amaskofmyskin · 6 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ANDROID WHO HAS CHANGED MY LIFE FOR THE BEST! CONNOR! IN 20 YEARS MAY WE MEET ON GOOD TERMS! (And thank you @bryandechart for bringing him to life for us ❤️.) Well Lookie here guys, an edit! I know it’s been awhile, but did you expect me to miss my baby boys birthday? Hahaha, nope. This android means so much to me. (And nothing against Markus, I love him too, just not as much as Connor) . . . Tags: #connoredit #detroitbecomehuman #detroitbecomehumanedit #markusxnorth #simonxmarkus #dbhedit #dbhconnor #dbhconnoredit #dbhmarkus #dbhmarkusedit #dbh #dbhralph #dbhmemes #dbhmeme #dbhfanart #dbhsimon #dbhedits #dbhkara #dbhalice #dbhluther #dbhtodd #dbhjerrys #dbhjerry #dbhdaniel #dbhsumo #dbhgavin #dbhrk900 #dbhamanda
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