#daughter is the only good one she actually cares about understanding and handling the infestation
girlbob-boypants · 1 year
It's weird to me when people defend the Deimos story cause it's about the class of people who organized your horrible fate as a child soldier being a family of people who actively abuse and torture each other and it's all portrayed as just mild misunderstandings that you can fix by doing their chores.
Meanwhile discussions of the heart and the infested are just nowhere to be fucking seen, making it terrible for worldbuilding and also just terribly unpleasant to experience if you have an ounce of critical thinking about what's actually happening
At least it's an infinitely better farm than the other two
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whatarubberchicken · 5 years
I Give Myself a Failing Grade
I Give Myself a Failing Grade
Miss Bustier had never been one for confrontation. It was her one great failing in life. Especially as a schoolteacher! People expected her to be able to make the children behave. Hell, she expected to be able to make her children behave.
So, when Mr. Damocles pulled her into his office before the first day of school and told her to send all the troublemakers to him immediately, for any and all punishments, all she felt was relief.
Of course, it was quickly replaced by a chill.
“But do NOT, under any circumstances, punish Miss Chloé Bourgeois,” he added, shaking his finger at her to emphasize the point.
Miss Bustier was lost. She was confused. And slightly offended.
“But, Mr. Damocles, isn’t it my job—”
“NO!” Mr. Damocles insisted.
“But, surely—”
“But what if she—”
Miss Bustier snapped her mouth shut, her anger growing.
Mr. Damocles took a deep breath and settled his hands on his desk. “I know it isn’t fair,” he said slowly. “I know it isn’t right, and it certainly isn’t how we want things to be done around here. But you must understand my position! Mayor Bourgeois is deeply invested in the well-being of his daughter—”
“Then he should want her to get a proper education!” she exclaimed, disbelief surging through her veins.
Mr. Damocles sighed and looked around, as though afraid he might be overheard in his own office.
“Listen to me, Miss Bustier,” he said quietly. “As someone who has taught Miss Bourgeois before; she is not going to learn anything here at our school.”
“That’s not a good attitude to have!”
“But it’s the truth,” he insisted, still keeping his voice low. “Her father is paying us an exorbitant amount of money to simply make the appearance of teaching her, and he’s already bought out most of the school board. She needs to graduate with top grades just so we can keep this school open. It doesn’t matter if she’s earned them. I’m sure you’ve heard of her; that girl is going to coast through life on her father’s money and her mother’s fame, not from any actual accomplishments of her own.”
Suddenly, Miss Bustier felt a twinge of pity for the girl. “Still,” she said weakly. “Shouldn’t we at least try?”
“Chloé doesn’t want to try,” Mr. Damocles said, shaking his head. “I don’t even know why she wants to be here; probably just to lord her status over the other students. She could certainly afford tutors, but I’m willing to bet none of them were willing to pass her to her heart’s content. There’s even rumors that she convinced Gabriel Agreste’s son to enroll here; and if that happens our school will have more than enough funds to stay open…. Just—just play along. Give her the handouts, tell her what a good job she did on her projects, and try to keep her happy.”
Caline was silent for a moment. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” she finally said. “I thought this school was the best of the best. You have brilliant, genius-level minds, children of politicians and ambassadors, even child TV stars! And yet, you’re going to bend over backwards for one spoiled brat?!”
Mr. Damocles was silent. Miss Bustier shook her head.
“I can’t do it,” she said. “Give her to someone else. I won’t be a part of this… this hypocrisy!”
“I can’t,” Mr. Damocles said sadly. “The other teachers have all already refused. Mrs. Mendeliev nearly got us all fired last year when she gave the girl detention for throwing another’s girl notes on the floor.”
“I’m just supposed to let her bully other students?!” Miss Bustier cried, aghast.
“No, no, of course not. Just chastise her in a way that makes it look like you’re including the whole class.”
Miss Bustier stared at him in disgust and walked right out of the office.
Later, she’d met Miss Bourgeois.
There was only one word for the girl.
She nearly considered handing in her resignation right then. But the reality of her situation had quickly caught up with her.
She really needed this job.
She needed to pay rent. She needed to eat.
And she very much doubted anyone would hire the teacher who got on the bad side of Mayor André Bourgeois. He was notorious for blacklisting people who angered him in any way. And his love for his daughter was just as widely known.
