#dca is nonbinary wheatley is whatever he is
madame-mongoose · 4 months
Was trying to find your post about like, the hyper masculinization of the dca and how you see them as nonbinary or something 'cause I was talking with my friends about the Sun x Chica and Sun x Roxy ships and said this
Honestly I only ever like Sun x Chica and Sun x Roxy if it’s in a lesbian “girls night out that Sun joins because they’re not 100% a girl” way
I imagine Moon tries kissing Chica and Roxy one time and is like nope can’t do this y’all are strictly friends to me, if I’m joining any girls nights out it’s gotta be as a friend only, not a partner
Roxy is indifferent on it but Chica 100% agrees with Moon and is like yeah no kissing you is weird
(The comment about Moon were sprcifically about my au of them, not moon x them in general, in that au Sun is genderfluid and pan and poly and Moon is agender and demiromantic and demisexual and poly)
I said this after someone said something about shipping Roxy and Sun and Moon
Tbh I think my problem isn't with the ship so much as it is with like being reminded "oh people see the dca as a cis man and see this as a het ship" when I'm more of the opinion that the dca is nonbinary and all ships with them are queer in some way or another. So sometimes I get a bit uncomfy if people like really go out of their way to make the dca hyper cis masculine and het
But that's a me thing, it's not something other people need to or should be forced to conform to
One friend replied with "God you put it into words perfectly" and I was reminded of your post about this sorta thing
i tried to find the post but i couldnt either XP but yeah!!! exactly exactly my feelings! honestly i feel that way for a lot of characters. like wheatley is a funny example bc hes very obviously a lot more masculine than sun and moon. but i still feel mega uncomfy with very cis masculine depictions. probably one of the big reasons i dont like chelley. robots are the perfect partners bc they ARENT human and therefore dont typically have that same vibe as humans do gender wise. so its always very odd and uncomfy to me seeing hyper-masculinity being pushed onto characters im attracted to.
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