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Darksiderstober 2022 Day 7 "Nephilim" is done. So I drew my Nephilim lady Keres back in her younger years when she was part of the hoard. She still has the armor even after the millennia, but it needs some fixing. Hope ya like, prompts are here , and stay tuned!
Art and Keres are mine
Nephilim belong to Darksiders universe
Prompts by @another-darksiders-blog
Sponsored by @imagine-darksiders
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Darksiders: Eyes of The Dead (Introduction)
(Really trying observe how Abomination Vault was written ;D )
   Creation is a poorly respected state-of-reality.
   To live is to breathe and maintain the Balance of all Creation, a scale which balances the forces of both Good and Evil, for all the unfathomable number of realms which drift in a void of nothingness. To serve is the responsibility of maintaining life and all that is living, to ensure that Creation stays free of Corruption. A rather simple task, one might think. But no.
   It is rigorous and scathing, to remain pure from the blackening desires of sin, to resist the instinct to squander and please oneself. Thus, many do not remain on the Path, and begin to wander in their search for gratification, straying from the Balance and gluttonizing all that they see, to fill a void deep within their own souls.
   Thus, for this reason alone, the Balance has been neglected. Taken advantage of. Abused. And things enter the existence of Life that where never mean to be even of a thought. The corrupted souls of the wicked spread like a plague to numbers un-sustainable across the realms. The pure are drawn into temptation, blackened and loosing their white.
   Over time, the Universe becomes sickened, and that illness becomes the new 'common' to which the concepts of right and wrong are overlooked by all those that live and breathe.
   But what of the Balance? Shall it ever be left in a state of slow erosion? Blackening to ash during the fight against that which would have it destroyed? To reanimate Creation as an existence to which compassion and righteousness does not exist; only the self-serving gratification by anyone who still walks on cracked soil.
   Even within the Universe, there are Soldiers and Warriors who where pre-destined, or created for such a just cause. To ensure that the Balance remains even- a grueling task, but one that only a few souls burn to upkeep.
   Yet what becomes of the souls who have been black for far too long? Death proves sufficient for only so long, the Well of Souls being a means to reanimate life for generations to come.
   But not all souls are brought back through the Well. Not all spirits are even reborn.
   Some are forgotten, wondering in a world of obsidian just as black as they.
   But the cruelest, most devious souls perish by some other means. Their souls are burned; destroyed utterly and absolutely. Returning to an existence of nothingness. Returning as never-once-existing. But who would do such a thing? The Lord of Hollows? No, it would have to be someone who could destroy relentlessly the wicked and feel no shame, no guilt- to remain pure and sane despite what their entire purpose is for existing.
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