm not me if I don't draw Komamiki. Nagito has the talent of a poet, and Mikan is a detective (by the way, I came up with her design and story and my friend included it in the role-playing game).
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 10 months
Another uncommon shipping I think would work is Sonia and Nagito. She seems very pleased the way his eyes lit up during the trial like hers do during horror movies and she stuck up for him later on too. I’m a little afraid of him having that much power though…
Ahaha I actually had an au for them post-graduation in a non-despair time in which Nagito is traveling to Novoselic after having won a cruise trip there. And, though he would have avoided long travel, considering that his old classmate happened to be ruling said kingdom, Nagi thought he’d take the risk in order to get a chance to see her in action (plus he’s wanted to see the kingdom after learning so much about it through Sonia). Surprisingly nothing too catastrophic happens on the way and Nagito has a pleasant time taking in the sights. However, he starts noticing that not everything is rainbows and sunshine in Novoselic, and in fact many of its citizens seem rather displeased by the current government. This becomes all too clear when, during a public appearance/announcement made by none other than Sonia herself, Nagito overhears copious jeers towards the princess and even has to step in to stop someone from throwing a shoe at her—the scene causing Nagito’s presence in the kingdom to be known to Sonia. Sonia has a guard escort Nagito to her home, feeling utterly embarrassed of having him witness such a thing. It doesn’t take long for her to come clean of Novoselic’s troubles—more specifically the staggering amount of people who find her inadequate to rule and are opposed to her upcoming coronation. Sonia admits that she’s been lost in what to do ever since her parents sudden passing and feels she’s starting to agree with her citizen’s thoughts of being a failure of a ruler. She’s truly considering giving the crown to her cousin whom some of the citizens are supporting. Nagito’s heart went out to her, knowing fully well the feeling of losing one’s parents so unexpectedly, but to also be expected to lead a nation right after? My god the amount of stress must be astounding. To see the Ultimate Princess this…broken…it was blasphemous. And like hell he’s going to let her give up her crown and fall to despair—not if he can do anything about. So, Nagito offers his services. He reminds Sonia of what great things she’s done and is capable of doing, but what she really needs is support—someone on her corner. And though he may be a lowly nobody, he DOES understand a thing or two about politics (and manipulation). He’ll be her shoulder to cry on so she can turn to her citizens with a collected and confident face. He’ll be her test run when she’s unsure of an idea. He’ll be her eyes and ears to keep track of the masses and their tidying. He’ll be her anything and everything she needs in order to be the best beacon of Hope she can be. And my god does he really mean it.
Of course, this au wasn’t simply going to be a hurt/comfort with a happy ending. Oh no, no, not with Nagito. It would soon get twisted and quite complicated as many things do with him. And their ever intertwining relationship will set Sonia forth as a queen that Novoselic with surely remember.
Oh my god this ask really unlocked these old ass memories of this au that I legit just came up with after listening to Imagine Dragon’s “Enemy” once ☝️ I was like “but what if Nagito becomes Sonia’s advisor and makes her Novoselic’s most notorious ruler??” I didn’t think I still remembered this much of it but here we are lol
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tomatoteddy · 1 year
Bisexuality is finding Shidou’s wife hot and also finding Mahiru’s boyfriend hot
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servampaddict · 1 year
He's back again!!!
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I hope that there's more story with touma. Also I can't wait till mahiru finds out that touma is his father because I want to see his reaction.
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kittykatkazui · 2 years
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childrenofthesun77 · 6 months
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Back when mahiru thought his uncle might be dead he had a flashback to the accident that resulted in his mother's death, but one thing I noticed is that we don't actually see akira in this memory? It feels like either mahiru (or someone like lily or jeje) is supressing his memory here.
And if someone possibly killed akira on purpose, who was it and why?
#servamp#akira shirota#mahiru shirota#I mean the biggest plot twist would actually be that she faked her death and is actually alive/a vampire for whatever reason#But assuming she's dead who would have a motive#touma seems unlikely I feel like he would have taunted mahiru with that back when he mentioned killing several people#I forgot how old mahiru was when akira died but mikuni was probably still too young and also he used to hate humans getting killed#No idea why he's working with tsubaki to do a ritual that will kill all of tokyo now#Tsubaki maybe? He might know about what is so special about mahiru. In that case killing the mother (who also knew what's special about him#Would make some sense. She can't tell mahiru or anyone else about it if she's dead.#But killing her in a way that might have killed mahiru as well...assuming whatever is special about mahiru is needed for the ritual#Risky#But maybe mahiru's memories were faked like misono's were with the night kiriko died and mahiru wasn't actually there when akira got killed#Trying to kill tooru after he had to reveal his ties to c3 before he could explain to mahiru what's special about him#Would also fit with tsubaki#tsubaki would also have a motive not to taunt mahiru with it so nobody tries to look into it and finds out what killing her would achieve#If mahiru is needed for the ritual it's probably even better that mahiru and kuro found a way to get rid of the distance limit#because the enemies probably planned with the distance limit in mind meaning mahiru not needing to be there when kuro tries to stop tsubaki#Might be unexpected to them and throw a wrench in their plans
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searihart · 7 months
Feliz día de muertos feat Mahiru.
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The Day of the Dead (Spanish: el Día de Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2. [...] It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed [...] The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. Source: Wikipedia
We also put up altars with food, candy, flowers, fruits, and pictures and toys of our loved ones who passed on. It's a really beautiful holiday to remember those who are gone.
I don't really have a hc for anyone in milgram, but I really wanted to draw someone as a Catrina and thought Mahiru would best fit her!
Here is an old drawing I made of how an Altar de Día de Muertos looks like
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Im leaning towards voting amane forgiven right now, though i still fear what the consequences will be if she ends up forgiven
But the damage amane can cause can be managed (not all of it but better than nothing), while the mental (and possibly physical) damage that a second unforgiven vote will inflict on her will be too much
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hajihiko · 2 years
I think kind complicated put blame onto Mahiru, she didn't asked for the murder of Natsumi, she cover the murder more because Sato took the photos(sure that I doubt she would have reported). But honestly, between Natsumi, who was a bully, Peko, Fuyuhiko and Sato who really killed someone, trying to blame Mahiru, who was a victim of bullying, losing her friend and murder, is very... complicated.
This seems to make an assumption that there is a single share of blame that must all go to someone, which isn't how things work.
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caffemochachoco · 4 months
my love mine all mine is a mahiru coded song while in contrast first love/late spring is a kotoko coded song
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