And she could do it, Miss Bustier reasoned. She could make sure Chloé Bourgeois stayed happy. Hell, in her own high school class, she’d been voted “Least Likely to Start a Fight.” Even as her stomach churned, her mind was playing with ways to turn bad situations into good ones. Or, at least make them sound good to one Daddy’s Little Princess.
The other students in the class still needed her, she reasoned. If she left and the school was dismantled, where would all of them go?
All she had to do was concentrate on teaching them, and keeping Miss Bourgeois happy. She didn’t actually have to teach her….
This could work. She could do this.
And really, would it be so bad to be on the good side of the mayor?
Then, on that very first day. She’d failed.
Her very first punishment.
And suddenly, her student had turned into a raging monster.
She’d done that.
She’d given him that last push.
Instead of having Ivan talk it out with his classmate, instead of allowing them to shake hands and put it all behind them, she’d taken the easy way out. She’d had taken Mr. Damocles up on his offer to take care of all the misbehavers.
And she’d had to watch in horror as her students were attacked by a monster.
She didn’t blame Ivan. His file had said he was still learning to control his anger. But at least he was trying.
She hadn’t even tried. She hadn’t even attempted to hear his side of the story.
The result? A foothold for Hawkmoth to sink his hooks into an innocent child.
The appearance of Ladybug and Chat Noir was all that kept her from crying her eyes out all night long. This was her punishment for giving up and selling out, she just knew it was! She’d failed the class. She’d failed her own dreams and aspirations! But no… she had to stay strong. She still had a classroom full of terrified students. It was her job to take care of them.
And for next few months, she’d watched in despair as, one by one, each of them surrendered to the supervillain. Soon, her nights were spent frantically reading yoga and meditation books—ways to clear your mind and take control of your emotions. She started new programs in class—forcing all of them to do it was the only way to make sure Chloé participated. But every time she had to look away from Chloé’s bullying (yes, she’d seen the bubblegum incident, but Marinette had handled it with such grace and poise! That girl was going places!) or scold someone for blaming all of the supernatural problems on Chloé (even though about half the akumas were actually her fault, or at least related to something she’d done, those were just facts), she felt her heart shrivel up and die just a little bit more.
Just once, she prayed. Just once, let her have a heart. Let her see the pain she’s causing. Make her care!!
She supposed that was her own undoing as Zombizou.
She’d just really wanted to make that brat care for once.
But she’d failed.
She’d wanted to take Marinette and hug her; let her know how her own heart had been crushed by the callous defacing of such painstaking craftsmanship. The little bag had been lovely. So thoughtful and sweet, and perfectly Marinette.
It wasn’t fair for Chloé to take that away from her. But--she tried to spin it in a good light--it didn’t take away from the love Marinette had put into it already. If anything, it meant more. Chloé knew how good Marinette’s talent was. She saw her as a threat.
Miss Bustier had meant it, when she said she’d think of them both. But she certainly wouldn’t be seeing them in the same light. She’d be seeing the careful, hard work and dedication of Marinette, whose consideration shone through everything; even if it was defaced. And she’d see the ugly scrawling of Chloé, who still couldn’t create anything on her own. She could only destroy others.
She’d intended to hold them both close, savoring one and silently mocking the other.
But she’d even failed in conveying her own thoughts to her prize pupil!
We can have such pure intentions, Marinette, she’d wanted to say in the hallway. And they’ll still get sullied by others no matter how hard we fight.
It was scarily similar to her own career as a teacher.
She started off wanting to help others. To bring just a little more light and beauty into the world by helping the brightest and cleverest of students to bloom.
Now, some days, she wondered if she wasn’t doing more harm than good, letting Chloé have her way all the time.
And Hawkmoth… Hawkmoth had sensed that, and had offered her the one power she’d desired above all else. The power to make Chloé care.
She’d utterly failed all of her own morals that day.
She still felt awful for the trauma Paris had had to endure because of Zombizou.
Ladybug had saved her; had healed all of Paris once again. But it hadn’t helped much against the doubts in Caline’s own heart.
She wasn’t some miracle teacher, much as she wanted to be. Most of her students had already been akumatized; some more than once!
She would never be a hero.
She could only muddle along in this infested swamp of a school, trying desperately to fish out a few sparkling gems.
But Marinette. Marinette had called her the “best teacher ever.” Marinette still believed in her, still tried to help her, both in and out of the classroom. She was beautiful. She was bright. She continued to be a leader; to believe in right and wrong, and fight for it.
And if someone like that could believe in her… well, maybe this teacher wasn’t a completely lost cause.
And really, you can only fail if you quit.
Caline Bustier held her head up high (remembering all too well how most of her students had slouched into class after their own transformations, unwilling to look anyone in the eye) and kept her voice steady and cheerful.
“Morning, everyone!”
“Morning, Miss Bustier!” they chorused back, just the same as ever.
She smiled. “Glad to see you all. Now….”
And with that, she started the class. After all, they all had so much to learn. Herself most of all.
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courtsofthequeen88 · 7 years
Let's talk about my dream really fast
(Also B I'm sorry my phone doesn't auto capitalize and I was rushing)
This is probably why I shouldn't binge watch late at night???
- the good girl and the jock stereotype wowowow
- why was this a thing
- tino when the fuck were you apparently adrik's first time
- adrik honey
- you're still cute though 💕💕
- also why did you wear heels to school
- but good job for making out with Aiden in a greenhouse while crying 👌
- use to be besties with Lana
- tino why are you an asshole to cleo though
- "if you ever pull a stunt like that around Adrik again I will break you." ALL SHE DID WAS EXPOSE YOU MY DUDE BUT NOW YOU SPOOKED HER.
- A L S O Y O U C H E A T E D O N M Y D A U G H T E R P R E P A R E T O F I G H T
- "my mom left a while ago, apparently she couldn't handle something..." that's because a serial killer was obsessed with her my child. Orias the autopsy dude though and the only survivor of a murder spree (yayyyyy!)
- Props to Orias the solo dad though
- adrik you need some chill pills right now
- once again why the fuck was this a thing brain ????
Cleo isn't a bitch™ :
- the sassy one
- gotta hella cute fashion sense though
- still too sassy for her own good
- why did people think she was bitchy
- parents ~ gone all the time
- Clifford ~ basically her legal guardian
- "You wouldn't understand, you're not hated like me." C L E O
- blaming herself 100% for Kaito's death
R.I.P Kaito :
- the sweetheart
- gone way too fast ???
- makes some solid martinis
- caring about everyone else's well being
- "no one got hurt here right??"
- defender of the innocent ;u;
- bean™
- kinda high key dead though
- murdered (stabbed and slit throat) and dropped on a see through roof
- geek at heart
- loved video games, spooky movies, and the stars
- kind of scared a lot but someone was always there to reassure her (cough cough mAKO cough cough wow who's sick ?? )
- has personalized ringtones for all her besties
- for adrik, "here comes the sun"
- for cleo, them singing "all star" together
- for mako, "stutter"
- for rikda, "let it go" but "you're a hoe"
- coffee addict™
- high key was tryna help mako get laid
- a1 wing woman
Mako n' Lana :
- precious little nerds
- together through thick and thin
- Lana was v supportive of him bonding with Kaito
- "she's trying to help you punch in that v card go for it my guy"
- also both extremely awkward
- beans™
- Lana was more confident though???
- "yes that was me getting extremely steamy with that person in a car"
- a certain bitch recorded her being all lovey dovey to Enid and posted it to the world in which it spread
- not good
- not good at all
- too many views and too many negative comments about it
- both still cute as fuck
- need to be protected
- accidentally posted that one video of Adrik and Tino while trying to find the killer
- "Oh shit it's-- Turn it of--STOP IT WHY IS IT SENDING WHO IS IT SENDING TO."
- " -collected screeching- "
- Mako was obsessed with horror movies and serial killers (don't forget cardigan sweaters and colored pants)
- lil weird but he was smart in a sense of what do in scenarios
- saved a lot of people's asses
Enid deserved none of this™ :
- went to a private school "infested with bitchy people"
- also a dead bean that didn't deserve to die
- hung from a high place (snapped their neck) but then the murderer staged it as a suicide
- insecure and really self conscious™
- loved Lana to the moon and back a thousand times (actually a lot more)
- "I'm ugly Lana, you know that, sometimes I wish... I could just disappear." SOMEONE GIVE THIS CHILD A HUG
- most of the mean comments were directed towards them as being "an ugly bitch that needs to die real quick"
- did some bad things to them self
- like cuddles and fluffy pajamas
Rikda :
- recorded Lana and Enid getting steamy
- I'm so happy this bitch died
- slit throat
- her dog was cute though
- but the actual bitch died!
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clynnra · 7 years
Posted this on AO3 and here for those interested. This fic is inspired by this TV Guide article about episode 7x23. Huge thanks to my amazing beta Phoebe Miller for her invaluable suggestions and ideas about grammar, syntax, and story. I really appreciated the thorough feedback to help my story actually flow. And forever thanks to SheppardMcKay for getting me into posting fic in the first place.
Spoilers for 7x21, 7x22 and 7x23 just in case.
Danny pulled the Camaro into the driveway. Pressing his forehead at the top of the steering wheel, he closed his eyes and sighed heavily. After about a minute of deep breathing, he dragged himself out of the car and into the house. He dropped his keys on the small table near the door before trudging into the kitchen and straight to the fridge. Beer. He needed beer. Popping the top - setting a record for speed - he gulped down the Longboard until he had to stop for a breath, the slight burn of the alcohol making him hiss.
Dammit, Steve.
Digging his fingertips into his closed eyes, he took another deep breath before heading to the living room and settling on the couch. Placing the half drunk bottle on the coffee table in front of him, Danny sprawled and let his head rest on the cushions so he stared at the ceiling. 
He couldn’t believe the crazy shit that Steve had pulled lately, and the fact that he hadn’t slowed down even after the transplant - How many beatings would it take to make the guy slow the fuck down? Last week, he got shot and just picked the bullet out of his vest like it was a perfectly normal occurrence. All Danny could do back then was shake his head in exasperation. He shook his head again on the couch cushion. When he’d found Steve bloodied and dazed from fighting Lee Campbell, he nearly burst a blood vessel. He had missed the insane fight but saw the collateral damage visible all around that room and on Steve and Campbell’s body. More scars and injuries catalogued on Steve’s battered body.
Focusing on the planks of the ceiling, he just didn’t know what to do anymore. Danny had come so close to losing Steve for real. Not to mention how close he’d come to dying himself. Ever since he’d somehow managed to land that plane on the beach, he couldn’t stop worrying about his partner. Worse than before. Despite his joking at the doctor’s office, he was concerned about Steve’s well being and recovery from the transplant. He wanted to tell the doctor everything, but he’d never betray Steve even if it was for his own good. Other people did that to Steve, but Danny wouldn’t. Couldn’t. He loved him too much to do that to him.
Which was why Danny had pulled Steve aside after yet another ridiculous chase of a drug runner resulted in him dodging a speeding car and rolling before shooting out the tires of the scumbag. 
“What the fuck was that, Steven?” He moved him away from the rest of the team cuffing the perp and his men after the car had plowed into a dumpster. 
Panting, Steve replied, “I had to stop them!” 
“By almost getting run over? Why didn’t you wait for me to get the car?” 
“Didn’t have time,” shrugged Steve.
Danny’s blood pressure couldn’t get any worse. “That’s the problem, Steve! You don’t think about your safety enough and just jump headlong into shit and expect me to follow. But sometimes it gets to be too much. I can’t handle seeing you hurt. I… fuck this. I can’t right now. Catch a ride back with one of the others. I’ll talk to you later before I kill you myself.” 
Striding away from his partner, he took off his vest, handing it to Kono. “Take care of him.” 
She looked at him with concerned eyes before nodding her head then squeezing his arm briefly as he walked off. Steve stood there with his hands on his hips not understanding what just happened. Danny peeled off in the Camaro.
Thinking back to that emotional moment less than a couple hours ago just made Danny sink further into the couch. Steve didn’t realize what he meant to people. To him. Hell, before Steve made him his partner, Hawaii was just a place that his daughter lived. He moved here to be with her. Nothing else. He was good at his job, but there wasn’t anything else beyond Grace and work back then. He was so damn torn when it came to Rachel, pissed at her one minute and still yearning for her the next. Danny had shut himself down, and for the first six months, he was miserable. Sure, Meka was amazing, but beyond him, he didn’t have any real friends. He was the odd man out. A transplant who had rejected as much as he could about the pineapple infested sand trap. He hadn’t wanted to learn their ways or even dress like a local.
Then Steve showed up at his crime scene, a complete asshole and control freak. And try as he might, Danny could not hate the man. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Steve woke him up. His head was back in the game. He wasn’t merely going through the motions until his next visit with Grace. He’d actually opened his heart to his new ohana of Kono, Chin, and, of course, Steve, and hell, his pushy partner even made Danny like Hawaii. He never looked back. Didn’t want to be a shell of a guy who just came alive for Grace. Steve had saved him, and he’d forever be grateful. Which was why it hurt so much seeing Steve accepting these crazy ass risks and not taking care of himself. He needed Steve to care about his own well being. He just needed Steve in his life, healthy and safe.
This was not a new development. Danny had loved Steve for a long time, but only since the plane crash had he allowed himself to acknowledge it. To accept that Steve was more than a brother, but a soulmate. He couldn’t do anything about it because of their girlfriends, but as long as Steve was by his side as his friend and partner, he was content. 
Danny sat straighter hoping to move past these thoughts for the night and stretched languidly, keeping his eyes closed. Then almost jumped up when he saw Steve sitting on the recliner. Steve leaned forward, hands folded, eyes fixed on Danny.
“Shit, Steve! Warn a guy before you ninja into his house, would ya?” grumbled Danny as he forced his heart to relax at the sight.
A ghost of a grin upturned Steve’s mouth before he spoke. “What’s going on, Danny? Why the hell did you freak out at the crime scene?”
Groaning, Danny got up from the couch, walked past Steve and stopped. Hands on his hips, he looked down and chewed his lips briefly before focusing on Steve again. Drawn out of his seat, Steve moved closer but still gave him some breathing room. 
Licking his lips, Danny said, “I.. uh.. I just worry about you. And don’t want you to do something that you can’t take back.” 
Inching forward into Danny’s personal space, Steve didn’t break eye contact with him. “Danny, I’m fine. I know what I’m doing. Why are you taking my safety so personally now?” 
Danny’s heart rate picked up. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t lie to Steve. But was he ready to admit his feelings aloud? 
“Danno? C’mon, talk to me, man,” whispered Steve as he grasped Danny’s forearm.
He couldn’t not tell him.
Danny tried to pull away from Steve, but he gripped tighter. So Danny waved his other hand out as he confessed, “Because I love you, alright? I’m in love with you! You do crazy shit, and my heart stops because I can’t lose you! My life was such a fucking mess when I first got here.. it was empty, man. All I had going was Grace and work. And sometimes not even work. Then your Neanderthal ass conscripted me into the task force, and as much as I bitched, it was the best thing that happened to me. You are the best thing that has happened to me since Grace. So yeah.. I take it personally when you try to kill yourself.”
Steve was stunned. He cupped Danny’s cheek with his right hand. He pulled Danny closer and firmly kissed him.
Shocked too, all Danny could do was grab Steve by the shoulder and kiss Steve back. As they gasped for a breath, Steve took the opportunity to lick Danny’s bottom lip, and he opened for him. The amazing sensations of hot as hell and relief that Steve felt the same raced through Danny. Needing more air, unlike the SEAL, Danny pulled away just enough to breathe. Steve kissed his temple then tucked Danny under his chin.
“Babe, what are you doing?” exhaled Danny as the adrenaline buzzed through him.
“Agreeing with you,” Steve smirked.
“What are you…” started Danny.
Steve tipped Danny’s face up and smacked his lips on Danny’s loudly before continuing. “Shh. You did the same for me. I was pretty fucked up after losing Freddie and Dad in a span of a week. It sounds corny, but you were the oxygen in my tank. You helped me breathe again. To really start living again. To see that there’s more to life than just the mission. That family is the most important thing.” 
Danny let Steve’s words soothe him. For a minute, all they did was take comfort in each other’s presence.
Steve gently bracketed Danny’s face and pledged, “I love you, Danny. I promise I’m not trying to kill myself. I can’t promise anything but my love. And I want you by my side for whatever comes next.”
Taking in Steve’s earnest expression, Danny nodded. “Okay, babe. Just be more careful. For your sake.. For the team. For me, Grace and Charlie.”
Grinning goofily, Steve kissed Danny again. Wiggling his eyebrows, he said, “So can we have make-up sex, now?”
Danny snorted, “Smooth Dog my ass. You gotta tell me how you got such an unworthy moniker sometime. After the shower and make-up sex.”
Linking their hands, Danny pulled a happily pliant Steve down the hall. 
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